Calling spirits at home - rituals. Who and how can be summoned from the spirits: mandatory rules What history says about this

Someone may not know whether it is possible or not to summon spirits, but let’s look at a specific example, and everyone will draw their own conclusion. Once upon a time there lived a girl named Svetlana. A good girl, no one could say anything bad about her. At the age of 17, she went with three girlfriends to a country house to tell fortunes for her betrothed-mummer on Christmastide.

That house belonged to the parents of one of the girlfriends and was a large spacious building with 8 rooms. The girls settled down in one of the rooms. At dusk they sat down near the round table, lit candles, and placed mirrors. At first they simply guessed, and then they began to call the spirits and ask them questions. We went to bed late in different rooms.

In the dead of night, the sleepers were alarmed by Svetlana’s loud, horror-filled scream. Everyone rushed to her room and saw that the girl was standing on the bed, pointing her finger into a dark corner and screaming shrilly. The frightened Svetlana was somehow calmed down, but she kept muttering that her betrothed had come to her, was standing next to her and ordering her to follow him.

A year has passed since that ill-fated night. During this time, Svetlana completely changed. She withdrew into herself, constantly began to talk to someone invisible, and stopped communicating with her parents altogether. They began to force feed her and dress her like a child. At night, the girl often stood on the bed with her eyes closed and her arms outstretched. At the same time, it seemed that she was resting her palms on something invisible.

At first, the parents took the girl to psychiatrists. They prescribed a course of treatment, but it did not help at all. Then they started taking Svetlana to different healers. One of them said that during Christmas time a very strong and dangerous spirit clung to the girl. Only a real witch with magical powers can get rid of it. The healer gave the address of such a witch, and the parents went to her.

She listened carefully to the visitors and said: “You cannot call spirits under any circumstances. Even experienced and strong sorcerers can suffer in this case, let alone a young and unprepared girl. For her, all this turned into a real disaster. The only strange thing is that 4 girls were guessing, but only one was injured. Most likely, Svetlana has a certain gift, so she cast spells seriously, and her friends did it just for fun. That’s why the dark spirit clung to your daughter.”

Next, the sorceress stated that she would perform a special ritual that should help. He will expel the otherworldly force, cleanse the girl, and she will become the same as she was a year ago. After these words, the witch ordered the parents to take holy water from the church and promised to come to their home at midnight.

Shortly before midnight, she appeared at the house where Svetlana lived, carefully examined the girl, sat her on a chair, stood in front of the patient and began to say: “ Just as it is unshakable that mother water flows across the earth, so it is unshakable that from this moment all damage from God’s servant Svetlana will disappear. The Lord is in front, the Mother of God is behind, angels walk on the sides, protect God’s Svetlana, and do not allow the dark forces to destroy her. My word is strong and indestructible, in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Let it be so. Amen

After these words, the sorceress took Svetlana to the bathroom, undressed her, and began dousing her with holy water from a ladle. The girl stood absolutely indifferent and did not react to the procedure in any way. But when the last ladle was poured on her, she perked up, and a meaningful expression appeared in her eyes. She looked at the witch and said in fear: “Mom, what kind of woman is this?”

The mother calmed her daughter down and took her to bed. She instantly fell asleep, and in the morning she woke up as an absolutely normal person. It turned out that she didn’t remember anything from the very moment she went to bed at her friend’s house. The only thing I remembered was a man in loose dark clothes. She walked with him all the time along a narrow winding road somewhere into the darkness and talked about something. Svetlana spent a whole year unconscious, and all because it is impossible to summon spirits. They always come when called and can cause a lot of trouble.

The other world is a topic that has always interested people. Since ancient times, attempts have been made to establish contact with entities in order to obtain the necessary information from them. Summoning spirits can occur through various rituals that are easy to master on your own.

Calling spirits - myth or reality

Life after death interests many people, so there are a huge number of versions of what happens after the heart stops. If you ask psychics whether it is possible to summon spirits, the answer will be positive, but at the same time they claim that this is not entertainment and rituals should be carried out responsibly. Spirits play an important role in the beliefs of different peoples. On the Internet you can find a huge number of messages and even photographs confirming contact with otherworldly entities, but scientists deny the existence of spirits.

Who can be summoned from the spirits?

It is believed that any person can master the rituals of summoning a spirit if desired. You should start with something simple and only after successful practices should you make contact with the souls of dead people. To summon a spirit, it is necessary to perform a ritual in accordance with all the rules. In most cases, at the initial stages, lower entities make contact, whose goal is deception. When figuring out which spirits can be summoned day and night, it is worth pointing out that the souls of famous personalities have difficulty getting in touch, so it is better to communicate with deceased relatives.

Who can be called from the good spirits?

The list of entities with which you can contact is extensive. Among the simplest and most accessible “interlocutors” are various fairies, gnomes, mermaids, and so on. Summoning a good spirit can occur in order to fulfill one’s desire or obtain answers to various questions. You can communicate through rituals with your relatives and the souls of other people, for example, famous personalities.

Who can be summoned from among the evil spirits?

People who know and are interested in black magic call upon dark entities, for example, various demons, dark angels, larvae and many others. Dangerous spirits are summoned for different purposes, for example, they can be tied to a person so that they spoil his life, ask for additional magical power, and they are often used in dark rituals to induce the evil eye and damage.

How to summon a spirit?

There are many rituals, but they are all united by a number of rules. If you are interested in how to summon different spirits, we recommend taking into account the following features:

  1. Start the ritual after sunset, but the best time is from 12 to 4 am.
  2. You can conduct seances alone or in company, the main thing is that all participants believe in magic.
  3. You cannot turn on the electricity, so it is best to use the light of candles, which should be made of wax.
  4. It is recommended that you write down all the questions in advance so that they are clear and do not have any ambiguity.
  5. To make it easier for the spirit to enter the house, open a window or vent.
  6. When calling the spirit, take off your jewelry, especially the Christian cross.
  7. To scare away lower entities, it is recommended to fumigate the room with incense before the session.

How to call a spirit using a Ouija board?

The most popular ritual involves the use, but not everyone can find it, so you can do it yourself. People who summon spirits claim that with the help of spiritualistic seances they were able to make contact with various inhabitants of the other world. To create an improvised board, take a saucer and whatman paper, on which draw a circle and its diameter should be 2-3 times larger than the vessel. On the outside of the circle, write all the letters of the alphabet in any order and the numbers from 0 to 9. Write the words “Goodbye” and “No” at the bottom, and “Hello” and “Yes” at the top.

There are a number of rules for how you can summon a spirit using a Ouija board:

  1. While in the dark, light candles and sit in front of the board. If several people participate in the ritual, then everyone should sit in a circle. You can put the made board on the floor to make it convenient, but it must be level.
  2. Heat the saucer over the candle flame and place it in the center of the drawn circle. It is important to first make a mark on it by placing a line anywhere.
  3. The calling of spirits should begin with the fact that all participants in the ritual should touch the saucer with the fingertips of both hands. After this, begin summoning the spirit. The movement of the saucer will indicate that he has arrived.
  4. Be sure to say hello to the invisible interlocutor, and he must do so in response by moving the saucer to the correct word. Only after this can you start asking your questions. The saucer will begin to move, pointing to the letters that will form the answers to the questions. At the end of the ritual, say goodbye to the spirit.

How to summon a spirit on cards?

One of the simplest ways to summon spirits involves the use of ordinary cards, but they should not have previously been used for the game. Calling spirits at home is carried out according to the following instructions:

  1. Sit in a dark room and light a candle nearby. Draw a circle around it for protection.
  2. Shuffle the cards, thinking about the spirit you want to connect with. First, ask if he wants to talk, and take out one card and determine the answer by the color of its suit: red - yes, and black - no.
  3. Continuing to summon the spirits, place several cards face down in front of you and begin asking questions. After each request, turn over the card and determine the answer by suit: hearts - yes, spades - no, diamonds - maybe clubs - I don’t know.

How to summon a spirit with a mirror?

The ritual presented can be used to communicate with the spirit of a deceased relative, but if desired, it can be adapted for other entities. Describing how to summon a spirit, we will suggest a ritual for which you prepare a coin, a large mirror into which the deceased had previously looked, a sharp needle and a wax candle.

  1. While alone, prick your finger to draw blood, and use it to write all the letters of the alphabet, as well as the words “yes” or “no,” on the mirror. You can replace the blood with a marker, but then the effectiveness of the ritual is reduced.
  2. Light a candle nearby and place a coin edge-on on the mirror. Press it with your finger so it doesn't fall.
  3. Say a spell and wait for the spirit to get in touch and set the coin in motion. Ask if the spirit is ready to communicate and after receiving consent, begin asking questions. From the letters that the coin will point to, it will be possible to add up the answers.
  4. At the end, say goodbye in spirit, ask him to leave and blow out the candle. Turn the mirror over with the reflective surface facing down and leave it for 10 hours.

How to summon a spirit with a candle?

The next ritual is considered classic and uses candles and a reflective surface. If you want to get in touch with a good spirit, then use a white candle, and if with an evil entity, use a black one. Also for the ritual, prepare a bowl of water. Instructions on how to simply summon a spirit imply going through the following steps:

  1. Sit in front of a mirror, place a container of water in front of you, and light a candle next to it. It is important that the liquid is reflected in the mirror.
  2. Watch the flame in the reflection for a while to relax. As you do this, keep in mind the spirit you plan to connect with. After this, peering into the mirror surface, say the spell three times.
  3. Look in the mirror without looking away or blinking. It is important not to move and after a while you will be able to see an image that can be anything. You can only look at the spirit from the side, since a direct look will disrupt the connection.
  4. Ask any questions and the answers will come in the form of pictures, which you also cannot look at directly. At the end of the ritual, say goodbye to the spirit and blow out the candle.

Why can't I summon a spirit?

Often, especially for beginners, a similar question arises and experts assure that this state of affairs is quite normal. There can be many reasons for the fiasco, for example, more often the ritual to summon a spirit is carried out with errors and all the rules are not followed. Many people perform rituals for the sake of interest or entertainment, and therefore do not get the desired result, since in magic the belief that spirits are real is of great importance.

Why can't you summon spirits?

Psychics and other people with magical abilities claim that rituals to summon entities are dangerous, and they can cause unpleasant consequences. Summoning a dangerous spirit can lead to health problems, troubles in various areas of life, and even death. To avoid this, you must follow safety precautions:

  1. It is necessary to begin spiritualistic seances with a clear mind and without extraneous thoughts in your head. It is important to first stop using alcohol and drugs.
  2. You need to contact the spirit in person, but before that you should ask for protection from.
  3. After calling the spirits at home is successful, you need to ask him for permission to communicate. There is no need to make any demands or communicate with him disrespectfully, as this can lead to unpleasant consequences.
  4. As protection, you can draw a circle on the floor using salt.
  5. When explaining whether it is dangerous to summon spirits, it is worth pointing out that for your own safety at the end of the session you must express gratitude and say goodbye.

Dead? Probably, such a question will seem more than strange to many. People belonging to this category will smile skeptically in response and note that they, in principle, do not believe in any mysticism, but consider it nothing more than fiction that has replaced children's fairy tales.

However, we would not be so categorical in our statements, because even science sometimes encounters And specialists are increasingly being turned to by those who at first just wanted to be curious and find out how to summon spirits at home, and now do not know how to get rid of consequences of what was done.

Section 1. General concept

According to mythology, the spirit is an entity with supernatural capabilities, endowed with will and the ability to perceive, while always remaining beyond human understanding.

It is believed that spirits are able to suddenly appear and disappear, move in space, and contact people. They can also harm a person’s health and cause visions, and cause various natural phenomena. That is why, before asking about the deceased, it is recommended to answer two key questions:

  1. Is it worth doing this at all?
  2. Will I be able to withstand what I face if the goal is achieved.

Section 2. Spirit from a religious point of view

This article will talk about how to evoke a person’s spirit, but first, let’s try to figure out what is meant by the very concept of spirit.

First of all, it is believed that he can be endowed with human traits, will and the ability to perceive the surrounding world, capable of taking on the images of a person or other living creature, object and phenomenon. It follows from this that everything living and nonliving has its own spirits: there are spirits of animals and plants, fire and water, winds, etc. What are the features of their behavior?

The spirit influences the life of that which it relates to. For example, it controls animals and plants, the outcome of a hunt and the power of nature. A person’s behavior can offend him or, conversely, please him. As a result, this entity can take revenge or become a patron. This factor, by the way, must be taken into account before summoning the spirit of a deceased person or animal.

Along with a person’s knowledge of the real world, a conviction has emerged that some of his actions can in the most mysterious way influence the realization of what he wants. Although there is an inherent opinion that belief in spirits prevents us from fully understanding the manifestations of nature, which because of this are perceived either as benevolence or as the revenge of unknown forces.

The natural spiritualization of the world creates the idea that human life is inextricably linked with the world of spirits: a person communicates with them, conflicts, makes requests, thanks...

Section 3. Spirits of people

Many religions and superstitions describe human existence. It is believed that the soul of the deceased can rest in another world or move into another body only if the burial ritual is followed and if it is not disturbed by anything.

Otherwise, the spirit may remain among the living until it finds peace or is buried. According to Orthodox canons, the soul of a deceased person remains among the living for 40 days and only then passes on to another world. In Shintoism, the soul of someone who died a violent death will remain in the world of the living as long as his offender is alive. It is also believed that the home is protected by the spirits of deceased parents.

There are practices that allow a substance called the soul to temporarily leave its body, float in space and observe what is happening from the outside. However, many scientists deny this.

Section 4. What is important to remember when calling spirits?

The question of how to summon the spirits of the dead remains open. Although, according to experts, in principle, almost anyone can communicate with them. But before the session you should learn more about these entities. It is worth remembering that perfumes are very changeable. They can be deceptive and dangerous.

When summoning the spirit of a deceased relative, you should not expect him to reveal all the secrets of the future. He may well hide negative information about failures, illness or death. Only correct communication with him will allow you to receive the necessary information, help or protection. This is what the mediums say.

Section 5. How to summon the spirits of the dead without leaving home?

Ritual with scissors. The ritual requires the participation of 2 people. You will also need scissors, a red ribbon and any spiritual book. The scissors are placed between the pages of the book, leaving the rings on the outside. Then the book is tied with a ribbon and the session begins. Holding the rings of the scissors with your little fingers, you call upon the desired spirit. You can ask questions after the book starts moving. Moving to the right is a positive response, moving to the left is a negative response.

Ritual with a needle. In this case, you need a witch's board and a needle with black thread, used as a pendulum. Taking the needle and thread in your right hand, you should say the words three times: “Spirit (such and such), come to my call.” When strange sensations of the presence of an outsider appear, you need to ask the question: “Spirit (so-and-so), are you here?” If the spirit is nearby, then the answer will follow. Now you can ask any questions. The spinning needle will point to the letters on the board that need to be written down. The resulting word will be the answer to the question asked.

Summoning spirits is a topic of interest to people who study esotericism. Spirits can be summoned for different purposes. You need attributes that will help you establish contact with the inhabitants of the other world.

In the article:

Calling spirits - who can be disturbed

There are spirits that can be disturbed and ghosts that cannot be touched. Before the ceremony begins, they consider whether it is necessary to resort to the help of the spirit. Some call an entity to:

  • ask for a wish to be fulfilled;
  • find out the answer to your question;
  • find out what the future holds;
  • ask to attract love;
  • just for fun;
  • ask for help.

Any entity endowed with greater capabilities than humans can answer questions and fulfill a simple desire. Spirits know the future and are able to fulfill simple requests.

To summon evil spirits to the cemetery, you need to use a simple and effective ritual. Attributes you will need:

  • five candles;
  • black cloth;
  • protective amulet (for example, a cross, a Muslim crescent, a symbol of another god);
  • ritual knife.

ritual knife
five candles black canvas protective amulet

The ritual is not performed on Monday. You should collect your attributes and go to the cemetery at midnight.

There is no need to disturb the grave of a certain person - just enter the cemetery territory. It is important to have the right mindset. There is no need to be afraid of what will happen. A person must be sure that he is well protected and that no one will be harmed.

To really feel protected, you need to choose the right amulet that will protect you from danger. This could be a silver cross or personal attributes that are endowed with the energy of a sorcerer, strength and faith that the amulet will really bring good luck. You can use your own amulet.

Determine the place where the ceremony will be held. Draw a protective circle using salt, chalk, special crystals, and candles.

When the defense is ready, the ritual begins. If they call a spirit or undead from another world to ask a question, find out the future, make a wish, write everything down on a separate piece of paper. Questions and wishes must be written in legible handwriting, clearly and clearly. Otherwise, either the caster will falter and incorrectly explain what he wishes, or the spirit will refuse to fulfill wishes and communicate.

The prepared ritual knife is stuck into the ground and said:

Spirits (or name any other evil spirits), I call on you! I want to see you now!

If initially carried out by sorcerers, magicians, you can turn to the immediate patrons chosen at the beginning of the magical path. If there has been no initiation, contacting spirits is much more dangerous.

The task is to turn to the spirit with a request. The fact that the ghost has come can be felt immediately. If the magician turns to a familiar spirit or to a good one, they feel a surge of vitality and positive energy.
If the evil spirit of the deceased is nearby, they feel a cool breeze from the side where the ghost is located. When summoning evil evil spirits, they prepare for an attack of fear.

They explain clearly and concisely to the spirit, find out everything they want, ask for what is missing, and send it to another world. Usually, an outside entity likes to be in the human world, and the ghost tries to linger as long as possible.

Sometimes evil spirits can resort to cunning and try to take over the body of the person who calls them. This happens when the magician is inexperienced and does not use protective amulets. If the ritual is performed while standing in a protective circle and holding a special talisman, the caster is in no danger. To send a spirit to another world, say:

Thank you, spirit, but now, go back to where you came from. Go to another world as if you never existed.

When the spirit finally disappears and the state returns to normal, you can leave the magic circle. Until this moment, leaving the magic circle is prohibited, since the sorcerer can become easy prey for evil spirits.

Evil spirit - ways to summon at home

Often black magicians call on evil spirits. Creatures can be used for different purposes:

  • bind to a person so that the entities constantly spoil life or take them to the grave;
  • ghosts are asked to endow a person with magical abilities;
  • evil spirits are often used to cast the evil eye and damage on enemies;
  • Experienced magicians can use evil spirits to protect themselves by offering them something in return for their safety.

Call to cast a curse

If you need to bind an evil spirit to a specific person, you can use a simple ritual. A photograph of the victim and a sample of its biological material will be required: nails, hair, skin, blood.

It is necessary to go out on a full moon at the intersection of two roads, taking a photograph of a person, biological material, two black non-church candles, a wreath woven from dry branches.

When the caster comes to the crossroads, the wreath is placed in the center, candles are lit, and wax is poured onto the wreath. If they want to cause more damage to a person, more wax is dripped. Standing over the finished attribute, you need to say:

Come to me, spirit. Come to me, the one whom they fear, whom they turn to for help! An evil spirit capable of destruction, I ask you for help. Hear me, do not reject me, for I am not disturbing your peace just for the sake of curiosity.

An evil spirit must appear. The ghost is shown a photograph, a wreath and biological material from the victim are placed on top. It is necessary to bring a wreath to the cemetery and bury it on the grave of the victim's namesake. They say:

Evil spirit, from now on this is your victim. Do whatever you want with her. Torment, torment, don’t let me live in peace.

When the words are spoken, they sprinkle a little graveyard soil on the place where the wreath is buried, stamp their right foot, turn over their left shoulder and leave the cemetery without looking back.

Within a couple of days the victim will begin to suffer, because an evil spirit will follow her and suck out her vitality. The impact can occur both physically and psychologically.

How to Summon a Spirit Using a Saucer

One of the most ancient ways to summon spirits. The method is one of the safest; you can even summon evil and dangerous spirits. To carry out the ceremony you need a saucer.

The dish is a conductor that connects the real world and the one in which the ghost lives. If the caster is in direct contact with the attribute, the ghost will come. If the connection with a magical object is broken, the portal between the two worlds closes, and the entity itself will not be able to linger in the real world. The spirit will automatically go back where it came from.

Before starting the ritual, they must gather a group that includes people of different genders. The measure will ensure the safety of the caster: the spirit can cope with the medium if the ritual is performed independently.

Participants in the ceremony must remove jewelry and metal accessories. You cannot talk after the ritual has begun. It is not recommended to talk before the ghost arrives. Before you begin the ceremony, you should decide who will be the medium.

Only this person will be able to communicate with the ghost, ask questions and convey the necessary information. It is strictly forbidden to interrupt other ritual participants in the conversation.

You can contact the spirit at any phase of the moon. It is advisable to choose a time after sunset and before dawn. There should be no one in the house where the summoning ritual is performed except the ritual participants. Before starting the call, you need to turn off all electrical appliances in the house. Lighting is only candles and only in the room where the entity is summoned. The number of candles and their color do not matter.

The saucer is being prepared. On the reverse side, draw an arrow with a marker or paint. We need a board with the alphabet and numbers, negative and positive answers. The attribute can be purchased or made independently. It is not necessary to use a board: you can use a sheet of Whatman paper or other material that seems convenient.

The saucer should be heated over a candle flame on both sides and the fingers of both hands should be placed (for the medium). It is advisable for the rest of the participants to place at least one hand on the dish. The ritual begins with the phrase:

Spirit, we call on you! Show up! Come, we beg you.

The ghost must definitely come. If no one has responded to the call, there is no need to continue disturbing souls. Ghosts will not be kind to you if you disturb them too often. When it was not possible to conduct a seance, it is better to postpone the idea until next time.

How to determine that a resident of the other world has heard the call? The air temperature drops slightly. There should be a feeling of a foreign presence. Saucer movements, drafts and other obvious signs rarely appear in the first stage of calling. When the caster senses that a spirit is in the room, they ask:

Spirit, are you there?

When the answer is received, the medium continues to ask questions from the participants in the session. The spirit responds by moving the saucer so that the arrow points to the letters and numbers. Do not remove your hands from the attribute, otherwise the contact will be interrupted and the ghost will be offended.

It is difficult for the spirit to be among people. The ghost is asked if he is tired and ready to continue the conversation. They also remember to be polite: they thank the spirit for the answers. After completing the ritual, they must say goodbye to the ghost. They turn the saucer over and knock it on the table three times to finally break contact with the other world. Do not discuss the contact, the spirit or its words in a negative way. The entity will be offended.

Caution is needed when summoning spirits and other creatures from the other world. Ghosts are endowed with strong magical powers and can really cause harm.

In contact with

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Every person has ever tried to summon a spirit. This business is more than dangerous; it threatens not only our lives, but also the lives of our loved ones. Perfume is unpredictable. You need to be careful with them. If you still have a desire to carry out this ritual, then go ahead.

Ways to summon a spirit:

1. How to call your double.

Method one:

You need to turn your face to the north, close your eyes and raise both hands up. It is important to say these words: “The dream of Leah Granos.” After completing the action, open your eyes. Next, squatting down, say: “My double, show yourself, let me know. Insure, support and help! The answer can be anything - an unexpected gust of strong wind, rustling, creaking, squeaking - any sound. When the conversation is over, you should say: “Granos Lee.” You can communicate with your double at any time of the day. It is required to exclude days whose numbers are 17 and 13.

Method two:

A double can be called not only for communication, but also to help loved ones and relatives if they are in difficult situations. You need to go outside, be sure to stand in the direction where you need to send your double and say: “Nord sen san. Double, fly (you need to indicate the location here). Help (you need to enter your name and problem here). Be a true friend and ambassador."

Method three:

You need whatman paper on which the alphabet will be drawn. Place candles on the sides of the Whatman paper and draw an arrow on the saucer. Heat the saucer over the flame, then place it in the center of the drawn circle, place your hands on the saucer and say your name. Afterwards, you may feel strange sensations. Other participants, after the work has been done, can ask any questions, and the saucer will show letters, and words are made from these letters.

2. Challenge of the Queen of Spades.

Method one:

You need to hang a sheet (white) on the wall, with a square (black) in the middle. The lights are turned off and the following words are said: “Queen of Spades, come and fulfill all your wishes.” These words are pronounced three times. When the silhouette of the Queen of Spades appears in the square, you should already start making your wish. After making a wish, you should say loudly and clearly: “Queen of Spades, go away!” If the Lady gets too close, she can strangle the person.

Method two:

The calling is carried out at night. It is important to tie a black thread on your wrist. Then say the same words 10 times: “Queen of Spades, come.” Afterwards, when it begins to manifest itself, you need to quickly cut the thread and say the following words: “Unclean one, get out!”

Types of spirits.

1. Informative (actionable).

3. Background.

Safety rules when calling spirits.

1. The spirit must be addressed personally. Call him by the name he had during his lifetime. If these are spells, then no names!

2. The fortuneteller must turn to the guardian angel or God.

3. Ask the spirit for permission to communicate. Address him by name, do not rush him, do not indicate, do not set your own conditions. You can inadvertently make someone angry.

4. Say special words confirming that the fortuneteller does not have any bad intentions. These words need to be learned from mediums and magicians.

5. You must remember to install protection. Suddenly the spirit gets angry and you can get hurt.

6. Final action. Gratitude to the spirit for communication.

7. Before coming into contact with spirits, you should cleanse yourself. Do not drink, do not smoke, do not swear for several days before the ritual. Before the ritual, remove all jewelry.

How to summon a spirit yourself.

You can summon the spirit yourself. To summon a spirit in complete solitude, you should perform the ritual without electricity, and use only natural wax candles. Fortune telling should be done from 12 midnight to 4 am. At this time the spirits are very active. Contacting a spirit completely alone is extremely dangerous. All why? But because this activity requires the support of a professional, a psychic, a magician. You cannot contact the world of spirits and magic on your own.

This ritual must be performed by candlelight.

1. You need to take a sheet of paper on which the necessary questions are written.

2. In order for the spirit to enter the room, you need to open the window.

3. All jewelry and objects made of metal must be absent.

4. For the ritual, incense must be present, which scares away small, unclean and unnecessary forces.

5. At the end of the session, of course, it is important to thank the spirit for its presence and tell it not to come again.

6. Only one spirit should be summoned, and not many, for this you must adhere to safety rules.

7. You must be sober and in good condition.

There are still a large number of ways to summon the dead: both with scissors and with an ordinary needle, but the most common method is a Ouija board. These methods will help you find out all the questions that interest a person. After all, it is interesting to know how it is there after death. The methods are easy, but not safe. The main thing is not to forget to adhere to safety rules. No one knows how the spirits will behave, what is on their minds and what their goal is.