Lesson on the social world in the senior group. Long-term plan social world calendar and thematic planning (senior group) on the topic. "Objective and man-made world"

Organization: MBDOU No. 4 “Yagodka”

Locality: Dankov

Goal: Fostering love and respect for family and friends, knowledge of one’s last name, first name and patronymic, family tree and ancestry.

Objectives: To introduce children to the concept of “pedigree”, “family tree”.

To consolidate and expand children's understanding of their relatives.

Develop the ability to reason, compare, draw conclusions, develop memory, imagination, logical thinking.

Strengthen children's ability to select adjectives and antonyms.

Foster positive family relationships, mutual assistance, love, and respect for the work of all family members.

Preliminary work:

Learning the first name, patronymic, profession and place of work of parents.

Teacher's conversation with children about "family tree", "pedigree" families.

Matching children with parents "genealogical" tree, starting with grandparents.

Observing and remembering what responsibilities and what work family members do at home.

A conversation between parents and a child about the family / to get answers to the questions: “How many people are in the family? Who is the eldest in the family? Who is the youngest?

Visual material: Poster "Family tree", family photographs, illustrations with images of the family.

Equipment: Model of a tree, photographs of children, teachers, assistant teacher, story pictures, colored threads for knitting - blue, green, yellow, scissors, glue.

Organizing time.

Hello, dear children. You are the most beautiful in the world. We look so good looking. I suggest forming a circle.

All the children gathered in a circle,

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands together

And let's smile at each other!

(Hold hands and look at each other with a smile).

Guys, with a handshake, I convey to you all my kindness, positive emotions, good mood, friendship, and it goes from me to Nastya, from Nastya to Ivan (children’s names) and so on in a circle and returns to me. I feel that each of you added a piece of your kindness and friendship. Let it warm you and not leave you throughout the day!

Guys, look how many guests have gathered, let's welcome them.

Main part.

Today I invite you to take a trip to the television studio for the children's program “My Family.”

You agree to be participants in this program. (Children's answers) And now I suggest you go to the television studio (children sit on chairs).

Are the TV show participants ready? (children's answers). Well then let's begin!

Good afternoon, dear TV viewers. Let's start our show - "My family", and I, its presenter Tatyana Mikhailovna, greet you. Today in our studio there are guests of the program and participants, children from kindergarten No. 4 "Berry" Lipetsk region, city of Dankov. The guys came to our studio to talk about themselves, their family, their dear and close people.

Guys, please tell me!

“What do all people have, but each has their own?”

Children: Name

Educator: How do people from different families differ?

Children: Last name

Educator: Guys, please tell me what they call people living in the same house or apartment?

Children: Family, family.

Educator: Guys, how do you understand the word "family"? What's happened "family"?

Children: These are people close to us who live in the same house, take care of each other and show attention.

Educator: A family unites relatives: children, grandparents, brothers, sisters. These are our relatives, relatives.

Educator: Every family loves to play. Let's play with you.

3. Ball game: “Who am I to you?”

Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about family ties. Continue learning, pronounce words clearly.

Progress: Children sit on chairs. The teacher throws the ball to the child and asks the question: “I’m a grandmother, and who are you to me?”. The child returns the ball. Answering the question “Grandson (granddaughter)" etc.

“I am a mother, and who are you to me?”

“I am an aunt, and who are you to me?”

“I am a sister, and who are you to me?”

“I am a daughter, and who are you to me?”

“I am a granddaughter, and who are you to me?”

Educator: Family is the most precious thing a person has. It is no coincidence that there are so many sayings and proverbs about family in the Russian language. Let's remember proverbs and sayings about family.

Game “Explain the meaning of the proverb.”

Goal: To teach children to understand and explain the meaning of proverbs, to develop speech.

Progress of the game: The teacher reads proverbs about the family, the children explain their meaning.

– The family has been revered since ancient times, people have created many proverbs.

“The sun is warm, the mother is good”

“There is no sweeter friend than your own mother”

– How do you understand the meaning of these proverbs?

– What proverbs do you know about family?

Children: - You don’t need a treasure if there is harmony in the family.

A family is strong when there is only one roof over it.

A family in a heap - not even a cloud is scary.

The whole family is together, and the soul is in place.

Like the roots, like the tops, like the parents, like the children.

In a good family, good children grow up.

Educator: People have long tried to preserve the memory of their relatives for future generations. There were always many relatives, and in order to remember everyone, they decided to write down their names and surnames in special notebooks, so that they could then pass this information on to their children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and great-great-grandchildren. These records were called "pedigrees".

And then people came up with the idea of ​​sketching their "pedigree" in the form of a tree, where leaves and branches depicted generations and family members. Thus, information about many generations of relatives was preserved in the memory of descendants for many years, even centuries.

And they began to call this tree "family tree".You and your parents also sketched the family tree of your family, try to tell about it.

Didactic game “Tell about your family tree” (Starting with grandparents, dad, mom, brothers, sisters, name their names. What do they do: retired, work or study.

Physical education “Family exercise”

(Movements in accordance with the text)

In autumn, spring

Summer and winter

We go out into the yard

Friendly family.

Let's stand in a circle and in order

Everyone does exercises.

Mom raises her hands.

Dad cheerfully squats

Turns right - left

My brother Seva makes it.

I jog myself

And I shake my head.

Didactic game “Compare, who is older? Who is younger?

Dad is grandfather. (Grandfather is older and dad is younger);

Mom is a grandmother. (Grandmother is older, and mother is younger);

Grandfather - grandson. (Grandfather is older and grandson is younger);

Grandmother - granddaughter. (Grandmother is older, and granddaughter is younger);

Brother - sister. (The brother is older and the sister is younger).

Psycho-gymnastics “Family”

Educator: show me what facial expressions mom and dad have when they are happy? Look how happy (child’s name) is, let’s ask him, when are mom and dad so happy?
Educator: show me what facial expressions mom and dad have when they are surprised? I wonder when dad and mom are surprised?
Educator: show me what facial expressions mom and dad have when they are angry? (child’s name) had such an expressive face, I want to ask her. When are dad and mom angry?
Educator: show me what facial expressions mom and dad have when they get scared? When do (child’s name) parents get scared? What could scare them so much?
Educator: show me what facial expressions mom and dad have when they are calm?

Didactic game “Say the opposite”

Grandfather old - grandson (young);

Dad is tall - son (short);

Hardworking brother - sister (lazy);

Linen is clean - (dirty);

Fresh bread - (stale);

Young mother - grandmother (old);

Dad is strict - mom (kind) and other pairs of words.

Finger gymnastics “Who lives in my apartment?”

One two three four

(claps hands)

Who lives in my apartment?


One two three four five,

(claps hands)

(hands to the side)

Dad, mom, brother, sister,

(bend one finger on both hands)

My goldfinch, cricket and I are my whole family.

(clench and unclench fists)

Ball game “Tell me, whose, whose, whose, whose?”

Scarf (whose) - mother’s, father’s, grandfather’s...

Hat (whose) - mother's, grandmother's...

Glasses (whose) - grandfather's, grandmother's...

Dress (whose) - sisters, mother’s...

Shoes (whose) - brother's, father's...

Jacket (whose) - mother's, father's, sister's, brother's...

Cloak (whose) - mother's, sisters', grandfather's, father's...

Bag (whose) - mom’s, dad’s, grandma’s…

Briefcase (whose) - sister, brother... etc.


– It’s so good that you all have a family! You are the happiest children in the world, because in your families they love each other, everyone lives cheerfully and amicably together. The main thing is that there is always peace, friendship, respect, and love for each other in the family.

I wanted to tell you about mine. But since I have neither photographs nor paintings, I will show my relatives on strings. Here is the blue thread, it is the longest - this is my dad. He is tall, strong and kind. This is a red thread, a little shorter. This is my mother, she is the most affectionate, caring and kind. An even shorter thread, yellow, is me. And the same short thread is my sister, because she and I are twins. This is the kind of friendly family we have.

Who lives in your families? Tell me.

Children lay out threads on velvet paper (length, color of thread, order, children correlate with a family member independently).

Educator: Well done, what wonderful families you have.

1. Family name

2. story about mom (What is your mother’s name, what does she work for)

3. story about dad (What is dad's name, what does he do?)

4. wishes to the family

Guys, do any of you want to talk about your family using strings? (I ask 3-4 people).

Educator: The closest people live in the family. Let's say kind and beautiful words for them.

– Tell me the best words about your mother, what is she like (caring, hardworking, gentle, affectionate?

– What can mom do? (sew, cook, wash, wash)

What does mom do? (profession)

- What about dad? (strong, brave, hardworking)

- What can dad do? (tinker, saw, dig, vacuum)


“Kindergarten is my second family” -

Educator: - Guys, you told about your family. You all did very well.

Do you know that you have another big family, where they also love you, and are always happy to see you, feed you delicious food, play with you, conduct interesting activities, read, help you become strong, smart and healthy. What kind of second family is this?

Children: - Kindergarten.

Now let's place your photos on the tree of our second family, grow a tree of our group.

Do you think we have a friendly family (Children's answers)

Lesson summary

Educator: - It’s so good that you all have a family! You are the happiest children in the world, because in your families they love each other, everyone lives cheerfully and amicably together. Families are big and small. The main thing is that there is always peace, friendship, respect, and love for each other in the family.

Let's say goodbye to your families and say goodbye to you.

I have a magic candle with the help of which all wishes will definitely come true. (We pass the candle around)

This concludes our TV show. Goodbye! Until we meet again, dear guests and participants in the TV show “My Family”

List of used literature.

  1. Dybina O. V. Familiarization with the subject and social environment. Senior group.
  2. Golitsina N. S. Notes of complex thematic classes. Senior group.
  3. Rose T.V. Large explanatory dictionary of proverbs and sayings. M., 2010.
  4. Chistyakova M.I. Psycho-gymnastics. M., 1990.

Svetlana Rabinchuk
Final lesson on the section “Social world” in the senior group

Final lesson for the section

« Social world» .


1. Consolidate and generalize children’s knowledge about people and their differences (gender, age, profession, emotions).

2. Develop in children oral speech, the ability to correctly and consistently express their thoughts, and defend their point of view.

3. Foster a culture of behavior and communication with peers and adults.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.

Guys, I didn’t come to you alone. Pinocchio came with me. He's getting ready to go to school, but he's not quite ready yet. There is a lot he doesn’t know or understand and wants you to help him. First, let's say hello to Pinocchio and do it in different ways. For example, I'll pat him on the head and I'll tell you: "Hello"(pat on the shoulder; how friends and strangers greet each other; what you can say when meeting in the morning or afternoon).

And now, let’s also say hello to the neighbor on the right. Well done, sit down.

2. Conversation about the differences and similarities of people.

Look, Pinocchio brought us something (a collage about people of different genders, ages, appearances, professions and emotions is displayed).

Let's take a closer look at this poster. First, let's raise our eyes to the top part, then look in the middle and the bottom part. Did you look carefully?

How can you say in one word – who is this? (People).

Do you think they are all the same or different? (different).

Well, why are they different, here is a woman in a white coat and here is a woman in a white coat (a doctor and a salesman, what’s different about them? (professions).

But people of the same profession (cooks)- what's different? (male and female).

There are two men at the top of the poster - what's different? (age).

At the bottom there is a child and next to the doctor there is a child (age).

A child is near a doctor and a child is standing (boy and girl)

Two girls of the same age (emotions, mood)

There are different people on the poster, but you and I are people? (Yes)

If I ask, stand up boys (stand up, now stand up girls (stand up). What should I say or what should I call you so that only one person can stand up? (Name).

Well done, sit down.

Guys, every person has a name, but a name is not just a word to which a person responds, a name is a magic mirror that can tell us about a person. I will now call your names, and the one whose name I call must sit on the throne and put on the crown. Because it is a great honor and pride to be called by a name.

3. Relaxation "Sunny Bunny".

Guys, a sunbeam came to play with us, he looked into your eyes - close them. It ran further down the face. Stroke him gently palms: on the forehead, nose, mouth, cheeks, chin. Carefully stroke it so as not to scare away: head, neck, tummy, arms, legs. He got behind the collar - pet him there. He is not a mischievous person, he loves and caresses you, and you pet him and make friends with him. Smile at him.

4. Human emotions.

What's your mood now? (joyful, cheerful).

Show us an emotion that matches your mood.

Draw a hungry wolf. What are you like? (angry).

If your best friend forgot to wish you a happy birthday. (sadness).

You are lost in the big city. Cars are driving around, strangers are rushing somewhere, but you are alone and don’t know where to go. (fear).

You came to kindergarten, opened your locker, and your sandals were not there. Where did they go? (astonishment).

Pinocchio offers to play a game "The sea is agitated once"- but according to Buratino’s rules, instead of a marine figure we will depict different emotions.

(the sea is agitated once, ... the emotion of fear is frozen)

Well done, now Pinocchio remembers all the emotions.

5. Conversation about family and family relationships.

And Pinocchio has something else in his backpack (I take out an envelope)- let's sit down and see what's there (family photo)

How can you say in one word who is shown in the picture? (family)

Why do you think so? (household clothes, each busy with his own business)

Who can be called a family member?

D/game “Who is who?”

Let us put our words in an envelope and all together listen to what kind of relatives we named (bring it to everyone). The word is heard "grandson", "daughter"... We will put this envelope with words in Pinocchio’s backpack.

6. Politeness and friendship.

Yes, Pinocchio has another postcard. What is written there? (reading a poem about Lyubochka).

Did you like the girl? (No).

Why? But it seems to me that she’s a good girl, she’s doing everything right. What did she do wrong? (didn’t help mom, didn’t give way to grandma).

Would you be friends with such a girl? (No).

So Buratino didn’t like Lyuba, and he doesn’t want to be friends with her, and he doesn’t know what kind of friend a friend should be. Shall we help?

Let's collect a friendship necklace for him. Each of you, stringing your bead, will say what a friend should be like. (respect seniors, help people, be able to play with children)

Let's give our friendship necklace to Pinocchio so that he can find true friends.

7. Lesson summary.

You helped Buratino, told him that people are all different. But, despite this, there is something that unites us all - we are all human, we all go to the same kindergarten, we all live on the big planet Earth. And for all of us to have fun and joy, we need to smile more often and give our smiles to others. Let's give each other the magic words - DON'T BE ANGRY, SMILE. (round).

Anastasia Mikhailyuk
Long-term plan “Social world”. Senior group

Visionary Plan for Social Peace.


Subject: "Native language".

1 lesson. "Zaya-Pandita".


1. Introduce the founder of Kalmyk writing.

2. Give an idea of ​​Zaya-Pandit as a scientist.

3. Cultivate a love for the native language and Kalmyk history.


Materials: Portrait of a scientist, hieroglyphs - writing.

Subject: "Kindergarten".

Lesson 2. Kindergarten is my second family. (excursion to the village)


1. Teach children to talk about family, kindergarten.

2. Develop the ability to express your feelings, identify the child’s comfort in kindergarten.

3. Love the professions of the people who care about them (teacher, nurse, cook, etc.)

Techniques: Tour of the kindergarten, conversations with kindergarten staff

Subject: "Harvesting"

1 lesson. What has autumn brought us?


1. Learn to look at pictures in the garden, find the main thing in the picture, explain why he thinks so.

2. Consolidate knowledge about the characteristic properties of vegetables and fruits (shape, color)

3. Instill respect for the work of vegetable growers and gardeners.

Techniques: Paintings. Vegetables and fruits (dummies or fresh).

Subject: "Wild Birds"

Lesson 2. Birds from different countries.


1. Develop generalized ideas about birds living not only in our country, but also in other countries.

2. Expand children’s knowledge and ideas about the appearance features, life manifestations, habits of birds, and their adaptation to their habitat.

3. Develop an interest in bird life.

Techniques: Observation, looking at illustrations about birds.

Subject: "My country"

1 lesson. I love you, Russia.


1. Cultivate love for one’s native homeland, a sense of pride in one’s country, Russia.

2. Introduce the world map, the place of Russia on the map. Russian coat of arms, flag, anthem.

3. Interest in the historical past of Russia

Techniques:Look at the illustrations. Reading stories, poems, listening to a hymn.

Materials: map, tricolor flag, coat of arms.

Subject: "Profession"

Lesson 2. Who will you be when you grow up?


1 Form an idea of ​​what a profession is.

2 Arouse interest in different professions.

3 Foster respect for professional people, promote independent thinking and choice.

Material: Volochkov's book pp. 39-48 lesson 8

Subject: "Zul"

1 lesson. Kalmyk New Year.


1. Continue to expand children’s knowledge about the Kalmyk national holiday

2. Introduce customs and rituals.

3. Development of cognitive abilities.

4. Foster cultural traditions.

Subject: "Poultry"

Lesson 2. A conversation about poultry.


1. Generalize a specific idea about poultry and form the concept of poultry.

2. Learn to establish essential signs for generalizations: they live with a person, they are useful, the person takes care of them. Classify – waterfowl and non-waterfowl.

3. The ability to supplement the answer of peers.

Materials: Pictures of poultry.

Subject: "Winter"

1 lesson. So many interesting things happen in winter.


1 To form a generalized idea of ​​children about winter, the state of inanimate nature. (the sun as a source of light and heat, the nature of the soil, air conditions). The state of living nature - the plant and living world.

2 Develop cognitive activity.

3 Learn to establish cause-and-effect relationships, the ability to use models in cognitive activity.

4 Foster a desire to help animals in winter, a positive attitude towards winter.

D. p. in ecology page 108

Subject: "Clothes and shoes"

Lesson 2.


1 Continue to introduce children to clothing and footwear products (what are they made of, who sews them)

2 Develop logic and thinking in children. Learn to correctly classify shoes and clothing by season and be able to prove it.

3 Be careful and thrifty with your clothes.

Subject: "Transport"

1 lesson. Cars on our street.


1 Develop interest in the words and actions of adults.

2 Strengthen basic understanding of transport, the ability to highlight some features of an object, identify the material and its characteristics.

3 Teach to establish connections between the purpose and structure of cars, (what are they for, what is a passenger and cargo vehicle).

4 Instill in children respect for the hard work of drivers.

Subject: "Our Defenders"

Lesson 2. Our army.


1 Clarify children’s ideas about our Army (soldiers, sailors, etc.)

2 Introduce the branches of the military and military professions.

3 Children have great courage, bravery, strength.

Materials: pictures with branches of the military. Comprehensive classes at preschool educational institutions


Subject: "Traditions and customs"

1 lesson. Birth of a child. Russian and Kalmyk family.


1 To introduce the customs and traditions of the Kalmyk and Russian people.

2 To form a feeling of love for the Motherland based on the study of national cultural traditions.

3 Expand knowledge of the foundations of the culture and art of our ancestors, help the child feel himself in the flow of time as a continuer of the work of his ancestors

4 To promote the development of children's cognitive and creative skills.

5 To instill in children love and pride for their native land, to introduce children to the talent and skill of their ancestors and caring attitude towards everything that they created and left to us.

Subject: "I'm in the art world"

Lesson 2. Music and painting decorate our lives.


1. Draw the child’s attention to the importance of creativity in a person’s personality.

2. Teach to see and hear the beauty of a work of art, painting and music.

3. Eight cognitive interest and desire for creative activity.

Volochkova, Stepanova pp. 104 - 106

Subject: "My Kalmykia"

1 lesson. My Republic of Kalmykia


1 Enrich knowledge about your small homeland - Kalmykia.

2 Continue to introduce the sights of the capital - the city of Elista, with the workers of Kalmykia - shepherds, people of the fields.

3 Talk about the defenders of the Fatherland, with monuments to those who defended the city of Elista.

4 Eight patriotic feelings, love for the Motherland.

Volochkova pp. 112-118 (approximately)

Subject: « Planet Earth, Space"


1 Introduce children to planet earth, explain the word space, introduce the globe.

2 Teach children to explain what space objects are planets, astronauts.

3 Instill a love for the scientific achievements of our country.

Materials: books about space, about earth, about astronauts. Book-album on speech development for preschoolers pp. 58-59

Subject: "Victory Day"

1 lesson. Echo of a passing wave.


1 Introduce children to the exploits of people during the Great Patriotic War.

2 Give an idea of ​​who defended and is defending the Motherland.

3 Eighth love for the Motherland. To know that war brings tears and grief.

Techniques: Reading poems, stories, looking at illustrations.

Subject: "My family"

Lesson 2.


1 Clarify the idea of ​​the family, the work responsibilities of family members (at work and at home)

2 An attentive and caring attitude towards family members, a desire to help them; about family history (where and how the family lived, who the grandparents were)

3 Teach to take care of the younger ones, show compassion for children, parents and loved ones.


  1. To consolidate the idea of ​​​​what a family is, about some family relationships.
  2. Give an idea of ​​the pedigree.


  1. Summarize and clarify children’s knowledge about the family, who their relatives are; form an idea of ​​family composition using models.
  2. Encourage to name the names and homelands of family members.
  3. Cultivate a sensitive attitude towards the closest people - family members.

Demonstration material: family photographs, pictures of all family members, a toothbrush, a wooden model of a family tree.

Preliminary work:

1. Looking at photographs and illustrations.

2. Reading the poems “My Relatives” by Y. Akim, “The Best!” O. Chusovitina, “Grandma’s Hands” by L. Kvitko, “Who loves you, children, more?” I. Kosyakov (Appendix No. 1).

Progress of classes

The teacher reads out the lines of poetry and invites the children to determine the topic of the lesson:

Very wise grandfathers,

Two grannies are beautiful.

Dad, my mommy -

This is all mine... (Family)

The teacher displays a picture of all family members.

Who is pictured here?

Children call: dad, mom, brother, sister, grandmother, grandfather, son, daughter.....

The teacher shows photographs of the children's family, asks them to find their family and name family members.

Educator: Each family consists of individual people - relatives - father, mother, daughter, son - family members. All of them together form one whole - a family.

The teacher invites the children to remember fairy tales where the main characters lived as one family.

Children's answers…..

Game "Who do you live with?" Each child tells who he lives with.

The teacher suggests taking a little rest...

Finger gymnastics.

The teacher talks about what the family has in common - the surname.

And he offers to name the names and surnames of his parents.

The teacher draws attention to the fact that in addition to the last name and first name, each family member has a patronymic, which is given to the child by the name of the father. Gives an example.

Game "Name your middle name." The teacher calls the man's name, and the children say what his middle name will be.

After completion, you are asked to give your full name, surname and patronymic.

The teacher says that families are different, but the most important thing is that everyone loves and respects each other and tries to help, and each family has its own pedigree.

The teacher shows a tree with photographs and says that this is how you can create a family tree, where you can hang photographs of relatives.

Explains that this is the story of a family with customs and interests.

The teacher invites the children to document their pedigree at home with their parents and bring it to the group.

Annex 1

The best!

Can he play football?

Can you heat up the soup for me?

Maybe watch a cartoon

Can he play checkers?

Maybe even wash the cups,

Can draw cars

Can collect pictures

Maybe take me for a ride

Instead of a fast horse.

Can he catch fish?

Fix the faucet in the kitchen.

For me there is always a hero -

My best DAD!

(O. Chusovitina.)

My relatives

Mom and dad are my relatives.

I have no relatives more dear to me.

And sister relatives, and brother,

And the flop-eared puppy Tishka.

I love my family very much.

I'll buy gifts for everyone soon.

Dad will have a motor boat,

A magic brush for mom in the kitchen,

A real hammer for my brother,

Ball for sister, candy for Tishka.

And I also have a friend,

Friend Seryozhka is also related to me.

I run to him in the morning,

Without him, the game is not a game for me.

I tell him all the secrets

I will give him everything in the world.

Grandma's hands

Me with my grandmother

I've been friends for a long time.

She's in everything

At the same time with me.

I don't know boredom with her,

And I love everything about her.

But grandma's hands

I love everything more than anything.

Oh, how many are these hands?

They are doing wonderful things!

They patch, knit, mark,

Everyone is making something.

The foams are spread so thickly,

They sprinkle poppy seeds so thickly,

They rub the steps so roughly,

They caress you so tenderly...

Evening will come - shadows

Weave on the wall

And fairy tales and dreams

They tell me.

By bedtime the night light will be lit -

And then they suddenly fall silent.

There is no one in the world smarter than them

And there are no kinder hands.

(L. Kvitko.)

“Who loves you children more?”

Who loves you children more?

Who loves you so tenderly

And takes care of you

Without closing your eyes at night?

"Mom dear."

Who sings songs to you?

Who tells you fairy tales

And gives you toys?

"Mom is golden."

If, children, you are lazy,

Naughty, playful,

What happens sometimes -

Who is shedding tears then?

“That’s all, dear.”

(I. Kosyakov.)

When compiling this summary, the following literature was used:

  1. Dybina O. V. Familiarization with the subject and social environment. Senior group.
  2. Golitsina N. S. Notes of complex thematic classes. Senior group.
  3. Games for developing fine motor skills using non-standard equipment. – Author-comp. O. A. Zazhigina.

Modern society is interested in raising a highly developed, unique personality. The ability to cope with manifestations of one’s own egoism, respect the opinions of other people, come to the rescue, sympathize and empathize with other people - these are the necessary qualities that must be laid in preschool age.

The concept of preschool education highlights the following task: to introduce children to the world of moral human values.

In accordance with the federal state educational standard, one of the main areas of child development is social and communicative. It is aimed at developing the child’s communication and interaction with adults and peers; development of emotional responsiveness, empathy, formation of readiness for joint activities with peers, formation of a respectful attitude and a sense of belonging to the community of children and adults in the Organization.

By the end of preschool age, value foundations (friendship, kindness, mercy, compassion) can and should be formed.

Unfortunately, in modern kindergartens, children do not show enough friendly relationships with each other. This is due to the fact that material values ​​prevail over moral ones, therefore children have distorted ideas about kindness, mercy, generosity, justice, mutual assistance, and friendship. This problem is relevant right now, when we are witnessing such a situation (indifferent society, propaganda of violence, computerization of life). Currently, Russia is going through one of the difficult historical periods. And the greatest danger facing our society today is not the collapse of the economy, not the change of the political system, but the destruction of the individual.

I believe that kids need to be taught to be friends. This lesson is aimed at systematizing children’s knowledge about the rules of friendship, developing the ability to understand and evaluate the actions of other people, and nurturing friendly relationships.



Summary of GCD for familiarization with the social world

in the senior group “Rules of Friendship”

Developer: Educator I

qualification category

Buzina O.G.



  • Continue to introduce children to the rules of friendly relationships, develop the ability to understand and evaluate the actions of other people. Strengthen the ability to coordinate pronouns with nouns.
  • Develop emotional, visual, auditory perception, logical thinking through explaining the meaning of proverbs, coordinating speech with movements.
  • Cultivate friendly relationships.

Materials: magnetic board, pictures-symbols of the rules of friendship, pictures of a hedgehog, a bear and a swing, a tape recorder, a fragment of the song “Smile” by V. Shainsky, an audio recording from the cartoon “Fixies”, friendship medals, a toy bear, a pointer.

Progress of the lesson:

Children enter the hall. Welcome guests.

Educator: Are you ready to study?

Children: We are ready to study, we will try very hard!


The clouds are friends with the sky,

And dew with grass.

A butterfly and a flower are friends,

We are friends with you.

Adults and children are friends

Everyone should be friends in the world!

What do you guys think, what will we talk about in our lesson?

Children: We will talk about friendship. Sit down on the chairs.

Educator: I think someone is coming towards us

The teacher says:

The gloomy little bear is walking through the forest,

Sings a song without noticing anyone.

He growls, he grumbles, he stomps his feet.

Why is our bear angry?

We don't know ourselves?

Educator: Guys, let's ask why Mishka is so gloomy and angry. Veronica, ask Mishka.

Bear: No one wants to be friends with me, none of the animals in the forest want to take me into the game.

Educator: Guys, why do you think no one wants to be friends with him?

Children's answers: ...

Educator: How can you help the bear?

Children's answers:...

Educator: Let's teach Mishka how to be friends and introduce him to the rules of friendship! Do you agree?

II. Main part:

Educator: The first rule is “hidden” in the song. Do you want to hear it? Sit down nicely, let's listen to the song and find out where friendship begins. Let's listen...

(I sit on a chair while listening, learn the song with the children)

An audio recording of the song “Friendship Begins with a Smile” is played.

Educator: So where does friendship begin?

Children: Friendship begins with a smile!

Educator: So easily we figured out the first rule of friendship. Remember, Mishka: “Smile more often - and you will have many friends!” (A picture symbol of the first rule of friendship is placed on the magnetic board)

Guys, let's teach Mishka to smile. Let's stand in a circle and look into each other's eyes, give each other the kindest smile and call each other affectionately by name.

Communication game “Tender name, kind smile!”

Educator: How nice it is when you smile at each other! After all, a smile is a symbol of kindness, good mood and friendliness! Take your seats and we will continue to introduce Little Bear to the rules of friendship.

Educator: There are guys whose favorite words are: “My!” My! My!". What can you call such a person?

Children: Such a person is called a greedy person.

Educator: Now we will play the game “Greedy”. You will take an object from the bag and say about it: mine, mine, mine.

D/i "Greedy".

Educator: Did you like being greedy? Would you like to be friends with a greedy person? Who can name the second rule of friendship? Misha, remember the second rule of friendship: “Don’t be greedy, share with your friends!” (A picture symbol of the rule is displayed). Guys, let's give the "Wonderful Bag" to Little Bear so that he doesn't forget this rule.

Educator: Guys, does it ever happen that you quarrel? What causes quarrels most often?

Children: because of toys.

Educator: So, the most common reason when you cannot give in is to agree. I know the story about the bear cub who quarreled with the Hedgehog. Guys, do you want to hear it? Then sit down comfortably, do not forget about the straight back.

Children: Yes (pictures of a Teddy Bear, a hedgehog and a swing are laid out on a magnetic board at the children’s eye level)

There lived two friends Mishka and Hedgehog

One day they went for a walk

And in the clearing they found a swing.

Teddy bear pulled the swing towards himself

Bear: “I’m first! »

And Hedgehog: “No, me! »

Friends are not inferior to each other.

Mishka was offended: “So you are a Hedgehog,

He's not good at all as a friend! »

Educator: What happened that they didn’t share?

Children: they couldn’t share the swing

Educator: Why did Mishka decide not to be friends with the Hedgehog?

Children: Each of them wanted to ride on a swing.

Educator: How to reconcile Mishka and Hedgehog?

Children: they must agree.

Educator: Let me tell the story again, but with a cheerful, good ending, when Mishka and the hedgehog agreed.

In a quiet forest, among bushes and paths,

There lived two friends Mishka and Hedgehog

One day they went for a walk

And in the clearing they found a swing.

The hedgehog stepped towards the swing

Teddy bear pulled the swing towards himself

The bear said: “I’ll rock you,

You and I are friends, Hedgehog.”

Educator: Guys, did you like this story? Who can name the third rule of friendship? Bear, remember one more rule of friendship: “Know how to give in.” (A picture symbol of the rule is displayed).

Educator: Now let’s rest a little and play the game “If you have a good friend” (show emotions).

The mood has dropped, the matter is falling out of hand (the children are facing each other, their hands

Up, gradually lower your hands);

But all is not lost (they shake their fingers at each other);

If you have a good friend. (clap hands);

We can handle this together, (hold hands);

Let's breathe a sigh of relief. (sigh);

We raise our spirits (raise our hands up);

And we hug our friends (hug).

Educator: Guys, Mishka forgot all the proverbs about friendship, let's help him remember. (The bear whispers to the teacher, the teacher says):

A man without friends is like a tree... (without roots).

How do you understand this proverb?

Children: A person without friends is lonely, without support, he has no one to rely on.

Don’t have 100 rubles, but have... (100 friends).

How do you understand this?

Children: Friends are more valuable than money.

If you don’t have a friend, look for it, but you found it... (take care).

What does this proverb mean?

Children: Friends should be protected, not offended, and valued.

An old friend is better than two new ones).

Explain to Mishka what this proverb means.

Children: An old friend is reliable.

Educator: Proverbs teach us to take care of friends and value friendship. After all, a friend will help you out of trouble and will always help you. And having fun together is more interesting. Guys, what rule of Friendship did the proverbs help us unravel?

Children: You need to take care of your friends!

Bear: Guys, thank you for your help, I remembered all the proverbs about friendship.

Educator: real friends, Misha, always come to the rescue. And this is another rule of friendship: “Help a friend.”

These are the simple rules, Misha, that the children of our group follow. Guys, let's say these rules again. Misha, we are giving you hint cards. Follow the rules of friendship and you will have many kind and faithful friends. And so that Bear can better remember the Rules of Friendship, guys, let’s play the game “Yes-yes-yes, no-no-no.”

Educator: If you agree with me, answer: yes, yes, yes, if you don’t like my advice, answer: no, no, no. Be careful. Ready?

Will we be strong friends?

Should we value our friendship?

Will we play together?

Shall we help a friend?

Need to piss off a friend?

How about giving a smile?

Should you offend a friend?

Should I give up the toys?

Shall we share sweets?

Will we be strong friends?

Bear: Thank you guys for teaching me how to be friends, you are real friends. As a token of gratitude, I want to give you a gift. Close your eyes.

(Place the flower on the table)

This is the flower of friendship. On each of its petals you will find the rule of friendly guys. Let this flower live in your group and remind you of the rules of friendship. Goodbye, guys!

Children: Goodbye, Mishka!


Educator: Guys, who was the guest today and how did we help him?

Children: Today Mishka came to us, we taught him to be friends.

Educator: Well done! You did well and for this, I present you with Friendship medals.

And we’ll finish our lesson with the cheerful “Helper” dance.

Dance "Helper".

Well done, now find yourself a friend and hold hands tightly and let’s go to the group.