Scenario for opening a snowy town. Celebration scenario for the opening of a sports ground with the participation of children from the preparatory group. Grand opening of a hockey rink scenario.



Ved: Good afternoon, dear guys!

Ved: Good afternoon, dear guests and parents!

Ved: Good mood to you all, everyone who has gathered today in our fabulous school yard.

Ved: The following guests are present at our ice skating rink opening celebration:

Deputy Head of the City for Social Issues Shimel Tatyana Vladimirovna

Leading specialist of the cultural department Anastasia Yurievna Vdovkina

Head of the Education Department Nesterova Margarita Anatolyevna

Ved: Today is truly a fabulous day.

The shine of bright lights, the elegant beauty of the Christmas tree...

Ved: All this reminds us of the approach of the have a beautiful holiday. On such December days, both adults and children make wishes and believe that they will definitely come true.

Ved: They say, under New Year

Whatever you want -

Everything will always happen

Everything always comes true.


Father Frost:

Hello children, hello adults!

Glad to see you on this frosty day.

I see you are not afraid of the cold,

If you are so cheerful and cheerful.

I was in a hurry to see you all,

After all, we have a special reason for meeting.

Snow Maiden:

In the last days before New Year's, hundreds of letters arrive in Santa Claus's mail in which children share their deepest desires. One of these letters was written by a student at your school.

Together: What is written in it?

(Snow Maiden reads out the letter)

Hello Dedushka Moroz,

I am writing to you in advance...

I believe you will fulfill my wish cherished wish.

I studied for a whole year, I put in the effort

And he did his homework diligently.

Mom and dad say: I have achieved a lot!

Make sure our skating rink opens on New Year's Day.

Father Frost:

Well friends... At your request

I will answer only one thing:

Miracles are completely unnecessary here,

The miracle was done a long time ago.

Snow Maiden:

So that the skating rink opens on time

And without delay,

The adults had it the hardest

Make an effort.

Ved: To everyone who tried, to everyone who created,

Ved: We say a big thank you to everyone.

We sincerely thank:





Ved: And also our creative, proactive, active school director Borisova Tatyana Nikolaevna

Ved: On this day and at this hour!

It was not in vain that we gathered you.

Cheerful laughter sounds everywhere,

The children are in a hurry for the holiday.

Today is a special day for us -

Opening of the school skating rink!

Ved: A lot of people worked here

And now the time has come -

Look what happened!

But look, guys:

There's some kind of obstacle here!

Ved: The door is closed with a ribbon...

What should we do now?

Tell me, teach me,

Untie the tight knot!

What should we do? What to do?

Together: We need to cut the ribbon!

Presenter: The right to cut the ribbon is given to the DEPUTY HEAD OF THE CITY FOR SOCIAL ISSUES SHIMEL TATYANA VLADIMIROVNA


Father Frost:

The skating rink is open!

Ready kids!

And so that everything is safe,

I'll wave my mitten

And I’ll freeze the ice stronger.

Snow Maiden:

And like in any wonderful fairy tale,

The beautiful finale is coming.

Go ahead, friends, the time has come

Try our ice soon!

Everyone enters the ice and is greeted by the captain


Captain: Good day to you, yoongi! Welcome to my ship, the Conqueror of the Arctic, and my name is Captain Frost, or Frost, if you prefer.

The captain looks around, looking for someone

Captain: Where is my chief mate? ( Screams) Hey! Assistant!

Another presenter appears in a sailor costume with a telescope in his hands

Assistant: Here I am! (offended) And I actually have a name - Joe!

Captain: Sorry Joe! It’s just that we’ve been sailing this cold ocean for a whole month, but we just can’t find Happy Island, we need to check the map.

Starts looking for a card in his pockets

Captain: Where's the map?

Assistant:(looks for a map around, realizes that the map is nowhere) Captain! The card is missing!

Captain: How did you disappear? I told you not to take your eyes off her!

6. PIRATES EXIT A pirate appears under him

Pirate: (sarcastically) Are you really in trouble, Captain Frost?

Captain: Oh, you sea devil! I knew it couldn’t have happened without your tricks! Meet the pirate Ice Cap, guys.

Pirate: Well, firstly, Henry, and secondly, not Ice Cap, but Ice Hat. (Curtseys, pronounces solemnly) Noble Pirate Henry - Ice Hat.

Assistant: It was he, it was he who took our card!

Pirate: Well, so what?

Captain: Give us back our map and leave our ship!

Pirate: I won't return it in full. Let your cabin boys carry out my tasks, and I will give them the map in parts, complete my tasks - and sail to your Happy Island.

Captain: Well, guys! I know this pirate, he won’t just give us the map, we’ll have to carry out his tasks! You are ready?

Relay races are taking place. For each competition, the pirate gives away a piece of the map. There are 4 relay races





Captain: Guys, have you collected all the fragments of the map?

Children: Yes all!

Pirate: Now you can sail to your Happy Island, and I will kindly leave, I have a lot to do without you...

The pirate curtsies goodbye to the children and leaves

Captain: Friends, collect the map quickly, let’s find Happy Island on it and go there

The children collect the map and give it to the captain.

Captain:(look at the map) Soooo....from this place to here....from there to here....yeah...(surprised) really!!! (calls his assistant) Hey Joe!!

Assistant: Have you found him, Captain?

Captain: You won't believe it, Joe! The guys and I found Happy Island.

Assistant: So let's sail there quickly! Where is he?? How long should we sail - a day, a week, a year, two???

Captain: We don't need to sail anywhere. The happy island was under our noses, under our feet all that time. Here he is! The island of happiness for boys and girls is a real ice skating rink!

Captain: Go ahead, friends! The way is open! The skating rink will be waiting for you every day!

Assistant: It's time for us to make new discoveries!

Captain: Believe in miracles and be healthy!

Assistant and Captain together: See you again!

Morozova Olga
Scenario of the winter sports and entertainment event “Opening of the week of winter games and fun”

Scenario of a winter sports and entertainment event« Opening of the week of winter games and fun»

Children enter to the music sports ground, where they are met by the presenter.

Presenter. Hello, dear guests,

Both small and big!

Begin winter holiday!

There will be games, there will be laughter,

And cheerful fun prepared for everyone!

Now let's listen to the welcoming slogans from our groups.

(Children say greetings)

Preparatory children groups: “We are not afraid of frost, we love to have fun”!

Children senior group (1) : “We are not afraid of threats and we are not afraid of frost”!

Older children (2) : “We don’t mind the frosts, we don’t mind the cold either”!

Children middle group : “We wear fur coats and earflaps and go sledding”.

Presenter. We are glad to see those

Who loves fun and laughter!

Listen to the riddle:

“Who whitens the clearings with white,

And writes on the walls with chalk,

Sews down feather beds,

Will he decorate all the windows?

From your distant lands

She comes to visit us herself

The guest has been invited..."

Children. Winter!

(To the song “Winter is a Beauty,” Winter appears in front of the children)

Winter. Hello guys!

Hello, dear guests!

I wish you happiness and joy

All the guys and guests!

Let the fun come to us!

Presenter. Winter beauty has come,

And the children, oh, how they like it!

We love you, Zimushka,

Your frost and ice,

And the snow is fluffy on the branches,

And a sled and a skating rink!

We are glad to welcome you to our holiday, Zimushka, with a cheerful dance!

Older children perform a dance "If only it weren't winter".

Winter. Thank you! Pleased. Well, I won’t be left without an answer!

For you guys, I prepared puzzles:

“It lies quietly all winter, but in the spring it will run away” (Snow)

“The fur coat is in the hut, but the hand is on the street” (Bake)

“The old man at the gate stole the heat. He doesn’t run and doesn’t tell me to stand.” (Freezing)

“Steel legs run along the icy path” (Skates).

“Two sticks, two planks. Ride, little people! (Skis)

“We pull them up the hill to have a race” (Sled)

Winter. Guessed the riddles correctly!

Are you not afraid of frost and cold?

Presenter. Our children are not afraid of cold and frost!

Winter. How come they aren’t afraid? Are your hands frozen?

Children. No!

Winter. How did you not freeze? Why?

Presenter. Because we know how to bask in the cold!

Winter. How is that?

Presenter. And like this!

The game is being played "We'll warm up a little" (for younger children)

(Children imitate movements to the music, then the kids are released from the playground to play on the veranda with the teachers).

Presenter. And our guys also know how to compete.

Winter. How is that?

Presenter. And like this! One-two-three, run in teams!

The game is being played “We are not afraid of frost” (for seniors). At the end of the game there is an organizational moment “Whose team will assemble faster).

Winter. I see you love to play! Get ready, kids! There will be another game for you!

Relay race “Carry a snowball on a shovel” (Children take turns carrying snowballs on their shoulder blades).

Presenter. And here's another one for you, Winter. mystery: “With a broom, in a bucket hat, she’s the director winter yard" Who is this?

Winter. Snow woman!

The Snow Woman comes out.

Snow woman. Hello guys! I was standing in the yard, and suddenly I heard noise and fun here! So I decided to come see you for the holiday. I want to play a game with you!

The game is being played "Snow Woman" (play 2 - 3 times)

We created this miracle in five minutes,

We created this miracle in five minutes. (Imitate making snowballs)

What is the name of such a miracle, what is the name? (shrug)

Snow Woman, Snow Woman! (Hands stretch forward and show)

Let's get very close to the snow woman (Narrow the circle, approaching the snow woman)

Our deepest bow to the Snow Baba (Bow)

We'll laugh at the woman: "Ha ha ha!" (They expand the circle and point at her with their hand)

You are good, our woman, good!

One two Three! You, woman, catch up with us!

(The snow woman runs and catches up with the children)

Snow woman. Now let's have some fun competitions!

Relay race "Ice Cave" (Children run and crawl into a tunnel made of hoops and come back).

A game "Tug of War" (Children and teachers tug of war).

Relay race "Throw the snowball" (The child runs up to the basket, takes the ball and throws it into the basket).

Relay race "Fascinating hockey"(Children run, pushing the ball with a stick, run around obstacles, and return to their group).

Winter. Nice, nice you played,

Zimushka is happy with you.

I will come to you again, I will appreciate your honest work. And you on yours playgrounds build me to the end weeks such castles made of ice and snow that no one has ever seen!

Presenter. We’ll definitely build it, Zimushka! You can even choose the castle you like and live in it for a while - until spring comes.

Winter. Fine. And now it's time to say goodbye. The time for magical minutes is running out,

The blizzards are already calling me to go.

There where there is no edge of snow and snow.

Where blizzards swirl and a blizzard whistles.

Snow woman. And the Snow Woman must hurry!

And it’s time for you kids to leave...

Presenter. A holiday has a beginning, a holiday has an end.

Whoever played and laughed with us was great!

Having looked through many pages on the Internet, we have selected interesting games and competitions at the skating rink that can be held at a birthday party and more!

Get in order!

The host speaks into each player's ear his serial number. The players' task is to get in order as quickly as possible. The task is complicated by the fact that there should be two or three teams and the players should not speak or show their numbers.


The players skate in circles on the skating rink. The presenter periodically blows the whistle 1 time, twice, 3 times. At the signal of the whistle, participants must join hands in pairs, threes, etc., depending on the number of signals.

Relay race

Two lines are drawn - start and finish. Each participant must ride different ways from start to finish. Methods:

  1. I'll run as far as possible on one leg.
  2. Slide on two feet without taking your skates off the ice.
  3. Trying to take as few steps as possible, i.e. glide for a long time on one skate, then on another, etc.
  4. Slide on one leg, push off with the other leg.
  5. Slip like a snake.
  6. Skate with your legs together and apart, forming a line from your skates in the form of beautiful lanterns.
  7. Drive in a sitting position.
  8. Drive with a pistol, i.e. squat on one leg and extend the other forward.
  9. Pass by a swallow, etc.


One player is appointed as a “coach”. He shows some kind of movement, for example, he glides like a swallow on one leg, or jumps, or makes a turn, etc. The others must reproduce his movement. Whoever succeeded in this movement better becomes the next “coach”.


One of the players is chosen as the driver, he salutes the players running away from him. The upset player becomes the driver.


The players stand in a column of 3-6 people, holding onto the waist of the person in front. The result was trains. Each train must travel a certain distance or a designated winding route. The line can be drawn on the ice with paint, or drawn with something sharp.

The more complex the route, the more interesting the game (curls, spirals, zigzags, a broken line means a jump, a double line means driving while sitting, etc.)


Lines are drawn in the four corners of the skating rink to create houses for the players. At the beginning of the game, the playing player is in the middle of the skating rink, and all other participants are in one corner.

The players' task is to go around all the corners clockwise. The trickster's task is to hit as many players as possible and not let the players reach the last corner. The good thing about the game is that even those who are bad at skating will enjoy it


Arrange a photo shoot at the skating rink. This event will appeal to all the girls. Who will come up with the most beautiful pose and who will get the best photo.

Figure skating

As a rule, there is always music playing at the skating rink. Why not use it! Give each participant time to come up with a dance and dance to the music.

Scenario for opening an ice skating rink in
MBOU MO, Nyagan Secondary School No. 14
"Surprise from Santa Claus"

Leading: Good evening, Dear Guys! Good evening, dears
adults! Good mood to everyone who has gathered today at
our fabulous school yard. And it's evening today
truly fabulous. Shining bright lights, elegant
beautiful Christmas tree All this reminds us of the approaching
have a beautiful holiday. On such December evenings and adults,
and children make wishes and believe that they will definitely come true.

They say on New Year's Eve Whatever you wish will always happen,
Everything always comes true.

(A musical theme plays, Father Frost and Snow Maiden arrive in a sleigh)

Father Frost:
Hello children, hello adults!
Glad to see you on this frosty evening.
I see you are not afraid of the cold of Ugra,
If you are so cheerful and cheerful.
I was in a hurry to see you all,
After all, we have a special reason for meeting.

Snow Maiden:
In the last days before New Year's, hundreds of letters arrive in Santa Claus's mail in which children share their deepest desires. One of these letters was written by a student at your school.

What is written in it?

(Snow Maiden reads out the letter)
Hello Dedushka Moroz,
I'm writing to you in advance
I believe you will fulfill my deepest wish.
I studied for a whole year, I put in the effort
And he did his homework diligently.
Mom and dad say: I have achieved a lot!
Make sure our skating rink opens on New Year's Day.
2b grade student Ivan Petrov.

Father Frost:
Well friends... At your request
I will answer only one thing:
Miracles are completely unnecessary here,
The miracle was done a long time ago.

Snow Maiden:
So that the skating rink opens on time
And without delay,
The adults had it the hardest
Make an effort.

To everyone who tried, to everyone who created,
Let's give our word soon.

(Snegurochka gives the floor to representatives of the administration, department for physical culture and sports and other guests).

(The school director speaks in response)

A student of class 9a Starostina Alina reads a poem of her own composition.

I was born here, I study here, I live here.
From now on I want to tell you -
I truly love my city.

I love my clean, bright city
For friendly, responsive people,
For warmth, smiles, laughter and joy,
The firmament living a peaceful life.

In my city there are many different nations,
But they don't argue over trifles.
There are no dependents or main ones here,
Nyagan made everyone friends for centuries.

Nations married to the city:
Khanty, Mansi, Russians and Nenets.
They live here together year after year
And Tatars, and Uzbeks, and Kyrgyz, and Germans.

I love my city on the plain
I won’t tire of repeating it to you.
Nyagan is the most best city in the world,
I will sing his praises everywhere.

Father Frost:
Dear adults, it's time to open the skating rink. The right to cut the ribbon is granted.

(Fanfares sound and the ribbon is cut.)

Father Frost:
The skating rink is open!
Ready kids!
And so that everything is safe,
I'll wave my mitten
And I’ll freeze the ice stronger.

Snow Maiden:
And like in any wonderful fairy tale,
The beautiful finale is coming.
Go ahead, friends, the time has come
Try our ice soon!

(Children ride out onto the ice against the background of the song “Because Winter is Great”)

Ded Moroz and Snegurochka:

It’s a pity, friends, we have to say goodbye, It’s time for everyone to go home. Have a happy journey, guys, Goodbye, kids! In parting, I wish you to grow and not get bored, And never to upset your loved ones’ parents!
Achieve a lot in sports
Always be diligent.
Believe in miracles
Believe in a fairy tale!
Goodbye kids!