Why do men grow their fingernails? Proper men's manicure. What does a long nail on a man's little finger mean?

On the little fingers. These men could be the most of different ages And social status, but they were clearly united by a very unusual manicure. What does this striking detail mean? It can be interpreted in completely different ways. Let's look at the main reasons why people grew their nails at different times.

First of all, a prominent nail on the little finger is considered a distinctive detail by which one can recognize a person belonging to the Masonic lodge. The Masons are a secret society that arose in Europe in the 17th century. The organization is based on common origins in (mainly Christianity). The Masonic society fully corresponds to the image that appears in the mind when hearing the phrase “secret organization”: it is known for its closeness and a whole set of various rules and rituals. Why men grow a nail on their little finger in order to thus show that they belong to the Freemasons is not entirely clear, but this explanation of the detail we are considering is very common.

Let's fast forward to the 18th century. At this time, an elongated nail was considered a sign that a man belonged to the intelligentsia. But why do they grow the nail on the little finger?

representatives of this social stratum? Mainly for purely utilitarian purposes. It was used to open mail envelopes: a letter opener was not always at hand, and in general, it is unlikely that anyone would carry it with them. In addition, in France there was a curious rule of etiquette: before entering a room, you should not knock on the door, but scratch your nails.

In the 20th century, the tradition of growing a nail on the little finger passed from intellectuals to representatives of the criminal world. For example, that's enough known fact, which is often recalled when trying to explain why men grow a nail on their little finger: in the 70s and 80s, drug dealers and their clients measured out doses of bulk drugs (mostly cocaine) in this way. This measure was called “nail”, that is, “nail”. Card sharpers used a long fingernail to quietly place the desired card into the deck when shuffling. Perhaps the image of Ostap Bender will make you remember another answer to the question “Why do men grow a nail on their little finger?”: this detail was found among burglars. You can use your fingernail to pick simple locks, and Bender knew this well.

An extended pinky nail may be necessary for professional convenience. Drivers, for example, use their fingernails to curl ribbons that display information about the progress of the train. This detail is becoming more and more common among programmers and system administrators - a fingernail can be used instead of a stylus, and it is convenient for them to press buttons.

Why do guys grow their pinky nails nowadays? Most likely, there is no symbolism behind this, and someone simply thought long nail stylish and interesting detail. But you never know for sure. Take a closer look: what if there is some secret meaning hidden behind the long nail of that unfamiliar man?

If you dreamed of cutting your nails, polishing them and getting a manicure, this means that you care too much about what people say about you. The dream in which you see your nails long and brightly painted has the same meaning.

False nails in a dream indicate that you are prone to lying and your friends do not like you for this.

Seeing your nails healthy and strong means your efforts will be appreciated.

If your nails are yellow, sick, or break, you will have to work hard for little pay.

If in a dream your nails were dirty, this means that someone is spreading dirty rumors about you - alas, not without reason.

If a woman dreams that she is scratching someone with her long nails, the dream foreshadows a sexual affair on the side. If from a scratch there's blood coming out- her husband finds out about the betrayal.

If a man has such a dream, in reality his aggressiveness can cause a quarrel with the woman he loves.

If you scratched yourself in a dream, this means that some mistake of yours will bring you a lot of trouble.

If you are scratched until you bleed, your family will also be involved in these troubles.

If you dream that your nails have fallen out (or have been pulled out) - the dream is very bad, it may mean loss loved one.

Throwing away or burning your own cut nails - you will commit an accidental crime, which you will try to hide from others.

If no one was present in your dream, in reality you will be able to hide the ends.

If someone was nearby in a dream, it means that in reality you will have witnesses. You can work through this dream by imagining that the cut nails are not yours, but someone else’s.

Seeing your nails grow is a favorable sign. The dream suggests that you will live to a ripe old age.

Excessively short nails - to short life.

Seeing toenails is a sign of travel.

If your nails were dirty and covered in dust, the journey would be long and not very pleasant.

Fungus on the nails - to gossip and intrigue.

A universal way to work out a dream about nails is to imagine that your nails are of normal length, not too short and not too long, clean, healthy and strong.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

Dream Interpretation - Nails

Having long, beautifully trimmed nails means wealth, honor, unexpected money.

To have long nails is a nuisance / to commit cruelty or to have cruel thoughts / to be spiritually like a corpse in some way.

Having short-cut nails means you have no strength to fight / resistance and conflicts pose a great danger for you.

Cutting your nails means resentment, quarrel, irritation.

Cutting out a dug-in nail is a need, a loss.

Biting your nails (wiping wet hands) is a gift.

Interpretation of dreams from

Long nails for men Lately they have been happening quite often. Some men, therefore, want to demonstrate their attitude towards the small caste of people with non-traditional orientation. However, this is the first thing that comes to mind for a person with standard views on life and personal jewelry.

In fact, a sufficient number of men with a Christian attitude towards same-sex love also decorate themselves in this rather original way. Some people like to wear clip-on nails, while others like to grow their nails. Although there are back side such behavior. Sometimes the nail on a man's little finger is not at all what one might imagine.

What does the nail on the little finger mean for men?

You've probably noticed some men with long nails on the little finger. Of course, it is unlikely that men use materials for design and nail extensions - this is the prerogative of women, but let's look at why some men prefer long nails. The essence of such decoration of your hands lies far from being in an aesthetic form. There are several versions of why some men grow their nails. However, there is only one way to guess the exact motive for such an act - ask the person. Although there is another option, a man simply does not shave or cut his nails at all, but this is very rare in the civilized world.

Long nails for men on the little fingers were quite popular in the 90s, this was dictated general development our country in the spirit of admiration for people outside the law. Thus, most scammers expressed their worldview to others in this way, saying, I don’t want to live honestly, work and earn pennies.

Some of these same comrades tried to take advantage of the convenient innovation their wardrobe and used a long fingernail for card fraud. The ability to manipulate a deck of cards without being noticed by others required the ability to place a bookmark in the right place using the fingernail of the little finger.

It was also a constant attribute for the division of bulk, often narcotic, material. This convenient device was used more often by golden youth in Europe and the USA. However, today wearing a long nail on the little finger is considered a sign of bad taste and most men refuse this idea.

In addition, there are a number of people for whom it is simply a way to stand out or show their independent individuality; such men grow a long nail on their little finger without any extra thoughts about the significance of this decoration of their hands. They just want it that way and that’s it, and no explanation is suitable in this situation.

Long nails in men - good or bad

Long nails in men cause inappropriate reactions for most people. In any case, in every effort to reveal one’s independent and special character, there must be a limit to what is reasonable. Agree, sometimes men's jewelry surprises us not so much with its originality, but with its impractical absurdity.

The situation is the same with long nails, of course, I have no right to judge everyone’s desires, but personally it seems to me that having long nails a man begins to lose his true essence. Most men faced a situation where it was necessary to stand up for yourself or for your family. At such moments, you need to clench your fists tightly and fight back the bandits and ill-wishers. But how to do this if a man has long nails?

Another option, when sometimes there is a need to do some manly work around the house, repair or move something, is it really appropriate to take care of your manicure and lament over a broken nail?

The question remains open, are long nails on men good or bad? Everyone can have their own opinion, mine is sharply negative: despite the majority of acceptable jewelry for a man, even my liberal nature cannot agree with the need for men to grow their nails.

If you have there is another opinion Yes, please voice it in the comments, I am not trying to prove my position to anyone, but I will be interested to hear what men are guided by when they take this step.

It is possible to study character by the shape of nails only indirectly, based on the data obtained for further knowledge psychological characteristics personality. It is impossible to accurately determine a person's character by looking at their nails. It is difficult to predict a person's character in advance based on their nails, since there are other influencing factors. This material provides basic information on how to determine character by nails. Using these postulates, you can try to determine a person’s character by the shape of their nails, but the result is not guaranteed.

The shape of nails can not only tell about health problems, it is also believed that it can also determine a person’s character. There is even a whole system of fortune telling by nails - onychomancy. Thus, according to onychomancy, people who are thoughtful, slow, and distrustful have elongated nails, while short nails are characteristic of people with developed logic, prone to control and criticism. Flattened nails are most often found in people who are hot-tempered and irreconcilable.

So, we can say with confidence that people with short nails most often occupy leadership positions and are prone to leadership. They are distinguished by self-confidence, a methodical approach to any life situation, they know how to persuade, but they often conflict with colleagues and family.

People with wide nails are prone to loneliness, find it difficult to meet and get along with other people, but they are distinguished by hard work and perseverance in achieving goals.

If the nail plate is wide, but not short, but of medium length, then this indicates that its owner is a rather kind and gentle person, in some ways even sentimental. Such people usually do not succeed in their careers, but are popular among colleagues and loved by loved ones.

The shape of nails and the character of men and women: are there any differences?

The shape of the nails and the character of a man can coincide only if the person is not engaged in heavy physical labor. Are there differences in this factor among female representatives? It is more likely that the shape of the nails and the character of the woman may coincide according to the following parameters.

The hooked shape of nails indicates that their owner is stingy or even greedy. Of course, excessive savings also affects loved ones. On the other hand, people with nails of this shape quite often occupy management positions or positions close to management.

Nails in the shape of a shovel indicate that their owner is a reasonable person, prone to logical thinking. Such people are devoid of emotions, calculating and cold-blooded, corrosive, meticulous, picky about the little things in everything. They are materialists, and therefore are in good standing with their superiors, but colleagues sometimes consider them bores.

Angular, quadrilateral-shaped nails indicate that their owner likes to philosophize. However, this form may also indicate qualities such as authority, leadership, and self-control. However, such a person has one weak point: he can accurately understand and analyze the logic and motivation of the actions of any other person, but not himself. In his inner world he is simply lost.

The pointed or conical shape of the nail indicates the owner’s inclination towards art: painting, architecture, sculpture, etc. Such people are artistic, romantic, prone to fantasies and embellishment of reality. But they are optimistic and easily get carried away, but, however, they also easily leave an activity that quickly bores them. Perseverance and diligence are not among their virtues. People with this nail shape tend to be independent and difficult to be restrained by anything unless they want it themselves.

Looking at a person’s hands, you can not only tell whether he is clean or not, how often he takes care of his nails, but also about his temperament. However, you should also pay attention to the fact that the nature of the shape of nails in men and women is often different.

There are 4 nail shapes:

- Oval nails among men they say that he is easy to communicate with, flexible and hardworking. Quite often, such guys choose working professions for themselves; their work progresses quickly and efficiently. Among them there are many fighters for justice, which is why they are often disliked at work. They are great friends and family people.

Owners of an oval shape are dreamers with a vulnerable soul. They are emotional, but at the same time quite objective in their reasoning. They love it when they are praised and cannot tolerate cruelty, including towards others. They will always stand up for the offended. People are often idealized. They are good mothers and wives, but they have few girlfriends. They become disappointed in people very quickly.

- Square nails are found among those with a subtle sense of humor, attentive gentlemen and sensual lovers. They are two-faced: outwardly they are friendly and simple-minded, but on the inside they are suspicious and cautious. They have many friends, but few real ones, since such a man does not trust anyone.

Women with square nails are calm and balanced, even in critical moments. They are smart and insightful. They never make spontaneous decisions, for which their superiors value them. There are many managers among them, as they are leaders in life who skillfully lead the enterprise to the top. In the family they become the head, as they are a reliable support. Such women are good mothers because they know how to listen and give useful advice. However, they have a small drawback - they can become depressed due to the problems that have piled up.

- Round nail shape in men it means that he is an optimist and a workaholic. He knows how to attract people to achieve what he wants. He is appreciated by the opposite sex for his energy and creativity (it is these guys who climb onto a high floor to conquer their beloved). He is a kind father and an excellent husband.

Women with round nails know how to attract attention with positive thinking. They are sympathetic friends and will always come to the rescue, even to the detriment of their own interests. Such a girl has many envious people who cannot calmly react to her happy appearance. Famous for his craving for the new and unusual. Idealizes the world. She is loved by children, both her own and others.

- Triangular nail shape among representatives of the stronger sex indicates that he is a self-confident type. But his high self-esteem is not unfounded - high intelligence, the ability to emerge victorious from any critical situation and organizational skills. In the family they are real leaders who take full responsibility for their loved ones.

The owner of triangular nails has a difficult character; they love to argue, proving that they are right, which is why many people dislike them. Such girls have a wonderful sense of style, so they always look great. They are connoisseurs of beauty and often visit exhibitions and museums. They like to give orders in the family, so there is constant shouting and noise in their house. They are treated with caution at work.

Every girl dreams of meeting the ideal man who would become her soul mate, with whom she can create strong family. However, men, in principle, like girls, have certain character traits that define them as a person. Based on the shape of their nails, men can be divided into four types. Thanks to this distribution of character traits, it will be easier for a representative of the fair sex to understand what kind of man is in front of her.

The Modest Prince (Nails. Photo No. 1)

Men who belong to this type are shy. They cannot take the first step and be the first to meet a girl. Even if such representatives of the stronger sex have a beautiful appearance, their shyness prevents them from feeling that they are worthy and to be loved. Because of this, they become even more withdrawn and never dare to express themselves. In turn, a girl who wants to meet such a man must take all the initiative into her own hands. This, of course, does not mean that a lady should impose herself in communication; rather, she should show young man that she is interested in him. Also, after meeting, it is worth considering that in the future such a man always needs to be set up for a certain action and his self-esteem increased. If you are ready for this, your humble prince will appreciate your initiative. Click on photo to enlarge.

Confident knight(Nails. Photo No. 2)

Such a man will make a girl feel like a real princess. His intentions and feelings will always be clear. His self-esteem is not low, he feels harmonious with himself, he is who he is and the girl will have to accept it. However, you will always be aware of his plans for the future.

If a relationship with a girl does not suit him, he will not be modest, but will tell it like it is. On the one hand, you will really feel support nearby strong man, on the other hand, you may encounter his selfishness and excessive self-love. A real knight will be able to win the heart of a princess; whether to accept such courtship or not, it all depends on you.

High flying bird(Nails. Photo No. 3)

An amazing and unpredictable man with charisma. He knows what girls like and is confident. However, his arrogance can be off-putting, because he only plays by his own rules. Such a man believes that he has no equal rivals, which means he is a winner. Belittling someone's abilities, loving criticism, using pressure when communicating with other people is a clear disadvantage of men of this type. This happens for the reason that they consider themselves superior and smarter than everyone else. Do you like the type of man like this, are you sure you can win his heart? Perhaps this will be the case, because if such a man has chosen his beloved woman, then she is the best. Another woman simply cannot be with him. If you feel ready to fly that high, then your bird is perfect for you. Forward to victories and conquering heights!

Favorite clown (Nails. Photo No. 4)

A man of this type will not let you get bored, because he is the life of the party, and the holiday would not be complete without him. And his friends love him for his amazing sense of humor. Such a man attracts the attention of many women, because he will always find an approach to the heart of a beautiful lady. If you like to have fun and joke, then this man is perfect for you. However, we should not forget that sometimes under the mask of a clown there is a very vulnerable person who can sometimes become sad. If you are ready to support your “favorite clown” in difficult moments, you are lucky, because such a man will appreciate your attention and give you many more smiles.

I hope it's no secret that a man's hands are not just business card, but a whole resume. Not a single ironed shirt and patent leather shoes will not tell you more about a man than his hands, and mainly his nails.

Do you want to produce good impression? Forget about wire cutters on your keychain! Your hands need care, so you need to know how to care for a man's nails.

In this article, I propose to consider some aspects of men's manicure, get acquainted with special tools and simple rules that will help you better care for your nails.

Manicure basics for men

So that we can analyze the manicure process in detail and in the same language as you, let’s name the main parts of the nail:

  • The nail plate is the visible part of the nail that is located on the nail bed.
  • The free edge of the nail is the part of the nail plate that protrudes above the edge of the finger.
  • The smile line is the natural line between the free edge of the nail and the attachment point of the nail bed.
  • The cuticle is the rim of skin that surrounds nail plate at the bottom of the nail.

A man's home arsenal should include more than just a drill and a hammer. A personal manicure set includes the same personal hygiene products as a toothbrush, comb and razor. Therefore, in our article I will give the minimum composition of a men’s manicure set. Important feature possession of this kit is its mandatory disinfection, before and after the procedure.

  1. Manicure scissors for nails. Used to trim nails
  2. Manicure scissors for cuticles. Used to trim cuticles and hangnails.
  3. Nail clippers. Used to trim the skin around nails
  4. Pedicure nippers. Used to trim toenails.
  5. Sandpaper or glass file.
  6. Scraper, or manicure spatula. Designed to work with the cuticle (the leather rim that frames the nail plate). It is used when it is necessary to push back the overgrown cuticle to prevent the occurrence of painful hangnails, and can also be used to clean the free edge of the nail from dirt.

For manicure tools, their sharpness is important. Dull tools are not only useless, but also make manicure a painful and very unpleasant procedure.

How to take care of a man's nails

Step 1. Wash your hands thoroughly in warm water and soap.

Advice: a man’s nail is quite thick and to make it easier to trim the free edge of the nail, I advise you to slightly steam your hands in hot water.

Step 2. Trim the free edge with nail scissors in a semicircle, parallel to the smile line of your nail. You should not cut your nails “to zero”, along the natural smile line, always leave half a millimeter of the free edge of the nail, the soft edge of the fingertip will tear the skin away from the nail, thereby the nail bed will decrease and your smile line will move further and further from the edge of the finger. You will end up with completely unsightly looking hands.

Step 3. Using a nail file, adjust the shape of the nail. To do this, use the abrasive side of the file to make frequent movements left and right along the edge of the nail, giving it a rounded shape.

Step 4. Working with the cuticle. For this procedure, there is a rule: the cuticle must be softened. To do this, we either soak our hands in hot water (10 minutes) to steam the skin, or use a special gel to soften the cuticle.

We take a manicure spatula at an angle to the cuticle, apply light pressure and move the skin towards the beginning of the nail. We remove the remaining fragments of dead skin and hangnails with manicure cuticle scissors or cuticle nippers. The main thing is to be careful and not to overdo it, so as not to damage the skin or cut the hangnails too deeply. Otherwise, you will only damage the skin, which will cause pain, cuts and bleeding.

Step 5. Apply hand cream. The cream perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the skin.

In conclusion

Neat, clean and well-groomed nails are an important aspect of personal hygiene, health and your attractiveness. It is important to regularly care for your nails and cuticles, as well as promptly remove dirt, hangnails and dead skin. Men's manicure is the key not only to your presentability, but also to the health of your hands.