First of all, that. Stupidity is God's gift, but you shouldn't abuse it. In the meaning of the sequence

Firstly Secondly Thirdly…

introductory word

Identified by punctuation marks, usually commas. For details on punctuation for introductory words, see Appendix 2. ()

There, firstly, discipline // Weak against ours. // And please, a picture: // Here is a column, there is a crowd. A. Tvardovsky, Terkin in the next world. The letter was indeed from Petenka, short, but “appropriate,” as the judge said. Firstly, he explained why he didn’t come for the holidays: he was on an excursion in Leningrad. Secondly, he was amazed at my appearance in Ensk and expressed his heartfelt feelings about it. Third, he scolded me terribly for not writing, not looking for him, and generally “behaving like an indifferent horse.” Fourthly, there was another letter in the envelope, for Sanya, and she laughed and said: “What a fool, he could have just attributed it.” V. Kaverin, Two captains.

Dictionary-reference book on punctuation. - M.: Reference and information Internet portal GRAMOTA.RU. V. V. Svintsov, V. M. Pakhomov, I. V. Filatova. 2010 .

See what “firstly / secondly / thirdly...” is in other dictionaries:

    See firstly / secondly / thirdly... ... Dictionary-reference book on punctuation

    FIRSTLY- FIRST, an introductory word. First, first, first (the first member of the enumeration, in which the remaining members are sequentially designated by the words: secondly, thirdly, etc.). Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    FIRST-HAND- find out, receive information, etc. Directly, without intermediaries. It is understood that information, news, information, etc. are accurate, reliable and trustworthy. This means that a person or group united by common... ... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language

    Get up before the first, second, third roosters.- Stand up before the first, second, third roosters. See ELEMENTAL PHENOMENA... IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

    FIRSTLY- adv. or number, first, first to first, in advance, first of all, in the beginning, first; at the head, most importantly. First, always take care of others, not yourself. Give me, firstly, paper, secondly, a pen, thirdly, sealing wax, etc. Firstly, I don’t drink; in... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    THIRD- THIRDLY, an introductory word. used to indicate the third item in the listing. Firstly, a trip requires money, secondly, time and thirdly, desire. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Drunkenness (alcoholism) and the fight against it- P. is the excessive consumption of all kinds of stimulating and intoxicating substances and, in particular, alcoholic beverages. P.'s influence on a person is extremely diverse, affecting not only his physical and mental nature, but, to a large extent... ...

    Drunkenness and the fight against it- (alcoholism) P. is the excessive consumption of all kinds of stimulating and intoxicating substances and, in particular, alcoholic beverages. P.’s influence on a person is extremely diverse, affecting not only his physical and mental nature, but, in... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Ephron

    The fight against alcoholism in the 19th century- Drunkenness (alcoholism) and the fight against it. Main article: Alcoholism Article based on materials from the encyclopedia of Brockhaus F. A. and Efron I. A. (1890 1916) ... Wikipedia

    Chapter 2. CHANGES IN THE DAILY AND FESTIVAL TABLE MENU IN RUSSIA OVER THE LAST TWO CENTURIES- In order to be at the level of solving any problems of our time, it is necessary to know the history of each problem, to know how the same issues that interest us now were solved in the past. Taking into account historical experience is the basis of strategy in activities... Great Encyclopedia of Culinary Arts

And still. Why do people need a language if it only causes trouble?
- Firstly, to lie. Secondly, to hurt each other with the thorns of poisonous words. Thirdly, to talk about what does not exist.
- What about what is there?
I raised my finger.
- What? - he asked. - Why are you fingering me?
- This is not a finger. This is a finger. There is no need to talk about what is. It’s already before your eyes. You just need to point your finger at it.

Twenty years from now you will regret more the things you didn't do than the things you did do. Therefore, cast aside your doubts.

An interesting creature is man! Instead of being happy and grateful for what he has, he takes it for granted and is sad about what he doesn't have.

Be grateful for what you have and you will eventually gain more. If you focus on what you don't have, you will never have enough.

We should talk not about how to be happy, but about how to feel happy.

The newspaper teaches the reader to think about what he does not know and to know what he does not understand.

Remember that sometimes not getting what you want is incredible luck.

If a person constantly points out your shortcomings to you, you should think not about changing for his sake, but about whether he is even worth your attention.

Remember how hard it is for you to change yourself, let alone try to change someone else.

Dear eleventh graders!

This text may be useful for preparing for an essay on the Unified State Exam.

2. Pay attention to the highlighted fragments in the text.

3. Select the necessary clichés, in your opinion.

1.One problem is attached to the text.

2. Please note that the title of the text does not always correspond to the title that the author may have had. Therefore, in an essay for the Unified State Exam, if you do not know the exact name, avoid the name that is suggested in various sources.



What is human spiritual life?

Spiritual life of a person. (E.M. Bogat)

1) What is the meaning of our communication with art and literature?
2) Firstly, that we are starting enjoy the wealth of one's personality, which suddenly opens up to us. 3) This is infinitely far from selfishness, from self-immersion. 4) This self-comprehension Togo new, high, which previously was, as it were, “curtained”...
5) But that’s not all: the meaning of communication with literature, art is that we we become richer for one more life, for the life of an artist who created this. 6) I have now written “for one more life.” 7) But no! 8) Not just one, but for a million lives, because the artist expressed, expressed what worried millions of his contemporaries. 9) In his symphony, painting, novel there is hope, longing, pain, joy of millions of lives. 10) Ours the heart and mind are filled with the spiritual experience of centuries and generations...
11) A good reader is a writer's co-author. 12) Him spiritual life, coming into contact with the world of Pushkin, Stendhal or Tolstoy, takes wings, and he sees something he hasn't seen before. 13) But this is what a writer works for. 14) To teach to see.
15) I have now written “spiritual life”. 16) Is it accessible to anyone?..
17) The forms of spiritual life, like the forms of creativity, are infinitely diverse. 18) Spiritual life is communication with people, art, the autumn forest and with yourself. 19) We are spiritual when we talk about something dear to a friend, trusting his mind and heart. 20) We are spiritual when we smile at a person, feeling that he is lonely, and when we enjoy the silence of the evening fields. 21) We are highly spiritual when we feel the pricelessness of life and want to leave a modest imprint of our own personality in the world... 22) And we are spiritual when, re-reading a favorite volume, we understand it in a new way. (E. M. Bogat).

Evgeny Mikhailovich Bogat (1923-1985) - Soviet journalist and writer.


A world of ordinary discoveries

Are evil wizards immortal?

Feelings and things


Eternal man


Nothing human

Leonardo's world

expresses (expresses, formulates, carries out) the idea that “...”

strives (wants) to convey to the reader the idea that “...”

makes the reader pay attention to...

encourages the reader...

believes that...

convinces us that

I am convinced that...

convincingly proves...

gives an assessment
reveals the essence

outlines his approach
comes from the fact that
delineates concepts
draws attention to the fact that

States that…

claims that only

stands for

shows us people who...

leads (leads) the reader to the idea that...

comes to the following conclusion:...

admires (who? what?)

amazed (by what?)

as if inviting him to admire (what?)

watching with interest (what?)

with pain in his heart (with bitter irony, with bitterness) he writes (says) that...

can't put up with...

expresses concern...

draws attention to the fact that...

“...” – these words, in my opinion, reflect the main problem of the text.

“...” - this statement accurately reflects the author’s thought.

The text proves the idea that “...”

Defining the essence and place (of what? in what?), the author believes that
Emphasizing the relevance of (what?), the author draws attention to (what?)
According to the author, what is important is (what?)


We wish you patience in preparing for your essay! Rest assured: perseverance, diligence and intense training will give decent results.


For preparation for the Unified State Exam You can use the tutorial " SEMI-FINISHED ESSAYS. RUSSIAN LANGUAGE. COLLECTION No. 1».

Detailed instructions on how to use the collection or if you want to use a collection of semi-finished essays, write to

Part one


- Eh bien, mon prince. Gênes et Lucques ne sont plus que des apanages, des estates, de la famille Buonaparte. Non, je vous préviens que si vous ne me dites pas que nous avons la guerre, si vous vous permettez encore de pallier toutes les infamies, toutes les atrocités de cet Antichrist (ma parole, j"y crois) - je ne vous connais plus , vous n"êtes plus mon ami, vous n"êtes plus my faithful slave, comme vous dites. Well, hello, hello. Je vois que je vous fais peur, sit down and tell me. This is what the famous Anna Pavlovna Sherer, maid of honor and close associate of Empress Maria Feodorovna, said in July 1805, meeting the important and official Prince Vasily, who was the first to arrive at her evening. Anna Pavlovna had been coughing for several days; she had flu, as she said ( flu was then a new word, used only by rare people). In the notes sent out in the morning by the red footman, it was written without distinction in all: “Si vous n"avez rien de mieux à faire, Monsieur le comte (or mon prince), et si la perspective de passer la soirée chez une pauvre malade ne vous effraye pas trop, je serai charmée de vous voir chez moi entre 7 et 10 heures. Annette Scherer." - Dieu, quelle virulente sortie! - answered, not at all embarrassed by such a meeting, the prince entered, in a court, embroidered uniform, in stockings, shoes and stars, with a bright expression on his flat face. He spoke that refined French language in which our grandfathers not only spoke, but also thought, and with those quiet, patronizing intonations that are characteristic of a significant person who has grown old in the world and at court. He walked up to Anna Pavlovna, kissed her hand, offering her his perfumed and shining bald head, and sat down calmly on the sofa. — Avant tout dites-moi, comment vous allez, chère amie? “Calm me down,” he said, without changing his voice and in a tone in which, due to decency and sympathy, indifference and even mockery shone through. - How can you be healthy... when you suffer morally? Is it possible, having a feeling, to remain calm in our time? - said Anna Pavlovna. “You’re with me all evening, I hope?” — What about the holiday of the English envoy? It's Wednesday. “I need to show myself there,” said the prince. - My daughter will pick me up and take me. - I thought that the current holiday was cancelled, Je vous avoue que toutes ces fêtes et tous ces feux d'artifice commencent à devenir insipides. “If they knew that you wanted this, the holiday would be cancelled,” the prince said out of habit, like a wound-up clock, saying things that he did not want anyone to believe. - Ne me tourmentez pas. Eh bien, qu"a-t-on décidé par rapport à la dépêche de Novosilzoff? Vous savez tout. - How can I tell you? - said the prince in a cold, bored tone. - Qu "a-t-on décidé? On a décidé que Buonaparte a brûlé ses vaisseaux, et je crois que nous sommes en train de brûler les nôtres. Prince Vasily always spoke lazily, like an actor speaking the role of an old play. Anna Pavlovna Sherer, on the contrary, despite her forty years, was filled with animation and impulses. Being an enthusiast became her social position, and sometimes, when she didn’t even want to, she, in order not to deceive the expectations of people who knew her, became an enthusiast. The restrained smile that constantly played on Anna Pavlovna’s face, although it did not match her outdated features, expressed, like spoiled children, a constant awareness of her dear shortcoming, from which she does not want, cannot and does not find it necessary to correct herself. In the middle of a conversation about political actions, Anna Pavlovna became heated. - Oh, don't tell me about Austria! I don’t understand anything, maybe, but Austria has never wanted and does not want war. She's betraying us. Russia alone must be the savior of Europe. Our benefactor knows his high calling and will be faithful to it. That's one thing I believe in. Our good and wonderful sovereign has the greatest role in the world, and he is so virtuous and good that God will not leave him, and he will fulfill his calling to crush the hydra of the revolution, which is now even more terrible in the person of this murderer and villain. We alone must atone for the blood of the righteous. Who should we rely on, I ask you?.. England, with its commercial spirit, will not and cannot understand the full height of the soul of Emperor Alexander. She refused to clean up Malta. She wants to see, looking for the underlying thought of our actions. What did they say to Novosiltsev? Nothing. They did not understand, they could not understand the selflessness of our emperor, who wants nothing for himself and wants everything for the good of the world. And what did they promise? Nothing. And what they promised will not happen! Prussia has already declared that Bonaparte is invincible and that all of Europe can do nothing against him... And I don’t believe a single word of either Hardenberg or Gaugwitz. Cette fameuse neutralité prussienne, ce n"est qu"un piège. I believe in one God and in the high destiny of our dear Emperor. He will save Europe!.. - She suddenly stopped with a smile of mockery at her ardor. “I think,” said the prince, smiling, “that if you had been sent instead of our dear Winzengerode, you would have taken the consent of the Prussian king by storm.” You are so eloquent. Will you give me some tea? - Now. A propos,” she added, calming down again, “today I have two very interesting people, le vicomte de Mortemart, il est allié aux Montmorency par les Rohans, one of the best families in France.” This is one of the good emigrants, the real ones. And then l "abbé Morio; do you know this deep mind? He was accepted by the sovereign. Do you know? - A! “I will be very glad,” said the prince. “Tell me,” he added, as if he had just remembered something and especially casually, while what he was asking about was the main purpose of his visit, “it’s true that l’impératrice-mère wishes to appoint Baron Funke as first secretary.” to Vienna? C"est un pauvre sire, ce baron, à ce qu"il paraît. - Prince Vasily wanted to assign his son to this place, which they tried to deliver to the baron through Empress Maria Feodorovna. Anna Pavlovna almost closed her eyes as a sign that neither she nor anyone else could judge what the Empress wanted or liked. “Monsieur le baron de Funke a été recommandé à l"impératrice-mère par sa soeur,” she just said in a sad, dry tone. While Anna Pavlovna named the empress, her face suddenly presented a deep and sincere expression of devotion and respect, united with sadness, which happened to her every time she mentioned her high patroness in a conversation. She said that Her Majesty deigned to show Baron Funke beaucoup d'estime, and again her gaze was filled with sadness. The prince fell silent indifferently, Anna Pavlovna, with her characteristic courtly and feminine dexterity and quick tact, wanted to snap the prince for daring to speak so much about the person recommended to the empress, and at the same time to console him. “Mais à propos de votre famille,” she said, “do you know that your daughter, since she leaves, has been fait les délices de tout le monde.” On la trouve belle comme le jour. The prince bent down as a sign of respect and gratitude. “I often think,” Anna Pavlovna continued after a moment of silence, moving closer to the prince and smiling affectionately at him, as if showing by this that political and social conversations were over and now intimate conversations began, “I often think how unfairly the happiness of life is sometimes distributed.” Why did fate give you such two nice children (with the exception of Anatole, your youngest, I don’t love him,” she interjected peremptorily, raising her eyebrows), “such lovely children? And you, really, value them least of all and therefore are not worth them. And she smiled her enthusiastic smile. - Que voulez-vous? “Lafater aurait dit que je n"ai pas la bosse de la paternité,” said the prince. - Stop joking. I wanted to talk to you seriously. You know, I'm not happy with your smaller son. Let it be said between us (her face took on a sad expression), Her Majesty spoke about him and they feel sorry for you... The prince did not answer, but she silently, looking significantly at him, waited for an answer. Prince Vasily winced. - What should I do? - he said finally. “You know, I did everything a father could to raise them, and both turned out des imbeciles.” Hippolyte, at least, is a calm fool, and Anatole is restless. “Here’s one difference,” he said, smiling more unnaturally and animatedly than usual, and at the same time especially sharply revealing something unexpectedly rough and unpleasant in the wrinkles that formed around his mouth. - And why would people like you have children? If you weren’t my father, I wouldn’t be able to blame you for anything,” said Anna Pavlovna, raising her eyes thoughtfully. “Je suis votre faithful slave, et à vous seule je puis l"avouer. My children are ce sont les entraves de mon existence. This is my cross. This is how I explain it to myself. Que voulez-vous?..” He paused, expressing with a gesture his submission to cruel fate. Anna Pavlovna thought about it. “Have you never thought about marrying your prodigal son Anatole?” They say,” she said, “that old maids are ont la manie des mariages.” I don’t yet feel this weakness in me, but I have one petite personne who is very unhappy with her father, une parente à nous, une princesse Bolkonskaya. “Prince Vasily did not answer, although with the quickness of thought and memory characteristic of secular people, a movement of his head showed that he had taken this information into consideration. “No, you know that this Anatole costs me forty thousand a year,” he said, apparently unable to control the sad train of his thoughts. He paused. - What will happen in five years if it goes like this? Voilà l "avantage d" être père. Is she rich, your princess? — My father is very rich and stingy. He lives in the village. You know, this famous Prince Bolkonsky, who was dismissed under the late emperor and nicknamed the Prussian king. He is a very smart person, but strange and difficult. La pauvre petite est malheureuse comme les pierres. She has a brother who recently married Lise Meinen, Kutuzov's adjutant. He will be with me today. “Ecoutez, chère Annette,” said the prince, suddenly taking his interlocutor by the hand and bending it down for some reason. - Arrangez-moi cette affaire et je suis votre most faithful slave à tout jamais (rap - comme mon headman m"écrit des dispatches: peace-er-p). She has a good name and is rich. Everything I need. And he, with those free and familiar graceful movements that distinguished him, took the maid of honor by the hand, kissed her and, having kissed her, waved the maid of honor's hand, lounging on the chair and looking to the side. “Attendez,” said Anna Pavlovna, thinking. - I’ll talk to Lise today (la femme du jeune Bolkonsky). And maybe this will work out. Ce sera dans votre famille que je ferai mon apprentissage de vieille fille.

Well, Prince, Genoa and Lucca are estates of the Bonaparte family. No, I’m telling you in advance, if you don’t tell me that we are at war, if you still allow yourself to defend all the nasty things, all the horrors of this Antichrist (really, I believe that he is the Antichrist), then I don’t know you anymore, you no longer my friend, you are no longer my faithful slave, as you say (French). (In what follows, translations from French are not specified. Here and further, all translations, except those specifically stated, belong to L. N. Tolstoy. - Ed.) I see that I'm scaring you. If you, Count (or Prince), have nothing better in mind, and if the prospect of an evening with a poor sick woman does not frighten you too much, then I will be very glad to see you today between seven and ten o’clock. Anna Scherer. God, what a hot attack! First of all, tell me, how is your health, dear friend? I admit, all these holidays and fireworks are becoming unbearable. Don't torture me. Well, what did they decide on the occasion of Novosiltsev’s dispatch? You know everything. What do you think? They decided that Bonaparte burned his ships, and we, too, it seems, are ready to burn ours. This notorious neutrality of Prussia is only a trap. By the way, Viscount Mortemar, he is related to Montmorency through the Rogans. Abbot Moriot. Empress Dowager. This baron is an insignificant creature, as it seems. Baron Funke was recommended to the Empress Mother by her sister. a lot of respect. By the way, about your family... it is the pleasure of the whole society. They find her as beautiful as day. What to do! Lavater would say that I don't have the lump of parental love. fools. I... and you alone can confess. My children are the burden of my existence. What to do?.. have a mania to get married. girl... our relative, princess. That's the benefit of being a father. The poor thing is as unhappy as stones. Listen, dear Annette. Arrange this matter for me, and I will be yours forever... as my headman writes to me. Wait. Lisa (Bolkonsky's wife). In your family, I will begin to learn the craft of an old maid.

There are two problems that Gentile believers had to contend with in the first century, and although the Bible provides wonderful solutions to these problems, they still trouble many people today.

What are these problems and what help does the Bible offer us to solve them?

Problem #1: “I am a pathetic pagan! Oh, how I wish I was Jewish!”

This is a problem of low self-esteem. Unfortunately, there are non-Jews who are upset with the identity God gave them and want to be someone else. They believed the lie that the Jewish people were somehow “better” and that other peoples were second-class citizens. But God doesn’t see it that way at all.

God's Answer: Ephesians

This is summed up beautifully in one verse:

“So you are no longer strangers and aliens, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of God’s household.” (Eph. 2:19)

If this issue of Gentile identity has ever bothered you, the immediate context of this verse should set the record straight and give you even more encouragement:

“Remember, therefore, that you who were once Gentiles according to the flesh, who were called uncircumcised by the so-called circumcised by the fleshly circumcision made by hands, that you were at that time without Christ, alienated from the commonwealth of Israel, strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and being godless in the world . But now in Christ Jesus, you who were once far away have been brought near by the Blood of Christ. For He is our peace, having made both one and destroyed the barrier that stood in the middle... and (to) reconcile both in one body to God through the cross, having killed the enmity therein... because through Him we both have access to the Father, in one Spirit. So you are no longer strangers and strangers, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of God’s household.” (Eph. 2:11-14,16,18-19)

You became “one new person” with the Jewish people, you have been given the same access in the same Spirit to the same Father, through the same Messiah, and you are now fellow citizens, members of the family of God along with the people of Israel. You are no longer aliens, but part of the Israeli community. The dividing wall that once stood in the Temple courtyard and which only Jews could pass through has disappeared. Gentiles are in no way second class, thanks to Yeshua we now have equal access to the God of Israel, the Father of us all.

Problem #2: “I replaced Israel! I am now a new Jew!”

This second problem is the opposite - it is about an inflated sense of self-worth, about the idea that Israel is rejected and there is no longer a future for it, as if the Church is now all that matters. But the Bible has a wise answer to this:

God's Answer: Romans.

“Do not be arrogant before the branches. If you are arrogant, then remember that it is not you who holds the root, but the root of you.” (Rom. 11:18)

This verse in itself should be enough to answer the Gentiles who are arrogant over the Jews, but Romans has more to say about this. In particular, it is important to understand the concept of “Jews First” from Rom. 1:16 where Paul says: “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first, and then to the Greek.” Let's look at Rome. 1:16 in the context of the entire book of Romans.

What does “first,” the Jew mean?

to the word Firstly in the original Greek the word corresponds to proton(πρῶτον), the meaning of which we must understand in order to understand what Paul is saying here. There are a couple of ways to understand what it means Firstly, Judea: :

1. In the meaning of the sequence:

Word proton may mean first in order, that is, that the Gospel came first to the Jewish people (historically), and after that it was already distributed among non-Jews. The problem is that people mistakenly think that the Jewish people already had a chance, back in the first century, and they missed it. The rest of Romans tells a completely different story. This letter encourages non-Jews to remember that God has NOT given up on the people of Israel.

2. In the meaning of features:

Word proton it can also mean first as someone special, or outstanding... We will argue that it is in this sense that Paul writes about the Jews being first. The Gospel is intended especially and primarily for Jews, but also for non-Jews. Why should it be understood this way, and not in the sense of sequence? Because when we read the entire book of Romans, we see that this is exactly what Paul means. In the next chapter he uses exactly the same expression, saying that judgment will come first to the Jews and then to the non-Jews:

“On the contrary, glory and honor and peace to everyone who does good, first to the Jew, then to the Greek! For there is no partiality with God.” (Rom. 2:9-10)

So the Gospel is first for the Jews and then for the Gentiles (Rom. 1:16). And judgment will come, firstly, to the Jews, then to the non-Jews (Rom. 2:9).

When we consider these two statements together, we understand that Paul is saying that the Jewish people are especially accountable to God because they have been given so much revelation, and therefore they will be judged Firstly.

Likewise, the Jewish people were entrusted with history: Paul explains in his letter that it was the Jewish people who were entrusted with history. Word of God, Scripture. This was their history as a people, it was through the Jewish people that the Messiah came to redeem the whole world.

In fact, the book of Romans reminds non-Jews: “You have not taken their place, so do not boast above your Jewish brothers and sisters!” The Messiah is a Jew according to the flesh (Rom. 1:3), Word of God given to the people of Israel (Rom. 3:2) along with the promises, Temple, glory, patriarchs, adoption, and all our redemptive blessings are Jewish (Rom. 3:1-2, 9:1-5, 11:28-29) . To Rome. 11:24 says that the root itself is Hebrew, therefore the Gospel is intended in particular ( proton) for the Jews, who are natural branches that need to be grafted back into their place (Rom. 11:24). The Gentiles are not natural branches that can now be grafted in, even though they are not by nature from the Jewish tree.

Romans 1 tells us that mankind has seen God's overall plan of salvation through nature and our conscience, so we have no excuse (Rom. 1:18-20). But the rest of the book is about how a special revelation was given to the people of Israel in particular, making them more responsible and accountable. Therefore, the Jewish people will be especially judged (proton). In the same way, we understand that Paul is saying that the Gospel is especially and particularly (proton) for the Jewish people, because for them the foundation has already been laid, the road has already been paved... But now the Gospel Also And equally for non-Jews. The path is open to everyone.

So what does this mean for us today?

These biblical principles should influence how we are going to fulfill the Great Commission.

The Church must strive to remember that historically, contextually, and covenantally, the Gospel has been and always will be especially and primarily for the Jewish people because it is very Jewish!

“Replacement theology,” in which the Church has taken the place of Israel, is sinful, not only because of its arrogance over the Jewish people, as the Bible warns us about, but also because of a misunderstanding of the Great Commission that is not Romans 1:16. Today the Gospel is for the Jewish people, more than ever. Our task is to boldly and joyfully embrace the truth that the gospel is the power of salvation, especially for Jews and equally for non-Jews.


Romans 11 talks about how Gentiles can be included and grafted in in the same way, along with Israel. Ephesians shows how the Gentile believers are welcomed into their new home as never before and are now welcome to join as part of the family. The red carpet was laid out for the nations to join in the heritage of Israel and be adopted into a home that was not their own. In the same way, when we share the Gospel with the Jewish people, we are not asking them to leave the faith of their Fathers, we are inviting them to return home.

According to the BDAG (Bauer-Danker) dictionary, the word “proton” can mean first either in sequence or in importance.