White and red gold together. Jewelry etiquette – what and how to wear? How to Wear White Gold Jewelry

When on the catwalk, from season to season, pearls coexist with plastic, and gold with silver (not so long ago, such a combination in one look was considered fashionable!), you can’t help but wonder if the rules for choosing and combining jewelry have become completely outdated.

Is it worth observing jewelry etiquette today? Let's find out!

Rule #1: You can’t mix metals?

Is it worth following? No!

A few years ago, wearing silver and gold jewelry together or mixing gold in one look different shades was tantamount to social suicide. Now you can safely choose any combination of gold, silver, tin, copper and other metals that you like. Even with an eye on the strict dress code at work, you can afford, for example, a Trinity ring made of three thin hoops of white, yellow and rose gold.

Rule #2: You can't wear more than one ring on your hand?

Is it worth following? No!

You will be surprised, but in some style encyclopedias there are still recommendations not to wear two or more rings on one finger, and also to refuse other jewelry, even minimalistic ones, on your hands if you are wearing a cocktail ring. Meanwhile, street style heroes are going crazy for phalangeal jewelry, slave bracelets and brass knuckle rings, and designers are adoring models’ fingers with cocktail rings (everyone probably remembered the Gucci spring-summer 2016 show?). So the answer is yes! The only thing when decorating your hands is to choose a nude manicure.

Rule #3: Can't wear an engagement ring after the wedding?

Is it worth following? No!

Strict etiquette some ten to fifteen years ago required that the engagement ring be removed when a wedding ring appeared on the ring finger of the right hand, and put on only on especially special occasions for the whole family. Nowadays everything is much simpler: both rings can be worn at the same time without regard to the date and even, if you wish, on the same finger. And with a sleek, modest design, another interesting thing happens with a wedding ring: it is often worn... as a pendant on a thin chain of the same metal and color.

Rule #4: You can't wear more than one pendant together?

Is it worth following? No!

Another bad manners, which is no longer... bad manners. The duo of a choker and a necklace, necklace or pendant with a pendant is very fashionable and modern. In daytime looks, it is advisable to combine less flashy jewelry, and the choker can be replaced with a beautiful silk scarf.

Rule No. 5: Are large earrings only for the evening?

Is it worth following? No!

Massive jewelry has long ceased to be a thing of evening fashion. Yes, baroque earrings like those from Dolce & Gabbana, flashy and deliberately decorated, cannot be worn during the day, but if large jewelry in the ears looks light, unpretentious and elegant, has a simple silhouette, why not choose them for an everyday look?

Rule #6: You can’t mix sets?

Is it worth following? No!

It is no longer forbidden to wear earrings from one set and necklaces or bracelets and rings from another. The main thing is that there should be something unifying in the jewelry: similarity of design, similarity color range and/or invoices. And the one who entered jewelry fashion asymmetry made the previously unheard of possible - a duet of earrings from different, completely dissimilar sets. Experiment with combinations, taking note of the runway looks from Loewe, Alexander McQueen, Marni, Etro, Céline spring-summer 2016, and you will re-evaluate the treasures of your own box!

Rule No. 6: costume jewelry and jewelry cannot be worn together?

Is it worth following? No!

The idea, proposed by Coco Chanel, periodically found itself in the shadow of fashion, but never completely abandoned it. Today, the main ideologists of this trend are celebrities who like to walk on the red carpet with rare diamonds, rubies, emeralds, sapphires next to jewelry made from semi-precious stones: quartz, opal, turquoise, rock crystal, or “pure” jewelry with cubic zirconia and rhinestones ( Let us modestly keep silent about the fact that costume jewelry is sometimes more expensive than products made of precious metals and stones). Well, we can experiment, for example, wearing a diamond ring with a ceramic or rubber bracelet.

Modern knowledge about precious metals and the impeccable taste of specialists allow us to produce real masterpieces of jewelry. White precious metals are especially noble. For more than two decades now, the fashion for white gold has increased. At first glance, products made from it look like metal. It is very easy to confuse it with silver. But one cannot fail to note the elegance, style and grace of white gold products. This alloy perfectly frames diamonds, emeralds, topazes, and sapphires. Its matte and discreet shade emphasizes the expressiveness of the stones and does not lose its brightness. What are the signs of white gold, how to distinguish it from silver or platinum? We offer you an exciting journey into the world of white gold jewelry.

What is white gold?

Since ancient times, people have made friends with the alluring yellow metal. Gold has become a means of investment, as well as a material for making jewelry. Today there are yellow, pink, white and even green gold. Such shades were achieved using alloys of gold with other metals. White gold - what is it? This question interests many readers. This is an alloy based on gold with the addition of some white metal. Palladium, nickel, and platinum are most often added. Thanks to this mixing, white color is obtained.

If you don’t know what white gold is, then you will find the exact answer to your question below. The fact that this is an alloy is already clear. Why can it be more expensive or cheaper? It all depends on what metal is added to the alloy. The cheapest option is to mix gold with nickel. This alloy has a yellowish tint. But since nickel can cause allergies in many people, it is replaced with palladium. This combination gives a matte shade with a bluish tint. More expensive jewelry made of white gold with the addition of platinum.

It is worth noting that products made from white precious metal are universal. They are worn every day, worn for special occasions, work, and leisure. Rings, bracelets, and chains made of white gold look very elegant and sophisticated.

Nobility and price of white metal

There is an opinion that white gold is an alloy that is more noble than yellow. It is important to note that only the sample indicates the nobleness of the metal. A higher purity indicates a higher gold content in the alloy. Most often, jewelry is made in 750 and 585 samples. This means that the alloy consists of 75% or 58.5% gold, the rest being additives (palladium, zinc, silver, platinum). Naturally, the 750 alloy is more expensive and noble.

How much does a gram of white gold cost? The price for 585 samples ranges from 2800 rubles. up to 6500 rub. per gram. Please note that the price of the product includes not only weight, but also inserts and complexity of work. The cost of 750 samples is 4000 rubles. and higher per gram.

A rare guest on Russian jewelry counters is 375-carat white gold. But the British and Americans mostly only use such a sample. This alloy is very wear-resistant and durable. At the end, such products are also coated with rhodium, which gives them a special shine. Jewelry 375 is the most affordable. The cost of such low-grade metal in Russia ranges from 2000 to 3500 rubles. per gram. Often such products are inlaid with precious inserts.

Popularity of noble white metal

White gold has become fashionable in some European countries back at the beginning of the last century. One reason is that it is more durable than yellow. Many master jewelers use white alloy for diamond jewelry. Diamonds on white metal seem more expressive, transparent, without yellow tint. Any precious stone is highlighted with the marvelous shine of white metal.

Many world jewelry designers prefer to work with white gold. Combinations with metals of other shades are practiced to create real masterpieces of jewelry. The combination of white alloy with black is all the rage. This option can be called royal.

White gold products are suitable for any clothing, any hair and eye color. They are not flashy, calm, as real jewelry should be. They have some kind of grandeur and coolness. If yellow metal has the radiance of the sun, then white metal has lunar nobility.

Differences from silver and platinum

Why is white metal more expensive than red or yellow? The fact is that silver is most often added to its production. It is more expensive than copper, which is mixed into the red or yellow alloy. Many people confuse white gold with silver or platinum. What are the differences between these metals? Experts believe that it is incorrect to compare them with each other. Silver products, for example, are less shiny than gold ones. But if silver is plated with rhodium, which is often done, then it is very difficult to distinguish it from white gold. The main difference is the price.

Experts distinguish gold from silver by density by weighing them on precise scales. Silver is softer and lighter.

What is special about platinum jewelry? Firstly, platinum is not an alloy, but a pure metal with a silver-gray tint. Platinum is stronger and more wear-resistant, but has special ductility. It does not warp as much as softer gold jewelry.

Today, platinum is three times more expensive than gold. This indicator was not always the case: in the last century it was valued cheaper even than silver. Even if you look at the hallmark of platinum jewelry, you will see the following indicators: 850, 900, 950. White gold cannot have such a hallmark.

White gold chains

Chains have long been a stylish and noble decoration. A white gold chain looks especially impressive on tanned skin. Thanks to the contrast and subtle play of silver tints, it has a magnetic appearance on the neck.

Chains made of white noble alloy are worn by both women and men. Women's products are distinguished by their sophistication and openwork weaving. Men's chains are denser and more massive, they do not have any elaborate frills.

White gold chains come in long and short, thin and wide, and in various weaves. For open cutouts, choose products up to 45-50 cm long. Long chains are worn over clothing. Graceful thin jewelry is suitable for fragile girls, voluminous jewelry worn by women with curves. The chain that will be complemented by the pendant should be 2-3 times heavier than it.

It is not so difficult visually to distinguish a gold chain from a silver one. The silver product is more matte, while the gold product has a slight shine.

The benefits of white wedding rings

Rings are an essential attribute of any wedding ritual. Their modern range surprises with a variety of models. White gold wedding rings are especially popular today. These can be classic smooth models, as well as rings with engraving and inserts of diamonds or cubic zirconia. Combined models that combine red and white gold are distinguished by their originality.

Many young couples prefer textured products. Such rings can have a wavy, matte or pebbled surface. Designer wedding rings made of white gold are particularly original. There are models in the form of nuts, tires, crowns.

White gold crosses and pendants

Pendants, pendants and crosses made of white gold have long been in demand and popular. On the fashion pedestal are 585-carat jewelry. Small original pendants or crosses made of white gold will become an appropriate accessory even for office style.

Crosses generally have a deep and multifaceted meaning. There are many legends, stories, and traditions associated with them. Many people buy them not only for aesthetic, but also for spiritual purposes. Crosses made of white gold, inlaid with cubic zirconia, are a real work of jewelry craftsmanship.

Noble gold earrings

White gold earrings occupy a special place among jewelry. Such an acquisition is considered an indicator of the good taste and high status of its owner. Feminine and elegant, white alloy earrings effectively highlight the color of your eyes. Such products can be matched to the color of makeup or clothing, because this metal is beautifully inlaid with multi-colored stones. The catalogs contain white gold earrings of various styles and shapes.

Products with diamonds

The leader in veneration in the world is white gold with diamonds. This combination is a symbol of personal success and well-being. White alloy diamond jewelry is a wonderful calling card for any society. Gems favorably set off by the soft shine of the noble metal. White gold very subtly reveals the play of light of diamonds.

Traditionally, gold is considered an age metal. Indeed, silver jewelry and “light” jewelry are more suitable for young representatives of the fair sex, but keep in mind that gold can be different. White-yellow shades look fresher and more youthful than rich sunny color options and especially alloys with an orange tint.

Red and yellow gold are well suited for the fair sex of the autumn color type, especially if the jewelry contains amber. White gold is coming winter and summer girls, the latter we advise you to pay attention to vintage products with pink and blue stones(they are also suitable for spring, but framed in warmer gold). Also for summer color type good option there will be red gold jewelry. In spring you can wear yellow gold, but white will make the fair sex of this type too cold. If you are a spring woman and bought gold pendants with turquoise or amber, then these jewelry will be a worthy addition to your precious collection.

Experts in metal treatment recommend wearing gold jewelry for people of heavy build and age who are prone to hypertension, have problems with the cardiovascular system and liver, joints and spine. Gold helps improve the character and mood of women who are depressed and characterized by severe irritability and impressionability. This metal nourishes with energy, fills inner strength and promotes spiritual growth, however, such a magical effect is triggered only for those people who are not too attached to material assets. If the words “withering away over gold” definitely do not mean you, and you are a kind, generous person who willingly helps others, then gold jewelry will contribute to the growth of your well-being.

How to wear gold jewelry correctly

Solar jewelry and gold jewelry go well with clothes in peach, orange and brown tones. Gold items and their imitation look great against the backdrop of red, white and black outfits.

Carry gold to the place. Spectacular jewelry made from precious metals is designed for going out. A simple thin chain, a small pendant or an elegant ring is acceptable for every day, but, of course, choose one thing, or at most, no more than two items. When choosing accessories for a business look for work, limit yourself to laconic, discreet jewelry, preferably without stones. Choosing sport style When going to a workout or sauna, leave your jewelry at home. Large expensive jewelry not appropriate on the beach.

In principle, there should not be a lot of gold jewelry; an abundance of precious metals on your fingers, wrists and neck indicates bad taste. Remember that the main thing in your image is you, not your jewelry.

When choosing gold jewelry in jewelry stores, buyers often have a question: “Which gold is better: red or yellow? Or white? Hobbyists pay attention to the external characteristics of metals, while experts advise taking a closer look at the physical properties of the elements. Opinions differ regarding the visual appeal, as well as the advantages/disadvantages of metals.

Yellow gold rightfully takes first place among buyers: it is practical, attractive and wears well. The “sunny” color of the metal matches with almost any toilet, and the energy of the chemical element gives the owner vital energy and optimism.

White gold belongs to the category of luxury gold jewelry. Its cost is much higher than that of yellow or white, and not every Russian can afford to constantly purchase high-quality products. price category. The advantage of white gold is its external resemblance to silver jewelry: if yellow or red does not go with it, then white adds elegance and expensiveness to the image.

Red gold is the most durable among other types. Store-bought gold is practically immune to scratches and other damage during wear, which is why red jewelry lasts longer than others. An alternative is pink jewelry. It is obtained if a reduced copper content is added to the alloy (but sufficient to give a slight tint).

Chemical composition of gold products

The color and strength of jewelry is influenced by the elements of the ligature. The cost depends on their content finished product, as well as its further operation.

Gold is white because its surface is covered with a dense layer of palladium. The metal not only gives a cool tint to the alloy, but also significantly increases the cost of the finished product. Palladium coating does not affect durability: the yellow precious metal becomes covered with small scratches and defects during wear. It is better to buy white gold for those who do not like the warm shade of yellow jewelry or want to combine several metals at the same time while wearing them: for example, plated with palladium gold product and silver.

Gold jewelry made from red gold is characterized by a high concentration of copper as the main element of the ligature. Copper has a positive effect on the strength and durability of jewelry: it is less likely to break, scratch, and lose shape. But products made of red gold are Jewelry low grade, so you rarely see them in salons or branded stores. The exception is wedding rings - due to constant wear in the USSR, low-grade gold was actively used as an element for making paired jewelry. Now red gold except wedding rings, used in the interior, for body crosses and cutlery. Pink precious metal looks more expensive and is used more actively than red: rings, bracelets and earrings made of pink metal are suitable for young girls who prefer jewelry in warm colors.

The yellow precious metal is always in demand on the market, but in jewelry Only some samples of metal are found. The most popular are 585 and 750. Banks use the highest standard, 999, for the sale and purchase of gold bars.

Tricks for buying gold jewelry

A distinctive feature of gold jewelry is the presence of special markings on inside product, characterizing the amount of pure metal in relation to the proportion of the alloy - sample. The higher the sample value, the more gold the product contains. When choosing which gold is better - red or yellow, you should focus on the purpose of the purchase. If a single or infrequent appearance is meant, then items made of yellow gold will favorably emphasize the dignity of its owner. But they are not suitable for frequent wear: physical properties yellow metal is prone to the gradual appearance of damage on the metal surface, which reduces the cost of products and their former attractiveness.

Red gold does not have the effect of being expensive; they are not designed to attract attention, but to surprise with their durability. The ideal option is gold elements on cutlery, furniture, and accessories. They will allocate best sides objects without taking all the attention, and will serve for a long time, without requiring repair and polishing. It is recommended to avoid spectacular earrings, bracelets and other massive jewelry made of red gold: they look cheap.

When choosing which is better - white or yellow gold, you should be guided by aesthetics: not everyone suits sunny gold products. The cold shine of metal is preferred by people with fair skin, bare eyes and brown hair(Scandinavian type).

Which products should you avoid purchasing?

Abroad - in Turkey, Egypt, local residents offer visiting Russians to buy gold at a low price. The visual appeal of the products is tempting, as is the reasonable price - it’s hard to refuse such a purchase. But you should be vigilant: Turkish traders like to put non-existent hallmarks on gold jewelry, convincing buyers of their authenticity. The result is that clients purchase counterfeit precious metal or low-quality metal.

To avoid being scammed and not to waste your money, before buying jewelry abroad you should follow the following rules:
  • Do not purchase goods “on the go” in the first store - in Turkey and other countries, traders must have a license to operate.
  • Pay attention to the product sample. Only a jeweler can separate a fake from a high-quality product with 100% accuracy, but anyone can see fuzzy contours, blurred boundaries, incorrect numbers and an erroneous abbreviation indicating a fake.
  • Check the quality “by the tooth” - or in another improvised way. If the gold is real, it will be deformed and will not leave dark marks on the surface of solid products.

A common trick used by deceivers is to apply a gold layer to a copper product. When worn, the gold plating will disappear after a month, revealing the metal from which the item is actually made.