Tourmaline properties and for whom it is suitable. Tourmaline - a multi-faceted gem

Humanity has always treated with trepidation not only gold and silver, but also numerous types of precious and semiprecious stones. A mysterious sparkle, a mysterious play of colors, an unexpected change in shades depending on the lighting made such stones desirable for every person. One of these gems is tourmaline stone.

The history of the appearance of tourmaline in Europe

European nobility learned about the existence of tourmaline at the beginning of the 18th century. It is believed that it was the Dutch sailors who were the first to bring nuggets from distant Sri Lanka (Ceylon). The local rich immediately liked the multi-colored crystals, some of which looked like expensive and. The increased demand for tourmaline stone led to the fact that many merchant ships were drawn to Sri Lanka. Due to predatory mining, the deposits of this mineral in Ceylon have been depleted by now.

The origin of the crystal

Tourmaline stone is of endogenous, high-temperature, pegmatite, hydrothermal origin. The crystal accumulates in placers, as it perfectly resists physical weathering. Tourmaline is a borosilicate of aluminum and magnesium and other metals. The stone contains at least 25 elements of the periodic table. The crystal standard is a long, prismatic formation with pronounced edges and a triangular cross-section. There are also crystals with a needle-like and radial-ray structure. The stone does not have a predominant color and shade. Even a single crystal can have several different colors.

Physical properties of tourmaline stone

In addition to its gem value, tourmaline stone has useful properties, thanks to which the crystal has been used in industry for a long time. Let's consider the main physical properties of transparent crystals:

  • Pyroelectric. When heated, a crystal with regular faces begins to polarize, that is, a positive charge appears at one end, and a negative charge at the other. The mineral begins to attract dust and other small particles. By the way, this feature of the stone was first used to clean pipes from the remains of tobacco and soot. Long, untreated crystals were used for this purpose. The ability of a mineral to attract small particles is used today in the production of electronics.
  • Piezoelectric. This property is most often used in medicine for the production of negative ions, for example, in the production of health mattresses and other medical devices that can ionize the air. Transparent crystals are also used to measure pressure under water.

Tourmaline deposits

Modern methods of prospecting for minerals have made it possible to discover many deposits of tourmaline. In addition to the already mentioned Sri Lanka, crystals were also found in the Brazilian states of Bahia and Minas Gerais, on the island of Madagascar, in Mozambique, South Africa, in the USA, Canada, China and Afghanistan. On the territory of Russia, the well-known Ural deposits (Sarapulka, Shaitanka, Murzinka, Lipovka) have also been sufficiently depleted, so they are not of interest for industrial production. Decent reserves of minerals have been found at the Malkhanskoye deposit in Transbaikalia and on the Kola Peninsula.

The health benefits of tourmaline stone

The aforementioned physical properties of tourmaline stone definitely affect the physical condition of a person, having a healing effect:

  1. Infrared radiation. Being a natural source of infrared rays, crystals are able to influence the deep tissues of the body, contributing to the regeneration and resumption of the normal functioning of cells in the corresponding area of ​​the body;
  2. Warming effect. Usually for this purpose the crystals are crushed and evenly fixed on natural fibers. Natural heaters are obtained, which can be used to treat painful joints, back, limbs. Tourmaline-filled belts and knee pads are very popular in many countries;
  3. Air ionization. The ability of a stone to polarize from any heat source, and therefore ionize the air, has long been used in medicine. Negative ions have a beneficial effect on the healing process of a person after an illness or operation;
  4. Promote the production of bone cells - osteoblasts. A belt containing particles of crushed mineral has a beneficial effect on the condition of a person suffering from osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernias and other similar diseases.

Esoteric and tourmaline crystals

There are some mystical properties of tourmaline stone, which definitely affect human life:

  • It is recommended to wear rings or other jewelry with crystal for creative people in times of crisis and lack of inspiration. It is believed that the stone is able to awaken or activate a person's creativity;
  • In Holland, gems were often used for young children who did not sleep well at night. For this, a stone was placed under a pillow or wrapped in silk cloth and applied to a child's cheek;
  • Crystals and jewelry made from it are credited with the ability to strengthen family love and marriage, to promote the birth of healthy children;
  • Tourmalines are able to cleanse the human aura. Crystal jewelry gives the wearer confidence in life, streamlines thoughts and increases immunity.

Talismans and amulets from tourmaline

Often, the magical properties of tourmaline stone are used as a protective barrier against all sorts of troubles. Each color of the mineral bears protection from a specific source of negativity, or, conversely, brings positiveness in a specific area of ​​life.

For example, amulets with Siberian, which has a dark red color, are recommended for people who have a love relationship with the opposite sex in the first place.

Talismans with lilac stones are intended for overly emotional people. Apirite prevents emotional breakdowns.

Amulets with indigolite are worn by sages and philosophers, since the blue mineral is credited with the property of developing in a person a craving for knowledge of the unknown.

Active people who adore life in any of its manifestations are credited with multi-colored crystals. Such decorations help to see vivid colors even in gray everyday life, and life becomes brighter and easier.

Naturally, stones are not able to completely change a person, they only enhance his basic inclinations and allow him to improve in a certain area of ​​life.

Popular Tourmaline Colors

Among the many different colors found in tourmalines, the most popular are green, black, pink and blue crystals.

Green tourmaline

Green tourmaline is one of the most popular in terms of gem value, as it resembles emerald in appearance. Another name for this type of crystal is Brazilian emerald. The green mineral is found in many deposits, but at each deposit the saturation of the crystal in green will be different. Green tourmaline has a beneficial effect on the heart chakra. The crystal eliminates physical heart problems and restores joy and harmony in life.

Pink tourmaline used to be so popular that every European monarch wanted crystals of this color on their crown. Perhaps this popularity was due to the fact that (another name) was mistaken for rubies. The color and saturation of the stone depends on the amount of manganese present in the crystal. Pink tourmaline is mined in Madagascar, the USA (California), Russia (Transbaikalia) and Brazil, where, by the way, the largest specimens are mined, reaching a length of 40 cm.

One of the most interesting rubellites is Caesar's Ruby, a piece of jewelry in the shape of a bunch of grapes stored in the Diamond Fund of Russia. In the 18th century, the piece, weighing 240 carats, was donated to Catherine II by the Swedish king. Legend has it that the jewelry was originally given by Cleopatra to Caesar. For centuries and endless wars, this stone traveled from one state to another until it was presented to the Russian empress. All this time, it was mistakenly believed that the famous "bunch of grapes" was made of ruby, and only in our days it was established that this decoration is rubellite.

Black tourmaline (sherl) owes its color to the presence of iron in the chemical composition. Sherl was considered a stone that every sorcerer or witch should possess to protect against the possible negative influence of other sorcerers. Jewelry with black tourmaline creates a protective field that protects the wearer from the influence of extraneous negative energy. Esotericists recommend wearing black tourmaline for people who suffer from extreme jealousy, hatred and other negative feelings. To remove bad energy from a person, esotericists recommend twisting a black tourmaline crystal over a sore spot. You need to rotate the Sherl counterclockwise.

Blue tourmaline, which is better known among specialists as indigolite, is a rather rare and, accordingly, expensive gem. For a certain external similarity, indigolite is also called Siberian, Brazilian or oriental. Standard Blue Tourmaline is a well-formed columnar crystal with deep shading parallel to the main axis of the prism. The admixture of ferrous and ferric iron gives the crystal a blue color, which often has a greenish tint. By the way, jewelers easily convert indigolites into green tourmalines by heat treatment of the crystal.

Jewelry with a blue stone should be worn by people who especially value home comfort, strong marriage, peace and quiet.

How to distinguish natural tourmaline from a fake

To distinguish a stone from a fake, it is enough to remember the basic physical qualities of a crystal:

  • Hardness;
  • Resistance to physical impact;
  • The ability to become electrified when heated;
  • Inhomogeneity of color.

Beating or scratching jewelry for inspection purposes is unlikely to be allowed in the store. It remains to check the ability of the mineral to electrify. It is enough to heat the jewelry in your hands or rub it a little, and then test it on small scraps of paper. If the pieces are attracted, then most likely this is a real stone.

Since tourmalines most often have a non-uniform color, jewelry with a perfect one-color stone should alert you. The color transition in a real crystal should be gradual, not abrupt. In nature, green and black tourmalines are most often found, therefore stones of any other colors and shades are more often forged.

The creation of artificial tourmaline is not particularly difficult for today's industry, however, the high cost of the final result and low profitability reduce interest in this type of activity.

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Tourmaline is a precious stone known to man for a long time. It has an extraordinary color. According to an ancient Egyptian legend, the stone, traveling from the Sun to the Earth, has absorbed all the colorful splendor of the rainbow. The beauty of the stone was admired even in the ancient world. At that time, red tourmalines were especially prized.

Tourmaline has also been used in oriental jewelry. It was mined in India, Sri Lanka, Burma. In Europe, the first mention of tourmaline dates back to 1703, when Dutch sailors brought many unusual and colorful stones from Ceylon.

In 1707, the mineralogist Harmann described the properties of the crystal, and the stone got its name from the Sinhalese word - "turemali", which means "precious stone" or "multicolored".

However, it turned out that the Europeans were initially interested not in the beauty of the unusual stone, but in its interesting property. When the crystals of the mineral, which were in the form of long sticks, were heated, they began to attract the tobacco ash from the smoking pipe. Now this property is called the pyroelectric effect (the appearance of electric charges on the surface of crystals when exposed to temperature). Ancient philosophers wrote about this phenomenon in their works, and at the beginning of the 18th century, tourmaline was called the "Ceylon magnet".

There are beautiful gems on Earth, which jewelers, of course, know about, but for them there was no one who would have promoted them on the world jewelry market. Tourmaline had a different fate, it turned out to be a popular stone, and it was promoted by none other than the most famous master -. He loved a beautiful stone called tourmaline and often used it in jewelry.

Sometimes amazing and interesting stories happen in our life, there are, of course, sad and even tragic ones. So it is in the life of stones. So, the history of tourmaline also has interesting pages.

In the Diamond Fund of Russia there is such a famous tourmaline stone, which during its long life was called "Caesar's ruby", aka "Red Stone", aka "Big Ruby". This unique stone of pinkish-crimson color in the shape of a bunch of grapes, weighing 255.75 carats, measuring 4x2.7x2.3 cm. In 1777 it was presented by the Swedish king Gustav III to Empress Catherine II as a sign of the forthcoming friendship between Sweden and Russia.

An amazing story is told about this stone. According to legend, a beautiful gem had the gift of seeing through walls and penetrating into the essence of things. The stone was presented to Caesar by Cleopatra. However, the gem could not save Caesar, he died from the betrayal of a friend. Then the red stone fell into the hands of Charlemagne and "helped" him to create a huge empire in Western Europe.

Time passed, and passed into the hands of the Templars, and then to the Jesuits, who presented it to the French king Charles IX. After the death of the king, his widow gave the stone to her brother, the King of Bohemia, Rudolph II. And finally, in 1648, the stone ended up in the hands of the Swedes as a trophy of war.

The stone all this time, traveling from one country to another, from one king to another, lived under the name of a red ruby, sometimes it was considered a spinel. And only in the twentieth century, academician A.E. Fersman established that this famous stone is actually tourmaline (rubellite from Burma), moreover, the academician specified that the stone was processed by Indian jewelers.

Another tourmaline story. The stone in the crown of Anna Ioannovna is a large red tourmaline weighing 500 carats. However, at first he visited the crown of Catherine I at a time when, by decree of Tsar Peter I, the coronation ceremony was introduced instead of the wedding ceremony. And in 1724 a crown was made for Catherine I, which was decorated with this particular tourmaline, it was then called the Chinese ruby, since it was bought by the Russian embassy in Beijing.

And this is not the only tourmaline that ended up in the crown of our kings and emperors. Church regalia was also decorated with tourmalines in Russia, and this can be confirmed by the exhibits of the Armory Chamber of the Moscow Kremlin. Many unique masterpieces of Russian jewelers were carried away by the hurricanes of revolutions and wars, but still some of them survived.

Since the discovery of a deposit of tourmalines in the Urals, they began to be used in jewelry. Russian craftsmen loved tourmaline, they often cut raspberries, bunches of grapes and currants from a gem, and decorated boxes and vases with them.

Tourmaline stone properties

Tourmaline in its chemical composition belongs to the silicate of aluminum, boron, magnesium, sodium, iron with various impurities. There are sometimes more than 20 elements in the composition of tourmaline. It is this figure that explains such a number of color shades (more than 50). No other mineral has a similar composition and properties. Each shade has its own name and is interesting in its own way.

Let's consider some of them ...

Achroite- an almost colorless mineral with bluish or pale green shades.

Verdelite- a green stone, its shades can be from grassy to dark green.

Dravit- a dark brown stone, found on the Drava River in Austria, little used in jewelry.

Indigolite- blue tourmaline. The shades of this stone are also different - from pale blue to bright blue. In jewelry, it is used as an imitation of sapphire.

Paraiba- amazing bright colors: emerald green, blue-violet, turquoise, sky blue, indigo. The stones were found in Brazil in the state of Paraiba. These gems are considered the benchmark for brightness and color saturation. They have the highest value of all tourmalines, and sometimes exceed the value of diamonds.

Rubellite- tourmaline of pink-crimson color with many shades, which depend on the amount of manganese impurity.

Sibirit Is a dark cherry tourmaline found in Siberia.

Schorl Is an opaque, almost black mineral.

Chameleonite- in daylight it is an olive green tourmaline, and in artificial light it is brownish red.

There are tourmalines called polychrome (multicolor). Their crystals are painted in two, three or more colors, which transform into one another. Among them there is a tourmaline called watermelon. This is an amazing stone that resembles a slice of watermelon (skibochka) in cut. No matter how many types of tourmalines there are, each of them is worthy of a separate story.

Crystals have a prismatic shape, sometimes reaching up to 40cm. The gem has the property of dichroism, especially its green and brown varieties. Crystals have different shades from a certain angle of view. This property is always taken into account by jewelers and is used so that the stone in the setting under the rays of light plays and shimmers with all colors.

Tourmaline deposits

Tourmaline is mined in many places, deposits are known in Burma, India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Afghanistan, Greenland, Germany, Norway, USA, the largest stones are in Brazil, and in Russia tourmaline is mined in the Urals and Siberia, moreover, of all shades ...

Tourmaline - medicinal and magical properties

Since ancient times, people have endowed tourmalines with healing and magical properties, and therefore have always used them as talismans and amulets. Lithotherapists now claim that tourmalines have a positive effect on the endocrine and nervous systems, dispel fears, and concentrate attention.

And one more unique property that is attributed to tourmaline is that it is a powerful remedy for cancer. Here you can believe and not believe, but the fact is that each stone in its composition contains certain elements capable of many miracles.

Research suggests tourmalines may be indicators of radioactivity. As already mentioned, there are more than 20 elements in the mineral, and each of them has its own properties and has a certain effect on the owner of the stone. Therefore, it is believed that tourmaline is a universal healer; it seems to surround a person with its protective field. The gem has a beneficial effect on human health, creates a sense of peace and security, helps with liver and circulatory system diseases.

As for the magical properties, it is assumed that the influence of the stone on a person, depending on the color of the crystal. For example, red tourmalines give tremendous erotic energy (astrologers' statement), green ones awaken creative forces and contribute to a cheerful mood.

In addition to all the above-mentioned abilities of the stone, it also has anti-aging properties, especially for green tourmalines. Blue tourmaline promotes good healthy sleep, black tourmaline absorbs negative energy and neutralizes negative emotions. Colorless stones create mental and physical balance, multi-colored stones help to look to the future with optimism.

Tourmalines are good in both gold and silver. Astrologers recommend wearing them in pendants and rings on the index finger of the right hand or on the middle finger of the left hand.

Tourmaline stones in jewelry

Tourmalines are superior to all other gems in terms of the variety of colors, and therefore are appreciated by jewelers. Since the crystal is to some extent soft, it is used less often for rings. But as pendants, earrings and brooches, its beauty is perfect.

Tourmalines are cut with brilliant cut at the top and stepped at the bottom. For earrings, a teardrop shape is used. If the stones have a fibrous structure, they can reveal the "cat's eye" effect. In any case, the crystal is cut in such a way as to reveal its maximum beauty, play of color, play of light, depth and saturation of shades. Tourmalines can be classified as ornamental stones and precious, it all depends on the color and transparency.

The most valuable are transparent tourmalines of green, blue and crimson-red colors, as well as polychrome ones. There are very expensive stones - more than $ 5,000 per carat, there are tens of thousands of dollars, for example, paraiba tourmalines. But there are those that have a very low price.

There are no artificial tourmalines, there are successful glass imitations. Refined tourmalines are sometimes used in products. They are obtained by heating to 400 - 650 ° С, red-brown ones become pink, and dark greens - an emerald hue.

They say that they are suitable for those born under the sign of Scorpio, Cancer, Sagittarius. But the tourmaline stone is so beautiful that it is impossible to refuse it, regardless of the sign of the zodiac.

Tourmaline is a stone known since ancient times and has found its application in many areas of human life. What is tourmaline? This is the name of the minerals belonging to the group of boron-containing aluminosilicates. Its name is of Senegalese roots, and translated into Russian this word means "multi-colored magic stone." According to another version, the translation sounds like “attracting ash”. This name explains the physical properties.

Tourmaline and its properties have been known for a long time. There are many legends about the history of the discovery. One of them says that the gods of Egypt, flying from the center of the Earth to the Sun, flying through the rainbow, collected all its shades. These shades have absorbed the stones. The island of Sri Lanka is considered the birthplace of this stone; later it began to be mined in Brazil, some African countries, Burma, Thailand, the USA and Canada. Russia also has deposits in the Urals and Transbaikalia.

Physicochemistry of stone

The chemical composition is very complex and contains many substances: aluminum, boron and silicon are the main elements. As a supplement, components such as sodium, lithium, iron, magnesium, calcium, chromium, manganese, vanadium are involved. The changeable composition of the gem largely determines the properties and, of course, the color. In nature, there is an incredible amount of color shades and their combinations in these unique minerals.

The crystalline substance in the composition of the mineral is a convex trihedral prism. Tourmaline crystals can have several colored zones; these are polychrome minerals, which are among the most valuable. In nature, a tourmaline crystal is a long prism with longitudinal lines on its surface.

Another interesting characteristic of the stone is the manifestation of piezoelectricity. That is, the tourmaline crystal is electrified upon physical impact. One end of the crystal is positively charged, the other, respectively, negative. Due to this property, tourmaline is used in medicine quite often. It is used in various medical devices. In terms of physical properties, it is similar to quartz. The hardness of tourmaline as a mineral is comparable to that of quartz and reaches 7.5 points on the Mohs scale. Therefore, the stone is quite easy to cut.

However, its density is much higher than that of quartz.

Gem varieties

Depending on the transparency and color, the stones are semi-precious and semi-precious. Tourmaline is a stone, the properties and values ​​of which differ depending on the chemical composition. In total, there are more than 500 species in the world.

  1. Black tourmaline with a predominance of iron in the composition is called sherl.
  2. Green tourmaline - verdelite. The high content of chromium and iron helps to color these stones green.
  3. Dravit is a gem with magnesium content. It can be represented by several colors. Yellow tourmaline is known as Dravite. In addition to it, there are many more shades of Dravite. It may be brown in color. In addition, there is a beautiful and warm shade of Dravite in nature - brown tourmaline.
  4. Indigolites are stones of incredible blue shades. They are quite rare in nature and are highly prized. Blue tourmaline owes its incredible hue to the presence of iron compounds in its composition.
  5. Achroite is a very valuable mineral. The crystals of this tourmaline are colorless.
  6. Watermelon tourmaline is a unique type of gem. It is one of the varieties of a very valuable type of stone such as polychrome tourmaline. It got its name for its external resemblance to a slice of watermelon. The background is white with bright red and green bunches. Thanks to this color, watermelon tourmaline looks very expressive in jewelry.
  7. Paraiba tourmaline is deservedly considered the cleanest and most beautiful view. It has a unique blue neon glow. This variety is mined in Brazil. Today, such a mineral is considered one of the most beautiful precious stones. Blue tourmaline, noble and crystal clear with its radiance, can often be confused with sapphire.
  8. Quite widespread and in demand in the manufacture of jewelry are stones of red and pink shades, they are called tourmalines-rubellites. There are many shades of this type of gem. Raspberry, red, purple and delicate pink tourmaline is found in nature.

These are just the main varieties of the mineral. There are many subspecies. For example, Siberite is a cherry-red tourmaline, so named because it is mined in Siberia. However, this is another kind of rubellite, that is, pink tourmaline. Burmese tourmaline is multifaceted with reflections of garnet and dark red shades. Such a gem is brought from Burma, where it is mined.

The use of the stone in medicine

The healing properties of tourmaline have long been used in various fields of medicine. The main property used is the ability to ionize the air. It was found that tourmaline stone exhibits healing properties depending on its color. Green tourmaline is designed to strengthen the immune system and rejuvenate the body as a whole. Pink tourmaline improves blood circulation and has a beneficial effect on the sexual function of a person who possesses this gem. And watermelon tourmaline combines the qualities of green and pink stones.

Indigolites improve vision, relieve headaches and stress. Paraiba tourmaline is aimed at improving the emotional state, brings harmony and inner peace to its wearer. It is generally accepted that black tourmaline is a remedy for the prevention of colds. In addition, Sherl attracts positive energy.

Some sources report that black tourmaline has cancer-fighting properties.

In general, no matter what type of crystal it belongs to, due to its piezoelectric properties, it emits infrared rays that dilate the blood vessels. Thanks to this phenomenon in the human body, the metabolism is accelerated, the work of cells and the cleansing process is activated. It should not be forgotten that there are contraindications for tourmaline in medicine too. Indeed, in the unique properties of the stone lies not only benefit, but also harm. It is not recommended to use tourmaline if the properties of the stone are aimed at ionizing oxygen, as well as for people with bleeding, thyroid diseases, using pacemakers, pregnant and lactating women.

It is important to understand that stones can only contribute to one degree or another to cure illness or improve well-being, but you should not completely rely on the properties of these minerals. The main treatment can only be prescribed by a qualified medical specialist.

Magic stone

The magic of the gem is a familiar and well-known aspect of its history. Tourmaline also reveals its magical properties depending on the color of the stone. The most powerful magical attribute was considered to be black tourmaline in gold decoration. It was believed that just such an amulet was worn by witches and sorcerers. The magical properties of black tourmaline have been used since ancient times to open the gift of clairvoyance and the way to the secrets of the other world. In addition, black tourmaline repels negative energy from its owner, protects from the evil eye and curses, and attracts and absorbs positive energy.

The magical properties of blue tourmaline are aimed at finding calmness and balance, helping to find harmony with the outside world. Brown tourmaline gives the owner confidence, helps to find harmony in the family. Suitable for creative people. Rubellites are a symbol of love and family happiness. Paraiba tourmaline affects its wearer on a spiritual level, restores mental balance, helps to gain faith in one's own strengths, relieve stress. Watermelon tourmaline is a powerful charm in love.

By activating the heart chakra, it awakens feelings of love and friendship in its owners, teaches patience and understanding.

Whatever shade the selected gem is, its action will be aimed at getting rid of fears, gaining self-confidence, harmony with the outside world. Of those who are most suitable for this stone according to the horoscope, we can single out:

  • Capricorn;
  • Leo;
  • Scales;
  • Sagittarius.

If the owner of the gem has the zodiac sign of Scorpio and Aquarius, then, most likely, such a talisman will not be useful. He will only increase the instability of character inherent in these signs. The mineral is more suitable for people with a strong character, firmly on their feet, confident in themselves. It helps not only to develop all these qualities in a person, but also to smooth out negative character traits, such as selfishness, cruelty, irascibility, and also helps to clarify consciousness and find the right solution.

The value of the stone

Tourmaline prices can vary widely. The stone can be ornamental, semi-precious or precious. It depends on the degree of transparency, purity of the stone and its shade. In jewelry, transparent stones of green, red, blue shades are highly valued. Polychrome gems are usually made in the form of cabochons. Jewelry with these gems is very popular.

The beauty of the stone, its quality, high hardness, and affordable price play an important role here.

The most expensive and popular is the Paraiba tourmaline, which is mined in the state of Paraiba in Brazil. The deposits of such a stone are almost depleted, which determines the high demand for it. In second place in demand among jewelers is green chrome tourmaline and rubellite. Sherl, or black tourmaline, is especially popular for men's jewelry. The price for this species is not too high.

In addition to being used in the jewelry industry, gems are prized for many of their unique physical and chemical properties. It is the only mineral with its own electric field. The phenomenon of polarization of light was first discovered on it. And due to the ability to emit negative ions, stones are widely used in medicine and radio engineering. They are used to create various devices aimed at improving the musculoskeletal function of a person, such as belts, knee pads. Negative ions are directed to maintain a favorable environment. To do this, create a variety of devices that ionize the air: lamps, mattresses, etc.

To date, a technology has been developed for the production of artificial gems. But this development is not used in full due to inexpediency. As it turned out, it is cheaper to mine stones than to reproduce them synthetically. Synthetic stone is expensive at cost, and it is difficult to distinguish it from natural without the participation of specialists. Rough counterfeits are more common - these are glass, cut and painted in the desired color, or plastic products. It is much easier to distinguish them from natural stone. In addition, the ability of the stone to become electrified is very different from other jewelry, and this can almost always help in detecting a counterfeit.

It happens much more often that one gem cannot be distinguished from another without the help of an expert opinion. Rubellites are often confused with rubies and amethysts, while sapphires are incredibly similar to paraiba. One of the most famous fake rubies is kept in the Diamond Fund of Russia under the name "Caesar's Ruby". It was presented to Empress Catherine II by the Swedish king in 1777. Another famous stone is kept in New York at the American Museum of Natural History and is called the "Jolly Green Giant". In the crown of the dynasty of kings of Bohemia, an incredibly large red ruby ​​flaunted for many centuries. Many years later, after an examination, it turned out that this was not a ruby ​​at all, but the most beautiful rubellite.

The term "tourmaline" refers to a whole family of stones that have the same crystal structure, but different colors, and therefore different names, magical properties and metaphysical meaning.

Red or pink - rubellite. The most expensive variant of this type of mineral.

Blue is indigolite. It is naturally dark in color. However, it is often heated to make the stone lighter. This makes it attractive.

Brown - Dravite. It is also often lightened.

Colorless - archroite. It is extremely rare in nature. Obtained artificially by heating the pink mineral.

Watermelon tourmaline - pink in the center and green around the edges. Sometimes the color distribution is reversed. The photo of an unprocessed version of this mineral is not impressive, but in the processed form the pebble looks very appetizing.

Black - wool. The most common option.

Yellow and yellow-green. It has no separate name.

Green - verdelite. Very similar to, with which it is often confused.

Sherl is endowed with the power of the Earth. It removes negative energies from the human body through the legs, transferring them to the Earth.

Protects the etheric subtle body and helps to improve the flow of energies along the meridians of the physical body. Of all the types of tourmaline, it is considered the most powerful amulet.

Who is the tourmaline stone of different colors suitable for?

  1. A crystal of this type of any color is suitable for all those born under the zodiac sign of Libra.
  2. Children, especially those who are hyperactive. And also to those who are called "indigo".
  3. Patients with cardiovascular and pulmonary ailments. Those who often suffer from back pain and headache, neuralgia.
  4. People with certain mental illnesses, such as dyslexia.
  5. To all those who have ossified grievances in their souls, or vice versa, gnaw at themselves for what they once did. It helps very well those who were embittered in action. Heals the inner sick child.
  6. Those who do not know how to love themselves, others, or the world around them.
  7. Suitable for representatives of professions who work with people: doctors, teachers, psychologists. The stone helps to more clearly feel the other person, but at the same time does not take on his energy, which can often be negative.
Pink rubellite shown to adolescents during puberty. And for pregnant women who do not want to give birth. First of all, teenage girls who accidentally flew in. Gives them strength and courage to come to terms with their position. Indigolite is necessary for people who want to develop paranormal and healing abilities in themselves, to open the third eye. Sherl is suitable for people in dire need of protecting their aura from foreign influences. It can be an ordinary stay in an office surrounded by unfriendly colleagues, and targeted work with people who convey their negative energy. For example, healing activities.

Features of the green crystal of Verdelite

Green tourmaline is a masculine stone. Women with this mineral need to be extremely careful.

Suitable for the following representatives of the strong half of humanity.

  1. It is necessary for all those who want to start something new in life: open a business, change jobs, write a book, etc.
  2. Helps people with material problems who do not want to sit back and wait for a bag of money to fall on their heads, but want to succeed in life on their own.
  3. It is the stone of gardeners and herbalists.
  4. Effective for athletes and all those who are engaged in hard physical labor, because it is considered a mineral of endurance and strength.
  5. Green tourmaline is useful for people with constant fears and phobias. And also for those who suffer from insomnia and increased nervous excitability. Including hyperactive children and adolescents.
  6. Shown to indecisive and timid people, those who cannot learn to make independent decisions.

How does it affect women?

It is not recommended for the weaker sex to constantly wear green tourmaline. Since under the influence of this mineral, they can become muzhik.

However, occasionally, at certain moments in life, when a lady must show all her strength and determination, verdelite is useful. It is also good for athletes.

In addition, it is correct to use it for those women who chronically suffer from a lack of male energy. And therefore, he allows himself to be pushed around, is a completely dependent person who does not know how to say "no".

Green tourmaline is indicated for women who:

  • cannot assert themselves;
  • are constantly exposed to violence, for example, sexual violence, including from their husband;
  • easily fall under the influence of manipulators;
  • is sexually attracted to members of the same gender and wants to get rid of it.

How to use it correctly?

In order for tourmaline to reveal all its magical properties and healing properties, it is worn as an ordinary adornment located in the area of ​​the heart chakra. Therefore, the most successful jewelry with this mineral are beads, necklaces, pendants and brooches. But rings and earrings, popular among jewelers, are by no means the best way to use this type of crystal.

Beads made of one rubellite cannot be worn every day. Their influence may be too strong. The best jewelry options in this case are beads, which are composed of pink or red tourmaline and other minerals.

Stones such as morganite, kunzite, rhodonite, rhodochrosite, malachite, dioptase are excellent.

As for the use of a green crystal, then the rules are as follows.

Men must wear it daily. But not all the time. It is best either during the day or at night.

Initially, the stone can cause too strong a reaction in the body, leading to headaches and irritability. In this case, wearing it should be started from several hours a day, gradually increasing this time to 12 or more hours.

Women can only wear jewelery with a stone for a short period of time. For example, for a fitness workout. And not every day. And the differences to the occasion.

The daily wearing of green tourmaline is shown only to those ladies who are severely suffering from a lack of male energy. But even they can only wear a stone for a few hours a day.

If a woman senses signs of an "overdose" of green tourmaline, for example, she has noticed that she has become aggressive, overly irritable, and harsh, an adornment with pink tourmaline can neutralize the excessive influence of verdelite.

However, rubellite and verdelite should never be worn at the same time.

Other methods of application


Pick up the stone or place it on the heart chakra area.

Imagine a soft light emanating from the mineral and enveloping your entire body.

The most commonly practiced meditation is with sherl. This makes it possible to quickly and safely clear the aura.

Meditation with pink tourmaline is used to restore a sense of the integrity and significance of one's being, to enhance the feeling of universal love.

With green - for the growth of spirituality.

With blue - to enhance paranormal abilities and intuition.

Feng Shui application

The magical properties of tourmalines of different colors are associated with different primary elements and elements, therefore, according to Feng Shui, they are used in different ways.

Rubellite is placed in the southern part of the house, apartment, room. The stone is designed to improve the family's reputation in society and help its members move up the career ladder.

Verdelite is associated with the primary element Wood. That is why it is endowed with the energy of growth, fertility, physical development. That is why it is good to place the mineral in the children's room, as well as in the dining area. It is best to place the stone in the east or southeast of the room.

Indigolite and Sherl are stones of pacification, good sleep and tranquility. Therefore, they are usually located in the bedroom, in the relaxation and meditation areas. Often placed on the bedside table. It is best if the location of the blue or black mineral in the room is located on the north side.

How to clean and charge?

Place under running water 2-3 times a week. This will make it possible to wash away negative energy from the mineral.

It is best to wash the crystal in natural running water. But if this is not possible, then you can use the water flowing from the tap.

After the tourmaline has been washed, it must be charged. Usually, for this, they simply take it in hand and try to transfer their energy to the stone.

Can also be charged in moonlight.

Solar radiation also works well. However, it is not shown to all stones.

Pink, blue, green and red stones should not be charged in direct sunlight. Although this procedure is beneficial for the energy health of the mineral, it harms its appearance - it discolors.

But dark indigolite and sherl can be charged in sunlight.
In general, tourmaline can be cleaned and charged like most other crystals used for magical purposes.

A little about the watermelon mineral

This type of stone carries both the energy of green male verdelite and pink female rubellite. And it is this mix that determines the properties of the crystal.

Like pink tourmaline, watermelon is a love stone. It also softens the heart and makes it more tender. But not as strong as rubellite.

At the same time, the watermelon stone gives physical strength, endurance and the ability to move forward through life. But he also does it not as persistently as verdelit.


This beautiful gem boasts numerous healing and magical properties. Interestingly, Japanese scientists have learned to incorporate the mineral into fabric, resulting in clothing that has a beneficial effect on human health and appearance. The properties and meanings of tourmaline stone are described below.

Tourmaline is a group of minerals that are similar in composition and structure. It is also called "electric mineral". Such stones, depending on their type, can be jewelry, technical or decorative. The highest value is given to transparent minerals with a blue, red or green tint.


More than a century ago, scientists discovered that tourmaline stone has numerous healing properties. Minerals are turned into powder, from which underwear, belts, and bandages are made. Their constant wearing generally heals and rejuvenates the body, and, in addition, relieves a person of insomnia, helps to fight osteochondrosis and prostatitis.

In addition, tourmaline is capable of:

  • improve digestion;
  • accelerate the process of oxygen delivery to cells;
  • normalize blood pressure, sugar levels and improve all indicators related to blood;
  • maintain a normal body temperature;
  • relieve severe pain.


We must not forget about the magical properties of the stone under discussion. It is very popular with exotericists. It is believed that tourmaline is able to make a person more self-confident in a short time, protect from the evil eye and all kinds of troubles.

If a man or woman cannot find their place in life, show talents and find a solution to the problem, then for help it is also worth turning to this beautiful mineral. He is able to help a person to constantly be in a good mood and in the right place to reveal their own creative abilities.

Tourmaline colors and varieties

Various colors and types of tourmaline are found in nature. They all differ in properties and purpose. Its value also depends on the shade of the mineral.


This color of the mineral is explained by the large amount of iron in its composition. This type of stone is especially appreciated by psychics and magicians. They note that this type of mineral protects its owner from stress and helps him to always stay in high spirits. In addition, it creates a field of energy around a person that is not penetrated by either electromagnetic (or any other physical) or mental impact. This means that black tourmaline can be considered a powerful protector against damage and the evil eye.


The beautiful green tourmaline is called the “healing stone”. It improves the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. It is also believed that this kind of "emerald" (with which it is often confused) reveals creativity in the owner, restores inner harmony and sound sleep.

Tourmaline Paraiba

It is Paraiba tourmaline that is the most expensive type of the discussed mineral. Deposits of stone are located in the town of the same name in Brazil. The Paraiba tourmaline is constantly hunted by collectors. He is not only amazingly beautiful, but also helps a person to establish an internal conversation with himself and look into the subconscious.


Delicate pink tourmaline is considered a love magnet. It allows a person to fall in love with himself or cause similar feelings to his own person among others. This type of mineral drives away negative emotions from its owner, heals ailments of the skin and lungs.


The name of this variety of tourmaline did not appear for a reason. The stone really looks like a watermelon slice. This also applies to the structure of the mineral, and the combination of colors - green, red and white. Watermelon tourmaline will give its owner clarity of thoughts, allow him to better understand others and make plans more competently. The mineral has a positive effect on the functioning of the entire nervous system.

Mineral amulets and talismans

In addition to clothes, belts and underwear, which were mentioned above, a variety of jewelry is also made from tourmaline. Valuable beads and bracelets with this mineral are especially popular. Modern jewelers give the stones a cut, and skillfully combine them with various precious metals. On sale you can find items made of silver, platinum, gold with tourmaline inserts.

Tourmaline rings and pendants of various designs are also very popular among buyers. Earrings with the discussed mineral can also be found on sale. All of these decorations are used as amulets and talismans. Sometimes just raw stones are used. A person constantly carries the selected mineral with him or places it in the workplace. By the way, it is believed that such a neighborhood with a TV or computer monitor reduces their harmful effects on children and adults.

Large talismans and tourmaline souvenirs, for example, in the form of boxes, are not popular. This is easily explained by their exorbitant cost. After all, tourmaline falls into the category of very expensive minerals. For example, hunters for the Paraiba mineral are willing to pay about $ 6,000 for 1 carat. The more transparent and purer the stone, the higher its cost.

To check the authenticity of a mineral, you just need to rub it and bring paper scraps. The latter should immediately stick to the stone. Plus, the surface of genuine tourmaline is easy to scratch.

Which zodiac sign is suitable?

If a decision is made to purchase such a mineral as a gift, then it is important to figure out who the tourmaline is suitable for. After all, such a stone will not be able to "make friends" with every person.

Astrologers point out that tourmaline will bring the most benefits to Libra. After all, the features of its representatives are dreaminess and uncertainty. Having the discussed mineral, a person will be able to become more mundane and look at the world more real. A stone is also suitable for Gemini, Cancer, Pisces, Virgo and Capricorn. But it is strictly forbidden to use products with such a mineral for Scorpions.

It is believed that the chosen stone should be suitable not only for the sign of the zodiac, but also for the nature and nature of a person's activity. It is important to correctly determine the color of the mineral. So the red stone will help a man or woman find lost inspiration and arm themselves with new interesting ideas. He also prevents conflicts between lovers, and generally improves relations in a couple. Best of all, the red mineral is suitable for representatives of fire signs.

Green tourmaline brings calmness. It is recommended to hand it to people who are periodically aggressive and unable to cope with their emotions. But for finding inner harmony, a blue stone is ideal. It should be worn by representatives of the water signs of the zodiac and preferably in a silver frame.

Black tourmaline "gets along well" with earth signs. For their representatives, the dark stone will help cope with bad moods and even depression. In addition, he is able to endow a person with magical abilities, protect against troubles and troubles.