Do you even need a girl? Why does a girl need a boyfriend? Dating, relationships, feelings. Disadvantages of a relationship with a girl

Young people often enter into relationships without thinking about what they are for. However, this is a rather important question that needs to be resolved before meeting a specific girl. Otherwise, the couple may face pain of disappointment or a broken heart.

In fact, in at different ages men have their own demands and needs. Therefore, it is worth considering the question of why a guy needs a girl at every age stage becoming a man. It is worth clarifying that there are always individual cases. Here we will analyze the basic needs and motives that guide young people in relationships with girls.

Why does a guy under 20 need a girl?

Most often, during this period of time, young people do not think about the prospect of developing a relationship with a girl. They live for today. Let's look at the main reasons why guys start relationships at this age:

1. Relationships to satisfy sexual needs.

2. The desire to find some kind of peace of mind at the expense of your partner.

3. The desire to stand out from peers by winning the favor of a beautiful girl.

4. The desire to share your interests and hobbies with a girl.

5. The desire to experience first-hand what a relationship is, to find out what love is.

Why does a guy between 20 and 25 years old need a girl?

After 20, guys begin to think about their future. This is a period of searching for yourself in the professional field. Sometimes, at this time, guys do not have enough time to maintain a truly serious relationship with a permanent girl.

In addition, young people feel incapable of relationships in terms of money. After all, you need to look after a girl, take her to the movies, cafes. Guys of this age have long been separated from their parents, but are still financially unstable.

The main reasons why young people start relationships with girls at this age:

1. Satisfaction of sexual needs still comes first.

2. Some young people strive to show society (colleagues, their parents) that they are already mature enough for Serious relationships. In this case, even creating a family is possible.

3. Some guys just want to come after school or work to a cozy nest where his beloved lives. This motive is the key to a truly serious relationship.

4. Lack of opportunity to make numerous acquaintances due to lack of time, money, and self-confidence.

5. The desire to live at the expense of someone, including in the girl’s living space and partially at her expense.

6. The desire to dominate someone in this life, to be an authority in someone’s eyes.

Why does a guy over 25 need a girl?

After 25 years, men finally think about the prospect of a relationship with a girl. They try on her image with the ideal of a future wife that they had formed by this time.

In addition, many men begin to imagine the girl as the future mother of their children. Moreover, guys most often do not plan to have a child in the near future, but it is important for them to know that over time, the girl will be able to give birth to and raise their common children.

Most guys of this age have already found themselves in the profession. Therefore, it may also be important for them to appear representative in the eyes of their superiors and colleagues.

The main reasons why men start relationships at this age:

1. The desire to create a strong union, with the prospect of marriage and family.

2. Satisfaction of sexual needs.

3. Creating an image of a person who is successful in all areas of life.

4. The desire to carry out free time with a loved one, in order to take a break from pressing problems.

5. The desire to find a mistress for your home. It is always more convenient for a man to live with a woman than without her. Sometimes, for this reason, guys do not move out of their parents’ nest for a long time, because their mother takes care of them there.

6. The desire to forget yourself in a new relationship in order not to remember the old ones. Such a motive rarely becomes a good start for a relationship.

How to explain to a boy why a girl is needed

What to do if you are dating a man who doesn’t know what he wants from a relationship and from his girlfriend? We will give you basic tips on how to solve this problem.

1. You can call him for a frank conversation, where you can discuss with him the main reasons why a guy needs a girl. After this, it will be easier for the guy to highlight for himself those points that are relevant to him now.

2. If a young man likes to read, give him a selection of popular science books about the differences between men and women, as well as psychological books on relationships. In any case, after reading them he will learn something useful for himself.

3. Go live with him psychological training on the topic of relationships. In such classes, people are usually transformed, they have insight, and they more clearly begin to understand their life path and their goals in relationships.

5. During friendly get-togethers, casually bring up the topic of relationships. The man himself will not notice how he gets involved in the conversation, and, one way or another, will express his opinion on this matter. After this, you can discuss this topic in private.

6. Go together to an interactive performance in which the problem of relationships between men and women comes to the fore. In this type of play, the audience is partially involved in the performance, so you may get the opportunity to learn something more about your boyfriend.

Guys really rarely think about why they need a girl. They do not do this due to the peculiarities of their thinking, and not because they consider this an unimportant area of ​​their life. In addition, they often find it difficult to express their thoughts on this matter.

Girls, you should not focus too much attention on this issue, because a young man may be afraid of such pressure from you. However, it is always useful to discuss this topic discreetly, in a feminine way, so that your partner does not even notice your interest.

Despite high level development of Internet networks, in our time there is a high level of loneliness, moreover, among fairly smart, talented and interesting people. staying together for a series of years is already a rarity and an exception to the rule.

The era of loneliness

Why is this happening? In a world where there is a lot of information and opportunities, it is difficult to make acquaintances, people move away from each other and lose their warmth. This may be due to the fact that every more or less ambitious person who has at least some talents or a banal desire to work has thousands of opportunities to fill his day with a variety of activities, work, hobbies, and at the end of the day just come home and watch a TV series and fall without hind legs. And tomorrow the same series of changing tasks will begin.

In general, time is spent, something happens, life is not so empty, there is even some meaning, goals and objectives. But every time a smiling couple passes nearby, holding hands, an alarming thought about loneliness can flash through your head and sting painfully in your heart. On Valentine's Day, many single people generally experience depression and hatred towards others.

Perverted ideas

And yet - why does a girl need a guy? If we go back to the primitive system, for a woman a man was a protector, breadwinner and support. And of course, no one canceled instincts. This is how nature designed people, that representatives of different sexes are attracted to each other in order to reproduce.

Of course, talking purely about the material side of life and satisfying sexual needs is a sign of narrow-mindedness. Although now Western society is creating such ideals that everything is heading towards that. All this is the desire to create a consumer society.

In addition, the films focus on sex scenes and fights. Of course, it looks so cool that teenagers grow up knowing that this is enough. So then people are drawn to their idols from TV screens, but they don’t even notice the possible happiness under their noses.

Going to extremes

Awareness of the value of calm, trusting relationships comes when the torment of the heart and excessive passions are too tiring and you just want to have a heart-to-heart talk, take a walk holding hands, feel that you are accepted, appreciated, respected. No matter how self-sufficient a person is, he needs all this. After all, people are creatures created to live in society, so we need communication, especially such a warm and pleasant one, like air.

Relax and love each other

When talking about why a girl needs a guy, you shouldn’t focus too much on money or beauty. It's not bad to have all this. But the most important thing is that you simply feel good around the person, it’s interesting to listen to him, so that you feel that you can talk about your impressions.

The main thing is to treat relationships calmly, not to start them because it is necessary or everyone already has them, and certainly not to satisfy sexual needs. These areas need to be separated. Do not reduce relationships to sex and do not assume that love is built only on passion. Planning something here is also pretty stupid.

Don't look at your potential partner as a goal and future husband from the first month. This is your friend, enjoy his company and moments of tenderness together. How things go further will be clear; the road appears under the feet of the one walking.

Advises you to get a girlfriend and gives 10 good reasons why it’s time.

1. Have someone to hug at night

Surely, you sleep poorly and hug a pillow or blanket, but hugging Chan while falling asleep is a completely different matter. A girl is a soft and warm body that warms you up at night. Your hands will naturally reach out to hug you.

2. You will get enough sleep

Previously, I often went to bed very late in order to have time to do as much as possible, stayed late at the computer, and sometimes did not sleep at all. Now I can do this too, but I don’t want to, it’s better to go to bed with my beloved. In addition, you will also get up early. But feel cheerful and full of energy. Healthy sleep is the key to success.

3. You will become well-groomed

They will always tell you when it's time to shave off a virgin's beard and mustache. They will do your hair, apply all the creams and even make a face mask. As a rule, according to appearance You can immediately see who has a girlfriend and who doesn’t.

4. You will be cured

If you get sick, you will be provided with medical, moral and tangerine support. Previously, I could be sick for months because I did not treat myself correctly. The girl will get you back on your feet in a day. Of course, you will have to try a lot of bitter, but healthy, things. I will say this so that you understand, the girl is your healer, priest. And without a healer in the team there is nowhere.

5. Always delicious food

Girls love to cook unusual and very tasty dishes. But they don’t like to eat them so much, this is the fate of us men. They love being creative in the kitchen. If you are lucky and have a girlfriend, she will delight you with a new dish every day, you only have the ingredients to prepare. Help won’t hurt either, she will be pleased, and you will be well fed later.

6. Always have a partner for fun

You have someone to go to the movies with or watch a TV series at home, someone you can share a video game with, or draw and do puzzles with if you are a connoisseur of old-time entertainment. It's more fun together, we can discuss it right away. The effect of a cinema for two is created.

7. Performance will improve

I work from home. When there was no girlfriend, I was often distracted while working, but now I am under supervision and feel responsible for my working time. I try to do more and faster to impress my other half. In addition, I’m also trying to earn more money, because I want to please Chan with all sorts of cute things.

8. Your home will be cozy

The layer of dust is already so large that it has turned into the ground and flowers are already starting to grow, familiar? This is how it was when you didn’t have a girlfriend, when she comes home your home will be transformed. The girl does most of the housework. There will be no dust at all. Yes, you yourself will keep clean in such conditions. In addition to cleanliness, girls like to decorate their home with new curtains and furniture. You can’t even imagine how new wallpaper changes a room.

9. Personal psychologist

The girl will listen to you, give advice, console you, and help you with all her might. In addition, she will also tell you about her problems, giving you a chance to be her psychologist. These are a couple of psychologists like in the TV series “Hannibal”.

10. A girl is interesting to look after

Have you had tamagochi? Have you played The Sims? The girl will be someone you want to take care of and devote all your time to. Feed on time, provide leisure, please with gifts and her level of happiness will be 100%.

You don’t have to take the points above seriously, only the following matters. You will fall in love and feel loved. And this already includes everything else, both care and mutual assistance in everything. So stop giggling alone, Erokhin has found himself a girl and is happy, and so can you.

Hello, dear readers! I'll open it today women's secrets. Girls are very difficult to understand. We already speak different languages. When one of the couple tries to hide information, it is not at all easy to understand the situation.
Today I will try to tell you how to understand that a girl doesn’t need you.

Many women are afraid to break up with their boyfriend and do everything to be abandoned. It is much more profitable to look like a defenseless victim of a “scoundrel” than to take on the courage and... Especially if they lasted more than two months.

However, there is another situation when, for other reasons, for example, he does not know how things can be different. She was accustomed to a certain model of relationships that she saw in her family. This scheme is completely unsuitable for young man. He is convinced that he is no longer needed. In fact, people are just...

Heart puzzle.

How to understand the situation?

Have you met yet?

One of my friends has been corresponding with a girl on VKontakte for 6 months now, and every time: she’s pregnant, then she’s giving birth, then I have to go film the beatings ex-husband. He just throws up his hands and says: “I don’t understand, is she playing with me or what?”

Some girls, through chatting with fans, increase their own self-esteem, prove that they are not a failure and can. They have no desire to move on; they are satisfied with everything as it is.
The best way to find out the truth is to stop communicating for a while.

Under no circumstances should you disappear silently or suddenly. Explain your action: “I am not happy with this state of affairs. If you ever get ready to meet, you can call me. I don't want to chat anymore. I have more important things to do."

A woman who values ​​relationships will definitely find a way to prove her affection: she will explain the situation or try to make concessions and meet. She is afraid of losing a potentially loved one. Not necessarily now, maybe in a week she will find a way. If not, you were right, the girl was just playing with your feelings.

The main thing is to be persistent; the situation should not return to normal without changes in your favor.

If you feel that you cannot cope and cannot find answers to important questions, together we will analyze the situation and find a solution.

Don't live together

The most obvious sign that a girl no longer needs you is that she has no desire to spend time together.

Situations are also individual, sometimes a girl may simply have other priorities. For example, preparing for an exam, competition, or getting stuck at work. If she values ​​the relationship, she will most likely tell you about it.

If they begin to hide something from you, this is a sign of reluctance to be together and a frank conversation will help to sort this out.

Why do we love you?

Personally, I really don’t like it when they say about men and women: “registration, sex” and so on. With such thoughts you humiliate yourself. Every person is good at something. Agree, we would call a man strange if we heard: “My girlfriend is with me only because I am incredibly handsome, smart and charming.” Now you are doing even worse by prioritizing things.

Your woman is wonderful. I am sure she is able to find another person with an apartment, a car and other benefits of civilization that will complement him good qualities. The same goes for you. Is money really all that a woman can be around you for? I'm afraid that such thoughts can plunge me into... They are dangerous.

Why do you feel like a girl is not dating you because of yours? If you are not satisfied with the relationship in some way, try to figure it out rather than look for external sources. Do you lack care, love, affection, alone time? Talk to your significant other about this. She may not even be aware that you are unhappy.

I can recommend you the book by Carl Rogers " Marriage and its alternatives" It tells in great detail how to learn to coexist together, develop and everyone to take their place in a couple. It will come in handy even if you decide to break up.

At least make every effort to improve them and become happier. If it doesn’t work out with this one, you’ll find another one and this knowledge will help you build a new love correctly.

If you are not satisfied with the personal qualities of the person who is nearby, do not try to blame him. Admit to yourself honestly that you want to break up because you think the girl is cold, angry, and not feminine enough.

You are beautiful. The fact that you have achieved success is a plus, a bonus, an advantage over other males. Only princes hide their property so that the young lady falls in love with them, and not with wealth.

Think of walruses fighting for females and territory. How would you react to a male who loses on purpose so that someone will fall in love with him?

Remember the book " Pride and Prejudice", the main character of which claimed that she fell in love with Darcy after she saw his estate. Of course it was a joke. He used his fortune to help the girl. , but a means. Something that helps make someone else happier.

Never allow yourself or others to think that money is your main quality. There is a lot to love about you. Do not humiliate yourself and your woman with such thoughts. Solve real problems.

Sign up for a Skype consultation with me, we will look at the problem together and find the most acceptable solution.

With this I say goodbye. Don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter and learn more about love and relationships in the book by Carl Rogers.

Guys meet girls and still don't understand why does a guy need a girl, but without knowing this, how can you build happiness with a girl and a great relationship? The main problem is not knowing why a guy needs a girl, but the lack of specific goals that accompany a guy on the path to success.

Not knowing, why does a guy need a girl, it is impossible to build normal relationships. Therefore, today we will analyze this issue with you, giving you only the most important and main methods and methods so that you not only understand why a guy needs a girl, but also be able to understand your goals in this regard.


Before you start looking for answers to your questions, you yourself need to figure out why a guy needs a girl, or better yet, write down all possible points on a piece of paper, and then start analyzing them. After all, there are different guys and different girls, so the goals and methods will also be different. And in general, it is useful for every person to understand what he wants to achieve in life, since this is already half the work done, even if it seems easier than the process of implementation itself. Know what kind of girls you like, their character and appearance, this will also simplify the task of finding suitable girl. The more detailed your plan is, the more effective it will be in practice. And now we move on to the basics of why a guy needs a girl.

For love

Also, don’t forget that there are guys who are looking for a girl to just love her and become happy. But remember that girls they don’t always reciprocate, so you need to study as many more girls and not be disappointed if a girl doesn’t like you. After all, it’s better to be with someone who loves you than to run after the wrong girls who are unworthy of you. Therefore, understand whether you are ready to truly love a girl or whether you need simple passion, which, as you know, is not eternal. Read more: .

For relationships

Some guys sometimes they are just simply bored, lonely and they just need a girl so as not to go crazy. But not everyone begins to act for this, as they are overwhelmed by the fear of communicating with the opposite sex. But if there is a real desire, then you can short term overcome all unnecessary fears and start relationships with the girls you like. But remember that developing relationships is a very delicate matter that requires patience and some knowledge. Because a stupid mistake can lead to the destruction of relationships. But only if your relationship is supported and your foundation consists of true love, then no one will ever be able to destroy your relationship.

For reputation

Some guys think that guy needs a girl just for reputation. Of course, there are such moments, but they are individual and not for everyone. Therefore, in this case, the guy needs a girl for his reputation in the eyes of friends, acquaintances and other girls. These guys are specifically looking for beautiful girls, seduce them and then after some time, when their relationship has already been noticed, they abandon them or make the girls run after them. Of course, this is a talent and it is given to few, but everyone can learn if they want. But know one thing, there is no point in this.

Just to be

Many people don’t even understand why does a guy need a girl , and start looking for and meeting girls without a specific goal. They simply meet, separate, look for another girl, and so on repeats until a specific goal appears in order to develop a relationship or something else. You also need to remember that girls are very emotional and at the slightest offence, they create a big problem. Therefore, there is no need to worry, it’s better to read: and you will understand that they do this specifically for their specific purpose.

Starting a family

And the most important thing, which really makes sense, is that a guy needs a girl to start a family. Of course, everyone comes to this stage over time, since the passion and mood to run after different girls has already faded away, the guy wants to peaceful life. Age is not important here, since every guy understands that family is more important, at different ages, there are still guys who have not yet realized this, but it doesn’t matter.

The main thing is that if you have already set a goal to start a family, the main thing here is not to rush and not make mistakes. Since some guys are afraid that if they delay marriage, their future wives will leave for other determined guys. But this is just fear, because if a girl loves you, she definitely won’t get away from you, and the main thing here is just to live 5 years before getting married, and then, if the relationship continues, start a family. Since experts in this case have noticed that for the first time in 5 years, almost every family is breaking up, or simply losing feelings and love. So why risk your happiness, it’s better to be patient and get more benefits. After all, a girl can still live with you and love you even before marriage.

That's all what we were going to tell you about why a guy needs a girl. By applying all the tips and methods given in the article in practice, you will be able to independently understand and decide why a guy needs a girl and understand what you yourself want to achieve in life and in relationships with girls.

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