They fight for health and make love. Toasts about love. Cool toast for love

A good feeling is always and everywhere valuable. A person who can cheer up the whole company almost immediately becomes its soul. To make the evening fun and definitely not boring, cool toasts will help brighten it up. Of course, you don’t need to come up with them yourself; all the jokes that would be appropriate at the table have long been invented. It’s worth reading them carefully; you can alter them a little to more accurately reflect the atmosphere of what is happening. Such a toast can lift your spirits; it will simply liven up the atmosphere of the evening and make everyone smile. Cool toasts can become a good tradition in a company of friends, where at the next meeting someone will tell new toast. Friendly atmosphere, good feeling humor and a few minutes to find such a toast will be the key to a wonderful evening in the company of loved ones.

There are the following reasons for drinking:
Funeral, holiday,
Meeting, seeing off,
Christenings, weddings and divorces,
Frost, hunting, New Year,
Recovery, housewarming,
Sadness, repentance, joy,
Success, reward, new rank
And just drunkenness - for no reason.

Have you been to our public bathhouse?
So there the client's clothes were stolen,
Only the cap remained, he covered his sin
And towards the house, the hearty one quietly swam.
A beautiful maiden meets you nose to nose,
Laughs playfully and squints his eyes
"Give up, you unfortunate one, come on, "Hands up!!!"
He raised his hands and the laughter ended.
I propose to raise our glasses to this,
What kept holding his cap!!!

Congratulations and wish:
To be healthy in Siberian style,
In Caucasian language - live long,
In gypsy way - to be cheerful
And drink vodka in Russian!

So let's have a drink here
In the next world they won’t give it!
Well, if they give it there -
Let's drink there and drink there!

To eat and drink,
So that I would like and could,
So that everything and everywhere
It was with whom and it was where!

I drink to the little ones and the long ones,
For stupid and scoundrels,
For the lustful and innocent,
Sons and their fathers.
I won’t end up as a grandmother and grandfather -
Enough toast for my lifetime
Right after my grandfather
So let's drink to the grandfathers and children,
After all, everyone will be someone’s ancestor!

I propose this toast,
It's good that everyone drinks!
Let the wine flow like a river
Swim in it with you!
Let an angel come from heaven
And he will give me miracles!
So let's drink to the bottom now,
And let's forget about business!

They don’t drink to health; they pray for it;
They don’t drink for happiness, they fight for it;
They don’t drink to love, they do it;
Let's drink to your dreams - let them come true!

It’s a good time of old age -
The age limit is no longer scary.
Your teeth don't hurt - they're gone!
And the wife is faithful - she has no time for jokes!
For reconciliation with the inevitable - for years.

And may you always have...
Glass filled with wine.
And so that you are always given...
Awards, orders, medals.
And so that it never becomes scarce
A supply of good, good deeds.

Wine cures all heart ailments,
The eternal torment of the mind is cured by wine,
Elixir of oblivion and consolation
Don't be afraid, friends, wine will heal everything!

My soul, the core of the sinful land,
Surrendering himself to the rebel forces,
You are languishing from spiritual need
And you spend money on painting the external walls.
Short-lived guest, why such funds?
Spending on your rented house?
To give the blind worms an inheritance
Property earned through labor?
Grow, soul, and be satisfied to your heart's content,
Save up your contribution at the expense of passing days,
And, acquiring a better share,
Live richer, outwardly poorer...
Let's drink to the priority of the spiritual in our lives!

Since we have gathered together, we sit at the table,
And our eyes shine with fire,
Then you need to raise your glasses to us
And drink the whole evening for us and for us!

Fighting the green potion,
In our hearts we completely curse him,
But we always know how to repay the debt -
If we need a drink, we drink!

No wine or entertainment
Life is stupid - there's no doubt about it
The glass sends us radiant light -
And there is no grief, and there is no grief!

The wine “boils” in the savory cups,
And, the shower splashes out the heat,
Our hearts beat as one,
Like before a battle with the hussars.
So, brothers, let’s not give up,
Entering into a militant rage,
Rising at once, as if on an “attack” -
Let's close the ranks of the healing bowls!

They don’t drink for happiness - they fight for it
They don’t drink to their health, they pray for it
They don't drink to love - they do it
Let's drink to your dreams - let them come true!

We were and remain beautiful
Admiring the beauty of our bodies
Let those who didn't get us cry
And those who didn’t want us will die!…

Three people once argued
Whose mice are stronger on alcohol?
The French mouse sniffed cognac -
I instantly fell asleep like a dead sleep.
The German took a sip of schnapps -
And the poor woman immediately died.
And our mouse is beauty:
“Another hundred grams - I’ll beat the cat!”
For the spirit for the fighting Russian
We'll drink vodka, not whiskey!

Audio congratulations

For that deep, piercing feeling,
For the attraction that makes the blood flow,
For the fact that you don’t need to drown out,
Let's drink standing up to love!

My toast to friendship in difficult times
She really means a lot
If it is not hidden in a stream of phrases,
And in the principles of dedication.

Have you found the woman of your dreams?
You are incredibly lucky, my friends!
With the rest of my dreams, I must confess,
You have to leave immediately.
I raise a glass to the lovely ladies,
That they eclipse the whole world!

Because our loyalty is so strong,
Because it’s difficult for us without each other,
For the feeling that, like a full river,
It's time for us to raise a glass to our friendship!

I drink to the bottom for those who are here,
I don’t drink to those who don’t.
Enjoy every minute
After all, I love your pugs so much!

The ants gathered to hunt.
The leader admonishes his troops:
- We knock down the elephant with a friendly crowd!
Then we’ll trample - that’s all we need!
Yes, the team can handle any task!
For this I suggest you drink with confidence!

What a rich table you set for us,
On it today are daily dreams.
You covered it for us, lovingly.
We won’t drink at the table, ... we’ll drink to you!

Long live our feast -
A fun and close circle!
On the right hand is a girlfriend.
By left hand- friend.
Here everyone is calm for friendship,
And in honor of this friendship it is given
Find out as soon as possible which
Wine plays in glasses.
So let's clink glasses, if necessary,
So that she shines everywhere,
And let's drink to old friendship,
For clear friendship - to the bottom!

We were and remain goddesses
And it's not about the curves of our bodies,
Let those who didn't get us dry out
Let those who did not want us die.

I want to raise a glass to those people
To whom you owe your life,
With whom are you connected by an invisible thread,
And for whom you are no relative.

Who could never wish for bad things,
For those who raised you and educated you,
I cared, I regretted, I didn’t sleep at night,
They will never know health, happiness or sorrow!

Every fisherman dreams of seeing a goldfish.
Every girl dreams of seeing the Fairy Tale Prince.
Every young man dreams of seeing the Most Beautiful Princess.
So let's drink to the carrots! It improves vision!

We are on the path of life
Lonely without friends.
A toast to them
Always reliable
Helping everywhere.

I drink cold vodka with pleasure,
I love her very much, my dear.
If vodka interferes with work, -
Throw her away... your job.

Luck is something that will never be enough,
Sometimes we miss it.
There are many stars above us, but only one
Perhaps it will shine on everyone.
Let our lives be richer on all sides,
So let's drink to success, luck and luck!

And in the heat and in the snow,
And in the bitter cold -
She is always dear to us.
Let's raise a toast
For our friendship
May life be her duty!

We make this toast,
To be lucky in life
You definitely need a friend.
And so that beauties
Wonderful things around
There was more to life!

What is love - suffering or joy,
Freedom or slavery for centuries?
What is this – our strength or weakness?
Probably all together, this feeling is sweet,
And that means it’s time for us all to drink to love!

To eat and drink,
So that I would like and could,
So that everything and everywhere
It was with whom and it was where!

It happened in our fleet:
When we are all together with friends,
That's the very first, best toast
We have this: “For those who are at sea!”

Happy Birthday, dear!
You are like a second mother to me.
I love you, respect you,
Bright days, I wish you good luck!
Your son has become a good husband to me.
Thank you for it.
I promise to be obedient
And don’t upset you, mom!

For women's flair, for women's dreams,
For everything that makes us pray,
For what we wish to gain,
So that the worst can be forgotten!

I raise my glass
For endless patience,
With which we persuade the ladies
To love innocent sins.

For our courage, their fear,
For our pressure, for their concessions,
For everything that suddenly happens here,
When the scarves and skirts fall off!

And in the hut you will experience paradise together,
In case of difficulties, family, do not be discouraged.
They will disappear, just as the wine will disappear now,
To give way to the happiness that has come.

Remember my toast forever, friends,
Let the family be the strongest.
Drive away quarrels and separations,
Never know cold boredom in life.

The wife's father is a friend and helper,
He will whisper how to cope with his daughter.
Especially if suddenly the daughter
The character is all like his mother.
I wish you, father-in-law, as a friend
Health, happiness and patience.
Let the joy of life be in full swing,
There is luck in everything.

Let one be strangely happy,
When another has a dozen misfortunes!
And let your souls burn with joy,
And my hands itch from the huge jackpot,
And the heart beats with instant luck,
And the eyes go blind from the incomparable beauties,
My knees are shaking from a sleepless night,
And like kids, hormones are frolicking...
So let's drink two hundred, oh good friends,
For these serious illnesses of ours!
So that we can hurt them again,
We will drink, have a snack - and be healthy!

How important is a warm climate in a team!
How important is the person nearby for communication!
So that we don’t forget about each other while working,
Let's just drink to our colleagues!

Don't worry - live happily
So that everyone always says:
How beautiful this woman is
How endlessly young!

It’s night outside, the man is hurrying home,
Drunk shaking his head...
- Where are you hurrying with a businesslike look?
In the middle of the night and drunk as hell?
The patrolman was amazed by the answer:
- At the lecture “What does it mean to be cultured.”
- Where should the lecture take place?
- My wife reads them to me at home!
We'll drink to the bottom, we won't cheat,
For the thirst for knowledge and culture!

Be the most cheerful and the happiest,
Good and gentle and the most beautiful.
Be the most attentive, the most beloved,
Simple, charming, unique,
And kind, and strict, and weak, and strong.
Let troubles go out of the way into powerlessness,
May everything you wish come true.
Love, faith, hope, goodness to you!

They drink to love at least once in almost every company. But not everyone can do this beautifully. A collection of toasts about love will help you find Right words at the right moment. Let your toast be beautiful and memorable!

One famous doctor said:
“I’ve been treating people for decades. During this time, he prescribed many different medications to his patients. But now I've come to the conclusion that the best remedy from all ailments - this is love!
- Well, what if she doesn’t help? - they ask him.
“Then you just need to double the dose!” - the doctor answers.
I propose to raise a glass to love!

Life with love always
They are welded together with unbreakable threads.
They are one without the other
Not to bloom for a second, not for a moment.
Life is interrupted -
And here the end of love comes,
This is the eternal law
Designed for all generations.
I suggest we raise our glasses and drink
For the unity of life and love!

Moliere wrote:
“The day would fade in my soul and darkness would come again,
When would love completely leave the soul.
Only he knew bliss who touched his heart with passion.
And whoever did not know love is as good as not having lived...”
What could it be better than love? I propose to drink to love!

Let the sun shine on a rainy day!
Let the bright light burn in your eyes!
Let there be only happiness with you,
Let no tears shine in your eyes!
For true and only love!

The half-forgotten toast
Very naive, even simple:
Let them rule the world again and again
Hope, faith and love!

Among the hours darker than the dark night,
When the melancholy from the heart cannot be driven away,
Let a gentle, languid whisper call to you,
Returning grace to love and happiness!
So let's drink to the grace of love!

It is terrible to die at sea from thirst, and among the multitude beautiful girls– from unrequited love. So let’s drink to quench your thirst with love in a timely manner!

Aristotle also said: “To love means to wish for another what you consider to be good, and at the same time wish not for your own sake, but for the sake of the one you love, and try, if possible, to bring him good.”
Let us love according to Aristotle!”

Love makes the smart crazy, the meek - violent, and the indomitable - peaceful. I suggest we drink so that love makes us all happy!

One day a lecturer was asked:
-What is love?
“If a young man asks,” the lecturer answered, “I tell him: “Wait, you’ll find out.” If an old man asks this question, I answer him: “Remember!” If a middle-aged person is interested in this, I can only feel sorry for him.
Friends, pity humiliates a person! Let's better not ask this stupid question. Love and be loved!

A smart person can fall in love like a madman, but not like a fool. So let's drink so that madmen in love will never be fools!

Love tastes sweetest
And a poisonous potion!
Love is a bloodless duel
The sadness of hearts and their joy!
For the joy of love!

The most bottomless pool,
In which men drown,
Drowning inevitably
These are the eyes of the beloved.
So let no one complain:
I drink to the happily drowned!

Who loves it? The cook loves hotly, the fireman - passionately, the photographer - instantly, the pastry chef - sweetly, the watchmaker - strictly according to the clock, the lawyer - eloquently, the bathhouse attendant - hotly, the fisherman - coldly, the accountant - prudently, the student - platonically, the sprinter - swiftly, the doctor - fatally, a crazy person is crazy, but fools like me love firmly and truly. So let's drink to love!

Toast to Love! For the one who did not sin!
A toast to the Love that believed in itself,
And she served faithfully and faithfully
To a worthy and enthusiastic Fate.
A toast to Love that walked through darkness and thunderstorms,
I hurried to the one who called,
Not believing in ridiculous forecasts,
And she gave what she could give.
For the one who is devoted to honor without measure,
That a shot will be taken in the chest without further ado,
Will not live without God and without faith -
A toast to such faithful Love!
A toast to Love that knows no age:
She doesn't want to know that date.
She is drowning in mutual love
And I’m ready to give everything for Her!..”

There is student love: when there is someone, there is something, but there is no where.
There is lonely love: when there is where, there is something, but there is no one with.
There is unhappy love: when there is where, there is someone, but there is no what.
There is philosophical love: when there is where, there is something, there is someone with, but why?
So let's drink to the love that each of us deserves!

For a person who has never loved, half of life remains hidden... So let's drink to the phenomenon that opens both the first and second half of life! For love!

Angels call it heavenly joy, devils call it hellish torment, and people call it love. So let's drink to the joy and torment of love!

No amount of pretense or tricks can hide love where it is, or show it where it is not. So let's drink to true feelings!

Love leads through deserts
And through the mountain ranges,
And it doesn’t get cold in the wind,
And he's not afraid of heights.
Because we care about blood, -
My toast, of course, is to love!

Who can reproach a hungry person for striving for food, who can reproach a beggar for striving to cover his nakedness, who can reproach a person for striving for love! Let's drink to oases in the desert of everyday life! For love!

Charles Dickens said: “Love is the most interesting and most forgivable of all human weaknesses.” Let us always forgive ourselves and others for this weakness!

Love for a woman is life, and for a man it is an episode of life. Let's drink to an episode that will last for the rest of our lives!

Love is a feeling that has neither past nor future. So let's drink to eternal love!

Let's drink to the greatest and only one of its kind phenomenon, which shortens the life of each person individually and prolongs it for all of humanity as a whole... It seems to me that everyone has already guessed! For love!

Let's drink to all those we loved and those who loved us! Because in fact, love does not pass away, but remains with us forever, making us richer, thinner, gentler and stronger. For love!

They threw the dog into the lion's cage. He wanted to eat it, but decided to play around first. I played and fell in love. And the dog began to live happily with the lion. So let's drink to love at first sight, which can work miracles!

Love is a tree that takes its roots deep into the soul. It can grow and green even on the ruins of our hearts. So let's drink to the garden of love!

How impossible life is without love,
So love dies without life.
And I say: hold on to love!
Be in love - I wish you!

Where does the love of a man and a woman begin? A woman is ready to love at first sight, and a man is ready to love at the first opportunity. So let's drink to the fact that your views give us more opportunities.

There is no cure for love! So let's drink to us, who are terminally ill with love!

They say the giant is not knower of love, will not even reach the waist of an ordinary person in love. Love elevates. Let us raise our glasses to the sublime love that lifts us to the skies!

The engine of progress, oddly enough, is not thought, not curiosity, not a craving for new things, but... the most common laziness. When man became too lazy to remember, he invented writing; when man became too lazy to walk and carry weights, he invented the wheel. One day a man became too lazy to live alone and he found himself a wonderful life partner. And from that moment I discovered so many new things in the world, a whole ocean of emotions and feelings. For love!

When they talk a lot about love, it becomes less and less. So let's drink to love, which does not need numerous confessions!

A wise man was once told that love is a thing unworthy of a wise man. To which he replied:
“If so, then I feel sorry for the poor beauties, for they will be doomed to enjoy the love of only fools!”
So let's drink to a love worthy of everyone, and everyone worthy of love!

They say that first a person should study the theory, and then gain practice. In love, it’s the other way around: one becomes theoretician when all the practice has already ended. So let's drink to ensure that theory never separates from practice!

What cup do you think we drink from, drink from, and still can’t get enough? From the cup of love. So let's drink to love!

Unhappy is the one who, while loving, is deprived of reciprocity.
Unhappy is the one whose chest is gnawed by emptiness.
But the most unfortunate of all is the one who cannot love!
Here's to love and happy people!

There is nothing more beautiful than the face of your beloved, there is nothing sweeter than the sound of her voice. So let's drink to the wonderful sweetness of love!

A man is as young as he loves. A woman is as young as she is loved. So let’s drink to our youth and our love!”

What will your love become?
With song, bread, boiling steel,
Falcon in the sky,
The sea beyond the distant distance?
Or, falling from above,
It will sink like a stone into the depths of the heart, -
It's up to you only
What will your love become?
For love!

Stendhal said: “Love is the only passion that is paid with the same coin that it mints.”
So let's drink to our mints working at full capacity and producing only full-value gold ducats!

Nothing great in the world has ever been accomplished without passion. So let's drink to our passions! For them to be great and beautiful!

I need you, my star,
How the desert needs water!
I need you, my joy,
How ships need the seas,
Like a homeless person needs shelter,
I need your love so much!”

The love of a young woman is like new wine: tart, unseasoned, intoxicating. The love of an older woman is like old wine: aged, with a bouquet, intoxicating. So let's drink to intoxicating love!

In the edifice of human happiness, friendship builds the walls, and love forms the dome. So let's drink to make this dome strong! For love!

Whichever ear is ringing,
No matter how itchy your eyebrow is,
We don’t drink for omens – for the cause:
for friendship, loyalty and love!

He who is not touched by the shortcomings of his beloved is not truly in love. So let's drink so that all the shortcomings of our loved ones in our eyes become their advantages!

Love is the shining of a star over the world of evil.
Love is a calling for good deeds!
Love is like a thirst for truth, a need to eat and drink.
How great it truly is to be able to love you!

Let's drink to love!
To live under the light of all the constellations,
On all interstellar and terrestrial paths
The poetry of love is not only in our songs,
But the main thing is to live in our hearts!

Nice toast to love

There are many legends and thoughts about what love is. We can all reason differently too. But all our conclusions will come down to one thing: love is care, it is respect for each other, it is help in difficult situations and, of course, surprises at night. Let's drink our toast to love. She is known to rule the world!

A short toast about love

Let's drink to the tables bursting with abundance and the beds bursting with love!

The best toast about love

Let's drink to the greatest and only
and a kind of phenomenon that shortens life
each person individually and prolongs
to all of humanity as a whole...
It seems to me that everyone has already guessed! For love!

A toast to love in prose

I want to tell you this parable:
“One day, his students came to visit the old professor. They talked for a long time, talked about their lives, complained about difficult times. The professor offered them coffee and brought a tray on which stood a variety of cups, expensive and cheap. After all the coffee had been sorted out, the professor said the following: “Look, you only sorted out the expensive cups, and then you looked at who had the prettier and richer ones. You do the same in life. You are used to getting the best. But your cups do not affect the taste of coffee, because I offered you coffee, not a cup. Likewise, your life is coffee, and everything else, in particular work, home, position in society, are cups.
The type of cup we have now has no effect on our quality of life. Sometimes, in our rush to get the most expensive cup, we forget to enjoy life itself. After all, happy is the one who makes the best of what he has.”
Let's drink to friendship and love, which are priceless and so important to each of us. Appreciate and take care of them!

A toast to love in verse

"Let's drink to love!" - the singer sings...
I will heed his great words.
Only with my heart the one who loves will understand
The light of distant stars and our Earth.
So let's have a drink, even in the middle of winter,
In autumn, spring, midsummer
Together with the composer we
For reciprocity and for this feeling!
After all, not everyone is given love -
Some gene is broken in a person...
Let sweet wine help
Love once and forever!!!

Toast to love

When a person is born, the first feeling is
which he experiences is the love of his mother.
When he dies, the last feeling is
which he takes with him,
- love for the world left behind.
If there was no love, there would be no us.
So let's drink to love!

Toast about love

There is a toast to ages that are submissive to high feelings and have no boundaries. For the trembling of souls, alluring, sweet, awakened in the spring, wherever you look. For the heart that flies high, into the dope, and for the hope of not falling into the abyss, into deception. Love, friends, let's drink to love.

Cool toast for love

Love, like a good reputation, once lost, will never return. Let's drink so that we never lose them - neither reputation nor love!

Third toast to love

One famous doctor said:
“I’ve been treating people for decades.
During this time he prescribed to his patients
a lot of different medicines.
But now I've come to the conclusion
that the best cure for all ailments is love!
- Well, what if she doesn’t help? - they ask him.
“Then you just need to double the dose!” - the doctor answers.
I propose to raise a glass to love!

Don't drink a toast to love

My husband read this at the table today:
They don’t drink to their health, they pray for it...
They don’t drink for happiness - they fight for it...
They don’t drink to love, they do it...
And drink to your dreams - let them come true!