Three beautiful brides: Diana, Catherine and Megan in wedding dresses. Princess Diana's wedding dress disaster Princess Diana's sister's speech at Harry's wedding

This is a clearly planned event that is rehearsed for several months. But even in this case, things may not go according to plan. ELLE - about the main troubles that happened at royal weddings.

Prince William and Kate Middleton

In an interview for the film “Elizabeth: Queen, Wife and Mother,” Prince William admitted that he only slept for half an hour the night before his wedding to Kate Middleton. “People gathered in front of Clarence House and rejoiced at the upcoming event all night. As a result, their joyful excitement and songs, coupled with my excitement, led to me sleeping for less than an hour,” said William. Despite this, the prince was able to cope with his nerves and behaved with dignity throughout the ceremony.

At the parade after the wedding, one of the horses got scared of the crowd, threw off its rider and rushed past the newlyweds. Fortunately, no one was hurt and the newlyweds reached Buckingham Palace safe and sound.

The most memorable shot from the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton was the photo of them kissing on the balcony of Buckingham Palace. The fact is that the lens caught William’s little goddaughter, who stood almost the entire time with a dissatisfied expression on her face and covered her ears with her hands.

Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip

The parents of the then Princess Elizabeth allowed her to wear the Fringe Tiara, which was made for Queen Mary in 1919, to her wedding. On her wedding day, when Elizabeth was getting her hair done, the tiara cracked. However, the jewelers were quickly able to correct the situation, and Elizabeth still appeared in front of her fiancé in that very tiara.

Princess Diana and Prince Charles

A lot went wrong at the wedding of Prince Charles and Princess Diana. At first, Charles mixed up the words of the oath and instead of the phrase “I promise to share with you everything that belongs to me,” he said “I promise to share with you everything that belongs to you.” Diana then named her fiancé Philip Charles rather than Charles Philip. After exchanging vows, Charles forgot to kiss his now wife. In addition, Lady Di had a terrible headache all day as she was not used to wearing a tiara, so in some photographs she looks drooping and tired. And when Diana rode in a carriage to St. Paul's Cathedral, her dress became very wrinkled, and neither the princess nor numerous assistants could straighten it out.

Princess Nathalie zu Sayn-Wittgenstein and Alexander Johannsmann of Denmark

July 29, 1981 lady Diana Spencer She finally became Princess Diana when she married Prince Charles. The couple's wedding ceremony is still considered a kind of model with which all other weddings taking place in the royal family are inevitably compared.

The common people of Great Britain cried with happiness, looking at the beautiful bride and the dashing, brave groom. No one even thought that marriage to Charles would turn into a complete nightmare for Diana.

As you know, Princess Diana was very suspicious. The beauty understood perfectly well that Charles did not really love her.

Trying in any way to become more attractive in the eyes of the groom, an aristocrat before the wedding tortured myself with diets. As a result, the beautiful dress had to be heavily re-sewn: the bride’s waist decreased by 10 centimeters!

Journalists sympathetic to the princess tend to expose her fiancé cold-blooded monster, without any doubt, destroyed the life of a fragile beauty. In fact, as you know, Charles didn’t really want a wedding with Lady Spencer either.

If it were his will, the prince would immediately marry Camilla. According to eyewitnesses, before the wedding day, Charles locked himself in his chambers and sobbed there all night...

Luxurious Wedding Dress Diana is still the envy of thousands of brides. Pearl trim, seven and a half meters long train, soft milky color - real beauty!

Few people know that Lady Di had a lot of problems with her dress on her wedding day. When the bride got out of the carriage in front of St. Paul's Cathedral, it suddenly became clear that her luxurious outfit was all wrinkled! The beauty's friends and assistants were able to rectify the situation with great difficulty.

In addition, in the haste of preparation for the wedding, Diana managed to spill her favorite perfume on her dress. If the folds of the crumpled outfit were still somehow smoothed out, then it was simply impossible to remove the stain.

Fortunately, the perfume spilled onto the hem, and during the ceremony the embarrassment was at least hidden from prying eyes. But all these adventures cost Diana considerable nerves..

Perhaps it was precisely because of the above-mentioned disturbances that Lady Di allowed serious mistake. The woman forgot in what order the numerous names of her betrothed were to be mentioned.

Therefore, Diana swore allegiance not to Charles Philip Arthur George, but to Philip Charles Arthur George. The wits later slandered: they say, the beauty took an oath to the groom’s father!

Let me note right away: Diana’s wedding consisted not only of annoying mistakes and unfortunate accidents. For example, a freedom-loving woman found time to reconsider the traditional marriage vow.

The part where we talk about " obedience to husband"Lady Di simply threw it away. Tellingly, Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle later followed her example.

And then the life of the obstinate princess was taken by a terrible accident, in which even now they are looking for traces of the intervention of the British royal family. But in people’s memory, the inimitable Queen of Hearts will forever remain young and beautiful!

More than 20 years have passed since Princess Diana died in a car accident, but new facts about her life continue to appear regularly in the press. In the InStyle review - all the most interesting and unexpected things about the “Queen of Hearts”.

1. She was the fourth of five children in the family

Princess Diana had two sisters, Sarah and Jane, and younger brother Charles. Another Spencer child, a boy named John, was born in January 1960 and died a few hours later.

2. Her parents divorced when she was 7 years old.

Diana's parents, Francis Shand Kydd and Earl John Spencer, separated in 1969.

3. Diana's grandmother served at court

Ruth Roche, Lady Fermoy, Princess Diana's maternal grandmother, was the Queen Mother's personal assistant and companion. They were very friendly, and Lady Fermoy often helped her in organizing holidays.

4. Diana grew up on Sandrigham Estate

Sandrigham House is located in Norfolk and belongs to the royal family. On its territory there is Park House, where Princess Diana's mother was born, and then Diana herself. The princess spent her childhood there.

5. Diana dreamed of becoming a ballerina

Diana studied ballet for a long time and wanted to become a professional dancer, but she was too tall for this (Diana’s height is 178 cm).

6. She worked as a nanny and teacher

Before meeting Prince Charles, Diana was a nanny. She later became a teacher in kindergarten. At that time, Diana received about five dollars an hour.

7. She was the first royal bride to have a paid job

And Kate Middleton is the first to have a higher education.

8. Prince Charles first dated her older sister

It was thanks to her sister Sarah that Diana met her future husband. “I introduced them, became their Cupid,” Sarah Spencer later said.

9. Prince Charles was a distant relative of Diana

Charles and Diana were each other's 16th cousins.

10. Before the wedding, Diana saw Prince Charles only 12 times

And he became the initiator of their wedding.

11. Her wedding dress broke all records

The ivory wedding dress created by designer duo David and Elizabeth Emmanuel made history. More than 10 thousand pearls were used to embroider the dress, and the train was almost 8 meters long. By the way, this is the longest train among all princess wedding dresses.

12. Diana deliberately left out part of her wedding vows

Instead of the traditional promise to “obey” her husband, Diana vowed only to “love him, comfort him, honor him and protect him, in sickness and in health.”

13. She was the first royal to give birth in hospital.

Before her, representatives of the royal family practiced only home births, so Prince William became the first future monarch to be born in a hospital.

14. She practiced parenting methods that were unconventional for royalty.

Princess Diana wanted her sons to live ordinary lives. “She made sure that William and Harry experienced everything: Diana took them to the cinema, made them stand in lines, bought food at McDonald's, rode roller coasters with them,” said Patrick Jephson, who worked with Diana in for six years.

15. She had many famous friends

Diana was friends with Elton John, George Michael, Tilda Swinton and Liza Minnelli.

16. ABBA was her favorite band

It is known that Diana was a big fan of the Swedish pop group ABBA. The Duchess of Cambridge and Prince William paid tribute to Diana by playing several ABBA songs at their 2011 wedding.

17. She had an affair with a bodyguard

Barry Mannaki was part of the royal security team, and in 1985 he became Princess Diana's personal bodyguard. After a year of service, he was removed due to his too close relationship with Diana. In 1987, he crashed on a motorcycle.

18. After the divorce, her title was taken away from her

Princess Diana has lost her title "Her Royal Highness". Prince Charles insisted on this, although Queen Elizabeth II was not against leaving Diana the title.

19. She invited Cindy Crawford to Kensington Palace

Diana invited supermodel Cindy Crawford to tea to please Prince Harry and Prince William, who were then teenagers. In 2017, on the anniversary of Diana's death, Cindy Crawford shared a throwback photo of the Princess of Wales on Instagram. “She asked if I could come and have tea with her the next time I was in London. I was nervous and didn't know what to wear. But when I walked into the room, we immediately started chatting as if she were a regular girl,” Crawford wrote.

20. She is buried on her family's island

Diana is buried at the Spencer family estate of Althorp in Northamptonshire. The estate has been in the Spencer family for over 500 years. The small island also houses a temple on the Oval Lake, where anyone can pay tribute to the princess.

Body language reading specialist Judy James looked at the wedding from a professional point of view. Comparing it with other weddings in the royal family, she explained why she considered this event very romantic, the site shares.

Royal wedding of Princess Diana and Prince Charles

Behind wedding ceremony this couple was watched by about 750 million people around the world. No one could even imagine how their union would end. Everyone was waiting for a strong and successful family life. It couldn't be any other way.

According to the expert, all circumstances pointed precisely to this. Charles' softening face as he looked at his wife, gentle touches testified to affectionate feelings. Then many British were sure that Charles chose an innocent and young girl because she won his heart. Diana's movements indicated that from a shy girl she had become a real princess. Lightness, grace and embarrassment as Charles kissed her hand.

This event was truly grandiose. More than 3,500 famous guests from all over the world came to London. It was billed as a fairytale wedding or the wedding of the century. This day was even declared a national holiday.

The wedding of Diana and Charles became the most expensive in British history and was, as they say, on a grand scale. Just look at the incredible, at that time, princess dress with an eight-meter train.

Having compared the wedding of Charles and Diana with the weddings of Kate Middleton and Prince William, as well as Meghan Markle and Prince Harry, the expert confidently claims that they are inferior to the former in romance. For example, Megan's body "spoke" of confidence and joy. Harry, with his entire appearance, showed excitement and anxiety from happiness. They balanced each other's feelings, but could not compete with the visual and tactile contact of Charles and Diana.

We remind you that the wedding of Prince Charles and Princess Diana took place on July 29, 1981. Charles and Diana had two sons - Princes William and Harry. After 11 years, the couple separated, and a few years later they officially divorced. Despite the body language reading expert's opinion, the wedding wasn't quite as romantic.

Princess Diana won the love and respect of her people. For this popularity in society, she acquired the unofficial title of "People's Princess."

Princess Diana's official wedding portrait, July 29, 1981, Buckingham Palace.

Strange choice

It was later that Diana would become a world style icon, and at the age of 19 her fashion preferences were, to put it mildly, far from ideal. And relying on your personal taste in creating a wedding dress was not the best idea.

Diana's acquaintance with the work of David and Elizabeth Emanuel took place after the engagement was announced. The royal court was seriously concerned about bringing her wardrobe into line with her new status. The young London couple were among those recommended to Diana by the editor of British Vogue. And the prince’s bride began by asking them to choose something for her for her first important appearance: at the beginning of March 1981, a gala dinner was organized in Golsmith Hall in honor of the Princess of Monaco.

Shortly before the event, a package arrived with outfits from the Emmanuels. Among them was a long black corset dress, decorated with ruffles. And with it - the same black shawl to cover her shoulders and chest on the street (and when getting out of the car, which Diana did not use very skillfully later).

Diana decided to make her first official joint appearance memorable

Never before have photographers been able to see the 19-year-old bride of Prince Charles so “undressed”

Diana and Prince Charles at an evening in honor of the Princess of Monaco, London

With Princess Grace of Monaco (center)

And it seems that the impression made inspired the future princess to continue her collaboration with Emanuels.

Unnecessary records

Designer David Emanuel shows samples from his couture collection, spring 1981

In at least one thing, Diana made the right decision with her choice of designers: they both understood perfectly well what she liked. “Since the ceremony was to take place in St. Paul's Cathedral, the dress had to fill the aisle and be quite impressive,” Elizabeth Emanuel later recalled. To this end, the designer drew a dozen sketches, and then the three of them discussed the styles, sitting right on the floor.

“We have raised all the archives royal weddings and found out that the record for the length of the plume is 20 feet. So we suggested to Diana that we make it five feet longer,” recalled David Emanuel. It's hard to say what really motivated the designers - the desire to make Nice dress, or they grabbed their chance to make history (if not with the innovative style, then with the size of the train and veil). It is also difficult to understand why a 19-year-old girl needed to become a world record holder in such a dubious competition as the length of the “tail” of a dress.

The 8-meter train of Diana's wedding dress is still considered a royal record holder. But perhaps, knowing his history, few people really want to break this record.

When walking, the train tried to gather towards the middle, turning into a natural “tail”

The blanket ran away...

According to the designers' recollections, it took them over 130 meters of fabric to create the 8-meter train. Since it was impossible to weave fabric of the required width (because the designers wanted to fill the entire space in the aisle between the rows of guests with a train), the “tail” of the dress had two longitudinal seams. The connecting seams were decorated with sewing, and the same and a second, larger sewing were placed around the perimeter of the train. The result was something that looked like a huge decorative bedspread that would look better on a bed than as part of a wedding dress. The bed association is not accidental: in order to learn how to wear a dress with such a “tail”, an analogue of a dozen sheets was sewn for the future princess - she rehearsed her wedding with it.

Fragment of the train of Diana's wedding dress

And the whole “tail” as a whole.

Rumpled Bride

It was customary to retouch photographs from the wedding of Diana and Charles - precisely because of the considerable wrinkles in the bride's outfit.