Exercises at home for weight loss. We select the best exercises in a complex for losing weight for women at home. The body is modeled using simple exercises

Not all people have the opportunity to train in a fitness center. There can be many reasons for this: children, lack of money for a subscription, isolation and fear of a large number of people. Because of this, many people give up sports. But no problem! After all, you can conduct training at home.

There are many different fitness programs, exercises and options for their implementation that you can easily perform at home and model a slim, beautiful figure, no worse than they do in the gym.

Organizing a home workout

How should you train? How to organize and create a program for gaining muscle mass for a month and losing weight?

To do this you need:

  • Decide on the number of classes per week.
  • Create your own study schedule. It is best to exercise in the morning and between 16:00 and 20:00, but it is better to stop exercising 3 hours before bedtime.
  • Choose the type of training for yourself, be it shaping, Pilates, callanetics, bodyflex, dancing, stretching, yoga, Zumba, strength exercises, various types of aerobics, Tai-bo.
  • Buy uniform for classes: comfortable breeches/leggings, T-shirt, hair band, socks.
  • Purchase the necessary equipment for training.
  • Do mandatory stretching after exercise to prevent muscle pain.

The workout itself:

  • The best way to start your home workout is with a warm-up. to warm up the whole body, every joint and avoid injury. It is very important to do a warm-up, so you should devote ten, or better yet, fifteen minutes of time to it.
  • Then you can move on to the main workout. The most effective is the optimal combination of cardio exercises and local load on specific muscles. If your main goal is weight loss, then for better results you should pay attention to cardio exercises and aerobics, and then include strength exercises in your training program to sculpt your body.
  • At the end of the training, it is necessary to stretch the muscles of the arms, core, buttocks, thighs and calves, so that the muscles do not hurt too much.

Main rules:

  1. If the choice fell on cardio training(running, exercise bike), then you need to take into account that you can think about fat burning only after 40 minutes of exercise. If you still have strength left, you can add a few more strength exercises to this workout on specific muscles, and at the end of the session do some stretching.
  2. If there is a lot of excess weight in the body, it is better to start with aerobics or cardio exercises first. Then, when the extra pounds are gone, you can move on to strength exercises that will help give your body definition.
  3. It is worth remembering to balance strength and cardio exercises. If you systematically do a lot of strength exercises, you can, on the contrary, get an increase in volume that no one expects.
  4. It is also worth remembering that eating buns and a variety of fast food and playing sports will not help much from training. We must not forget about proper nutrition.
  5. Don't torture yourself with starvation diets. Fasting slows down metabolism, causes the body to be stressed and store fat. It is better to choose a diet/diet that suits your body and lifestyle.

With the right balance of home workouts and nutrition, you can achieve stunning results.

Where to start exercising at home to lose weight?

So, where do you need to start compiling a program:

If you start training from scratch, you don’t need to rush into complex fitness training. For a beginner - the initial level of the program, for an intermediate level of training - the advanced level of the program. Over time, the number of exercises performed will increase, and stretching will only get better.


Sports equipment for practicing at home does not take up much space, is not heavy and is convenient to exercise with. Available in an assortment at any sports store.

What can you buy for your home gym:

The choice of sports equipment for a home training program is wide. With its help, you can diversify your activities and achieve even greater results.

Basic rules for home training

When you start training at home, you should remember some rules:

By adhering to these rules, it is not difficult to achieve your goals.

How to create a home workout program?

First of all, before creating a home workout program, it is important to decide on the purpose of playing sports, so as not to waste time.

A home workout program requires a careful approach:

  • If the goal is to build muscle, then you should focus on strength training using your weight or sports equipment.
  • If your goal is to lose excess weight, You should make aerobics your workout.

When creating an individual home training program, you must consider the following:

The structure of the lesson is as follows:

  • Warm-up: 10-15 minutes.
  • Basic workout: 40-60 minutes.
  • Stretching: 15 minutes.

The time of each part of the lesson can be increased as desired.

What is important for beginners to know?

What is important for beginners to know about the home training program:

Weekly home workout programs for men

Warm-up- This is a gradual warming up of the whole body from top to bottom.

To prepare for the main part of your home workout you will need:

  • Warming up the neck: bending in different directions, moving the head “clockwise”;
  • Warming up for hands: circular rotations of the shoulders, arms with a small and large radius, rotation of the arms in the elbow joints in different directions, clenching and unclenching of the fingers, clockwise rotations with the hands;
  • Warming up the body: turns the body all the way in different directions (arms clasped at chest level), tilting the body in four directions, circular rotations of the hips, dynamic movements of the hips in different directions;
  • Warming up the legs: rotation of the knees in a half-squat in different directions, rotation of the ankles, swings of the legs in four directions, arbitrary jumps (crosswise, in place, twist, in different directions, etc.).

Initial program

The program is intended for those who are starting classes for the first time. All muscles of the body are loaded equally.

Exercises Approaches and number of times
Classic push-ups 2 sets x 10 times
Bent over dumbbell raise 3 sets x 12 times
Squats 3 sets x 13 times
Straight crunches 2 sets x 12 times
Jumping jack 2 minutes
Raising the body from the floor on the stomach 2 sets x 7 times
Lunges 2 sets x 10 times
Plank 20 seconds

Even for beginners, training is provided at least three times a week. On “empty” days they do cardio exercises. Effective results are achieved by increasing the number of repetitions and approaches from lesson to lesson.

Advanced program

First lesson (Monday) legs + biceps in the table:

Exercises Approaches and number of times
Biceps press with dumbbell 3 sets x 25 times
Biceps press with dumbbell, hammer grip 3 sets x 20 times
Lateral biceps press with dumbbell 3 sets x 25 times
Lunges with dumbbells 3 sets x 15 times
Squats 3 sets x 16 times
Tiptoe rises 3 sets x 30 times
Jumping jack 3 minutes
Running in place with hip lift 3 minutes
Exercises Approaches and number of times
Narrow push-ups 3 sets x 10 times
Dumbbell Chest Press on Back 3 sets x 12 times
Classic push-ups 3 sets x 10 times
Reverse push-ups (bench, chair, etc.) 3 sets 8 times
Straightening your arms with a dumbbell from behind your head 3 sets x 10 times
3 sets x 10 times
Exercises Approaches and number of times
Bent-over dumbbell pull-ups 3 x 10
Lifting the body up while lying on the stomach (arms behind the head in a lock/arms parallel to the body) 3 x 12
Raise the body by 30 degrees. lying on your back 3 x 10
"Scissors" 1 minute
Raising straight legs 90 degrees. on the back 3 x 10
Pulling your bent legs towards you 3 x 10
Plank 1 minute
Lifting the body 90 degrees. lying on your back 3 x 10

Stretching (stretching) is a must-have in any home workout program. Stretching tight muscles will reduce the formation of lactic acid and eliminate muscle pain and discomfort.

Weekly home workout programs for women

Preparatory stage (warm-up)- This is a smooth warming up of the entire body from head to toe.

To be ready for the main part of your home workout, you need:

  • Warming up the neck: bending, turning, moving the head clockwise.
  • Warming up the arms: rotations with the shoulders, arms with small and large amplitudes, circular movements of the arms at the elbow, jerks back, circular rotations with the hands.
  • Warming up the body: turns to the left all the way, to the right all the way, tilting the body in four directions, circular movements of the hips, energetic movements of the pelvis in 4 directions.
  • Warming up the legs: rotating the legs at the ankle joints, circular movements of the ankles, swinging straight legs in different directions, jumping.

Initial program

The program is designed for those who are learning from scratch. Works all muscles with the same load.

The home training program includes:

Exercises Approaches and number of times
Biceps press 2 x 15
Shoulder press 2 x 10
Supine chest press 2 x 10
Side twist 2 x 12
Straight crunches 2 x 10
2 x 10
Classic squats 2 x 10
Swing your legs back one at a time, “all fours” position on a bent leg 2 x 10
Jumping 70 times

Training should take place three times a week to pump up the body of the required size. On other days - cardio. Over time, the load should increase.

Advanced program

First session (Monday) legs + biceps:

Exercises Approaches and number of times
Weighted arm curls (hammer) 3 x 15
Weighted arm curls (outer hand) 3 x 15
Squats 3 x 15
Smooth/dynamic plie squats 3 x 10
Jump Squat 2 x 13
Lunges 2 x 10
Jumping (various types) 3 x 1 minute
Plank 1 minute
Swing your legs while lying on your side 3 x 30

Second session (Wednesday) chest + triceps:

Exercises Approaches and number of times
Supine chest press 2 x 10
Raising straight arms with weights to the sides while lying on your back 2 x 15
Raising straight arms with weights back and forth while lying on your back 2 x 12
Circular rotations with straight arms and weights while lying on your back 2 x 12
Scissors overhead with hands 1 minute
Weighted Overhead Press 3 x 12
Bent over arms with a dumbbell (alternately/simultaneously) 3 x 12
Narrow knee/straight leg push-ups 3 x 7

Third lesson (Friday) back + abs:

Exercises Approaches and number of times
Raising your arms towards you with weights while bending over 3 sets x 10 times
Straight crunches 3 x 15
Raising the body while lying on the stomach (arms behind the head in a lock/arms parallel to the body) 3 x 15
"Superman" 3 x 7
"Boat" 1 minute
Lifting the body while lying on your back 90 degrees 3 x 15
“Scissors” at an angle of 60, 45, 30 degrees. 3 x 30 seconds
Side crunches 3 x 15

Fourth lesson (Sunday) butt + thighs:

Exercises Approaches and number of times
Squats 3 x 15
Swing your legs to the sides 3 x 15
Squat steps from side to side 90 seconds
Smooth/dynamic plie squats 3 x 15
Deadlift 3 x 25
3 x 20
Romanian lunges 3 x 10
Raising the buttocks off the floor with bent legs 3 x 15
"Close" squats 3 x 20
Jumping (various types) Type of jump x 40 seconds

Training program for drying at home

Drying- This is targeted fat burning. After the fat is “dried”, the body acquires an attractive shape. To effectively “dry” fats, the home workout program includes local loads on specific muscles and cardio exercises.

Home drying program:

Exercises Approaches and number of times
Push-ups with straight legs or on knees 2 x 10
"Superman" 2 x 8
Weighted chest press while lying on your back 3 x 10
Weighted biceps press 3 x 30
Triceps overhead press with weights 3 x 20
Bent over weighted arm press 3 x 12
Jump Squat 3 x 10
Lunges 3 x 10
Side Lunges 3 x 10
Raising the body by 30 and 90 degrees 3 x 20
Raising straight/bent legs towards you 3 x 20
Swing straight legs backwards on all fours 2 x 1 minute
Running in place with hip raise 2 x 1 minute
Jumping (various types) Type of jump x 40 seconds

Stretching (stretching) must complete any home workout. Stretching tight muscles will reduce the formation of lactic acid and eliminate muscle pain and discomfort.

Home workout program for gaining muscle mass

Preparatory stage- warm-up for fifteen minutes. It prepares the muscles for further stress.

The home workout program consists of:

Exercises Approaches and number of times
Push-ups 3 x 10
"Close" push-ups 3 x 10
Biceps press (dumbbells) 3 x 20
Raising straight arms to the sides with dumbbells 3 x 15
Deadlift 3 x 20
Barbell Arm Press 3 x 15
Lifting the body 30 degrees 3 x 15
Lifting the body 90 degrees 3 x 15
"Scissors" (in three versions) Scissor view x 40 seconds
Lifting legs 90 degrees. on the back 3 x 15
Lifting the body on the stomach 3 x 10
Squats 3 x 15
Lifting on tiptoes 3 x 20
Lunges to the sides 3 x 15
Jumping Type of jump x 40 seconds

Stretching (stretching) must complete any workout. Stretching tight muscles will reduce the formation of lactic acid and eliminate muscle pain and discomfort.

How to pump up your body at home?

Achieving body definition is not necessary in the gym. This can be done at home too. The recommended frequency of classes is three per week. In this case, the emphasis is on strength exercises.

Before you start your home workout, you need to warm up your body for fifteen minutes. The duration of the lesson is no more than one and a half hours. When finishing your home workout, you need to do stretching to stretch the muscles that have been compressed from exercise and reduce the formation of lactic acid.

The body is modeled using simple exercises:

  • On hands with a projectile.
  • On the chest with a projectile.
  • On the abdominal muscles.
  • On the leg muscles above the knee and buttocks with or without weights.
  • On the back muscles.

Relief training programs at home

You can add definition to your body only through determination, willpower, motivation and knowledge of muscle anatomy and the specifics of performing exercises. Focusing only on a strength program, cardio or proper nutrition is wrong, since only in combination can you achieve real success.

You can achieve sculpted muscles only by adhering to 3 fundamental principles:

  • Exercise with your own weight;
  • Do fat-burning workouts;
  • Eat properly.

Effective exercises that promote the appearance of relief:

  • Classic push-ups and close grip.
  • Jumping (jump rope).
  • Jumping jack.
  • Run in place.
  • "Bike".
  • "Scissors".
  • Deadlift.
  • Squats.
  • Army press.

Such exercises must be included in the complex home relief training program. Cardio exercise plays an important role in burning fat.

It is recommended to apply them to the body three to four times every week. Strength training – three times a week. The combination of approaches and repetitions is not universal. Their choice depends on the level of general physical condition and is purely individual.

You need to train until you feel “burning” in your muscles. This means that the muscles received sufficient load during the exercise. The duration of the home workout is 60-90 minutes. At the end, stretching is required. It will relax your muscles and prevent pain the next day.

CrossFit - home workout program

Crossfit- This is a high-intensity circuit functional training without breaks between exercises.

CrossFit - home training program consists of:

  • Burpees.
  • Push-ups.
  • Jump squats.
  • Lunges.
  • Raises the torso 90 and 30 degrees.
  • "Bear" walk.
  • Run in place.
  • Various jumps (jump rope).
  • Deadlift.

These exercises should definitely be included in your CrossFit home workout program. They need to be performed without a break between exercises, at a high pace. Be sure to drink water during your workout.

Sample home workout program

You need to do the exercises until you feel “burning” in your muscles. This means that the muscles were sufficiently loaded during the exercise. The duration of home training is from 40 to 60 minutes. At the end, be sure to stretch, which will relax the muscles and they will not hurt.

Shaping at home for weight loss

Shaping shapes and shapes the figure. It creates correct posture, fights osteochondrosis, makes the butt and legs beautiful and toned. With its help you can get rid of fat deposits and correct your figure.

The best way to practice is through video training. Today there are a lot of shaping trainings available for free. They work all muscle groups and allow you to burn fat smoothly.

It is better to combine shaping with proper nutrition. Shaping can be used both to burn fat and to give slight definition to the body. To add definition, you need to eat protein-containing food an hour before your home workout.

The structure of shaping classes includes:

  • Stretching.
  • The duration of the home workout is 50-90 minutes. Frequency: 3 days a week.

    Fitness classes at home for weight loss

    Fitness– this is work on the body, all muscle groups.

    Your home fitness training program must include:

    • Push ups.
    • Gluteal bridge.
    • Squats.
    • Exercises for arms with dumbbells.
    • Lunges.
    • Jumping.

    The fitness training program should consist of:

    • Warm-up (15 minutes).
    • Strength exercises for the whole body.
    • Cardio exercises (10 minutes).
    • Stretch marks.

    You can work on your upper and lower body on different days. The lesson must take at least 50 minutes.

    Yoga classes at home for weight loss

    If we consider yoga as an exercise for losing weight, the most effective will be:

    If yoga should be considered as a philosophical teaching, then when performing asanas you need to think correctly, setting your body up for healing and weight loss.

    Orbitrek exercises at home for weight loss

    Orbitrek– an excellent assistant in losing weight. This cardio machine simulates skiing. During exercise, the muscles of the arms and legs work. It can also help reduce belly fat. It should be remembered that active fat burning begins after 30 minutes of training.

    Aerobics at home for weight loss

    Aerobic exercises are considered fat-burning cardio exercises.

    There are several types of aerobics:

    An aerobics class consists of a short warm-up, a main part (exercises for all muscle groups) and a cool-down. It is more effective to study using video lessons.

    Today, Internet resources offer a large selection of video training. You should devote to home training three days a week, maintaining a duration of 50-60 minutes.

    Zumba exercises at home for weight loss

    The Zumba fitness program consists of aerobic and dance elements performed at an energetic pace to upbeat music. During training, you can master various types of jumps, movements from salsa, mamba, Latin and hip-hop. Doing them at a fast pace burns a lot of calories.

    The Zumba program consists of 4 stages:

    It is best to study using video lessons. Now there are a lot of them in the public domain. It is recommended to devote three days a week to fitness training. Duration 50-60 minutes.

    Home workouts are not like morning exercises. In contrast, a home workout program is designed to sculpt the body. And this requires enormous effort, patience, discipline and endurance. Exhausting workouts burn excess fat, strengthen the spirit and make the body beautiful.

    Quick tips for those who are determined:

    • Organization and discipline.
    • Strength of will.
    • Don't stop there.
    • The result will be proven.
    • December 1, 2018
    • Home workouts
    • Irina Ivanova

    What to do if you have been training for several weeks, or even months, but the weight still does not come off? Or you're just starting out and want to get the most out of your workouts. This article will help you with this. Let's look at the basic principles of losing weight, effective programs and mistakes in training.

    What you need to know about nutrition?

    Before we talk about how to exercise to lose weight, you need to know the following:

    • The main principle of losing weight is to burn more calories than you absorb. No workout, even the most fat-burning one, will help you lose weight if you don’t eat right.
    • You don’t have to follow a strict diet, you can’t even do it. If the body does not receive enough nutrients, it will begin to conserve energy. And with this regime, it will not be possible to perform the exercises at full strength.
    • Meals should be split up, it is best to eat 4-5 times a day in small portions. The body should not feel hungry. But it is necessary to monitor the number of kilocalories eaten and the ratio of BZHU (proteins, fats and carbohydrates).
    • Drink water. Clean drinking water is very important not only for weight loss, but also for the body as a whole. You should drink 2-3 liters of water per day. But you don’t need to force yourself and drink if you don’t want to. Each body has different water needs.

    How to lose weight at home? 80% of weight loss success depends on nutrition. You can train for as long as you like, but without changing your eating habits, you cannot achieve results. Professional trainers will help you create the right menu, or you can consult a nutritionist to create a nutrition plan.

    What you need to know about training?

    Proper training for weight loss is impossible without knowing the following facts:

    • Weight may not decrease, but rather increase due to muscle growth. In this case, volumes and fat go away, and muscle mass grows. Therefore, losing weight on the scale is not so important as losing centimeters in problem areas.
    • You can't lose weight in one place. For example, girls want a thin waist, but do not want to lose volume in the hips and chest. This won’t work, the volumes will go everywhere. There is a way out if you pump up your muscles through strength training.
    • Pain after exercise is not normal. Many people, especially beginners, are mistaken that if their muscles hurt after a workout, then it was effective. This is wrong. Pain indicates that the wrong intensity and load were chosen, and perhaps the exercises were performed with incorrect technique or without warming up and stretching. Pleasant, mild muscle pain the next day is acceptable.

    Training rules

    How to exercise to lose weight:

    Effective workouts. Cardio

    So which workouts are more effective for losing weight? The first thing that comes to mind is cardio.

    Cardio training is performing exercises at an active pace that increases your heart rate. Cardio traditionally includes running, aerobics, jumping rope, and rowing. These are the main aids in losing weight.

    Many experts and professional trainers say that cardio training should make up at least 60% of all activities. An advantage to losing weight will be an increase in endurance.

    What factors influence the result?

    How to exercise properly to lose weight? It should be remembered that the result largely depends on the duration and intensity of training. Cardio training will be effective if you do it for 40 minutes to 1.5 hours or do it immediately after strength training. The intensity can be adjusted to suit your level.

    The pulse at the strongest activity should not exceed 80% of the maximum figure. The average heart rate for fat burning should be 60-80% of the maximum. Pulse monitors will help you measure your pulse; they will be indispensable assistants during cardio exercises. Both a decrease and a significant increase in heart rate are not considered a good sign. If it goes down, there will be no result, but if it goes up, health problems may arise.

    Is running really that good?

    Running is one of the universal and intense workouts for losing weight. By running regularly, you can tone your figure and lose extra pounds.

    But running, like other exercises, needs to be learned. Proper running technique, as well as the right shoes, reduce the risk of injury. Before you start running, be sure to warm up and stretch your ankle joints.

    This is an aerobic workout, so don't forget about your heart rate. It should not rise sharply. If you feel unwell while running, start walking and regain your breathing. Only after this can you stop.

    Power training

    Even though strength training is aimed more at working muscles rather than losing weight, they should be included in your training plan. They will help keep your muscles toned and also work on your relief. In addition, they speed up metabolism well. And this allows you to lose weight even after training.

    How should you exercise to lose weight?

    • It is necessary to use weights, but you need to select them in such a way that you can lift them at least 10-15 times.
    • Be sure to work all the muscles. You should not do exercises only for the buttocks or only for the abs. The body should develop evenly.
    • Recovery is also important. Stretching and resting your muscles is just as important as exercising them.
    • Girls should not be afraid to pump up; their hormonal levels will not allow this, unless, of course, they use special hormones.


    High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a tough workout for weight loss. Not everyone can do it and is not at all suitable for beginners.

    HIIT is cardio training, its main principle is the alternation of overload and recovery (rest or quiet work). The duration of such a workout is usually about 20-40 minutes, but the calories are burned like 60 minutes of regular cardio. Moreover, fat is burned for another day after training.

    It is not recommended to do HIIT training every day; the body should rest. It is optimal to exercise 2-3 times a week in between regular cardio and strength exercises. The pulse should also not exceed the maximum mark. You need to work on such training using all your strength, without sparing yourself. Otherwise there will be no result.

    A huge advantage is that you can exercise anywhere and anytime, using an exercise bike, elastic band, jump rope, or your own weight. In the HIIT program, you can also simply run, alternating between high-speed running and regular walking.

    How to lose weight at home?

    You don't have to go to a fitness club to lose weight. You can do this at home too. So how to lose weight at home:

    • Defeat laziness. The problem with home training is that at home a person relaxes or, on the contrary, is immersed in household chores, and he loses the desire to do anything. Especially when you come home from work, you just want to lie down in front of the TV and forget yourself. Therefore, you need to set a clear goal and go towards it, no matter what. In a month, the body will get used to physical activity, and it will no longer have enough of it.
    • Make a training plan or take ready-made ones from the Internet. You can also use various videos or online sports services.
    • Any activity helps you lose weight. Regular long walks, yoga, walking on stairs - all this is just as important as working out. There is no one super effective exercise to lose weight. An active lifestyle is the key to a beautiful body. You need to find what you like and do it with pleasure.
    • Proper nutrition and more proper nutrition. The success of your goal - to lose weight - depends on this. You can’t work out and then eat fatty and sweet foods without consequences.

    The most effective exercises

    How to exercise to lose weight? If you decide to exercise at home, but don’t know what exercises to include in your workouts, then below are the most effective exercises for losing weight:

    Jump squats. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hands behind your head or along your body. Do a squat while keeping your back straight. But at the end, don’t stand up, but do squat jumps. To increase the intensity of the jump, raise your knees as high as possible.

    Burpee. A very effective and energy-consuming exercise. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. From this position, do a squat, lower your hands with your palms on the floor. Then jump your feet back into the plank and do a push-up. Jump your legs forward to your arms, straighten up and jump. This is the full version of the exercise. But for beginners, you can, for example, remove push-ups, eliminate the jump, move your legs not with a jump, but alternately take long steps.

    Jumping lunges. Take a regular lunge: from a standing position, take a wide step forward, bend your front leg at the knee, the knee of your back leg should almost touch the floor. From this position, jump to change legs. For beginners, you can remove the jumps and simply alternate legs. This exercise can be done continuously for 20-30 seconds at first.


    As you can see from the article, you can lose weight only by changing your lifestyle: eating right, exercising. You can achieve weight loss with the help of diets, but they will never bring long-term results. You need to understand that the struggle for a beautiful body will last a lifetime. There is no clear answer to the question of how to exercise to lose weight.

    It would be great if everyone could afford to have any kind of exercise equipment and exercise equipment at home, but, unfortunately, this is not feasible for most people. If you are reading this article, then you are probably one of them. And there is nothing wrong with that, I even think that you are lucky, since the physical exercises at home that I will show you today are extremely effective and no exercise equipment can replace them. Now you will no longer have excuses to skip a workout or forget about regular physical activity.


    The first thing you should start training with is walking. If the weather is good, it will be great to go outside and enjoy the beautiful scenery. However, if the weather is harsh and raining, you can still do an effective workout at home. If you have a ladder, you can go up and down it several times (you can even carry extra weight on your shoulders). This will help tone your legs, thighs and buttocks. Excellent aerobic exercise for weight loss.

    During squats, hundreds of muscle fibers work simultaneously, such large muscle groups as quadriceps, hamstrings and buttocks, and many different small muscles are also involved. For weight loss, squats are one of the best physical exercises.

    • Stand up straight, stretch your arms forward. Chest forward, keep your back arched.
    • Push your hips back as if you were trying to sit in a chair and bend your knees.
    • Squat down as low as possible.
    • Tighten your gluteal muscles and return to the starting position.

    Another one of the best leg exercises to have in your routine. There are many variations of this exercise, but any variation will work effectively. Simply put one leg forward as shown in the photo, simultaneously bending both knees until parallel to the floor, and lower yourself to the bottom. Then return to the starting position and repeat with the other leg.

    In the gym, this exercise is often performed with dumbbells, and you can successfully perform it for weight loss at home. It is enough to take a high chair and some kind of cargo, for example, a backpack with books.

      • Place one foot on the step and lift the other off the floor.
      • Climb up.
      • Lower the same leg back down and return to the starting position.
      • Repeat with the other leg.

    This physical exercise is also called the horizontal position, and it really helps you burn excess fat without moving at all. The fact is that when stabilizing your body in one position, many different muscles are activated, which contributes to weight loss.

    • Just take a lying position, as during regular push-ups, or bend your elbows as in the photo.
    • Keep your back straight and tighten your abdominal muscles.
    • Hold this position for at least 30 seconds. Then pause and repeat a few more times.

    Push ups

    I think there is no need to introduce this exercise. Classic push-ups are one of the best physical exercises at home, which develops the chest, shoulders, triceps, abdominal muscles, lower back muscles and buttocks. Why do push-ups help you lose weight? The fact is that the more muscles are used, the more effective the weight loss, since the metabolism increases and more calories are burned. To do so, be sure to read the article at the link.

    Just like the plank, this exercise uses many small stabilizer muscles, which has a positive effect on your figure. This exercise is especially useful for those who cannot escape anywhere during the day, for example, at work or when doing housework.

    • Stand straight with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width.
    • Raise one leg back, while tilting your body forward until it is parallel to the floor.
    • Tighten your buttocks and abdominal muscles. Keep your back arched.
    • Hold this position for as long as you can, then return and repeat with the other leg.

    Jump up with arms raised

    This is an excellent exercise that, if performed correctly, uses the muscles of the arms, legs, shoulders, abs and back.

    • To perform it, you just need to stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hands at your sides.
    • Then jump up, simultaneously raising your arms up and spreading your legs wide apart, as shown in the photo.
    • return to the starting position from the jump as well.

    Push-ups with arm up

    There are dozens of ways to vary the classic push-ups so that you can always try something new and not allow your body to adapt to typical loads. These push-ups involve rotating the shoulders and engage the stabilizer muscles as well as the abs.

    • Do a regular push-up and when your hands are at the top, lift your right arm up over your shoulder while rotating your torso so that your body forms a T.
    • Return to starting position and repeat on the left side.

    Classic exercise. Perform in the usual way, lifting your body and legs up. At the top point, touch your toes to your heel, then return to the starting position and repeat.

    In this article, I told you about the best and most effective physical exercises for losing weight, which you should adopt, including for home use. Remember that the number of repetitions should be 8-15 (average) to force the body to use fat cells as fuel. Perform all these exercises consistently 3 times a week or divide them into groups and perform them daily. In any case, if you do everything right, you will lose weight. Also be sure to watch the following video with exercises for burning fat. Good luck!

    When preparing for the beach season and important events, women are ready to do anything to quickly lose weight. Some adhere to strict mono-diets, others resort to heavy training, and still others use various drugs that guarantee quick results. However, everyone knows that losing weight will not be possible without physical activity. Correctly selected exercises for quick weight loss at home will lead to the desired result.

    The complex is designed for those who cannot visit the gym regularly. Even at home, you can achieve excellent results and lose weight by 5–7 kg in a month without a strict diet. At the same time, you don’t have to exercise for hours: according to doctors, the optimal training time is 25–30 minutes. By regularly performing effective exercises for losing weight at home, you will be able to get rid of extra pounds, tone your muscles, and improve the functioning of all organs and systems. The training complex for girls should include: warm-up, exercises for the buttocks, arm training, leg exercises, back exercises, stretching. Read more about this further in our article.

    Any athlete will confirm that the benefits of warming up before physical exercise are undeniable.

    Thanks to the warm-up complex, the body prepares for training:

    • blood circulation and supply of nutrients to muscles improves;
    • the elasticity of ligaments increases;
    • the functioning of the vestibular apparatus is normalized;
    • coordination of movements becomes higher;
    • The risk of injury is greatly reduced.

    First, rub your palms together until they become hot. Rub your hands over your forehead, cheeks, ears, and neck. Make 4 rotational movements in both directions with each joint.

    Stretch your shoulders. To do this, perform simple movements in a circle back and forth with straight arms. Stand with your back straight. Rotate your body 25 times left and right without moving your lower body or head. Move your body in a circle 10 times in each direction, keeping your legs motionless. Rotate your pelvis in different directions. Be sure to stretch your feet. Place the toe of your left foot on the floor and twist your foot in different directions. Repeat with the other leg. Brace your toes up and down without your heels touching the floor.

    Please note: the warm-up should begin with the upper body. First, the neck, shoulders, arms are warmed up, then the back, pelvic area, and finally the feet are warmed up.

    Training complex for weight loss

    A set of exercises for losing weight throughout the body, designed to be performed at home, is an excellent alternative to the gym. You only need to exercise 3-4 times a week; for beginners, a 20-minute workout is enough. It is most effective to perform gymnastics from 5 to 7 pm, 2 hours after lunch. If any exercise turns out to be unclear, you can watch the corresponding video.

    Delayed squat. Stand straight with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees at a right angle. Transfer your body weight to your feet. Stay in this position for as long as you can.


    Do the same as in the previous exercise, but do not linger at the bottom. Make sure your knees do not go beyond your feet. Start with 25 repetitions. Gradually work your way up to 2-3 sets of 35 reps.


    Stand straight with your feet together. Jump as high as possible, spreading your legs to the sides as you jump. Return to the starting position. Try to repeat the exercise at least 20 times.


    Lie on the floor on your back, raise your legs at an angle of 45 °, place your hands under your lower back. Cross your legs, then spread them wider. Do it 10 times.


    Kneel on the floor, stretch your arms out in front of you, and you can hold on to a chair for stability. Sit down on one buttock, then quickly on the other, tilting your body slightly to the side. To achieve slender legs, try to repeat the exercise 25-30 times.


    Stand up straight, place your feet wider than your shoulders, and turn your toes so that they point in different directions. Squat down slowly and stay at the bottom for as long as possible. Also slowly return to the starting position. Do 2 sets of 20 reps.

    Swing your leg

    Stand up straight. With your straight leg, make smooth swings up straight and to the side. Repeat with the other leg. Swings can also be done from a position lying on your side. Be sure to include this exercise in every workout to lose weight quickly.

    Body lifts

    Lie on your back with your legs straight and place your hands under your head. At the same time, pull your knees toward your chest and your head and shoulders toward your knees. Get down to the floor. Do 2 sets of 20 reps.

    Oblique crunches

    Take the starting position in the same way as in the previous exercise. Lift your body off the floor, pull your right elbow towards your left knee. Do the exercise 20 times. Repeat for the opposite side.

    Exercises for the lower abs

    Stay in the same starting position. Raise your legs straight off the floor at a 45° angle. Hold this position for as long as possible. Repeat 10 times.

    Working out all the abdominal muscles. From a supine position, lift your straight legs up at an angle of strictly 90°. At the same time, spread your arms to the sides, palms down. Lower your legs straight down, slowly. Repeat 12 times. From the same position, lower your legs down alternately 12 times.

    Lie on your back, stretch your arms up and bend your legs perpendicular to the floor. Lift your shoulder blades off the surface first, then your hips. Repeat 20 times.


    Move onto your stomach. At the same time, raise your legs and arms higher. Reach your hands towards the ceiling, do not lower your knees to the floor. Do 30 times.

    Push ups

    Place your knees and straight arms on the floor. Place your hands slightly wider than your shoulders. To simplify the exercise, you can cross your shins. Bend your elbows, leaning towards the floor as low as possible without touching it. Do 10 push-ups.

    Reverse push-ups

    Sit on the very edge of the chair, rest your hands on the seat. Place your legs bent at a right angle on the floor. Move your pelvis off the chair, leaving your back straight. Lower yourself down, bending your elbows, but do not spread them out to the sides. Get up. Do 15 reverse push-ups.

    This is important: be sure to end each training complex with stretching, it will help the muscles recover faster before the next exercises. To do this, smoothly stretch your body, arms and legs in all directions.

    Any sports fanatic will come up with hundreds of reasons why everyone should play sports. If the main one for you is weight loss, it is worth considering a number of rules that will allow you to significantly bring your goal closer to reality. ELLE's review contains 15 practical tips, the implementation of which will ensure maximum results from your training.

    Add Cardio

    The best friend of anyone who has set out to lose weight is any type of activity during which you can talk, but are not able to maintain a long dialogue. Most people can sustain aerobic exercise long enough to burn more calories than either resistance or anaerobic exercise. Therefore, if your goal is to quickly reduce volume, trainers advise devoting 60% of your training time to cardio, and 40% to other types of activity.

    Train harder

    From a scientific point of view, metabolism increases during high-intensity training. So, in pursuit of the lost pounds, you will have to make it a rule: if during a workout you can speed up or perform it with greater efficiency, it’s time to do so.

    Alternate between different types of activity

    Every time you change the type of training, the body has to adapt, which in our case is only a plus. The more complex a task you present to your body, the more calories it will take to solve it.

    Don't be afraid of training with weights

    It’s a well-known fact: not all weight training burns fat. However, giving them up while losing weight is a big mistake. The muscles worked out by exercises with weights keep the body in good shape and will look more prominent when the fat hiding them finally goes away.

    Do the exercises to your full potential

    A burning sensation in your legs after a series of lunges means that you have reached your limit and have given 100 in your workout, that is, burned the maximum number of calories. And this is our goal.

    Alternate workouts for different muscle groups

    Alternating exercises on different muscle groups allows you to maintain high intensity throughout the entire workout. This way, while you work on your abs, your legs can rest and get ready for a new round of exercises.

    Warm up your muscles

    Coaches and doctors never tire of repeating the importance of warming up before training. It’s hard to disagree with their arguments: a sudden start to activity is stress for the heart muscle, which can be avoided by devoting just 10 minutes to simple exercises, which will also increase the number of calories burned.

    Don't try to increase your training time

    It just seems that if you double the time you spend in the gym, the results will not be long in coming. In fact, the maximum recommended workout time is 1 hour and 15 minutes. If you exceed it, get ready for insomnia, overwork and injuries, which will only slow down the weight loss process.

    Vary your workouts

    If you perform the same set of exercises day after day, your body will get used to it and the effectiveness of your training will be reduced to zero. At a minimum, try to alternate the order of exercises, add new ones to them, and diversify the fitness arsenal you use.

    Do high-intensity interval training once or twice a week

    The effects of high-intensity interval training are impressive - they increase your metabolic rate for up to 8 days. It doesn’t make sense to do them every day - the body simply won’t have time to recover. The ideal frequency is once or twice a week.

    Alternate workouts in the gym and outdoors

    By changing the environment during exercise, you confuse the body. This works in the same way as alternating different workouts - the body spends more calories to adapt to new conditions. Therefore, trainers recommend leaving the gym outside as often as the weather permits.

    Experts still can’t come to a consensus on whether you should eat before training. On the one hand, the body, exposed to stress on an empty stomach, may feel weak. As a result, there is simply not enough strength to perform the entire set of exercises at full strength. On the other hand, you shouldn’t overeat before the gym either - there is a high chance of consuming more calories than will be burned on the exercise equipment. The ideal option is to listen to your body: if the body signals severe hunger,

    Make a suitable playlist

    The rhythm of the songs played in the headphones during training dictates the speed of the exercises. The ideal playlist for training is an alternation of songs with a faster and slower rhythm, which will force the body to adapt to the new tempo again and again.

    Forget about constantly weighing yourself

    When talking about weight loss, many people mean getting rid of excess fat deposits. It is impossible not to take into account that muscles weigh more than fat, so if after a series of grueling workouts the weight stays the same or even grows, this is not an indicator that all efforts are in vain. The best guide in the struggle for an ideal figure is changing body volumes, so instead of scales, make friends with a measuring tape.