How long does the crust from cryomassage last? Facial cryomassage with liquid nitrogen: review of the procedure. What is needed for the procedure

The beauty industry annually offers new ways to maintain beautiful and healthy skin. One of the most popular methods today is cryomassage.

He came to cosmetology from other areas of medicine, after the Japanese doctor T. Yamauchi proved the benefits of artificial cold massage for sore joints.

Since the end of the twentieth century, the cryomassage method has become a popular and affordable way to maintain the natural beauty of facial skin without the use of plastic surgery.

Operating principle

The massage procedure is carried out using liquid nitrogen. Using a special applicator, frozen nitrogen is carefully applied to the skin of the face.

When exposed to gas, a certain area of ​​the body cools. As a result of this, the capillaries begin to narrow, and all processes in the dermal tissues slow down.

After the end of the session, the capillaries expand again. Blood flows to the face. This accelerates the processes occurring in the layers of the skin, oxygen and nutrients are better supplied to them, resulting in tissues recover faster.

The process of skin rejuvenation occurs. The effect becomes noticeable immediately after the first session.


Facial cryomassage has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and is indicated in the following cases:

  1. Skin rashes in the form of blackheads and acne.
  2. Warts and papillomas.
  3. Oily skin with enlarged pores.
  4. Loose skin.
  5. First wrinkles.
  6. Pigment spots on the skin.
  7. Double chin.
  8. Demodecosis.


Despite the benefits of cryotherapy, there are a number of contraindications:

  1. Allergic reaction to cold.
  2. Blood clotting disorders.
  3. Oncological and cardiovascular diseases.
  4. Injured skin at the site of expected exposure to cold.
  5. Acute viral infections.
  6. Fever.
  7. Tuberculosis.
  8. Herpes is in the acute stage.
  9. Epilepsy.
  10. Pregnancy and lactation period.

To ensure maximum effect from frozen nitrogen massage, cosmetologists recommend 10-14 sessions (with a time interval of 3 days between them), each of which lasts 5-10 minutes.

The salon cryomassage procedure is carried out in several stages and does not require special preparation from the patient:

  1. In a cosmetology office, the client is placed on a special couch and the body is covered with a sheet. The hair is tucked under a special cap.
  2. Makeup is carefully removed from the face.
  3. A special wooden applicator with a cotton tip is placed by the cosmetologist in a thermos, where liquid nitrogen is stored at a temperature of 196⁰C. It is in this state that the gas turns into a liquid state.
  4. The applicator is quickly passed along the massage lines. At this time, the client may feel a slight tingling sensation from the cold, which quickly passes.
  5. After the procedure is completed, a nourishing cream is applied to the face. After 30 minutes you can go outside, but for several days you need to avoid direct sunlight.

Depending on the cosmetic problems, carrying out cryomassage may differ in different situations.

Use for acne

Blackheads and acne appear on the skin as a result of the activity of microorganisms – bacteria. When acne is exposed to cold, pathogenic flora also dies.

In a few days the crust covering the defect comes off along with the pimple, leaving no traces.

The massage lasts 5-7 minutes. In order to completely get rid of problems with acne and blackheads, you need to do 6-7 sessions.

With demodicosis

They live in human hair follicles, feed on sebum and human hormones, and lead an active lifestyle in the dark.

The presence of these mites in the body can be guessed by inflammation in the forehead, nose and chin.

If anti-acne cosmetics do not bring results, and the skin on the face acquires an earthy tint, it is necessary to be tested for the presence of demodex.

A good way to temporarily get rid of unpleasant symptoms is massage using liquid nitrogen.

The cosmetologist dips the applicator in liquid nitrogen and makes rotational movements parallel to the rash. Under the influence of cold, skin itching decreases and redness is relieved.

Rosacea treatment

Rosacea is a consequence of increased sensitivity of skin blood vessels.

This is a chronic disease in which the skin turns red and thickens, pustules and spider veins appear on it.

Massage with liquid nitrogen is a guaranteed method of getting rid of altered blood vessels on the face.

After several procedures redness is significantly reduced, itching is reduced, the skin acquires a healthy tone.

Massage for rosacea is practically no different from massage for demodicosis.

The only difference is that freezing occurs without pressure, using a more gentle method: only the main vascular nodules are additionally frozen for 10 seconds.

Learn more about the cryotherapy treatment method and more. Find out how the procedure is carried out in the salon from the video.

Possible complications

Sessions of exposure to liquid nitrogen are usually well tolerated by patients, but in some cases unpleasant consequences are possible.

It should be noted that redness of the skin, slight swelling on the face, and a tingling sensation are not complications.

This is a normal reaction of the body to exposure to low temperatures. Typically, the data symptoms disappear on their own the next day after the massage.

In other cases, if safety precautions are violated, the following complications arise:

  1. Allergy to cold. It appears in patients prone to allergic reactions if the effects of frozen nitrogen were not tested before the start of the session on an inconspicuous area of ​​the skin. After the massage, it begins to itch, ache, swell and even blister.
  2. Appearance of scars. This becomes possible after prolonged exposure to low temperatures on the same area of ​​skin.
  3. Burns to the mucous membranes of the eyes and mouth. When liquid nitrogen comes into contact with the mucous membrane, it sticks tightly to it, causing burns and blisters. You cannot remove them yourself, but you should make sure that no infection gets into the blister.

    To do this, they should be sealed with adhesive tape. After a few days, the blister deflates, only in rare cases leaving small scars.

Combination with other methods

Cryomassage is used both as an independent method and in combination with other methods of rejuvenation.

Most often it is used with ultrasonic and mechanical facial cleansing, in which cold helps reduce discomfort after exposure to the dermis.

Massage with liquid nitrogen also prepares the skin for deeper cosmetological procedures and enhances the effect of enzyme peeling and mesotherapy.

It doubles the benefits of injections. Cold exposure also helps minimize unpleasant consequences after hair removal procedures.


Prices for cryomassage of the face depend on the region, the degree of equipment of clinics or beauty salons, the qualifications of the cosmetologist, as well as on the type of procedure (manual, i.e. using an applicator, or hardware).

In Moscow and the Moscow region, the cost of one procedure for manual cryomassage of the face ranges from 500 to 700 rubles. for one session, and for hardware - from 2000 to 5500 rubles.

In addition, the cost of one procedure will depend on how many sessions the doctor prescribed. The more, the cheaper one procedure will cost, and vice versa.

Use at home

Cryomassage can be done not only in the salon, but also at home. However, liquid nitrogen can only be used and stored under special conditions..

Therefore, home cryomassage is carried out using ice. Unlike procedures with nitrogen, which have quite a few contraindications, ice massage is not recommended only for inflammatory diseases of the sinuses and at high temperatures.

To prepare ice cubes, you will need boiled, distilled, micellar water, fruit juices or herbal decoctions.

They are poured into small molds and left for several hours in the freezer. Once the ice hardens, it can be used for cosmetic purposes.

In this case, you need to use no more than 2 cubes per session. You can’t keep them on one area of ​​the skin for a long time. to prevent frostbite.

The ingredients that are added to the cubes will depend on your skin type. There are many recipes:

  1. Chamomile. 2 tbsp. dry pharmaceutical chamomile, pour one glass of boiling water, leave in a sealed container, cool, strain, pour into molds and put in the freezer. Chamomile cubes help tone and disinfect oily skin.
  2. Parsley. You can use cubes with parsley to restore the tone of dull skin and lightly whiten it. To do this, you need to cut and chop the leaves from a bunch of fresh parsley, pour 0.5 liters of cold water over them, and keep them on low heat for 20 minutes. Then cool the resulting broth, pour into molds and put in the freezer.
  3. Juices. Cubes made from natural juices of fruits, berries and vegetables tone well and restore elasticity to the skin. They can also be frozen individually or as a group.

The video provides information on preparing and using ice cubes.


Cryomassage, regardless of the technique and location of its implementation, is beneficial for the skin.

This procedure is in great demand because does not require serious financial costs or long preparation.

The result is noticeable after the first session, which is very encouraging for clients.

The result of the salon procedure

It is worth starting to use the technique after 30 years, when it becomes necessary to remove the first wrinkles, restore radiance to the skin, and narrow pores.

After a course of treatments in the salon, you can expect the following results:

  • improved blood circulation;
  • slowing down the aging process;
  • disappearance of skin defects such as bags under the eyes, age spots, rashes, oily shine.

Expectations from the home procedure

Regular use of ice cubes made from juices, herbal infusions or dairy products can transform your face.

Under the influence of low temperatures, the skin experiences stress, blood circulation improves in its layers, metabolic processes occur faster, as a result of which:

  • improves complexion;
  • the skin becomes elastic;
  • the epidermis is well moisturized;
  • greasy shine disappears;
  • pores become narrower.


Cryomassage is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures.

Liquid nitrogen and ice help restore the skin to its healthy appearance without surgery.

If you are familiar with this technique, you can leave your feedback in the comments to the article.

Cold has long been used in a set of procedures popular in dermatology and cosmetology.

Cryomassage of the face, head and body is carried out by briefly exposing the skin to ice cubes or liquid nitrogen. Rejuvenation using this method is a popular procedure that is carried out in beauty salons.

This technique was invented and first used in Greece. Since antiquity, civilized Greeks have paid tribute to beauty and perfection by inventing various methods of rejuvenation through cryotherapy.

The main task of cryomassageimprove blood circulation in the skin.

Under the influence of cold, the vessels narrow for a short time, and then, expanding, return to their original state. As a result, the blood circulates more actively in them, the metabolic rate increases, and the nervous excitability of cells decreases.

The skin ultimately receives a large dose of oxygen and microelements. The effect is visible in the radiance and freshness of the face.

Photo: left – before, right – after

Mild and short-term exposure to cold promotes:

  • exfoliation of dead cells of the upper layer of skin;
  • normalization of her nutrition;
  • renewal of the epidermis;
  • restoration of scalp hair.

Purpose of cryotherapy

Cryomassage is mainly used for cosmetic purposes: this procedure has a beneficial effect on the appearance of facial skin and is recommended when the first signs of aging appear.

It is also used for preventive purposes. Changes are visible after just a few visits to the beauty salon. The condition of the skin improves after each visit: a blush appears, the complexion becomes even and natural.

Thematic material:

Video: about cryotherapy in cosmetology

Methods used

There are two known methods of performing cryotherapy.

Problem areas can be addressed:

  • ice cubes;
  • liquid nitrogen - it is a transparent liquid without a certain color or odor, containing no toxins.

Nitrogen massage

The substance is endowed with unique properties.

Exposure to liquid nitrogen leads to spasm of blood vessels, after which they dilate and increase in volume. This state persists for three hours. All this time, the tissues are saturated with oxygen, their blood supply is accelerated, and the outflow of venous blood is normalized.

Unlike using ice, this procedure is more complex and requires special conditions and qualifications. Nitrogen massage is performed in beauty salons and medical institutions.

Carrying out the procedure

Cryomassage of facial skin using liquid nitrogen is performed with an applicator, which is a wooden spatula or a stick with a cotton wool turunda at the end. Soaked in this substance, it should be larger in size than the area of ​​intended freezing.

Preparation for the procedure

Before the session, it is necessary to undergo an examination and determine whether there are any contraindications to certain procedures.

If any health problems are detected (for example, allergies), various methods of massaging certain areas of the skin are used.

The technique of using massage is classified by type:

  1. Regular. This treatment assumes there is no contact between the skin and the instrument. The cosmetologist runs it along the massage lines and precisely treats certain areas.
  2. Deep. It involves freezing, which leads to cell death (papillomas and other formations are destroyed). Correct execution of the procedure involves applying slight pressure with a spatula to the desired point for 30 seconds.

In cryomassage, nitrogen also affects the capillaries.

Deep massage is unique for its whitening, exfoliating and rejuvenating effect. The result can be seen even in the photo.

The procedure lasts from 10 to 30 minutes. To achieve noticeable results, at least 15 sessions are required. Their quantity and duration are prescribed by a cosmetologist depending on the condition and type of skin.

When carrying out manipulations, the specialist avoids touching sensitive areas of the face: eyelids, area under the eyes, lips. The applicator helps to act precisely. After the session, it is not recommended to go outside for 20 minutes.

Cryomassage using ice cubes

This is a fairly simple way to improve skin condition and can be used at home. The procedure is very effective - after it, puffiness under the eyes and swelling disappear, and the face looks younger.

For this type of massage, you need to add herbs suitable for a certain skin type to boiling water. The decoction is frozen and then used for its intended purpose.

A prerequisite for using this technique is regular massaging of the face, neck and other problem areas of the skin.

For freezing, special molds are used, pre-treated with an antiseptic. After removing the ice, you need to let it sit for a while. It is necessary to know how long the procedure takes and strictly adhere to these parameters.

Ice is applied along the massage lines of the face. The manipulation lasts about 5 minutes. Store the prepared ice in the freezer for no more than five days.

Photo: before and after

Indications and restrictions

Cold massage is a useful addition to many beauty treatments. But he also has his own prohibitions that you need to know about.

There are a number of diseases and problems when cold treatment is necessary. Among them:

  • state of stress;
  • acne,
  • enlarged pores;
  • swelling after surgery;
  • fine wrinkles;
  • various warts;
  • sprains and bruises;
  • baldness and thinning hair;
  • loss of elasticity;
  • cellulite and excess weight.

It is better not to do such a massage in summer. It is contraindicated to stay in the sun for a long time, and you should also avoid direct rays on the skin - ultraviolet radiation contributes to the formation of age spots.

Conducting sessions at home is strictly prohibited to avoid injury and frostbite.

  • rosacea;
  • herpes;
  • exacerbation of chronic ailments;
  • epilepsy;
  • purulent acne;
  • migraine;
  • existing wounds and burns;
  • allergy to cold;
  • vascular atherosclerosis;
  • mental disorders;
  • oncology.

Experts do not advise women suffering from excess facial hair growth to attend cryotherapy sessions.

Disadvantages and advantages

The disadvantages of cryomassage, such as redness, slight tingling and swelling of the face during the day, are not so terrible, given the benefits that this procedure has.

After visiting the salon, there will be no bruises that appear during a regular massage.

The manipulations are painless and do not cause discomfort. The technique is suitable for any skin type and scalp. The result will not be long in coming: small expression wrinkles will gradually disappear, the complexion will improve and its contour will be tightened.

The procedure will eliminate many problems:

  1. Eliminates swelling and symptomatic phenomena after plastic surgery.
  2. Prepares the skin for peeling, cleansing and surgery.
  3. Helps eliminate pigmentation and scars.
  4. Will cure demodicosis.
  5. Improves and evens out complexion. Removes small wrinkles.
  6. Helps in caring for oily skin.
  7. Will enhance the effectiveness of other cosmetic procedures.
  8. Relieves the burning sensation after peeling.
  9. Contributes to the disappearance of warts and papillomas.
  10. Eliminates allergic rashes and seborrhea.
  11. Reduce age-related changes.

It is noted that literally after a few days, dry and sensitive skin becomes elastic, smooth and less susceptible to environmental influences.

Judging by the reviews of women who have used cryomassage, the maximum effect is achieved after completing the full course of procedures. Oily skin becomes normal, wrinkles become less deep. The result depends on the condition of the dermis and the number of sessions performed.

The big advantage of the method is the low cost of the procedures, affordable to any average client.

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The beauty industry is moving forward by leaps and bounds - every year more and more new technologies appear that allow you to look amazing at any age.

However, not every representative of the fair half of humanity will decide on drastic measures, such as surgical operations or injections, however, there is not always a need for such procedures.

In search of an effective method of preserving youth and beauty, beautiful ladies often opt for cryomassage. This procedure is gaining more and more popularity due to its effectiveness, safety and accessibility.

Due to the fact that liquid nitrogen used for cryomassage of facial skin has anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating properties, cold treatment can relieve many problems.

Cryomassage of the face - what it is, what its advantages are, who is suitable for the procedure, and who should avoid it - this and much more will be discussed further.

A little history

As early as 2.5 thousand years BC, the Egyptians used cold compresses as anesthesia for fractures and wounds, as evidenced by the oldest surviving source of medical knowledge, the Smith Papyrus. The works of Galen, Hippocrates, and Avicenna also contain references to the healing effects of cold.

Already at the beginning of the 20th century, the German priest Sebastian Kneipp coined the term “cryotherapy” (Greek “kryos” translated means “frost, cold”) and began to successfully use the cold method as an independent direction of physiotherapy in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

The massage technique, accompanied by techniques, is associated with the name of the Japanese Toshimo Yamauchi, who in 1984 proved the effectiveness of procedures using artificial cold in the treatment of joint diseases.

Then the properties of low temperatures began to be actively used in dermatology for the treatment of benign skin diseases, and, of course, the rejuvenating, cosmetic effect of such procedures did not go unnoticed.

Now cryomassage is one of the most popular and sought-after procedures aimed at preserving youth and beauty.

How it works?

The therapeutic and cosmetic effect of facial cryomassage (as well as) is achieved by exposing the skin to cold in combination with massage techniques.

During the session, the vessels alternately narrow and dilate, thereby stimulating blood flow to the facial skin, which, in turn, accelerates metabolic processes in skin cells and provides better access to nutrients and vitamins.


The effect of cold on the skin of the face can be carried out in different ways, on the basis of which the following are distinguished:

Many beauties know how beneficial it is to wipe your face with an ice cube; this type of “cold” massage is actively used in home facial care. Next we will talk about cryomassage as a salon cosmetic event that involves the use of liquid nitrogen.

Cosmetic effects with liquid nitrogen can be carried out using:

  • applicator, which is a wooden stick with a cotton swab fixed on it;
  • a special apparatus that supplies liquid nitrogen under high pressure.

Applicators are the most common because it is less expensive but effective.

Advantages and disadvantages

The popularity of “cold” massage is gaining momentum: currently, many clinics and salons include it in the range of their services, and there are reasons for this. As a method of cosmetic treatment, cryomassage has a number of advantages compared to other methods of rejuvenation and beauty maintenance, these include:

  • environmental friendliness and safety;
  • the ability to combine therapy with other cosmetic procedures;
  • the effect of the procedure is noted after the first session;
  • one massage session with liquid nitrogen can replace a whole range of skin care measures, including cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing the skin;
  • affordable cost of the procedure;
  • painlessness;
  • time-saving – a session takes on average 8-10 minutes.

Among the disadvantages of exposure to liquid nitrogen, it is worth noting the need for a course of sessions to achieve a full result. In addition, after the session there may be some swelling and slight redness, but these manifestations disappear no more than a day after the massage.


The main indications for cryomassage are:

  • allergic rashes;
  • oily or dry seborrhea (gas-liquid peeling can help here);
  • excessive pigmentation;
  • acne and inflammatory rashes;
  • sagging skin, decreased tone and elasticity;
  • swelling of the face;
  • wrinkles (RF lifting works well with them);
  • enlarged pores;
  • unhealthy, uneven complexion, pallor;
  • acne;
  • papillomas, warts and other benign neoplasms (also removed).

This method of exposure is also useful as regular facial care as part of a complex of other cosmetic measures.


Despite all the benefits that cryomassage can bring to the facial skin, this procedure has a number of contraindications, which include:

  • frequent migraines;
  • cardiovascular failure;
  • hypertension;
  • conditions after myocardial infarction and stroke;
  • individual sensitivity to cold (cold allergy);
  • herpes;
  • increased body temperature;
  • inflammatory skin lesions, including pustular diseases and.

Pregnancy is not included in the list of contraindications for massage with liquid nitrogen, however, during the period of bearing a child, a woman’s body undergoes significant changes, so it is best to consult a doctor before deciding to undergo a course of such procedures.

Description of the procedure

A liquid nitrogen massage session is carried out in several stages.

  1. The preparatory stage includes cleansing the face of cosmetics and surface impurities. It is not recommended to resort to peeling before the procedure, as this can cause skin damage due to exposure to liquid nitrogen.
  2. The main stage involves direct exposure of the facial skin to liquid nitrogen, either using an applicator or using a special device.

    The specialist carries out movements along massage lines or locally, depending on the purpose for which the session is performed.

    When the face is exposed to cold, there is no direct contact of liquid nitrogen with the skin; the effect is achieved due to the so-called air cushion.

  3. The final stage is the application of nourishing cream to the face.

The duration of cryomassage is on average 8-10 minutes.

The procedure is painless; during the session the patient may experience a slight burning sensation and a slight feeling of coolness. However, if such sensations become too strong and cause discomfort, you should immediately inform the specialist.

We invite you to watch a video of how a facial cryomassage session takes place:

How many sessions will be required?

As mentioned above, one cryomassage procedure is not enough to see a significant result; usually, this requires a course consisting of 10-15 sessions.

Since after such a massage the facial skin is restored quite quickly, it is recommended to carry out the procedure 2 or 3 times a week.

Experts consider it sufficient to complete the course 2 times a year, however, if there are serious problems with the facial skin, this number can be increased.


A cryomassage course promotes:

  • gently cleansing the skin of dead cells and activating regeneration processes;
  • the appearance of a natural blush;
  • normalization of the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • blocking inflammatory processes;
  • resorption of acne lesions;
  • smoothing out small wrinkles;
  • reducing swelling;
  • restoration of skin elasticity;
  • narrowing of enlarged pores;
  • increasing the tone of facial muscles, tightening the oval of the face;
  • elimination of some dermatological diseases of the facial skin and benign neoplasms.
  • The choice of a suitable salon or clinic should be approached with all responsibility; do not be shy to inquire about the competence of the specialist who performs the procedure. The master must have a medical education and a certificate confirming his right to provide this type of service.

    In the pursuit of beauty, one should not forget that appearance is appearance, but health comes first. Before cryomassage of the face, no matter how effective it may be, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will conduct an examination for the presence of contraindications and make a conclusion about the advisability of using this particular procedure.

    How cryomassage of facial skin with liquid nitrogen will relieve you of skin problems, as well as the frequency of procedures and contraindications.

    People have long noticed that if you wipe your skin with ice, it noticeably tightens and looks significantly better. In cosmetology, they also paid attention to this effect, although the water was replaced with liquefied nitrogen. In this state it is completely colorless and odorless. This procedure was called cryomassage.

    Indications for use

    The method is based on the principle of skin reaction to cold. All vessels will first sharply narrow and then quickly expand. This causes increased blood flow to the area being treated with cold. Many people note the appearance of pleasant warmth. All procedures provided for by the cryomassage technique are completely painless and do not require additional local anesthesia.

    Since in addition to the cosmetic effect of the procedure, you can also notice a therapeutic one, it is prescribed in the following cases:

    • Various types of acne and pimples;
    • (tick infestation);
    • Seborrhea or allergic manifestations on the face;
    • Skin circulatory disorders;
    • Flabbiness;
    • The presence of folds under the chin or called jowls. They can go down to the chin, completely deforming the facial contour;
    • Removal of any benign neoplasms (warts, granulomas, keratomas);
    • Swelling;
    • Problems of too oily skin (large pores, increased sebum production);
    • Swelling of the face;
    • Reduction of scars (including post-operative scars).


    It all starts with a consultation with a doctor. It is he who, based on the results of a visual examination of the skin, decides how many sessions you need and their duration. Once you receive the referral, you can go directly to the massage therapist. The whole process is divided into several stages:

    1. Preparatory. A man lies face up on a couch. The entire skin of the body is covered (except for the face), and all hair is tucked under a special protective cap (can be wrapped with a towel).
    2. Before the procedure, you will undergo a basic facial cleansing using a special lotion.
    3. Basic. The massage therapist will apply liquid nitrogen to the required areas with quick and precise movements. For these purposes, a special applicator is used, very reminiscent of a huge cotton swab. Application can be targeted if there is only one area recommended for treatment or it is small in area. The process does not affect the eyelids and skin near the eyes and lips.
    4. At the end of the session, the skin is treated with cream.

    After the session, refrain from going outside for half an hour (especially in windy and frosty weather).

    Features of cryomassage

    In order to achieve a therapeutic effect, each case has its own nuances:

    Acne. For acnea (blackheads), the affected areas are treated for 15 seconds. If the rash is mildly suppurating, then these areas are treated pointwise (duration: 3 sessions).

    Rosacea. The entire procedure is non-contact (no contact with redness). Each individual zone is processed for 10 seconds, and the total session time is increased to 5 minutes.

    Neoplasms. An applicator soaked in nitrogen is pressed against the main or dislocation of several adjoining growths (the pressure is not strong) for 10 - 30 s. During this time, it may be necessary to re-wet it in nitrogen (it evaporates extremely quickly). Swelling with redness usually appears after a few hours. There is no need to be afraid, this is a natural reaction that you will be warned about. Some people may experience moist blisters in the treated area after 6 to 24 hours.

    Demodicosis. The disease can be externally confused with acne, but unlike it, demodicosis is accompanied by very severe itching. This disease is caused by a skin mite, which is very afraid of exposure to cold. The affected areas are treated with nitrogen for 30 s. The recommended number of sessions is 10. In this case, after the procedure, temporary redness of some areas may be observed.

    Frequency of procedures

    The standard course includes 10 to 15 sessions at intervals of several days. For example, according to the scheme 2 times a week. You can conduct up to 2 courses per year. If you are only concerned about acne, then cryomassage can be done more often. And some diseases require longer courses. It all depends on the patient, and that is why it all starts with a conversation with the doctor.

    Approximate prices
    The cost can vary between 400 and 1500 rubles for 1 procedure. It depends on the clinic and what the preparatory stage includes. Naturally, if they do not pre-clean you or save on cream at the end of the session, then the procedure can cost 200 rubles. But will you need such savings? Also keep in mind that depending on the problem, you will need from 3 to 15 visits.

    Efficiency of the method

    Usually, after completing the session, you can notice the following manifestations with the naked eye:

    • Smoothing and reducing the number of wrinkles. This also applies to deep expression wrinkles (forehead, corners of the eyes and lips). This effect is due to a general increase in skin tone and density;
    • Improvement and evenness of complexion. This is due to the fact that the procedures increase blood supply to the skin. At the same time, its nutrition, oxygen saturation improves, and metabolism increases;
    • Noticeable reduction in the appearance of acne or other irritations;
    • Improvement of facial and jaw contours;
    • Lack of oily shine and noticeably enlarged pores;
    • Smoothing of all types of scars (sutures, wounds, burns). This is due to the strengthening of all processes involved in skin regeneration.

    Home cryomassage with ice

    It is not possible to use nitrogen at home. It must be stored in a special container. This also requires special equipment. Indeed, even at ordinary room temperature, nitrogen extremely quickly returns to its natural state (volatile gas).

    But, as a basis, you can take the method that became the progenitor of cryomassage - rubbing the skin with ordinary ice. Naturally, you cannot take ice from the street for these purposes (the environment does not allow such luxury). You just need to freeze the cubes in edible ice trays.

    For these purposes, it is better to take purified and filtered water. You can also prepare a herbal infusion based on it, and then freeze it. Most herbs (sage, string, chamomile, parsley, mint) are suitable for these purposes. Choose the one that suits your skin type. A few teaspoons of dry herb are poured with boiling water (for 1 teaspoon of herb, take 1 tbsp of water), all this is left to cool until cooled and frozen in molds.

    You can wipe your face in the morning and also in the evening. One procedure requires several ice cubes. Do not hold the ice in one place for more than 5 seconds. Follow the direction of the massage lines. After this, the skin should dry on its own (do not wipe your face). You can also treat the neck and upper chest (décolleté area).

    Several times a month you can wipe your face with fruit, vegetable or berry puree. We prepare it ourselves and also freeze it in molds. For dry skin, it is better to use any sweet fruit, and for oily skin, all sour ones are suitable. Do not use types to which you are allergic.


    Cryomassage is prohibited for those who have:

    • Recently suffered a stroke or heart attack (especially in severe forms);
    • Diseases of the heart and vascular system;
    • High pressure;
    • in the acute stage;
    • Predisposition to migraines;
    • Colds with high fever;
    • Personal intolerance to cold;
    • Facial;
    • Atherosclerosis;
    • Epilepsy or acute mental disorders (even in remission).
    1. Before it is carried out, it is also recommended to avoid certain manipulations with the face. For example, a day before the massage, peeling and similar aggressive agents are not used (to avoid severe irritation). Immediately before the session (a couple of hours), completely abandon decorative cosmetics. Moreover, in the salon they will wash it off of you anyway.
    2. Do not rush outside immediately after the procedure. The skin may react to wind or cold by appearing. Additionally, take care of your face at home using a nourishing or rejuvenating cream.
    3. Avoid vigorous physical activity (active sports) for the duration of the session. And also, you should not try to deceive doctors by hiding the presence of contraindications. They did not appear out of nowhere, and hiding the presence of such a disease in you can result in serious consequences.
    4. You should not carry out the procedure more often than recommended due to changing clinics. It can also have a negative impact on your health.

    Facial cryomassage– a method of local cryotherapy that combines elements of massage and short-term exposure to cold on the facial skin. Facial cryomassage is usually performed with liquid nitrogen, sometimes with ice. Due to the physical and reflex effects on the skin, nerve endings, blood vessels, secretory apparatus, and muscles, facial cryomassage has a healing and rejuvenating effect, causes exfoliation and renewal of the epidermis, increases tone, and brightens highly pigmented skin.

    The therapeutic and cosmetic effect of facial cryomassage is based on the analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antihypoxic effects of low temperatures, their ability to enhance blood and lymph microcirculation, stimulate the functional and immune activity of dermal cells. When the skin is exposed to cold, a sharp spasm of small blood vessels first occurs, then they expand and the temperature in the treated area increases. By activating metabolic processes in the skin, its nutrition and healing improves, inflammation, redness and swelling are reduced, and the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized.

    Carrying out the procedure

    In the liquid state (at t –196 °C) nitrogen is a colorless volatile liquid. Facial cryomassage with liquid nitrogen is performed using short-term applications. A facial cryomassage session is carried out with a special applicator - a “reed” (a wooden stick with a cotton swab at the end), which is dipped into a thermos with liquid nitrogen, then rolled along the massage lines of the face with intermittent rotational movements. To prevent liquid nitrogen from evaporating ahead of time, movements must be precise and fast until the skin becomes slightly white, which should disappear immediately.

    The procedure is accompanied by slight pinching and tingling of the skin. There is slight redness at the treatment site and a feeling of warmth. Cryomassage around the eyes and lips is carried out with extreme care and precision. The scheme for facial cryomassage is individual and depends on the skin type, its condition, and the specific problem, but the cold effect is always minimal, its duration is 5-7 minutes.

    When cryomassaging the face with ice and frozen fruit, use a plastic bag with ice, pure ice cubes or with the addition of fruit and vegetable juices, as well as medicinal herbs. Ice is applied to the skin of the face and moved along the massage lines with light circular movements. The total duration of facial cryomassage with ice is 3-5 minutes.

    Typically, a facial cryomassage course includes 10-15 sessions, performed 2-3 times a week. To maintain facial skin in good tone, 2 courses per year are enough; for more serious problems, it is carried out more often in combination with other medical procedures.

    After the facial cryomassage procedure, the skin reacts sharply to the sun's rays, so it is not performed in the summer due to the likelihood of severe peeling of the skin and hyperpigmentation. Failure to follow the facial cryomassage technique can cause cold burns and scarring.

    At the end of the facial cryomassage course, the skin becomes smooth, smooth and acquires a natural shade, small wrinkles are smoothed out, inflammation and blackheads disappear, sebum secretion is regulated, and the oval of the face is tightened.