Crocheting jurabs: warming your legs with fashionable things. Knitting jurabs with details Patterns for jurabs MK entries

MK on Jurabs

MK on Jurabs

We take 2 knitting needles and cast on 2 loops with the main color (mine is pink), 2 loops in red and 2 loops in pink, carefully pull out 1 knitting needle (we needed it so that we could have weaker loops)

Now, with reverse side cast on 2 pink, 2 red and 2 pink, just do not remove the loops from the knitting needle, i.e. we got 12 loops

The loops knitted in red will be on the side, and pink on the top and bottom.
Next, knit 2 loops from the first pink thread: insert the knitting needle into the loop, grab 2 threads, 1 pink and 1 red, and do it so that the red loop is closer to us

Next we knit 1 pink loop from the pink loop and 1 red from the red loop... leave this knitting needle and take the next one...

we knit according to the pattern, and from the last red loop we knit 2 loops so that the pink loop is closer to us

Next, take the next knitting needle... from the first red loop we knit 2 loops, the red thread will be closer to us, we knit the next 2 loops according to the pattern, then we take the last knitting needle and knit 2 loops according to the pattern and we also knit the last loop without increases... because . we should have an odd number of loops in front. We have completed row 1, the first loop of the next row is the very center of the pattern of our sock
We knit the second row: look at the diagram of the drawing, the very bottom... in the first row we had 1 red loop in the center, it is shown in the diagram with 1 cross, a little higher... the second row, there are 2 crosses on the sides of the center, i.e. we knit the central loop with a pink thread, then according to the pattern we have a red loop, then we knit with a pink thread and at the end we knit 2 loops from the red thread, and the pink loop should be closer to us, then we knit on another knitting needle, we knit 2 from the red loop loops...closer to us there should be a red thread...i.e. look, we now have increases only from the side red loops, so that we always have a red stripe, then we knit 1 more pink, then 2 red and 1 pink, on the next knitting needle we knit 1 pink, 2 red and 1 pink, and from the last loops we knit 2 loops, there should be a pink thread closer to us, and the last knitting needle, .. we make an increase, the red thread is closer to us, then we knit with a pink thread and we knit the last loop with a red thread... all 2 rows are finished)) I hope you don’t got tangled in the threads)))

Now we knit 3rd row, our increases come from red loops, so that there is a red stripe, we knit in front according to the pattern, and the bottom of the sock is a checkerboard pattern, i.e. 2 loops in pink and 2 loops in red, the checkerboards are 2X2, i.e. 2 loops for 2 rows)) I hope I explained it clearly

Next, we knit the top of the sock according to the pattern, the bottom with a checkerboard pattern, make sure that the side stripe is red and do not forget to make increases, we knit until we run out of increases, i.e. up to the 12th row, from the 13th row we knit in a straight line without increments

Scheme of children's jurabs

We knit the heel as follows: we get the top of the sock on 2 knitting needles, and the bottom on 2 knitting needles... now we leave the top and knit the bottom, I knitted the heel in red... but you can also knit it with a pattern... it’s your imagination)) We knit it straight 8-9 rows, we have 28 stitches on the knitting needle, after knitting straight... let's distribute the stitches to form a heel: 8/12/8, i.e. knit 8 stitches, then knit 11 stitches on another needle, then knit 2 stitches together, knit the remaining 7 stitches, turn and knit a purl row, 18 stitches, then purl 2 together. p. and the remaining 7 pet., i.e. we get 1 decrease in each row) then it will be noticeable where we need to make decreases, grab the loop under which there was a decrease and the next one, after we have 12 stitches left on the needle. we already have a formed heel, now we knit in the round again,
I have photographed several patterns for the neck of a sock, choose any one and knit in the round, you can decrease a few stitches along the pattern, and of course look at the leg, maybe someone has a thin leg, and someone has a plump one, knit as much in height as much as you want, I knitted a short sock, and you can knit knee socks, at the very top of the sock you need to knit several rows with a 2x2 elastic band, i.e. 2 persons.p. and 2 out. n...we alternate.
Also for children’s socks, in order to hold them better, you can knit a chain of chains. and pull it through the neck of the sock, sew on the pumpons and tie it on the leg, or you can sew in an elastic band from the inside
Here are all the photos of the process and diagrams

Judging by the blog search queries, many are interested in HOW TO START KNITTING JURABS.
We asked - we answer.

Jurabs are knitted from the toe, and not from the ankle, as is customary in European socks. Usually, jurabs have a side stripe with a pattern; it runs along the foot on both sides, and seems to separate the upper and lower parts of the foot. Having reached the heel, this strip can split into two halves: one will go further to the ankle, and the second will go to the heel. Or it may not separate, but go entirely into either the heel or the ankle; it depends on the design of the particular model.

Here you can clearly see the side stripe, it is shown by an arrow:

So, jurabs begin to be knitted precisely from this side strip. First, only the strips are knitted into loops. It does not change its width and remains constant all the time. And loops are added to this side strip to form the upper and plantar parts of the foot. In my drawing, these loops of the sole and top are indicated by bold dots.

How to cast on loops?

There is an excellent and clear video made by (the famous DROPS design site).
I highly recommend watching and repeating this set directly to the movie.

Sometimes in the literature you can find the figure-of-eight method, when you wind the threads on two knitting needles in a figure-eight, without securing them in any way. You can knit this way too, but in the first row such knitting will fall apart in your hands, and additional effort will be required to maintain the same thread tension and the same size of loops. And the method proposed in the video will help to avoid these problems.

When you cast on the loops, you got something like this:

This is the very beginning of knitting, the center of the toe, the center of the side stripe.
We leave the tail aside, then you will need to secure it properly.
And we knit one full circle, knit all the loops on the knitting needles, sequentially on one and then on the second.
This is what you should get:

You can repeat the full circle one more time; in some models three circles are made.
After this you can start adding sole loops:

This is where the fourth knitting needle comes into play; simply use it to hook the inter-loop threads and form the loops.

We continue knitting from the next knitting needle, and introduce the fifth knitting needle, using it to form the loops of the top of the foot:

And this is what it looks like if we superimpose our beginning on the diagram:

Now you have all the loops of the side stripes and the initial loops of the top and bottom of the foot on your knitting needles. Now they are distributed like this: 6 loops - side strip, 3 loops - bottom of the foot, 6 loops - side strip, 3 loops - top of the foot.

Foot loops are also added in different ways. For a sharper nose, make additions in every second circle. For rounded - in each circle.
I do this and that, depending on the design and the shape of the leg.

Cast on stitches as shown in the video, knit two full circles, and then add loops for the foot.

Stay Tuned! Next time I will tell you how to start an Iranian jurab (aka Caspian, which is the same thing), that is, how to knit the beginning with two colors at once. If you don't want to wait, try it yourself, here is its complete diagram (click to enlarge).

Today we have a very unusual lesson. I prepared it, believe it or not, for about two months! You will learn how to knit jurabs. Jurabs are very colorful and warm oriental socks. Knit them in different countries. Starting from Dagestan and ending with the Pamir mountains.

I have compiled high-quality patterns of ornaments for this model, which can be purchased for a fee. You can print them, then it will be much more convenient to work.

Jurabs are knitted from thick, very warm homemade yarn. And then they wear them instead of house shoes. These are the socks that they say cost as much as felt boots! Jurabs are knitted so tightly. They are completely knitted with a jacquard pattern.

There is not a single boring piece, they all play with colors. And by the way, you can use dog yarn to knit jurabs. I will even advise where to buy it.

This is exactly the kind of yarn that is suitable for such socks, of the thickness needed. It is made from dog undercoat and fluff and comes in different colors, even white, green and red.

I have already acquired a supply of yarn for interesting lessons in the future. I was pleasantly pleased that the parcel arrived within a week. And delivery to different countries. The quality of the yarn is so high that it is hard to believe that this is possible. In general, I was lucky!

And now I will continue my story about the Jurabs. Since they are knitted in different countries, the methods of knitting jurabs are different. In the new video I show how to knit traditional Dagestan jurabs, with a separately knitted heel. This is very convenient because the heels wear out faster than the toes, and you can unravel them and knit new ones.

How lovely! The socks become unwearable for a long, long time. When knitting jurabs, a complex pattern is usually used; it is different for the upper and lower parts of the sock and is separated from each other by a decorative strip. Or even two stripes that split in two in the heel area.

This is why knitting jurabs is so difficult! To start knitting correctly, use a double-sided set of loops. We learned this lesson a long time ago, and I will remind you of it in detail again.

Set of loops for circular knitting needles

This master class uses the method of double-sided casting on loops with thread of the same color. This makes it easier to master knitting a jurab. The first few rows are knitted in a single color, and then there is a transition to jacquard. But if you improve, you can immediately start knitting a sock with a jacquard ribbon pattern.

In this case, you need to use a different technique for casting threads, picking them up from two balls at once. The technique is quite rare and complex. These are professional secrets. We will not reveal them now, as there are too many complications.

You also need to know the secrets of knitting jacquard patterns on knitting needles. They allow you to knit any pattern without pulling threads.

How to knit jacquard without broaches

When knitting, in order to emphasize the patterns, separating them from one another, they use a knitting technique called a “hoop” or “Bulgarian braid”. It is characteristic of traditional folk crafts. The hoop completes the knitting of the jurab.

How to knit a hoop

In general, try it and start knitting socks like these. I had to master knitting them almost by touch, but it will be much easier for you to walk along the beaten track. Show off your work and come up with new designs. And we will rejoice in your achievements together!

And if something is not clear or the explanations given were not enough, then ask. And then, based on your questions, if any, I will form an impression of whether the lesson material was presented clearly enough.

And if anyone wants to evaluate my work, I will give more information by doing detailed description with step-by-step photographs. I don't have much time, so speak right away. And if there are no questions left, then my work is finished.

And further. The master class is not intended for very, very beginner knitters. Some knitting skills are required.

Jurabs are bright and beautiful knee-highs and socks that are easy to knit. Specific colors and a special way of knitting give a great mood while working on them.

; ;

Knitting jurabs is easy to master, even if you have just begun to discover the wonderful world of needlework. You’ll quickly figure out what’s what, and soon you’ll be able to please your loved ones with these ethnic style socks. Or you can make your jurabs in the form of knee socks - it’s up to you to decide how they turn out in the end.

Jurabs are a traditional element of clothing of the peoples of Asia Minor and Central Asia, as well as the Caucasus and Pamirs.

Jurabs are very multifunctional. If you knit them from thick woolen threads, they will warm you even on the coldest evenings and nights. You can even sew a leather sole onto them and wear them as creative felt boots. And if you use thinner threads for knitting - for example, acrylic, then it is good to wear them at home when it gets colder. You don’t even have to wear slippers if the jurabs you tie are different high density.

In addition to their colorful and cheerful appearance, jurabs have one more difference from ordinary knitted socks. The technology of knitting jurabs is completely different.

For example, traditional Pamir jurabs are crocheted. The result is a lightweight product with high density. In addition, they are quite warm. But Afghan and Dagestan jurabs are somewhat similar, and differ only in how the toe ultimately looks - it can be round or pointed.

The design on the jurabs is not just a beautiful image. In the traditions of eastern peoples, a special, sacred meaning was embedded in the Jurab ornament. Jurabs acted as a specific amulet.

Images of various flora and fauna were often used for it. In addition, some types of insects were also invested with a protective meaning - for example, scorpions. Also significant were ornaments that included images of pyramids, or even the solstice.

It was believed that before starting to knit jurabs, women needed to concentrate. For this, thoughtful and long contemplation of cow eyes was best suited. Later it turned out that their outlines appeared on the jurabs. Ideas for ornaments were taken from everything that was around. Life and everyday life repeatedly threw up options for images. A long time spent in the kitchen became a catalyst for the appearance of fire images in the ornament - it is difficult to resist not depicting a flame when you often look at it. Symbolism in most cases was drawn from nature.

The craftswoman had to create a unique ornament. After all, a special meaning was invested in the creation of a thing - the jurab had to not only bring benefit to a loved one, so also protect him. It was also believed that the craftswoman used not just drawings, which contained certain meanings. In addition to them, she also wove a piece of her soul into the jurab. Each loop had to be imbued with special positive energy so that in the end the jurab would bring as much benefit as possible.

In those days, the secrets of wool processing were not publicly available. They were carefully guarded, as were the principles of yarn making. The knowledge about dyeing was also not revealed to everyone: hereditary knitters passed it on exclusively to their daughters and granddaughters.

To obtain the highest quality wool for knitting jurabs, the Pamirs developed a special approach to the care and diet of livestock. Frequent bathing, careful feeding and constant combing of the wool had a beneficial effect on future yarn. It was especially durable, amazingly silky, and also incredibly soft and very durable.

After all, it was very disappointing if a jurab was knitted for a long time, and after a short period of time became unusable. In addition to the fact that it was impractical, the knitter could begin to be suspected of evil intent. Then it was believed that there could be no accidents, and if the jurab was torn, then there could be another explanation for this, besides low-quality yarn. One could also hear reproaches that the yarn was not created particularly carefully and carefully. Carelessness and laziness negatively characterized the needlewoman, and her status in society could significantly decrease. It depended on how traditional people were.

Traditional jurabs were made using yarn of the following colors: purple, red, yellow, black and green. Since ancient times, the Pamiri people received such colors after naturally dyeing yarn.

The paints were created from certain combinations of hazel bark, henna of plant origin, as well as other plants that grew in the area. These colors symbolized the clear moon, black night, mountains and sun, as well as the earth and sky.

Traditionally, jurabs are knitted from sheep wool. Such products are very warm and are designed for a wide range of low temperatures. Since previously yarn was created not only for knitting socks and other clothes, but also for weaving carpets, the threads had to be quite thick. Their thickness could vary between three and four millimeters. For such threads, appropriate knitting needles were selected: the thicker the thread, the thicker the knitting needle.

Circuit examples

Nowadays jurabs are knitted, putting into them not only a sacred meaning. They have become a cozy home accessory that delights the whole family with its unusual and bright appearance. There are much more ornaments - and you don’t have to take ready-made ones, but come up with something new. Of course, if you just want to learn how to knit jurabs with your own hands, then it is better to follow the pattern and the method described below for creating such a specific sock. If it’s cold at home, you can knit the sock higher. It all depends on your desire and strength. And also on the number of threads.

DIY jurabs: master class.

Buy the necessary threads, decide which knitting needles you will need, study the pattern and start knitting.

The diagram already indicates where to start such exciting work.

The peculiarity of jurabs is that you need to start knitting them from the toe. A regular sock starts at the ankle. Cast on loops according to the pattern in double the number from the word “beginning”. This same location will later be where the knitted fabric will expand.

Then distribute the loops so that they end up on the knitting needles in this way: through one to two knitting needles.

The video shows a slightly different approach to recruiting the first row. The following clearly demonstrates how to correctly increase and distribute stitches on all four needles.

Loops can be cast on in another way - figure eight. In this case, you need to wind the threads on two knitting needles in a figure eight. No need to secure. But be careful: with this method, the knitted fabric will “fall apart” in the first row. It will be necessary to apply additional force to create the same tension on the thread, and at the same time ensure that the size of the loops is the same. In the method shown in detail in the video, such problems do not arise.

Then you need to knit using a pattern of narrow stripes. Between these strips you need to start adding on other knitting needles to get a toe loop. It will be optimal if you collect three pieces at once. You can start from the first loop. In this case, the nose will turn out sharp. Next, you need to knit in a circle, and consistently add one loop at the edges of the strips. This must be done until the width of the mortar is achieved for which the jurab will subsequently be designed.

Leave room for the heel in the same way as when knitting a finger for a mitten. Then the heel itself needs to be knitted with a toe. Keep in mind that the decrease in stitches begins here: you need to remove every four loops through each row. The very number of loops that will be added and decreased depends on the length of the product you plan to knit. It also depends on how thick the yarn was. The entire knitting sequence described above was written taking into account the fact that thick yarn was chosen.

These are the jurabs you should end up with:

If you are knitting a jurab for the first time, then it is better to take thick threads and knitting needles suitable for them - at least 2.5. It will be faster and less troublesome. A relatively quickly knitted jurab will give you an incentive not to abandon this project, but to knit a few more, gradually experimenting with both patterns and the thickness of threads and knitting needles.

Jurabs are knitted from thick warm yarn of several colors using knitting needles of the appropriate size. The principle of jurab knitting different from the usual knitting of socks. To do this correctly, we invite beginning needlewomen to watch a master class on how to knit jurabs with photos and videos.

The knitting process begins with the toe of the jurab in several colors at once according to the corresponding pattern. On the sides there are usually strips of the same width separating the top and bottom of the jurab. The operating procedure is well presented in the photo.

The dots indicate the places of addition, so as not to change the width of the stripes, increases are made only on the upper and lower parts.

Since the work begins from the bottom, the pattern of the ornament must also be read from the bottom from the central part. In this case, half of a symmetrical pattern is proposed, so work begins on the left side, where the side stripe pattern goes (indicated in the photo as the beginning).

Materials you will need:

  • wool yarn of several colors;
  • stocking needles of the required thickness.

When the scheme is chosen and the materials are ready, we proceed to the master class.

  1. Use knitting needles to cast on 20 stitches. The photo shows only 10, but this is half the diagram, so you get twice as many. You can type in the usual way, or you can use the video lesson, which describes how to type using a special method for jurabs.
    If the set was made in the usual way, then they are divided into two knitting needles through one.
  2. Knit 1 circle on both sides, while simultaneously following the pattern according to the diagram (you can make two or three circles if the pattern requires it). Then the 3rd and 4th knitting needles are put into operation; for this, the knitting needles raise the thread in the inter-loop space - 3 pieces each. from each side. If you lift one, then the spout of the jurabah will be sharp. It is important that the number of loops on these segments must be odd.
  3. Next, additions are made along the edges of the top and bottom sides as follows:
    for a pointed toe - increases are made through the row of the 1st loop on each side at the top and bottom;
    for a rounded toe - the same, only in each row. This increase is carried out to the required width of the leg or to the required number of loops according to the pattern, while not forgetting to follow the colors of the threads and knit according to the pattern.
  4. When the width reaches the required value, in this case it is 62 loops in the circle, knit exactly to the middle of the heel. The size from toe to heel is determined by trying on.
  5. The master class continues: now you need to remove half of all the loops on the pin, remove the entire lower part - the sole, and half from the side stripes, 31 pieces in total. Instead, the same number is collected again. Moreover, you need to pay attention to the pattern. Often a different pattern is knitted on the heel, and a third pattern on the boot, but you can do everything with the same pattern. This issue must be resolved before casting on new loops in order to introduce the required thread colors in the right place.
  6. After this, knitting of even fabric for the boot continues. You can choose a different ornament for it, the main thing is to choose the right pattern so that it fits the existing number of loops and the pattern is complete.
    It is also important to make a beautiful transition from one pattern to another; for this you can make a strip of one color of thread and then introduce others in the required order. The length of the boot completely depends on the desire of the needlewoman. Jurabas generally require knitting to a length above mid-calf.
  7. The top border is either knitted 1 x purl 1, or garter stitch is worked, alternating all the colors used in the pattern. You can also choose a separate edging scheme. And the knitting is completed.

Video: How to knit jurabs with knitting needles

Description of jurab heel knitting

Video: Jacquard-knitted jurabs and socks