Design lesson (origami) “Ladybug” (preparatory group). Children's educational games, lessons, crafts Made from velvet cardboard

Master Class. Making a ladybug from paper in different ways

Head: Tatyana Alekseevna Dubyk, teacher

Progress of the master class

The ladybug's head is not visible.

Don't catch her, please, children!

She is cuter than all the insects in the world.

Let him make us happy on a green leaf,

In an orange scarf with a black dot.

To make such ladybugs you will need: colored paper (we took it for the printer), scissors, glue, colored pencils.

Ladybug option number 1

Bend a square of red paper diagonally.

Unfold the piece and bend it diagonally on the other side.

Make a triangle out of the square, bending the sides of the square inward. This is a basic origami model - a triangle.

Fold the resulting part in half, marking the middle, draw the base of the beetle on one side, and cut it out.

Trace with a pencil and cut out the second part

We ended up with something like this.

Cut out the head and circles for the wings from black paper and glue them on.

The beetle is ready.

Ladybug option number 2

Draw a semicircle on a rectangular sheet of paper and cut it out.

Fold the edges towards the middle - these are wings.

Draw black circles on the wings with a pencil and glue the head. Just a few minutes and our beauty is ready. Even kids can master this craft.

Ladybug option number 3

Cut out a heart-shaped template from cardboard - this will be the body of the ladybug.

We make colored parts using the template.

From black paper we cut out heads and circles for wings, glue them and admire them.

Ladybug option number 4

We bend the square sheet diagonally to form a triangle.

Now we need to make the ladybug's head. We turn the resulting figure over and bend the top corner up.

Now our bug is ready, all that remains is to add black spots and a head.

What a beauty!

This bright paper bug, so reminiscent of a ladybug, is a famous insect loved by children. It can crawl on your table, on your windowsill, or on a flower pot if you make it using the origami technique. We present a detailed assembly diagram that will help everyone who wants to make this wonderful craft. Children, who are very fond of ladybugs and always catch the first spring bugs and bring them into the house, will be especially happy about this prospect. And the red bug is the most harmless and famous.
When starting a creative lesson, be sure to stock up on red paper, and if you have it, it’s better to use red paper with black specks; perhaps you will find such material in the Lady Bug style on sale. This could be a sheet for gift wrapping or scrapbooking. If the paper is just red, then you can always draw the specks yourself by hand. An origami figurine will become a canvas for creativity. This is what we will talk about in this lesson.
What you need to have to make a little origami ladybug:

  • A sheet of single-sided red paper;
  • Black marker or pen.
Origami ladybug assembly diagram

1. Make a starting square for further paper folding. Use single-sided paper, as we work we will show the back white side of the paper, a thin strip will become the insect's head. This is the simplest folding option.

2. Now unfold the square in front of you in the form of a diamond. Turn the red side towards you. Look at the photo of the first bend model. Fold the top corner toward you approximately in the center of the two sides. Run your finger along the fold line so that the paper remembers this position.

3. Now you will see the white side of the paper - in front of you there will be a white triangle superimposed on the red piece. Lift the corner up and iron the fold. But do not join the corner to the top side (the place of the previous fold), go approximately to the middle.

4. Next, lower the top bar down towards you so that the paper in this place is folded several times, and also to clearly hide the small corner. This is about half the assembly work.

5. Keep the top white strip folded and fold the two side corners away from you. Bend one side at a certain angle, then the other. Refer to the photo to make the folds correctly and leave a white stripe of the required length.

6. Bend the side parts further so that the overall figure becomes rounded, but still remains oblong. Now you can bend the insect in half lengthwise to show the wings (this will be their imitation).

7. The insect is almost ready. We made an origami paper figurine. But you can also make drawn fragments that will definitely show that this is a ladybug. Use black pigment - a marker or pen. Draw spots on the wings and also make eyes on a white background. Children know that they need to count the dots to find out how old the bug is. How old is your miniature creature?

Now you can certainly plant a bug of your own making on a flower pot or on a leaf of a plant. So easily and simply, without much difficulty, we got it.

Oksana Bulakh
Design lesson (origami) “Ladybug” (preparatory group)

Familiarization with the surrounding world. Natural surroundings.

Construction: origami« Ladybug» . (Preparatory group) .


Enrichment of vocabulary on the topic "Insects"

Development of children's cognitive abilities

Formation of ideas about moral and ethical standards of behavior

Fostering an ecological culture

Program content:

Training tasks:

Summarize children's ideas about the diversity of insects;

Consolidate knowledge about their nutritional conditions;

Practice distinguishing and naming frequently occurring representatives groups insects by bright signs (size, color, originality of individual parts of the body);

Clarify ideas about the benefits of insects;

Develop intelligence, form imaginative thinking;

Continue to introduce technology origami, develop and independently implement a creative task.

Speech tasks:

Practice word formation, the use of nouns with diminutive suffixes;

Learn to coordinate numerals with nouns, correlate quantity and number (number).

Developmental tasks:

Development of mental processes;

Developing an emotionally positive attitude for work.

Educational tasks:

To instill in children a desire to take care of nature, to behave correctly in the forest and field; do not destroy the living conditions of forest inhabitants.

Materials and equipment:

Presentation of insects, photographs of insects, toy insects, red colored paper and 2 cardboard templates, black felt-tip pen, 2 small white squares (for eyes, pencil, glue, scissors, sample toy origami« Ladybug» .

Progress of the lesson

Introductory word from the teacher:

- Guess the riddle:

She's cuter than all the beetles

Her back is scarlet

And there are circles on it

Little black dots (ladybug)

We will get acquainted with the amazing and diverse world of insects. Imagine that we are together ladybug found themselves in a green meadow.

Presentation "Insects".

Guess what insect is hidden in the riddle?

The flower is fragrant

A flying flower sat down.

Moved by the flower

All 4 petals.

I wanted to rip it off, -

He took off and flew away!

What kind of insect is this? (butterfly)

Look at the picture of a butterfly. How many wings does she have? How many legs does she have? Do the math. (children count and answer)

Let's do the exercise and you will find out who crawled to visit the butterfly.

Rushing along the path in the morning

Fast centipede

He knocks his feet loudly

She's in a hurry for business

Caught on a tree stump

And she raised forty legs.

Hee hee hee yes ha ha ha

This is such nonsense.

What kind of insect is this? (centipede)

- Guess another insect:

She has 4 wings

The body is thin like an arrow,

And big, big eyes.

Let's call her (dragonfly).

Look at the picture of a dragonfly. Does she have wings? How many? How many legs? Do the math.

Now, children, I want some cast a spell: “One, two - now I’m a fairy”.

I will turn you into insects with a magic wand.

You - insects must fly, jump, crawl, make characteristic sounds - mosquito (z-z-z, bee (z-z-z, fly (z-z-z, bumblebee) (w-w-w). – “One, two, three, four, five - here you are children again”.

The journey continues, from the flower meadow we moved onto a spacious grassy lawn. A large pine tree grew on the lawn, and under the pine tree there was a boiling Job:

Without a job, for the life of me

can't live (ant).

Look at the picture of an ant. Does it have wings? (No). Why do they run fast, what do they have? (six legs). Suddenly someone unexpectedly comes to our feet jumped up:

A violinist lives in the meadow

He wears a tailcoat and walks at a gallop.

Guess who this violinist is? (grasshopper)

Look at the drawing of a grasshopper. Let's play with the grasshoppers in the clearing. Repeat the movements after me.

Raise your shoulders

Jump grasshoppers

Jump - jump, jump - jump,

Let's sit down and eat some grass,

Let's listen to the silence.

Hush, hush, high

Jump on your toes easily.

And so guys, we learned that all butterflies, ants, bees, grasshoppers, flies, mosquitoes, centipedes are all insects, a huge world of insects. They all decorate our land. And we must know that if insects disappear, plants will disappear, animals will die and birds: some cannot exist without others. Insects are part of nature, and nature must be protected, loved and protected.

Now I propose to sit down at the tables and do ladybug made of colored paper(origami) .

Physical education minute:

Everyone stood up from their chairs, hands on their belts, legs slightly apart.

It's very difficult to stand like that

Don't put your foot down

And don't fall, don't sway,

Don't hold on to your neighbor.

Everyone sat down quietly.

Consider the toy - a sample. We need a red square, an oval stencil, the basis of our ladybug, with paws.

Stages of work:

1. Fold the square sheet in half, unfold it, fold it in half again.

2. Unbend, fold the square diagonally, unfold and fold in the other direction diagonally.

3. Unfold, taking one of the diagonals with both hands, along the springy sides and bending the sides of the square inward, iron the fold lines, we have a basic model origami- double triangle.

4. Take a black oval template, place it on the triangle, the narrow top of the oval should overlap the top of the triangle, trace it with a pencil.

5. Using scissors, cut out the head and back of the body without cutting through the fold line.

6. On the basis ladybug glue on the abdomen with the paws.

7. Using a black felt-tip pen, draw the head of the bug, it should reach the front legs, draw black dots on the back ladybug.

8. Cut out the eyes from white squares and glue them on the head.

9. Plant your bugs in a green meadow, look how beautiful and cheerful they are.

Ladybug, scarlet back,

Clung on deftly ladybug by the blade of grass.

Up slowly, crawling along the stem,

To a honey-scented, bright flower.

Eats quickly ladybug harmful aphids,

And the fragrant flower will thank her.

Which bug do you like best, and why?

You guys all worked together and worked well, making me happy with your bugs.

Used Books:

- "Complex classes at preschool educational institutions» preparatory group, M. A. Vasilyeva.

- "Scenarios" classes on environmental education of preschool children" preparatory group, L. G. Gorkova, A. V. Kochergina, L. A. Obukhova.

Media Internet.

Publications on the topic:

Application "Ladybug" Tasks: We repeat the characteristic features of the ladybug; arouse interest in nature; we consolidate working methods.

From black paper and using a hole punch we make blanks of black dots for the ladybug. Cut out an oval from black paper.

Goal: to develop artistic and creative abilities; maintain interest in visual arts. material: - floor sheets A4; -gouache.

Summary of the drawing lesson “Ladybug” (middle group) Summary of a lesson in visual arts (Drawing) middle group "Ladybug". Developed and conducted by: Irina Viktorovna Rudinskaya.

Origami ladybug is one of the most popular paper origami. If you don’t know how to make an origami ladybug, then on this page you will find everything you need to assemble this simple paper figurine.

Assembly diagram

Below is a diagram of the assembly of an origami ladybug from the famous Japanese origami master Fumiaki Shingu. If you strictly follow the instructions, then assembling the origami ladybug will not take much time, and the result will be the same as in the picture. After doing what is described in the diagram several times, you will understand how to make an origami ladybug quickly and without looking at the diagram.

Video master class

Assembling an origami ladybug may seem like a daunting task for beginners. Therefore, we advise you to enter the query “origami ladybug video” on the largest video hosting site on the Internet, YouTube. There you will find many different videos about origami ladybug, which clearly show the steps to assemble a ladybug. We hope that after watching the video of the assembly master class, you will have no more questions about how to make an origami ladybug.

And here is also a simple video lesson on how to assemble an origami ladybug:

If you are interested in modular origami, here is a video example of a modular origami ladybug:


The ladybug is the oldest symbol with a positive connotation. In many traditions, it acts as a symbol of love, good luck and good news. Also, the ladybug personifies kindness and forgiveness and is perceived as a good sign.

In contact with


The ladybug is a representative of the beetle family, which is distinguished by the fact that the last two of the four insect segments are hidden in the furrow of the second. The body has the shape of a hemisphere, slightly convex. The cow's head is short and has horns. The beetle's diet includes aphids, which it eats from spring to late autumn. In winter, ladybugs crawl under the bark of trees, fallen leaves or pebbles, waiting out bad weather.

Young cows have a very bright color, which may fade with age, although it will still be convincing to predators. As a defense, the beetle secretes a toxic yellow liquid. It can scare away spiders, insects, and frogs. Birds and other vertebrates do not hunt ladybugs. Weed proved himself to be a wonderful flyer.

In any culture, the ladybug is identified as a symbol of good news and good luck, kindness, grace and forgiveness. It is believed that the beetle is an intermediary between God and people, the world of the living and the dead. Therefore, this insect is often asked questions about death and life, about the harvest and the weather, even about marriage. Finding a beetle was considered a very good omen, so all children in the world love to sit a cow on their finger and ask about everything in the world.

This insect can be a wonderful creature for an origami workshop for beginners and kids to understand the basics of folding using the origami technique. If there are several children in the group, you need to give them colored leaves of different sizes to get a whole family of paper ladybugs. Experienced craftsmen will find the craft very simple, so it’s better to move on to other models right away.

To get started, you need to roll up a square piece of paper along each diagonal.

After this, work will continue from the top corner, which needs to be cut into three parts and folded down a third of the height of the diamond.

Now the resulting corner needs to be cut again into three equal segments, conditionally, turning its top one third up.

At this stage, we bend the second part of the previously obtained angle down.

Now we turn the figure over, make cuffs on each opposite side of the resulting workpiece by about one and a half centimeters.

By analogy, we bend the three remaining corners up to make a craft from which you can already guess the ladybug.

All that remains is to fold the workpiece vertically in half to mark the lines of the wings.

In order for a cow made using the origami technique to resemble a real insect, you need to draw black circles on its back and make eyes.

We can say that the ladybug for beginners is completely completed.

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