Spells on the day of the autumn equinox. Day of the Autumn Equinox. Signs and rituals. What you must do on the day of the autumn equinox

The autumnal equinox is the time when powerful streams energetics rush to Earth, thanks to which everyone can change their life for the better with the help of proven rituals and rituals.

People have been able to use the energy of the outside world for their own well-being since ancient times. Any significant events that provoke bursts of energy are taken into account not only by astrologers and meteorologists, but also by practitioners in various occult fields. For example, the day of the autumn equinox, which will come on September 22 at 20:02 Moscow time, is an excellent occasion for transformation and getting rid of all kinds of problems.

You can perform rituals for three days. It is this period that will be marked by strong energy, which you simply need to use for your own benefit. You will be able to recharge good luck amulets, perform rituals that preserve youth and health, and also attract prosperity to yourself and your family.

Ritual for family prosperity

For this ritual you will need apples from the new autumn harvest. Don't rush to use store-bought fruit. Look to private sellers or take fruit from your own garden. Their energy is as strong as possible. There should be as many apples as there are members of your family.

Distribute the fruits to your household so that each of them holds the fruit in their hands for a while, then put the apples in a basket or dish. In the evening, light a candle and peer into its flame, saying to yourself the name of each family member. Focus on the issues that bother you and say:

“Apples in bulk, warmed by the Sun, grown by the power of the Earth, picked in the fall, completing the year. Every apple of adversity is taken away, prosperity is attracted to the family. Good luck will accompany us (names), and adversity will bypass us.”

Apples should be eaten by all family members, and the leftovers should be taken away from the house so that negativity and misfortune no longer have access to your home.

Getting rid of problems on the day of the autumn equinox

Our ancestors used a simple ritual that helped “expel” negativity from life. At dawn you need to go outside and meet the Sun with the words:

“I stand before the Sun with my troubles and adversities. Collect them in a day, get rid of them at sunset.”

In the evening you need to say goodbye to the Sun with the words:

“Take all the troubles and adversities from my life, don’t leave them to anyone.”

Return home, and the next morning bring gifts to the Sun: a pie baked with your own hands, fruits or vegetables from the autumn harvest. Thank the heavenly body for its help and support.

Autumn ritual to get rid of problems

Collect bright fallen leaves in a park or square, talk about each individual problem that you would like to get rid of, and release the leaves to the wind. This simple ritual will help you cast aside life's adversities. Experts on the site recommend that upon returning to your home, you should carry out a ritual of cleansing the room from negativity so that all problems disappear from your life.

Attracting prosperity September 22

To attract prosperity into life, on the day of the autumn equinox you need to go to an open body of water. Sit on the bank of a river, pond or lake and write down everything that worries you on small pieces of paper. Lower the notes into the water with the words:

“I give my problems to the water, let my problems float away, my adversities disappear.”

Scoop up water with your palms and wash your face, then throw a coin into the pond with the words:

“The payment for good is selfless, I wash myself with clean water. As the coin touches the bottom, prosperity will return to life.”

You can bring prosperity back into life with the power of thought. You need to focus on your problems, mentally roll them into a tight ball and push them away from you. Imagine that you are surrounded by a transparent barrier that blocks access to any negativity and allows only positive things through. This way you can put a mental block on failures and start a new, prosperous life. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

22.09.2017 04:06

Your household will be able to feel truly happy if there is prosperity and prosperity in the house. Reach...

Hello my dear!

Today is September 22, 2017, the Day of the Autumn Equinox - the Time of Power and Miracles.

The Sun will cross the celestial equator and move from the northern hemisphere of the celestial sphere to the southern. Astronomical autumn will come in the northern hemisphere and spring in the southern. On this day, the length of day and night throughout the Earth is the same and equal to 12 hours.

September 22, 23, 24 - autumnal equinox - magical days , when any of us can clearly touch a miracle.

Be sure to take advantage of this time to perform rituals to attract Prosperity, Love, Health, and Prosperity.

Take care of the happiness of your life and the lives of your loved ones.

I propose today do it together in a circle of power like-minded people to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of rituals.

Ritual for material prosperity and success. Simulation for the autumnal equinox

In addition to the Rituals, it is especially useful to perform harmonization practices on the day of the equinox, recharge yourself with solar energyRestoring the balance of the Sun and Moon in places of power.

So that you can open yourself to joy - and therefore love and health - in every present moment of your rich life.

Make it to class today

Simulation for the autumnal equinox (on Mabon).

Marathon. Rituals for Modeling the Fulfillment of Desires and Happy Events for the autumn equinox (on Mabon).

Articles, webinars, rituals, techniques and meditations specifically for this time:

Webinar. Discovery of one's own Strength and the Strength of the Family.

Working with Rod Technique, Meditation, Amulet

In 2015 autumn equinox will be on September 23 at 8 hours 20 minutes GMT, or at 11 hours 20 minutes Moscow time on the same day. On this date, day and night last exactly 12 hours. From this day on, autumn begins in the northern hemisphere of the Earth, and spring in the southern hemisphere.

Only twice a year is the Earth in a strictly vertical position relative to the sun. It happens on a spring day spring equinox and in the fall on the day of the autumnal equinox. These days are the astronomical beginning of spring and autumn. These are very important energy days. There are only a few days a year that will help you change your destiny. These days are the days of the spring and autumn equinoxes. Remember this and be active in creating your new happy life.

In astrology autumn equinox- a special time. The Sun, moving into the sign of Libra, creates the most favorable conditions for spiritual harmony, as well as for harmony in relationships with others, close people and opposite sexes. Moving into the sign of Libra, the Sun has a calming effect on us, we become more receptive to the beauty around us.

Autumn equinox- this is the time to balance all the energies circulating within us and influencing all our actions and deeds in external manifestation.

The energies of the autumn equinox are very strong, so this day should not be missed if you want to change something in your life. Autumn equinox– the most favorable time for meditation. In order to meditate on the autumn equinox, you do not need to have any special skills or abilities - meditation is available to everyone, you just need to tune in and think about what situations in your life it is time to let go in order to open up to new, favorable changes and events. Since in autumn equinox The Sun moves into the sign of Libra, which patronizes harmonious relationships of any nature, as well as balance in all areas of life; the most effective meditations will be to find mutual love, happiness in marital relations, mutual understanding and support in relationships with friends, relatives and even business partners.

If you want to make your relationship with your loved one harmonious, full of trust, mutual understanding and love, take a comfortable position, light incense sticks or candles that help harmonize and strengthen relationships (ylang-ylang, rose, jasmine, cinnamon, nutmeg, patchouli) and read the following affirmations:

  • I attract the real, sincere
  • I deserve to be loved
  • fills my life with joy
  • I accept love into my beautiful life
  • My family life is harmonious and happy
  • Love and mutual understanding reign in my home
  • I'm always lucky in love and family life
  • My family is strong, friendly and harmonious
  • My love is endless, like the universe itself
  • I thank the Universe for prosperity and abundance in love

Even if you are still single or have difficulty communicating with your loved one, if there is still no trust, mutual understanding and respect in your family, just believe that you can change everything for the better on the day of the autumn equinox! Say affirmations to attract love and happiness in your family as if all the best things have happened and you thank the Universe for it. Believe me, the result will not keep you waiting long.

Autumn equinox- This is a special day in magic. On the day of the autumnal equinox, important events take place magical rituals and rituals with the help of which prosperity, health and love are attracted into life.

What to do for the autumn equinox:

Thank the outgoing year for the “harvest”

Thank you from the bottom of your heart to all the Light Forces for the good things that you were able to achieve, for all the positive moments and joys that gave you confidence and strength to move forward, for all the good things. Don't be afraid to give thanks, even if you've faced challenges this year. Difficulties are a very valuable experience, without which it is impossible to build a bright future. On the day of the autumn equinox, say thank you to everyone who helped you, supported you with advice, kind words, and forgive and let go of those who hurt you, and with them let go of all your grievances.

Bake a Prosperity Cake for the Autumn Equinox

In order for the next year to be rich in harvest, bring you a lot of joy, love and health, bake a pie. This pie will symbolize not only your wealth, but also well-being in love and family life. Cabbage pies are a symbol of monetary luck, good and stable income in next year, pies with meat will symbolize good luck in promotion, career growth, successful resolution of business issues, and pies with berries (lingonberries, raspberries, strawberries) - success in love and family well-being. It is advisable that your pie for the autumn equinox be round in shape. Make sure the pie doesn't burn. If your cake for the autumn equinox has risen well and turned out very beautiful and tasty, great happiness will certainly await you.

Protect your home and family from evil spirits with rowan branches

To do this, you need to go up to the rowan tree and ask it for a few twigs. It is important! Rowan should not be cut or broken, especially on the autumn equinox, otherwise you will attract failure in love and family relationships. If you ask a rowan tree for a couple of twigs and carefully break them off, ask the tree for forgiveness and thank you. Rowan branches can be laid out on window sills and hung above the front door.

Attract love

If you're still single, the autumn equinox is the perfect time to attract love. On the autumn equinox they do something that will help them find love next year - they create a couple for themselves. This means that if you have any personal item in one copy, you need to buy a pair for it, that is, an item for your future chosen one (pillow, toothbrush, towel, etc.)

And, of course, the autumn equinox is the most best time For !

Signs and rituals on the day of the autumn equinox

— A few days before the autumn equinox and a few days after it, you should not start a new business; you should pay more attention to your own health, reduce the stress on the body, and avoid overload.

— On the day of the autumn equinox, you must get out of bed early and take a shower. This will wash away the negativity accumulated in your energy.

— On the day of the autumn equinox, you need to take stock, forgive yourself for your mistakes, thank God and the Universe for everything you have, and ask for good luck for the future. You must be extremely sincere and emotional, spare no words of gratitude to all people for being in your life, thank God for the fact that you live and breathe, for your successes and achievements. The more sincere your feeling of gratitude is on this day, the greater your chances of achieving prosperity in the future. While doing this, you must open your heart and pronounce all the words from the heart.

- Rowan, picked on the day of the autumn equinox, saves from evil spirits, from nightmares and from insomnia. This rowan tree is used to decorate windows or window sills.

— If on this day you notice that birds begin to fly south, then the winter will be harsh.

- Expect a cold winter if the leaves of birch and rowan turn yellow by the day of the autumn equinox.

— Autumn will be the same as the weather on the day of the autumnal equinox.

- On this day you can get rid of fears and troubles. To do this, you need to collect a bouquet of leaves, then throw each leaf into the water or into the wind, saying: “Let the wind (water) take away my fear (or other troubles) forever. I say goodbye to them and let them go.”

- Count the ones you have three times, thank the Universe for these. Their number will definitely increase.

— To gain energy from the earth, be sure to walk barefoot on the earth on this day.

— A very important ritual of this day is the kindling of a new fire. On this day, it is customary to extinguish the fire and then rekindle it. The ritual involves igniting a clean and new fire from the friction of pieces of wood. In a modern version, this can be fire obtained from a piezoelectric lighter. This ritual can be done in another way: light 5 candles in the house, 4 of them placed in the corners, and the 5th in the middle of the room. Before lighting candles, you must turn off the electricity in the entire house (apartment), and after the candles are lit, turn on the electricity.

- Immediately after the autumnal equinox there are very favorable days for trade. These days it is good not only to sell, but also to buy. During this period, trading operations with the most profitable results are possible. Therefore, it is recommended to audit the inventory of goods, if necessary, purchase what is missing, or sell the excess.

- Girls can attract suitors on this day. To do this, the girl needs to wear long skirt and something red (belt, scarf, etc.), write on a piece of paper your desire to get married and go to the rowan tree. A leaf with the desire to bury it under a rowan tree. Break a twig and a bunch of berries from a rowan tree and take them to your home. Before going to bed, put a sprig of rowan under your pillow and go to bed. In the morning, pull the twig out from under the pillow and then dry it. Leave rowan berries in the house as decoration.

- Be sure to give a gift to someone and sincerely thank the person who gives you a gift.

— Bake pies with meat, cabbage or lingonberries. Get the whole family together for festive table. Before starting the meal, everyone sitting at the table must hold hands and make a wish.

— Burn a list of habits, situations and what prevents you from being happy, healthy and successful, which you want to get rid of. Write this list on a piece of paper. Contact your Guardian Angel with a request to help you get rid of what is listed on the list. Then burn the piece of paper on which the list is written.

- For good relations with friends and relatives, for the prosperity and well-being of your family and your region, you need to bake buns on this day and treat your friends to them. When treating, you must say the words: “May we have prosperity and peace and a rich harvest.”

There are four fixed points in the year (spring, summer, autumn and winter). And on September 22, at 20:02 GMT, one of these points will occur - the autumnal equinox will occur, when the duration of day and night will be equal to 12 hours. And this means that the real astronomical autumn will begin. This moment not only symbolizes the transition to winter, but is also a magical period that can be used in the best way for yourself, writes the astrologer and tarot reader Elena Panceva.

How to properly celebrate and spend the day of the autumn equinox so that it brings you the greatest benefit?

Meet the dawn. Go outside, balcony or open the window, look at the sunrise, say hello new day and a new stage in your life. Feel a surge of happiness, “bathe” in the rays of the sun, imagining how the sun warms and envelops you with its golden energy.

It is believed that on this day, if you wash your face with dew before dawn, you can preserve your youth

Let go of unnecessary things with gratitude (habits, extra pounds, people, situations, things). How to do it? You can mentally imagine thanking and letting go, you can write on paper, say goodbye to the unnecessary and burn the piece of paper.

Make an amulet from a feather, from a pebble - from anything that your “eye falls on”. He will protect you in critical situations. Speak your own words to the item and put the amulet in a secluded place or carry it with you.

If you pick rowan branches on this day and put them on the windowsill or hang them above the door, you can protect your home from the evil eye and bad people that may enter your home.

You can “sow” the seeds. Buy, for example, wheat, and before throwing the seeds on the ground, tell them your wishes, from which you expect shoots. If there are no seeds, no problem! Write down the “seeds” of your new reality on a piece of paper. Imagine what you want and feel that you already have it. Place the leaf in a secluded place.

To find your match, on this day buy a toothbrush, slippers or a pillow (or all together) for your future chosen one (darling) and give them a place in your home.

“Charge” the bill with your energy and put it in a separate pocket in your wallet or, like me, put it in front of your eyes on your desktop. It will increase your income.

Speak on old thing or write your sores on a piece of paper and burn them.

Tie it yourself or ask a close positive person to tie it on left hand red woolen thread with 7 knots. And for each knot, mentally or out loud, when tying a knot, lay down your desires.

Perform my favorite ritual “Spatial Plane”, which I always share, and this time I will also share it in messages.

Create or initiate a Wish Card on this day.

At sunset, saying goodbye to the sun, thank you for everything that you had, have and will have! Mentally imagining everyone who helped you grow, not forgetting about the “mirrors” that showed us our mistakes. If it is not possible to spend the sunset, write everything on paper and keep the piece of paper - then you will have a picture of your height.

P.S. You can perform all the rituals, you can use any of the ones suggested, you can create your own, or you can find others online. All in your hands!

There are more than three and a half hundred days in a year, but only two of them are filled with amazing, incomparable power that can change a person’s destiny. These are the days of the autumn and spring equinox. WITH scientific point In terms of vision, they are truly unique: the rays of the Sun, around which the Earth moves, fall vertically on its equator at this time.

On the day of the spring equinox, the luminary moves from the southern to the northern hemisphere; on the day of the autumn equinox, the opposite movement occurs - from south to north. For nature, these days mean the astronomical beginning of spring in one case, and autumn in another.

For a person, this may be the birth of something new in life, but in order for the desired changes to occur, certain efforts must be made.

September 22 and March 20

The days when this natural phenomenon will occur are determined decades in advance, but slight fluctuations in dates still occur: leap years make their own adjustments. The autumn equinox usually falls on September 22, the spring equinox on March 20.

The unmistakable landmark is where the Sun appears from behind the horizon: on the days of the equinox (both) it is east, with virtually no deviations to the right or left that are observed on other days of the year. The sun also leaves the sky without any obvious deviations, exactly to the west.

On the day of the autumn equinox, astrologers recommend focusing on preparing for winter, trying to charge yourself with enough energy to to maintain the light within yourself over a long period, since “from the outside” the days will become shorter and shorter, and the dark time of the day will begin to significantly prevail.

This task would be difficult for a person to complete if not for the grandiose energy of the day itself: on September 22, nature will be on your side and will give you the strength to feel self-confidence, security, and inner harmony.

IN Slavic tradition- arrange a harvest festival, fairs on this day, go to visit and invite relatives to your place at a generously laid table. March 20 was, as a rule, celebrated even more widely - people welcomed spring, which in itself was a holiday after long cold weather and gloomy days.

The sun (the main deity of many generations of Slavs) is like a birthday boy on this day, rites and rituals are in his honor. Bonfires that symbolized the Sun (or Yarilo) were even lit using a sunbeam, setting it in the desired direction with a magnifying glass.

By jumping over a fire on this day, people believed that they were burning diseases and troubles in the fire, and from the Sun they received health and strength for new things.

Magic on this day

Why is the equinox day considered magical? According to ancient legends and myths, on this day invisible to the eye opens gate between heaven and earth. The connection becomes so strong that you can send your requests, hopes, prayers to heaven, make your innermost desires, share your plans - and a positive response will not be long in coming.

By the way, residents believe in the magic of this day different countries– celebrate, but at the same time beware possible consequences. According to astrologers, this day needs to be spent correctly; it is very important that “order” is not only external, but also internal.

The fact is that everything on which a person’s thoughts are concentrated on this day can come true in real life, and very soon. If a person thinks about good things, he will receive support in this direction; if he thinks about bad things, evil may “come back to haunt” him, and then, as they say today, “it won’t seem like much.”

Where do they come from? an ordinary person such powers? From the sun. Directing its rays at right angles, it gives us the energy of creation, each of us becomes a kind of magician, though only for a day. Therefore, you should not forget about “safety precautions”: you cannot quarrel or wish harm to someone.

It is better to spend your opportunities on moments that are useful for you and your loved ones - health, love, luck, happiness. For example, on the day of the autumn equinox, many rituals are designed for brides: if you wash your face with fresh water before sunrise, you will certainly meet your betrothed in the near future.

You can count on the same effect if you tie hazel branches with red thread and burn them in a dish: the fire will do its job quickly, and just as quickly the girl will find a groom. And here helpful advice for parents: if you pour water on your child’s doorstep, he will not get sick for a whole year.

The magic of this day is also reflected in the power of prayer - your aspirations, worries, hopes will sound especially convincing and will find a response faster.

Spells on the day of the autumn equinox

The following conspiracies are considered traditional on this magical day:

  • friendship,
  • prosperity,
  • well-being,
  • from troubles and adversity.

To there was no room for trouble in your destiny, you need to do the following: collect leaves, make a bouquet of them, and then on the banks of a river or lake, lower leaf after leaf into the water, accompanying each with a wish that troubles, troubles, adversity leave you and never return, fears.

If there is no body of water nearby, the leaves should simply be thrown into the wind: “I say goodbye to my troubles and let them go.”

To improve relationships with family or friends, if you feel that a black cat has run between you and not everything is as rosy as it could be, make a conspiracy for good relations.

Bake some buns and distribute them to everyone you wish well and with whom you would like to live in harmony. When offering food, wish your friends and family peace and prosperity.

Spells on the day of the spring equinox

On this day can have great power protective spell. It is said early in the morning.

Before the sun has risen, you need to go outside, preferably outside the city or residential area, stand, turning to the east and meet the sunrise, spreading your arms wide, as if accepting its strength and power from the luminary. The palms must be opened towards the sun's rays.

Your inner feelings are important - imagine as if every cell of your body is filled with gentle, long-awaited warmth and now you yourself are emitting golden light and solar energy.

Turn to the sun for protection: let it give you “armor” of solar fire, which will protect you from enemies, evil people, damage and disease, and give you “living power” of success, abundance, and love. The appeal to the luminary is repeated three times, and then they are sure to thank them - they leave honey and bread sprinkled with salt at the place where the spell was pronounced.

Not all people, unfortunately, have the opportunity to be alone with nature like this, so the spell can be cast at home, it is only important that the window near which you stand faces east. The treat (as a sign of gratitude to the sun) will need to be taken outside and left near any tree.

There is a special conspiracy and to fulfill wishes. They prepare for it in advance: on the eve of the equinox they bake cheesecake (among our ancestors it was considered a symbol of well-being), while thinking about their cherished desires, plans that I would really like to implement.

On the night when the equinox arrives, the cheesecake will need to be eaten by candlelight - slowly, with each bite, mentally remembering everything that you dreamed about the day before. When you are finished with the cheesecake, you should try to switch your thoughts to something else and fall asleep - there will still be enough time until the morning.

Rituals on the day of the autumn equinox

In order for this day to pass with the greatest benefit for you, you need comply with a number of conditions:

  • a week before, protect your body from various stresses, take care of your health;
  • start the day of the equinox with a shower - wash away the accumulated negative energy;
  • sum up - forgive yourself for mistakes, wish you good luck;
  • you need to be sincere in all your actions and thoughts.

And on this day they walk on the ground without shoes to recharge their energy, and take care of their financial well-being. To do this, count all your cash three times and say “thank you” to heaven for the fact that you had something to count (as a result of this ritual, the amount of money in your wallet should increase in the near future).

Ritual lighting a new fire should bring novelty to your life and improve its quality. In ancient times, the ritual required serious effort from a person; it was necessary, after extinguishing the “old” fire, to light a “new” one - this was done with the help of tinder and pieces of wood.

Today they do this: they light candles in the room, one in each corner and another candle (the fifth) in the center. Before this, the electricity in the entire apartment is turned off. You can turn it on when the candles are burning.

Ritual to attract the groom. A girl who dreams of marriage needs to wear a long skirt with a red belt (you can wear a scarf). You need to formulate your wish on a piece of paper and take the note outside and bury it near a rowan tree.

When leaving, the girl picks a bunch of rowan berries, breaks off a twig and brings it to her home. The twig will need to be put under the pillow at night, and taken out and dried in the morning. A bunch of rowan berries are stored in the house.

Meaning ritual of gratitude is that a person who realizes what success and with whose help he has achieved will continue to be favored by heaven. To carry out this action you will need a thin candle and a linen (wool, silk) cord.

Light a candle and begin to remember the pleasant events and moments that happened during the year. Say it out loud and say thank you higher power and at the same time tie a knot in the lace. If one candle is not enough, light the next one. The more good moments you remember and kind words you say, the better.

To implement ritual of remembrance and forgiveness, you need to arm yourself with a pen and a piece of paper and make a list of all the troubles that happened to you during the year. These could be illnesses, losses, failures, disappointments - everything that weighs heavily on your heart.

After the list has been compiled, think about the women from your relatives who are no longer alive, and turn to them for help - ask them to remove this heavy burden from your heart. They should be able to do this, because even after leaving this world, they have ancestral power that is capable of much.

Don't forget to thank women for everything they once did for you and can do now. Then burn the list and shake the ashes into water.

Rituals on the day of the spring equinox

Ritual to fulfill wishes(and this could be a new business, a change of residence, or love) is done at dawn or sunset. Place flowers on the table, cut or indoors, but most importantly – scarlet ones. Light a couple of candles that will symbolize light and darkness, good and negative.

Prepare in advance flower pot with soil and seeds of any plants. With the candles lit, sow those seeds by telling them what changes you want in your life. Write about this on a piece of paper, and as facts that have already happened.

Hide the sheet of paper with the notes so that no one sees it, and place the pot with the seeds on the windowsill and take care of the sprouts and plants in the future, because this will be a kind of talisman, a guarantee that your dreams are destined to come true.

For financial well-being early in the morning, turning your face to the east, wait for the sun to appear and ask it for help in solving your financial problems. The request must be repeated three times.

The purpose of conspiracies and rituals that are carried out on the day of the equinox is to renew a person’s energy potential: in place of the old, which was not always satisfactory, new thoughts, ideas, and deeds can and should come. What they will be depends on you. Good luck awaits those who take the traditions of our ancestors with all seriousness and sincerity.