Age groups 4 5 years. Age characteristics of children in the middle group. Psychology of raising a preschool child. Portal about psychology “Family Universe”

Nina Zhdanova
Age characteristics of children of middle preschool age.

Each child develops differently, each has its own path and pace of development. But still there is something in common that allows us to characterize children, their age characteristics.

Age 4-5 years is rightly called secondary preschool. Closer to 5 years children features characteristic of older preschoolers. Curiosity, the need for independence and activity, in turn, have a beneficial effect on the psyche and behavior.

At the same time, instability of mood, attention, emotional vulnerability, imaginative thinking, passion for the game bring people together children 5 years of living with the younger ones preschoolers.

Have grown up physical abilities children of the fifth year of life: their movements became much more confident and varied. Preschoolers have an urgent need to move. If active motor activity is limited, they quickly become overexcited, become disobedient, and capricious.

Emotionally charged activity becomes not only means physical development, but also way psychological relief children of middle preschool age, which are characterized by fairly high excitability. Having seen a child overexcited, it is necessary, given the weakness of inhibitory processes children 4-5 years old, switch his attention to a calmer activity. This will help the child regain strength and calm down.

U children the desire to communicate with peers is actively manifested. If a three-year-old child is completely satisfied "society" dolls, then at 4-5 years old he needs meaningful contacts with peers. Children communicate about toys, joint games, and common affairs. Their verbal contacts become more effective and efficient.

In his cognitive interests, the child begins to go beyond the specific situation. Age"why" manifests itself in numerous issues children to adults: "Why?", "For what?", "For what?" Child's developing thinking ability establishing the simplest connections and relationships between objects awakens a wide interest in the world around us. Often, a child repeatedly turns to adults with the same questions in order to get to the bottom of the truth that worries him, and it takes a lot of patience from us to give answers again and again.

At the level of cognitive communication, children experience an urgent need for respectful treatment from an adult. An adult makes a serious mistake if he brushes off the child’s questions, does not notice them, or answers with irritation, hastily, without desire. A benevolent, interested attitude of adults towards children's issues and problems, a willingness to discuss them as equals helps, on the one hand, to support and direct children's cognitive activity in the right direction, and on the other hand, it strengthens trust preschoolers to adults. This promotes the emergence of a sense of respect for elders.

It has been noticed that children who do not receive answers to the questions that concern them from adults begin to show traits of isolation, negativism, and disobedience towards elders. In other words, the unfulfilled need to communicate with an adult leads to negative manifestations in the child’s behavior.

A child of the fifth year of life is highly active. This creates new opportunities for the development of independence in all areas of his life. Development of independence in cognition promotes children's mastery of a system of various investigative actions, techniques of simple analysis, comparison, and observation skills. Child capable analyze objects 2-3 at a time signs: color and shape, color, shape and material, etc. He can compare objects by color, shape, size, smell, taste and other properties, finding differences and similarities. The teacher specially saturates life children problematic practical and cognitive situations in which children need to independently apply the techniques they have mastered (determine whether the sand is wet or dry, whether it is suitable for construction; select blocks of such width that 2 or 3 cars can pass on them at the same time, etc.).

Paying attention to the development of children's independence, we widely use individual approach techniques, following rule: do not do for the child what he is able to do on his own. But at the same time it is necessary to proceed from the real level of skills, which can vary significantly from person to person. children. Therefore, if for some children a simple reminder of the required action or advice will be enough, but for others a demonstration or joint action with the child is necessary - this manifests one of characteristics of children. The teacher becomes witness different rates of development children: some retain the properties characteristic of the younger ones longer age, the restructuring of their behavior and activity seems to slow down, others, on the contrary, grow up faster and begin to clearly show the traits of an older age level.

U children At 4-5 years of age, interest in the game clearly manifests itself. The game becomes more complex in content, number of roles and role-playing dialogues. Children confidently name their play role and act in accordance with it. Same-sex play communication predominates. Girls prefer games with family and everyday themes, games "to the princesses". Boys are attracted to games "in the military, builders, sailors". For the emergence and development of play, children need appropriate play equipment. attributes: sets of toys, items for acting, symbols of uniforms.

The game continues to be the main form of organization of their lives. As in the younger group, we give preference to the game structure of the entire lifestyle children. During the day, children can participate in a variety of games - role-playing, directing, movement, imitation and theatrical, round dancing, musical, educational. Some of them are organized and purposefully used by us as means solving certain problems. For example, games with ready-made content and rules are used to develop attention, memory, speech, the ability to compare, and act according to a basic algorithm.

Significant time is allocated for games of choice children. Our task is to create opportunities for varied gaming activities through appropriate subject-development Wednesday: a variety of toys, substitute items, materials for play creativity, rational placement of play equipment.

Remarkable peculiarity of children is fantasy, they often confuse fiction and reality. The vividness of fantasies expands the scope of mental capabilities children and is used to enrich children's play experience: inventing fantastic images of animals, people, and fabulous travels in the game.

We actively use game motivation in organizing activities. children. All types of developing educational situations take place either in the form of a game or are composed of game techniques and actions. By virtue of features visual-figurative thinking middle preschooler preference is given to visual, gaming and practical methods; the teacher’s words are accompanied by various forms of visualization and practical activities children. Our motto:

Tell me and I’ll forget, show me and I’ll remember, let me try and I’ll learn.

U children of this age there is an awakening of interest in the rules of behavior, about which testify numerous complaints and statements children about that that someone is doing something wrong or not fulfilling some requirement. Sometimes we regard such statements by a child as "sneaking" and has a negative attitude towards them. Meanwhile "statement" child means that he has interpreted the requirement as necessary and it is important for him to receive authoritative confirmation of the correctness of his opinion, as well as to hear from an adult additional explanations about "borders" rule actions. By discussing what happened with the child, we help him establish himself in the right behavior. At the same time, frequent statements and complaints children should serve as a signal for us of miscalculations in his work to foster friendly relations and a culture of behavior in the group.

U children there is active development and maturation of emotional spheres: feelings become deeper, more stable; the previous joyful feeling from communicating with others gradually develops into a more complex feeling of sympathy and affection. By supporting them, we deliberately create situations in which preschoolers gain experience in friendly communication and attention to others. These are situations of mutual support and mutual assistance. children, showing attention to elders, caring for animals, caring for things and toys: "Help a Friend", "Share with others", “Our animals feel good with us”, "We are helpers in the group" and others. We awaken emotional responsiveness children, we direct it towards sympathy for peers, basic mutual assistance.

Children are hypersensitive to the words, assessments and attitudes of adults towards them. They rejoice in praise, but often react sharply to disapproval or remark. emotionally: outbursts of anger, tears, perceiving comments as a personal insult. The vulnerability of a 4-5 year old child is not a manifestation of his individuality, but feature of age. Adults need to be very attentive to their words, to the intonation of speech when contacting a child and assessing his actions. First of all, emphasize successes, achievements and focus on positive actions.

In the fifth year of life, children show interest in gender issues, and awareness of their gender begins. Children note the external differences between boys and girls. Our task is to gradually form ideas about the behavior of a boy or girl and their relationships. Completing such a task will successfully influence the child’s intellectual and moral development.

We attach great importance to the development of aesthetic feelings children. We draw their attention to the beauty of nature, the sound of music, the variety of visual arts funds. Children confidently hold a pencil in their hands, draw people, animals, surrounding objects, and enjoy sculpting, designing, and doing applique work.

Dictionary children increases to 2000 words or more. In conversation, the child begins to use complex phrases and sentences. Children love to play with words, they are attracted to rhymes, the simplest of which children easily remember and compose similar ones. It is in this age children need a lot read: They love it very much and quickly remember what they read. Every day it is necessary to find time for confidential, maternal communication with children, getting acquainted with fiction, telling fairy tales, stories from personal experience, and listening to your favorite pieces of music.

Kristina Raskatova
Parent meeting in the middle group “Age characteristics of children 4–5 years old”

Parent meeting in the middle group:

« Age characteristics of children 4 – 5 years old»


expanding contact between teachers and parents;

2. Choice parent committee.


4. Solution group questions.

Progress of the parent meeting

1. Introductory part.

Good evening, dears parents! Today we will talk about how our children have changed and what is characteristic of their age.

The children turned 4 years old and moved to middle group of kindergarten. And we, as educators, began to notice a number of new features in their behavior and activities that manifest themselves in physical development. Movements children became more confident and diverse. If active motor activity is limited, they quickly become overexcited, become disobedient, and capricious. Therefore in this age it is necessary to establish a reasonable motor mode, filling life children a variety of outdoor games. If you notice your child is overexcited, switch his attention to a calmer activity. In that age in children communication with peers is active. Children willingly cooperate with adults in practical matters and more actively strive for knowledge and intellectual communication. At the level of cognitive communication, children experience an urgent need for respectful treatment from an adult. U children At 4–5 years of age, interest in the game clearly manifests itself. The game becomes more complex in content, number of roles and role-playing dialogues. The game continues to be the main form of organization of life children. The teacher gives preference to the play structure of the entire lifestyle of preschoolers. The teacher’s task is to create opportunities for varied play activities through appropriate subject development Wednesday: a variety of toys, substitute items, materials for creative play, rational placement of play equipment. Remarkable peculiarity of children is fantasy, they often confuse fiction and reality. Dictionary children increases to 2000 words or more. In conversation, the child begins to use complex phrases and sentences. Children love to play with words, they are attracted to rhymes, the simplest of which children easily remember and compose similar ones.

Each child develops differently, each has its own path and pace of development. But still there is something in common that allows us to characterize children, their age characteristics. Age 4-5 years is rightly called secondary preschool. Closer to 5 years children traits characteristic of preschoolers begin to appear middle aged: some arbitrariness of mental processes, growth of cognitive interests and independence, attempts to explain the phenomena of interest in the surrounding life. Curiosity, the need for independence and activity, first of all, have a beneficial effect on the psyche and behavior. At the same time, instability of mood, attention, emotional vulnerability, concreteness and imaginative thinking, passion for the game and game situations bring people together children fifth year of life with younger preschoolers.

It is very important in education to take into account individual child's characteristics. They are determined by the type of nervous system.

MAIN TASKS OF WORK FOR THE 2014-2015 ACADEMICAL YEAR YEAR: usually in our kindergarten three main areas of more extensive work are developed for the educational year:

Formation children patriotic ideas through project activities. (Project activity involves working not only with children, but also interacting with parents).

I would also like to introduce you to the GCD grid and regime moments. (Appendix 1, 2) GCD is held from Monday to Friday. Lesson time increased to 5 minutes compared to 2nd junior group. IN middle group 20 minutes are allotted for classes. Breaks between classes are from 10 to 15 minutes. There are 2 classes per day.

1. Cognitive development - we introduce children with concepts: “People - comparison of people of different age and gender, different emotional states, appearance features. Variety of occupations for adults (children learn to recognize and name people of certain professions).

2. Introducing children with the rules of culture of behavior, communication with adults and peers (call by first name, patronymic, address elders as you)

3. Introduce the concept of family and family members.

3. Filling out information about children and parents.

4. Solution group questions.

Psychological and pedagogical work with pupils is built taking into account the age-related characteristics of the development of preschool children, which is necessary for the proper organization of the educational process, both in a family environment and in a preschool educational institution.

Psychological and pedagogical work with pupils is built taking into account the age-related characteristics of the development of preschool children, which is necessary for the proper organization of the educational process, both in a family environment and in a preschool educational institution.

Age characteristics of the contingent of children 4-5 years old, brought up in an educational institution

By the age of five, a “psychological portrait” of the individual is formed, in which an important role belongs to competence, especially intellectual competence (this is the age of “whys”), as well as creativity.

At this age, the growth of all organs and systems continues, the need for movement . Motor activity becomes purposeful, responds to individual experience and interest, movements become meaningful, motivated and controlled. The high emotional significance of the activity process for the child remains, and the inability to complete it on demand. The ability to regulate motor activity appears.Children develop an interest in learning about themselves, their body, its structure, and capabilities.Children have a need to act together, quickly, deftly, at the same pace for all children; observe certain intervals while moving in different formations, be a leader. The level of functionality increases.

Positive changes are observed in development motor skills . Preschoolers are better able to maintain their balance when stepping over small obstacles. Strings medium-sized beads (20 pcs.) (or buttons) on a thick fishing line.

At 4-5 years old, children improve cultural and hygienic skills ( the algorithm of washing, dressing, eating is well mastered: they are careful while eating, know how to put on shoes correctly, put their clothes, toys, and books away. In elementary self-care (dressing, undressing, washing, etc.) the child’s independence is manifested.

Social and personal development

By the age of 5, children's interest and need increase in communication, especially with peers , awareness of one’s position among them. The child acquires ways of interacting with other people. Uses speech and other means of communication to meet a variety of needs. Better oriented in human relationships: able to notice the emotional state of a close adult, peer, and show attention and sympathy.Children develop a need for respect from an adult; their praise turns out to be extremely important for them. This leads to their increased sensitivity to comments. Increased sensitivity is an age-related phenomenon. The ability to use established forms of polite address is improved.

In gaming activities role interactions appear. They indicate that preschoolers begin to separate themselves from the accepted role. During the game, roles may change. At this age, regular play partners begin to appear. From two to five children can be involved in a common game, and the duration of joint games is on average 15-20 minutes.

The child begins to regulate his behavior in accordance with accepted social norms; knows how to finish the job he started (build a structure, remove toys, rules of the game, etc.) - a manifestation of arbitrariness.

Children begin to develop the ability to control their emotions in movement, which is facilitated by their mastering the language of emotions (range of experiences, moods). Emotionality A five-year-old child is distinguished by a variety of ways to express his feelings: joy, sadness, disappointment, pleasure. The child is able to show sympathy, empathy, which underlies moral actions. By the age of 5, in the elementary performance of individual tasks (dining duty, caring for plants and animals)independence .

Cognitive and speech development

Content changes communication child and adult. It goes beyond the specific situation in which the child finds himself. The cognitive motive becomes the leading one. The information that a child receives during communication may be complex and difficult to understand, but it is of interest.

IN speech development Children 4-5 years old improve their pronunciation of sounds (except sonorous ones) and diction. Speech becomes the subject of children's activity. They successfully imitate the voices of animals and intonationally highlight the speech of certain characters. The rhythmic structure of speech and rhymes are of interest. The grammatical aspect of speech develops. Children engage in word creation based on grammatical rules. The speech of children when interacting with each other is situational in nature, and when communicating with an adult it becomes extra-situational.

In cognitive development 4-5 year old children are characterized by high mental activity. 5-year-old “why kids” are interested in cause-and-effect relationships in various spheres of life (changes in living and inanimate nature, human origins), the professional activities of adults, etc., that is, an idea about various aspects of the world around them begins to form. By the age of 5, perception becomes more developed. Children are able to name the shape that this or that object resembles. They can isolate simple forms from complex objects and recreate complex objects from simple forms. Children are able to organize groups of objects according to sensory characteristics - size, color; select parameters such as height, length and width. Orientation in space is improved. Memory capacity increases. Children remember up to 7-8 names of objects. Voluntary memorization begins to take shape: children are able to accept a memorization task, remember instructions from adults, can learn a short poem, etc. Imaginative thinking begins to develop. Children turn out to be able to use schematic images in sheets to solve simple problems. The stability of attention increases. The child has access to concentrated activity for 15-20 minutes.

Getting more complicated design . Buildings can include 5-6 parts. Design skills according to one’s own design are developed, as well as planning a sequence of actions.

Artistic and aesthetic development

In the fifth year of life, the child more consciously perceives works of artistic, visual and musical creativity, easily establishes simple causal connections in the plot, composition, etc., emotionally responds to the actions, actions, events reflected in the work of art, correlates what he sees with his ideas about the beautiful , happy, sad, evil, etc. The child develops a desire to share his impressions of encounters with art, with adults and peers. The imagination continues to develop. Its features such as originality and arbitrariness are formed. Children can independently come up with a short fairy tale on a given topic.

Receives significant development visual activity . Drawings become substantive and detailed. At this age, children draw rectangular, oval-shaped objects, and simple images of animals. Children can saturate the brush bristles with paint in a timely manner and rinse them after finishing work. The graphic image of a person is characterized by the presence of a torso, eyes, mouth, nose, hair, and sometimes clothing and its details. Children cancut scissors in a straight line, diagonally, by the age of 5 they master the techniques of cutting out round and oval-shaped objects.They sculpt objects of round, oval, cylindrical shape, simple animals, fish, birds.

By the age of 5, the child performs basic dance movements (springing, jumping, twirling, etc.). Can sing drawn out, while starting and ending singing together. The development of performing activity is facilitated by the dominance of productive motivation at this age (sing a song, dance a dance, play an instrument). Children make their first attempts at creativity.

The baby has survived the period, and now he is ready to enter middle preschool age. These are children 4-5 years old.

This age period is characterized by an increase in living space, purposeful actions, improved coordination of movements and their diversity.

In various types of activities, the child begins to act in accordance with the set goal and tries to stick to it. But due to the instability of mental processes, the baby can forget about the goal and easily switch to another activity. At the same time, the baby may not even notice how he has already set a new goal and is happy about achieving it.

Middle preschool age is a period of intensive development of role-playing games. The child diversifies and complicates the plots of games, takes on more and more new roles, and learns to subordinate his behavior to the rules of the game. Games with peers become dominant over individual and side-by-side games. The actions of the participants become more coordinated, and the duration of the games becomes longer. The child is already able to come up with and coordinate with others a simple plot, divide roles and game material. The baby focuses on the adult as a role model.

In drawing and design, the child increasingly thinks about the depiction of objects, although the methods for their implementation are not yet thorough. Over time, the range of graphic images increases, and the range of depicted objects becomes wider. The period of time when the baby draws or designs increases. The subjects of the drawings become more diverse, the ideas become clearer, and the intentions and plans become more persistent. Despite this, the process and result of productive activity depends on the conditions of its organization and the child’s mood.

At the stage of middle preschool age, cognitive processes develop - perception, attention, thinking, imagination. Visual-figurative thinking dominates.

At the age of 4-5 years, a child’s curiosity increases, especially when it comes to finding out the causes of various life phenomena. At this age, the vocabulary is significantly activated, and elementary judgments about the environment appear. Dialogue is beginning to become the main form of interaction with people. The child becomes more and more interested in his peers, takes initiative in communicating with them, demonstrating his capabilities. Initial forms of selectivity appear.

The perception of artistic works - literary, musical, visual arts, and theatrical activities - is increasing. The child tries not only to imitate an adult, but also shows initiative, invention, and elementary creativity.

A 4-5 year old preschooler can already perform certain tasks for the amount of time specified by an adult. His independence, desire and ability to act not only at the direction of an adult, but also at his own discretion, at his personal request, responsibly, grows. Communication with adults begins to move from practical, businesslike to cognitive: the child increasingly asks about what he sees around him, strives to get specific answers to his questions, and perceives the adult as a source of new information. The baby becomes more sensitive to the tone of adults’ addresses to him and their attitude. A feeling of jealousy arises towards close adults when they pay attention to others.

A child of middle preschool age has an idea of ​​the main parts of his body, correlates his physique with the physique of other people, compares them with each other, and is enriched with elementary generalizations. At this age, the baby is interested in the human structure, the difference between boys and girls, women and men; begins to understand that with age a person changes. The baby is already able to distinguish between a healthy and a painful state.

Throughout middle preschool age, the child’s ability to listen to others grows. Your child begins to understand himself, makes a discovery: what he likes may not be liked by others (food, toys, fairy tales). The baby orients himself in the natural, objective and human environment, relates to it in a certain way, and knows what can be expected from him.

Psychological development

A child of middle preschool age continues to grow and develop. The baby develops new interests and mental processes improve. The social situation of development is changing, new types of activities and age-related new formations are emerging.

Social situation of development.

The child goes beyond the boundaries of the narrow and usual family circle into the wide world, and faces the need to establish relationships with the world of strange adults and peers. The main life context becomes the world of social relations of adults, into which the baby strives to enter and which turns into the center around which his life revolves. The nature of communication between a child and an adult changes: general objective activity is replaced by cognitive activity, which is associated with the desire for independence and the child’s increased psychophysiological and social capabilities. Cognitive activity common to adults is aimed at establishing the properties of objects in the immediate environment, at mastering the “trial and error” method as a way of getting to know nature, people, and oneself. The leading motive becomes cognitive, the child becomes an active consumer of new information. For a child, an adult is the most authoritative source of knowledge, erudition, a provider of the unknown and incomprehensible, an interpreter of everything that interests. A preschooler poses an innumerable number of questions, trying to satisfy his growing cognitive needs.

Leading activity.

During middle preschool age, based on plot-reflecting play actions with objects, plot-role play develops. Since the center of a child’s life during this period remains an adult, the vector that determines his interests - social relationships of people, and the leading motive is cognitive, role-playing play is an activity that helps model adult life, master its norms and rules, and reveal causal factors. investigative connections. Role-playing play becomes a leading activity for preschoolers aged 4-5 years, since it creates the most favorable conditions for development and personality formation, primarily for the formation of social competence as an important characteristic of it. The specificity of the role-playing game as a leading activity is that it belongs to the symbolic-modeling type: in it the operational and technical side is minimal, and the reflection of the essence of real life (content content) is the most important for the child. In the game, he masters the game action, basic game skills and conditional object-game action, learns to perform the game role. During the middle preschool period, play actions are improved, united first with a simple, and at the end of the age period with a more developed plot.

The motivational component of play activity is improved, it implements motives that are associated with self-expression, self-affirmation, the child’s desire to be recognized by others, the ability to make do with his own efforts in achieving a play goal, a tendency to independence and initiative. The baby strives to be like his father, mother, to identify himself with a male or female role, he is able to divide playing roles based on gender.

The content component of the game is that the child gradually moves from displaying a sequence of interconnected actions in the game to displaying human interaction and mastering role behavior. At the end of this age period, the plots of the games become more complex, an increment and expansion of the plot line occurs from the reflection in the game of the activities of the family and kindergarten to the events of the immediate social environment. The plots become more persistent and logical. The number of participants in the game is growing, elements of creative interaction appear, children rely not only on their own experience and real life, but also on impressions of book characters and virtual characters (cartoons, videos). The peculiarity of such games is role-playing emotional expressiveness, the emergence of role-playing cues, the desire to strictly adhere to the “truth” (as in life, as it really was).

In the procedural component of creative games, the adult focuses on developing the child’s ability to name his play roles and distribute toys according to them; facilitates the fulfillment of the chosen role; expands and diversifies role-playing actions according to their real life sequence, supports the baby’s imitation of everyday actions (cooking, cooking, ironing, etc.), helps enrich game plots with the actions of people of familiar professions (doctor, teacher, cook, driver, etc. ); teaches you to independently draw up an elementary plan for a creative game, unfold the plot accordingly, take on certain roles, and perform them well; supports the child’s ability to play different roles of the same sex, put himself in the place of another, and experience identical feelings; encourages the baby to make volitional efforts to implement the game idea.

At this age, the child uses objects for play activities, can rename them, and endow them with other properties. The child’s experience is enriched by experiencing the joy of communicating with peers.

At the age of 4-5, children are attracted to different types of games: role-playing games (the child combines the roles of an active subject of objective-practical, communicative and cognitive activities); design and construction (the baby learns to distinguish and correctly use parts of building materials, and the desire to build together also appears); dramatization games, performances (the baby is enriched with role-playing communication, emotionally charged, with the help of a table theater, mitten theater, figurative toys); games according to the rules - moving, round dancing, folk, didactic.

Age-related new formations of consciousness and personality.

Middle preschool age is intermediate, transitional between junior and senior preschool childhood, which affects new formations of consciousness and personality. These include: creating an elementary holistic picture of the surrounding world; goal-directed behavior; emotional and intellectual foresight; mastering the rules of behavior; moral feelings; amateur performances and the simplest forms of creativity.

Tips for parents for the harmonious development of a 4-5 year old child:

  1. It is necessary to support the child's desire for independence.
  2. Pay attention to your child during the game, come up with a plot together.
  3. Develop your baby's creative abilities.
  4. Encourage your child's desire to receive new information.
  5. Show your child a positive example of behavior.

Thus, during this age period, strength accumulates, the child is enriched with life impressions, his personal experience is differentiated and detailed, and a gradual transition to a new round of personal growth begins.

Aristova Alena Olegovna
Consultation “Age-related developmental characteristics of children 4–5 years old in the middle group”

Age features of development of children 4-5 years old(middle group)

In gaming activities children of middle preschool age role interactions appear. They indicate that preschoolers begin to separate themselves from the accepted role. During the game, roles may change. Game actions begin to be performed not for their own sake, but for the sake of the meaning of the game. There is a separation of game and real interactions children.

Significant development receives visual activity. The drawing becomes substantive and detailed. The graphic image of a person is characterized by the presence of a torso, eyes, mouth, nose, hair, and sometimes clothing and its details. The technical side of visual arts is being improved. Children can draw basic geometric shapes, cut with scissors, stick images on paper, etc. It becomes more difficult design. Buildings can include 5-6 parts. Skills are being formed design according to your own plans, as well as planning the sequence of actions.

The child’s motor sphere is characterized by positive changes in fine and gross motor skills. Develop agility, coordination of movements. Children in this age is better better than younger preschoolers, they maintain balance and step over small obstacles. Ball games become more difficult.

By the end in middle preschool age, children's perception becomes more developed.

They find themselves able to name the shape, which this or that object resembles. They can isolate simple forms from complex objects and recreate complex objects from simple forms. Children able to organize groups objects according to sensory characteristics - size, color; select parameters such as height, length and width. Orientation in space is improved.

Memory capacity increases. Children remember up to 7-8 names of objects. An arbitrary one begins to take shape memorization: children able accept a memorization task, remember instructions from adults, can learn a short poem, etc.

Starts develop creative thinking. Children find themselves capable use simple schematic images to solve simple problems.

Based on the spatial arrangement of objects, children can tell what will happen as a result of their interaction. However, it is difficult for them to take the position of another observer and internally make a mental transformation of the image.

For children of this age especially The well-known phenomena of J. are characteristic. Piaget: Preservation of quantity, volume and magnitude. For example, if they are presented with three black paper circles and seven white paper circles and ask: “Which circles are bigger - black or white?”, most will answer that there are more whites. But if ask: “Which are more – white or paper?”, the answer will be the same - more whites.

Continues develop imagination. Such his peculiarities as originality and arbitrariness. Children can independently come up with a short fairy tale on a given topic.

The stability of attention increases. The child finds it accessible concentrated activity for 15-20 minutes. He capable keep a simple condition in memory when performing any action.

IN middle preschool age pronunciation of sounds and diction improves. becomes the subject of activity children. They successfully imitate the voices of animals and intonationally highlight the speech of certain characters. The rhythmic structure of speech and rhymes are of interest. Developing grammatical side of speech. Preschoolers engage in word creation based on grammatical rules. Speech children when interacting with each other, it is situational in nature, and when communicating with an adult it becomes extra-situational.

The content of communication between a child and an adult changes. It goes beyond the specific situation in which the child finds himself. The cognitive motive becomes the leading one. The information that a child receives during communication may be complex and difficult to understand, but it arouses his interest.

U children a need for respect from an adult is formed; his praise turns out to be extremely important for them. This leads to their increased sensitivity to comments. Increased sensitivity is age phenomenon.

A 4-5 year old child has an idea of ​​how to (No need) behave about characteristics of sexual behavior. What stands out in the behavior of his peers and his own is his non-compliance with norms and rules. Gets emotional when he does the wrong thing "how to". Mutual control is strengthened children each other's behavior. Without an adult’s reminder, he is able to put away toys, perform work duties, and complete work. However, during the activity itself, he may be distracted by more interesting activities. In interactions with others he shows (but not always) socially approved forms of behavior. Relationships with peers are characterized by selectivity, which is expressed in preference for some children to others. Regular play partners appear.

Main achievements age is related to development gaming activities; the emergence of role-playing and real interactions; With development visual activities; design by design, planning; improving perception, development figurative thinking and imagination, egocentric cognitive position; memory development, attention, speech, cognitive motivation, improvement of perception.

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