Evening facial cleansing. How to cleanse your facial skin at home. Basics of proper cleansing

The face is the most exposed area of ​​our body, where any defects become noticeable, be it pimples, blackheads or increased oily skin. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly cleanse your face. To do this, it is not necessary to go to a beauty salon, but can be done at home.

How to cleanse your face at home

The very first and simplest way to care for your facial skin, but at the same time the most important, is to cleanse it daily by washing your face. We should wash our face twice a day - morning and evening.

As a rule, in the morning we wash ourselves with ordinary tap water at room temperature. For some, this is normal and does not cause any side effects. But in fact, washing with plain tap water does not have a very good effect on our skin, and for most it causes dryness, tightness, and sometimes even severe peeling. In this regard, it is ideally recommended to wash your face with boiled, mineral water or herbal decoctions.

Firstly, it is not entirely convenient, and secondly, not everyone can afford to wash their face with mineral water or bother with decoctions every morning.

Therefore, there is another proven method - frozen cubes of chamomile or green tea decoction. Its advantage is that these cubes can be prepared several days in advance, thus saving time. They perfectly tone the skin, do not cause peeling, and give it a healthy color.

Evening wash. Most women wear makeup every day, but even those who don’t use makeup need evening cleansing to remove dust and dirt that accumulates in their pores during the day. To do this, there are many different products, when choosing which you need to take into account your skin type, carefully study the composition of the product, and also be prepared to take risks, since it is not always possible to choose the ideal “wash” option the first time, and often our skin temporarily becomes a “testing ground” for testing." This is not very good, but it is often inevitable.

The most common means for cleansing the skin of the face include: cream and milk - they cleanse the face of dirt and makeup, while also moisturizing it. If you have dry skin, then this is what you need; foams and gels - gently cleanse pores without drying out the skin. If your skin is normal or dry, then preference should be given to foam, but if you have oily or combination skin, then gels are your option; tonics and lotions - their home equivalents are herbal decoctions or lemon juice. If you have oily skin, then it is better to use these products with alcohol, and if you have dry skin, then you need to choose a lotion or tonic without alcohol. After cleansing the skin, it is recommended to use a nourishing or moisturizing cream.

Steam baths

Steam baths are beneficial for all skin types. They cleanse the skin well, stimulate blood circulation and open clogged pores. For dry skin, take steam baths once a week. For very oily skin, they can be done daily. To create steam, there are special electrical devices; this process (steaming the face) is called a facial sauna.

Heat water in a large bowl and, leaning over it and covering your head with a towel like a tent, sit over the bowl of hot water.

The steam opens the pores and makes it easier to remove blackheads. Do not lean too close to boiling water, as very hot steam can cause small blood vessels to rupture and cause burns. To enhance the healing effect of the procedure, you can add a tablespoon of dried plants. Long-known remedies for this are elderflower and chamomile, you can add lavender, thyme and rosemary to enhance the cleansing effect of the steam bath. These herbs flavor the steam.

Keep your face above the steam for 10-20 minutes. Steaming makes it easier to remove blackheads. For purulent acne, steam baths are not recommended, as heat and steam contribute to the spread of infection. After removing blackheads, make a mask containing cottage cheese, kaolin, cucumbers or comfrey. In case of dilated blood vessels of the facial skin, steam baths are contraindicated.

Massage method for facial cleansing at home

The massage method is cleansing the face with a scrub or exfoliation. One of the simplest, fastest and most popular ways to remove dead skin particles. In addition, in addition to cleansing, you also do self-massage of the face. Pre-moisten the skin, and then apply the scrub along the massage lines with massaging movements. If you have oily skin type, pay special attention to the so-called T-zone. If the skin is prone to dryness, do the procedure in a more gentle way, using stroking instead of massaging. Afterwards the scrub is washed off with cold water.

Pros: perhaps the most gentle way to cleanse your face at home.

Cons: unable to deeply cleanse the skin and remove comedones.

Cosmetic cleansing masks

Homemade masks can perfectly cleanse your face and perform many other useful procedures. The composition of the mask determines its usefulness for your skin.

Clay mask

Some of the most effective cleansing face masks are masks based on cosmetic clay.

White, blue and green clay are good for oily and problem skin.

Pink clay, which combines a mixture of red and white clay, is perfect for cleansing combination (mixed) and normal facial skin.

Black clay also has good cleansing properties, masks from which can be suitable for both oily and drier skin types.

The simplest recipe for a cleansing clay mask is to dilute its powder with a small amount of clean, cool water, so that when stirred you get a homogeneous mass of medium thickness, without any lumps.

You need to keep this mask on your face for 10-12 minutes, then rinse thoroughly, and then lubricate your skin with the moisturizer you use daily.

Cleansing ingredient - raw chicken egg

Let us remember that the yolk was suitable for dry skin, and the white for oily skin. And then we’ll look at how you can cleanse your facial skin even with eggshells.

Grind the shell of one boiled egg into flour in a mortar. Mix ground shells with less than a tablespoon of rice flour, add one teaspoon of honey, two teaspoons of lemon juice. Stir and if the mixture is too thick, add a little water. This mask is suitable for oily or oily combination skin. Apply it to the skin for 15 minutes and rinse with not very cold water.

Care after cleaning

If after cleansing you find small wounds on the skin, treat them with iodine so that pimples do not appear in their place the next day.

The first days after cleansing, the skin will restore its protective mechanisms, therefore, do not expose it to sudden temperature changes and do not expose your face to direct sunlight.

To wash your face at first, use mineral water or wipe your face with an alcohol-free toner.

Every time you go outside, lubricate your skin with sunscreen. It is necessary to protect your skin from ultraviolet radiation even in cloudy weather.

To make your pores less clogged, you need to regularly apply a pore-tightening mask. Lotions and masks for tightening pores can be purchased at a cosmetic store. Homemade masks are very effective.

A face mask that tightens pores can be made from clay. Dilute the clay with tonic or aloe juice, apply to face until dry. Then rinse off the clay mask with cool water.

Also, a cucumber mask helps a lot. Take a medium-sized cucumber, chop finely and apply the resulting pulp on your face. After 15 minutes, rinse off the mask with cool water.

If your skin feels flaky after cleansing, use a little more moisturizer than usual. Don't touch your face with your hands unless necessary. Use less powder and foundation to ensure the effect lasts longer after cleansing.

The effect of facial cleansing at home is slightly weaker than that of salon procedures. But the main advantages of facial cleansing at home are accessibility and ease of use, as well as the ability to perform procedures at any time convenient for you. And if you clean regularly, the effect will be comparable to professional methods.

Gives advice cosmetologist Elena Pasternak.

Special forces team

Previously, women removed blush, powder and mascara using milk, kefir, sour cream and vegetable oil. Today, stores and pharmacies sell a wide variety of makeup removers - cleansers (emulsions, gels and two-phase cleansers) and tonics. Each of them - “washer” and “cleaner” - must be chosen based on your problems.

For dry and sensitive skin Cosmetic cream is best. They have a richer fat base than cosmetic milk, which can be selected for any skin type.

For oily problem skin Gels or foams are intended for washing. But under no circumstances should you remove cosmetics with soap - it disrupts the natural protective water-lipid film and enhances the work of the sebaceous glands.

For sensitive skin Cleansers with azulene are suitable.

For mature and aging skin- with evening primrose oil.

For problematic- with glycerin and chamomile extract.

To remove shadows and eyeliner from the skin around the eyes - cleansing cosmetics with cornflower extracts.

If you have a puffy face, buy a bottle of allantoin and provitamin B5, these components improve blood microcirculation.

But these products will help when cosmetics (mascara, lipstick, blush, eye shadow, tone) are ordinary. But to remove stubborn lipstick and waterproof mascara, you need more serious liquids. These are biphasic, or so-called hydrophilic cleansers, combining both a cleansing gel and a fatty base. It is easy to recognize similar transparent bottles on a store shelf - the liquid in them is clearly divided into two layers: the lower one is watery, and the upper one is oily. The first moisturizes the skin, and the second dissolves cosmetics.

Before applying the liquid to a cotton swab, the bottle should be shaken thoroughly so that the two media are thoroughly mixed with each other. Then the emulsion will easily and without any effort remove stubborn makeup. Hydrophilic cleansers are universal - suitable for cleansing any skin type.

Unmasking: full readiness

To avoid getting pimples and premature wrinkles after cleansing your face, spoiling the color and texture of your skin, or getting swelling and spider veins, follow these recommendations.

Here are 9 secrets for applying and removing makeup.

1. Train yourself to perform the makeup removal procedure every evening. Even if you don’t have any time or energy, if you’re feeling tired, take a moment and be sure to remove all your makeup from your face.

2. Remove the paint in two steps. Any skin cleansing products should be rinsed off with plenty of water (preferably boiled) immediately after application. To wash problem skin, water can be slightly acidified with apple cider vinegar or citric acid. And only after this procedure, wipe your face with tonic.

3. Buy good “breathable” cosmetics that can stay on your face for a long time and can be removed easily and quickly. Then, after spending many hours every day under a layer of tone, lipstick, eye shadow, and blush, your pores will not become clogged.

4. Be sure to apply “war paint” to the base - a special day cream that creates a protective silicone film on the skin. It will allow you to remove makeup in the evening without any problems.

5. On a trip or business trip, you don’t have to take a whole bag of jars and bottles with you. An excellent way out of a situation on the road is cosmetic wipes soaked in makeup remover.

6. Apply cleansing and toning products to the skin of the face, neck and chest to the décolleté using cotton pads with soft blotting movements, strictly along the massage lines: from the center of the forehead to the temples, from the wings of the nose along the cheekbones, from the chin to the earlobes.

Thus, makeup removal includes light self-massage, which has a beneficial effect on skin blood circulation.

7. Get rid of shadows by moving the swab along the lower eyelid from the outer corner of the eye to the inner, and along the upper, on the contrary, from the bridge of the nose to the temple. It is better to remove mascara using two damp cosmetic pads: one is placed on the lower eyelid, and the second is moved along the eyelashes from top to bottom so that paint does not get into the eye. Under no circumstances should you rub the skin in the eye area, otherwise you will get crow's feet.

8. Purchase special eye cleaners if you wear contact lenses. Moreover, they need to be used not only to remove mascara from eyelashes, but also to remove shadows and eyeliners. These products have passed ophthalmological control, and in some products the pH of the composition is close to the acidity level of the tear fluid, so they will not cause allergies.

9. If you have dry sensitive skin and you finally managed to find a suitable product, don't give up on it. You can use the same cosmetic brand for as long as you like. Addiction - contrary to misconceptions - will not occur, since the skin cell does not live long: in girls only 28 days, for a woman after menopause - up to 45.

The content of the article:

Cleansing the skin of the face is the most important procedure that no woman should neglect if it is important for her to maintain beauty and youth for a long time. However, cleaning it correctly is no less important than cleaning it regularly - mistakes in this matter can not only negate the effectiveness of a particular product, but also cause a deterioration in the condition of the epidermis. Let's figure out what rules need to be followed so that cleansing procedures have only a beneficial effect.

The need to cleanse your facial skin

Despite the fact that all cosmetologists talk about the importance of cleansing the skin, many women, unfortunately, often neglect this action due to fatigue and laziness, and some even doubt that it is really necessary to cleanse the face every day.

In fact, there is no need to doubt this. Our skin is subjected to serious stress throughout the day: not only do most women use foundation, but sebum, dead cells, dust and other impurities also accumulate on it.

If you don’t wash off this entire “cocktail” that has formed during the day in the evening, unpleasant consequences will not keep you waiting. Pimples, blackheads and other unsightly rashes will appear on clogged skin. In addition, the face as a whole will become dull, and unhealthy oily shine and flaking will become constant companions.

However, it is fundamentally important to wash your face not only in the evening, but also in the morning, since the functioning of the sebaceous glands does not stop at night, which means sebum is released. The process of exfoliation of keratinized cells that settle on the skin is also ongoing. Those with an oily dermis tend to form a kind of film on their face overnight, which makes it difficult to apply makeup evenly. People with dry skin types accumulate a lot of dead cells by the morning, which also prevent them from applying cosmetics perfectly.

In addition, it should be noted that cleansing the skin in the morning is also an excellent way to “wake up” cells, increase blood circulation and thereby achieve a slight lifting effect.

How to properly cleanse your face?

The question of proper skin cleansing is actually subjective. Its different types and features make every woman search for her own special ideal care for a long time. However, there are still some patterns that work for everyone. Let's deal with them.

Competent cosmetologists say that proper cleansing of facial skin at home consists of three stages:

  • Removing decorative cosmetics. If you wear makeup, you should start cleansing by removing decorative cosmetics. You will need an eye makeup remover, as well as milk, which will remove most of your foundation and bright lipstick.
  • Cleansing gel or foam. At the second stage of skin cleansing, you need to use foam or gel for washing. If you haven't been wearing makeup, then this cleansing step will be the first. The task of gel and foam, in addition to cleansing from cosmetic residues, is also to remove pathogenic flora and skin secretions. Essentially, these two products are approximately the same in composition, but their texture is different. Foam allows deeper penetration, which means it removes dirt more thoroughly. In addition, this product is more economical in consumption. On the other hand, gel is better than foam for irritated and oily skin. That is, we cannot say unequivocally that foam is a more preferable option in all respects; it all depends on the type and condition of the skin. But, one way or another, you need to use one or another tool.
  • Skin toning. Many people neglect this stage of skin cleansing, which is very in vain. In addition to supplying the skin with the nourishing components included in the product, the tonic also removes traces of previous cleansing products from the skin. The last step is especially important because most gels and foams contain synthetic components that may not wash off with water. As a result, they remain on the skin and provoke various types of irritation. By using toner, you protect your face from such developments. In addition, the tonic prepares the skin for the next stage of care - applying day or night cream.
By the way, although applying cream is not considered a cleansing procedure, we will still remind you of its necessity, especially after 25 years. Signs of skin aging are much easier and cheaper to prevent than to fight them.

As you can see, everything is quite simple: just 2-3 simple procedures day and evening can preserve the beauty of your skin for a long time and prevent the development of various kinds of dermatological problems. The main thing, of course, is to take into account your skin type and condition when choosing cleansing cosmetics. After all, one person, say, can use soap to wash his face, while another can only use foam for sensitive skin.

However, when we talk about soap, we do not mean ordinary soap for hands, but special cosmetic soap. Conventional soap contains alkalis, which have a destructive effect on skin lipids, which causes dehydration and active peeling. In addition, when washing the face with aggressive soap, it loses its natural protection, which means it becomes vulnerable to bacteria and free radicals, which leads to inflammation and early aging.

Many cosmetologists advise not only using regular soap when washing your face, but also tap water. At least if you live in the city. However, you shouldn’t cleanse your skin completely without it. Today, various kinds of micellar tonics and gels are in fashion, but most experts assure that they are not able to cleanse the face as efficiently as necessary. If you are allergic to tap water, use boiled or purified water in a good filter, and in extreme cases, special water - not mineral water for drinking, but specifically for cleansing the skin.

Note! The skin needs proper cleansing at any age. If with skincare procedures - serums, creams, etc. - you can wait until you are 25-30 years old, but high-quality cleansing is required already in adolescence. By the way, it will help mitigate dermal problems typical for teenagers due to changes in hormonal levels.

Typical mistakes when cleansing facial skin

So, now you know that you need to cleanse your skin twice a day, the procedure should include two or three stages depending on whether you wore makeup or not, and it is better not to use ordinary soap and tap water, especially for sensitive and problematic dermis.

However, even knowing these seemingly comprehensive rules, you can easily make mistakes. Let's look at the most basic of them:

  1. Neglecting hand washing. Many of you, most likely, now raised your eyebrows in surprise, but yes, before you start cleansing your face, you must first wash your hands thoroughly, otherwise bacteria and dirt from them can very easily be transferred to your face. So be sure to make it a habit to wash your hands beforehand.
  2. Abuse of scrubs. A scrub is undoubtedly a powerful product that provides deep cleansing of the facial skin, but overdoing it is worse than not using too much. The fact is that excessive exposure to abrasive particles that the scrub contains can lead to irritation, thin the dermis, and this in turn will lead to a number of other additional problems, including premature aging. A reasonable number of facial scrubbing procedures is 1-3 times a week, depending on the skin type and its condition.
  3. . We bet that many of you are sure that a contrast shower is a useful procedure. That's how it is, but this rule only works for the body. It seems logical to wash your face with hot water to open the pores and clean them better, and then rinse with cold water to close them and prevent the penetration of new dirt and other unnecessary particles. However, in fact, both hot and cold water for delicate facial skin are just irritation. Choose a warm, comfortable temperature to avoid unpleasant consequences.
  4. Excessive zeal in cleansing. Today, the so-called two-phase cleansing has become fashionable, when special wipes are used after foam or gel. However, in most cases this is completely unnecessary. Renowned dermatologist Sam Bunting says being "squeaky clean" can disrupt the skin's natural barrier function. However, exceptions do happen; the specialist believes that two-phase cleansing should be resorted to after, for example, intense training in the gym.
  5. Intensive cleansing of the eye area. This area is extremely sensitive, and therefore it should ideally be cleaned only with a special soft product and a cotton pad. In some cases, it is also possible to use a gentle foam, but then you should not rub the skin - tap the product in with light pats and rinse gently.
  6. Using 2 in 1 products. Unfortunately, almost all products with such a “mark” are deceptions for buyers. The washing gel cleanses, the toner tones, and the cream moisturizes and nourishes, it couldn’t be any other way. So don’t chase two birds with one stone, you know what happens to such would-be hunters. By the way, you should not delude yourself with the already mentioned above and now fashionable micellar water. Firstly, it is not able to deeply cleanse the skin. Secondly, all manufacturers of such products write that it is not necessary to wash it off. However, this is illogical. Since the product is positioned as a cleanser, it contains surfactants, due to which, in fact, cleansing occurs, and surfactants cannot be left on the face. If you really like this product, but really don’t want to come into contact with water, use at least a toner after.
  7. Using creamy cleansing gels. There are such products on the market, and, as a rule, they are positioned as cosmetics for sensitive skin or a kind of 2 in 1 - washing gel + cream. However, the texture of the cream is not the best solution for cleansing; they are usually poorly washed off and, as a result, clog pores, cause various types of irritation and can even lead to dysfunction of the skin’s natural moisturizing processes.
  8. Purchasing fashion products. Choosing a cosmetic product is not an area where you need to follow fashion. You shouldn’t buy foam because all the top beauty bloggers advertise it; your main task when choosing a product for cleansing your face is to take into account the type and condition of your skin. It is also a good idea to read the ingredients and try to purchase products with a minimum amount of harmful substances.
  9. Using brushes for cleansing. Today, many cleansers are equipped with special brushes that help better perform the task of this very product. However, their effect is actually akin to a scrub, which means their excessive use is not recommended. However, it is worth saying that girls with sensitive and dry skin are not only not advised to use them, but are prohibited.
  10. Insufficient care of brushes and sponges. This point, although indirectly, relates to the issue of cleansing the skin. The fact is that a huge number of bacteria accumulate on makeup brushes and sponges, and if they are not washed at least once a week with antibacterial soap, then their use can negate any quality cleansing.
Well, we hope you don’t make most of these mistakes and just make sure that you’re doing everything right. Otherwise, don’t be upset, because now you know the secrets of successful facial cleansing and you can start working on your mistakes.

How to cleanse your facial skin - watch the video:

Every day the skin of the face is exposed to pollution.

Dust particles, bacteria, excess fat and remnants of cosmetic products that we use for makeup settle on it.

The purpose of proper facial cleansing is not only to remove dirt, makeup and excess sebum - the procedure helps get rid of microorganisms and eliminate clogged pores, slows down the formation of wrinkles, prolongs youth and ensures the health of the epidermal layer.

But what and how to properly cleanse the skin? We will try to answer this question based on the recommendations of dermatologists and cosmetologists.

What water to use

For cosmetic procedures, it is better to use soft mineral, filtered or boiled water, since hard water and tap water make it difficult to properly cleanse the skin, cause dryness and irritation due to the content of chlorine, magnesium and calcium salts, and reduce the cleansing properties of cosmetic products.

Warm or cold

No matter what kind of water we use for washing, it must be at the proper temperature. Warm and hot water causes the skin pores and small blood vessels to dilate, softening it and making it easier to clean. But the use of such temperatures also has its disadvantages, since long-term use leads to relaxation of the muscle tone of the skin, and, consequently, to a faster appearance of wrinkles.

Cold water temperature narrows pores and blood vessels, tones well and increases the elasticity of the epidermis, but does not allow for thorough removal of impurities.

If not warm and not cold, then which one? It's best to use lukewarm water with a cleanser suitable for your skin, followed by a cold rinse to close pores and tone. But if you have a problematic skin type and fragile blood vessels, it is better to completely avoid cold and hot water.

Cleansing products

There are various types of cleansers on the cosmetic market. Let's look at their pros and cons.

Soap. They are characterized by a high pH (9.0 - 10.5) and cause alkalization (alkalization) of the epidermis, which leads to damage to the lipid layer. If you are not going to give up using this product, then an excellent option would be to use African natural soap without artificial additives and flavors.

Such a product is absolutely safe, can compete even with well-known brands on the cleansing market and has a beneficial effect on the health of the skin.

Gels, foams and creams. They have moisturizing and tonic properties. They are easy to use as hygienic dosing limits the development of bacteria. A high-quality product deeply cleanses, leaving a pleasant feeling of cleanliness and freshness.

Milk, cleansing lotions, micellar water. Their use is especially beneficial for dry, sensitive and mature skin. Excellent for removing makeup and deep impurities.

During cleaning, your face does not require washing; you just need to wipe the skin with a cotton pad soaked in cleanser. Universal micellar water is also used to remove makeup in the eye area.

Natural vegetable oils. Ideal for facial cleansing, especially as part of homemade scrubs. They do not disrupt the natural lipid layer of the epidermis, deeply moisturize and supply the skin with essential nutrients.

2. Wash with warm water. Squeeze a small amount of your chosen product into your palm and, using your fingertips, gently apply it to damp skin in a circular motion (do the same with whipped soap lather).

Massage gently for 30 seconds to a minute. Start the massage from the forehead and slowly move towards the nose, cheeks, chin and neck.

Massage is a key element in the process of proper facial cleansing, as it enhances blood and lymph circulation, which saturates cells with oxygen and removes metabolic products from them.

3. Rinse thoroughly with warm water, repeating the wash several times. Don't forget about the hairline and thorough cleaning of the nasal grooves. The buildup of detergent residue will leave your skin more dirty than before cleansing.

You can read about the benefits of camellia oil for the face in this article.

You can use a clean, damp muslin cloth to rinse off, which also works as a gentle scrub. Just remember that it must be washed every time after use.

4. Finally, complete the process by rinsing your entire face 3 times with cold water to close the pores. The water should be noticeably cold, but not icy.

5. Gently pat your face dry with a towel, do not rub it, as this promotes the appearance of wrinkles. Just apply a towel to absorb the water.

6. You can wipe dry skin with a tonic that will restore pH balance.

7. Apply your favorite cream.

What else is worth remembering

Cleansing is carried out once or twice a day. More frequent procedures, unless prescribed by a dermatologist, will cause increased sebum production and the appearance of acne.

Don't forget to clean before and after sports training.

Never go to bed without thoroughly removing your makeup. Allow your skin to breathe and recuperate while you sleep so you can wake up to glowing, rested skin in the morning.

Proper cleansing of your facial skin at home helps get rid of excess sebum and makeup residue. This procedure prepares the skin to receive the nourishing ingredients contained in the creams. How to properly cleanse your skin at home to avoid early wrinkles, gray complexion, pimples and acne?

Facial cleansing - why is it important?

The face is open to the environment. Sweat, sebum, cosmetics, dust - all this is “garbage” that needs to be gotten rid of daily by performing cleansing procedures.

Consequences of improper or insufficient skin cleansing:

  1. The regeneration function is impaired
  2. The pores become blocked, begin to expand, and blackheads, pimples and blemishes appear.
  3. The skin's ability to absorb the active ingredients of cosmetic products stops or is significantly reduced.
  4. The aging process is accelerating
  5. Hypoxia of the skin occurs, the face takes on a gray, sallow color and looks tired.
  6. Skin immunity decreases, which is why inflammation and allergies appear much more often.
  7. Eyelashes and eyebrows weaken.

Already these 7 points are an incentive to take care of your skin, paying special attention to its proper cleansing.

How to properly cleanse your facial skin?

It is extremely important to thoroughly remove dirt from the face without disturbing the natural functions of the skin.

What an ideal home cleanse looks like:

  1. Evening cleansing begins with removing makeup. First, remove makeup from the eyes using cotton swabs and a special eye makeup remover liquid. The rest of the face is also cleansed using a makeup remover in the form of cream, milk or micellar liquid, depending on needs.
  2. After removing residual makeup from the skin, additional washing is required. Many people skip this step, leaving a bunch of unnecessary dirt on their face, invisible to the eye. Wash with a special gel or foam (but not toilet soap, which destroys the protective barrier of the skin and changes its Ph). Apply the product to the entire face except the area around the eyes. To remove dirt from the pores, it is recommended to wash your face with a sponge (for example, a konnyaku sponge) or a brush, additionally massaging the skin. This will provide a mild peeling effect.
  3. The last step in your daily cleansing routine is toning. For this purpose, use an alcohol-free tonic that restores the correct PH of the skin, moisturizes and strengthens the protective functions. Apply immediately after washing before cream.

These steps should be done every day, and once a week, perform a deeper cleansing, removing dead cells from the surface of the skin and absorbing dirt from the pores. Peels for home use that suit your skin type are suitable for this purpose. For dry or sensitive skin – enzymatic peels; for oily and combination skin – with AHA or BHA acids. There are also fine and coarse exfoliating masks on the market. Choose what suits you best.

Home microdermabrasion for deep cleansing

Microdermabrasion is still one of the most popular skin resurfacing procedures. Its essence lies in the mechanical abrasion of the stratum corneum and deeper skin layers. In cosmetology, it is performed using a special device and one of three exfoliating materials: diamond, corundum (aluminum oxide) or oxygen.

Microdermabrasion perfectly cleanses the skin and also:

  • improves her nutrition and “breathing”;
  • reduces the depth of wrinkles;
  • stimulates collagen synthesis;
  • reduces pigmentation and scars;
  • relieves acne symptoms.

There are preparations that imitate microdermabrasion that can be used at home. These are products in the form of creams or masks containing the following components: diamond or pearl chips, aluminum microcrystals or aha acids. The composition is balanced in such a way that cosmetics can be used at home, achieving good results.

Use scrubs as folk remedies. Of course, their effect is not comparable to that of diamond peeling, but with regular use the results will be good. Natural scrubs made from ground coffee, honey and sugar, honey and aspirin, bran, and oatmeal work effectively. Do it 1-2 times a week depending on your skin type and condition.

If home cleansing of the skin does not give the desired result, or pimples and blackheads still do not go away, a visit to a cosmetologist is necessary. Do not try to squeeze out comedones yourself, as this will lead to the formation of scars, and in the worst case, to the spread of inflammation throughout the face. Help from a cosmetologist in this matter is the best solution.

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