"Vyacheslav Notyag puts an envelope with money in the inner pocket of his jacket." Liberal gay lobbyist avoided a long sentence Notyag deputy of parliament


It was a sad evening for Deputy of the Legislative Assembly Vyacheslav Notyag. He was actually going to give an interview to journalists today and answer questions from the public.

And he ended up in the strong hands of investigators. Now Notyag are located in the building of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee for St. Petersburg.

A criminal case has been opened against 56-year-old Vyacheslav Notyag, a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg of the fifth convocation, on the grounds of a crime under Article 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“receiving a bribe on an especially large scale”), says the message of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee for St. Petersburg.

As explained in the investigation, Vyacheslav Notyag invited the general director of one of the companies to give him a bribe in the amount of at least 300 thousand - and once a quarter. For this, Notya, according to investigators, promised not to interfere with the construction that this company was carrying out in St. Petersburg.

Vyacheslav Notyag allegedly made this proposal almost a year and a half ago.

Thus, the suspect repeatedly received bribes totaling at least 900 thousand rubles, the Investigative Committee reported.

It all ended today, April 21st. According to the investigation, at the Zvezda club, at 27 Leni Golikova Street, the deputy received from the general director an amount of 600 thousand rubles.

After that, he was detained by officers of the Russian Federal Security Service for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, the investigation reported.


Meanwhile, Komsomolskaya Pravda found out who became the victim of the deputy. We are talking about the Voin-V company.

The company developed vigorous activity in Ulyanka, in the Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg. Here, on the site of the old Khrushchev buildings, the developer is building new residential complexes - “Benoit” and “Benoit-2”.

As law enforcement agencies told KP, in mid-2014, Warrior-V had a conflict with local residents. The developer provided apartments only to residents of destroyed Khrushchev buildings. At the same time, several high-rise buildings remained standing virtually on the construction site.

Citizens were indignant: they say, either stop construction or give us new housing. Guess who led the popular movement then? Everything is correct: deputy Vyacheslav Notyag.

Several rallies were organized under his strict leadership. It came to a point of direct clashes with the builders.

Having sufficiently rocked the boat, Vyacheslav Onufrievich, according to investigators, made the developer an offer that he could not refuse. 300 thousand rubles once a quarter - and there will be no problems.

Apparently, the leadership of Voin-V was simply forced to accept these rules of the game. But she still reported the deal to the authorities.

At the same time, Notyag continues to “feel passionately” about the people’s interests.

“I bow to the resilience of the residents and their willingness to go to the end in the fight for their rights,” he told the residents of Ulyanka at the end of 2014.

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Deputy Vyacheslav Notyag was detained on suspicion of receiving a bribe of 900 thousand rubles. Filming: GSU SK for St. Petersburg


Komsomolskaya Pravda has not yet been able to reach the deputy and his assistant. Vyacheslav Onufrievich is spending this evening in the company of not only investigators, but also FSB officers.

Let us recall his glorious biography. Vyacheslav Notyag was born in 1960 in the city of Gus-Khrustalny in the Vladimir region. He graduated from a music school, after which he worked as a mechanic at a factory. In his free time he played in a vocal and instrumental ensemble.

He created one of the first private schools in St. Petersburg. He took part in the creation of the youth movement “Social Democratic Youth Union”. He also participated in the work of the Social Democratic Party.

In ZakSe - since 2011. Deputy Chairman of the Commission on Education, Culture and Science. Member of the Yabloko faction - this is what is written on the parliament’s website.

True, Yabloko itself has already disowned Notyag.

Vyacheslav Notyag was expelled from the party for participating in rigging elections to the legislative assembly of St. Petersburg in 2011, says a press release that was received by the KP editorial office on Thursday evening.

Among the initiatives of Deputy Notyaga is a proposal to have all parliamentarians checked by a psychiatrist. The idea, however, did not work.

On the grounds of a crime under Part 6 of Art. 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (receiving a bribe on an especially large scale, provides for a fine of up to 100 times the amount of the bribe or imprisonment for a term of 8 to 15 years). According to the Investigative Committee, from November 2014 to April 2016, Notyag received at least 300,000 rubles from the general director of one of the commercial structures. quarterly for not obstructing the construction work she is carrying out. During this time, he repeatedly received bribes totaling at least 900,000 rubles, the Investigative Committee claims. April 21, 2016 at the Zvezda club on the street. Leni Golikova, 27 [in the same building there is the “Otchizna” foundation of the head of the “Dachnoe” municipality, an authority in the 1990s and hero dossier local RUBOP Vadim Sagalayev. The Voin-V company is building on the territory of Dachnoye] , the deputy received another bribe of 600,000 rubles from the general director, after which he was detained by officers of the Federal Security Service of Russia for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, the report says. The issue of arresting the suspect and bringing charges against him is being decided.

The ICR representative does not name the company. Notyaga's assistant declined to comment.

Notyag regularly received money from the Voin-V company, its CEO Oleg Glushchenko said on Friday. According to Glushchenko, he regularly paid Notyag so that he would not support city defenders who were actively protesting against the Voin-V project in Ulyanka. “The deputy helped opponents of the construction, participated in rallies, wrote parliamentary requests, provided legal support, which helped them win in court and interfered with the company’s plans, so we offered him money so that he would not do this,” Glushchenko said. According to him, Notyag agreed to this proposal and for about a year received money from Warrior-V, and in total Notyag received about 1.5 million rubles. The money was transferred both in the building of the legislative assembly and in Smolny, says Glushchenko. However, the developer, according to him, was unable to completely solve the problem, since after Notyag stopped writing requests, his colleague, a deputy, took up the matter Maxim Reznik. Then money was offered to Reznik, Glushchenko claims.

Reznik denies that he had anything to do with this case. Yesterday he said that he connected the incident with politics. “We stepped on too many people’s toes,” Resnick said. According to him, he has repeatedly written requests in support of city defenders in Ulyanka, and his last appeal to the KGA dates back to March 16. The representative of the Investigative Committee emphasized that the case was brought only against Notyag.

"Voin-V" is constructing block 2 A Ulyanka under the Khrushchev-era renovation program. Residents of neighboring houses, together with city defenders, oppose compaction development and for the preservation of Alexandrino Park (federal monument). In 2015, urban defenders in the Supreme Court achieved the cancellation of the planning project for the residential area between Alexandrino, Stachek Avenue and st. Leni Golikova. In 2012–2014 Notyag actively collaborated with the defenders of Alexandrino Park, wrote requests to KGIOP and law enforcement agencies, as follows from the information on specialized websites.

Notyag elected deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the fifth convocation from the Yabloko party in 2011, but due to a conflict in the party, he and Olga Galkina and Reznik went to the Civic Platform. Later, the three of them left this party and created a “group of independent deputies,” which in March 2016 joined Oksana Dmitrieva’s Party of Growth. In the Legislative Assembly, Notyag formally remained a member of the Yabloko faction. Notyag is the deputy chairman of the legislative assembly commission on education, culture and science, and is also a member of the control group and the budget and financial committee. His district is located in the Moscow region. Since 2012, the deputy has been a member of the commission for the development of built-up areas under the government of St. Petersburg, which deals with issues of renovation of Khrushchev-era buildings.

According to the website of the Legislative Assembly, in 2015 Notyag declared income of 1.9 million rubles. (in 2014 - 2.2 million rubles), his wife - 205,905 rubles. They own a residential building with an area of ​​374.2 square meters. m, apartment – ​​54.6 sq. m, land plot – 2670 sq. m, Lexus cars, Daewoo Nexia, BMW X5, four GAZ 32213 minibuses.

Notyag was born on March 12, 1960 in the city of Gus-Khrustalny, Vladimir region. After graduating from music school, he worked at a factory as a mechanic. In 1985 he graduated from the conducting and choral department of the Higher Trade Union School of Culture in Leningrad, in 1995 from the Faculty of Management and Marketing of the University of North Carolina (USA) High Point. He founded one of the first private secondary schools in St. Petersburg - the non-profit educational institution “Kindergarten-school “Prazdnik +”, the network of social pharmacies “Narodnaya Solidarnost”, the production of wicker furniture LLC “Vlona”. According to SPARK, Notyagu owns the private school “Prazdnik” and 50% of the private security company “Gaudeamus”.

Maria Buravtseva

Nadezhda Zaitseva

“You owe three hundred for the fourth quarter, three hundred for the first quarter. And preferably forward.”

Vyacheslav Notyag puts an envelope with money in the inner pocket of his jacket. PHOTO: screenshot from the shooting of the Investigative Directorate in St. Petersburg

Instead of a parliamentary chair, since yesterday he has been sitting on a bed in an isolation ward. And all because of a meeting at the Zvezda club on Leni Golikova Street with the director of the Voin-V construction company, Oleg Glushchenko. It ended for the people's choice with arrest. What was discussed at this meeting was recorded on camera. The press service of the Investigative Directorate for St. Petersburg showed the filming to Komsomolskaya Pravda.

So plan one. The people's representative is sitting in the frame opposite. And he speaks to the director of “Voin-V” about “initiative groups”, not those who are dissatisfied with the redevelopment of the Ulyanovka quarter, but on the contrary - supporters of perestroika. It turns out that these are assistants to Deputy Notyaga. Not free for the developer.

Did you bring me bonuses? - Deputy Vyacheslav Notyag clarifies.

“I came to talk a little,” Oleg Glushchenko is in no hurry to part with the money. - We haven’t met for a long time. Let's remember: what, how, how much I have to convey to you. I already... When was the last time we met?

In Smolny... - recalls Notyag.

Somewhere in November, suggests Glushchenko.

Yes, somewhere. Before New Year. I also asked you: “Give me a gift, but you’re gone.” Before New Year. You said, “Yes, yes, yes.” And disappeared.

Agree. That is, it turns out I didn’t give you the money last year,” Glushchenko apologizes.

Nothing. You're missing. I called you on the phone. And you didn't pick up the phone.

I was simply leaving.

This is also all clear.

Yes, then I saw, called back, apologized. Sorry for the long drive. But let's remember now.

You owe three hundred for the fourth quarter, three hundred for the first quarter. And preferably forward for...

Second quarter,” the director understands.

That is, it turns out that I owe 900 thousand rubles. Understood.

Next, Glushchenko unobtrusively asks to be reminded why he gives “gifts and bonuses” to Notyagu.

Why haven't I shown up for a while? - explains Glushchenko. - Sometimes I have thoughts in my head. We agreed that you will not take part in these rallies. Right?

“I didn’t participate,” notes Notyag.

You are not participating. You won’t even write parliamentary inquiries about me.

I just..

You don't write. But look, you also said that you will give information if they (author’s note - activists) make requests to you. They don't do anything, right?

I had only one request. But it didn't touch you. By the way, I called you on the phone. You didn't take it again. They asked me. You can see this in the archive. This is an archival matter. They asked me. They are being kicked again.

Make an inquiry about a house. Kind of like an archival reference. That's all.

I understand.

Explanations accepted. And then comes the reckoning. Vyacheslav Notyag puts an envelope with money in the inner pocket of his jacket. And then guests from the FSB and investigators come through the door with their camera. Their videos are no longer black and white. On the conference table you can see an untouched plate with chopped vegetables. And a couple of empty cups of coffee. The handcuffs are snapped onto the deputy's hands.

Where Vyacheslav Notyag will spend his time before the trial will be decided tomorrow afternoon. For now he is detained. And he is in isolation.

The Voin-V company claims that it could not stand it and gave a bribe to Legislative Assembly deputy Notyag for calm. The FSB detained the parliamentarian. This compromises both city defenders and ex-Yabloko activist Reznik.

Six months before the elections, deputy of the St. Petersburg Legislative Assembly Vyacheslav Notyag became a defendant in a criminal case for receiving a particularly large bribe. The former Yabloko member is suspected of blackmailing the Voin-V construction company for a year and a half. The Investigative Committee intends to arrest the parliamentarian.

Bad day for Deputy Notyaga

In the morning, April 21, Legislative Assembly deputy Vyacheslav Notyag participated in a round table in the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg of a group of independent deputies led by State Duma deputy Oksana Dmitrieva. The meeting was attended by the Chairman of the Industry Committee Maxim Meiksin, mechanical engineers, electronics engineers, and rectors. The discussion, according to the meeting participants, was constructive. As interlocutors in the Legislative Assembly tell Fontanka, after the end of the round table, Deputy Notyag remained in the Mariinsky Palace for some time, then left at approximately 14:30. According to the parliamentarian's assistants, it will go on air at the Baltika radio station by 4 p.m. However, Baltika listeners never heard the parliamentarian’s voice.

But by 3 p.m., Notyag was seen at the Zvezda club, located at 27 on Leni Golikova Street. By the way, the Fatherland Foundation operates in the same building. The Voin-V company is building one of its houses on the territory of this municipality.

According to the website of the Investigative Committee, Notyag’s meeting at Zvezda was interrupted by operatives. At the moment when the parliamentarian received another bribe in the amount of 600 thousand rubles from the general director of a construction company. After this, he was detained by FSB officers in St. Petersburg.

By 4 p.m., Notyag was already expecting a call to the investigator at the Investigative Committee on the Moika, and next to him they continued.

Of course, for activists who defend Alexandrino Park from development by Voinom-V, Notyag’s detention came as a big surprise. As Nikolai Lavrentyev, one of the leaders of the ERA group, told Fontanka, the people’s representative has more than once helped them in their struggle, sending parliamentary requests to the supervisory authorities, as well as requesting documents necessary for the courts with the company. On the other hand, Alexandrino defender Nikita Sorokin told Fontanka that basically all document flow was carried out through deputy Boris Vishnevsky: “Notyag only entered once, when I was called to the police.”

Independent MP

Deputy Vyacheslav Notyag was initially elected to the Legislative Assembly from the Yabloko party in 2011. However, he was very quickly excluded from it due to a conflict. It was assumed that ex-deputy of the Legislative Assembly Mikhail Amosov and Speaker of the Leningrad City Council Alexander Belyaev would enter parliament. However, in the end, Notyag, who was at that time the director of a private school, and his party comrade, municipal councilor Olga Galkina, ended up in the Legislative Assembly. Within a few days, their interest rates suddenly increased. The strangeness of the situation was emphasized by the fact that Notyag worked at a school where Yabloko leader Maxim Reznik taught history, and Galkina headed Reznik’s election headquarters. After the conflict, Notyag and his associates were expelled from Yabloko, then the group began to be called independent deputies of the Legislative Assembly.

Notyag rarely shone with bills and speeches, and was rarely mentioned in the media. In accordance with the latest declaration, in 2015 Notyag earned about 2 million rubles. His family owns a residential building in Strelna with an area of ​​374 square meters. m. From here to the notorious restaurant “Zvezda” on Leni Golikova is no more than 15 minutes by car. Notyag has two of them - DaewooNexia and Lexus 570, in which he came to the meeting with Glushchenko on April 21. The parliamentarian’s wife received an income of 205 thousand rubles, which means, apparently, she is completely dependent on her husband.

“It’s strange that a deputy who could not repay a debt of 15 thousand rubles in a month is suspected of such bribes,” his colleagues reacted after reading the news.

The leadership of the Legislative Assembly told Fontanka that speaker Vyacheslav Makarov has not yet undertaken to comment on the situation.

It should be noted that in political circles, after the Fontanka news about the detention of the deputy, there is an active discussion of the version that what happened was the city authorities’ response to the speaker of the Legislative Assembly for the removal of the head of the City Electoral Committee, Alexei Puchnin, from office.

Ksenia Klochkova, Tatyana Vostroilova, Alexander Ermakov, Andrey Zakharov, Evgeny Vyshenkov, Fontanka.ru

Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg (Yabloko faction)

Education: Higher Trade Union School of Culture, conducting and choir department; University of North Carolina (USA), Faculty of Management and Marketing.

Summary: He is considered a deputy occupying someone else's place - he got into parliament thanks to election fraud carried out with the tacit consent of the then chairman of the St. Petersburg branch of the Yabloko party, Maxim Reznik. The scandal forced him to leave the ranks of the party, but he did not let go of someone else’s mandate. St. Petersburg residents remember only one of his initiatives - to have the deputies of the Legislative Assembly checked by a psychiatrist.


Vyacheslav Notyag was born in the town of Gus-Khrustalny, Vladimir Region, into a family of workers. After graduating from music school, he worked at a factory as a mechanic. In his free time, he taught at a music school, played the guitar and sang in a vocal and instrumental ensemble.

In 1981 he came to Leningrad to study. He worked as the head of the Palace of Culture.

In 1987, he organized the "Holiday" cooperative, which specialized in organizing and holding special events.

In 1998, he organized and headed one of the first private secondary schools in St. Petersburg - the National Educational Institution "Kindergarten-School "Prazdnik". The institution has a cultural orientation and conducts educational and educational work with children from three years old until they receive a certificate of secondary education. In 2008, he was awarded the international award "Big Golden Crown" (London) in the field of quality and safety in education.

In 2000, he created and headed the interregional public organization for social protection of the population "People's Solidarity".

He took an active part in the creation of the Russian Social Democratic Party. Created the Social Democratic Youth Union of St. Petersburg.

On December 4, 2011, he was elected as a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg. Deputy Chairman of the Standing Committee on Education, Culture and Science. Member of the Budget and Finance Committee. Member of the control group of ZS St. Petersburg. Member of the YABLOKO faction.


During the elections to the Legislative Assembly in December 2011, a strange thing happened in the ranks of Yabloko members. It was assumed that ex-deputy of the Legislative Assembly Mikhail Amosov and Speaker of the Leningrad City Council Alexander Belyaev would enter parliament. However, in the end, Notyag, who was at that time the director of a private school, and his party comrade, municipal councilor Olga Galkina, were elected to the Legislative Assembly. Within a few days, their interest rates suddenly increased. The strangeness of the situation was emphasized by the fact that Notyag worked at a school where Yabloko leader Maxim Reznik taught history, and Galkina headed Reznik’s election headquarters. Therefore, suspicions of falsification fell on Reznik.

Source: Novaya Gazeta No. 41 dated December 16, 2011

A similar unexpected increase in the results of some candidates in other cases occurred in the interests of United Russia. The situation with Yabloko was very reminiscent of this proven scheme. The election results aroused distrust, and Yabloko decided to fight fraud within its own ranks. The bureau of the St. Petersburg branch of the Yabloko party recommended Notyag and Galkina to surrender their mandates in favor of the more experienced politicians Amosov and Belyaev.

Source: Vedomosti No. 243 (3009) dated December 23, 2011

Notyag refused to give up his mandate. He insisted that he had received it honestly and stressed that if anyone had any doubts they could go to court.

Reznik tried to object to those accusing him of fraud, that the failure of Amosov and Belyaev in the elections was actually a provocation by the party in power, carried out with the aim of creating a split within Yabloko.

Source: City 812 (St. Petersburg) No. 044 from December 26, 2011

Some party members believed that Notyag and Galkina’s entry into parliament was the result of Reznik’s personal agreement with Smolny and the City Electoral Commission. According to the leadership of Yabloko and independent observers, Notyagu and Galkina were credited with about 2 thousand votes. And the fact that the deputies did not agree to surrender their mandates made them accomplices in the falsification.

Notyag and Galkina eventually wrote statements of resignation from the party, retaining their mandates.

Source: Kommersant No. 46 dated March 16, 2012

Because of this story, 13 of Yabloko's oldest members left the party to create a new political structure. The reason for their action was the impossibility of compromise with those party members who tried to persuade Notyag and Galkina to return their mandates. But the federal Yabloko was not upset, calling the incident “self-purification” of the party, since these people, in the opinion of the party leadership, contributed to the falsification.

As a result, Maxim Reznik had to resign from the post of chairman of the St. Petersburg Yabloko. Even later, 22 more people were expelled from the party, who were also suspected of participating in rigging the election results.

Source: Nezavisimaya Gazeta dated January 15, 2012

The party decided that it would not tolerate the participation of its members in falsification, so it was decided to re-register its members and elect a new leader.

Source: Kommersant No. 47 dated March 19, 2012

Due to the re-registration of party members, its number was reduced almost threefold - to 400 people.

Source: Kommersant No. 5 dated January 15, 2013

Later, Yabloko party member Ksenia Vakhrusheva described in her blog the scene that took place in the pariah’s office after the parliamentary elections. According to Vakhrusheva, Maxim Reznik told her in his office that he received a call from Smolny and was told that Belyaev and Amosov, who were in the lead in the vote, would not be allowed into the Legislative Assembly, and asked to name the names of deputies whom he would like to see in parliament for their places. Reznik agreed to the rigging in favor of Notyag and Galkina.

After the publication of the post, Reznik filed a lawsuit against Vakhrusheva, but it was denied.

Member of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, formally from the Yabloko faction. Expelled from the faction, represents the Civic Platform party

After graduating from music school, he worked part-time at a factory as a mechanic. In his free time, he taught at a music school, played the guitar and sang in a vocal and instrumental ensemble.

In 1981 he came to Leningrad and entered the conducting and choral department of the Higher Trade Union School of Culture, which he successfully graduated in 1985. He worked as the head of the Palace of Culture.

In 1987, he organized the "Holiday" cooperative, which specialized in organizing and holding special events.

In 1995 he graduated from the Faculty of Management and Marketing at the University of North Carolina (USA) High Point.

In 1998, he organized and headed one of the first private secondary schools in St. Petersburg - the National Educational Institution "Kindergarten-School "Prazdnik". The institution has a cultural orientation and conducts educational work with children from three years old until they receive a certificate of secondary education.

In 2008, he was awarded the international award "Big Golden Crown" (London) in the field of quality and safety in education.

In 2000, he created and headed the interregional public organization for social protection of the population "People's Solidarity".

He took an active part in the creation of the Russian Social Democratic Party. Created the Social Democratic Youth Union of St. Petersburg.

On December 4, 2011, he was elected as a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg. Deputy Chairman of the Standing Committee on Education, Culture and Science. Member of the Budget and Finance Committee.

Soon after the elections, a scandal erupted around Vyacheslav Notyag and his faction colleague Olga Galkina. As part of the internal party struggle, they were accused of becoming deputies as a result of election fraud. They later resigned from the party, saying that they would continue to work for the benefit of the party. Both deputies vote according to the decisions of the faction.

It is believed that the conflict around Notyag and Galkina could have arisen due to the desire of opponents within the party to remove the deputy of the Legislative Assembly from the Yabloko faction and, at that time, the head of the regional branch of the party, Maxim Reznik, from his post as head of the branch. Reznik was accused of not forcing Galkina and Notyag to surrender their mandates, which would have allowed those candidates who were shortchanged by the election commission during the counting and recounting of ballots to become deputies. The positions of Notyag and Galkina were expected to be replaced by ex-deputy and ex-head of the regional branch of the party Mikhail Amosov and Alexander Belyaev, who later headed the St. Petersburg OFAS.