Subtle bodies and the human body. Subtle human bodies - full description How to develop subtle human bodies

Energy system and subtle human bodies

Many people accept the world of matter and the physical body as the only reality, since only they can be perceived by our physical senses and understood by our rational mind. However, when looking at a person, the clairvoyant eye reveals many energy patterns, movements, shapes and colors both in the body and around it.

If you are also one of those who believe that only the material body is real, think about what happens to the energy, to the life force that animates the physical body, giving it sensation and the ability to express itself, when this body dies. Physical laws say that energy in the Universe never disappears, it can only transform into other forms. The power behind the material form of the body, with its functions and abilities, consists of an energy system without which the physical body could not exist.

This energy system consists of three main components:

1. from subtle or energetic bodies
2. from chakras or energy centers
3. from nadis or energy channels

The word nadi comes from Sanskrit and is translated as tube or vessel. The function of the nadis is to distribute prana or vital energy in this subtle life system, in which the nadis act as the subtlest arteries.

The Sanskrit word prana can be translated as “absolute energy”.

It creates the primary Source of all forms of energy and expresses itself at different levels of existence at different frequencies. One such form of expression is breathing, through which we, among other things, receive prana.

The level of consciousness of each life form depends on the frequency of prana that that life form can receive and store. In animals we find lower frequencies than in humans, who have higher frequencies than in those who are at the beginning of their development.

The nadis of one energy body are connected to the nadis of the neighboring energy body with the help of chakras. Some of the old Indian and Tibetan texts talk about 350,000 nadis. The most important energy channels are Sushumna, Ida and Pingala. We'll take a closer look at them in the next chapter. The Chinese and Japanese know a similar system of energy channels, which they call meridians (acupuncture is based on this).

They work in the human energy system as receiving stations, transformers and distributors of prana of varying frequencies. They take, directly or through the nadis, vital energy from the subtle bodies of man, from his environment, from the Cosmos, and from the sources that lie at the foundations of creation. Next, they convert frequencies into those that are necessary for the functioning and development of various organs of the physical body and subtle bodies. Then they betray her again through energy channels. In addition, chakras release energy into the environment. Thus, with the help of this energy system, a person enters into energy exchange with forces at various levels of existence, in his environment, in the Universe and at the basis of all Creation.

Let's look at four energy bodies:

1. etheric body
2. emotional or astral body
3.mental body
4.spiritual or causal body

Each of these subtle bodies has its own fundamental frequency. The etheric body, which is in closest contact with the physical body, vibrates at the lowest frequency. The astral and mental bodies have a higher frequency, and the causal body has the highest frequency.

Each of these bodies is like a dance of energy of its own frequency, and these frequencies increase as a person develops. Energy bodies are carriers of consciousness at a certain level of vibration, and if the frequency of vibration increases, this gives a person greater vital energy, stronger sensations, and greater knowledge in the field of specific tasks of this frequency.

The various energy bodies, however, are distant from each other. They penetrate each other when each of them vibrates at its own level of frequency and even a clairvoyant can only distinguish between them when he moves his vision to the corresponding sphere. Thus, he must tune his vision to the astral sphere if he wants to see the astral body. If he wants to see the mental body, he needs to tune in to the mental sphere, etc.


The etheric body has approximately the same size and shape as the physical body. This is where the definition of “etheric double” or “inner psychic body” comes from. It is the bearer of the forces that shape the physical body, as well as the vital and creative life force, and all physical sensations.

The etheric body, at the next rebirth of a person, is created anew and dissolves again within 3-5 days after physical death. (The astral, mental and causal bodies exist after death, and are associated in each subsequent rebirth with a newly created physical body).

The etheric body, with the help of the solar plexus chakra, consumes the vital energy of the Sun, and with the help of the root chakra - the Earth. This energy is collected and flows through the nadis in a continuous stream of life into the physical body. Both of these energies create a balance of life in the cells. When the body’s “energy hunger” is satisfied, excess energy from the etheric body is radiated outward by the chakras and energy points. The energy comes out through the pores in thin energy threads, creating an energetic aura. Usually it is this aura that a clairvoyant sees as the first part of the entire aura. This glow is superimposed on the physical body like a protective cocoon, protecting the body from the penetration of germs of disease and harmful substances, while simultaneously radiating outward a constant flow of vital energy.

This natural defense means that a person cannot become ill due to external reasons alone. The causes of illness always lie within oneself. Negative thoughts and emotions, as well as a lifestyle that is not in harmony with the natural needs of the body (overwork, poor diet, alcohol, nicotine, drugs) can destroy the etheric force of life, which leads to a loss of intensity of the force of emitted energy. Thus, weak points appear in the aura. Threads of energy bend or cross into disordered shapes. The clairvoyant sees “holes” or “scars” in the aura through which negative vibrations and unhealthy bacteria can enter the body. In addition, through these wounds in a thin shell, vital energy can flow out.

Based on this connection between the physical state of the body and the energetic radiation of the etheric body, they often talk about an aura of health. Diseases can first be detected in the etheric aura and only then do they manifest themselves in the physical body. Already at the level of the etheric body, diseases can be recognized and healed. The so-called Kirlian photography made visible for the first time this radiation, characteristic of every living being*. Based on this invention, many perfect diagnoses of the disease were made while still in the latent phase.

(Here we are talking about a special high-frequency photographic process developed by Russian researchers Semyon and Valentina Kirlian, and named after them)

The etheric body, and with it the physical, react very strongly to mental impulses emanating from the mental body. This explains the effectiveness of positive thinking for health, since we can heal our body based on targeted positive suggestions.

Another important function of the etheric body is mediation between the subtle bodies and the physical body. The etheric body transmits information that, with the help of body sensations, we perceive with the emotional and mental body, while simultaneously transferring, along with energy, information from more subtle bodies to the physical body. If the etheric body is weakened, the exchange of energy and information is inhibited, and the person may seem apathetic emotionally and mentally.

Various forms of therapy are suitable for harmonizing and energizing the etheric body.

Interestingly, plants, especially flowers and trees, have energetic emissions very similar to the human energetic aura.

You can come into direct contact with the energy of plants, for example, by leaning your back against your favorite tree, or hugging it with your whole body. You just need to allow the energetic harmonizing power of the tree to transfer to you. Or lie down in the middle of a fragrant meadow, allowing it to hug you, and plunge into its aroma, soak in the vibrations of delicate flowers. Even cut flowers or flowers in pots standing next to you share revitalizing and harmonizing energy with you. Plants respond to your love and your gratitude with even greater radiation.


The emotional body is often connected with the astral body and is the bearer of our feelings, emotions, and character traits. It occupies approximately the same space as the physical body. In an underdeveloped person the contours of such a body are only slightly marked, and it appears as a cloud-like substance that moves chaotically and disorderly in various directions. The more developed a person is in expressing his feelings, inclinations and character traits, the clearer and more transparent the emotional body seems. The clairvoyant sees its clearly defined contours, ideally corresponding to the shape of the physical body.

The aura of the emotional body is oval in shape, and its dimensions can extend several meters from the person. Every change in mood is radiated by the emotional body in his aura. This occurs mainly through the chakras, and to a lesser extent through the pores. The emotional aura is in constant motion. Along with the basic and relatively permanent elements of character, which are displayed in the aura in the form of primary colors, every short-term feeling, every movement in the field of emotions is reflected in the emotional aura. This is an indescribable game of constantly changing colors, manifested in various nuances. Emotions such as fear, rage, depression or sadness lead to the appearance of dark clouds in the aura. The more a person opens his consciousness to love and joy, the clearer and more transparent the colors of the emotional aura become.

No other subtle body reflects the average person's way of perceiving the world and reality. It is in this body, among other things, that our unexpressed emotions, conscious or unconscious, fears, aggression, feelings of loneliness, rejection, self-distrust, etc. are stored. These feelings emit their vibrations using an emotional aura, thereby sending unconscious messages to the world. This is where the principle of mutual attraction is realized.

The energy frequencies that we emit attract similar energy frequencies from the environment and combine with them. It means; that often we are dealing with precisely those people and conditions that represent exactly what we consciously avoid, what we would like to get away from, or what we are afraid of. Thus, the environment is a mirror for those elements that we have expelled from our conscious life into the unconscious. Feelings that have not found a way out in the emotional body try to survive and even grow, if possible. Therefore, they constantly draw us into situations that are repetitions of primary emotional vibrations, since these vibrations are their nourishment.

Vibration frequency of fear in a person attracts situations in which he confirms his fear. If a person has aggression, he will meet people who will revive the vibrations of rage and aggression. If we promised ourselves never again, in certain situations, not to swear or get angry, without solving the problem with aggression in ourselves, then it may happen that, completely unexpectedly, someone will appear in our environment, in whose presence we will do what we wanted avoid.

Conscious thinking and the mentally designated goals of the mental body have little influence on the emotional body, which behaves according to its own rules.

The mental body can control external behavior, but it cannot overcome emotional structures.
Therefore, one can consciously strive for love and success, but unconsciously emit the opposite frequencies of envy, lack of trust in oneself, which interfere with the achievement of a conscious goal.

Emotional structures exist constantly, throughout all rebirths, until they are resolved, since the emotional body exists even after the death of the physical, and during a new rebirth it is associated with a new physical body. The unresolved experience accumulated in the emotional body determines the conditions of the new life.

Once we understand this dependence, we must stop seeing ourselves as victims, attributing the blame for our problems to others or external conditions. This will already mean great liberation, since we now know that our destiny is in our hands and we can begin to change life by changing ourselves.

Most of the “feeling bonds” in the emotional body are localized in the solar plexus chakra. Through experience, this chakra gives direct access to our emotional structures. If, however, we want to consider these emotional structures and recognize them with conscious perception, we need to work through the content of the solar plexus chakra, drawing on the highest forms of expression of the mental body - the intuitive vision available to us through the frontal chakra. But this does not yet mean real liberation.

The destruction of emotional structures can be achieved through the spiritual body, which expresses the wisdom, love and blessing of our Higher Self, allowing us, from this holistic, universal point of view, to recognize the inner dependencies of the entire situation. We can achieve this through the union of the heart chakra and the crown chakra.

The Higher Self does not evaluate or divide experiences into “bad” and “good”, showing us that we must go through certain experiences only in order to learn to understand what feelings and actions lead us to separation from the divine source, thereby causing suffering. This experience also serves to teach understanding of the cosmic rules of natural balance. In areas of life where today we consider ourselves the “victim,” in past births we were the “persecutor.”

In chakra therapy, in which we articulate the entire experience of the emotional body, and look into the images and feelings that spontaneously appear, without denying or judging them, it is of great importance, since in this case our Higher Self can take “control” and allow it to flow spiritual energies into our entire being.

If the vibrations of our spiritual body are connected with and penetrate the emotional body, then the emotional body begins to vibrate at a higher frequency, and is freed from the accumulated negative experience, since it has a lower frequency. In this way, we are freed from the emotional memory of the experience and can forgive ourselves and others.

Simultaneously with the process of destroying old negative emotions, the emotional body begins to radiate deep feelings of love and unconditional (unreasonable) joy.

The emotional aura shines with the brightest, most intense and transparent colors, and what it sprinkles into the environment attracts happiness and love. The borderline miraculous ability to attract that which fulfills our dreams is a natural consequence of the full integration of the emotional body, vibrating at the highest frequency possible.


Our thoughts, ideas, emotional and intuitive knowledge reside in the mental body. The frequency of its vibrations is higher than the vibrations of the energetic and emotional bodies, and its structure is less dense. It has the shape of an egg and in more highly developed people its volume expands so much that it is equal to the size of the emotional and energetic bodies. The radiation of the aura of the mental body extends several meters beyond the boundaries of the emotional body.

In a person who is spiritually underdeveloped, the mental body looks like a milky-white substance. The few colors are dull, lacking shine, and the structure of such an aura is relatively opaque. The more animated the thoughts are, and the deeper the spiritual knowledge of a person, the more transparent and intense the colors of his mental body shine.

The mental body, like the emotional body, has higher and lower octaves. Its lower frequencies are expressed in the linear thinking of the rational mind, through which most people seek paths to truth. This type of understanding relies on what a person sees on a physical level. The physical body, with the help of its sense organs, receives information and transfers it through the etheric body to the emotional body, which turns the information into feelings, and transmits them further to the mental body, which, for its part, reacts to this by creating verbalized thoughts.

Under the influence of the emotional body, with its undamaged structures of feelings, this information is often deformed and colors thinking. Constantly repeating, stereotypical patterns of thinking arise with the help of which we evaluate events in the world. This means that reason is almost never objective, although it claims to be so.

Thoughts arising in this way in the mental body revolve, as a rule, around good personal well-being and around matters related to the events of ordinary life. Rational problem solving in this situation is the main function of the mental body. This, however, means a deformation of its primary character and a limitation of its capabilities.

The real function of the mental body is to accept universal truths reaching its level as the spiritual body, and integrate them with the rational mind, transferring them to specific situations, leading to decisions that are in harmony with universal law.

The knowledge that comes to us in this way from the spiritual level manifests itself as intuition in the form of unexpected insights, often in images or sounds that are further transformed into verbal thoughts. Such insights, which provide us with a glimpse into the real nature of things, are holographic in structure, in contrast to the linear thinking associated with the rational mind.

We find access to the higher octave of the mental body in the contact of the frontal chakra and the parietal chakra. If the mental body is ideally developed, it becomes a mirror of the spiritual body and the person personifies wisdom and complete knowledge of the Supreme Self in his life.


The spiritual body, often called the causal body, has the highest vibrational frequency of all the subtle bodies. In people who are not yet aware of themselves on a spiritual level, it extends with its aura to a distance of about a meter from the physical body. The spiritual body and aura of an enlightened person can, in turn, fill several kilometers with its glow, and the primary shape of the egg turns into a regular ball.

If you have ever been in the presence of an enlightened master, you may have noticed that the atmosphere around you suddenly changed when you moved several kilometers away from him. The experience of light, fullness and love that filled you near the master lost its intensity when you left the area of ​​​​his aura.

The spiritual body and its aura shine with the most subtle colors, while having an indescribable power of light. From the spiritual point of view, the highest and most luminous energy is continually pouring into the spiritual body. Reaching lower and lower levels, this energy also permeates the mental, emotional and etheric bodies, increasing their frequency of vibration, so that at each of these levels the energy can reach a higher form of expression. The development of the chakras determines how well we can notice, accept and use this energy.

Through the spiritual body we experience inner unity with all life. It is this that connects us to the pure Divine existence, to the omnipresent primal ground from which all manifestations in Creation arose and from which they continue to arise. From this level we also have internal access to everything that exists in this world.

The spiritual body is that divine part in us, immortal and existing throughout evolution, while other subtle bodies are gradually destroyed as man reaches higher levels of consciousness in his development.

Only through the spiritual body is it possible to know the source of being and understand the correct meaning of our life. If we open ourselves to its vibrations, our life takes on a completely new quality. Our Higher Self guides us in all our actions, and our life expresses wisdom, strength, happiness, all-encompassing love, which together correspond to the natural properties of the higher aspect of our “ego”.

The paradox of the modern stage of development of science is that the more scientists try to move away from the “remnants of the past,” the closer they come to them. The hypothesis that the physical body should not be considered the only component of a person has long been considered by the most reputable researchers. The subtle human bodies, their forms and structure, invisible to our eyes, came to the attention of scientists back in the middle of the twentieth century.

What is the subtle body?

Subtle bodies refer to systems controlled by energy centers - chakras . It is quite difficult to explain these rather abstract concepts to the unprepared in a few words. Some philosophical movements and Eastern religions consider subtle bodies to be human guides in other worlds, where they are perceived in the same way as the physical body in the reality around us.

The essences of the subtle world, the classification of which will be presented below, are divided by esotericists into 2 groups. Some of them are immortal and travel with us from one life to another. The second is mortal, like the physical body, which is subject to decay after its own death. The concept of subtle bodies should not be confused with the concept of the soul. According to esotericists, the soul is consciousness, the “I”, which persists after physical death.

7 subtle human bodies

Non-physical shells – essences of the subtle world, To classification, left to us by ancient teachings, distinguishes 7 energy systems:

  1. Etheric body(energy center – Svadhisthana chakra ). It is considered the closest to the physical shell of all the subtle bodies. Many people are able to see the etheric component not only of living beings, but also of inanimate objects. The etheric body is responsible for the circulatory and genitourinary system of the human material shell. It is responsible for immunity and thermoregulation of the body. The shell itself needs protection. The essential component can be damaged by an incorrect lifestyle and negative emotions. One of the simplest and most accessible ways to support your body is to play sports.

  2. Astral body(energy center – Manipura chakra ). Responsible for our well-being in the astral world. If this body is not damaged or destroyed, the person is well protected from negative energetic influences, better known as “damage”, “evil eye”, “curse”, etc. People with a healthy astral shell are able to influence those around them. In addition, there are special teachings, thanks to which a person gets the opportunity to travel in the subtle world. However, if the traveler makes a mistake, he risks not returning to the physical world.
  3. Mental body(energy center – Anahata chakra ). Thin invisible human body, their forms and structure must be studied in order to maintain their health. Each of our intangible substances requires its own nutrition. The mental body needs knowledge, the search for truth. For most people, mental activity ends after receiving a profession. And some people stop studying after school. The mental essence of those who do not strive for any new knowledge gradually atrophies. Like any organ of the physical shell, it turns into a rudiment. Having not received mental progress in this life, the soul is forced to once again return to the world it just left or descend to a lower level of development.

  4. Karmic body(energy center – Vishuddha chakra ). The expressions “bad karma” and “good karma” are familiar to many people. In fact, karma cannot be good or bad. This is the totality of our actions committed in past lives. The task of a new incarnation is not to receive punishment for “bad karma.” The soul returns to correct mistakes.
  5. (energy center – Ajna chakra ). The subtle human bodies, their forms, purpose and structure cannot always be understood and explained. The buddhic body receives its development only when a person develops his psychic abilities. Both the improvement process itself and its goal are important. If you strive to become a clairvoyant just to earn money and become famous, your actions will be considered selfish, and your buddhic essence will not receive the desired development.

  6. Spiritual body(energy center – Sahasrara chakra ). This body can be developed in several ways, the main ones of which are serving God, fighting evil on a subtle level, and spiritual teaching. This essence is revealed at the seventh, highest level of human development on earth.

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  8. Absolute body(energy center – chakra Atman ). The body is developed in those who are called messiahs and great teachers, such as Jesus Christ and Gautama Buddha. The shell is filled with absolute energy that comes from the Absolute (as God, the highest essence, is sometimes called). The body can exceed the physical shell in size.

The subtle human bodies, their shapes and structure have not yet been fully studied by modern scientists. The equipment of the new millennium is not so advanced as to perceive spiritual substance. Skeptics are accustomed to believing only in what can be perceived by the senses. However, even people far from religion, mysticism and philosophy admit that there are worlds and dimensions invisible to us.

Did you know that in addition to the physical body, a person is also the owner of six other bodies, which are called Subtle Bodies. Let's look at what these human Subtle Bodies are, their names, forms and structure, what their functions and influence on humans are.

A person lives in this physical world, believing that he has only a physical body, therefore there are sciences such as anatomy and physiology, which begin to be studied already at school.

However, a person is still a multidimensional being with a complex structure of Subtle bodies.

Physical body

First, let's talk about the human physical body. The physical shell of a person is the first, grossest body. This body contains all the necessary functions for life on this planet and is a well-oiled machine.

And yet the human physical body requires attention, love, care, rest and cleansing. Sometimes the body is called a vessel for the Soul, since the Soul, as a particle of God, does not have the ability to independently walk on earth and accumulate relevant experience.

And being in this physical body, a person begins his evolution and his development in this world.

Names of Human Subtle Bodies

Speaking about the structure, forms and structure of the Subtle bodies of a person, we list their names: the etheric body of a person, astral or emotional, mental, causal or karmic, intuitive, atmic body or the body of the Higher Self.

Human etheric body

Now we move directly to the Subtle bodies of man, and the first subtle shell is the Etheric Body.

And this Etheric Body is, as it were, a subtle double of our physical body, in which the whole body with its organs, with all its systems exists at a subtle level or at the energy level.

In other words, in shape and structure, this subtle human body is the energy double of the physical body and the source of vital force - prana.

When a person violates some laws of the Universe in his life, various energy blocks arise in the Etheric Body and the normal flow of energy is disrupted.

This is how diseases and unpleasant sensations arise in the human physical body.

Astral or Emotional Body

As can be seen from the name itself, this Subtle Body of a person is responsible for his emotions, for the manifestation of various feelings.

In addition, with the help of the Astral (Emotional) Body, conscious travel is made to the subtle worlds or during sleep, even if a person does not remember his dreams - he still travels in the subtle body while the physical body sleeps.

In its form, the subtle emotional body of a person is similar to the physical one, but has a transparent structure, similar to fog.

Low emotions of fear, hatred, irritation, jealousy, envy fill the Astral Body with a dark color and also directly affect human health.

And here a person’s task is to transform his negative emotions with the help of love, love for himself, for his emotions, for his life and the lives of others.

In any situation in your life, even a conflict one, you can see the positive sides, and if you see them, the conflict will seem to pass you by. There is no need to be a participant in conflicts.

Human Mental Body

What is the Mental Subtle Body of a person in its form and structure? A person’s mental body is the world of his thoughts, judgments and beliefs.

Usually the ego or personality of a person completely controls his mind, then the Mental Body also becomes dark.

If a person thinks positively, blissfully, and his thoughts are sublime, then his Mental Body becomes light. A person’s emotions are regulated, and he himself becomes positive and joyful.

Causal Body (Karmic)

The subtle body of a person called the Causal or Karmic Body is connected with our subconscious, and it contains records of all events and all lives of our past incarnations.

Here are the causes and consequences that manifest themselves in this life, which is usually called karma. It is known that the law of cause and effect is a Universal Law, and therefore everyone and everything obeys this law.

Everything that happens in a person’s life, all his actions, thoughts, desires, all emotions in the form of information merges into the Causal Body. All life lessons learned and needed to be learned are here.

The entire life path that a person needs to go through, all problems, obstacles and illnesses are written in this Causal (Karmic) Body and manifest themselves in the form of causes and consequences in a person’s life.

All the negative experience that manifests itself in a person’s life, with all its losses and illnesses, is not a punishment, but is simply a hint of what needs to be changed in this life in order to become brighter and cleaner.

Everything that happens is an invaluable experience of self-knowledge, awareness of one’s light and dark sides, and determines the choice a person makes - towards good or evil. All this is reflected in the subtle karmic body of a person.

In addition, the Law of Reproduction operates throughout the Universe. This Law states that God once released a piece of himself into the surrounding space, and this piece is every living creature, including humans.

Therefore, every person must reproduce God within himself through a bright and positive experience in his life in order to return to the world of Light and Love back to the Creator.

And this is a duty to God and to oneself - to reproduce oneself. And this means that we need to show love for ourselves, love for God, who is inside us, and love for the world around us.

When discussing the form and structure of such a subtle human body as the causal one, it should be noted that its manifestation is also consistent with the Law of Free Will and the Law of the Absolute - when a person, having desires in this life, strives for some goals through his desires.

And so there is the Law of the Will of God or the Absolute, and its meaning is that development in the entire Universe, including man, should be harmonious, joyful and creative, so that development and prosperity will occur.

In other words, God or the Absolute (Mind) does not have the goal of destruction and harm, but has the will of creation and manifestation of Love. And in this world, the free will of man must coincide with the Will of God, which is based on love for everyone without exception.

And this is the responsibility, or even the duty, of every person, so that development proceeds precisely in creation, love and harmony.

A person should not be tough or cruel. There are many people on the planet who consider themselves strong-willed, while others for them are weaklings. Such people show despotism in the family towards children or other family members, or despotism at work, if this is the boss.

And this brings disharmony and destruction. And such free despotism often ends in a heart attack. In other words, the manifestation of a heart attack is a signal for a person to change, to change his consciousness and his life.

This is how the Causal or Karmic Body of a person manifests itself.

Intuitive Subtle Human Body

The name Body of the Soul can be applied to the intuitive subtle body of a person, since it lives there.

The soul is a subtle substance or Divine Spark, and it can talk to a person only intuitively, giving various tips and sometimes saving from various troubles.

So, for example, a person may not board a plane, which then suddenly crashes for some reason. Also, the Soul usually leads a person through this life, forcing him to do everything beautiful and creative.

Sometimes people say this: “I did it from the Soul, I put my Soul there.”

Atmic Body or Body of the Higher Self

In the subtle body of a person called Atmic there is the Spirit of man, his Higher Self and all Divinity.

The Atmic Body or the Body of the Higher Self determines the mission of a person; it contains Absolute knowledge about everything, as well as all the supernatural abilities that everyone initially possesses.

The structure of man is multidimensional, and this indicates his cosmic birth and connection with the entire Universe. When a person lives in this world based on love for himself and the environment, he fulfills his multidimensional mission and reproduces himself, becoming the Body of Light and expanding to the entire Universe.

And this happens because everything must constantly develop and evolve, returning to its Source.

I hope that in my article you have found answers to questions about the subtle human bodies, their names, forms and structure, functions and influence on humans.

If we consider Christianity, it is assumed that people consist of body, spirit and soul. In the East, esotericists talk about the presence of 7 “subtle” bodies and more. These fields surround the physical shell and penetrate it through. These shapes create an aura. Energy bodies are located one after another, but moving deeper, the connection between them is not lost. To know oneself, a person needs to make a lot of effort.

Conventionally, these thin shells are divided into several categories:

physical (3);

spiritual (3);

astral (1).

It is believed that the astral is a link with the previous types. Physical ones are responsible for energy on the physical plane, and spiritual ones are responsible for higher spiritual matters.

They are characterized by their vibration frequency, the stronger the further from the material essence. The shells have their own purpose, color, density, and are located in a certain place.

Subtle bodies, their characteristics

Physical body

Our physical essence is considered to be the simplest in structure and function. But without it it would be impossible to live on planet Earth and learn new things. The physical is also a subtle body, because it vibrates, like other invisible shells. Complex processes take place in it, for example, the brain functions and thoughts mature.

The second body is etheric

Ether is an intermediate element between matter and energy, which is why the second subtle body of man is called ethereal. It is located 1.5 cm from the material body and is an electromagnetic circuit. The etheric body is blue or gray. Ancient scientists believed that this shell transmitted chi energy.

Through the etheric shell, human interaction with the universe occurs. This cannot be seen, the threads of communication are invisible, it is a kind of bridge that connects the earthly essence with the invisible forces of the outside world. It is also a link with other subtle bodies.

From the point of view of science, the etheric body is a matrix in which energy moves through communication channels, just as a flow of electrons is transmitted through wires. This network is very complex; it contains all the data about the physical body, the functioning of all organs, and the chemical composition of the blood.

The etheric shell is a human medical database. This shell is exactly the same in shape as the physical body. All injuries and illnesses are displayed in it. If a person is physically healthy, then he receives the maximum energy of the universe; if there are diseases and ailments, the flow is blocked. And the energy supply is limited.

As a rule, blocks are located in a person’s chakras or in the Nadi channels. There are three known channels of Nadi:

Pingala (right channel);

Ida (left channel);

Sushumna (central channel).

They pass through all 7 human chakras. If the chakras and channels are clean, then cosmic energy easily penetrates the ethereal shell and spreads throughout the body. As a result of this, a person is cheerful, full of energy, glows from within and spreads his positive vibes to others.

Chakras and their location

7th chakra (sahasrara) - in the crown area;

6th chakra (ajna) - on the forehead, between the eyebrows;

5th chakra (vishudha) - throat area (thyroid gland);

4th chakra (anahata) - near the heart, along the central line;

3rd chakra (manipura) - in the navel area;

2nd chakra (svadhisthana) - in the pubic area;

1st chakra (muladhara) - perineal area.

When a person is often in a bad mood, does not forgive insults, accumulates negative emotions, his etheric body does not absorb energy and is at the lowest level of its functionality. If a person is not happy with what he is doing, if he is not doing his job, this also negatively affects the etheric shell, and it begins to work incorrectly. To be effective, you need to carefully work on yourself, your inner self.

Find the grievances and problems in yourself that oppress you, find out the origin and get rid of them. Ask the Universe, and it will help you find the right path through the etheric shell. The main thing is to learn to understand her signals. The etheric link is a reflection of human life; you cannot stand still and isolate yourself in your problems and negative emotions. You need to fight with yourself, it’s difficult, but quite possible. Be patient and learn to understand yourself, and the prana energy through the Nadi channels will not keep you waiting.

Third body - emotional (astral)

The third shell is considered a kind of exit to the astral plane. All people living on the planet have it. But it doesn’t work for everyone, only people who have known themselves and learned to control their minds turn to their astral plane and interact with it. This essence was first discovered by Indian sages. Over time, scientists have proven that the astral and emotional are one and the same.

The astral sphere is located 10-100 cm relative to the first. It organizes the energy exchange of a person with other people, desires, and emotions. The astral body helps a person realize his desires and aspirations. It is an aura and has color. This is a whole range from black - negative, to white - positive. The color of the aura changes depending on the psychological state of a person. Different parts of the body are highlighted in different shades.

In scientific laboratories there are special devices that can take photos of a person’s astral body and decipher them. Soft, warm pastel colors mean harmony and peace, bright ones - aggression, dark ones - depression, oppression. Depending on the mood, the colors of the shell change over a short period of time, an hour, a day.

The activity of the astral plane depends on the person, his aspirations, and tasks. In the case when a specific goal is set, and a person is determined to win, to achieve it, the astral shell opens up to 100 percent. She receives maximum cosmic energy, actively interacts with other, equally purposeful people, and helps choose the right direction.

When a person is inactive, he has no desires, no aspirations, the emotional body goes out, and no additional energy enters it. If a person’s desires are negative, aimed only at satisfying their own needs, without taking into account the opinions of others, causing harm to others, this has a bad effect on the astral plane.

In order for the astral to function correctly and receive maximum positive energy, it is important to do good, strive to be useful, and radiate positive emotions. After all, by doing good to others, a person receives much more affirmative impulses in return. To become more active, people must meditate and learn to control their emotions, desires, and needs. This will invigorate your spirit and energize you for the whole day. Many have learned to interact correctly with their third shell and are in complete harmony with it. It will be useful for them to make astral travel during sleep. During sleep, a person sleeps, and his soul passes into the astral shell and visits other worlds.

Clairvoyants and prophets have long learned to contact both their own astral plane and someone else’s. This ability helps them find the causes of pain and illness in other people. The path to this information passes through the astral shell. Shamans, gaining access to the astral plane of another person, only take the necessary information without causing damage. They also develop their ability to move through the layers of the universe thanks to the astral plane.

The fourth body is mental (intellectual)

This is a field containing a person’s thoughts and knowledge. Well developed among representatives of science, scientists, inventors, teachers - everyone who spends most of their time doing mental work. It is less productive for those who do physical labor.

It is located 10-20 cm from the previous one. And it completely follows the contour of the physical. It has a rich yellow color, starts from the head and spreads throughout the body. During moments of mental activity, the mental becomes wider and brighter. During the mental process, small clots of energy are distinguished in the intellectual shell - thought forms; they show a person’s thoughts and beliefs.

If there is only inference without emotions, then the energy of thought forms consists of an intellectual shell. In the case when there is the presence of emotions, then the energy consists of both the mental and emotional body. The clearer a person imagines his ideas and thoughts and is clearly convinced that he is right, the brighter the outline of his thought forms. In case of death, the mental disappears after 3 months.

The mental, astral and etheric are born together with the physical and disappear in the event of its death. Relates to the material world.

Fifth body - karmic (casual)

This is a complex structure that carries all the information about actions and transmits it into space. Everything a person does can be justified. Even the absence of an action is not without reason. Casual contains information about possible human movements in the future. It is a multi-colored cloud of various lumps of energy. Located 20-30 cm from the physical one. Energy clots are not clearly expressed and do not have a clear outline compared to lumps in the emotional body. After the death of the material body, the karmic one does not die, it is reincarnated along with other bodies.

The sixth body is buddhic (intuitive)

This is a thin shell that collects complex higher unconscious processes. Scientists call it the defining etheric field. This is a complex structure along which the second body is organized. In the case when connections in the etheric shell are destroyed, data for restoration is taken from the sixth. Intuitive has a dark blue color. It has the shape of an oval and is located at a distance of 50-60 cm from the material.

The buddhic body contains a lacuna within itself, which exactly repeats the etheric body. And this organizes its shape and size. Responsible for the birth of brilliant thoughts and insights. It is important to trust yourself, listen to your intuition and the Universe will tell you what to do. The Ajna chakra, or third eye, is a symbol. It does not disappear with the death of a person, but transfers the accumulated energy into space.

The seventh body is atmanic

The most complex human body. Little is known about him. But this is considered to be the thinnest shell. Atma is the state of the soul when it was able to know itself. The Atmanic transmits messages from the human soul to God and receives answers. With harmonious development, internal coherence and complete calm are achieved.

To gain access to the seventh link, the first, material link is developed. Then the next thing, that is, learning to own all previous bodies. The atmanic one has an oval shape and is located at a distance of 80-90 cm from the first. It is a golden egg in which all the bodies are collected. There is a film on the surface of the egg that prevents the influence of bad energy.

Solar and Galactic bodies

Solar - develops as a result of the circulation of a person’s astral fields to the astral of the Solar system. This is the eighth link. It is studied by astrologers. The solar symbol carries information about a person’s birthday. How the stars and planets were located.

Galactic - consists of the work of a person’s astral field with the astral of the Galaxy. This is the ninth body.

All subtle fields are closely interconnected with each other. They have a strong influence on shaping a person’s destiny and path. Thinking about good things, a person is charged with positive emotions, receives the energy of the Universe, which spreads throughout all layers, programming them for good luck and success. A person finds himself in the center of positive vibrations, gives joy, goodness, and the world around him reciprocates.

There are many hypotheses about the structure of a person, his soul, aura, chakras. Many believe that a person, in addition to his body, has 6 more. These are subtle bodies. They cannot be seen. What kind of matter is this? What are they needed for? How to develop subtle bodies? What does their development give? This article will tell you how they protect and protect people.

If we consider Christianity, it is assumed that people consist of body, spirit and soul. In the East, esotericists talk about the presence of 7 “subtle” bodies and more. These fields surround the physical shell and penetrate it through. These shapes create an aura. Energy bodies are located one after another, but moving deeper, the connection between them is not lost. To know oneself, a person needs to make a lot of effort.

Conventionally, these thin shells are divided into several categories:

  • physical (3);
  • spiritual (3);
  • astral (1).

It is believed that the astral is a connecting link with the previous types. Physical ones are responsible for energy on the physical plane, and spiritual ones are about higher spiritual matters.

They are characterized by their vibration frequency, the stronger the further from the material essence. The shells have their own purpose, color, density, and are located in a certain place.

Physical body

Our physical essence is considered to be the simplest in structure and function. But without it it would be impossible to live on planet Earth and learn new things. The physical is also a subtle body, because it vibrates, like other invisible shells. Complex processes take place in it, for example, the brain functions, thoughts mature, this cannot be explained and attributed to ordinary processes.

The second body is the etheric

Ether is an intermediate element between matter and energy, which is why the second subtle body of man is called ethereal. It is assumed that it is located 1.5 cm from the material body and is an electromagnetic circuit. The etheric body is blue or gray. Ancient scientists believed that this shell transmitted chi energy.

This is the next body after the physical one. It is very closely connected with the first body. The main thing that the etheric shell is responsible for is the energy flowing inside us. The general state of a person’s vital forces and health depend on the state of the etheric body.

Through the etheric shell, human interaction with the universe occurs. This cannot be seen, the threads of communication are not visible. The second is a kind of bridge that connects the earthly essence with the invisible forces of the outside world. It is also a link with other subtle bodies.

From the point of view of science, the ethereal is a matrix in which energy moves through communication channels, just as a flow of electrons is transmitted through wires. This network is very complex; it contains all the data about the physical body, the functioning of all organs, and the chemical composition of the blood.

The etheric shell is a human medical database. This shell is exactly the same in shape as the physical body. All injuries and illnesses are displayed in it. If a person is physically healthy, then he receives the maximum energy of the universe; if there are diseases and ailments, the flow is blocked. And the energy supply is limited.

As a rule, blocks are located in a person’s chakras or in the Nadi channels. There are three known channels of Nadi:

  • Pingala (right channel);
  • Ida (left channel);
  • Sushumna (central channel).

They pass through all 7 human chakras. If the chakras and channels are clean, then cosmic energy easily penetrates the ethereal shell and spreads throughout the body. As a result of this, a person is cheerful, full of energy, glows from within and spreads his positive vibes to others.

Chakras and their location

  • 7th chakra (sahasrara) - in the crown area;
  • 6th chakra (ajna) - on the forehead, between the eyebrows;
  • 5th chakra (vishudha) - throat area (thyroid gland);
  • 4th chakra (anahata) – near the heart, along the central line;
  • 3rd chakra (manipura) - in the navel area;
  • 2nd chakra (svadhisthana) - in the pubic area;
  • 1st chakra (muladhara) - perineal area.

When a person is often in a bad mood, does not forgive insults, accumulates negative emotions, his etheric body does not absorb energy and is at the lowest level of its functionality. If a person is not happy with what he is doing, if he is not doing his job, this also negatively affects the etheric shell, and it begins to work incorrectly. To be effective, you need to carefully work on yourself, your inner self.

Find the grievances and problems in yourself that oppress you, find out the origin and get rid of them. Ask the Universe, and it will help you find the right path through the etheric shell. The main thing is to learn to understand her signals. The etheric link is a reflection of human life; you cannot stand still and isolate yourself in your problems and negative emotions. You need to fight with yourself, it’s difficult, but quite possible. Be patient and learn to understand yourself, and the prana energy through the Nadi channels will not keep you waiting.

Third body - emotional (astral)

The third shell is considered a kind of exit to the astral plane. All people living on the planet have it. But it doesn’t work for everyone, only people who have known themselves and learned to control their minds turn to their astral plane and interact with it. This essence was first discovered by Indian sages. Over time, scientists have proven that the astral and emotional are one and the same, as is the shell of desires.

The astral sphere is located 10–100 cm relative to the first. It organizes the energy exchange of a person with other people, desires, and emotions. The astral body helps a person realize his desires and aspirations. It is an aura and has color. This is a whole range from black - negative, to white - positive. The color of the aura changes depending on the psychological state of a person. Different parts of the body are highlighted in different shades.

In scientific laboratories there are special devices that can take photos of a person’s astral body and decipher them. Soft, warm pastel colors mean harmony and peace, bright colors mean aggression, dark colors mean depression, oppression. Depending on the mood, the colors of the shell change over a short period of time, an hour, a day.

The activity of the astral plane depends on the person, his aspirations, and tasks. In the case when a specific goal is set, and a person is determined to win, to achieve it, the astral shell opens up to 100 percent. She receives maximum cosmic energy, actively interacts with other, equally purposeful people, and helps choose the right direction.

When a person is inactive, he has no desires, no aspirations, the emotional body goes out, and no additional energy enters it. If a person’s desires are negative, aimed only at satisfying their own needs, without taking into account the opinions of others, causing harm to others, this has a bad effect on the astral plane. Alcohol and drugs have a very bad effect on the emotional shell, as they harm the physical body of a person.

In order for the astral to function correctly and receive maximum positive energy, it is important to do good, strive to be useful, and radiate positive emotions. After all, by doing good to others, a person receives much more affirmative impulses in return. To become more active, people must meditate and learn to control their emotions, desires, and needs. This will invigorate your spirit and energize you for the whole day. Many have learned to interact correctly with their third shell and are in complete harmony with it. It will be useful for them to make astral travel during sleep. During sleep, a person sleeps, and his soul passes into the astral shell and visits other worlds.

Clairvoyants and prophets have long learned to contact both their own astral plane and someone else’s. This ability helps them find the causes of pain and illness in other people. The path to this information passes through the astral shell. Shamans, gaining access to the astral plane of another person, only take the necessary information without causing damage. They also develop their ability to move through the layers of the universe thanks to the astral plane.

The fourth body is mental (intellectual)

Located 10–20 cm from the previous one. And it completely follows the contour of the physical. It has a rich yellow color, starts from the head and spreads throughout the body. During moments of mental activity, the mental becomes wider and brighter. During the mental process, small clots of energy are distinguished in the intellectual shell - thought forms; they show a person’s thoughts and beliefs.

If there is only inference without emotions, then the energy of thought forms consists of an intellectual shell. In the case when there is the presence of emotions, then the energy consists of both the mental and emotional body. The clearer a person imagines his ideas and thoughts and is clearly convinced that he is right, the brighter the outline of his thought forms. In case of death, the mental disappears after 3 months.

The mental, astral and etheric are born together with the physical and disappear in the event of its death. Relates to the material world.

The fifth body is karmic (casual)

This is a complex structure that carries all the information about actions and transmits it into space. Everything a person does can be justified. Even the absence of an action is not without reason. Casual contains information about possible human movements in the future. It is a multi-colored cloud of various lumps of energy. Located 20–30 cm from the physical one. Energy clots are not clearly expressed and do not have a clear outline compared to lumps in the emotional body. After the death of the material body, the karmic one does not die, it is reincarnated along with other bodies.

To improve their karma, they comprehend the teachings of Dharma and follow it. This is an individual goal for each person, which is achieved in the process of life. If you exist according to the laws of Dharma, negative energy is destroyed and only positive energy enters. A person who violates the Dharma will be reborn in the next life in the body of another organism lower in evolutionary terms in order to go through all the stages from scratch.

The sixth body is buddhic (intuitive)

This is a thin shell that collects complex higher unconscious processes. Scientists call it the defining etheric field. This is a complex structure along which the second body is organized. In the case when connections in the etheric shell are destroyed, data for restoration is taken from the sixth. Intuitive has a dark blue color. It has the shape of an oval and is located at a distance of 50–60 cm from the material.

The buddhic body contains a lacuna within itself, which exactly repeats the etheric body. And this organizes the ego's shape and size. Responsible for the birth of brilliant thoughts and insights. It is important to trust yourself, listen to your intuition and the Universe will tell you what to do. The Ajna chakra, or third eye, is a symbol. It does not disappear with the death of a person, but transfers the accumulated energy into space.

The seventh body is atmanic

The most complex human body. Little is known about him. But this is considered to be the thinnest shell. Atma is the state of the soul when it was able to know itself. The Atmanic transmits messages from the human soul to God and receives answers. With harmonious development, internal coherence and complete calm are achieved.

To gain access to the seventh link, the first, material link is developed. Then the next thing, that is, learning to own all previous bodies. The atmanic one has an oval shape and is located at a distance of 80–90 cm from the first. It is a golden egg in which all the bodies are collected. There is a film on the surface of the egg that prevents the influence of bad energy.

Solar and Galactic bodies

Solar - develops as a result of the circulation of human astral fields to the astral of the Solar system. This is the eighth link. It is studied by astrologers. The solar symbol carries information about a person’s birthday. How the stars and planets were located.
Galactic - consists of the work of a person’s astral field with the astral plane of the Galaxy. This is the ninth body.

All subtle fields are closely interconnected with each other. They have a strong influence on shaping a person’s destiny and path. Thinking about good things, a person is charged with positive emotions, receives the energy of the Universe, which spreads throughout all layers, programming them for good luck and success. A person finds himself in the center of positive vibrations, gives joy, goodness, and the world around him reciprocates.