How many cm is considered normal? Normal penis size in men: how many cm is the normal length and width. Opinions of women and men: surveys

For most men, the most important and significant part of the body is the penis. What do the advantages depend on?

This issue is of interest not only to the stronger sex, but also to the bulk of the female population. There are a huge number of beliefs and signs that supposedly explain what determines the size of the penis in men. Below we will consider the most common conjectures and will either receive confirmation or refute them.

How does the male reproductive system work?

The reproductive organs of the stronger half are divided into internal and external. The former consists of the testicles, vas deferens and seminal vesicles, while the latter consists of the scrotum and penis, or penis. Their main function is reproductive.

Properties of the penis

Male flesh is a sexual organ that is designed to transport sperm into the vagina during copulation, as well as remove urine from the body.

The phallus consists of a base, a body and a head. The base consists of 2 parts, or two bodies - cavernous and spongy, containing many lacunae filled with blood. At the end of the corpus spongiosum there is a thickening - the head, the edge of which covers the ends of the cavernous bodies. It is covered with the most delicate skin (foreskin), which has an abundance of glands responsible for smegma.

The appearance of each man's penis is unique; at rest it is straight, but during an erection it has a strong bend.

Penis size standards

The size of the reproductive organ in men in an inactive state is small - from 5 to 10 cm, but during arousal it reaches 14-16 cm, which corresponds to the size of the female vagina. Interestingly, shorter phalluses grow larger during erection than longer ones. But the shape and slope during this period are individual. A penis whose length in an erect state ranges from 16 to 18 cm is considered large, and one that reaches 18-20 cm or more is considered a giant. The diameter of this organ usually varies from 3 to 4 cm.

At the time of birth, the length of the penis in boys is from 2.5 to 5.5 cm, about 6 cm, then this organ actively grows until adulthood, and after 18 to 25 years it does not increase much.

At the moment of arousal, the size of the phallus increases from 2 to 8 times due to a decrease in venous outflow with the contraction of special muscles near the base.

So what determines penis size in men?

Basic misconceptions

The most common mistake is the belief that the size of a man's penis depends on the length of his nose. But this is absolutely not true. Scientists have proven that the main respiratory organ has nothing to do with the size of the penis. It is also generally accepted that the length of the penis in men is directly proportional to the length of the foot, which is also completely false.

Another misconception is comparing the distance from the base of the thumb to the tip of the middle finger with the length of the penis. This judgment has long been refuted by scientists and is completely groundless.

Also, the researchers could not prove that there is any relationship between a man’s height and the size of his reproductive organ. Therefore, this criterion is also considered erroneous.

Recently, there has been an opinion that representatives of non-traditional sexual orientation have a more impressive phallus than heterosexuals, but this is absolutely not true, as proven by Richard Edwards, in whose study 1,768 people took part.

Does weight category matter?

The next common question is: “Does penis size depend on weight?” Let's figure it out.

When a man has a large amount of fat deposits accumulate in the pelvic area, this causes the visible size of the penis to decrease. But when returning to normal body weight, the size of the phallus also becomes the same. So what does the size of a man's penis actually depend on?

Factors affecting male flesh size

First of all, the length and thickness of the male penis (as well as other parts of the body) is determined by heredity! Genes are the most important factor influencing the appearance and structural features of the body as a whole.

Of course, the characteristics of growth and development also play a role. If even before the birth of a boy or at the time of puberty there was a failure in the formation of testosterone, then the formation of the genital organs may not proceed correctly.

The causes of a small penis can be injuries, surgeries, epispadias, hypospadias.

The infamous professor conducted a very interesting study and gave his answer to the question of what determines the size of the penis. It turns out that it depends on race!

Thus, according to the test results, the leading position is occupied by residents of Africa, namely men from In this country, the majority of the stronger sex has a phallus length of 18.0 cm. Next come Ecuadorians - 17.77 cm. In third place are men from the country of Ghana.

Europeans follow only from the 10th line in this list, and the Hungarians are in the lead (16.50 cm). And in Russia, the average penis size is 13.21 cm. This figure is generally an indicator of standard penis sizes throughout the world. So to speak, the golden mean. Residents of North and South Korea, or rather the male part of them, have “dignity”, the length of which does not exceed an average of 9.66 cm. Asians took all the last places in Richard Lynn’s table.

Based on the above, we can conclude that the researcher is right, and the nationality of the man plays a significant role in the size of such an important organ.

A sexologist's opinion on this issue

From the point of view of sexologist Pavel Pavlovich Salov, the main factor on which the size of the penis depends is still considered to be genetics. He also explains the desire of men to have “great dignity” by the fact that for the stronger half of the population, the phallus is their pride and ego. This perception is present in every son of Adam on a subconscious level, and this state of affairs has existed from time immemorial.

It’s just that men with outstanding sizes are more ambitious, which is why they are so popular among women. In fact, the sexologist assures, there is nothing wrong with a small penis (if it is not a pathology), the main thing is to be confident in yourself and your abilities, then there will definitely be no problems with the fair sex.

And finally, let’s discuss whether men should worry about amorous affairs, and whether orgasm depends on the size of the penis.

Is more better?

Most women answer without hesitation that the size of their partner’s “dignity” does not play a special role in delivering pleasure. The main criteria are skills and abilities!

As you know, Grigory Rasputin and Casanova were owners of phalluses of very modest size, but women, nevertheless, went crazy for them. Why? The whole secret is in the ability to bring your beloved to orgasm!

Sexologists assure you: you just need to find the right approach to your partner, and not be shy during intimate games and the act itself. The psychological factor plays a huge role in such a delicate situation: the less a man has complexes about the size of the penis, the more relaxed he behaves in bed, pays more attention to the lady, feels relaxed and conquers the woman with his skills.

Your clothing size

There are many different size tables for different countries on the Internet with the ability to convert from Russian sizes to European ones. But you always have to look for and compare different indicators.

Your clothing size

What does the calculator calculate?

Based on the circumference of the waist, hips and chest (for men also the neck circumference) you will receive the sizes of trousers, skirts, blouses, jeans, shirts and overall clothing size. You can also determine how far you are from the next size. If almost all of your parameters fit the next size, then, depending on the style, clothes a size smaller may suit you.

Why are there two sizes?

The table will show your current size in which you will feel free (that is, your girths will be in the range of values ​​of this size) and another size that is slightly smaller than your girths - for tight clothes. On the graph you will see what size each of your indicators belongs to.

Choosing a clothing size


This size is relevant for types of clothing that require compliance in three parameters:
dresses, tunics, coats, nightgowns, dressing gowns, clothing sets. coats, jackets, raincoats, robes, jumpers, overalls.

“How long should a penis be?” - the question is quite vague. Scientists have concluded that the length of the penis in most men ranges from 10 to 15 cm, while...

Men about penis length

The size of the penis is an exciting and almost the first question for every man during puberty. Almost every teenager was interested in what a penis should be like and compared their dignity with the given parameters.

It is because of this much debate that research is being conducted to show men and women the true normal parameters of manhood.

Now the following parameters have been derived that the man himself, as well as specialists, can use to navigate before prescribing a surgical solution to the problem of a small penis:

  1. Micropenis. It is a rare occurrence when the penis does not exceed 2 cm in length when stretched. According to some sources, this length is slightly larger - during erection no more than 6-8 cm.
  2. A small penis, which in a state of arousal does not exceed 9.5 cm in length.
  3. Normal, that is, average, penis size in length is from 9.5 cm in an erect state.

A slight correlation was found between penis size and height (positive), and a negative correlation was found between penis length and excess weight.

Experts say that it should be carried out in three different states:

  • at rest;
  • at full stretch;
  • during an erection.

Measurements are taken from a standing position, from the so-called penopubical angle, which should be equal to 90 degrees. This angle is located between the penis (from the pubis) to the end of the organ. At the same time, they also notice the shape of the penis, which may differ in men:

  1. Cylindrical. When the penis is approximately the same thickness from base to tip.
  2. Pointed form when the end is slightly or narrower than the base.
  3. Mushroom form when everything is the other way around. That is, the base is thinner than the end.

What size should the penis be? These measurements are different for everyone. Researchers believe that a penis that reaches 24 cm belongs to the “giant” category, a large size - from 16 to 22 cm, and strong members include members with a length of 12 to 16 cm. Extreme - these are two parameters that are too far from the norm. These are penises less than 2.5 cm and more than 25 cm, which are already of scientific interest to sex therapists, endocrinologists, and surgeons.

How long should a penis be - research results

Similar measurements and surveys have been carried out more than once, but the latest data from scientists from the Academy of Surgery in France showed what the size should be:

  1. at rest from 9 to 9.5 cm.
  2. During an erection, the penis “grows” to 13-14.5 cm.
  3. The thickness at rest ranges from 8.5 to 9 cm.
  4. The girth after stimulation is up to 10-10.5 cm.

It is interesting that about 85% of calls to specialists due to a small penis come from men for whom everything is fine. Such patients believe that the parameters of their dignity cannot correspond to the norms of anatomy.

And due to the fact that any can lead to complications, doctors strongly recommend abandoning such an idea. Also, the types of surgical correction are quite limited, and some of them are accompanied by dissection of the ligament (suspensory ligament of the penis), which sometimes negatively affects the state of erection.

What size must a man's penis be before a doctor can perform surgery? These are cases with a micropenis, as well as too large parameters of the organ, when intercourse with a partner does not bring pleasure and threatens with injuries and combat syndrome. Sometimes, at the request of the patient, corrective operations are performed. Surgical methods are also justified when there are congenital defects of the genital organs, deformities after injury, as well as consequences of cancer.

Women's assessment

Which should it be? And this question has been clarified more than once. On average, girls indicated a length of 15 cm, but gave greater importance to the thickness of the organ. Still, little depends on the original size. Thus, there are men whose length and width of the penis increases slightly compared to the original dimensions, and vice versa, in almost 80% of men the penis grows significantly after arousal, having initially small parameters. Also, it should be noted that often women “threw” 1-2 centimeters from the actual length to their partners.

In order for your woman to feel complete satisfaction with you, you must be able to use what nature has given you, and drugs that support an erection and can also slightly affect the size of the penis will come to the rescue.

For erection we recommend the drug Sildenafil. This is an active substance that is included in many drugs. Sildenafil leads to relaxation of the smooth muscles of the penis, or rather its cavernous bodies, so they are fully filled with blood. Sildenafil, according to reviews, has a mild effect, a rapid onset of effect and an extremely low percentage of side effects. available at a reasonable price in our online store.

For those cases when the erection is ok, but you want new bright sensations and slightly increase the size of the penis, the Cream is intended for penis enlargement, Penon also affects orgasm, the duration of sexual intercourse, and inhibits premature ejaculation.

What the length of the penis should be is not as important as the ability to use it. All the research conducted on this topic leads to the same result: too much is also bad.

Harmonious development worries both parent and child equally. And this especially applies to a boy’s puberty.

An untimely detection of a deviation from the norm can cause a young man to quickly develop complexes. Which will get worse and during adulthood he may end up with severe depression and strong complexes.

In contact with

Comparing boys with each other seems like self-indulgence, but this is a serious psychological stage and each of them unconsciously strives to prove himself a leader. In order for the child not to “lose” in this battle, he must develop correctly and know what corresponds to the norms.

The age associated with interest in one’s own sexual development is variable among young people.

Some begin to show interest and compare themselves with their peers as early as 7-8 years old. Especially if they have physical education classes or a sports club in the pool, where the shower is shared.

Others think about the comparison closer to adolescence, around 14-15 years old, when topics of sex and self-gratification begin to arise in social circles.

The average age of the appearance of a point of attention is the period from 12 to 15 years. Depending on the social circles in which the boy found himself and the conditions of his upbringing.

At the same time, early interest and timely interest are not a pathology in the mental development of a young man, it is only a natural process. But if you think about puberty and his conformity, he is in no hurry to reach the age of 18. Then you need to think about sexual immaturity, which you will need to fight.

If a parent notes that a child is lagging behind in puberty, he should not focus on this and tell the boy about the problem directly. You will need to carefully lead him to a conversation on this topic, if the question is psychological, or to a trip to the doctor, in case of difficulties in any aspect.

Regardless of whether the boy or the parents are interested in the normal size of the penis, correct measurements are necessary for correct conclusions. And it is quite easy to carry out such a procedure, it is only important to observe a few points:

  • The measurement is first carried out in a relaxed state and only after that in an excited state.
  • To measure, the penis is fixed without unnecessary pressure and stretching in a position in which it is parallel to the floor.
  • The measurement process should take place in a comfortable position, but the best option is standing.
  • To avoid errors due to subcutaneous fat, the measuring device is installed close to the skin at the root of the penis, and measurements end at the tip of the glans.
  • It is better to use not a hard ruler or tape measure, but a soft meter, which will reduce errors in the results.

You should not re-measure the organ every day or every week, since pronounced changes will not appear during this time, but additional stress will be created. If you are very concerned, you can take repeated measurements every 3-4 months, or better yet, even every six months.

At 13 years old

Statistics always come to the rescue in determining any average indicators, and the size of the penis of young people is no exception.

Both boys and their parents often think about the normal penis size at 13 years old.

And if we conditionally call the average size the norm, then at the age of 13 years this figure in a relaxed position is 5 cm. In a fully excited position - 10-13 cm.

At 14 years old

The subsequent question from the older and younger generations about what is the average penis size at 14 years old is also interesting. Taking the average from statistical data, we can conclude that in a passive state, the penis of a boy of this age group is 5-6 cm, and in absolute readiness 11-15 cm. However, we must not forget that these data are again statistically average, and not the only true and mandatory data for every boy.

At the age of 15

For parents and children who are thinking about the average penis size at 15 years old, statistics are again ready to give an average figure, conventionally called the norm. Measured a completely relaxed sexual organ of a boy of this age should be 6-7 cm, buterect – 12-16 cm.

Normal length at this age

It is worth considering that normal penis size at 13, 14 or 15 years old may differ from the average.

Fluctuations in the indicator in a relaxed state in all these age categories often do not exceed 2 cm up or down. And when measuring an excited organ, differences from the average data can be one and a half to two centimeters.

Although there are average deviations from the conventional normal size, you should not panic if they do not exceed 3 cm. And only if there is such a difference, you should think about visiting a doctor.

At what values ​​should you not worry and why?

Deviations from average indicators do not always occur in a larger direction, so boys and their parents are interested in in which case a deficiency is considered normal.

At the age of 13, the minimum size in a calm state is 5 cm, and in an excited state - 11 cm.

At 14 years old a relaxed penis can reach at least 6 cm, and when erect - 12 cm.

At the age of 15 at rest the figure is approximately 7 cm, and when erect it is 13 cm.

All these minimum points are considered as such at the discretion of medical staff. Which have been confirmed by observations and research that such parameters are sufficient for further development and can still be replenished as they grow older.

Watch the video about the norm and when the difference in size is critical:

How to achieve normal organ development

In addition to the fact that parents and boys are interested, what should be the length of a penis at 13, 14 or 15 years old, I’m also interested in how to influence the growth process so that the organ meets the norm.

First of all, to avoid pathologies that may affect this characteristic, among them:

Diet has a profound impact on human health and development. Therefore, the next point is the boy’s nutrition, which should be enriched with products for penis growth and a positive effect on his body.

These include:

Even though these products are important for the normal growth of a boy’s penis, we must not forget that allergies exist. Therefore, you need to carefully select foods and, before creating a diet from them, take an allergy test.

Under no circumstances should you give your child hormonal medications without a doctor’s prescription, as this can harm the body.

Parents and boys should be interested in penis size at 13, 14 and 15 years old. And in any other age range, to be sure that growth and development occur at a normal pace.

It is important to adhere to a lifestyle that will prevent deviations from the norm. And if there is a delay in the development of the penis or it stops, the available control will make it possible to begin the fight against the problem in a timely manner and restore the young man’s body. So that in the future he does not have problems in his intimate life.

We invite you to watch an interesting video

During sexual intercourse, only close contact of the genital organs of both partners becomes a source of real pleasure. Therefore, many men want to find out whether the length of the penis and vagina are comparable. How many centimeters to the uterus can be found out from anatomy, but the data from official sources is focused on the average woman. Each representative of the fair sex has her own individual characteristics.


How to find out how many centimeters to the uterus?

How many centimeters from the external genitalia to the uterus can be determined from anatomy. Between the external genitalia and the cervix there is a stretchable muscular canal - this is the vagina. On average, it has a length of 7-12 cm, but each woman has her own individual parameters. In some, the length of the vagina is 6-7 cm, in others it is more elongated and reaches 15 cm.

The channel tends to shrink and stretch depending on the situation. For example, its width becomes smaller when it is necessary to hold a sanitary tampon. During childbirth, the genital tract expands to 10-12 cm in diameter. This is necessary so that the baby’s head and body can pass out without obstruction.

Deep in the canal is the uterus, consisting of the cervix (lowest part), body and day. The neck resembles a round disk with a small hole in the middle. It has a narrow canal (called the cervical canal) and is closed by a mucous plug. The length of the cervix is ​​3-4 cm, the body of the uterus itself has a length of 4 to 7 cm and weighs 40-50 grams.

Based on the anatomical structure of a woman, the distance from the vulva to the uterus is on average 13-14 cm.

If a girl really needs to know the length of her vagina, it can be measured at a medical facility. For this purpose, a special tool is used, on which a scale with divisions is applied.

Is it possible to reach the uterus with your fingers?

It is unlikely that you will be able to feel the body of the organ itself, since it is located quite deep. Can you touch the cervix with your fingers? It is possible, and some women regularly determine the condition of their own cervix in order to find out whether ovulation has occurred. To carry out the procedure, use the instructions:

  1. Wash your hands with soap and trim your long nails to avoid scratching the vaginal lining.
  2. Take a comfortable position. Some women prefer to have their cervix examined in a sitting position.
  3. Insert your middle finger deep into your vagina until it hits something hard. This is the cervix. It is impossible to move your finger further than that.

If ovulation occurs, the humidity and consistency of the cervix changes. It becomes soft and pliable, due to the increased work of the glands inside the vagina, a large amount of mucus is formed.

The length of the vagina varies depending on the monthly cycle. So, before the onset of menstruation, it shortens, and with the onset of ovulation it becomes longer.

Can the penis reach the uterus?

An interesting fact is that the vagina can adapt to the width and length of the male penis. If you have sex with a regular partner, over time her genitals will adapt specifically to your manhood. The muscle channel takes on the length and width that is necessary for close contact.

In an excited state, the penis can penetrate very deeply, but it all depends on the size of the genital organs. For example, a long penis rests against the cervix during sexual intercourse quite often. With an elongated vagina and a short penis, this cannot be achieved.

Many women don't always enjoy it when a man penetrates too deeply. Some experience discomfort and pain. If at the time of sexual intercourse a woman has not reached an excited state, her vagina remains tight and changes its shape little. The penis rests against the uterus, as a result of which the partner complains of pain in the lower abdomen and inside the body.

Can vaginal length change with age and during sex?

There is a slight change in the parameter towards an increase immediately after childbirth, but after some time the length of the vagina returns to its original values. Often men note a change in their sensations during intercourse with their wife after the birth of a child, but this is due to the fact that the folds inside the vagina are smoothed out.

During sex, the genital tube stretches by about 5 cm; in an excited state, this organ reaches 13-19 cm. However, according to Western research, the average length of the vagina during sex is 15-16 cm. This is exactly the same size as the male genital organ. .

After the decline of reproductive function, the parameter changes little; with age, the vagina extends by 1-2 cm, no more.

However, unless absolutely necessary, it is still not worthwhile to carry out independent measurements, as it can cause an infection. It makes no sense to find out the sizes out of curiosity. In a man and a woman, the genital organs usually have the length necessary for their close contact.