Virtual birthday present. Wedding anniversary gift. "Virtual Gift"

Two strangers
Randomly met online:
One was sad, looking for advice,
I wanted to find another love.

You probably have virtual friends! A lot or a little - it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that among them there is someone whom you can call exactly a FRIEND, and not just a “companion partner”. A friend for whom you would like to do something nice! pictures with flowers, musical postcards and other "childish" joys are long gone and do not "pull" on good gift! Need something else! Well, let's think together!

Let's go to the online store! Why there, and not in the one around the corner of your house? How are you going to give fresh flowers or a cake to a friend who lives thousands of miles away? Although it's certainly not cheap, I warn you right away! To order one chrysanthemum without any embellishments costs 400 rubles, and a rose or a bouquet - from 2000 or more ... Would you like to receive such a present? So your remote friend will not refuse this surprise for anything! If the crisis does not threaten your finances, why not please good man? There are more than enough gifts with home delivery in chain stores - you will definitely find something to your liking! And they will present beautifully and take a picture of a smiling, sleepy-surprised comrade! Moreover, delivery is valid not only in Russia, but all over the world! Fits? Great, but don't rush! Read on!

Have you accidentally found out what kind of music ( theatrical performances, movies) likes your virtual friend? Then find out unobtrusively where he wants to go. Then everything is simple - look on the Internet for a site where there is a schedule of events from all over the country, place an order for a passing ticket in the name of a fellow ICQ, pay, of course, yourself and warn a friend when and where he needs to go for a gift. Be sure to warn - after all, we all have our own affairs and problems. Let it be ready! But this is far from the limit of the imagination! :)

If you live in a city where popular or simply famous people also live, tell a friend about it, but not for the purpose of boasting, but in order to find out the attitude of a friend towards some celebrity. And if you are lucky, and your friend is just crazy about your neighborhood with "himself ..." - you can safely run in search of an autograph! Do everything possible and impossible to take a picture with the selected candidate as a "gift"! And on the back of the photo, let this “himself ....” sign something like this: “To Mishka’s friend from Mishka Boyarsky and Vitalik (that is, you) fiery greetings!” And let the letter fly to a friend on the porch! :)

If you have neither the money nor the opportunity for exploits, show yourself in creativity! You are an artist - dedicate a picture to a friend, like to knit, sew - make a woolen flower or at least warm socks! Do whatever you can! Whether you write electronic or instrumental music, poetry, create websites, make toys - a friend will be delighted with your attention in any of its manifestations!

If your mutual interest is strong, you can make such a gift with the help of which an Internet friend will learn more about you. For example, start filming a mini-movie about your life! Film everything: the city where you live, work, college, friends! What do you eat, how do you sleep, how do you shower. What do you do in free time what relatives and pets look like, dream up! The footage of your life is the best movie for your friend, no doubt!

If suddenly your friend is sad for some reason, it is in your power to put him on his feet! How? Very simple! For example, ask your friends to take pictures of you while you swim ... in winter! And on the camera, say: "I'm ready for anything for your smile!" Not everyone will decide on this, but a friend will appreciate it, believe me! Or think of something else like that! Shock therapy will definitely work!

As an option, a congratulation or just a wish is suitable good morning on radio, TV or through newspapers, but this requires precision and you need to warn a friend to tune in to a certain wave or channel ... and it costs a lot of money. The main desire! So why not give it a try if possible?

And the easiest option: write him a letter or send a postcard, but not by e-mail, but by regular mail, in a stamped envelope.

And if you want, you can invite guests! Is he on the other side of the country or across the ocean? So there are planes, trains, cars! As soon as you find out that a friend has at least a week free, run for a ticket for him! He will not only be happy, but HAPPY!

Sometimes, of course, people are afraid of the first meeting ... but in vain! There is nothing nicer than her! Trust the experience! In the meantime, buddy is enjoying the trip, going shopping will help get rid of the jitters! Or run to the hairdresser! Or play your favorite computer game! Or just relax in the bath! Or watch your favorite movie! And then stand in front of the mirror, smile and say loudly: “I am a beautiful, smart and interesting person! I can't help but like it!" All! Are you ready to meet!

Do not forget that distant friends also have holidays, significant dates, solemn events! :) If you complain about memory - write it down in ten places! Put an auto-reminder in your mobile phone, hang calendars everywhere with red circles of his holidays! But just do not forget, be sure to congratulate.

As you can see, you can give virtual friends not only postcards by email! :) And if you think about it - so many different interesting things will come to mind, you will be surprised! In general, amaze, stun, amaze, impress! The main thing is to learn to hear (see) through phrases! Think over the words of your friend and he, without suspecting it, will reveal to you all his secrets and desires. Good luck!

Unfortunately, each of us does not always have the opportunity to congratulate our loved ones on any significant event in their lives! Someone is separated by thousands of kilometers, and someone gets sick and cannot meet, there are many reasons for such situations. But, since the global network is currently widespread, the easiest and most affordable way to solve such problems can be a "virtual gift"!

Virtual postcards.
The most common virtual present is postcards. A large number of Internet resources provide an opportunity to choose or create a postcard for every taste, decorating it with animation, various visual effects and musical accompaniment! Such a sign of attention can give its addressee a lot of joyful emotions!

Congratulations on the webcam.
One of the most the best options to congratulate your relatives and other dear people is an online video call. You can gather a whole company of those wishing to congratulate and prepare a solemn speech in advance, or read a poem on your own, both of your own composition and selected in the relevant literature, sing a song and come up with many more pleasant surprises to contemplate.
Congratulations on a webcam can create a festive atmosphere not only for the person to be congratulated, but also for you!

Online social media gifts.
Popular social networks have long placed a service for their users that allows you to exchange online gifts: various thematic pictures, wishes, icons, words dedicated to a certain holiday event! Such presentations are sent both for public viewing and for private viewing, presented to one person or group of people.
This great way bring a smile to your loved one!

Coupons and certificates.
If it is possible to make a more expensive and valuable gift using the World Wide Web, you can purchase gift coupons and certificates for the provision of various services and purchases of goods: cosmetic and massage treatments, training courses, numerous body care products, or participation in online game and more.
The main thing when choosing such a present is to know the hobbies, desires and needs of the person being congratulated and to acquire something that will be really useful and desirable for him.

Despite the fact that virtual gifts are not always able to replace real ones, they significantly save the situation in which there is no possibility of personal congratulations.

The holidays are approaching and it's time to prepare gifts for family and friends. But here's the first snag: your sister now lives on the other side of the country, and best friend married a Brazilian. And in general, your list is full of people to whom you would like to give a gift, no matter how far away they are. Therefore, do not forget about the possibilities of the Internet. Write down all the email addresses and start matching for each person interesting gifts. Here are some ideas to help you:

1. Postcard

In addition to traditional postcards that you can easily send by mail, there are many more useful sites with original greeting cards. For foreign acquaintances, it will be nice to receive “national” postcards as a gift. Even if it costs you a certain amount of money, such a sign of attention is worth it.

2. DIY gift

Do not be surprised: even via the Internet, you can send a gift made by yourself. All that is needed for this is the possession of the Photoshop program, a few hours of free time and imagination. If you work hard, then you can succeed original calendar. The recipient of such an original gift can either print it out and hang it on the wall, or put it as a screen saver on their computer desktop. Handsome and useful gift. Just don't forget to write a holiday wish.

3. Cartoon

You can download and send to all your friends a small New Year's cartoon ("Herringbone!", " New Year!”, an excerpt from Prostokvashino and others). If you can’t send it by mail, then you can post such a cartoon on the “walls” of friends on social networks.

4. Fifty fifty

If you feel like doing original gift for those who are dear to you, you can order it via the Internet with delivery to the recipient's home. The network is full of online stores where you can choose any thing you like, pay for the purchase with a credit card or electronic money and order delivery to anywhere in the world. For Russia, Russian sites are suitable (they can be found by entering the combination “online store” into the search engine line). So the purchase becomes, in fact, virtual, and the gift - quite real.

5. Gift vouchers

Currently, sites (Groupon, Cupippon and others) have appeared on the network that allow you to purchase services (beauty salon, bike rides, visits to the dentist) in your city with big discounts, by attracting more customers. You can buy, for example, a spa coupon for a friend with a discount of 20 to 80%. Not bad, right? Usually such coupons have an expiration date, so be sure to check this when buying.