Scenario for the New Year's school tree. Scenario of the holiday “Adventures at the New Year's tree. Game - dance “Circle by circle”

"New Year's adventures at the Christmas tree"


  • Presenter 2 people
  • Baba Yaga
  • Goblin
  • Brownie
  • Father Frost
  • Snow Maiden

(The hall is decorated. The melody “Visiting a Fairy Tale” plays. The guys enter the hall.)

Leading in turn:

Our young New Year's greetings
All are from five to sixty years old.

Today you will find both fun and jokes,
You won't be bored here for a minute.

Take your dad and mom with you,
Let them also watch our program.

(the presenter draws the children’s attention to the beautiful Christmas tree).

Our tree is not taller.
There is no more beautiful tree than ours.

Here on the New Year's tree
Everyone is present today:
Zhenya, Vova, Ira, Sasha,

Yura, Katya and Natasha,
Julia, Sveta and Taras.

Glad to see everyone here!

Let the merry round dance begin
Let the honest people amuse themselves!

Let's sing a song

The guys perform a song.

Presenter 1

Guys, we are very glad to see you at the holiday so elegant, cheerful and friendly!

Presenter 2

We will read poetry for you.
I'll start, and you finish,
In chorus you continue.

(game “New Year” )

Who painted the nose?
Well, of course… (Father Frost)!

Figurine in a white dress
This is my granddaughter... ( Snow Maiden)!

Here they go forward
For a fun... (New Year)!

Santa Claus is broad in the shoulders,
Dragging behind my back... (bag).

It contains various toys,
Dolls, bunnies,... (crackers).

Their path was, of course, long
So it seemed... (school).

Playing fun at school
New Year holiday … (meet).

And of course Santa Claus
Your bag for the holiday... (not).

Who will tell us a poem
It will instantly open... (bag).

And for dancing to all of you, kids,
Santa Claus will give... (for candy).

Have fun honest people
The best holiday is…( New Year)!

Presenter 2

And the Christmas tree invites you

Now start the merry dance.

(round dance around the Christmas tree)

Presenter 1

And now my boys,
Guess the riddle.

He comes on a winter evening
Light candles on the Christmas tree,
He starts a round dance,
This is a holiday … (New Year)!

Presenter 2

What's right is right.
We can't live without a song.
We are a New Year's song
Let's sing now, friends!

Presenter 1

Let's sing song

(Baba Yaga and Leshy enter the hall, stand in a round dance. The song ends, the heroes go out in a circle and whisper to each other).

Presenter 1

Oh, today will be the day!
Santa Claus will arrive now.
He's on this Christmas tree
Three hundred light bulbs will light up.

Presenter 2.

Santa Claus in a big park -
He barely brings you gifts.
I wouldn't have spilled it, I'd have conveyed it.
He is strong, Santa Claus.

Presenter 1

And gifts, they say,
He gives it to everyone!
Let's go to the door for a minute,
What if Santa Claus knocks there?

(leaders leave)

Baba Yaga. Goblin, but the guys took us for their friends and are not afraid of us at all.

Leshy. Stupid, trusting, smiling, but they themselves don’t know what surprise we have prepared for them...

Baba Yaga:
I heard, Lekha, Santa Claus gives gifts to everyone. So he has a lot of these gifts. The candies are so sweet. I wish I could eat at least once a year, otherwise Ivanushki and Alyonushki have broken all my teeth... Listen, Lesh, you are our man. Come up with something so that they give us gifts too.

Well, granny, what should I think? As always, we'll steal it - and it's in the bag!

Baba Yaga:
Uh-uh... (imitating Leshy) As always... They always catch us later, and even educate us... Ugh! The big ones say that stealing is not good... And how can we steal here? That's how many witnesses there are. They will immediately run to the police to complain: “So and so, uncle policeman, two came: one shaggy with a beard, the other with a broom, nose like a poker, and stole our gifts.”

Will you run to the police?
- Not really)
- (threatening with a broom) Wow, sneaks!
Think, Lekha, think, creak your brains!

And we will steal without witnesses. We will bewitch Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden so that they forget the address where to go, they will get lost, get tired, fall asleep on the bench, and we will sneak up and steal the gifts.

Baba Yaga:
Well done! What a man! Head! Well, let's get to work!

(Gloomy music sounds. Baba Yaga sweeps with a broom and sentences)

I cover my tracks,
I lead passersby astray
Passers-by disappear
They forget where they are going,
They wander, they wander,
They fall asleep on the benches.

Well, grandma, stop doing magic,
It's time to steal gifts!

Presenter 1. What are you whispering about?

Baba Yaga. We agree on which of us should sing ditties first...

Presenter 2. Let's listen to what ditties you sing in your forest, start!

Leshy and Baba Yaga sing.


The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree
For Grandma Yaga.

Baba Yaga.

And we are with Leshim for the New Year
We came to that Christmas tree.

Both. Wow!

Baba Yaga.

I'm called Baba Yaga
And I'm not crying about it,


Has a mortar and a broom,
And Leshego to boot

Both. Wow!

Presenter 1. Dear long-liver of the dense forests, do you know that...

Someone must be very important
Come to our matinee.
Someone must be very important
Light up our Christmas tree?

Baba Yaga. No! I don’t know who should come to you... I don’t know...

Presenter 2.

We won't see him in the spring,
He won't come even in the summer,
But in winter to our children
He comes every year.

Baba Yaga. No, no, I don't know...

Presenter 1.

Happy New Year,
He will light a lush Christmas tree,
Amusing the kids
He will join us in a round dance.

Baba Yaga. Don't know!

Presenter 2. Do you guys know who this is?

( This is Santa Claus.)

Presenter 1. So answer me, Baba Yaga, have you seen him in the forest, or maybe something happened to him, or maybe he lost his way?

(Leshy enters the conversation. He runs up to Baba Yaga and whispers in his ear.)

Leshy. Don't say anything, you'll fool their brains.

Baba Yaga.

Actually, I'm cunning.
And she’s good at inventions
But a tip for me today
Doesn't cast spells in the morning.


If you get sick, it’s no problem
Eat the frog from the pond
There is no more reliable medicine
Than the natural environment.

(Leshy has a knapsack behind his back containing various drugs. During the conversation, he takes them out and offers them to Baba Yaga).

Baba Yaga.

Everything stings and hurts,
And my chest is burning with fire,
I have long suspected
I have encephalitis.


Eat aspen bark
May you cheer up for the time being
Tea or chemistry
Tea natural gifts.

1 presenter

What should we do? What should we do?
How can we break the old one?

Baba Yaga.

OK! I'll tell you a secret.
I won't hide anything from you.
On the way to your Christmas tree
We swapped places
Signposts to
Meet you here
Let's dance from the heart!


We were afraid of Frost,
Suddenly he won’t let us in now
And we won't be with friends
Sing and dance in a merry hour.

Presenter 1. What have you done? After all, Father Frost and the Snow Maiden will get lost in the forest and will not find either this hall, or this Christmas tree, or our children... Without Father Frost, what is the point of dancing and singing incessantly? We need to call someone for help

(brownie enters)

Hello guys! I am a brownie from school 5. Today I am delivering New Year's greetings.

But I heard: in the hall
My name was called.
Can anyone help?
I'm always willing to help!

Presenter 2:
Thank you, that's very helpful.
Here's what we'll do now:
We'll write a telegram
The postman will deliver it
Santa Claus and Snow Maiden,
To remind you of our address.

Presenter 1:
Guests will remember our address
And they will come to the classroom for the holiday.

(The text of the telegram, prepared in advance on a separate sheet, is read out) Telegram text:
“Good Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden!
All the children are looking forward to your arrival.
We are waiting for you at the address: Okha, Sovetskaya str. 9, school No. 5"

Presenter to 2 brownies:
Hurry up and deliver this telegram,
And bring your guests to our holiday directly.

Yes, yes, of course I will,
And I'll deliver the telegram.


Presenter 1:
In the meantime, so as not to get bored,
I suggest you play!

Children must take part in a quick survey. Saying the words “True” or “False”.


Everyone knows Santa Claus, right?
He arrives at seven sharp, right?
Santa Claus is a good old man, right?
He wears a hat and galoshes, right?

Santa Claus will come soon, right?
He will bring gifts, right?

The trunk of our Christmas tree is good, right?
It was cut down with a double-barreled shotgun, right?

What grows on the Christmas tree? Bumps, right?
Tomatoes and gingerbread, right?
Our tree looks beautiful, right?
There are red needles everywhere, right?

Santa Claus is afraid of shavings, right?
He is friends with the Snow Maiden, right?
Well, the questions have been answered,
Do you all know about Santa Claus? (Yes)

Presenter 1. Guys, let's call Santa Claus louder, maybe he's already walking somewhere nearby.

Children. Santa Claus!

Solemn music sounds

Father Frost.

Guys, I was in a hurry to get here.
I almost got lost in the dark forest,
I almost fell into a ravine on the way.
But, it seems, he came to visit on time?
Happy New Year! Happy New Year
Congratulations to all children
Congratulations to all guests!
I visited you a year ago
I'm glad to see everyone again.
Stand up, guys.
Hurry up to the round dance!
Song, dance and fun
Let's celebrate the New Year with you!

Song “New Year's round dance”

The children sing, at this time the Snow Maiden enters the hall.

Snow Maiden.

To your holiday tree
We came from afar.
The two of us walked for quite a long time
Through the ice, through the snow.
All the days passed without knowing laziness,
We didn't go astray.
Then they sat on deer...
Then - in a minibus.
We were in villages, cities,
We visited schools and kindergartens.
We congratulated each other
Happy New Year to all the guys.

Father Frost:
We almost got lost
On the way we lost our way.
It's good that the telegram
They handed it right into our hands...

Snow Maiden:
Are we really not late? -
After all, you can't be late,
If they are waiting in an elegant hall
Our best friends.

Snow Maiden. Grandfather, the guys are celebrating the Christmas tree, but the lights on the New Year’s tree are not burning.

Father Frost. The lights on the Christmas tree are not simple, but magical, and they will light up when the children find out their secret.

Snow Maiden. Grandfather, tell me quickly, what is this secret?

Father Frost.

I have the key to this secret. Those who know how to solve riddles will be able to open this ice chest:

I'll make a wish for you guys
Very difficult riddles
If you guess it, don’t yawn,
Answer in unison.

Father Frost and Snow Maiden make riddles .

All the lights on the tree are shining,
The round dance is noisy.
We are all very glad to meet
The best holiday... New Year.

Today we ate apples,
Both cars and houses -
It came to us... winter.

They fly in the air,
They melt on the palm of your hand
Lighter than fluff -
Stars... snowflakes.

Look at this, guys.
Everything around was covered with cotton wool.
And in response, cheerful laughter -
This was the first... snow.

They are usually for sewing,
I saw them on a hedgehog.
Happens on a pine tree, on a Christmas tree
And they are called... needles.

Father Frost. Well done, guys!

Chest, chest, gilded barrel.
Painted lid, copper valve.
One two three four five
You can light the Christmas tree.

He takes out his wand and waves it.

Light up the lights bright
Green beauty.
Give the guys joy!
And everyone in the hall
Together with us
We count together
One two Three!

Let's repeat it all together:

« Surprise us with beauty
Christmas tree, turn on the lights!

Let's play the game "Do this." Repeat the movements after the Snow Maiden

The game is a dance with repetition of movements behind the leader: “If life is fun, do this...” Before each movement it is repeated: If life is fun, do this...:
- two clapping hands in front of the chest;
- two finger clicks;
- two punches to the chest (like King Kong);
-two swings with outstretched fingers, when the hands are put to the nose (gesture “Pinocchio’s nose”)
- two pulls on your own ears with your hands;
- two tongue protrusions with a head turn (to the neighbor on the right and left);
- The game ends with the fact that during the last performance of the song, after the words “Do this,” all movements are repeated at once.

Presenter 2:
Oh, children, we played and played, and Santa Claus was without a bag. Grandfather Frost, but where is your bag?

(A brownie enters, leading Baba Yaga and Leshy. Leshy carries a bag)

Happy New Year,
Citizen Morozov Grandfather,
Sorry, I'm tearing it off
But I need your answer:
You have nothing to lose
In the last half hour?
And we never forgot
A duffel bag like this?

Father Frost:
Oh yes, how could I
Forget your bag on the way!
Here, thank you, dear,
That my bag returned!

But these hooligans
I'll take it with me!
I'm on these hooligans
I’ll even start a case!

Snow Maiden:
Wait, wait!
Maybe on a day like this
Do not punish Leshy with Baba Yaga.
Better stay with us,
Have fun yourself!

Baba Yaga and Leshy:
Will you forgive us please
Don't be too strict
We are not harmful - we are harmful,
Just very lonely...

Father Frost:
Stay if that's the case
But let's agree:
You will play with us
Don't quarrel!

The Snow Maiden explains the conditions of the game “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends”
The children leading, Baba Yaga and Leshy, dance in a circle, walk in a circle, music plays.

Snow Maiden:
- Who walks to school every day in a cheerful band?
- This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.
- Which of you, tell me out loud, catches flies in class?
- It's me, ...
- Who is not afraid of frost and flies like a bird on skates?
- It's me, ...
- Which of you, when you grow up, will become an astronaut?
- It's me, ...
- Who among you does not walk gloomily, loves sports and physical education?
- It's me, ...
- Which of you, so good, wore galoshes to sunbathe?
- It's me, ...
- Who completes their homework on time?
- It's me, ...
- How many of you keep your books, pens and notebooks in order?
- It's me, ...
- Which of you kids walks around dirty from ear to ear?
- It's me, ...
- Which of you walks on the pavement with your head upside down?
- It's me, ...
-Which of you, I want to know, has an “A” in diligence?
- It's me, ...
- Which of you comes to class an hour late?
- It's me, ...

Presenter 1.

It's time, friends, we need to say goodbye!
I congratulate everyone from the bottom of my heart.
Let's celebrate the New Year together
Both adults and kids.

Presenter 2.

I wish you success in the new year!
More cheerful ringing laughter,
More good friends and girlfriends,
Excellent marks and knowledge chest.

Snow Maiden.

It's time for us to part,
But in the new year...
I will definitely come to you for the Christmas tree.
Shine our Christmas tree for everyone to see
I wish you a happy new year.

Father Frost.

We had great fun!
I laughed heartily.
And now it's time to say goodbye.
Happy New Year to you, friends!

Abramova Tatyana Anatolyevna


  • Father Frost
  • Snow Maiden
  • Tsarevna-Nesmeyana
  • Hottabych
  • Parsley
  • Aliens
  • Snowflakes
  • Teddy Bear
  • Presenter

(The hall is decorated festively. Music is playing. Parents enter, children start a round dance around the Christmas tree. A signal sounds.)

Presenter: Hello, kids!

Girls and boys!

Let's sing about our Christmas tree!

(Everyone sings the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.”)

Presenter: You came to our Christmas tree to have fun. Grandfather Frost loves joyful faces. He bypasses them. He does not come to the holiday to crybabies and lazy people. No matter how many times they call. Are there crybabies and lazy people among us?

The children answer.

Presenter: So you can call Santa Claus.

(Loud crying is heard, the Tsar and Princess Nesmeyana come out.)

Presenter: What happened?

King: I don’t know myself.

He's been crying since the morning.

Presenter: Nesmeyana, don’t shed any tears. And have pity on the kids. Santa Claus will not come to us if someone sheds tears.

(Nesmeyana cries even louder.)

King: She doesn’t hear anyone

And roars without a break. How can I help her stop?

Presenter: Should we dance?

(We dance “Lazy People.” He cries loudly without laughing.)

Tsar: Soon my daughter will feel bad.

Only a miracle will help here!

Presenter: We have a main wizard! The wisest and funniest! He will create any Miracle with his beard. Did you guys guess? This is our old man Hottabych!

(The children call Hottabych. The lights go out, extravaganza, music, Hottabych appears.")

Hottabych: Hello, my dear friends!

The most precious pearls of my heart. The wisest of the wise. The funniest of the funniest.

(Nesmeyana cries loudly)

Hottabych. Oh, treasure of my soul, why are you screaming like that? Why are you ruining this wonderful holiday for my friends?

(Nesmeyana cries even louder.)

Presenter: Help us, Hottabych. Make the non-laughing one laugh.

(Hottabych walks around the Christmas tree and says the words: These are the magic words: Turkish delight, sherbet, halva. Someone help us Nesmeyane to bring back the laughter.

(Light. Extravaganza. Music A bear comes out.)

Bear: Happy New Year, kids! Both girls and boys! I heard you are in trouble - Tears are flowing like water. Who ruined the children's holiday? Show me where the prankster is.

(Everyone turns to the sienna, and there Nesmeyana begins to dance even louder.)

Bear: It’s a shame for a girl to cry.

You are the Princess! Not a bear. It’s better to dance with us and laugh from your heart.

(Everyone dances “Lyavonikha.” And the king and the princess on stage also try to dance. But after the dance, there are tears again.)

Hottabych: There is no escape from the roar. My ears will burst soon.

(Hair tears, light, extravagant music, Parsley appears.

Parsley: I am Parsley, mischievous

The whole day is like a clockwork. I amuse everyone and make them laugh and dance tirelessly. Come on, open your eyes and welcome the artists!

(The dancers enter the music. Nesmeyana is crying.)

Parsley: Where is the unfortunate princess? Come on, get off stage. Dance with me quickly. This dance is mischievous.

(Everyone performs the “Ice Ceiling” dance. But Nesmeyana is still crying. Hottabych walked around the tree, covering his ears. The Tsar runs up to him.)

Tsar: There is no more urine.

My daughter is crying. Who will help me in misfortune? Who will save us from misfortune? I’ll save Nesmeyanu myself. I’ll return her smile myself.

(The king pulls out a hair from Hottabych’s head. He casts a spell. Light, extravaganza, music. Aliens have appeared. A voice sounds against the background of music.)

Who's crying? Who is shedding tears here?

(Nesmeyana on the sienna approaches the king and wrings out her handkerchief.)

We came to you with a task:

I dare not make you laugh,

Dry her tears.

Let the music play louder

We invite everyone to dance.

(Everyone performs “Tanya with Fashionable Moves.”)

How fun we live here

Presenter: But Nesmeyana doesn’t laugh!

Hottabych: I’ll try for the last time, What if it works now.

(Lights, extravaganza, music, snowflakes come out. The princess begins to spin with them, puts on a cape and has fun.)

Tsar: Well, Hottabych, udruzhid

The laughter returned to my daughter. My daughter has become even more beautiful! And out of such joy we will dance with snowballs, repeat everything after me.

(Everyone performs “Tanya with Snowballs.”)

Nesmeyana: Well, thank you guys.

That's it, the end of my whims.

I'll tell you a riddle

Not simple, but with a surprise.

Near the Christmas tree in every home

Children dance in a circle.

What is the name of this holiday?

Guess it!

Children: New Year!

Nesmeyana: What year are we celebrating? How many of you guys know? As soon as we name all the numbers, they will light up with fire!

(Children name the year. The lights go out, the scoreboard lights up, the music comes on. Everyone is happy. The song “It’s good that every year” is sung)

Parsley: Everything shines and sparkles, Only the Christmas tree is not on fire. You, Hottabych, help, light the Christmas tree quickly.

Hottabych: Lighting up is not my question

Here we need Santa Claus. Nesmeyana: We forgot about him.

Let's call together:

Santa Claus, we are waiting for you!

(Everyone repeats this phrase. Music. Come out - Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, snowflakes.)

Snow Maiden: Hello, guys!

Santa Claus: The south wind told us that Young, cheerful, friendly, cheerful people are calling us to the Christmas tree

Parsley: Grandfather Frost, our Christmas tree isn’t burning!

Santa Claus: It's not a problem!

After all, I am always with you! Well, Snow Maiden, help me, repeat the words with me. With multi-colored lights, semi-precious stones, light up and sparkle!

Snow Maiden: Become radiant and sparkling. Light up and sparkle with golden tinsel!

(Santa Claus brings his staff to the Christmas tree, a signal sounds, music sounds, the Christmas tree lights up)

Nesmeyana: The tree lit up with bright lights.

King: In festive attire,

In festive glory.

Parsley: And now, guys, sing with us, have fun and dance, everyone!

(Everyone sings the song “About the Christmas Tree.”)

Santa Claus: For everyone who works, who is cheerful, kind and brave, let his wishes come true, whatever he wants!

Presenter: Stand up, children, stand in a circle! Look - a friend is nearby. He has become kinder today.


More fun and bolder!

Parsley: As you say goodbye to the old year, join the round dance!

(Everyone sings the song “You came to visit us.”)

Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost, look how beautiful and smart the guys are.

Santa Claus: In the New Year, it is customary to give gifts to everyone. And I have a gift for everyone - a big parade of costumes on our festive stage!

(Music sounds, children walk through the sienna, receive surprises from Santa Claus

Snow Maiden: We extended our kind palms to each other. And let's go, go in a circle in a New Year's round dance!

(The tanei song “Boom-boom-boom” is performed.)

Snow Maiden: The holiday was a great success! There were songs and fun.

Santa Claus: Happy New Year, my dear children! Happy New Year, dear parents! We had a great day. And we are sad to admit that the hour of farewell has come, It’s time for us to part.

Snow Maiden: We will part as friends, Let’s just say in advance: We will be very glad to meet you again in a year!

(We say goodbye to everyone. The final song plays.)

Suitable scenarios for the holiday:

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Elena Vladimirovna Sysoeva

The holiday is designed for children 5 - 6 years old who attend general aesthetic education groups at our children's art school. The children performed songs and dances they had learned in advance. Various games and entertainment were also provided for them. In the foyer there was an exhibition of children's works and crafts on the theme of New Year 2016. At the end of the holiday, all the children received New Year's gifts from fairy-tale heroes - Father Frost, Snow Maiden and Kikimora.

The musical arrangement of the holiday consisted of both instrumental tracks (minus and plus), as well as “live” performance and accompaniment of children’s songs by teachers working in groups of general aesthetic education.

Celebration progress:

1. music sounds

Presenter (against background music):

We ran into the elegant hall and saw a miracle Christmas tree. We will sing songs, dance, and celebrate the New Year!

Hello, forest Christmas tree, silvery, thick!

You dressed up amazingly, so elegantly, so beautifully!

You have brought joy to the children, we will celebrate the New Year with you!

Let's start a song together, let's dance merrily!

Song "Yolochka"

2. Gentle music sounds. The sad Snow Maiden enters.

Snow Maiden: Together with my grandfather, we live in a snow house.

And we are not afraid of the cold, we are glad of frosty days,

There is no stove in our house - my grandfather is afraid of the fire.

I’m afraid of the light too, because I’m called the Snow Maiden.

Host: What's wrong with you, Snow Maiden? Why are you so sad? You don't smile at all. Probably frozen. Guys, what should we do? Maybe we will warm her up with cheerful dances and songs, and the Snow Maiden will have fun. (children answer) And you, Snow Maiden, sit down and look at us.

Warm-up (5 years). Watch (6 years)

3. Song “Pies”

4. Dance “Charging Pinocchio”

Snow Maiden: (cheerfully) Thank you, friends! I became my old self again! And now I’ll take you to the New Year’s round dance!

5. Song “Little Christmas Tree”

Presenter: Snow Maiden, where is Grandfather Frost?

Snow Maiden: I don’t know. It's high time for him to come. He's probably lingering in the forest. let's, guys, call Grandfather so that he doesn't go astray. Let's all say together: “Santa Claus, come quickly! It will be more fun together!” (children call DM)

Presenter: Oh, guys, look, there’s a letter hanging on the Christmas tree. Interesting from

who is it? (Reads the letter)

Look under the tree and find a bell there.

Don't twist or twirl, just shake gently.

The bell will sing and invite guests to you.

I'm loading a cartload of gifts. I'll be there soon, Santa Claus.

Host: Where is the magic bell? (searches and then calls it)

Snow Maiden: Guys, be quiet. I hear something strange! Someone is running towards us here! Maybe it's Grandpa. ?

6. Kikimora runs into the hall to the music

Kikimora: Finally, I found you! Hello! Wow! There are so many people in the hall! I know, I know, they were waiting for me a lot.

Presenter: What kind of miracle is this? Excuse me, where are you coming from?

Snow Maiden: Yes, yes, please tell me who you are? There’s something I’m looking at you and I just can’t figure it out.

Kikimora: Well, I’ll introduce myself to you now!

7. Song of Kikimora

1. I studied at a ballet school

Grand batman, plié, petit batman.

But I got a different share -

I buried my talent in the ground!

Chorus: Now I am Ki-ki-ki-kikimora, Ki-ki-ki-kikimora!

I live in a swamp.

I'll sing you songs!

2. I studied at the conservatory.

Handel, Donizetti, Bach, Leppard.

But nothing worked out.

I buried my talent in the ground!

Chorus: Now I am ki-ki-ki-Kikimora, ki-ki-ki-Kikimora!

I live in a swamp.

I am unprecedented and intelligent!

I'll sing you songs!

Today I dressed up and came to your party!

(walks around the tree)

Oh, brothers, what a big broom!

Presenter: Yes, this is our beautiful Christmas tree!

Snow Maiden: No way, Kikimora, you won’t understand that the New Year is coming to us soon.

Kikimora: No, I understood everything. And she even brought you gifts.

(Pulls out a bag from under the tree.) Here they are, gifts! I'll show them to you now. (Takes a holey dress out of the bag.) Here is the dress, almost new. I wore it in my youth when I was a beauty. Here is a self-assembled tablecloth. True, she has lost weight, but she is still good. Or here’s a frying pan to fry the guys (He comes to his senses and waves his hands.) No, no, that’s not what I wanted to say at all. Now, if you clean it, you can look like in a mirror. Do you like my gifts?

Children: No.

Kikimora (offended): No? Once I wanted to be kind, but I didn’t please. (Getting ready to leave.)

Snow Maiden: No, Kikimora, stay. Don't rush to your home. Be a dear guest at our holiday! Dance with the guys.

Kikimora: Ooh! I really love to dance. And I probably won’t refuse your offer.

Snow Maiden: Today we welcome all guests! We are ready to accept everyone! And now we will sing and dance near our wonderful Christmas tree!

8. Dance “Heel and Toe”

9. Dance “What kind of people are these”

Snow Maiden: We were really looking forward to all the guests. They were gathered into a single circle.

One thing is missing, Santa Claus himself!

Let us call Santa Claus again, and louder, so that he can hear us.

10. They call Santa Claus to the music

To start the holiday, you need to call Grandfather!

We need to call Grandpa! Just shout out loud.

Who's louder? What's the question? Let's thunder together - Santa Claus!

Santa Claus enters

Santa Claus: Who is calling me so loudly? Who wants to see me? Oh, it's you guys! Hello! Happy holiday to you! I visited you a year ago, I’m glad to see everyone again. They grew up and became big. Did you recognize me? I’m still the same gray-haired man, but just like young! Come on, hold hands and stand in a wide circle. Take me into your round dance, guys! Let's celebrate the New Year with ringing songs and fun!

Songs “Snow-Snowball” and “Jolly Geese” (5 years)

Songs “Duck” and “2 Horses” (6 years)

Presenter: Grandfather Frost, we know a song about you and now we’ll sing it with the guys.

11. Song “Rosy Cheeks”

Santa Claus: Well, you sing very well! Well done! Do you know how to dance?

12.Dance "Fixies"

Santa Claus: These are children! And they sing and dance! Just some kind of miracle! Well, now you can play!

Come on, kids, make friends, show your hands.

(Children extend their hands forward)

Santa Claus: I'll freeze all the guys!

13. Game “I’ll freeze”

He runs in a circle and tries to freeze him with his staff. Children hide their hands behind their backs.

Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost, now you sit and rest. And the guys will sing you another song.

Song "Kitten on the Window"

Snow Maiden: Oh, guys, look! Someone is sleeping under the tree here. And how loudly he snores!

Santa Claus: We'll all clap our hands, we'll wake up the sleepyhead now!

14. Exercise “Sun”

Kikimora: Who is this all walking around here? Why shout so loudly! They don't let you sleep peacefully! (saw Santa Claus) Oh, Santa Claus! What is this, I slept through everything? (to the children) Have you already received your gifts? I want too.

Santa Claus: Well, Kikimora, you will receive a gift from me, but first, have fun with the guys, play with them.

Kikimora: With great pleasure

15. Game “Riddles to music”

Favorite Holiday at the gate - long-awaited.

This holiday is bright and bright! We love to receive.

There is no more wonderful holiday! We sing about him.

In different cities and towns, children dress up.

We set up a Christmas tree around the New Year.

The kids don't get bored playing different games.

Everyone is waiting with a beard and a red nose.

You guys are such wise men.

Let's clap in honor of ourselves.

Let's drown in honor of ourselves.

And now all the kids shout in honor of themselves: “Hurray! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!"

16. Game “The deer has a big house” (with acceleration)

Santa Claus: Oh, they played great! What a great fellow you are!

Host: Grandfather Frost, did you bring gifts for the children?

Santa Claus: I, cheerful Santa Claus, brought you gifts!

Where is my bag? Here's the secret. Not on the right. And not on the left.

Isn’t it on the tree? (No)

And not under the tree? (No)

Isn’t it on the stump? (No)

Isn’t it behind the stump? (No)

Presenter: Santa Claus, maybe Music will help you?

If it sounds loud, your bag is lying nearby.

Santa Claus: Well, let's try to search with music!

17. Music sounds quietly, and Santa Claus is looking for his bag.

Santa Claus: Isn’t it on the window? (No)

Isn't it on the chair? (No)

Doesn't mom have one? (No)

Doesn't dad have one? (No)

At this time, Kikimora quietly pulls out a bag from behind the door.

The music is louder.

Kikimora: Santa Claus! Hooray! I found your bag! The music sounds loud

That means your bag is lying nearby.

Santa Claus is trying to untie the bag.

Santa Claus: That's the knot! Huh-huh! I can't untie it!

Snow Maiden: Well, let’s all clap together! (clap)

Let's stomp our feet. (stomp)

Santa Claus (pulls the bow): The knots are all untied, and we got the gifts!

Hurry to your places, I will give you gifts!

Santa Claus gives gifts to everyone

18. Music is playing

Santa Claus: It’s time for us to end the New Year’s holiday.

I wish you a lot of joy today, kids!

Kikimora: So that you grow up big, so that you don’t have worries.

Snow Maiden: And Grandfather Frost and I will return to you in a year!

All together: Goodbye!

Music is playing. Guests say goodbye and leave

Holiday in Nude style
"Casino" program

Scenario Elka

for the younger group

Children, accompanied by the song “Sleigh” by Filippenko, enter the hall in pairs.

Santa Claus meets them in the hall.

D.M.Hello my dear,

Both small and large

Happy New Year,

I wish you happiness and joy

Look: the Christmas tree is a miracle!

And everything around is so beautiful!

Children and Santa Claus are looking at the Christmas tree. Santa Claus says that it’s time to light the lights on the Christmas tree, but the Snow Maiden is not there. We need to call her. Everyone goes to the Snow Maiden’s house and looks at it. Santa Claus touches the icicle with a stick - it rings (unnoticed by the children, the Snow Maiden hits the metallophone). He continues to touch one icicle and then another with a stick, and runs the stick over all the icicles. Finally, Father Frost and the children call the Snow Maiden. The Snow Maiden comes out. Everyone says hello, looks at her outfit, goes to the tree and lights the lights. The game “One, two, three, burn the Christmas tree!” is played several times.

D.M. I want to dance around such a beautiful Christmas tree.

Performed “New Year’s round dance” (music by Filippenko).

Santa Claus praises them and asks how they still know how to dance.

Pairs dance to “Polka”»

D.M. You dance well, but can you solve riddles?

Clubbed feet,

He sleeps in a den during the winter.

Guess, answer,

Who is this? (bear)

It’s not a bird on a branch,

And the beast is not big,

The fur coat is warm, like a hot water bottle.

Who is this? (squirrel)

A ball of fluff,

Long ear

Jumps deftly

Loves carrots.

Well, guess what?

Who is this? (bunny)

Cunning cheat

red head,

The fluffy tail is beautiful!

Who is this? (fox)

D.M. The cubs hid behind the Christmas trees! Isn't there a big, real bear there?

Children and teacher. No! Big and real sleeps in winter. We know. We'll even sing a song.

D.M. Please sing!

Everyone sings the song “Snow, snow»

The cubs run out and, at the request of the Snow Maiden and Father Frost, dance.

"Dance of the Bear Cubs" music. L.Schwartz

D.M. The bears were found and they were dancing merrily. Now I’ll turn away, and you and Snegurochka hide someone.

Santa Claus turns away, and the Snow Maiden consults with the children. They hide the bunnies behind a large Christmas tree. Everyone is calling Santa Claus: “It’s time, look, Grandfather Frost»

D.M.(turning around) So... I'll see who's hiding... Bears - here they are! The foxes are here! Squirrel - here she is! The Christmas tree girls are here! But there are no bunnies. (Looks behind small fir trees). No bunnies! Dear guests, maybe you have some bunnies hiding? No? I know, I know, the bunnies also want to be sung a song and have fun playing.

The song “The Cheerful Musician” is performed.

Children sing and pretend to play musical instruments, and the bunnies run out and dance. At the end of the third verse they run away again.

D.M. The bunnies danced well, but I saw where they ran away.

The bunnies are coming out. The game of hide and seek continues.

Now the foxes (two or three girls) are hiding. And again D.M. finds them behind small fir trees.

D.M.You are cunning foxes,

You are a master's dance,

Make us happy soon

Have fun dancing.

Performing "Polka"

The game of hide and seek continues. Santa Claus is looking for Christmas trees (two or three girls are standing holding hands)

D.M. These are not ordinary trees

These are living Christmas trees!

These are girl friends

Three cheerful talkers.

Dressed up and standing

And play. They want to dance.

There will be music -

They will immediately start dancing.

Performed “Gallop” (music.Kabalevsky)

D.M. now offers to admire the Christmas tree

D.M. For many, many years in a row

The Christmas tree makes the kids happy.

Your moms, your dads, grandparents

They also did a round dance

Near the Christmas tree on New Year's Day

Sing a song about the Christmas tree:

"The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree"

Let's sing it together!

Everyone sings the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”

D.M. And now it's time

Let's play, kids.

Snowball game

D.M. Where is the Snow Maiden? (The ringing of bells is heard outside the door) I know, this is the Snow Maiden with gifts. I'll go help her!

He comes to the door, helps carry the sled and gives gifts to the children. He says that the Snow Maiden has prepared a treat for the children in the group. Everyone leaves.

Holiday scenario for a small elementary school

"New Year's performance around the Christmas tree!"

Prepared by: primary school teacher

Municipal educational institution "Polyanskaya primary secondary school"

urban district of Saransk, Republic of Mordovia

Ukhtinskaya Elena Gennadievna

1 lesson Everybody hurry up and run here,

Gather in this hall

If you want to see

New Year's carnival!

2 studies There are many wonderful holidays,

Everyone takes their turn

But the kindest holiday in the world,

The best holiday is New Year!

Performance of the song: “Merry winter has come”

    Happy winter has come

There's a mess of snowflakes all around.

Don't sleep, get up early

Hurry up and get your skates

Happy winter has arrived!

    The sun froze to the ice,

I go to the skating rink in the morning.

And it stings my nose painfully

Angry Santa Claus,

The sun froze to the ice.

    Snowballs are flying fast,

None of the guys are cowards.

And a hot battle broke out,

Even though you and I are friends,

Snowballs are flying fast!

    The first verse is repeated.

3 lessons Happy New Year

Both hosts and guests!

Happiness to everyone, I wish you well

And have nice, clear days!

4 lessons Happy New Year, Happy New Year

Let's congratulate everyone, and then

And let's dance in a circle,

And let's dance and sing!

5 lessons The wind dances over the fields

He is wearing painted felt boots,

Good luck awaits you in the New Year

Both big and small!

6 lessons The stars shine above the earth -

Not simple, scarlet.

New Year brings with it

Unprecedented happiness!

7 studies Let's hold hands, friends,

And let's dance in a circle,

Not every day, but once a year

New Year is coming.

Song "Little Christmas tree..."

    Little Christmas tree

It's cold in winter.

A Christmas tree from the forest

We took it home.

    How many on the Christmas tree

Colored balls,

Pink gingerbread,

Golden cones.

    An elegant branch

Lower it lower

Us chocolate

Treat me to some fish.

    Beads hung

We got into a round dance,

Fun, fun,

Let's celebrate the New Year.

8 lessons A guest came to us today

On the winter New Year's holiday

We dressed her up

Warmed up, revived.

Host: - What kind of guest came to us?

9 lessons Hello, Christmas tree, how glad we are

Why did you come to us again?

And in green needles

Brought the freshness of the forest!

10 lessons There are toys on your branches

And the lanterns are burning,

Multi-colored firecrackers,

There are different beads hanging!

11 school Here it is, our Christmas tree,

In the brilliance of radiant lights,

She seems more beautiful than everyone else

Everything is greener and lush!

12. A fairy tale is hidden in the greenery,

The white swan is swimming.

The bunny slides on a sled

The squirrel is gnawing nuts.

13. And now we will stand in a circle,

Let's join hands,

And in a merry round dance

Let's walk with a song.

Song "Round Dance"

    Round dance, round dance,

The little people are dancing

Dance by our Christmas tree

We are ready all year long.

    Beauty, beauty,

Our Christmas tree is thick,

You can't reach the top of your head

That's how high it is.

    Under the bush, under the bush,

Someone with a red tail

This is a cunning fox

There is a fox's house under the bush.

    It's snowing, it's snowing,

Hello, hello New Year.

How cheerful we are

Round dance near the Christmas tree.

Gentle music sounds and the Snow Maiden comes out.

Snow Maiden : I love frosty frost.

You can't live without cold.

Santa Claus chose a name for me:

I am the Snow Maiden, friends!

The Snow Maiden turns to the guys and smiles at them.

Snow Maiden : Hello, my dear girls and boys!

There are so many of you in the room today.

You were probably all waiting for me.

And I was in a hurry to see you guys,

And I’m very glad to meet you,

My grandfather will come soon,

And the New Year will come again!
Are you all cheerful and smart?

But I'll check it now.

Snow Maiden : I know this game. I will ask questions. If I say correctly, you will clap your hands cheerfully, and if I say incorrectly, then you will stomp. It's clear?

Santa Claus is known to everyone. Right? - Right!

He arrives exactly at seven. Right? - Wrong!

Santa Claus is a good old man. Right? - Right!

Wears a fur coat and galoshes. Right? - Wrong!

Santa Claus is afraid of the cold. Right? - Wrong!

He is friends with Snegurochka. Right? - Right!

They carried deuces in the diary. Right? - Wrong!

Soon Santa Claus will come. Right? - Right!

He will bring gifts to everyone. Right? - Right!

Snow Maiden: Well done boys! I see that you are all cheerful and smart.

There is noise, whistling, stomping. The Snow Maiden looks into the distance and says confused.

Snow Maiden: The willows bend, the spruce trees groan.

The roads were covered in snow.

Really... really

Is it Santa Claus coming?

(The phonogram of the melody “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” sounds)

Baba Yaga and Leshy come out.

Baba Yaga. Hello girls and boys!

Hooligans, braggarts,

Losers and lazy people

Truants and slobs.

Goblin : Slobs and fighters,

Incompetents and liars!

(Baba Yaga pushes him after each phrase.)

Goblin: I'm a funny Santa Claus

I brought you all slingshots (takes out a slingshot).

I brought you some chewing gum (takes out a large pack of chewing gum).

I brought you cigarettes

(Baba Yaga pushes him in the side.)

Goblin: A!!! I'm a funny Santa Claus

I brought you gifts.

Snow Maiden: Grandfather! What's wrong with you!

You're somehow not like that

You are insidious, cunning, evil -

A real Waterman.

Baba Yaga : Why are you saying that!

Look carefully.

(Demonstrates Santa Claus.)

The real Santa Claus

Here is the hat, here is the nose.

There is a gas canister

And the staff is disposable.

Snow Maiden : Who are you?

Baba Yaga: I? The Snow Maiden is a slender figure

Long braids, black eyelashes.

I go to school every day

I’m friends with you, kids.

Snow Maiden: Oh, you don’t look like Santa Claus, do you guys? And even more so for the Snow Maiden, because the Snow Maiden is me.

Baba Yaga : Oh, fathers, we're late!

Goblin: I told you, quickly get dressed, we’ll be late. The real Snow Maiden has already arrived.

Baba Yaga: Don't push! I had to put myself in order, I’m a woman!

Snow Maiden: guys, do you recognize them? Right! This is Baba Yaga and Leshy.

Baba Yaga: Yes! I am Babusya, I am Yagusya.

I'm very proud of this!

Goblin: And I am Leshy, not at all evil,

Not old and not young.

I live in the forest, I carry out service,

And who will come to me in the forest,

It will fall into my clutches!

(The phonogram of the melody “Sailor O. Gazmanova” sounds. Baba Yaga and the goblin are dancing. Baba Yaga is singing.)

Baba Yaga: I live in the wilderness of the forest,

Yes, in a bone hut,

I'm friends with Kikimora

I often go to visit her.

I don't like cheerful laughter

I'm more harmful and meaner than all of you,

I never bother

I'm proud of myself.

Chorus: I am Babusya, I am Yaga,

I am a bone leg.

I'll ruin your holiday

I won't let you have fun.

I'm a grandma, I want it that way

I'll conjure, whisper,

Santa Claus will not come to you

New Year will not come.

Leshy: ( Sings the song “My Bunny”)

My grandmother, I am your Lyokha.

I feel very bad without you.

My hedgehog is evil - evil,

My grandmother, dear.

Baba Yaga: You are my devil, evil, insidious,

So cunning and terrible,

You are my headless bunny,

You are my stupid hedgehog,

Together: Honey!!!

Santa Claus will not come to you,

New Year won't come,

It won't come, it will never come.

We'll outwit everyone around us, we'll do something here,

We are the most harmful in the world, yes, yes, yes, yes!

Snow Maiden: Where is Grandfather Frost?

Baba Yaga: He sits in his hut,

Frogs guard him.

So don't wait for him

Everyone get out of here.

Snow Maiden: But this is impossible! The guys gathered for the holiday, they were looking forward to it, they studied well, they tried, and now the holiday should come.

Goblin: Is this their holiday? Are they excellent students?

(Approaches the children, knocks on the head, a soundtrack of the sound of empty dishes sounds).

Goblin: Grandma, you were right

Their heads are empty

And my little head is full of madness!

(Knocks on his head - the clink of empty dishes is heard.)

Goblin: Yes, they are poor students and poor students, and not excellent students.

Snow Maiden: But that’s not true! Our guys all study well and know how to make friends.

Baba Yaga: But we will test them,

We'll tell them riddles.

Behind my back, a big bag
Santa Claus will come in winter
Inviting all the people
Celebrate together...(New Year)

There is noise everywhere on this holiday!
Explosion, then cheerful laughter!
Very loud toy -
New Year's... (Clapperboard)

There is a Christmas tree in the corner,
At the window on the floor.
And on the tree to the top,
All are beautiful...


He's with a huge bag,
Walking through the forest...
Who got up early today
He brings us a bag of sweets...

He comes on New Year's Day

Will there be a light on our Christmas tree?

Who is this? Here's the question!

Let's say together...

(Father Frost)

We bought them for the holiday,
The Christmas tree was decorated together.
And now the flowers are burning

Shining brightly...

(Little lights)

Santa Claus on New Year's Eve
He will bring a Christmas tree for the children.
And it's like there's a fire on her
Everything sparkles big...


Here comes the old grandfather,
Dressed in a red fur coat.

Nose as red as a beetroot

Long stick in hand
A bag weighs on his shoulder,
There is a glistening snowball in the beard.
(Father Frost)

New Year's balls -
The best gift for kids.
Fragile, fabulous and bright
This festive…


These painted chains
Children glue from paper.
(Fairy lights)

What a New Year's toy
Does it fire loudly like a cannon?

He is strict, he is also kind,
Full of beard,
Now he is in a hurry to come to us for a holiday,
Who is this? ...

Snow Maiden: -Well, are you convinced how smart and quick-witted we are?

Baba Yaga. And my Leshak and I

We dance and sing better than anyone else.

Who wants to compete with us?

And then we will laugh.

Snow Maiden. _ Children, let's show, how we can sing!

Song: "Winter"

1.At the edge of the forest

Winter lived in a hut,

She salted snowballs

In a birch tub.

She was drying the yarn

She wove canvases

Kovala ice

Yes, there are bridges over the river.

Chorus : Ice ceiling,

The door is creaky

Behind a rough wall

The darkness is prickly.

And you'll go over the threshold

There is frost everywhere,

And from the windows of the parks

Blue, blue.

2. I went hunting

Kept silver

Planted a thin month

In a crystal bucket.

I sewed fur coats for trees,

Kept the sleigh path,

And then I hurried into the forest,

To rest in the hut!

The chorus is the same.

Baba Yaga: - And now we will show our achievements, repeat all the movements after Lyokha.

(Dance “We will go right first...”)

(Baba Yaga and Leshy don’t succeed.)

Snow Maiden: Are you convinced now?

We dance better than you!

Baba -= Yaga. I'll tell you a secret -

I'm friends with Stallone

I know Schwarzenegger

I play sports with him

After all, I’m not just an artist -

I'm a granny bodybuilder.

But now we will prove to you,

We'll show you how fast we are!

Hey, whoever is brave, come out!

Show your speed!

(Several children are called up. They must run on skis around the Christmas tree. Who is faster? Baba Yaga and Leshiy also run with them.)

Snow Maiden. - Oh, well done, guys! It's great that you beat Baba Yaga and Leshy.

Baba Yaga. - Oh, oh, I feel bad!

Goblin: - The doctors! The doctors!

(The ambulance siren sounds. The doctor comes running.)

Doctor: - Oh. Grandma turned pale.

What, Yagusya, are you sick?

If you get sick, it’s no problem

Eat the frog from the pond.

There is no more reliable medicine

Than the natural environment.

Baba Yaga: These kids are smarter, faster, and friendlier.

I'm burning with anger,

I'm losing my strength. (Falls.)

Doctor: I will help the hedgehog.

I'll find my hammer

I'll bring her to her senses.

(Takes a hammer, knocks on her knee, her leg jumps, a strong creak is heard, Baba Yaga stands up).

Baba Yaga: - Guard! They are killing! Did you fall from the attic?! Here I am now! (Runs after the doctor around the tree.)

Doctor: - And grandma came to life! (Runs away.)

Baba Yaga: Our scam failed.

Santa Claus is coming now.

Eh, we didn't succeed

They will ruin the New Year.

(The clatter of hooves is heard. New Year enters.)

New Year: _Come on, let me through. Make way for the young!

Baba Yaga: - Don’t rush and don’t be rude.

Look, there's a young one!

New Year: - Hello, girls and boys!

Baba Yaga: - New Year!

New Year: With youth in your eyes

The New Year is coming,

In the blue flying snow,

With the free wind of distances and roads.

I think you're happy to see me?

Baba Yaga: We're so glad! Last year I came and brought nothing but trouble. Listen here:

The hut burned down

The broom flew away

I brewed the potion,

She even poisoned Koshchei.

Lived in a den-

Legs out.

Didn't sleep enough, didn't eat enough,

Without fly agarics I suffered all year.

Instead of a stick - a simple stick...

Well, don't you feel sorry for me???

Goblin: - Yes, yes, this is such nonsense,

They only saw nasty things from you.

New Year: Baba Yaga, the old year was bad for you, but I am a new, young one. And young people are welcome everywhere.

Baba Yaga: -Oh, young one! Tell me, do you want your year to last forever?

Goblin: -Do you want eternal life?

Baba Yaga: Do you want to never grow old? And be forever young?

Goblin: Do you want power and respect?

New Year: - Want!!! But as?

Baba Yaga: - You did great, son! We have vitamins. Eat your vitamin!

Goblin: Eat to your health!

Snow Maiden: - Don't take anything from them!

Baba Yaga: - Don't listen to her, she's jealous of you! And you eat, son! (New Year eats vitamins.)

Goblin: (in a whisper, addressing Baba Yaga.) - What kind of vitamin is this?

Baba Yaga: Vitamin I!

Goblin: - I’ve never heard of such vitamins!

Baba Yaga: - Anyone who swallows at least one vitamin will forget about everyone in the world and begin to think only about himself. Everyone will quarrel, and maybe even fight. There is nothing worse than vitamin I! After taking it, everyone thinks only about themselves!

Goblin: - You are the most brilliant grandmother in the world! And nothing will help him anymore?

Baba Yaga: - Only vitamin WE can help! And the box with vitamin WE is safely hidden in my deepest pocket!

(Baba Yaga and Leshy leave.)

Snow Maiden: (addresses the New Year) - New Year, look how decorated our Christmas tree is, how beautiful and cheerful the children are. They've been waiting for you for a long time. Sing with them, dance!

New Year: - I?! I won't! And the tree is prickly!... And the toys are bad!... And the guys are harmful!... And what should I, so handsome and young, do here?

Snow Maiden: - What's wrong with him, guys?(The guys talk.)

Snow Maiden: What? Oh God! This is a very dangerous vitamin, the one who swallows it thinks only of himself, forgets about friends, becomes rude, lazy, constantly repeats the word I! Alas, I am powerless here! What to do? Let's try to break the spell with a cheerful song!

Song "If it weren't winter..."

1.If there were no winter in cities and villages.

The little ones wouldn't circle around the snow woman,

If only the ski track wouldn't loop, if only it would.

2. If there were no winter, there is no secret,

We would wither from the heat, we would be tired of summer.

If a snowstorm hadn't come to us, at least for a day,

And the bullfinch would not have sat on the spruce, if only, if only, if only.

3. If there were no winter, but always summer,

We wouldn't know this New Year's chaos.

Santa Claus would not rush to us through potholes.

The ice on the river wouldn’t freeze, if only, if only, if only.

If only there was no winter in cities and villages.

We would never have known these happy days.

New Year: - Bad song! And you sing badly! Here I am…

Snow Maiden: - And the song doesn’t help! Guys, maybe you know how to heal the New Year? What? Vitamin WE? This is not found in any magic book! If only Santa Claus were here!

Snow Maiden: Girls and boys,

My fingers are freezing

Ears are cold, nose is chilly,

You can see it close... (Santa Claus)!

((Phonogram of hooves clattering.)

Do you hear? It's coming! It's coming!

To greet the guest amicably,

Everyone needs to say, guys:

“Santa Claus, we are waiting for you!” (repeat).

(Santa Claus enters.)

Father Frost: Hey, friends! I'm with you again!

How are you living? How healthy are you?

I walked for a long time. Along the way

I managed to visit many schools.

Happy New Year

And the Snow Maiden and I

Congratulations, friends!

I visited you a year ago,

I'm glad to see you again.

I'm still the same gray haired

But just like young.

Together with you even now

I'm ready to start dancing!

(Everyone dances to Russian folk music "Kalinka".)

Father Frost: - Snow Maiden, there’s something I don’t understand! We are greeted by the New Year on all the Christmas trees. Helps to play with the kids. Apparently something happened here?

Snow Maiden: - Father Frost, Baba Yaga and Leshy enchanted the New Year. They fed him vitamin Y.

Father Frost: - Hidden?

Snow Maiden: - Yes. Only vitamin WE can save you.

Father Frost: - What a problem! Where have these hooligans gone? (The children give hints. Santa Claus comes out into the corrido, noise and screams are heard. Santa Claus appears with Baba Yaga and Leshim.)

Baba Yaga: - These kids! Little liars! We haven't fed anything this year! He himself, apparently, has eaten all sorts of nonsense.

Goblin: - And it’s falling on us!

Father Frost: - I know that children don’t lie! Right, guys? (Yes.)

- Well, lay out the vitamin WE! Otherwise I’ll freeze them and turn them into ice statues on the city Christmas tree!

Baba Yaga and Leshy: - Forgive us! We won't do this anymore!(They give us the vitamin WE.)

Snow Maiden: - Guys, shall we believe their promise? (Children's answers.)

Snow Maiden: - Here you go, New Year's vitamin WE.(New Year eats the vitamin and then spins.)

New Year: - What happened to me? Guys, let's play and have fun!

Song: “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.”

Snow Maiden: Today, guys, at our holiday,

We will sing, play, dance,

So that there are only happy faces around,

Today, friends, we will have fun.

-Grandfather, the tree is sad,

Why doesn't it light up?

Father Frost: - Of course, Snow Maiden, what would a New Year be without festive lights, we will fix this problem!

Let any dreams be yours

They will come true. Come true

Let the lights on our Christmas tree

Burning brightly!

For kids fun

Let the lights burn on it.

(The lights on the Christmas tree light up.)

Snow Maiden: -Guys, let's sing a song for Santa Claus.

Song: "Christmas tree song"

    The outfit sparkles with stars,

New Year's trees.

Our friendly class throughout the country

Sends greetings today!

Chorus. We follow each other,

We don't stand still.

We all clap our hands

And we dance together.

    Santa Claus to our Christmas tree

I rolled up the sled.

He brought us toys

And tell stories.

The chorus is the same.

    The hare jumps with a scythe,

The little jackdaws are jumping.

Together with the red fox,

A mustachioed cat is dancing.

The chorus is the same.

Snow Maiden: I wish you all a Happy New Year

Happiness and luck,

Good health to boot!

Happy holidays, happy holidays,

And do well in school!

Father Frost: Congratulations, congratulations!

We wish you to be healthy!

Only joy and laughter.

Only happiness and success!

And to sing for a whole year -

Start a round dance!

(Children and Santa Claus dance around the Christmas tree to the accompaniment of dance music.)

Snow Maiden: - Santa Claus, the guys want to play with you.

(Father Frost and Snow Maiden hold competitions for children and parents.)

    “Sledding” (carry balloons in a candy box around the Christmas tree.)

    Running in bags around the Christmas tree.

    "ball for two" Two pairs of children clutch balloons with their shoulders and run around the tree. One pair of children with a ball runs in one direction, the second in the other. Who can run to Santa Claus faster?

    Who can inflate the balloon faster?

    Who will burst the balloon faster?

    Santa Claus running in felt boots around the Christmas tree.

    Musical game "Santa Claus's mitten." Children pass the mitten to the music. The music stops, which of the children has the mitten in their hands, they go out to Santa Claus in a circle. When there are 6-7 children, dance music sounds and the children dance around the Christmas tree with the heroes of the holiday.

Snow Maiden: - Grandfather Frost, the guys have prepared poems for you.

(Children read poems prepared in advance.)

Snow Maiden: The tree also shakes its branches,

He must be saying goodbye to us.

Let's say to the Christmas tree together:

“Farewell, see you next winter!”

Father Frost: Goodbye, dear friends! See you again!