This page does not exist. Cool toasts for the meeting of classmates, fellow students and graduates Congratulations to the meeting of classmates 10 years in prose

Preparation of moonshine and alcohol for personal use
absolutely legal!

After the collapse of the USSR, the new government stopped the fight against moonshine. Criminal liability and fines were abolished, and the article banning the production of alcohol-containing products at home was removed from the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. To this day, there is not a single law that prohibits you and me from engaging in our favorite hobby - preparing alcohol at home. This is evidenced by the Federal Law of July 8, 1999 No. 143-FZ “On the administrative liability of legal entities (organizations) and individual entrepreneurs for offenses in the field of production and circulation of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products” (Collection of Legislation Russian Federation, 1999, N 28, art. 3476).

Excerpt from Federal Law RF:

“The effect of this Federal Law does not apply to the activities of citizens (individuals) producing products containing ethyl alcohol for purposes other than sale.”

Moonshining in other countries:

In Kazakhstan in accordance with the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Administrative Offenses dated January 30, 2001 N 155, the following liability is provided. Thus, according to Article 335 “Manufacture and sale of home-made alcoholic beverages”, illegal production of moonshine, chacha, mulberry vodka, mash and other alcoholic beverages for the purpose of sale, as well as the sale of these alcoholic beverages, entails a fine in the amount of thirty monthly calculation indices with confiscation of alcoholic beverages , apparatus, raw materials and equipment for their manufacture, as well as money and other valuables received from their sale. However, the law does not prohibit the preparation of alcohol for personal use.

In Ukraine and Belarus things are different. Articles No. 176 and No. 177 of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses provide for the imposition of fines in the amount of three to ten tax-free minimum wages for the production and storage of moonshine without the purpose of sale, for the storage of devices* for its production without the purpose of sale.

Article 12.43 repeats this information almost word for word. “Production or acquisition of strong alcoholic beverages (moonshine), semi-finished products for their production (mash), storage of apparatus for their production” in the Code of the Republic of Belarus on Administrative Offenses. Paragraph No. 1 states: “The production by individuals of strong alcoholic drinks (moonshine), semi-finished products for their production (mash), as well as the storage of devices* used for their production - entails a warning or a fine of up to five basic values with confiscation of the specified drinks, semi-finished products and devices.”

*You can still purchase moonshine stills for home use, since their second purpose is to distill water and obtain components for natural cosmetics and perfumes.

Teachers at the alumni meeting

For teachers:

In the life of each of us
There was the first step and the first class,
Lessons in a motley sequence,
And the first waltz, and graduation...
How carefree we all lived,
How funny we were! -
Fooling around during recess
They wrote graffiti on the walls.
Now, of course, we are different,
Respectable and businesslike,
But everything we know and can do
From you, of course, we have!
We weren't always obedient
It even happened that they were stubborn,
But you for your kindness
Often compared to my mother.
After all, you always understood us,
Sometimes I forget about my family,
They gave away a piece of their heart,
Forgiving us for all our mischief.
Thank you for everything, dear ones,
For what you taught us.
And the kids may be different,
Of course they also love you!


February is coming (or the month of your meeting) - a time of joyful meetings,
Helping to preserve the memory of our youth.
After all, we once not only studied together,
But we often walked and had fun.
Remembering the funny things, we will laugh out loud.
We don't need to be afraid of the director anymore!
We are growing up, getting wiser, of course, not in vain
My favorite teachers tried.
Let's go for the school, for us and our class
We will certainly raise a toast now!


Today is the evening of the meeting at our school.
The hubbub in the corridor will not stop for a long time.
From different corners they'll rush here
See teachers and friends
Those who are no longer children,
Who left these walls many years ago.

Only once a year can we meet,
Let's chat again under the school roof.
Let's go into our former classroom. Everything here is native,
Familiar and yet... so distant.
Still the same board, desks by the window. But here's mine...
We'll sit for a while.

We will remember our golden childhood...
How they walked to and from school in a crowd...
Riding down the mountain on an old briefcase,
And the “under 16” films that we watched at the club...

We will remember how nervously we passed the exams,
And how they helped each other out with one cheat sheet...
We will remember how furtively, while we were not seen,
We wrote names under the table cover.

(What names are gathered here.
Here are ours, look! They are not lost

School is like a bouquet of flowers,
Waiting for the meeting time.
So let it last for many years
We will remember this evening.
In a few minutes
The stage will light up.
This evening everyone is waiting for us
Always in the school hall.

Hello, hello, meeting evening!
We must cherish traditions.
Graduates day today
And we are talking about you.
A flurry of applause awaits you,
Congratulations, compliments -
Evening of meetings!

Why do alumni meet?
From nostalgia or from longing?
Who do they want to see and why?
What do they want to talk about and with whom?
Someone is lucky in this life:
Even though it was late, recognition found him.
And someone hides an unlucky gaze:
All talk is unnecessary nonsense for him.
Someone managed not to lose their appearance -
It's nice to shine among your classmates.
Someone has nothing to say, not life is a shame.
Why have an empty conversation about this?
We were all young thirty years ago.
The excitement of fate shone in our eyes then.
It seemed that everyone could conquer mountains
And calmly swim across fast rivers...
But everyone is awarded their own fate.
Perhaps there is nothing to brag about him to you.
Not everyone came to the school meeting,
Perhaps they didn’t find the strength in themselves to do it

Homecoming Day is an opportunity to meet those you haven't seen for many years. Fate has scattered everyone around the world, everyone has their own life, their own story - some went to conquer distant countries, some stayed in their hometown and realized themselves in their favorite profession, and for others... Friendly family. Memories of the passing years of study warm the soul and make the heart beat faster.

Yes, in every one educational institution their own traditions of alumni reunions, but concerts are being prepared almost everywhere, interesting events allowing you to remember everything. Most often, such meetings end late at night. People who have not seen each other for several years have something to tell each other about. During this time, so much information has accumulated that it is simply impossible to tell it in an hour. In addition, graduates themselves often try to prepare words of gratitude to those who taught them, and all these speeches take up a lot of time.

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How much time has passed, but this evening
The graduation ceremony will take place -
Long-awaited and dear to the heart!
Let's chat, remembering the years...
School years and the most holy years,
When we were all young,
When it was so easy to fall in love
And confess your feelings to each other.
Let the meeting bring only a smile,
And will remain in our hearts forever!

We recently graduated...
Why have you already forgotten?
How we skipped classes together,
Did you get D's and A's?
No, we haven't forgotten
And that made us a little sad...
But in vain! Today is our meeting!
And we'll hug each other's shoulders,
Let's tell you how we live, what we know,
And we wish our families happiness!

On a Saturday in February we will have the opportunity
see those you haven't seen for years,
and feel the simple atmosphere as before,
to be graduates again, at least for a while!

Laugh together again and discuss someone,
and remember the wonderful school years,
what a pity that it is impossible for us to go to school again,
We will never be able to return those fun days!

It doesn't matter what you're done in life,
the main thing is that I was a graduate,
and today you will gather with friends,
announcing the meeting with laughter and bells!

You will remember again how difficult it is to study,
but how proudly you finished your studies,
and your graduation party was great,
try to feel like that again!

The last bell rang once upon a time,
but you hear it again today,
you sit at your desk and your friends are all nearby
and you probably can’t describe such a state!

How important it is to get to this meeting,
and cancel any business for her sake,
because they are waiting for you with special impatience
those people who were so dear!

When so many years have passed since studying,
you remember only the best moments,
and waiting for February Saturday,
when students meet!

These meetings are always so fun
It's like being taken back to youth,
therefore, everyone who was a graduate
Looking forward to this Saturday!

You and I have lived our lives together,
We all went through school
The girls were our brides,
And with the guys - grooms!

We are proud of each other
Sometimes stood in front of the teacher
What a pity that we can’t get that time back
When we were all one family...

But I'm like a little kid on the evening of the meeting
Today I'm running as fast as I can,
I have nothing to replace you with,
I can't forget school...

I want to congratulate all the graduates today,
Happy meeting day for your long-awaited classmates!
Let the meeting be memorable
May it be better than any holiday!

How much time has already flown by since then,
When we sat at our desks wearing bows.
At that moment life seemed different to us,
We saw a different life in our dreams.

We were a little naughty back then,
They skipped lessons from their parents in secret.
What a great life we ​​had, dear classmates!
I remember everything! Beloved! Happy Graduates Day!

When it snows on a cold winter evening,
I open my school album.
And I understand: I’m looking forward to meeting old friends,
To congratulate you on Graduates Day.

To wish everyone great love,
Who, perhaps, did not meet at this hour.
I want to wish you a lot of health,
So that we can see each other more than once.

The first toast is always for the meeting.
For our meeting and its continuation!

Let's drink now to a happy meeting,
What lights candles in our souls,
What brings us goodness and joy,
The wind bursts in with a blooming, spring wind.
Let the ribbons on the dresses flutter,
May there be more happiness in the world for us,
May this toast protect us from bad weather,
Let him show us both joy and passion!
Let each of our guests drink to this,
We raise a toast to the meeting again!

Our friendly meetings are not frequent,
Between us are both affairs and cities.
“Good afternoon” and “Good evening” to each other
We don't talk for years sometimes.
And if we meet, we’ll immediately notice everything:
And the first snow, and a twig near the eyes.
But at this moment in the whole wide world
There is no one, I swear, younger than us.


May God give us all health!
Success and important victories!
And life with true love
for many, many many years!
Don't separate our roads!
Don't give me a chance to forget
neither the joys nor the troubles of yesterday:
It is impossible to be without them - colleagues and friends.
So let's have a drink! Let's finish briefly
on this toast, saying:
“Allow us to gather in the same way
even after fifty years!”

For us to hit the target, albeit rarely, but accurately.
For our today and subsequent meetings!

A toast to the meeting!
Let us open our feast with a reminder: if we get lost at the table, we meet under it!

I love both soul and body in you,
I am grateful to fate for meeting you.
For this I will give both body and soul -
And I will never break my vow of love.

Toast for meeting classmates

We haven't seen each other for many years, friends,
Everyone has their own destiny:
Work, hobbies, family -
There are a lot of worries in life that have accumulated!

But despite this, we are together
And the evening of the meeting united us again,
And our eyes are full of joy,
And again the road to the past has opened!

Let's remember our school years
And let's have a wonderful evening,
But first, I, as a toastmaster,
I offer you a toast to our meeting!

A toast to the alumni meeting

Each of us moves through life
On my way,
Everyone has many joys, many sorrows,
And there are a lot of new friends.
So let's drink so that we don't forget
We are happy school friends,
So that we meet and remember more often
The days of your bright youth!
So let's drink to the fact that from a hundred ways
We remembered the way to school,
And with joy so that they always come
To her dear doorstep!!!

You can’t be a friend to everyone at once: you will please some more, some less, and some will be completely offended.
So let's drink to our meeting in a close friendly circle!

Toasts for meeting classmates

We haven't seen each other for a long time,
And today we met.
Both festive table
Everyone is smiling!
Changed, matured
And they got a little fatter.
All the jokes are naughty,
School hobbies
Do not wear off over the years
Everyone remembered them together.
We had a snack, refreshed ourselves -
The legs began to dance on their own.
It's good that our youth
Still warms in our hearts.
Husbands, wives, don't fight,
That we will return “on the horns”!

Toast in verse for the evening of graduation

We need to meet.
As before, we recognize faces.
And if whose name is forgotten,
No worries - we’ll ask and pour it.
And we will retell everything that we remember -
It's nice to escape to youth.
Let's dance, albeit not as before,
But also with a bit of courage.
Let's write down positions and titles,
We promise to call everyone.
Let's pay a little more attention
Who did you happen to be friends with, love...
With whom they played tricks - it’s already scary!
With whom does the thread connect lives?
Our student youth
Attracts like a magnet.
Victories real and imaginary
There are quite a few in our bins.
It has long been the laws of the company
Clearer than Fermat's law.
Let everything go according to the notes for everyone.
May life be joyful...
I follow the lyrical lengths
I would like to propose a toast.
For us, student fraternity!
For those who are here and those who are gone!
So that we can get together more than once,
After all, it’s true - GOOD?!

Toast to the meeting
Meetings can take place on trains, restaurants, museums, theaters, at parties and can be different: accidental and expected, friendly and unfriendly, happier and more unpleasant. Meetings can be fun and very interesting. And today I feel great pleasure from our meeting, I hope you do too. I suggest you raise a glass to this!

Each of us is no longer a child. We have matured, everyone has their own path, but we will never forget a wonderful time - this is school time. You always want to return to that happy and carefree time, where you are still small, and there are still many interesting and unexplored paths ahead. We went through a lot together - we explored the world, learned by copying from each other, fooled around, became friends, grew up and fell in love. This is invariable in our memory. I wish you in the present the same childish and carefree joy, lightness, purposeful decisions and great happiness. Let what has not yet been achieved be sure to come closer to you!

Some with mustaches, some with small bellies, instead of funny braids - with hairstyles on their heads, with smart faces and almost all with gray hair - these are my dear classmates. It’s so good that we have gathered here, putting aside all our affairs for later, temporarily relinquishing our responsibilities as responsible parents. Spinning like a squirrel in a wheel, stuck in the quagmire of everyday life, we forget about everything, and only such meetings give us the opportunity to remember carefree times together. school years and dreams that were destined to come true or not. My dear classmates, God grant you all endless happiness and good health for many years to come. Live positively, always smile and may the news reaching us from you always be kind and wonderful.

Today old friends got together again! To chat about life and tell who is capable of what, what they have achieved, to tell about their lives, to find out what’s new with friends and to remember the days of yore! I would like to wish everyone a successful journey in life, so that on it you will meet only faithful friends and responsive people, everything that was planned came true, and everything that was dreamed about came true. And may the spark of those pleasant joint memories of long-standing events always burn in all your hearts. I wish everyone peace, kindness, warmth, happy days and fabulous nights, healthy parents and successful children.

Dear friends! How joyful my soul is from our meeting. We may have grown up and become more important, but at this table every year we will always remain the same perky boys and girls who once shared seats at desks, learned something new together, worried, rejoiced, fell in love. Everyone has their own path in life, and I want to wish that for all of us it will be easy, happy, filled with only good events and people, and that every year, when we get together, we will always have something to tell each other and something to rejoice about together!

How many years have passed, and we are still just as young and cheerful. We all have our own things to do, but we stay important friend for a friend and look forward to meeting you. It’s such a blessing that time has not spoiled our relationship. I would like to see each other more often and get together. May there be more moments in our lives that we will remember in this company.

It seems that recently we were the only ones sitting at our desks, waiting for the bell to ring for recess, answering at the blackboard... And now we ourselves take the children to kindergarten and school, teach them lessons, remembering our school years. Let's make promises to each other - never grow old in soul, remain the same girls and boys who believed in miracles and sincerely loved life.

I congratulate everyone on the alumni reunion day and sincerely wish you a wonderful time with old friends, favorite teachers, and good acquaintances. May this day give everyone a lot of pleasant impressions, funny memories, sincere smiles, tight hugs, happy moments. Don’t forget your school, remember your teachers, call your school friends, remain the same cheerful people!

Friends, today we are already adults, independent individuals, but not so long ago we were all sitting at our desks and timidly waiting for a break! Let this meeting briefly take us back to childhood, but the fun time of studying will forever remain in our memory. We wish teachers health, patience and strength to educate more than one generation!

A beautiful bright day has arrived, the day of alumni reunions. Today you can plunge headlong into happy academic years and warm memories, to regain youth for a moment and become the same mischievous boys and girls who sat at the same desk and ran along the same corridors. Don’t pay attention to wrinkles and gray hair, don’t measure yourself against respectable bellies and statuses, just go back to your childhood on this day and become as happy as you were during your wonderful school years.

We haven’t seen each other for many years and have become different people, but in our memory the moments of our childhood, spontaneity and naivety are forever preserved... Without these details, none of us would have become ourselves, so thanks to the school, classmates and teachers for these precious moments, you are always with me, in my heart and I will never forget you!