10 mistakes women make in bed. Women's mistakes in bed! Hide your illnesses

Laurie Watson

Male mistakes

According to Watson, most men come to therapy to improve their sexual skills. But the problem, as a rule, is not related to their skill. The error lies in one or more of the following points.

1. Lack of female desire is misinterpreted

The attractiveness of a woman is immediately communicated to men by their body. Just the sight of an unfamiliar beauty or their own partner can cause them to have a partial erection. Among women . Their arousal is associated with imagination and fantasy, so it takes them longer to get in the mood for sex.

So you shouldn’t take your partner’s lack of instant desire to heart. It's better to stretch out the seduction process a little.

2. Feeling frustrated by her slow arousal

This error is closely related to the previous one. Women are slow to warm up to sex and slowly get aroused. This is a question of physiology, nothing more. But if the partner feels that the man is disappointed with her speed abilities, her desire intensifies even more slowly. Or it disappears completely.

Solution: relax and enjoy every moment.

3. Moving to the genitals too quickly

Many men prefer genital caresses to all others and think that women share their sympathy. Error. The physical appearance of a woman is not yet a signal of a rapid transition to the main thing. On the contrary, premature genital stimulation can kill desire.

Solution: It’s better to wait a little longer, continuing to caress your partner’s entire body.

4. Concentrate on your erection

Men who care too much about their erections can ruin the feeling of intimacy during sex.

If they are focused on delaying ejaculation, the woman may feel isolated and forgotten. To calm her down, Watson advises men to stay in touch and tell her what they want.

If the erection, on the contrary, weakens, it is a good idea to use this time for an additional round of caresses.

In the case of rapid ejaculation, you can tell your partner that the reason is her incredible sexuality. And resort to oral sex. It is no worse than ordinary sexual intercourse.

5. Stimulate only the vagina

The head of the clitoris is roughly the same as the head of the penis. Needless to say, exclusively vaginal stimulation is not very effective? Yes, of course, there are exceptions. But still, more often than not, it is the clitoris that is the center of a woman’s sexual pleasure.

Women's mistakes

Women who have problems with sex often attribute them to the lack of an ideal body or fantastic skills, like those of a woman. According to Laurie Watson, all this has little relation to reality. Most likely, the reason is related to the following errors.

1. They hint too subtly

Many women believe that men can read minds. Therefore, instead of directly saying their desire or demonstrating it through action, they resort to a system of subtle hints that only they themselves understand.

Solution: forget about telepathy. Words and unambiguous touches are more effective.

2. They don’t talk enough about their desires.

Saying your preferences once is not enough. An excited man may simply forget about all the nuances that you like (especially if they were voiced casually six months ago). Don't be afraid to remind him of them. In any case, this is better than waiting, enduring and being offended, thinking that he simply does not want to please you.

3. Focus on your body's flaws

Men get pleasure simply from the presence of a real, naked and attractive woman. Those at this very moment are thinking about the flaws own body. A stream of self-criticism alienates women from the process, reduces desire and makes sex dull and insipid.

If you have a similar problem, try to distract yourself from criticism by focusing on your bodily sensations. Try to listen to your breathing, feel the pleasure of touch. And think less.

4. Worried about doing everything right.

To really please your partner, you need to enjoy yourself. Watson notes that in sex therapy, women often care about how well they behave in bed. As a result, anxiety prevents them from relaxing and exploring their own feelings.

Solution: just ask the man what exactly and how he likes it. This is much better than spending extra energy on mastering an ideal technique that is divorced from practice.

5. Touch easily or hesitantly

Most men are aroused by female confidence, including in touch. Women, on the contrary, often do it overly tenderly - the way they themselves like it. In addition, Watson notes, men often complain that their partners avoid touching their genitals or wait for a special invitation.

Her advice is to stop pretending to be a prude. Kiss passionately, wrap yourself tightly and touch without hesitation. In general, prove your interest in action.

Do you have any other complaints about the opposite sex? Feel free to share them in the comments.

Not all men notice and know during sex what they are doing wrong towards a woman. But representatives of the fairer sex know this very well, notice and understand it. They even developed a number of recommendations, following which representatives of the stronger sex will be able to avoid a number of sometimes fatal mistakes.

Mistake #1. Don't give a damn about the place you are going to take a woman to.

Each woman has her own preferences for a suitable place and time, but if she agrees to your option, then it should be clean and tidy: no pizza boxes and beer cans on the floor, dirty cups and socks all over the room, unpleasant odor. Clean up, prepare pleasant music, a glass of wine or champagne, and so on, in general, the minimum gentleman's set.

Mistake #2. Neglect foreplay

From time to time, we all experience bouts of passion when it would be unwise to waste time on foreplay. However, this does not always happen and usually foreplay helps to inflame passion in women. How foreplay should be, long or short, depends on your ability to feel your partner. It depends on what memories you leave about yourself. The lack of foreplay is fraught with the fact that your partner will not experience an orgasm, which means that she will want to forget the night spent with you as soon as possible.

Mistake #3. Losing control over your feelings

You didn't lose your composure as she sat next to you in a low-cut dress and smiled seductively. You were reserved when you were driving in the car and when you were sitting next to you on the sofa, and she, as if by chance, put her hand on your knee. So why should you lose control of yourself in bed? Following a discreet line of behavior will make your partner desire you even more, which will ultimately result in an unforgettable sexual experience for both of them.

Mistake #4. Ignore her body language

In most cases, women are embarrassed to say directly what they expect from their partner in sex, but their body signals this exactly. You just have to not ignore these signs. Watch how she responds to your touch and you will understand how to caress her - more gently or harder. Don't treat a woman like a blow-up doll and you will be rewarded.

Mistake #5. Want everything at once

Women prefer to try something “spicy” with a partner they trust. This doesn't happen right away. Under no circumstances should you rush them or try to force events. Introduce new positions and discover your fantasies gradually but confidently.

Mistake #6. Treating a woman with disrespect

Despite the fact that porn films create the image of a macho man who treats his partner with disdain, real life this trick rarely works. A woman may play along with you at first to please you, but then her reaction will be extremely negative. If you are really into this kind of sex, then you need to be completely sure that your partner has the same views about roughness, ejaculation on her and derogatory treatment before you put it into practice.

Mistake #7. Command

If you want to tell your partner about your desires in bed, how best to move and what position to take, do not do this in a commanding tone. You can tell her about your desires in a soft voice and looking tenderly into her eyes. You can say nothing at all, just gently guide her body in the right direction and watch her reaction. A gentle approach produces more results.

Mistake #8. Ignore her erogenous zones

In addition to the obvious erogenous zones, a woman has many other less noticeable, but no less significant places. Don't just limit yourself to the breasts, caress the collarbone, gently move your fingers along the back, kiss the thighs and legs, play with the feet.

Mistake #9. Believe that since you had an orgasm, it means your partner was also satisfied

Remember that, besides you, a woman took part in sex who would also like to experience an orgasm. At least try to satisfy her. How to distinguish a real orgasm from an imitation: after an orgasm, a woman is not too inclined to conduct bedroom conversations; she would rather take a little nap with you.

Mistake #10. Leaving immediately after sex

This is one of the most disgusting things a man can do. If you are so disgusted by the woman you spent the night with, then at least talk to her for 30 minutes before you leave. And next time, it’s better to use the services of a professional. It will be more honest.

Sexual relations between a man and a woman are a reason for endless discussions, a direction in which you need to constantly work and reconsider your views, principles, and habits. The fact is that each party most often believes that it is doing everything right, while the mistakes it makes can cause disappointment for the partner and the disappearance of the desire for intimacy. Let's look at 10 mistakes in bed that women make, and a few more male mistakes, which become a reason for dissatisfaction on the part of the partner.

10 women's mistakes in bed

What will be discussed further seems clear, but many representatives of the fair sex forget about these points, losing sight of them. The result is dissatisfaction with intimate relationships on the part of the man, a decrease in his sexual activity. Let's look at 10 mistakes in bed that girls should never make.

1. Lack of activity

A man wants to understand that his partner agreed to intimacy not out of hopelessness, but because of a strong attraction. A woman should be active in every possible way, not lie still with her eyes closed.

2. Conversations

If you want to talk about something, it's better to do it after sex. By starting a conversation at the wrong moment, you are showing disrespect for your partner in every possible way and actively demonstrating a lack of interest in what is happening. This behavior kills desire and is at the top of the ranking of 10 mistakes in bed.

3. Self-admiration

Many girls are very afraid of ruining their hair or makeup, which is certainly annoying. It is important to understand that a woman looks much more beautiful after an amazing night of love, even if her mascara is smeared and her lipstick is eaten. A strong half of humanity completely agrees with this statement.

4. Ignorance of the male body

It also applies to 10 mistakes in bed that need to be corrected urgently. You should not limit yourself to just the erogenous zone, which every representative of the fair sex knows about. In fact, there are an order of magnitude more erogenous zones on a man’s body, the caress of which will lead him to arousal. This is the neck, lower abdomen, inner side thighs and even nipples. Here you need to pay attention to your partner’s reaction, because each case is individual.

5. Manipulation

Promising sex for some kind of help, service or gift is unacceptable. This is annoying, and very strong, so the desire for sexual intercourse may disappear for a long time.

6. Shyness

Bed is not the place where you need to behave modestly and constrained. The more emotions a woman shows, the more pleasant to a man. That's why this moment and is on the list of 10 mistakes girls make in bed. If a man observes tension on the part of his partner, he himself cannot relax, so neither party receives pleasure from sex.

7. Old underwear

It discourages the desire for intimacy. A girl should wear beautiful and seductive lingerie, so that you want to take it off as soon as possible. Exquisite clothing greatly increases sexual attraction, as does the quality of sexual intercourse itself.

8. Avoiding oral sex

Also one of the 10 mistakes girls make in bed. Of course, it is not necessary to pamper with such caresses all the time. But to exclude them completely is wrong. Oral sex will be an excellent culmination of foreplay or an unusual dessert.

9. Lack of initiative

It should not take place in intimate relationships. A girl should also show her desire and preferences in bed, because otherwise, a man will soon get bored with sex.

10. Talking about exes

Completes the list of 10 mistakes girls make in bed, but is not inferior in importance to the previous points. Such stories completely discourage sex, and are simply unpleasant for a man.

What mistakes do men make?

The information about 10 mistakes girls make in bed is very useful, but the stronger half of humanity also does not always act correctly. There are also points here that need to be reviewed, for example:

  • foreplay too short. For girls, arousal occurs a little later, so it takes more time. Accordingly, if it was not enough, the desire for intimacy will be too weak, and may be completely absent;
  • quick transition to the genitals. We saw this moment in the list of the 10 worst mistakes girls make in bed. It also applies to men and requires special attention;
  • excessive concentration on erection. Creates a feeling of lack of intimacy and emotional contact, contributes to the moral tension of the partner;
  • neglect of the seduction process. It reduces libido, and sometimes even leads to its absence.

So we see that mistakes are made by both sides; we need to work in tandem to correct and eliminate them. It is important to look closely and listen to your partner, to do what he likes, because each person is individual and there is no single rule that would be universal.

Sometimes endorphins or alcohol hit your head so hard that the desire to merge with your partner goes from the category of “expectation” to “right now, and it doesn’t matter that we’re at grandma’s dacha.” The shirt is hanging on the chandelier, the jeans are on the service, and for some reason you are still wearing your socks.

Are you cold? Just remember that unlike her fragile legs, which goes white elegant sock, your manly flipper in a black potato sack does not look so graceful. Sorry, but please take off your sock.

2. Don't bring porn to bed

The modern porn industry is an expensive conveyor belt of takes, where a make-up artist, make-up artist, and director are invited in the end. There are only two people in the frame, and there are another twenty people behind them. Therefore, everything that you see on the tablet screen is done to please the viewer’s fantasies. Therefore, before you use rudeness or insult your partner in bed, discuss everything in advance.

The same applies to home video. Your expectations and reality may differ seriously (very seriously). It is worth admitting that from the outside, real sex is not so attractive. Girls can still look graceful in a picture, but as for men... It’s just not worth it.

3. Experiments need to be discussed

The next point follows from the previous one. Why do you need to talk? Well, imagine a romantic atmosphere: dinner prepared by you, candles, some flowers on the table, drinks. Communication moves to a horizontal position. You blindfold her to make the process more intimate, feed her strawberries and nutella, and it turns out that she has an allergy. Congratulations! I was so pleased that I almost killed him.

Yes, unexpected attempts at writing really need to be discussed. Maybe not in a serious situation with a lawyer and documents, but definitely over a bottle of wine. This will help defuse the situation, and who knows, maybe you’ll move on from talking to practice.

4. Find balance in foreplay

You don’t need time to prepare, but she almost always needs it. However, this point is intended for both partners. It’s not uncommon for a woman to need too much time to get in the mood. Sorry, but you are not a Hubble telescope that takes two hours to set up. Find a balance with affection and get down to business.

5. Take your time

A little cliched, but yes. Asking something like “Are you coming soon?” or “So will you finish?” - the idea is stupid. For women, the path to orgasm is thorny and long, so, my friend, you need to try. Of course, ideally you want to reach the peak synchronously, but what can you do, you have to take physiology into account, and questions of this kind only disrupt your mood. Don't spoil the raspberries, as they say.

6. Scout the situation

If you decide to try sex in an unexpected place, then carefully assess the situation. If grandma's chair is already dying, but you still took a risk, then unexpected sex may end in the emergency room. We know what we’re writing about, just trust us.

7. Drunk sex should be mutual

Applies to both lovers. Drunk sex for a man is a pleasant thing, for girls it’s a little less so (sensitivity is lower), but it’s still cool. You become more liberated, the passion is so boiling that you want to rip each other's clothes off... but only if you are both drunk. Otherwise, a sober man watches the overacting of the “graceful” doe, and a woman watches the clumsy bear. Overall, it's awkward.

8. Watch your volume

Moaning like a porn actress is still not worth it. I just want to say in Kharlamov’s voice: “You are overacting!” Well, heart-rending squeals and wild screams do not excite men. Better be honest with your partner.

As for the guys, let's move on to the next point.

9. Don't be silent

Even if you have been together for a long time and know each other’s body features, you need to speak directly about your desires. Let's say that at the right moment you need to bite your ear or stroke your back. Neither men nor women are telepaths, so what you want can be said gently in the process.

10. Do only pleasant things

If you decide to please your partner, make sure of two points:

  • he likes it;
  • You can do this.

If at least one of the two points is missing, then this idea should be left for old Freud.

Probably, many have heard such expressions as “a man is a hunter by nature” or this: “a man is like a male.” These expressions are usually used by women in their accusatory speeches directed towards strong half humanity.

But, unfortunately, they often do not know what is usually "strong male" located Near strong woman , whom he tries to please in everything and give her pleasure.

However, even the most experienced males sometimes failures await on the love front, due to inappropriate and dismissive views and opinions on the most important factors in the sexual life of partners. Most men because of his too much confidence they are sometimes simply ignored.

Men, many of you consider yourself great super lovers.

But you may be familiar with a huge number of positions, know well all the erogenous points of the female body, and always have a few sexy things on hand for your partner. However, you still don’t have a 100% guarantee that you won’t make a mistake, and that’s enough. How to avoid major mistakes and give your beloved partner maximum pleasure? Sometimes even the most experienced men in bed with a woman they can make a lot of mistakes. You may say or do the wrong thing at the moment, and this will greatly upset your loved one.

Men in bed they are like sappers, you can make a mistake just once and get blown up forever. And the main horror of this “undermining” lies not even in parting with the woman you love, but in wounded pride. To protect your pride, you shouldn’t do much: be more attentive to your partner and not do anything that she doesn’t like.

Necessary figure out, in what the essence of the ten most common mistakes allowed by men in bed. They need to be avoided in order to avoid any disappointments in sexual relationships. These mistakes were identified and justified as a result of the research editors of popular men's and women's glossy magazines.

The first mistake. The wrong place where you are going to invite a girl.

Often men, due to the simplicity of their views, simply forget about the aesthetic side of a woman’s views on everything that happens. Girls give big meaning of romantic edging during intimate relationships. Therefore, simply inviting a girl to your untidy bachelor apartment is not the best option. At first do at least cosmetic cleaning, remove scattered unnecessary things, dust the furniture, wash the floors. Also take care to create light, for example, relaxing melodic music, fresh fruit on the table and a bottle of champagne or dry wine, previously kept in the refrigerator. Such minimal measures on your part to prepare the place will completely relieve you of reproaches and create the necessary comfortable conditions for both of you.

Error two. Sharpness in actions

Despite experiencing a strong attack of passion, you still need to always take care of your girlfriend and, under no circumstances don't forget about the most important part of a sexual relationship - their foreplay. How and in what ways you will please your partner is your personal abilities and skills.

The female body always requires the most gentle approach.

Always listen to your girlfriend, do not forget about the importance of “warming up” so that you do not receive negative feedback in your direction in the future.

Error three. Loss of self-control

Sometimes men are very temperamental and do not want to wait long. If you have already managed to spend your time courting in candy-bouquet period, so why rush now at the most crucial moment of sexual relations. Think not only about your pleasure, but also about the sensations and pleasures of the partner. Everything is already in your hands; haste in this case is in no way appropriate.

Error four. Ignoring hints

Many women, pitying the emotional feelings of a man, instead of directly saying what they like best in bed, try to show their desires with some kind of gestures or “body language”. Attentively take a closer look in his girlfriend and determine, like or what methods does she prefer? so that you behave, for example, to be more gentle and show care and affection, or vice versa, to be able to show your masculine strength.

Error five. “I want everything at once!”

This happens to all men who want to receive from their partner the complete embodiment of all their cherished sexual fantasies in one night of love. Don't rush your partner, and never use brute male force. All you need to do is discuss in time what exactly you like and agree on the most optimal options.

Error six. Disdainful attitude

Most girls during sexual games I don’t like the “macho” image, which some men want to try on themselves. Such an imposed image, often exploited, is not to the liking of girls, as they see it as a disrespectful attitude towards themselves in bed, treating themselves as a sexual toy.

The very first time a girl can play along with a man for fear of somehow offending him.

But with the constant implementation of this kind of scenario, the man risks changing roles with her.

Error seventh. “I am the main commander here”

“The head of everything and everyone is a man!” - this is the wrong motto that is extremely inappropriate in bed with the girl you love. Sometimes it only causes a manifestation of personal self-satisfaction. It is necessary to consult a friend with a friend and discuss how you want to do it and whether it applies to both of you.

Error eight. Lack of competent knowledge about erogenous zones on a woman’s body

Self-confident lovers need to know that they are familiar with the structure of the female body and in the peculiarities of the location of its individual erogenous points. It is very stupid to determine that only the breasts and the genital area are the very places from which girls receive maximum satisfaction from touching. We must not forget about gentle affectionate touches and stroking the girl’s feet, kissing the neck, back, magical curves of the waist.

Error nine. “I’m happy, and so is the girl!”

Very common mistake men to realize that when receiving a male orgasm, a girl can receive the same sensations. Should be able to distinguish girl simulation who tries to please you in any case and maintain your status as a “real man” in bed. Of course, such important experience comes with age, so always pay great attention to your beloved partner during sexual union. As a last resort, you can bring her to a frank conversation, although girls, for the most part, begin to have complexes in a conversation with a man on such intimate topics.

Error ten. "Business before pleasure!"

Dear men, try not to forget that absolutely all girls don’t like it when, after rough sex, you quickly leave or turn away and go to bed. After all girls even after stormy hugs it is very important to be attentive to them. Therefore, after sex and mutual satisfaction, spend a small amount of time on kisses and hugs, which are designed to complete the love process. Don’t leave your partner alone, talk to her about something pleasant, give her compliments regarding her tenderness and affection towards you. You need to find time to chat with a girl for at least half an hour. Respect your chosen one and don't let her feel abandoned immediately after sex.

After all, sex is sex, and it’s better not to lose your human appearance.

Now you are familiar with what most men “burn” on, be sure to reflect on your mistakes and draw the necessary important conclusions.

All the best on the love front is ahead of you!