Find out your intellectual level. The shortest intelligence test, it has only three questions. What does IQ level depend on?

An IQ test can be used for many reasons. It allows you to determine your level of ability to learn, understand, form concepts, use information, apply logic and reason, in comparison with the population. It speaks volumes and can affect characters that are not the norm in society, whether they are interpersonal, such as isolation, rejection and withdrawal, or intellectual, such as ease or difficulty in performing intellectual activities. On the other hand, it can also explain the successes achieved by individuals in a simpler way than other people.

The effectiveness of this test

The IQ test we offer was developed by a research group of specialists in the field of psychology. It is used worldwide by millions of users and new ones are added every day. Statistical data established on the basis of the overall results make it possible to verify its reliability in relation to IQ scales represented by the Gaussian curve.

Super gifted

People with very high IQ levels, compared to the average (> 130), also called “super-gifted,” tend to have more opportunities for intellectual activity than others. The most well-known characteristics of the super-gifted are:

  • Curiosity and thirst for knowledge: They ask a lot of questions and are able to acquire knowledge on their own.
  • Self-improvement, the need to do something with precision and excellence.
  • Fear of himself, of his capabilities, the consequences of overwhelming thoughts and emotions.
  • An interest that becomes obsessive in certain topics.
  • Hypersensitivity is often invisible from the outside.
  • Prolonged concentration and concentration.
  • Metacognitive Awareness: They are able to identify and use plans, concepts, and strategies to solve problems.

Mental disability

People with very low IQ (

Our statistics

We accompany each IQ result with individual statistics that rank candidates based on several parameters (population, age, education level, field of study).

Get your act together, you're about to take the world's shortest intelligence assessment! It's called the Cognitive Reflection Test (CRT), that is, a test of cognitive reflection. It was invented by Yale University professor Shane Frederick to assess how much a person is able to perceive complex things that at first glance seem simple.

So, let's go!

Question 1

A baseball bat and ball together cost $1.10. The bat is $1 more expensive than the ball. How much does the ball cost?

Question 2

5 machines produce 5 gizmos in 5 minutes. How long will it take 100 machines to produce 100 gizmos?

Question 3

The pond is overgrown with water lilies. Every day their area doubles. The entire lake will be overgrown in 48 days. In how many days will the flowers absorb half of its surface?

And now the correct answers

Answer 1

How much did you get - 10 cents? Like most people in a hurry, who considered themselves too smart for such a simple question. Think about it for yourself: if the ball really cost 10 cents, and the bat was a dollar more expensive, then it alone would cost a dollar ten, and this is the total cost of the items. In fact, the price of the ball is 5 cents.

Answer 2

Did you give in to temptation and automatically answer “100”? In vain, the question was a trick one. In fact, it would take a hundred machines to produce a hundred things the same amount of time as it would take five machines to create five things. That is 5 minutes. Changing the number of machines does not change the time it takes to make things!

Answer 3

Oh, how many of them - those who answered “24 days” - have sunk into oblivion! You too? Don't be sad, this question is the pinnacle of the test. Let's think logically: if the area of ​​the thickets doubles every day, then they will occupy half the surface of the pond one day before the expiration of the 48-day period required for the flowers to completely cover the pond. That is, in 47 days.

Last update: 06/03/2017

There's a lot of talk about IQ tests these days, but many people still don't know what these scores actually mean. What exactly is a high IQ? What about the average? How many points do you need to score to be considered a genius?

IQ, or intelligence quotient, is a score obtained on a standardized test designed to measure intelligence. Formally, it is believed that in the early 1900s with the introduction of the Binet-Simon test, but later it was revised, and the Stanford-Binet test acquired universality.
IQ tests have proven to be very popular not only among psychologists, but also among other specialists, but there is still a lot of debate about what exactly IQ tests measure and how accurate they are.
In order to adequately evaluate and interpret test results, psychometricians use standardization. This process involves administering the test to a representative sample of the population. Each participant takes the test under the same conditions as all other participants in the study group. This process allows psychometricians to establish norms or standards against which individual results can be compared.
When determining the results of an intelligence test, as a rule, the normal distribution function is used - a bell-shaped curve in which most results are located near or around the average score. For example, the majority of scores (about 68%) on the WAIS III test tend to fall between 85 and 115 points (with an average of 100). The remaining results are less common, which is why the area of ​​the curve on which they are located is directed downward. Very few people (approximately 0.2%) score more than 145 (indicating a very high IQ) or less than 55 (indicating a very low IQ) on the test.
Because the average score is 100, professionals can quickly evaluate individual scores by comparing them to the mean and determining where they fall on a normal distribution scale.

More about IQ scores

In most modern IQ tests, the average score is set at 100 points with a standard deviation of 15 points - so that the scores follow a bell curve. This means that 68% of the results fall within one standard deviation from the mean (that is, between 85 and 115 points), and 95% fall within two standard deviations (between 70 and 130 points).
A score of 70 or below is considered low. In the past, this mark was considered an indicator of mental retardation and intellectual disability, characterized by significant cognitive impairment. Today, however, IQ test results alone are not used to diagnose intellectual disability. Approximately 2.2% of people score below 70 points.
A score greater than 140 is considered a high IQ. Many people believe that a score of more than 160 points can indicate a person’s genius.
A high IQ is certainly closely related to academic performance, but is it related to success in life at all? Are there people truly more successful than their counterparts with lower IQs? Many experts believe that other factors, including .
That is, the scores are interpreted as follows.

Every person, sooner or later, has thought about how smart he is. No matter how strange it may sound, the grades given to us at school and university may not always be an accurate indicator of intelligence. You can find out how smart and quick-witted you are using a special intelligence test. One of the popular questionnaires at the moment is the Raven IQ test.

How and when did the test appear?

The Raven IQ Test is a technique developed in 1936. John Raven with Roger Penrose, also known as the Progressive Matrix Scale for assessing intelligence quotient and level of mental ability, as well as logical thinking. This technique can assess the mental development of anyone aged 14 to 65 years.

The questionnaire was created in accordance with the traditions of the English school of studying intelligence, according to which the most effective way to measure intelligence was tasks of comparing abstract figures.

In total, psychologists have created several versions of the test:

  • "Standard Progressive Matrices" (1938);
  • "Colored Progressive Matrices" (1947);
  • "Advanced Progressive Matrices" (1941).

It is noteworthy that the first version was designed for all ages: from the smallest children to the elderly.

John Raven - creator of the test

John Raven was born in 1902 in Great Britain. He became acquainted with psychology at King's College London in 1928, then began working as an assistant to Penrose, who conducted research in the field of mental defects. Fascinated by this area, Raven tested children and adults in different places: at home, in schools, at work, using the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale. And yet, Raven considered this test not very successful and the result was the Progressive Matrices questionnaire, which he created together with Penrose.

Raven was an outstanding teacher, his theories had a significant influence on the formation of the scientific worldview of many students.

How to take the test

The final version of the Raven IQ test, now widely known, is suitable for determining the level of intelligence of people of various professions and social status from 14 to 65 years old and regardless of gender.

The questionnaire consists of 60 tasks, each of which requires you to match the missing fragment to a picture. The drawing, as a rule, contains various symbols or geometric shapes.

The tasks in the method are arranged in order of increasing complexity. The shapes or drawings stand in a certain pattern that you must determine. Having identified it, you can find the missing fragment of the picture.

Please note that each task has only one correct solution. You are given 20 minutes to complete the test.

During the process, be extremely careful and take your time before giving an answer. Let yourself think. Move sequentially from task to task, follow the order of tasks and do not skip them, otherwise it will be considered an incorrect answer. If you still failed to logically understand the sequence and find the correct element, you can try to guess which of the images could fit in the empty space.

Test results

As a result of passing the Raven test, you will be able to find out the level of your intellectual development in points and get acquainted with recommendations for improving your abilities.

Take the test now

You can quickly and conveniently on our website. You will also have the opportunity to not only reveal your mental development, but also save the result so that you can take the test again later.

Since the Raven questionnaire can be taken from the age of 14, there is a separate one for children on our website. It is perfect for children and teenagers from 7 to 16 years old.

Erudition is self-education and regular assimilation of information. Higher education does not provide the knowledge of an erudite. People who independently engage in their education have extraordinary intelligence, almost always understand the exact sciences and speak foreign languages.

IQ level is not the only indicator of a person's intelligence. A person’s mental abilities must be judged by a combination of parameters. One of the most important components is verbal intelligence, which denotes the ability to speak, semantic, and pragmatic components.

People love riddles and answers too. Observing the movements and flow of thoughts at the gaming table “What? Where? When?" on TV, viewers also wiggle their brains, trying to get ahead of the experts. Useful gymnastics, but it’s difficult to surpass pro-erudites.

Your dog can be a genius or lazy and slow-witted - that won't make you love him any less. When completing tasks, do not even think about getting angry and punishing the dog - in terms of intellectual development, it is equal to a child of 2-2.5 years old. Try to remember yourself at this age.

Can you exchange knowing glances with your cat? How often do you talk? What, you think there’s nothing to talk about with a cat?! Yes, you are simply not able to understand her language and say thank you that they continue to love you! After all, cats have an angelic character.

Erudition is knowledge in various fields, a voluntary and conscious desire to receive and assimilate new information. Even studying in the best educational institutions does not make a person erudite; it gives professional knowledge and the fundamentals of science.

Solving problems with numerical sequences requires logical thinking. The relationship between numbers must be analyzed and applied to determine the algorithm. Such puzzles seem childishly simple to some, but become unsolvable to others.

The imagery of the Russian language is amazing - words in it often express more than they directly mean. With such wealth, many suffer from tongue-tiedness, cannot put their thoughts into a worthy form and fill in the gaps, at best, with gestures.

Logic is a capricious and confusing science, but this does not apply to basic knowledge. To master the basics, you don’t need to cram textbooks and experiment, just take note, for example, that a cause is always followed by an effect, a larger one will interfere with a smaller one, etc.

Testing to determine IQ level helps identify people who require special conditions for learning. For example, for children with an above-average level, it makes sense to teach them a more complex program, but for children with a low level, it is worth paying more attention to the child so that he learns the program material.

Proverbs usually have no authors; even if the phrase belongs to some author, it flows so organically into the general consciousness that it becomes popular. Sometimes, over time, part of a phrase “dries up,” but it can change the meaning of what was said.

Smartness tests are loved by those who can quickly find solutions. Slow-witted people may be more educated and smarter, but they lose in such competitions, so they pretend that they have no time to worry about trifles. The test can be taken without anyone noticing.

Intelligence can be expressed in the ability for abstract thinking or have a practical orientation - it depends on the personality type. It hardly makes sense to compare these methods of perception, but they are united by a tendency towards cognition and the ability to systematize and apply information.

In the process of thinking, we process information coming from the outside world, and thanks to logic we can find a reasonable explanation of phenomena, consciously make decisions and clearly express our thoughts. Specially designed puzzles and tasks help develop the logical type of thinking.

It is unlikely that you will guess who the black ezdin is who rides on the stove, because it is a stove grip, which can only be seen in films about Russian antiquity. But many Russian riddles are still understandable, although they contain outdated words.

Each language reflects its own picture of the world - this is what linguists believe. Funny foreign words cannot prevent us from communicating, but they create the impression of gaiety, which is not there at all. Do you know what these words mean?

After numerous studies, experts received the following results:

  • 50% of people showed an IQ level of 90 to 110;
  • 25% - above 110;
  • 25% - below 90;
  • The most common score is 100 points;
  • 14.5% of those tested had an IQ ranging from 110 to 120;
  • 7% of those tested scored 120-130 points;
  • 3% - 130-140;
  • Only 0.5% of people were able to demonstrate a level above 140 points;
  • An IQ level below 70 can be considered mental retardation;
  • Most American high school students score 115, with honors students having the most common score of 135–140;
  • The lowest results are among young people under 19 years of age and older people over 60 years of age.

Since one of the main conditions for passing the test is a time limit, we can say that the IQ level does not indicate the ability to think original or logically, but the speed of thought processes.