Application on the theme of late autumn. Pictures and applications from autumn leaves. Application made of colored paper on the theme “Autumn”

Application made of colored paper of an autumn tree "Autumn Kaleidoscope". Master class with step by step photos.

Nikolaeva Olga Ivanovna, teacher
Place of work: MADO CRR d/s No. 121, Kaliningrad
Description of material: I present to your attention a master class, an application of an autumn tree made of colored paper “Autumn Kaleidoscope”, for children of the senior preparatory group of kindergarten, primary school. The work allows children to plunge into the lyrics of golden autumn and try to recreate the miraculous beauty of autumn nature. The material will be useful for older educators - preparatory groups children's preschool institutions, teachers additional education, primary school teachers.

"...I love the lush decay of nature,
Forests dressed in scarlet and gold..."
Target: Making an autumn tree applique
1. learn to create the image of an autumn tree, make leaves, grass from colored paper folded like an accordion, the sky - using the paper tearing technique,
2. develop fine motor skills hands, sense of color and shape,
3. consolidate skills and abilities in working with scissors,
4. cultivate the ability to see the beauty of nature,
5. cultivate perseverance and accuracy in work.
Material: sheet of cardboard of blue color, paper Brown, unevenly colored (imitating wood), colored paper, pencil, ruler, scissors, glue

Tree template

Preliminary work: examination of the illustrations "Golden Autumn", conversation on this topic, creation of a herbarium from autumn leaves, listening to the play by P.I. Tchaikovsky ("The Seasons") - "October" ("Autumn Song"), learning poems about autumn.
Why do trees shed their leaves in the fall?
- Why are trees ready for winter?
Undressing all around?
- And trees also need
Undress before going to bed!

(V. Orlov)

Step by step description work

On brown colored paper, unevenly colored (imitation wood), draw a tree
Recommendations: You can use a template made by the teacher (teacher), and the children will trace it; draw (outline) a tree on white paper, and then color it with pencils and paints; the paper can be brown, evenly colored

Cutting out the tree
Note: Approximate height 19 cm, provided that the format of the sheet of blue cardboard is A4 (background)

We make leaf blanks - squares of different colors (red, orange, yellow, light green) 3cm x 3cm
We also make a piece of grass - a green rectangle 2cm x 28cm.

We fold the squares like an accordion, starting from the corner (diagonally), fold the grass like an accordion exactly in width.

We make a hillock. We fold a rectangle of green paper 9cm x 4cm in half, round the corners with scissors and unfold it, we get a semicircle

We finish forming the leaves. We bend the resulting accordion of squares in half and glue the middle, we get leaves like this

Glue a hillock in the middle of the bottom edge of a sheet of blue cardboard

In the middle of the tubercle, departing 1.5 cm from the bottom edge, glue our wood blank, then stretch the green accordion (grass) along the entire lower edge of the cardboard, so that the “grass” covers the base of the tree

We begin to form the crown of our tree. Glue the leaves, alternating colors.
Note: the more leaves, the more magnificent the crown. You can depict how the leaves fly and break away from the branches (torn off by the wind)

We make the sky, clouds. We crumple scraps of blue paper and glue them to the top edge of our applique. Here we have a kaleidoscope of autumn colors!
After finishing working with children, you can use physical education minute:
What is leaf fall?
Imagine that your hands are leaves. Spread your fingers and see which tree leaves remind you of your hands. (Maple.) Make your leaves hard, tense, tight. (The teacher checks the tension of the fingers.) Okay. And now the leaves are hanging: relax your hands. Let's repeat the exercise again. Now let's show how the leaves sway in the wind. Do it with me. (Arms are bent at the elbows, hands hang slightly and sway from side to side.) Now the leaves are trembling in the wind. (Quick movements with fingers.)
I propose to organize an exhibition of works, to note which trees are different, how many bright, joyful colors autumn has brought us, and the children turned out to be real wizards, creating a kaleidoscope of autumn colors!

Target: teach how to make a “Maple Leaf” craft and design the work.

Application: The work will be of interest to educators, teachers and schoolchildren.

Purpose: decoration of the classroom interior, school festive hall, gift for Teacher's Day, medals for Autumn Ball, work for an exhibition.

Equipment: colored double-sided sheets (A-4), product template, PVA glue, scissors, pencil

The song from the film “Small Favor” performed by N. Karachentsev is played

It's time for the birds to go on their way,

Birds dream of the south,

Yellow maple leaf yesterday

He sat in my palm.

Let someone tell me in response:

"There's nothing like that here"

Yellow leaf like a bird yesterday

He sat in my palm.

Maple Leaf, Maple Leaf,

I dream about you in the middle of winter,

Dream at that moment when there is a snowstorm

Snow swings outside the window,

At that moment when everything was covered

And my soul is white and white,

Dream about you

Red maple leaf.

Dream it up, dream it up

Red maple leaf.

Step-by-step process for completing the work:

1. Fold the sheet in half. Attach the template to the fold line and trace it with a pencil.

2. Cut the blank according to the template and open it like a book

3. Fold the workpiece into a strip - an accordion

4. Fold the strip in half with long leaves in the middle

5. Glue the middle together to make a maple leaf.

6. Similarly, we make two more leaves

7. We collect three leaves into one large sheet, glue them together

8. The final stage: select a cardboard background, glue on a maple leaf and spine, and use the cut-out remaining paper to design the work.

Like a smart master

I collected this pattern:

Leaf to leaf strictly

Selected by colors

Useful tips

In autumn, nature gives us many various materials for work.

First of all, these are, of course, colorful leaves.

From a huge selection of leaves of different shapes, sizes and shades you can make beautiful applications.

You don't have to make complex applications to make them beautiful - just use your imagination and learn a few simple secrets.

On our website you will also find:

Here is just a small part of the beautiful autumn applications that are very easy to make:

Applique on an autumn theme: leaves in a frame

This project is incredibly easy to make. By inserting a leaf into a glass frame, you decorate the interior (even if only for a short time) with autumn colors.

Children's autumn applique: leaves - mosaic

In this craft you can show all the colors of autumn in one leaf. Not only does it look very beautiful, but it is also very simple to do - collect the leaves, paint them and put them in a certain sequence to form a kind of mosaic picture.

Leaf applique: hanging leaves

You will need:

Gold paint (spray)

White marker


Adhesive tape

1. Collect several fallen leaves that have not yet curled up and place them under a thick book.

2. Take gold paint and carefully apply it to the tips of the leaves. Let the paint dry.

3. Use white marker to write something beautiful on the leaves.

4. Tie a few threads different lengths to a small branch.

5. Cut two identical pieces from the ribbon, fold each in half. To make the loops, attach them with a pin or nail to the wall or board (if in a kindergarten or school) at a distance of about the length of the branch.

6. Hang the branch on the loops and glue the leaves to the threads.

DIY applications: chandelier

A similar simple hanging structure can be made from colorful leaves and used to decorate any interior.

How to make an applique: leaf wreath

The leaves can be combined into one whole structure to create a beautiful wreath. You can use ordinary leaves, or you can use those used for the above mosaic, i.e. placed under a press and painted.

Crafts, applications: autumn vase

Making this home decoration is very simple - collect several branches with not yet fallen leaves and place them in a vase with water. You can also find dry branches and use clear tape or bright string to attach fallen leaves to them.

Application on the theme "Autumn": personalized cards made from leaves

You can make such cards to indicate each guest his place at the table or to write some kind of holiday wish and attach it to a gift.

You will need:

Leaves with tails (peeled, dry, smooth)

Gold paint (spray or gouache)


Colored paper


Hole puncher

1. After you have collected the leaves, wash them, dry them and put them under a press (a thick book, for example) to flatten them.

2. After this, apply spray paint to the leaves - just do this carefully outdoors, with a mask and preferably with special glasses, because the contents of the can are poisonous. You can paint them with gouache.

3. Cut out labels from colored cardboard on which you can write the guest’s name or a wish (if you decide to give someone a gift) with a pen or marker.

4. Using thread, attach the tags to the painted leaves.

Application (master class): autumn lanterns

You will need:

Autumn leaves


Decoupage glue (mod podge)

Glue brush

1. Collect the leaves, straighten them under a press and dry them.

2. Apply decoupage glue to the surface of the jar.

3. Glue a layer of leaves to the jar and apply another layer of glue on top.

4. Leave the workpiece to dry overnight.

*If some of the leaves don't stay on the jar completely, use rubber rings (rubber bands) to hold them in place.

Application made of colored paper on the theme of Autumn: step-by-step master classes for children, collection of ideas for children's creativity.

Application made of colored paper on the theme “Autumn”

In this article you will find a series of master classes on making appliques from colored paper with children of different ages on the theme "Autumn":

  • application “Autumn Trees” (for children of senior preschool and primary school age),
  • application “Hedgehog with autumn apples” (for children of senior preschool and primary school age),
  • applique - panel “Autumn” made of holographic colored paper with children preschool age,
  • applique on the theme “Mushroom picker in the forest” made of colored paper with preschool children,
  • “Mushroom” applique on a paper base - a disposable paper plate for children of primary preschool age.

All the master classes in this article are the works of readers of the “Native Path” website, sent to our autumn children's creativity competition

Master class 1. Application from colored paper: autumn trees

The master class is conducted at our “Autumn Workshop” competition by Svetlana Nikolaevna Matvienko, teacher primary classes, KSU "Comprehensive school No. 6 of the city of Saran", 2nd "G" class. Kazakhstan, Karaganda region

Svetlana writes: “Good afternoon, NATIVE PATH. We are glad to meet you again. We present to your attention our latest works on autumn theme. In our classroom there is a special corner called “Our Works”, where we happily display our masterpieces. There are 26 students in our 2nd "G" class, so there is a lot of work. They perfectly create an autumn mood in our work room, and are simply pleasing to the eye.”

Application stages:

Step 1. On brown colored paper, outline the silhouettes - two palms. Cut them out.
Step 2. Place the cut out silhouettes of the palms on the sheet so that they resemble tree branches and glue them.
Step 3: Using the leaf template, cut out colorful fall leaves. Glue them onto tree branches.
Step 4. Design the frame (see photo above). In the photo - Andrey Peters, a 1st grade student.

Master class 2. Autumn 3D applique made of colored paper: hedgehog with apples

Execution steps autumn applique with hedgehog and fruits:

Step 1. Take a sheet of paper (horizontally positioned A4 landscape sheet). Determine the horizon line on it.

Step 3. Draw the background for the application. Z Divide the sky using arcs; when painting, make each arc a different color, this will give the picture a “multi-colored mood.” Draw grass.

Step 4. “Dress” the hedgehog in a lot of needles - draw them, color the silhouette and glue it to the background.

Step 5. Fruits for a hedgehog should be voluminous. To do this, use the pear and apple template.

DIY autumn tree made of colored paper. Master class with step-by-step photos

Master class with step-by-step photos. Volumetric applique made of colored paper “Autumn Tree” on the theme “Autumn” for children of middle and senior preschool age

Author of the work: Karakozova Mlada Vebertovna, teacher at MADOU “ Kindergarten No. 14 of a general developmental type", Syktyvkar, Komi Republic.
Purpose: master class is intended for children 4-7 years old, their parents, teachers preschool education. The applique can be used as a tool for GCD (reinforcing the signs of autumn: leaves change color, leaf fall begins), decoration for children to act out familiar fairy tales, for decorating a group in the fall, as a gift for friends.
The application can be both collective and individual. Children of middle preschool age are helped by a teacher, children of senior preschool age can cope with the application on their own.
Target: teach how to make a three-dimensional applique from paper.
- develop the skill of cutting long strips;
- fix the names of the colors;
- strengthen the skills of neat cutting and pasting;
- develop interest in volumetric applique.

« Autumn trees»
Orange, red
They sparkle in the sun.
Their leaves are like butterflies
Spinning and soaring
(author: Oksana Khilik)

For work we need materials:
- colored double-sided paper (one sheet each: red, light green, orange, 3 sheets yellow);
- colored cardboard (2 sheets of brown and a sheet of green);
- simple scissors;
- curly scissors;
- glue stick;
- ruler, simple pencil;
- 2 plates: diameter – 13 cm and 19 cm (they are not in the photo).

1. On brown cardboard, with a simple pencil, outline a plate with a diameter of 13 cm; on green cardboard, outline a plate with a diameter of 19 cm.

2. Using curly scissors, we cut out circles (for middle-aged children, an adult does this work, and older children can handle the cutting themselves).

3. On the green circle, glue a brown circle in the middle (this will be a small base-clearing for our tree).

4. Fold a brown sheet (25 cm long, 19 cm wide) in half. On top, on both sides, mark 2 cm along the edges with a simple pencil and draw lines connecting the marks and the edges of the lower part.

5. Cut the workpiece along the lines. You will get 2 parts (base for wood).

6. On the lower parts of the base, mark 1.5 cm with a pencil and draw a line. Bend the cardboard along the line as shown in the figure.

7. Glue the wood base on top along the edge. Glue the lower part onto the clearing base, slightly opening the base for the tree. Here's what happens:

8. On 2 sheets of yellow paper, draw a plate with a diameter of 13 cm with a simple pencil. Cut it out with curly scissors. You will get 2 circles.

9. On sheets of yellow, red, light green, orange, draw stripes 1.5 cm wide with a simple pencil.

10. Cut the paper. The result was stripes of four colors.

11. Glue each strip into a ring. Glue the rings, lightly spreading glue in the middle, onto the yellow circles (alternating colors). The rings can be glued vertically, horizontally, or slightly tilted in any direction. Here's what happens:

12. Glue the lower part of the yellow circle with rings to the base of the tree. It doesn’t matter if the paper bends under the weight of the rings.

13. Glue the second yellow circle with rings to the first. Now the paper does not sag.

14. We use the remains of colored paper for “fallen” leaves: we make leaves using the method of tearing off the paper.

15. Glue the leaves onto the clearing base (or a little onto the tree) in any order (you can glue the entire leaf, or you can only glue part of the leaf, bend the rest, creating a wind effect). Autumn tree is ready!

Side view of the application:

And here is the crown of the tree:

Fallen leaves:

This is the applique we made with the children middle group: the guys glued the finished strips into rings and managed to depict real leaf fall:

An option for using a tree as a decoration for children to act out a familiar fairy tale:

Application options:
1) Use fewer paper colors for the rings and leaves (no orange here):

2) Make a birch tree by replacing the brown cardboard with white.
3) Replace yellow circles with: red, light green, orange.
4) Make a tree for other seasons: winter (white rings), summer (green rings).