List of dangerous and safe food e-codes. E451 Triphosphates E 451 food additive harm

General characteristics and receipt

Food additive E451 (chemical name - triphosphates, salt of tripolyphosphoric acid) belongs to the group of stabilizer substances that ensure a stable connection of substances even when exposed to external factors.

The general name E451 refers to several substances:

  • E451i - sodium triphosphate, tripolyphosphoric acid salt;
  • E451ii - potassium triphosphate, potassium salt of tripolyphosphoric acid.

To obtain the food additive E451 on an industrial scale, several types of chemical reactions are used:

Condensation from orthophosphoric acid: 6 H3PO4 + 5 Na2CO3 → 2 Na5P3O10 + 5 CO2 + 9 H2O;

From sodium phosphate and sodium fiphosphate: NaPO3 + Na4P2O7 → Na5P3O10.

Formation from sodium trimetaphosphate: Na3P3O9 + 2 NaOH → Na5P3O10 + H2O;

2 Na2HPO4 + NaH2PO4 → Na5P3O10 + 2 H2O.

The physicochemical properties of this food additive are as follows:

  • the aggregate state of the additive is solid. Most often in the food industry they use white powder with inclusions of various shapes and sizes, less often - granules;
  • the color of the food additive is predominantly white, but shades are allowed - gray, pale yellow, cream;
  • included in food products, triphosphates destroy the bonds between the contractile proteins of muscle fibers, actin and myosin;
  • the powder is highly hygroscopic (able to absorb water vapor from the air);
  • the density of the substance is 2.52 g/cm³;
  • the melting point of triphosphates is 622° C;
  • food additive E451 has good solubility in water - 14.5 g/100 ml;
  • when interacting with protein products, the substance provokes an alkaline reaction, and this causes an increase in pH. As a result, proteins begin to hold water molecules;
  • food additive E451 stimulates fat emulsification.


The food additive E451 is used primarily in the production of meat products, since thanks to it proteins are able to store water. This leads to an increase in the mass and volume of the finished product, which means its cost increases. However, when defrosted, the consistency of food products that contain tripolyphosphoric acid salt deteriorates - the products lose their shape and presentable appearance.

Manufacturers add this substance not only to sausages, but also to:

  • special drinks for athletes with a high protein content;
  • soft drinks;
  • sterile and pasteurized milk, ice cream and milk-based desserts;
  • young cheeses and cheese products;
  • ready-made egg mixtures for omelettes;
  • pasta, soups in bags;
  • minced fish and meat;
  • fruit fillings for confectionery products, sauces, glazes.

Effect on the human body: benefits and harms

Food additive E451 belongs to the group of food additives with a high degree of danger for the human body. This is due to its destructive effect on the actin-myosin protein complex, as well as a change in pH to the acidic side.

The negative impact of the food additive E451 leads to impaired absorption of calcium. In the human intestine, this additive is broken down into smaller structural components that are poorly excreted from the body. The accumulation of residues of these substances (phosphates) provokes the deposition of calcium and phosphorus in the kidneys, which impairs excretory function. Another consequence of using the E451 dietary supplement is osteoporosis. The latter leads to a decrease in bone density, an increase in their fragility due to disruption of metabolic processes in bone tissue (the breakdown of substances prevails over synthesis processes), and an increased risk of fractures.

Such phenomena are typical with regular use of high concentrations of the food additive E451. However, if the dose recommended by doctors is exceeded once, unpleasant symptoms such as indigestion and allergic skin reactions (redness, itching in different parts of the body) may appear.

Another unpleasant consequence of using this supplement is metabolic acidosis. The latter manifests itself in the form of a violation of the acid-base state, in which the pH value decreases and the concentration of bicarbonate in the blood decreases.

It is better not to give children products that contain such an additive, since their digestive system is not yet able to eliminate the remnants of the substance.

There is no reliable scientific data regarding the positive effect of using the E451 supplement in food products. However, a number of experiments have shown that it is effective in other areas of industry, for example, in the manufacture of household chemicals or cosmetics.


The food additive stimulates the emulsification of fat. Thanks to this property, the substance is effective in washing powders and dishwasher detergents.

It is necessary to know the normalized amount of food additive content

Table - Standard content of food additive E451 in products according to SanPiN dated May 26, 2008

Food product

Maximum level of E451 content in products

Sterilized milk

Milk containing less than 28% solids

Concentrated milk with a solids content of more than 28%

Skimmed milk powder

Pasteurized and sterilized cream

Whipped cream and its analogues with vegetable fat

Young cheeses

Processed cheeses and their analogues

Dairy-based chocolate and barley drinks

Sour butter

Sandwich margarines

Ice cream (except milk and cream), fruit ice

Desserts, including milk-based (ice cream)

Desserts and dry mixes, powdered

Fruit products, glazed fruits

Potato processing products, including frozen, chilled and dried

Potatoes, pre-fried and frozen

Bakery and flour confectionery products

Sugary confectionery

Powdered sugar

Dry mixtures based on flour with the addition of sugar, baking powder for baking muffins, cakes, pancakes


Whipped batter, fermented batter, beaten egg omelet mixture, liquid breading

Cereal products produced using extrusion technology, breakfast cereals

Specialty food products

Meat products

5 g of added phosphate per kg of raw meat

Unprocessed fish and fillets

Frozen crustacean products

5 g of added phosphate per kg of raw material

Minced fish "surimi"

Fish and shrimp paste

Frozen minced fish and products made from it

Canned crustaceans

g added phosphate per kg raw material

Dry egg products (melange, white, yolk)

Soups and broths (concentrates)

Beverage clouders

Specialized drinks for athletes, artificially mineralized soft drinks

Drinks based on plant proteins

Liquor products

Tea and herbal teas, dry, instant

Cider (apple and pear)

Salt and salt substitutes

Syrups (decorative coatings) flavored for milkshakes, ice cream, syrups for pancakes, pancakes, Easter cakes

Glazes for meat and vegetable products

Biologically active food additives

According to TI


The food additive E451 is allowed to be used in the food industry in Russia, as well as in most European countries. At the same time, manufacturers must rely on regulatory documents when determining the amount of a substance in a product.

Russian legislation regulates the use of E435 in food products based on SanPin dated May 26, 2008:

  • 3.2.26 Hygienic regulations for the use of acids, bases and salts
  • 3.6.56 Hygienic regulations for the use of consistency stabilizers, emulsifiers, thickeners, texturizers and binding agents;
  • 3.7.15 Hygienic regulations for the use of flour and bread improvers.

The use of E451 is provided for by GOST 31638–2012 “Food additives. Sodium and potassium triphosphates E451. Technical conditions".

Sodium triphosphate is a substance marked in the classification table of food additives with number E 451i.

This is an artificially produced white granular powder that belongs to the group of stabilizers and acidity regulators of food products with an average level of danger to human health.

Origin: synthetic;

Danger:middle level;

Synonymous names:E 451i, sodium tripolyphosphate, E-451i, sodium tripolyphosphate, sodium triphosphate (5-substituted).

​General information

The physical characteristics of E 451i, in addition to its white color and granular, friable powder form, also include its good solubility in an aqueous environment and high resistance to an ethanol environment.

In fact, substance E 451i is the result of the thermal processing of orthophosphoric acid. That is, in order to obtain sodium triphosphate, it is necessary to carry out thermal dehydration of a mixture of orthophosphoric acids and then give it vacuum crystallization.

The E 451i additive itself differs from its analog substances in the degree of deep purification, that is, it is an improved substance E 451, especially for food production. E 451i is purified from impurities remaining after processing of phosphoric acids. Heavy metals, arsenic and other harmful substances are extracted from it. And then used as an additive as an emulsifier, binding agent, flour improver and texturizer.

In the form of a molecular chemical formula, pentasodium triphosphate will look like this: Na 5 P 3 O 10.

Effect on the body


Due to its artificial origin, the E 451i additive has harmful properties and can cause different symptoms. In addition, products containing this substance are not recommended for use by people diagnosed with childbirth.


Scientists have not found any beneficial properties of the E 451i additive.


Additive E 451i is available in two forms - for food production and for technical use.

The first type of pentasodium triphosphate is used in meat and fish production, in the production of processed cheeses (as melting salt), in powdered cream, powdered milk, condensed milk, and in some types of confectionery production.

The second type of additive E 451i is technical, used in coal and plastic production, in the production of thick pastes, in the chemical industry as a pH level regulator in various environments, in detergents, bleaches and disinfectants, in the paper industry, leather and other artificial materials, in pharmacology and cosmetology.


The attitude towards the E 451i additive varies in different countries. In most EU countries it is prohibited for addition to food products. But in Ukraine and the Russian Federation, E 451i is used in food products in certain standards specified in special documents.

E-451 Triphosphates: sodium triphosphate, potassium triphosphate.


Triphosphates are a type of stabilizer used to maintain the viscosity and consistency of food products. It is also used as an emulsifying salt, color fixative, antioxidant synergist, texturizer, complexing agent and acidity regulator. Additive E-451 has the structure of a hygroscopic powder or white granules, readily soluble in water, insoluble in ethanol. There are two types of E-451 additive: E-451i - sodium triphosphate Na5Р3О10; E-451ii - potassium triphosphate K5Р3О10. Triphosphates are obtained by thermal dehydration of the initial mixture to extract anhydrous sodium triphosphate, followed by vacuum crystallization. Possible methods for producing sodium triphosphate can be visualized in the form of chemical reactions: 6 H3PO4 + 5 Na2CO3 → 2 Na5P3O10 + 5 CO2 + 9 H2O; NaPO3 + Na4P2O7 → Na5P3O10; Na3P3O9 + 2 NaOH → Na5P3O10 + H2O; 2 Na2HPO4 + NaH2PO4 → Na5P3O10 + 2 H2O. Potassium triphosphate is obtained by carrying out similar chemical reactions, dehydration of a mixture of K2HP04 and KH2P04 in a molar ratio of 2:1 at 325-400°C. Impurities: other potassium phosphates.


Additive E-451 Triphosphates as stabilizers are most suitable for the meat processing and sausage industry in the production of sausages and frankfurters. Almost all food phosphates and their mixtures, which are used in the meat processing and fishing industries, have an alkaline reaction. By adding them to meat and fish, the acidity of the products increases, and as a result, the muscle fibers of the meat are able to accumulate large amounts of water, due to which the weight and volume of the finished product more than doubles. When defrosting a product with E-451 volume and weight decreases, and consistency deteriorates. Despite the many negative properties and obvious harm to the human body, the supplement E-451 present in almost all types of sausages and many other food products. Triphosphates are allowed as an emulsifying salt in the following food products:

  • processed cheeses in quantities up to 9 g/kg;
  • in 10 standards for meat and fish products in quantities from 3 to 5 g/kg;
  • in 6 standards as a stabilizer in an amount of 1 to 5 g/kg of dry matter, individually or together with other stabilizers.
  • in amounts up to 100 mg/kg, it is allowed as a consistency stabilizer, emulsifier, thickener, texturizer, binding agent, flour and bread improver, pre-fried, frozen potatoes;
  • in specialized drinks for athletes, artificially mineralized soft drinks in quantities up to 500 mg/kg;
  • in fruit products, glazed fruits in amounts up to 800 mg/kg;
  • in sterilized milk, concentrated with a solids content of less than 28%, ice cream (except milk and cream), fruit ice, minced fish “surimi”, alcoholic beverages in quantities up to 1 g/kg;
  • in concentrated milk with a dry matter content of more than 28% in an amount of up to 1.5 g/kg;
  • in young cheeses, milk-based chocolate and barley drinks, sour cream butter, pasta, cider (apple and pear), tea and dry herbal teas, instant in quantities up to 2 g/kg;
  • in powdered and skimmed milk powder, flour in quantities up to 2.5 g/kg;
  • in desserts, including milk-based (ice cream), soups and broths, flavored syrups for milkshakes, ice cream, syrups for pancakes, pancakes, Easter cakes in amounts up to 3 g/kg;
  • in glazes for meat and vegetable products in quantities up to 4 g/kg;
  • pasteurized, sterilized cream, whipped cream and its analogues in vegetable fat, sandwich margarines, processed potato products, including frozen, chilled and dry, sugary confectionery products, whipped batter, fermented liquid semi-finished product, beaten egg mixture for omelettes, liquid breading, cereal products, breakfast cereals, specialized food products, unprocessed fish and fillets, fish and shrimp paste, sauces in quantities up to 5 g/kg;
  • in meat products in quantities up to 5 g/kg of raw meat;
  • in frozen crustacean products in quantities of up to 5 g/kg of crustacean raw materials;
  • in canned crustaceans in quantities up to 1 g/kg of crustacean raw materials;
  • in frozen minced fish and products made from it in quantities of up to 5 g/kg of fish raw material;
  • in desserts, powdered dry mixes in quantities up to 7 g/kg;
  • in powdered sugar, dry egg products (melange, white, yolk), salt and salt substitutes in amounts up to 10 g/kg;
  • in processed cheeses and their analogues, bakery and flour confectionery products, dry mixtures based on flour with added sugar, baking powder for baking muffins, cakes, pancakes, drinks based on vegetable proteins in amounts up to 20 g/kg;
  • in opacifiers for drinks in amounts up to 30 g/kg;
  • in biologically active food additives in quantities according to TI individually or in combination with other phosphates in terms of P205 (clauses 3.2.26,3.6.56,3.7.15 SanPiN Additive E-451 can be used in products either independently or in combination with other stabilizers. Other areas of application: in the production of household chemicals, detergents, cleaning products and cosmetics, surfactants in the production of cement, in the textile industry. Additive E-451 approved for use in the food industry of the Russian Federation. Also additive E-451 is included in the list of permitted food additives in Ukraine.

    Impact on the human body:

    Triphosphates are classified as dangerous additives, therefore the maximum permissible amount of substance consumption per day has been established - 70 mg/kg of human body weight. If the prescribed dosage is exceeded, severe inflammation of the mucous membranes of the body, in particular the organs of the digestive system, may occur, indigestion may occur, deterioration in the absorption of calcium due to excess phosphates, which leads to the deposition of calcium and phosphorus in the kidneys, and contributes to the development of osteoporosis. Triphosphate in the intestine is hydrolyzed into orthophosphates, which in large quantities can cause metabolic acidosis. In children with overdose E-451 There may be a state of nervousness and acute calcium deficiency, and can also have a negative effect on the skin. Triphosphate is believed to act as a cancer-forming agent and increase blood cholesterol levels. As a result of studies of triphosphates, it was found that when using the supplement E-451 no mutagenic changes are observed. Animal studies have shown that the supplement E-451 does not affect reproductive functions, fertility and litter size, as well as the growth or survival of offspring. Additive E-451 is a strong allergen, so even when working with triphosphates, certain safety precautions should be observed. If the substance gets into your eyes, you should immediately rinse them with water and consult a doctor; to avoid getting the substance into your respiratory tract, workers should use respirators. A ventilation system must be installed at the enterprise.

Almost all modern food products contain a wide variety of additives. Very often, or even almost always, the consumer is not aware of the harm that certain stabilizers and food additives can cause. The truth about the components that are included in the finished product is carefully hidden by manufacturers. In this article, we will consider in more detail what pyrophosphates are, what their scope of use is and their negative qualities.

What is a stabilizer?

The food industry uses various additives to achieve a special color of products, aroma and special qualities that will help maintain their presentation.

A stabilizer is a type of inorganic compound that is actively used by manufacturers to preserve the structure of the product for a long period of time. With the help of such substances, the product looks ready for use for a long time. It does not form mucus and does not look sticky. Therefore, the shelf life of the product increases.

What is pyrophosphate?

Pyrophosphate is an ester or salt of pyrophosphoric acid. The types of pyrophosphates and the table will be discussed below.

It stabilizes the color and improves the consistency of the product, and also slows down oxidative processes. They have bactericidal and antioxidant effects. They are actively used for preserving meat and can be included in dairy products.

The formula of pyrophosphates is: P 2 O 7 . Their frequent use can upset the balance between calcium and phosphorus. As a result, calcium will be less absorbed and will begin to be deposited in the kidneys. This process will lead to the development of osteoporosis in the body. If your diet contains a lot of phosphorus, then you need to be especially careful when consuming foods with phosphates.

Classification of pyrophosphates

There are 8 types of pyrophosphates in all food production. Each is designated by a Roman numeral. This index is written next to the name 450. This additive is the most famous among all those used in the production of products. Let's look at the types of pyrophosphates in the table.

E450 (pyrophosphates): description

So, we learned what a stabilizer and pyrophosphates are and looked at their types. Now let's take a closer look at other nutritional supplements. The most famous of them is sodium and potassium pyrophosphate. The food industry is very active in using this additive, and the meat processing industry has been especially successful in this. Consumers have seen it on product labels, but many have no idea about its properties and how much it can be consumed so as not to expose themselves to risk.

Sodium pyrophosphate must be oxidized to obtain this well-known additive. Hydrochloric acid in this case is used as an oxidizing agent. This reaction removes water from the solution, and the resulting compound retains moisture well. In this way, the well-known stabilizer E 450 is obtained. It is contained in dairy products, juices, minced meat, and confectionery products.

In addition to cooking, this additive is found in detergents, insect repellents, and various paints.

What is this stabilizer used for?

Most often, this stabilizer is used in the food industry as a leavening agent, moisture retainer, and acidity regulator. E 450 can be viewed under a microscope. There it appears as a crystalline powder or white granules.

This additive is legal, so almost all manufacturers use it. The main function is to increase the volume and weight of the product. Therefore, its use is very beneficial for manufacturers.

But besides this main function, the E 450 has other purposes:

Potassium and sodium pyrophosphates can form a uniform consistency, so the product remains fresh for a longer time and has a pleasant appearance.

Body reaction

Ukraine, Russia, and EU countries consider pyrophosphates as permitted additives. The exception is the eighth type (dimagnesium pyrophosphate). It has already been banned in the EU, but in Russia it is allowed. E 450 have a third, so they cannot be called safe for the body.

It is believed that small dosages of this dietary supplement are completely harmless. But each organism is individual, and the reaction to the same amount of substance is also different. It has been proven that this food additive increases blood pressure, allergic reactions may occur, digestion worsens and the level of absorption of essential substances from food decreases.

If you regularly use E 450 (even in the smallest doses), then sooner or later calcium and phosphorus will begin to be poorly absorbed. Calcium will be deposited in the kidneys, stones will form, bone tissue will become fragile and dental problems are possible.

You should be very careful when choosing products in stores; it is better to avoid pyrophosphate E 450 in food. Scientists and doctors have calculated the maximum amount of this supplement that can be consumed - 70 milligrams per kilogram of body weight.

E 450: harm and negative impact

Several options for negative effects on the human body were discussed above. But this is not the entire list of shortcomings. Let's look at them in more detail. The occurrence of an imbalance between phosphorus and calcium was discussed above. There is more phosphorus in the body, and less calcium. In addition to the formation of kidney stones, problems with the musculoskeletal system arise. Treatment of osteoporosis is a very long and labor-intensive process. It will be necessary to eat right, follow a diet, consume vitamin D, which is necessary for calcium to be better absorbed, and also engage in regular exercise.

But the musculoskeletal system is not the only part of the body that will suffer from the action of the E 450 stabilizer. The cardiovascular system will also fully feel the negative impact of this food additive. Calcium is necessary for the rhythmic contraction and relaxation of the heart muscle. If it is deficient, the heart will wear out faster. It should also be noted that calcium is needed to produce insulin. Therefore, when there is not enough of it, the risk of developing diabetes increases.

If this supplement is constantly present in your diet, then cholesterol plaques may appear in the lumens of blood vessels. Recently, scientists conducted a study, the results of which shocked them. E450 is why its use increases the risk of developing malignant tumors significantly.

Where is stabilizer E 450 found?

To avoid this dietary supplement if possible, you need to know where it is found and in what quantities. Most sodium pyrophosphate salts are found in meat products and semi-finished products: sausages, meat, dumplings, sausages, and various deli cuts.

Processed cheeses and dairy products also contain huge amounts of pyrophosphates. Especially cheap cottage cheese and other fermented milk products.

Some manufacturers add E 450 to bread. Thanks to this nutritional supplement, it becomes heavier. Thus, less flour, sugar and other elements are used. Such products are very easy to identify, although, as a rule, this is possible after purchase. This bread can be stored for a very long time and may not go stale for a whole week.

Pyrophosphate E 450 is found in almost all popular products, such as carbonated drinks, ice cream, crab sticks, frozen potatoes, liquor, dry cereals, tea, syrups, muffins and much more.

In the modern food industry it is difficult to do without this stabilizer, because a pleasant appearance and a sufficient shelf life are the most important criteria that the consumer pays attention to.

In order not to risk your health and reduce your consumption of pyrophosphates, it is better not to buy semi-finished meat products, but try to choose natural meat. Dairy products and bakery products must be purchased from trusted sellers.


In the article, we looked at the food stabilizer E 450, known to many people. Despite the fact that it is approved in many countries, its use can cause irreparable harm to your health. Therefore, you should be extremely careful and attentive when choosing food products.

A separate group among food additives is occupied by transparent and tasteless polysphate crystals, which are designated by the general marking E452. These substances are present in many food products, as they are powerful stabilizers; in addition, they are often used as thickeners.

However, are they as safe for health as buyers are assured of?

Action of E452

As has already become clear, E 452 is a food additive. Whether it is dangerous or not is a rather controversial issue, because in many countries its use is widely practiced, while in others it is strictly prohibited. To understand this, you need to find out what effect this stimulant has and what effect it has on the body.

It should be noted that due to its unique properties, this additive is widely used in many fields of activity. For example, in the industrial sector E 452 is used to prevent the development of mold, and in metallurgy to stop corrosion.

The additive has softening and degreasing properties, and therefore this substance can be seen in the list of components included in detergents. In addition, this additive is used in the manufacture of various coatings that have anti-corrosion properties in the paint and varnish industry.

Benefits and harms

According to the results of scientific research, substances of group E 452 take an active part in almost all internal processes occurring in the human body at the cellular level. It's no secret that polyphosphates have a positive effect on blood clotting and are a source of essential nutrients. However, few people know that it is the E 452 supplement that stimulates the production of “bad” cholesterol. It is deposited on the walls of blood vessels, thereby “clogging” them.

Another disadvantage of E 452 is that this food additive is very poorly excreted from the body. As a result of regular consumption of foods that contain this stabilizer, a kind of “reserve” of phosphates is formed inside a person. They are not toxic and do not cause allergies, however, they are dangerous, as they are a carcinogen that leads to the formation of tumors.

Methods of obtaining

E 452 - food additive. What exactly this is is described above. To fully appreciate its benefits and harms, you should understand how it is obtained. This stabilizer is obtained by heating sodium hydrogen phosphate to a temperature above 600 degrees. The output is a transparent or translucent powdery substance.

Essentially, E 452 is a polymer of phosphoric acid. There are several types of polyphosphates with this marking. In general, this subgroup of food additives includes polyphosphates:

  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • sodium potassium;
  • sodium;
  • ammonium

They all have unique properties. Quite often, the additive is combined with other similar substances, for example, citrates or phosphates.

Application in the food industry

Just a few years ago, the harm of E 452 was greatly underestimated, and therefore this additive was widely used in the manufacture of various food products. Currently, it is prohibited in many countries, with the exception of some EU countries, Russia and Ukraine.

Polyphosphates can be seen in many common products: condensed milk, processed cheese, canned fish and meat, and some milk formulas. This additive is also present in most popular sausages and even coffee sticks. These are far from the only products in the manufacture of which E452 is used. It’s not surprising, because this compound slows down chemical reactions, so the products are stored longer and do not spoil.

Therefore, adherents of a healthy diet when purchasing goods in supermarkets and stores should pay attention to the presence of the substance E 452 in the composition. There is a high probability that this additive can be seen in shelf-stable products, sausages and frankfurters, cheeses, yoghurts, kefir and milk, as well as some sweets.

If we talk about all the pros and cons of this food stabilizer, we can come to a single conclusion: the harm of E 452 significantly outweighs the benefits. Numerous studies have found that this substance is dangerous for humans and its consumption can lead to negative health consequences.