All for the woman’s 60th birthday. Original, beautiful and funny congratulations to a woman on her anniversary. From merry people to business people

To a beautiful woman we don't count years -
We sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary
And we wish not to lose beauty,
And increase your health along with it!

May happiness accompany you everywhere,
And life generously rewards wisdom
And it gives you more strength and vigor.
Let your soul tremble and sing with joy!

And let your loved ones all be healthy,
After all, this is the basis of our happiness.
I wish you success and inspiration in your work,
Love from everyone and adoration everywhere!

For a wise lady, age is not a hindrance,
And you bear your years with dignity.
You are full of joy, health and success,
Beautiful, witty, young.

You are 60 today, but in your heart you are 20!
The sparkles still shine in your eyes.
I wish you not to be sad, not to give in to the years
And don't count the gray hair.

May life give you many bright things,
Happy, bright, sunny days,
Wonderful dreams, most desirable gifts,
Joyful events, discoveries and flowers.

Congratulations from the bottom of my heart on your anniversary! I wish you joyful, happy, healthy and long years! Let the soul sing, wisdom accumulate, eyes shine, beauty is irreversibly preserved and a loving family will always be nearby!

Sixty, so what?
It's just that a woman is more valuable
Brighter, more experienced, wiser
Every day in your destiny.

Be healthy, be successful.
Let life flow slowly,
And there is warmth in the soul.
And bloom, to spite your enemies.

What do the numbers 6 and 0 mean?
So how can you guess?
Some kind of code or password?
Let's figure it out.

No. This is not a password or a code!
There's something more important here.
In such a simple set of numbers
There is an anniversary date.

Wishes from the guests,
In the circle of family and friends,
On the sixtieth anniversary
Do everything according to the list:

First of all, always be cheerful,
Take care of your health.
Although this point is banal,
But it lies at the core!

To be perky - point number two, -
Always in the mood
To keep your head clear
And the image is perfect.

We wish to live without fading, -
We wish you to be young at heart.
Breaking all stereotypes
Drive away sadness - away with melancholy.

And again a new item on the list,
More precisely, number five, -
Be still the same optimist
We wish you. Keep it up!

You are sixty today.
And there is something to remember, something to be proud of.
I want to wish you from my heart
Move forward, strive for your dream.

Be as beautiful as you were at twenty-five.
Let your health not fail you.
Let the song sound in your soul again.
Let trouble pass by.

On your anniversary I sincerely wish you
Smiles, joy, comfort and warmth.
Let luck help in everything.
So that life is beautiful and rich.

May life smile at you as before.
Let everything that has not yet come true come true.
So that people always support,
Who love you very much.

So that you always find something to do.
To want to be, and not seem.
May every day be wonderful and sweet,
And let everything in life be, and not “was.”

And may there be enough health and patience
Walk through life proudly, without oblivion.
Let connections and inspiration grow stronger.
Happy 60th birthday! Happy birthday!

Happy anniversary,
Let your dreams come true
Let your eyes shine with happiness
May you be healthy!

May luck be on your doorstep
To live without knowing troubles,
After all, 60 is quite a bit,
Just 3 to 20 years.

That's why now we wish
Energy like at 20 years old
Intelligence and wisdom, as at 40,
And at 60 you just get younger!

Congratulations on your anniversary
And we wish from the bottom of our hearts,
So that you are always healthy,
May all your dreams come true.

Let them pass year after year -
Never be sad!
Let all troubles be beyond the threshold
They stay forever.

Let your life be a fairy tale,
And the eyes know no tears.
Happy anniversary, dear,
Accept a bouquet of roses.

On your anniversary clear day
We want to wish you
Be cheerful, wise and loved
And live with a large reserve of strength.

Let there be bright moments.
Smiles, peace and warmth!
Let the mood not disappear
May your health always improve.

Live your dream and enjoy
Give love and beauty.
May life bring you good luck,
And you respond to her with kindness.

On a wonderful holiday, on an anniversary
We wish you bright days,
Happy, joyful moments.
Let your loved ones take care of you.

You are the most beautiful of all on this day.
May success move with you,
Warmth, comfort reign in the family,
Health and dreams are blooming!

Anniversary - always significant date, especially when it comes to the 60th birthday. Surely you are wondering how to greet the birthday girl correctly in order to really make her happy? You need to start with attention! No wonder they say, good word and it’s nice for the cat, not to mention people. It is such a rare occurrence in our time that it is valued above any gift. We suggest you use congratulations in verse. Beautiful and touching, funny and smile-inducing essays will lift the spirits of your loved one. Just select the one you need and enter the phone number to which it will be sent. On our website, you control the delivery of the message yourself to be sure that your wish reaches the recipient.

And for lovers of classic greetings to a sixty-year-old woman, we offer prose! On the pages of our website you will find very beautiful wishes. One of them will definitely please your birthday girl. By sending an SMS with congratulations, you can also control the delivery. We understand how important it is to deliver your message on time, so we send messages to recipients within a few minutes, as you can see by using our services. Whatever you define poetry or prose, SMS to a woman on her 60th birthday- this is a unique way, while at a distance, to make blissful to a loved one on your birthday. Choose wisely because this is your favorite lady, and she usually deserves the best.

Poems for a woman's anniversary in SMS

Let all good things happen
Let your dreams come true
After all, the best will not happen again,
I wish you to smell and bloom!

And at sixty a beautiful flower
A lady can be easy
If she is wise and thinks clearly,
Being able to see far.

Today I want to congratulate you,
Because it’s a very good reason -
Today is a special day in its own way,
After all, today is your birthday!

Congratulations on your 60th birthday,
I want your dreams to come true
I wish you goodness and happiness
And the rest is whatever you want!

Sixty is the age of dawn,
There's still a long way to go until sunset!
Let there be eternal summer in your soul,
Everything in life is easy!

May your loved ones make you happy -
Children, grandchildren, friends and family!
May every day be smiling
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!

Let him celebrate his anniversary
Intentions and plans
Fills every day
Money pockets

Make all your dreams come true
Rejoice often
We wish at sixty,
And great happiness!

Your birthday is 60!
Our years fly by like birds,
Now the grandchildren are growing up,
And people around you call you.

May it last for many years
There is a good light burning in your house,
And the smile never leaves my face,
And there will be no end to the abundance!

At 60 I wish you comfort,
And I wish you warmth in my soul.
No illness, no cold,
Let it never touch you.

Let the energy flow like a river,
It's not time to relax yet.
Let life be like in a fairy tale in the spring,
Let your heart beat hot!

Happy sixtieth birthday
I congratulate you
Let it be bright, light,
Destiny is always yours!

Let them multiply
Your advantages:
You are smart, beautiful,
Strive, dream, love!

At 60 we say thank you
For your warm heart and generosity of soul,
Because you live beautifully in the world,
That your past years are good.

And on your anniversary, please accept congratulations,
There are only one words from the heart for you.
Let the best moments in the world be
Your beautiful and bright destiny!

Expensive! On your anniversary you appeared before us as beautiful mature woman, wise with vast experience, which you can help the younger generation. 60 is not a sad number at all, but the beginning of a new life. It's time when you can create and contemplate much more than ever. We wish you to bestow your warmth on those around you, bloom with health, not lose the youthful sparkle in your eyes and delight us with your love of life. Congratulations!

Happy Birthday, happy anniversary... as you know, a woman is always 18, no matter what date is indicated in your passport, even if it is 60 years old. That’s why I’ll say that at your age you look as beautiful as possible for such a young girl. Happy holiday to you and may we celebrate your anniversary again in 60 years!

Let all good things happen
Let your dreams come true
After all, the best will not happen again,
I wish you to smell and bloom!

And at sixty a beautiful flower
A lady can be easy
If she is wise and thinks clearly,
Being able to see far.

It is with great pleasure that I congratulate you on your wonderful anniversary to the most tender, most beautiful, most charming and attractive woman in the world! Your beauty has driven hundreds of men crazy, your ability to always be charming and elegant is an example to follow! I wish you such long-awaited female happiness, pure and sincere love, and true friends who can always be sad or rejoice with you.

Sixty is the age of dawn,
There's still a long way to go until sunset!
Let there be eternal summer in your soul,
Everything in life is easy!

May your loved ones make you happy -
Children, grandchildren, friends and family!
May every day be smiling
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!

Let him celebrate his anniversary
Intentions and plans
Fills every day
Money pockets

Make all your dreams come true
Rejoice often
We wish at sixty,
And great happiness!

An anniversary is not a holiday of old age,
Let your heart not feel tired.
An anniversary is always maturity
This is an experience of great work.
This is a very young age
Never grow old at heart!

At 60 we say thank you
For your warm heart and generosity of soul,
Because you live beautifully in the world,
That your past years are good.

And on your anniversary, please accept congratulations,
There are only one words from the heart for you.
Let the best moments in the world be
Your beautiful and bright destiny!

Sixty is so little!
On our anniversary - hello!
Know: there is a lot left to live,
Long wise sweet years -

Without despondency and boredom,
Happiness full of passions.
The grandchildren will confirm all this,
Giving you my children!

And with every new great-grandson you too
Become many years younger!!!

Sixtieth anniversary
Let it become the best thing for you.
May luck help you quickly
Fulfill all desires and plans.

Darling, may there be happiness and peace
One day there will be a knock on your door.
Your circle of loved ones will not part with you,
Problems will not dare to appear.

What a beauty is sitting here?
Blinks his eyes
And he looks mysteriously
Right at you and me?

How old is she today?
About eighteen.
The whole world is convinced of this,
I have to admit.

We were wrong? Well, let,
After all, this mistake
Will instantly dispel your sadness
For the past years!

Happy anniversary! 60 years is a date filled with life meaning and experience, wisdom and feelings. A lot has been covered, but I wish with all my heart that you go through even more! More in terms of enjoying happiness, love, joy of life and impressions. Let every day make you the happiest and most incredible woman!

“My years are my wealth” -
This is what people say very often.
We are here to congratulate you today
Happy sixty anniversary.

You really are fabulously rich
After all, you have a soul of rare beauty.
We love you and sincerely wish you
May life continue to be good!

Congratulations on your anniversary!
Still ahead at sixty!
The main thing is to be more energetic and faster
Go towards your goal quickly.
We wish you comfort in your home,
So that there is peace and tranquility in the family.
Let there be rubles and currency,
And joy always flows like a river!

Today is a good day for you -
Such a great anniversary!
Excellent health and prosperity
We wish you happy long days.

Let faith be an invisible companion,
Let the sun give light to your windows,
Be beautiful, cheerful, loved,
Let luck follow you!

Happy Anniversary Lady
We hasten to express our feelings.
Without giving up, you go straight,
Believing the aspirations of the soul.

Not counting the years, forgetting about age,
You are, to envy, always young.
And of course it's not too late
You will shine like a bright star.

So shine, we love you very much.
And we wish you all possible blessings.
And may there be happiness in your life,
We sincerely want it to be like this.

You are sixty today!
And you can’t say it like that at a glance:
Cheerful, fresh, and more fashionable than everyone else -
And suddenly it’s an anniversary!
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
Be forever good
Best in deeds and song,
We can breathe easier with you.
I want to work with you,
Sing, laugh, have fun,
I want to dream with you
And don't notice the clock.
You carry happiness with you
Whether on a walk or at work.
There is a spark of God in you,
Everyone gets warmth,
Light, good fun.
Happy birthday!
Turn off the lights, bring the cake!
Light sixty candles!

It's my friend's anniversary.
They'll give her sixty
Positive, warm and light..
And a ticket to Spain!
I know that dreams will come true,
And your wishes will come true.
Life will be completely different -
Light and lively!
After all, all roads are open
The Gods will be favorable.
Let every day give light!
You live to be three hundred years old!

Without looking at my passport, I immediately
I can say: in the “birth” column there
Error, you are not 60. You cannot be that old -
Ten extra years are credited at once.
And the passport, although it is a document,
Deceives everyone who believes with sight.
You obviously at the moment
Much less than the anniversary figure.
You are young both in appearance and in soul,
A worthy example for other women.
And my conclusion will be very simple:
Stay the same in the future!

Yes, maybe not a girl, but not a teenager,
But mysterious, beautiful and smart,
Beauty and wisdom are rare in women,
But in you they united and completely.
And always be as sweet and beautiful,
Always please us with a happy look,
And for your loved one, be always loved,
And if there are tears, it’s sometimes from happiness.

Any birthday (and especially an anniversary) is a wonderful holiday that can only bring a smile to your face. However, the older you get, the scarier it becomes to celebrate it, and this is more true for women. The 60th birthday can bring a lot of trouble to a woman, so the main goal is to organize everything so that the birthday girl feels as good and comfortable as possible on her own holiday. It is especially important that the atmosphere of love and significance of this holiday reigns in the air.

Congratulations from the children

Our dear mother, you are the brightest for us.
We wish you success in life!
From an early age you raised us, and you didn’t give us offense,
It is very difficult for us to convey all the love through words.
You don’t grow old in our heart, you are always young there.
There are no wrinkles, regardless of the years.
We are always ready to give you a helping hand,
You have always protected us, it’s time to repay the debt!
(give a souvenir)

How much love and care
Give to your loved one
Through life, united, you go,
Forgetting grievances.
So come on, dears,
We won't fall behind!
Not a single beautiful feature
We definitely won't forget!

(all the guests in a circle wish the birthday girl happiness and praise her)

Now, friends, let's
Fill your glasses!
For the health of the hero of the day,
You definitely need a drink!

(break for meal)

Competition "Knitted thread"

Are there any needlewomen here?
I call you!
Grandma's competition now
I declare it open!

Competition for all interested guests. Each participant receives a ball of thread and a pair of knitting needles. The task is to knit the maximum thread in 2 rows in 3 minutes. The winner is the one whose thread is longer. You can turn on moving music. The winner receives a large skein of good knitting thread.

While there are such hard workers in the country -
All troubles will pass us by.
For all the stress to disappear,
Who will drink with me, dear guests?

Competition “And your legs are eager to dance”

Leading: It's time to stretch your bones! I am announcing a competition for the best dancer. Everyone is welcome!

Several pairs are needed for this competition. Several melodies of different genres should be selected in advance: square dance, lambada, hopak, waltz and others. Each couple dances to the music for a few seconds, and when the performance ends, you need to freeze in a beautiful pose that suits the genre. The audience appreciates the quality and enthusiasm of the dances and the beauty of the frozen couple. Based on the results, a pair of winners is determined. They receive "Best Dancer" medals.

The soul shines with joy and joy,
When we spin in a waltz slowly!
So that dancing always fills our lives,
I suggest you drink immediately!

Competition “Song-Anti-Song”

Leading: Do you like to sing? I'm sure you love it. Today you can show off your talent!

Everyone interested is divided into two teams. The first remembers a song and sings a few lines from it. The second one tries to find a song that is opposite in meaning to the composition of the first team, and also sing a few lines. To avoid it being too difficult, you can set the theme and genre of the songs, or give conditions (for example, so that in opposite compositions the antonyms “white/black”, “big/ small”, “man/woman” and so on).
The heart dances and sings
Hearing these songs.
So that we can sing all year round,
Let's have a drink together!

Fishing Competition

Leading: Let's move some more! I invite several couples to compete in dexterity!
Everyone is welcome. The fish, which should be cut out of paper or cardboard in advance, are tied with strings to the partner’s belt so that the fish lies on the floor. When the music starts, the couples dance around, but this is not the only task. The partner must step on someone else’s fish and tear it off, while simultaneously protecting his own fish. You can cut out figures from different colors to avoid confusion. The last couple left wins. They receive a bag of fish cookies and a Brave Fisherman medal.

There's no doubt
In this glorious victory.
For many such victories,
Please raise your glasses!

Game "Treasure Hunter"

Want to earn crispy banknotes?
Hurry up, everyone is in a circle, wealth awaits you!
Trust your fast hands
They will serve you honestly!
Fun, joy and excitement,
Now they tell you to tense up,
Let the cheerful laughter sound,
There is enough wealth here for everyone!

Those who wish sit in a circle and receive a prize wrapped in several layers of paper. Then they pass it around in a circle accompanied by cheerful music. When the music stops, the person holding the prize unrolls one layer of paper and takes the banknote hidden underneath. Then everything is repeated until the layers of paper run out. Those who have banknotes receive “Treasure Hunter” medals

Many of you have become richer
Let it be like this every hour!
Not only a wallet, but also
Every soul will be rich.
We need to drink to this,
To both the hero of the day and the guests!

Competition “True or not?”

Leading: Now let's see who knows our hero of the occasion better.

Those interested should be divided into 2 groups. 2 chairs are placed in front of the groups, one with “Truth” written on it, the other “Lie”. It is necessary to prepare in advance several proposals regarding the biography of the hero of the occasion. Half of them must be true and half must be false. Participants are divided in such a way that each pair has a person from the first team and a person from the second. Next, one of the prepared sentences is pronounced. The participants of each pair, relying on the prompts of their teams, try to sit on the “True” chair if the sentence is true, or on the “False” chair if not. Whoever manages to do this first gets one point. The team that scores the most points wins.
It’s immediately obvious that we’ve gathered
Only close friends!
We learned the truth with you,
Couldn't have said it better!

Competition "Burenka"

It's time for us to bring in the cake,
It's delicious and beautiful.
But from whose milk?
Have we created the cream?
Who gave us milk?
So that the holiday goes well?
This is a very simple question
Of course, a COW!

Leading: Before you taste the cake, you have to earn it. Probably many of you have been to the village. This means that they saw cows there and probably dreamed of milking them. Today your dreams will come true! For this competition I need a man and a woman.

Condition of the competition: milk milk from rubber gloves in a minute. Whoever has the most money at the end of the competition wins.

What kind of technology, and for that
Of course, a reward awaits!
Now we need to think with our heads,
Cut yourself a big piece!

(They bring in the birthday cake, pause for the meal)

Contest "Inconvenient Treat"

How grandmothers cook
All of us know.
Here is our... (name)
Showed your class!
Help yourself, darlings
Today is a feast!
But we forgot the forks,
Bad luck, oh!

4 people take part, each is given a plate of regular pie. As soon as the presenter gives the go-ahead, the participants begin to eat their pies, but this must be done without using their hands. The winner is the first one to complete the task and receives a big donut.

Leading: Our amazing holiday, filled with ringing laughter, clinking glasses and wonderful songs, is coming to an end. Let us finally drink so that the holiday in the soul of our hero of the day never ends!

Mom turned 60 today.
The long-awaited anniversary day has come,
Everyone will certainly confirm
That this is the main holiday for today.

We all love you very much,
We wish you good health together,
And all the past years
There is no need to feel sorry at all.

Our dear and beloved! We congratulate you on your 60th anniversary and wish you health, strength and happiness. Let illnesses pass by, the heart always sings, and the soul remains young and cheerful. We love you very much, you give us comfort and care all your life, so now accept it all from us.

We wish you a happy day
A lot of peace and warmth,
We wish life to be vibrant
And it was as if a river was flowing,
We wish that in your home
There was happiness and peace,
We wish you eternal youth,
And also human joy.
Your anniversary is not yet old age,
And just wise years,
Live in joy and happiness
And never know troubles.

Our team celebrates,
A colleague turned sixty.
Congratulations on the greatest anniversary
I’m also in a hurry, let everyone forgive me.

We wish you goodness and happiness,
Good health and life without worries.
And I think everyone agrees with me,
Please accept our congratulations and love.

You radiate warmth
And with you I can breathe easily,
And often your wise advice
The light of hope comes on.

The Almighty has given us all life
One for good deeds.
You have invested the goodness of your soul
Into your worries and affairs.

By right of pride is full
For my son and his deeds.
And where can I find another mother-in-law?
So that there is love for the daughter-in-law?!

And, giving the warmth of the soul to the grandchildren,
She blossomed with happiness.
And this is your priceless treasure -
If everything is going well in your family.

How endless the road
You to everyone with whom fate brought you together.

60 is a lot, 60 is a little,
At 60 the road to wisdom is open.
It doesn’t matter that the years flash by
And my hair turns gray over time.
There would be a young soul,
But young souls do not age!
So even in these years,
While there is still “gunpowder” and agility,
The fire of enthusiasm burns within you,
Continuing to shine for people!

You are sixty today!
And you can’t say it like that at a glance:
Cheerful, fresh, and more fashionable than everyone else -
And suddenly it’s an anniversary!

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
Be forever good
Best in deeds and song,
We can breathe easier with you.

I want to work with you,
Sing, laugh, have fun,
I want to dream with you
And don't notice the clock.

You carry happiness with you
Whether on a walk or at work.
There is a spark of God in you,
Everyone gets warmth,

Light, good fun.
Happy birthday!
Turn off the lights, bring the cake!
Light sixty candles!

60 years came so suddenly that you didn’t have time to enjoy the surf, breathe in the fresh aroma of pine needles in a spruce forest, didn’t have time to climb the highest mountain in the world and swim across the widest river on Earth! But 60 years is only the beginning of a stormy life, in which you will still have time to experience all this extreme. Happy anniversary, dear!

You have already turned sixty. And for you, on this anniversary day, all the most wonderful congratulations sound! May the Lord always be by your side. Protects and always helps you get up. You are a wonderful woman and accept these sincere words from us. Happy anniversary to you, our dear.

Expensive! On your anniversary, you appeared before us as a wonderful mature woman, wise with vast experience with which you can help the younger generation. 60 is not a sad number at all, but the beginning of a new life. It's time when you can create and contemplate much more than ever. We wish you to bestow your warmth on those around you, bloom with health, not lose the youthful sparkle in your eyes and delight us with your love of life. Congratulations!

Happy Birthday, happy anniversary... as you know, a woman is always 18, no matter what date is indicated in your passport, even if it is 60 years old. That’s why I’ll say that at your age you look as beautiful as possible for such a young girl. Happy holiday to you and may we celebrate your anniversary again in 60 years!

Let all good things happen
Let your dreams come true
After all, the best will not happen again,
I wish you to smell and bloom!

And at sixty a beautiful flower
A lady can be easy
If she is wise and thinks clearly,
Being able to see far.

It is with great pleasure that I congratulate you on your wonderful anniversary to the most tender, most beautiful, most charming and attractive woman in the world! Your beauty has driven hundreds of men crazy, your ability to always be charming and elegant is an example to follow! I wish you such long-awaited female happiness, pure and sincere love, and faithful friends who can always be sad or rejoice with you.

Smile quickly
It's your anniversary!
We kiss you, hug you,
And from the heart
We wish you a lot of happiness and health!

Happy sixtieth birthday
I congratulate you
Let it be bright, light,
Destiny is always yours!

Let them multiply
Your advantages:
You are smart, beautiful,
Strive, dream, love!

Today you are 60!
Congratulations on your anniversary,
And from now on let the happy look
And don’t let your health go to waste!

I love you tirelessly
My best woman in the world!
I can do anything for you,
After all, love is subject to eternal power!

Sixtieth anniversary
Let it become the best thing for you.
May luck help you quickly
Fulfill all desires and plans.

Darling, may there be happiness and peace
One day there will be a knock on your door.
Your circle of loved ones will not part with you,
Problems will not dare to appear.

Dear mom! You are 60 years old today, a great date worthy of great respect. All these years you have been by my side, helping me in difficult times in such a way that I always felt inspired and happy, and not like a small helpless child, for which I appreciate you immensely. Your love warmed me in the most difficult moments of my life, because I always knew that my loved one loved me, although the whole familiar world had turned upside down around me. Mommy, I know you really don’t want to grow old, you are still cheerful, cheerful and beautiful. Mommy, old age has not touched your beautiful eyes, it’s not you, but she’s afraid of you. I love you very much and wish you great health to live many, many more years!

Happy sixtieth birthday! At 60, you can already say that a person has achieved a lot in life - to sum it up. You are a wonderful woman, a loving mother and grandmother, a faithful wife and a wonderful friend. And, undoubtedly, you have achieved a lot in life, creating such a great family. Be happy and loved, prosperous, healthy and live for a long, long time! And accept these wonderful anniversary poems as a gift on your birthday!

Our dear, most charming woman! On this day, your sixtieth anniversary is knocking on the window, and we are all knocking on the door to present bouquets of scarlet roses and say all those words of love that we have not yet had time to say to you. Be happy enough to flutter in the turquoise sky on the wings of love, dreams and hope!

Happy anniversary,
At 60 special years
I wish you a lovely woman
Never know troubles
For the best to happen
May you always be lucky
Joy settled in my heart,
Happiness has not let you down!

Sixty is so little!
On our anniversary - hello!
Know: there is a lot left to live,
Long wise sweet years -

Without despondency and boredom,
Happiness full of passions.
The grandchildren will confirm all this,
Giving you my children!

...And with each new great-grandson you too
Become many years younger!!!

At 60 we say thank you
For your warm heart and generosity of soul,
Because you live beautifully in the world,
That your past years are good.

And on your anniversary, please accept congratulations,
There are only one words from the heart for you.
Let the best moments in the world be
Your beautiful and bright destiny!

Dear hero of the day, let me sincerely congratulate you on this important and significant event - your 60th birthday! Over all these years, you have been able to fully demonstrate your talent and humane attitude towards others. Anyone who asked you for help and support always received it. You have a truly kind and noble heart. You raised wonderful children, and then grandchildren. Today you still amaze us with your positive energy, hard work and cheerfulness. We need your warmth, wise advice, and always try to follow your example. Thank you for everything, and may God grant you health, happiness and long, long life among loving family members. Congratulations!