Educational lesson "hygiene rules". Summary of the lesson "Rules of personal hygiene" middle group Lesson hygiene items

TOPIC "Items and personal hygiene products" Target: Identify the difference between items and personal hygiene products.

Tasks : - to acquaint with the concepts of "personal hygiene items" and "personal hygiene products"

Correction of tactile perception through didactic games, development of attention;

Formation of healthy lifestyle habits.

Equipment: items and means of personal hygiene, the table "Items and means of personal hygiene", drawings of items and means of personal hygiene.

During the classes:

I ... Organization of the class and workplaces of students.

Checking the readiness for the lesson of students and workplaces.

II .Knowledge update.

You often hear from adults that the most valuable thing in a person is his health. Many of you may not yet realize how true this saying is. Yes, the most important thing is health. And it must be protected.

All of you, of course, want to keep your health. But what needs to be done for this? To be healthy, you need to keep your body clean, eat right and exercise. By keeping this commandment, you will be healthy.

III ... Lesson topic message.

Today in the lesson we will continue to talk about the first condition, that is, compliance with the rules of personal hygiene and get acquainted with the items and means of personal hygiene.

So, let's write down the topic of the lesson "Items and means of personal hygiene" in a notebook.(slide 1)

IV .Communication of new material.

What is hygiene,(slide 2)

The cat and the hyena know

Brown bear, white bear,

Hedgehog, dog and bee,

It's always not a sin to wash

Wash paws and hooves,

Well, after that you can safely

Get down to business!

And the bee will not be allowed into the hive,

If she turns out to be dirty

And all they will find

Five grains of dust among the pollen.

And the bird will always find

Half a minute to wash

And in a hurry to go down to a puddle,

Even if there are chicks!

How not to remember the raccoon:

For him, washing is work.

For him, the basics are the basis -

First mine, then gnaw.

And every pig

He wants to be clean from the cradle,

And the poor man is not guilty

What's in the dirt.

Hygiene is translated from Greek as "health".(slide 3)

What rules of personal hygiene does a person follow in the morning? In the morning after exercising, you go to the washroom and wash your hands, brush your teeth, wash your face, and wash your neck and ears. After your morning toilet, you are all so beautiful!

All of you are ready for the working day.

What personal hygiene rules do you follow during the day?

In the middle of the day, you will have to go to the sink again. Before lunch, you need to wash your hands with soap and after lunch, too. It would be nice to brush your teeth after lunch, but if this is not possible, you should rinse your mouth with water.

What rules of personal hygiene does a person follow in the evening? And in the evening, water and soap will again help you feel light and fresh. After all, the evening toilet includes: washing, brushing your teeth, washing your hands, neck, ears, and at the end washing your feet.

In order to keep your body clean, it is not enough just to rinse your body with water, it will not wash away the dirt, so people use various items and personal hygiene products. Personal hygiene items are therefore called "personal" (slide 4) that one person uses it, it is not customary to take another person's washcloth, toothbrush, comb or handkerchief, so you can contract unpleasant diseases. Personal hygiene products(slide 5) are available to all members of your family - we wash our hands with one soap, use one toilet paper, we can brush our teeth with one paste. Various means are needed in order to wash off various sweat secretions and dirt from the body.

Work in notebooks.

Reading a table from a blackboard, writing in a notebook.(slide 6)

Personal hygiene items and products

1. Personal hygiene items can only be personal (towel, toothbrush, handkerchief, washcloth).

2. Personal hygiene products can be used by the whole family (soap, shampoo, toothpaste, toilet paper).

Memorizing the table by heart.

Guess what personal hygiene items are we talking about?

Lied in his pocket and sentry:
I roar, cry and get dirty.
They will have streams of tears in the morning,
I will not forget about the nose. (Handkerchief) (slide 7)

I take on the work:
Heels, elbows rubbed with soap,
And I rub my knees
I don’t forget anything.(Sponge) (slide 8)

I wipe, I try
After the boy's bath.
Everything is wet, everything is crumpled -
There is no dry corner.(Towel) (slide 9)

I do not wander through the woods,
And through the mustache, through the hair.
And my teeth are longer
Than wolves and bears.(Comb) (slide 10)

Who counts our teeth.
In the mornings and evenings.(Toothbrush) (slide 11)

All of these are personal hygiene items.(slide 12)

Game "What's in the bag?"

Various items are put into the bag: soap, toothbrush, washcloth, toothpaste, comb, shampoo, etc. Those who play by touch identify and name them, tell what they are used for. You can't watch, you can touch.

And now we will fill in the table(slide 13) and glue it into a notebook.(slide 14)


Exercise: Sort and glue pictures of items and personal hygiene products into different columns of the table in the notebook.(slide 15.16)


Physical education "Finger gymnastics"

1. "Wash hands": rub your palms rhythmically, imitating washing your hands.

Ah, water, water, water! We will always be clean!

2. "Shaking off the water from the hands": squeeze the fingers into a fist, then forcefully straighten the fingers, as if shaking off the water.

Splashes to the right, splashes to the left! Our body has become wet!

3. "Wipe hands": vigorous movements imitate alternately drying each hand with a towel.

With a fluffy towel,
Wipe off the pens very quickly.

Game "What's friends with what

With what is the nose friendly ..., nails ..., hair ..., hands ..., teeth ...?

Manipulation of personal hygiene items - Take away the handkerchief. Take a toothbrush and place it next to the toothpaste. Place a towel between your toothbrush and toothpaste. Take the soap and put it under the towel. Take the soap and put it on the washcloth. Count how many combs.V . Consolidation of the learned.

Pupils are given fragments of the text of the poem by K. Chukovsky "Moidodyr"(slide 17.18)

Long live fragrant soap,

And the towel is fluffy

And tooth powder

And a thick scallop!

Exercise: Read the text to yourself, emphasize only personal hygiene items (or only products).

Game "Who is faster?" (slide 19)

Items and personal hygiene products are scattered on the tables. Students (two groups) must put personal hygiene items and personal hygiene items separately.

Find the extra game

Soap, washcloth, comb, toothbrush, toothpaste, handkerchief, book, pen, notebook.

VI .Homework. (slide 20)

- Who do we see in the picture?

To make a strong friendship with Moidodyr, we need to draw his portrait.

Exercise: Students are given sheets with the contours of the drawing, a sample for coloring is on the board, you need to remember the colors used, then the sample is removed, and the students paint the drawing from memory.

Vii ... Lesson summary, grading. (slide21)

What is the main rule of personal hygiene?

What are the items and personal hygiene products?

Everyone must firmly know:

Health must be maintained!

You need to eat right

You need to go in for sports.

Wash your hands before eating

Brush your teeth, temper,

Always be friends with water.

And then all the people in the world

They will live for a long, long time.

And remember, because health

Do not buy in the store!

Guys, it's impossible to be clean without items and personal hygiene products!

Thank you, you are all great!

Nikitina Victoria Aleksandrovna, educator Kemerovo region, city of Prokopyevsk


Correctional educational:

  1. Strengthen cultural and hygienic skills;
  2. To activate the speech of children;

Correctional and developmental:

  1. Develop visual perception, attention, thinking;
  2. To develop the integrity of visual perception, the ability to make a whole from parts when folding cut pictures;
  3. Teach orientation on your own body, designate the location of parts of your body with terms (left-right);
  4. Teach orientation on a sheet of paper (microplanes)
  5. Consolidate knowledge of the primary colors of the spectrum.
  6. Develop graphomotor skills;

Correctional and educational:

  1. Formation of a positive attitude of children to participate in the lesson;
  2. To educate the skills of cleanliness and tidiness;

Equipment. Bunny toy, magic bag, cut pictures with the image of toys. Personal hygiene items (toothbrush, comb, soap, soap dish, towel, washcloth). 2 circles of different sizes (yellow), 2 triangles of different sizes (red), 2 squares of different sizes (green) (for each child), cards with geometric shapes.

Course of the lesson

Organizing time.

D: Hello guys!!!

Today a bunny came to our class and brought various tasks with him.

D: Are we going to fulfill them with you? (Children's answer).

And in order to find out why he came to us today, we need to unanimously solve riddles. And the clues are in this magic bag, which the bunny brought to us, whoever guesses it will look for this object in the bag with closed eyes.

D: Listen carefully:

Smooth and fragrant, washes very clean.

It is necessary that everyone has - What are these guys? (Soap)

I take on the work:

Heels, elbows rubbed with soap,

And I rub my knees

I don’t forget anything.


She has business in the morning
Brush your teeth white.

I do not wander through the woods,
And over the mustache and hair,
And my teeth are longer
Than wolves and bears.


D. Well done guys have solved all the riddles! each name what he has and for what? (in turn)

Well done, they did the job.

And the tasks will be unusual, Bunny (loves clean kids) and he himself is very careful about his appearance, he washes every evening, brushes his teeth in the morning and evening, and you do that? (children's answer ...)

Now let's stand in a circle (children get up from the chairs and stand in a circle)


We wash my face in the mornings and evenings,

We wash our hands after a walk, before eating.

We take a washcloth

my neck, my right arm,

my left handle,

my right leg,

my left, my everything, and my tummy and back, my whole body,

to keep everything clean.

Wipe with a towel.

Sit down in your seats;

And our bunny has friends who also love cleanliness.

You have envelopes on your table, take them and fold the pictures.

Who, what friend of the Bunny got caught? (children's answer)

Well done boys!

Gymnastics for the eyes

We close our eyes with you

We open our eyes, looked to the right and to the left. They waved their eyelashes.

The finger moves to the nose,

And then back

Look at him

We are very pleased!

Stretch your hand forward. Watching the tip of the finger, slowly bringing it closer to the nose, and then just as slowly pushing it back. - This exercise is done only individually, if there is no converging strabismus.

Now close your eyes

And stroke with your hands

We will dream with you

About my beloved mother.

Close your eyes, stroke your eyelids.

And now there will be the next task, listen carefully! You have geometric shapes on your table, name them? (children's answer)

What color are the circles (answer)

And the triangles?

And the squares? Unfinished assignment. Will they just name the color? Is that all? And the orientation on the plane? - is the same as for the individual?

Now listen carefully ADD

Now let's warm up our fingers for the next bunny task!

Finger gymnastics

This finger wants to sleep.
This finger - jump into bed!
This finger snoozed.
This finger has already fallen asleep.
Fingers stood up. Hooray!
It's time to go to kindergarten.

You have cards with figures on your table. And look carefully at the pictures, now take pencils and connect the same shapes with a straight line (children draw lines)

Well done all you try!

The bunny says that all of you well done have completed all his tasks, he hopes that you will keep an eye on your appearance and will not forget that you need to wash your hands and brush your teeth.

Let's say goodbye to him and say goodbye to him!

Final part

Will you guys keep personal hygiene?

What items help us to be clean? did you like the bunny tasks?

Thank you guys, you were active and attentive in the lesson.

Correctional lesson "Personal hygiene items".

First grade.

Target: expansion and concretization of ideas about personal hygiene items.


Correctional educational:

Activation of vocabulary on the topic.

Correctional and developmental:

Development of dialogic speech, articulatory, fine, general motor skills, visual attention, logical thinking.

Correctional and educational:

Formation of cooperation skills, a positive attitude towards participation in the lesson, initiative, independence. Instilling healthy lifestyle skills.

Item skills:

Formulate the basic rules of personal hygiene;

Practically consolidate hygiene skills and abilities.


Formation of an attitude towards a healthy lifestyle;

Understanding of basic moral norms: responsibility, mutual assistance, truthfulness;

Assessment of your actions.


Formation of the ability to interact with peers in extracurricular activities;

Formation of the ability to plan and organize their activities.


Development of curiosity and cognitive initiative;

Development of the ability to highlight the main thing;

The development of the ability to consciously build a speech utterance;

Problem statement and solution;

Working with information.


Ability to answer the question posed;

Ability to exercise mutual control and mutual assistance in the course of the assignment;

Ability to enter into dialogue and participate in collective discussion of problems;

Argue your statements;

Express your thoughts clearly;

Ability to listen to the interlocutor and recognize the possibility of the existence of different points of view and the right of everyone to have their own.

Interdisciplinary connections: The world around us, literary reading, Russian.

Forms of work: Frontal, in small groups, work in pairs.

Equipment: presentation, projector, screen, laptop, envelopes with the task "Collect the picture", personal hygiene items, games "Magic bag", "What's friends with what?"

Course of the lesson:

I. Organizational moment. Motivation for learning activities.

The bell rang now, the lesson begins. Show the mood in which you came to the lesson. (Children show the mood on the blackboard using the "Mood Drop" magnets)

Sit down in your seats.

Are you ready, eyes?

Yes! (looking through binoculars)

Are you ready, ears?

Yes! (stroking the ears)

Are you ready, pens?

Yes! (clap their hands)

Are you ready, legs?

Yes! (stroking their feet, stomping)

You are ready?

Yes! (hug themselves)

II. Formulation of the topic of the lesson, setting goals and objectives.

Guys, we now have a health lesson, which means that we will talk about…. Health. Or rather, about items that help us maintain health. But what these objects are and how they relate to our health, we will now find out.

"Collect the picture"

(work in pairs, small groups)

Now I will give you envelopes containing cut pictures that you need to collect. Let's get to work. You can work in pairs, in a group and help your friend.

Collected? Well done! What kind of pictures did you get?

Children: Soap, handkerchief, washcloth and sponge, toothbrush, toothpaste, towel, comb, shampoo.

And who will answer me what these items are called?

Guys, soap, handkerchief, washcloth and sponge, toothbrush, toothpaste, towel, comb, shampoo are personal hygiene items. They help us keep our health. And today we are going to talk about these subjects.

III. Updating the knowledge of students.

Now I will ask you riddles. Whoever has a picture-answer, he raises his hand.


I went into my pocket and sent me on guard:

I roar, cry and get dirty.

They will have streams of tears in the morning,

I will not forget about the nose. ( Handkerchief)

Everybody should have a handkerchief. When using it, make sure it is always clean. You need to cough and sneeze into a handkerchief, especially when you are sick. He must be individual. They cannot be shared with friends.

Smooth and fragrant, washes very clean.

It is necessary that everyone has -

What is it guys? ( Soap.)

Soap is a real friend. It helps to destroy the microbes that like to live on our hands and the difference of the disease. When should you wash your hands? After using the toilet, playing games, walking, communicating with animals, traveling in transport, before eating.

I take on the work:

Heels, elbows rubbed with soap,

And I rub my knees

I don’t forget anything. ( Washcloth, sponge.)

A washcloth or body sponge is also an individual item, just like a handkerchief. Only you can wash with it in the bathroom, shower or bath. A washcloth is needed to thoroughly wash the whole body.

I wipe, I try

After the boy's bath.

Everything is wet, everything is crumpled -

There is no dry corner. ( Towel.)

Why do we need a towel? To wipe your hands, face, feet, body. There are different types of towels for bath and kitchen. We dry ourselves in the bath rooms after we have washed or washed, and we use the kitchen ones in the kitchen. We wipe the dishes, cups, spoons, hands.

I do not wander through the woods,

And through the mustache, through the hair.

And my teeth are longer

Than wolves and bears. ( Comb.)

A comb is an individual personal hygiene item. Do not use someone else's hairbrushes. Can get sick (dandruff).

Who counts our teeth

In the mornings and evenings? ( Toothbrush)

Everyone has their own toothbrush. We do not use other people's toothbrushes because it is dangerous to health. You need to change your toothbrush once every 2-3 months.

She is not sugar, not flour,

It looks like them only slightly.

Put it on the brush

And rub your teeth thoroughly. ( Toothpaste.)

The toothpaste cleanses our teeth from plaque, destroys harmful microbes and freshens breath.

Everybody wash her head

Foams and stings the eyes

Smells delicious aroma

You will be as clear as a diamond. ( Shampoo.)

Shampoo is an essential hair wash. There is a shampoo for adults and children.

We put the pictures in envelopes.

IV... Learning new material.

What are the names of the objects, the riddles of which we guessed?

All of these items are called - Personal hygiene items.

What is personal hygiene? Personal hygiene is taking care of your body,

And why do you need to keep your body clean? (children's answers)

In order to be healthy.

Our body, guys, is covered in skin. Feel it on your hands, on your face. The skin is smooth, elastic, it is able to stretch when moving. It is the skin that protects our body from disease. And how will it protect us if it is dirty, and a huge number of microbes will live on it. A dirty body can be harmful to health. In addition, dirty and sloppy people are always unpleasant to those around them.

With whom it is more pleasant for you to communicate with such a friend (clean, tidy) or with such a friend (slob, dirty).

A slob and dirty is always in a bad mood, he is often sick. Nobody wants to play with him.

A person who observes the rules of personal hygiene is healthy, cheerful, energetic, neat.

It is pleasant to communicate and be friends with such a person.

Are you friendly guys? Let's check. Come out all here, we stand in two rows (one opposite the other). Face each other.

V. Physical education"Hello Friend!"

All participants are divided into two equal groups. One group forms an inner circle, the other an outer one. Those in the inner circle turn to face those in the outer circle, thus forming pairs. And they repeat the following words after the presenter, accompanying them with gestures.

- Hello Friend! (They shake hands).

- How are you doing? (Slap the right hand on the partner's left shoulder).

- Where have you been? (Carefully flap the ear).

- I missed! (Fold their arms over their chest).

- You came! (They spread their arms to the sides).

- Good! (Hugs).

Then, those standing in the outer circle take a step to the side, thereby making a replacement partner. Words and movements are spoken again. And so on, until the first couples meet again.

Well done! Friendly guys. We looked out the window, at the door, at the board(attention setting) . We sit down in our seats.

Game "Magic Bag"

Look guys, I have a magic bag that contains magic items. Let's play. Each of you in turn will come out to me and put both hands in the bag. You can't look into the bag. We take one object, touch it, feel it and try to guess what is in our hands. We name it, and then we take it out and show it to all the guys, we check whether they guessed correctly or not.

Guys, you just touched different objects. Before class we were outside. And I think that not everyone did what I asked you to do after the walk. And I asked you to wash your hands with warm water and soap. Therefore, now, I suggest you wipe your hands with a damp cloth, which can also be called a personal hygiene item. We use wet wipes when there is no water or soap nearby - in the park for a walk, on the train, in the car, and so on.

We wipe our hands and see, our white napkins have turned gray. That's how much dirt and microbes were on our hands. We throw away dirty napkins.

VI... Consolidation of the studied material.Game "What's friends with what?"

What's in my hands? Comb. So I think to brush my teeth with it, or to scratch my hands. What to do with the comb? Of course, comb your hair. It turns out that the comb is friendly with the hair.

Let's see what items are friends with. On the board on the left there are pictures "Body parts", and on the right - pictures "Personal hygiene items"

What is the nose friendly with? .... teeth? .... hands? ... nails? .... face? .... hair? .... legs?

Well done!

VII. Reflection. Summarizing.

And so, guys, today in the lesson we talked about ... .. continue the sentence ... .. About health and personal hygiene items.

Name my personal hygiene items (children's answers).

How are personal hygiene products related to our health? Thanks to these items, we can maintain our health and good mood.

How are you with your mood? Someone wants to change the "Mood Drop"?

This concludes our lesson, thank you for your attention.


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    Homeroom teacher: magazine. - 2007. - No. 4; 2005. - No. 8.

    Scientific-methodical journal of the deputy director for educational work (ZDV). - 2006. - No. 6, 2007. - No. 7, 2008. - No. 8.

    Obukhova L.A. “135 Health Lessons, or the School of Nature Doctors. 1-4 grades ". - 2nd ed., Rev. - M .: VAKO, 2013.

    Class teacher's reference book: zhurn. - 2006 - 2007

Iron valentine

Summary of the lesson on the topic« Hygiene items» using the methodological manual laptop on the educational field "Child and Society"


Form knowledge and ideas about personal hygiene items; ability to answer difficult questions proposal with the union"to"; ability to compose suggestions by the action performed.

Develop a sustained interest in the rules and norms of a healthy lifestyle; cognitive and speech activity of children; attention, memory, thinking, fine motor skills of the fingers.

To cultivate a conscious, responsible attitude towards your health.

Equipment: laptop on the topic « Hygiene items» , letter, pouch, hygiene items(soap, washcloth, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrush, handkerchief, towel, comb, pictures for proverbs, cards for playing "Arrange in order", for experiment: combs, toothbrushes, cotton wool, related puzzles « Hygiene items» .

Preliminary work:

Reading the fairy tale by K. Chukovsky "Moidodyr", poems by A. Barto "The grimy girl"... Reading proverbs, sayings, poems about cleanliness, health, hygiene items... Guessing riddles about personal hygiene items... Receiving a parcel from Moidodyr. Conducting a didactic game "Connect personal hygiene items» ... Conversations on theme: "Personal hygiene» , "Our good friends", .

Course of the lesson:

Preschool educator (V. d. O.)

You guys come through,

Look at the guests.

Friends came to us, here,

Say hello first,

Smile at them in unison

To our dear guests.

Guys, when I came in the morning, and you weren't there yet, the postman brought me a letter.

Want to know who it is from? Guess:

He is a washbasin chief and a washcloth commander.

And if you are too lazy to wash, he will soap you to the holes.

He will take a gentle, fragrant soap,

He will wash you thoroughly and cleanly.

Brush your teeth with powder and comb them with a comb.

That's right, this is a letter from Moidodyr. That's what he is writes: “I am the Great Washbasin, the Famous Moidodyr. Wash basins chief and washcloths commander. My dear children! I am writing to you letter: I ask you to wash your hands and face more often. It is imperative to wash yourself in the morning, evening and afternoon, before every meal, after sleep and before going to bed. "

And Moidodyr also asks if we received his package? (children's answers)

"Dear Guys! In a laptop, I collected games about hygiene items... Play these games today. Goodbye. Your Moidodyr ".

V. d. About. Let's play with you today and talk about hygiene items, about cleanliness, and about what is needed for this.

Children sit near the table on which there is a laptop on the topic « Hygiene items» .

I suggest start by guessing riddles. And we will not only name the answers, but also find them in a wonderful bag.

The game "What's in the bag?"

Children listen to the riddle, guess and feel the answer, hygiene item... You can't watch, you can touch.

V. d. About. I am curly and hairy

Purely my you guys (washcloth).

Children: This is a washcloth.

1 child takes out a washcloth.

V. d. About. Why do we need a sponge?

Children: To wash our body.

V. d. About. She has business in the morning

Brush your teeth white. (Toothbrush).

2 child takes out a toothbrush.

V. d. About. What is a toothbrush for?

Children: To brush your teeth.

V. d. About. I am not sugar, not flour

But it looks a little like them

I'm always in the morning.

I get on my teeth (Toothpaste).

V. d. About. What is it?

Children: Toothpaste.

3 child takes out toothpaste.

V. d. About. Why do we need toothpaste?

Children: To brush your teeth.

V. d. About. It is fragrant and aromatic

It is pleasant for our hair,

Only with him we always have

The head will be clean (shampoo).

Children: Shampoo.

4 child takes out shampoo.

V. d. About. What is shampoo for?

Children: To wash your hair.

V. d. About. Fluffy, colorful

Merry, terry!

Wipe dry, both face and ears (towel).

Children: Towel.

5 child takes out a towel.

V. d. About. Why do you need a towel?

Children: To dry your hands and face.

V. d. About. As many as 25 teeth,

For curls and tufts.

And under each, under the tooth -

Lay hair in a row (comb).

6 the child takes out a comb.

V. d. About. Who knows what a comb is for?

V. d. About. Should always be in your pocket

At Nadya, Bori, Tanya

Aunt Vera, Uncle Petit

And for all people in the world.

You can't live without it!

You need to take friends with you

To the theater, park il to the skating rink

Clean …. (handkerchief).

V. d. About. Well done! Do you think everyone should have their own handkerchief, or can you give it to a neighbor when he needs it? (answers)

V. d. About. Slips away like a living thing, but I will not let him go.

Foaming with white foam, washing hands is not lazy (soap).

V. d. About. Guys, what is this?

Children: Soap.

V. d. About. What is soap for?

Children: Soap is needed to wash up: wash hands, face, neck and whole body to be clean, eliminate germs.

1 child takes out soap by touch.

V. d. About. So we found out what lies in a wonderful bag. Do you know how one word is called all these subjects?

Children: « Personal hygiene items» .

Guys, do you always wash your hands correctly? Let's remember the rules of hand washing.

Hand washing algorithm

Working with laptop elements. Children, according to the scheme, tell the algorithm for washing hands.

V. d. About. And now I suggest do the task at the tables, but first do the gymnastics for the eyes.

Gymnastics for the eyes

"Eyes need to rest"

(Guys close their eyes)

"You need to take a deep breath"

(Deep breath. Eyes still closed)

"The eyes will run in a circle"

(Eyes open. Movement of the pupil in a circle clockwise and counterclockwise)

"They will blink many, many times"

(Frequent blinking of eyes)

"Eyes feel good"

(Lightly touching closed eyes with fingertips)

"Everyone will see our eyes!"

(Eyes wide open. A wide smile on his face)

Game "Arrange"

On the tables there are pictures of the hand washing algorithm on separate cards, the children arrange the cards in order.

V. d. About. asks children what actions are performed first and then.

V. d. About. Well done, we did the job. Now let's stand in a circle and rest a little.

Physical education

We need before meals (we all walk together)

Wash your hands with soap and water (soaping up our hands)

To the wicked contempt microbe (Grooves by hand)

Didn't get into our belly. (Stroking belly)

Water, water, (open palms up)

Wash my face. (As if touching the face)

To make your eyes shine (touching the eyes)

To make your cheeks pink (in a circular motion of the cheek)

So that the children are healthy (hold hands and put their hands up)

All over, all over the planet. (walking in place).

Working with laptop elements.

The game "What's friends with what?"

V. d. About. Guys, I choose hygiene item or a part of a person's body, and you put an arrow on that hygiene item or that part of a person's body with which he is friends.

- What is the nose, nails, hair friends with., Toothpaste, soap, hands, teeth?

V. d. About. Look, (referring to the laptop) guys, this tooth. What is he? (showing a bad tooth)

V. d. About. Why is he sad?

Children: He has a hole, he is sick, he has caries.

V. d. About. He's probably not on friendly terms with toothbrush and toothpaste.

V. d. About. And what is this tooth?

Children: Happy.

V. d. About. Why is he funny? +

Children: He is white, healthy.

V. d. About. Why is he healthy? How many times a day should you brush your teeth? Before or after meals?

V. d. O .: In order for the teeth to be healthy, you need to eat right. I think you know which foods are good and which are bad for the health of our teeth. Name foods that are healthy for teeth (kefir, cheese, fish, meat, kiwi, parsley, almonds, pine nuts, name foods that are harmful to teeth (coca-cola, chupa-chups, sweets, toffee, cakes, cookies, chips, seeds).

The game "Useful and harmful products for teeth"(children lay out useful products near a healthy tooth, harmful ones near a patient).

Well done, I see you know a lot about healthy eating.


V. d. About. And now I suggest to make an experiment. Please come to the table. Look, the comb is our teeth, cotton wool, between the teeth the combs are food debris. If we brush with a toothbrush left and right, then the remnants of food are poorly cleaned, and if we brush from top to bottom, then we will brush our teeth well. (The experiment is carried out by children)... Well done, you know how to brush your teeth properly.

The exercise "Proverbs and sayings"

V. d. About. Let's remember the proverbs and sayings about cleanliness.

Working with laptop elements "Proverbs and sayings"... Children choose pictures that fit the meaning of the proverb, the child shows the picture and names the proverb.

In a healthy body healthy mind.

He who is accurate is pleasant to people.

Wash more often, do not be afraid of water.

The soap is gray, but the wash is white.

The soap will foam, the dirt will disappear somewhere.

More often my hands, all the dirt will be washed off with water.

The game "It's just for me"

Lie on the table hygiene items.

V. d. About. Lie on the table personal hygiene items... Put those in the red basket hygiene items that cannot be passed on to others who intended for personal use only. Into green - subjects that the whole family can use.

Well done, you know what hygiene items cannot be passed on to other people. Now let's play with our fingers. Come out onto the carpet.

Finger gymnastics "We wash our hands"

(Rhythmically rub your palms, simulating hand washing).

Ah, water, water, water!

We will always be clean!

"We erase some water from our hands": fingers are clenched into a fist, then forcefully straighten the fingers, as if shaking off some water.

Splashes to the right, splashes to the left!

Our body has become wet!

"We wipe our hands": Vigorous movement simulates drying each hand alternately with a towel.

With a fluffy towel

We wipe the handles quickly.

V. d. About. Now please sit at the tables I I suggest you fold the hygiene items.

Didactic game "Fold the picture"

Work at tables.

V. d. About. Guys fold hygiene items and name that you have folded.

V. d. About. Today we talked a lot about what to do in order to be healthy, clean and tidy. Let's turn to our laptop again, consolidate our knowledge and call the rules personal hygiene.

Exercise "Moidodyr's Tips"

Children receive cards on which the rules of personal hygiene.

1. I wash my face in the mornings and evenings.

2. I brush my teeth 2 times a day (in the morning, after breakfast, and in the evening, before bedtime)

3. My head and comb my hair daily.

4. I cut my nails on time.

5. I take a shower or wash myself in the bathroom.

6. My hands (before eating, after using the toilet and walking).


Everyone must firmly know:

Health must be maintained!

You need to eat right

You need to go in for sports.

Wash your hands before eating

Brush your teeth, temper,

Always be friends with water.

And then all the people in the world

They will live for a long, long time.

And remember, because health

Do not buy in the store!

Outcome classes

V. d. About. What did we talk about today? Which assignment did you experience difficulties in? What game did you enjoy playing the most?