Transformation game face to face. Psychological transformation game "face to face". What the game can give

[Attention! The game is played live and individually on Skype]

The psychological game “Face to Face” is a transformational board game that allows you to clarify the causes of discomfort in relationships and find ways to harmonize them.

The subject (request) for the game can be discomfort in any relationship: marital, between friends, business partners, etc. Also, with the help of the game, you can consider the discomfort in past (already completed) relationships, understand the lessons and reasons for destructive life scenarios.

During the course of the game, participants will be able to gradually analyze the main points of tension in relationships, see their irrational beliefs and strategies, consider the underlying causes of conflicts and misunderstandings with another person, and also outline ways out and the first steps to harmonize relationships and their state in them.

The game is quite long (up to 5 hours), but this time is largely determined by the complexity of the request (the life situation in question).

What is the purpose of the game?

Clarification and harmonization of any uncomfortable relationships in the past and present.

What kind of relationships does it work with?

  • Relationships with close relatives - parents, children, sisters/brothers;
  • Relationships with partners/husbands;
  • Relationships with friends, colleagues;
  • Past difficult relationships;
  • Collective image;
  • Potential relationship.

What requests may be:

  • We are in conflict;
  • I don’t know why I react this way to this person / men / women, I want it differently;
  • I have discomfort, misunderstanding in relationships;
  • If I am like this now, what kind of partner can I attract into my life?

And much more related to the sphere of relationships!

The game uses 9 decks with metaphorical cards!

What can the game give you?

  • See a holistic picture of your relationship with a person;
  • Recognize the internal causes of discomfort and problems in relationships;
  • Find ways to harmonize relationships and your state in them!

Julia– Master of Psychology, certified art and dance movement therapist, certified presenter psychological games. Favorite areas of work are conducting trainings and seminars using body-oriented therapy and art therapy. Also gives lectures individual consultations By family relations. Gennady– certified psychologist, specialist in integrative therapeutic processing, presenter of psychological games. The main specialization is individual work with psychotraumas of various natures, phobias, recurring “life scenarios,” difficulties in socialization, communication, etc.

Game duration - 4-5 hours

Number of participants - from 1 up to 4 people.

The game is conducted by a certified Game Master - Danila Rudakov

ATTENTION! If you like the game as a psychological tool, you can purchase it through me and learn from the author. You can also order separately metaphorical decks with cards “Image of a Man”, “Image of a Woman”, “Source”, “In Search of Meaning”, “Faces”.

Write via the feedback form.

Game description

A fun day at the zoo. The inhabitants of the zoo have no time to be bored; today they have a real holiday: a lot of games and fun. To warm up, there will be a memorin, then a competition for attention and speed, after the animals will try on each other's masks, and for dessert - hide and seek! Want to play with them? Then get ready to meet face to face (Face 2 face) with a lion, giraffe, elephant, tiger and other animals.

Four in one. Children's board game Face to face (Face 2 face) consists of 4 mini-games on a zoological theme, based on 16 cards with animals and 16 frame cards depicting the outline of the animal’s head.

Funny faces. The classic memorina (memory development game) is suitable for 3-year-old children. Kids, as well as their older friends, will probably want to create confusion and try to create new animals, for example, a hippopotamus monkey or a zebra giraffe, the rules of the second mini-game Funny Faces will help them with this. You can also train your attention by trying to find out from the frame which animal should be depicted inside, shouting “I’m first!” And finally, hide and seek is a game where, in addition to attention, the player will need at least a modicum of luck.