Dry cereals for weight gain. The most high-calorie cereals for weight gain and muscle mass. Pea porridge is great for weight gain

Hello friends! How do champions eat breakfast? If you grew up in Soviet times, then remember that winners in sports and in life eat only rolled oats in the morning, so that sooner or later they can compare their performance with this ancient Greek hero.

Now the name of this brand has begun to be forgotten, but the benefits have not become less. Moreover, crushed oatmeal (which is, in fact, rolled oats) began to be eaten in Scotland in the 13th century to make their food more satisfying and healthy.

True, much later - in the 19th century, grains began to be processed with steam and then the flakes we know were born, which we brew with milk in the morning to get the most delicious porridge in the world.

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It is also an indispensable product for bodybuilders all over the world, because it works great when you need to lose weight and get rid of excess fat. And at the same time, if you ask whether oatmeal is good for weight gain, then in this case you will be given a positive answer. We will find out how this happens today in this article.

What are the obvious benefits of oatmeal?

So, oatmeal is considered a complex carbohydrate. No, they, of course, do not solve differential equations and are not tormented by the questions: “To be or not to be.”

The thing is that our body absorbs simple carbohydrates very quickly; they are empty energy, which is most often stored in fat. There are practically no benefits in such carbohydrates and they can only be relevant in those countries where plumpness is considered beautiful, and any woman tries to look fatter.

Complex carbohydrates take a very long time to digest, providing us with a feeling of fullness for several hours. As a rule, they contain a lot of microelements and vitamins, as well as fiber. In addition, oatmeal has a low glycemic index, which means that it does not raise blood glucose levels very much after eating.

Why is this so important? The faster this indicator jumps and the higher it is, the sooner you will feel hungry. For example, almost all sweets have a very large index. This is precisely what can explain the fact that literally an hour ago you drank tea with rolls and ate it all with sweets, but you’re already hungry again.

Moreover, the huge amount of calories that were received did not dissolve in the air, but settled on your sides. At the same time, the increased feeling of hunger requires another supply of food. So we can get into an endless vicious circle of eating only simple carbohydrates with a high glycemic index. Do not do it this way! Eat only the right foods!

The last advantage that oatmeal gives us is a large amount of protein. Yes, along with carbohydrates, it also contains proteins, the role of which in a bodybuilder’s nutrition is difficult to overestimate. After all, without protein foods, your muscles will never grow and you will forever remain skinny.

And which of us wants to spend endless hours in a rocking chair and not see any results after? Of course, not me and not you! So we have another reason to have oatmeal for breakfast.

Don't forget vitamin E and antioxidants, which our oatmeal is rich in. Chemical analyzes also tell us that some amino acids can be found in these grains. In particular, we will be interested in glutamine, which helps muscle fibers recover faster and supports the immune system.

I don’t know how reliable the last fact is, but I believe that you will have time and the opportunity to test it experimentally. In general, oatmeal increases potency, and also allows your genitals to become more sensitive and increases the number of orgasms. So, have breakfast and quickly clarify this information.

Oatmeal for weight gain or loss

If you want to gain weight, then, as I said above, oatmeal will be the ideal product to solve this problem.

It's all about its high calorie content, which is why this porridge will be an ideal solution for breakfast when you need to get a large amount of energy. And if you add honey, nuts, dried fruits and milk here, the dish will become not only a vitamin bomb, but also a real energy boost for gaining muscle mass.

This becomes especially important at the stage when your goal is a detailed study of all muscle groups. If you have ever been in the process of gaining weight and then cutting, then you know that it is easier to “draw” some reliefs, while some practically do not lend themselves to any tricks. The very last thing to give up is usually the abs (see article), which until the last moment does not want to come out from under the layer of fat.

Here, of course, it is important not only nutrition, but also a proper training program. This is exactly what I have been doing for a long time and I give you the finished the solution is here.

At the same time, many athletes use oatmeal during the weight loss stage and even during cutting. How are such strange transformations possible?

It is contraindicated to completely give up carbohydrates even while you are losing weight, because they serve as a source of energy for us. They also help us solve other problems. We not only get vitamins and minerals from here, but also often a lot of healthy fiber (which directly relates to porridge).

As we have already discussed above, complex carbohydrates take a very long time to process, so if you eat a plate of rolled oats, you can completely forget about any stomach grumbling for 3-4 hours. Naturally, if your goal is to lose weight, then it is better to prepare such a breakfast with water rather than with fat milk.

You will have to give up sugar, butter and honey. Choose a sweetener like stevia.

Types of processing and their comparison

By the way, this cereal can be used in various forms, depending on the degree of grinding.

  • It is recommended to boil whole grains not only as porridge with milk, but also try it as a side dish. You can make delicious pilaf or stuff poultry, meat or vegetables with it. The only drawback of this type of cereal is that it takes a very long time to prepare, at least 1 hour.
  • It will take less time to prepare if you choose chopped oats. It will be cooked in 20 minutes and is just as suitable for porridge and side dishes.
  • Standard cereal or rolled oats take 5 to 10 minutes to prepare. By the way, you can prepare various dietary cookies from them.

  • If you need oatmeal for mass, then it is acceptable to use instant cereal. Their main disadvantage is that they quickly increase the glycemic index and contain slightly less vitamins and microelements than other varieties of this cereal. There is also less fiber and protein. In addition, this type of food is digested faster, which means you will feel hungry earlier.
  • But the most unprofitable product in this sense is a ready-made breakfast made from oatmeal, which is simply filled with milk. So if you need a quick snack and don't want to eat junk food, it's better to eat instant porridge than ready-made cereal. In addition, sugar and various flavorings are often added to instant porridge, which is not always healthy. But you don’t need to cook this porridge; just pour boiling water over it and wait a couple of minutes.
  • You can also find oatmeal on sale. You can use it to make any baked goods, from bread and pancakes to cookies and pies. It is recommended to add it to sauces for thickening, as well as to soups. Prepare a tasty and healthy dish from it - oatmeal jelly.

The last product from this cereal is oat bran. They can be added to almost any dish to add fiber. Moreover, oatmeal contains soluble and insoluble fiber. The first reduces the level of bad cholesterol and helps prevent inflammatory processes in the stomach and intestines. In addition, it slows down the process of carbohydrate absorption, which has a positive effect on the feeling of fullness.

And the second protects us from cancer, hemorrhoids (see the article on what hemorrhoids are) and constipation (read). Fiber also copes well with constipation and helps during weight loss, due to its ability to swell in the stomach, giving a feeling of fullness. At the same time, our body is not able to process this dietary fiber, so we do not get any calories from it.

One more regularity can be noted: the more the grain is crushed, the faster and more completely it is absorbed. Therefore, if we gain weight, we stop at flakes. But when your task is to work out relief or lose weight, then the ideal option is whole grain or chaff.

What to cook with oatmeal?

Of course, you can find hundreds of recipes using oatmeal or its derivatives. But I will tell you a few of the simplest and most delicious ones. For example, from ordinary rolled oats you can prepare the now popular oatmeal in a jar.

It’s best to make it in the evening so that in the morning you have a healthy and flavorful dish on the table. It is enough to simply collect cereal (not instant), yogurt or milk in one clean jar. If desired, it is permissible to add any dried fruits, as well as honey.

Combine all components and leave overnight. In the morning you will have delicious porridge ready. You can add fresh fruits and berries, as well as nuts, to your taste. By the way, you can store this porridge in the refrigerator for more than one day. But it’s better to prepare a new portion each time.

If you experiment with different additives, you can get completely different tastes over the course of a week or even more. Try making this oatmeal with banana (see article) and cocoa, or with tangerine and orange, or with honey and nuts, or with apple and cinnamon.

If you are a real jock and your goal is not just to gain weight, but to gain real muscle mass, then I will give you a recipe for anabolic oatmeal. After consuming this portion, you will receive only 16 grams of fat and about 60 grams of carbohydrates and the same amount of protein.

  • approximately 70 grams of oat flakes,
  • 8 egg whites,
  • half a scoop of protein,
  • a teaspoon of sugar or sweetener to taste,
  • approximately 60 milliliters of water (you can add a little more).
  • To taste, you can add cocoa, fruits, berries, and nuts to the finished dish.
  • A tablespoon of flaxseed oil, which is added to the finished product, will help you increase the usefulness of such porridge.

This porridge can be prepared in the microwave by placing a plate in it for 2 or 3 minutes. However, if you do not have such a device at hand, then cook it in the classic way. Want more benefits from your food? Toss in some creatine and glutamine to give your anabolic breakfast an extra boost.

Finally, I’ll tell you a recipe for oatmeal protein bars that you can prepare yourself and not spend money on them in expensive sports nutrition departments.

We will need:
85 grams of flakes,
5 scoops of protein in your favorite flavor,
50 grams of milk powder,
100 grams low-fat cream cheese (if you can find it)
2 squirrels,
three teaspoons of any oil, it is better to take a fragrant one, for example, from walnut,
60 milliliters of water.

Mix cereal, milk powder and protein. At the same time, preheat the oven to 160 degrees. In another bowl, mix the remaining ingredients. After this, combine everything together and beat with a mixer until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.

Grease the mold with oil and pour the prepared mixture into it. Bake for about half an hour, and then cut into portioned bars. This is just one of the options for such snacks. Depending on the filling, their tastes can be varied endlessly.

Hello friends! The Russian people are generous with proverbs and sayings, and many have been invented about porridge. We all know that you can't spoil porridge with oil. And even earlier they said that without porridge, lunch is not lunch. On my own behalf, I can add that breakfast is not breakfast. This dish is the basis of the morning diet for any muscleman, no matter what stage you are at: whether you are gaining weight or, on the contrary, drying out for the summer or for a competition.

True, at the drying stage the amount of such cereal food is very limited, but cereals for gaining muscle mass allow you to choose more varied recipes. Today we’ll talk about similar products in a bodybuilder’s diet, find out which ones are best for you and which ones should be avoided. So, get out your plates and spoons, we're off to test.

Answer the question: “Which porridge is better?” – it’s very difficult right away, because the choice is influenced by various indicators such as the amount of carbohydrates and nutrients, and you shouldn’t forget about your own taste preferences.

To gain weight, our body must receive a lot of energy, and in order not to take it from proteins that are extremely important for us, it is best to extract it from carbohydrates.

In general, if you study the national cuisine of our country, you will see an endless variety of cereal dishes. This is explained by the fact that in cold climates it is one of the most suitable sources of energy.

What is the advantage of porridge?

Let's start with the fact that almost all porridges are carbohydrates. What should you know about this group of nutrients? As I said above, carbohydrates are an ideal source of energy. They help the brain function, ensure the functioning of the immune system, and help build a series of nucleic acids and amino acids. In general, they have many vital tasks.

Their only and most significant disadvantage is the fact that when there is an excess of carbohydrates in your diet, they begin to go into fat reserves.

Depending on how our body breaks them down, simple and complex carbohydrates are distinguished. Simple carbohydrates include monosaccharides and disaccharides, which are based on fructose or glucose. Such carbohydrates can be found in confectionery and various baked goods, in fruits, in milk and in some vegetables.

Their fundamental disadvantage is that they are processed very quickly by our body. In addition, they are able to rapidly increase blood sugar levels, which also decrease after a short period. All this leads to a quick feeling of hunger.

That part of the carbohydrates that the body does not have time to convert into energy is stored in fat deposits. Usually the processing process takes about 2 hours, and it is this fact that can explain the constant feeling of hunger among lovers of fast food and other buns with jam.

Moreover, at first you will feel a surge of energy, but after this period of time depression will begin again and an irresistible desire to look for “what else is delicious to eat.” In general, mild drug addiction in action.

Complex carbohydrates include polysaccharides, which are based on cellulose and starch. Such carbohydrates can be found in almost all cereals and legumes, some vegetables, as well as nuts and seeds. They give us a feeling of fullness for a long time.

Moreover, if your breakfast or lunch consisted of complex carbohydrates, then you will not experience such ups and downs in mood as I described above due to the fact that the glycemic index (which affects the level of insulin in the blood) is much lower. . Therefore, the energy level will be more constant.

Naturally, when drawing up a rational diet, it is best to choose complex carbohydrates, which contain a lot of vitamins and fiber. And, most importantly, I ate this food and forgot about hunger for several hours. It is these nutrients that are contained in cereals.

Learning to understand porridge

When choosing the optimal diet for muscle growth, it is very important to take into account the fact that I described above. According to the above classification, both simple and complex carbohydrates can predominate in such dishes. The lower the glycemic index in the finished product, the better.

This is especially true during the drying period, when you are faced with a very difficult task: you need to lose excess fat mass, but at the same time preserve all muscle fibers. The most difficult stage in this process is the “detailing” of the abdominal muscles, which, as a rule, give up only at the very last stage.

If you dream of beautiful abs on your stomach, then this will help you this course:

In it you can find not only the most detailed recommendations regarding your diet, but also a training program for any type of person. In general, don’t put off until tomorrow what you can improve today.

  • Complex carbohydrates are found in porridges such as buckwheat (it’s better to take kernels), oatmeal, rice, and almost all legumes: chickpeas, peas, beans, and so on.
  • Simple carbohydrates predominate in semolina, corn, millet, and some others.

In fact, we can say: the finer the grain is crushed, the more simple carbohydrates it will contain. Therefore, choose only whole grains. The problem is further aggravated by the fact that whole grains have a shell, or endosperm, that protects the future sprout. It contains a lot of vitamins and nutrients, as well as fiber.

When the grains are crushed or peeled, then, naturally, it is lost, which means you lose most of the useful stuff. Sometimes crushed cereals are additionally enriched with useful elements, but they are not absorbed by our body so effectively.

At the same time, there are no obstacles to mixing different types of cereals, for example, the combination of buckwheat and rice is very tasty, you can add mung bean here.

If we talk about the time of taking porridge both for gaining weight and for drying, then the recommendations will be of a similar nature.

Reasoning logically, we understand that we need the greatest boost of energy in the morning. In addition, our activity level is at its highest during this period. The peculiarities of digestion also tell us that those foods that we ate in the morning most often go into energy, and not into fat reserves.

Based on all of the above, we conclude that the most optimal breakfast for you will be porridge consisting of complex carbohydrates. Carbohydrates can be consumed in much smaller quantities during lunch, but it is better to combine them with protein foods.

If you decide to have porridge for dinner, then it is better to give it to the enemy, because it will not do you any good.

When you choose which cereals to eat, based on the list above, give preference to those with more complex carbohydrates. This way you will forget about hunger for several hours and will feel great until lunch.

But in such early hours it is quite acceptable to have breakfast with more energy-intensive (read: simple carbohydrates) porridge. This is especially true for overweight men.

But at lunch, put only complex carbohydrates on your plate, such as buckwheat or peas.

By the way, don’t forget about the fact that cereals can be used not only for preparing porridges and side dishes. We are used to using them exclusively in this role.

However, you can make excellent soups with them, and barley, rice and even buckwheat make excellent pilaf. Don't forget about exotic dishes, for example, bulgur or paella. Try preparing a variety of salads, both warm and cold, with quinoa, rice and other grains.

By the way, porridge contains not only carbohydrates, but also proteins. And although their ratio is not very large (about 5 to 1), nevertheless it is also important. But there is practically no fat in them, which makes this dish an almost unique dietary product.

Detailed comparison of different cereals


Semolina porridge is essentially very finely crushed wheat. It contains 333 kcal per 100 grams. At the same time, about 70 grams of carbohydrates, 10 of proteins, 68 of starch and only 1 gram. fat About 4 more grams of dietary fiber. In addition, it contains various vitamins and microelements.

The advantages, and at the same time, the disadvantages of such cereals include its rapid absorption. Semolina helps improve digestion and clears the intestines of various toxins. We all know that such porridge cooks very quickly. This allows you to preserve almost all useful substances. Semolina can be used not only for preparing porridges, but also for casseroles, cookies, and even cakes.

Whole wheat

Wheat contains such important amino acids for us as valine, tryptophan, lysine and phenylalanine. The most useful will be sprouted grain, which contains the maximum amount of both vitamins and microelements. For example, there is 10 times more vitamin B2 here than in regular wheat. Fiber, which is present in whole grains, helps digest food in the intestines. Wheat cereal is one of the most common in the world.


Various amino acids, fiber, vitamins and minerals, as well as fructose can also be found here. Per 100 grams it contains about 338 kcal.


An excellent dietary dish both in the form of whole grains and its crushed versions. Oatmeal lowers blood sugar levels, eliminates excess fluid and swelling. Per 100 grams 342 kcal.


Millet porridge is great for athletes and jocks. This cereal relieves us of toxins and helps with diabetes and atherosclerosis. Calorie content 378 kcal per 100 grams.

Rice perfectly envelops the stomach and intestines. This property allows us to recommend this cereal to people with gastritis and other gastrointestinal diseases. 344 kcal per 100 grams.


It fights diabetes, removes cholesterol, toxins and even heavy metals. Among other things, there are fewer carbohydrates here than in other cereals. 343 kcal per 100 g.


Refers to minimally allergenic products. Despite the fairly high calorie content (365 kcal per 100 g), it is absorbed very poorly. This is due to the presence of incomplete protein and poorly digestible fiber. That is why such cereals can be called a real “brush” for our stomach and intestines.

Pearl barley

Rich in antioxidants and substances with antibacterial properties and helps improve metabolism. 320 kcal per 100 grams.

Of course, this is only very brief information that can be told about porridge. Their usefulness is undeniable; the main thing is not to overdo it with quantity. Be healthy and purposefully pursue your dreams, and I will try to help you with this.

Many people mistakenly believe that to gain weight it is enough to eat only high-calorie foods, without paying attention to their overall benefits for the body. While you can easily gain muscle mass with the help of healthy food - cereals, without fear of gaining excess weight in the form of fat deposits.

Healthy cereals

Why should you include porridge in your diet to gain weight? This organic product is a rich source of calories needed to generate sufficient energy during workouts. Thanks to their easy digestibility, porridge saturates the body with essential nutrients without overloading the digestive system.

Particular preference should be given to the following products:

  • Oatmeal;
  • Buckwheat;
  • Pearl barley.

It is worth considering each example separately.


The most high-calorie porridge, the nutritional value of which is 345 calories per 100 g. An ideal breakfast product - it gently envelops the walls of the stomach and intestines, which facilitates easy absorption of vitamins, macro- and microelements. Moreover, oatmeal contains enough of them: calcium, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus in large quantities (more than 50 mg per 100 g of specific gravity). With a fat content of 6.9 mg, the amount of protein reaches 16 mg, carbohydrates - more than 66 mg.

It is worth noting that the most high-calorie porridge will only be useful in grains. Flakes and ground cereals contain a lot of unnecessary starch when gaining weight.


Buckwheat is extremely useful for gaining muscle mass due to its high content of vegetable proteins - more than 12% per 100 g. These substances are quickly absorbed, normalizing liver function and having a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. To increase the protein component, add meat dishes and boiled eggs while taking buckwheat. The calorie content of buckwheat porridge is 329 calories.

Pearl barley

One of the healthiest porridges that should be included in your daily diet. The low glycemic level of pearl barley porridge suppresses insulin surges, which can turn all carbohydrates into ordinary fat deposits. In addition, pearl barley has the slowest carbohydrates among other grains, so your body will be fueled with the necessary energy for a long time after eating. The energy value is 324 calories per 100 g.

What to give up?

Not all cereals contribute to the proper set of muscle mass - with a high level of energy value, they may not have the required composition of nutrients. Here is a sample list of unwanted products:

  • Corn porridge;
  • Rice in a certain form;
  • Semolina.

The main reason for refusing these cereals is the increased starch content in the composition, especially in semolina. Starch promotes rapid weight gain in the form of unnecessary fat deposits, which are difficult to convert into muscle even with the help of physical activity.


Nutritionists advise using corn porridge as an alternative to other boring porridges, since its effect is no longer aimed at weight gain, but at maintaining overall health. This dish will be beneficial for the intestines and strong teeth thanks to the silicon in the composition. Energy value: 323 calories, 9 percent protein.


Despite its record low fat content, rice is not recommended as a porridge for weight gain. It is fats that contribute to the full balance of nutrients in the diet - do not forget to consume them throughout the day. The method of processing the rice grain and its class play a big role: for example, brown unpolished rice will be much healthier than white polished rice due to the iron, phosphorus, manganese, and vitamins B1, B3, B6 in the composition. Energy value: 323 calories per 100 g, 7% protein.


The main disadvantage of semolina is the presence of the vegetable protein gluten, to which many have an allergic reaction. In addition, its composition is based on protein and starch, which practically eliminates the carbohydrates necessary for energy production during training. If you want to diversify your daily diet with this particular porridge, be sure to add meat and vegetable components. Energy value: 326 calories, 13% protein.

Porridges for weight gain should be prepared slightly differently than regular meals. During classical cooking, the starch contained in grains can absorb liquid up to 100 times its own weight - this reduces the original nutritional value of the product by 2-3 times. To avoid such a situation, simply leave the required amount of cereal in water overnight so that it swells. In this case, the porridge will gain only 3 times more liquid. Before eating, it is enough to scald the dish with boiling water to rid it of possible infections.

How to gain weight correctly?

Thanks to basic rules, increasing muscle mass with the help of grain dishes will be much easier and faster. First of all, you need to pay attention to the total energy value of your daily diet - it should be at least 35 calories per 1 kilogram of weight. Meals should be larger in quantity, but smaller in volume. Fractional meals are better absorbed, trigger metabolism and do not overload the digestive system, allowing you to constantly remain energetic. The optimal number of meals per day is from 5 to 10. To ensure a balanced daily diet, you need to combine complex carbohydrates from cereals with vegetable fiber and meat protein.

All athletes know that cereals are an excellent source of slow carbohydrates. They can be used both during weight gain and during cutting. Find out which cereals you should eat to gain weight.

It should be recognized that porridges occupy a special position in a bodybuilder’s diet, as they are a powerful source of complex carbohydrates. As you know, this nutrient is the best source of energy, without which it is impossible to conduct a full-fledged training. Very often, beginning athletes complain that they cannot gain weight. Today we will tell you how to change this situation and begin to progress.

If you train naturally, you will learn a lot of useful information today. People have long known that proper nutrition improves their quality of life. For athletes, organizing a proper nutrition program is also important, because one workout is not enough for progress. Only by consuming quality foods at the right time can you gain weight.

It is quite obvious that during the mass-gaining period, complex carbohydrates should be present in large quantities in the bodybuilder’s diet, which makes it possible to increase the energy value of food to the required value. In addition, it must be said that simple carbohydrates should be limited, as they can trigger the process of neolipogenesis. Among all sources of slow carbohydrates, porridge is undoubtedly the best.

A little later we will look at all the best cereals for weight gain, but now we need to say a few words about the rules for preparing these dishes. Agree that the final result depends on the composition of the porridge. You should remember that during the cooking process, the starch contained in foods absorbs a lot of water. As a result, the athlete eats a half-empty dish.

Let's look at a specific example and take cereal, 100 grams of which contains about ten grams of protein compounds and about 400 calories. After cooking the porridge, the same amount of calories and proteins will no longer be contained in one hundred grams, but in 200 or even 300. This depends on the duration of cooking.

To avoid this, it is necessary to pour a portion of the cereal with water overnight, and scald it with boiling water in the morning for disinfection, because we do not know in what conditions the product was stored. As a result of these actions, you will be able to eat half the amount of food containing more nutrients.

The best cereals for weight gain

It's time to talk about the best cereals for weight gain. We will pay maximum attention to the content of protein compounds and energy value.

Oatmeal for weight gain

This is one of the best cereals for athletes and is the ideal choice for your breakfast. Once in the digestive system, oatmeal creates an enveloping effect. The amino acid composition of this product is almost ideal, and in addition, about ten percent of the total composition comes from plant fibers. This substance helps cleanse the intestinal tract, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the entire digestive system.

Oatmeal contains many microelements and especially B vitamins. You probably know that they are very important for bodybuilders. Oatmeal can be useful for various ailments of the digestive tract, such as ulcers. However, only whole grains are healthy, not flakes. In this form, oatmeal will become a supplier of starch to the body instead of microelements. One hundred grams of the product contains 14 grams of protein compounds and about 340 calories.

Buckwheat porridge for weight gain

This product is a strong source of sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron and calcium. Buckwheat also contains a lot of B vitamins. In addition, the group is rich in protein compounds of plant nature, it is not for nothing that in the Middle Kingdom buckwheat is called “meat bread”. Porridge is quickly absorbed by the body and has an almost complete composition of amines.

Scientists have found that buckwheat is an effective means of preventing cardiovascular diseases, improves liver function, relieves swelling, and also normalizes intestinal motility. In addition, it is necessary to note quercetin, the content of which in the product is about 8 percent. This substance can slow down the development of cancer. One hundred grams of the product contains 12 grams of protein compounds and about 320 calories.

Pearl barley porridge for weight gain

This porridge will allow you to diversify your menu and at the same time it contains the slowest carbohydrates. Do not forget about the very low glycemic index, which guarantees the absence of the process of neolipogenesis. Simply put, after eating pearl barley porridge you will not gain fat mass. Very often, nutritionists recommend that patients in the early stages of obesity more often include pearl barley porridge in their diet.

This dish can not only normalize metabolic processes, but also accelerate them. The product contains a large number of micronutrients, including B vitamins. One hundred grams of pearl barley porridge contains 9 grams of protein compounds and about 324 calories.

Corn porridge for weight gain

The amino acid profile of this product leaves much to be desired and you should consider corn porridge solely as an alternative to those discussed above. When you are tired of buckwheat, pearl barley or oatmeal, you can include corn in your diet. Although it contains quite a lot of microelements, a huge amount of starch spoils everything. Note that corn porridge contains such a rare substance as organic gold. One hundred grams of the product contains 9 grams of protein compounds and about 323 calories.

Rice porridge for weight gain

The product contains a minimum of fat, which is why it is valued by athletes. However, during the period of weight gain, this is not very good, since sex hormones are synthesized from fatty acids, and the endocrine system works much better. Moreover, this applies not only to men, but also to female athletes. Almost 80 percent of the carbohydrates in rice are starch, which is not very good during the mass-gaining period. It is advisable to consume only those grains that have not been polished, as they contain a full range of microelements. One hundred grams of the product contains 7 grams of protein compounds and about 323 calories.

What foods are good for gaining muscle mass? What can you eat and what should you forget about if you want to build powerful muscles? A complete overview of acceptable and unacceptable products!

If you stop consuming the right bulking foods that provide the calories your body needs, your muscle growth will stop. Try replacing your diet with foods and see what happens.

The Best Foods for Mass Gain

Anyone interested in gaining weight should know that in order to grow muscle tissue, it is important to consume more calories than you burn in a day. Without sufficient building material it is impossible to hope for a positive result. Would you hire a group of builders to build a house without providing them with the bricks and supplies (and leaving them with no funds to buy)? Obviously this would be a waste of money. This comparison can also be applied to exercise in the gym. You may be a fanatic about going to the gym, but working out every day without the right muscle building products is a waste of time. You will become stronger, but the size of your biceps is unlikely to change.

Even if you realize that you need to consume more calories to grow, many people don't do it simply because they internally resist eating more. It seems to them that they will have to behave like it’s New Year’s Eve and eat to their heart’s content every day.

Forget about: fresh fruit

By eating 4-5 fruits a day, you significantly replenish the body's reserves of antioxidants. Plus, fruits are rich in fiber, making them a great substitute for sweets.

Unfortunately, just like oatmeal, fruit contains a high percentage of water, which takes up precious space in your stomach.

Replace with: dried fruits

To overcome the problem of excess water, replace fresh fruits with dried fruits. You will get 10 times more calories, but the same benefits.

You can add them to trail mix or bars, bake them into pies, and enjoy them as a quick breakfast when you don't have time to cook.

Forget about: white fish

White fish is ideal for the diet, as it is incredibly low in calories and high in quality protein. However, it is not very suitable as a product for gaining weight: in order to provide the body with the necessary calories, you will have to consume it in huge quantities.

Replace with: salmon

Instead of white fish, include salmon in your diet. It is an excellent source of essential fatty acids, which not only improve health, but also promote lean muscle mass. Salmon contains many times more calories than white fish, so this product will be much more useful in gaining weight and muscle mass.

Forget about: egg whites

Like white fish, egg white contains a high concentration of white fish, which is why people most often prefer it. Most people don't eat red or chicken meat for breakfast, so egg whites work great here. Plus, they are not expensive and easy to prepare.

Replace with: whole eggs

Do not remove the yolks; eat the eggs whole. The yolks contain essential microelements such as calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc and thiamine. They will provide you with calories and will also maintain normal cholesterol levels in the body. If there are no health problems, you can eat 1-2 whole eggs per day.

Forget about: low-fat yogurt

For healthy bones and muscle contraction, it is necessary to consume dairy products regularly. Many people prefer to include low-fat yogurt in their diet, especially since various fruit additives can give it an amazing taste.

The problem is that half a cup of this yogurt has only 50 calories (if you choose unsweetened, since sugar contains more calories), and this will not help with muscle growth.

Replace with: cottage cheese

Cottage cheese, unlike yogurt, has twice as many calories and protein. Therefore, this product is ideal for gaining muscle mass.

Forget about: bread

Finally, if you prefer to snack on a few slices of toasted bread for breakfast or late at night, reconsider your habits. You think that since all diets exclude this product, then it is suitable for gaining muscle mass, since one piece contains approximately 80 calories.

Replace with: bagels

Instead of bread, start your day with a bagel. Spread with two tablespoons of peanut butter, a whole grain bagel will provide you with 500 calories and 12 grams of protein. Add a big glass of milk (goes great with peanut butter) and you're ready to go!

Don't let overeating prevent you from getting the calories you need to gain muscle mass. Make small changes to your diet and you will achieve your goal! At the same time, you will not feel discomfort and heaviness in your stomach, but will be full of energy to work in the gym.