The most beautiful places for Christmas in Europe. The most beautiful Christmas markets in Europe. Who brings gifts at Christmas

Huge sparkling Christmas trees, the smell of citruses and spices, fairs with toys and souvenirs, folk festivals with traditional treats - this is what Christmas looks like in Europe.

Do you want to get into a Christmas fairy tale with bright decorations and unforgettable impressions? Then you need to choose the right direction - and “Cleo” will help you with this!

Germany, Cologne and Nuremberg

Germany always prepares for Christmas celebrations in a big way, and already from the end of November until December 23 one of the best fairs in Europe opens its doors.

IN Cologne On the eve of Christmas, as many as 6 festive markets appear! The city's main events take place near the Cathedral on Domplatz Square. There is everything your heart desires here: souvenirs and Christmas tree decorations, stalls with gingerbread and hot mulled wine, the famous ice skating rink, exhibitions, show programs and concerts.

And if you want to go back to the Middle Ages, welcome to the market near the Chocolate Museum! Here glassblowers, buffoons and fakirs entertain the people, and whole carcasses are roasted on spits.

Christmas market in Nuremberg became famous for its opening ceremony. Every year, the “Christmas Angel” appears on the balcony of the Church of Our Lady, accompanied by choristers and an orchestra, to announce the beginning of the holiday.

Nuremberg is also famous for its gingerbread cookies, which are made from almonds, honey and chocolate. Amazingly delicious figurines with nut heads, gingerbread houses with dried fruit people and sweet new Year decoration... You can find all these branded sweets at the fair in red and white tents.

Czech Republic, Prague

From late November to mid January Old Town Square is a real “scenery” for your favorite Christmas movies! Everywhere there are painted balls and garlands, music and treats - hot pretzels, baked chestnuts, flowing beer and mead.

It will also be interesting to stroll along Wenceslas Square, where folk festivals are also held and all kinds of sweets are sold.

And betlema appear everywhere - cradles of the baby Jesus with other characters from the Bible. An incredibly touching sight!

Austria, Vienna and Salzburg

Vein is extremely beautiful on the eve of Christmas, and Viennese fairs are considered one of the best in Europe. All squares of the Austrian capital are decorated with garlands and permeated with the aroma of hot toddy and fresh pastries.

The main bazaar is located in front of the Town Hall - here you can try all kinds of sweets, buy nutcracker toys and other souvenirs. And the kids will enjoy a ride on the fairy train and a visit to the Christmas Workshop, where they will be taught how to make Christmas gingerbread cookies.

Salzburg is another Austrian city worth visiting to get into the Christmas spirit! From the end of November to December 24 Cathedral Square and Residenzplatz turn into a huge Christmas market. This year it has been divided into sectors, so it will be very easy to find the desired gift or treat.

In addition to shopping, Christmas Salzburg will delight you with concerts, costume performances and nativity scenes.

France, Strasbourg

In Strasbourg you can see and experience all the delights of a traditional French holiday. On Kleber Square there is a 30-meter high spruce tree, around which events are held daily. holiday events and folk festivals.

And on Cathedral Square and Brogley Square from the end of November to December 31 there is a Christmas market. There are about 300 wooden stalls with gifts and souvenirs for every taste. And of course - traditional treats: baked potatoes with meat, foie gras, choucroute of pork sausages and sauerkraut, nougat and apple pies.

Denmark, Copenhagen

Every year Copenhagen hosts several Christmas markets with folk festivities. However, a special place occupies amusement park Tivoli— even a week is not enough to try out all the local entertainment!

Christmas festivities are held here from the end of November to December 23. Visitors will see elegant Christmas trees, thousands of garlands, a fountain show, a huge skating rink, and also fairy-tale elves led by Santa Claus. Here you can ride a carousel and a pony, try gleg (hot wine with spices) and fragrant donuts, and choose gifts for your loved ones. Warm sweaters and hats are especially popular among tourists.

Italy Rome

Right here on St. Peter's Square in the Vatican, is the heart of the entire Catholic world and Christmas. At exactly noon, December 25, the Pope will go out onto the balcony of his residence to congratulate everyone on the holiday and read the Christmas sermon “To the City and the World.”

A 25-meter beautiful spruce has already been installed on the square - a 70-year-old tree was delivered from the Italian province of Calabria.

Also from December 1 to December 25 on Piazza Navona The largest Christmas market in the Italian capital awaits you. Traditionally, there are Befana old women in disguise, Santa Claus's carriage, and famous Italian sweets - torrone, panettone and apples in chocolate glaze.

Well, on December 25, Catholics around the world will celebrate Christmas. The closest people will gather at the big festive table, have fun, give each other gifts, eat all kinds of treats... After all, Christmas is the brightest and most joyful family holiday!

In almost all European countries, Christmas is the most long-awaited and... main holiday. During the Christmas holidays, cities turn into a sparkling Christmas tree. Christmas markets are held everywhere, where a wide variety of toys and souvenirs are presented. In every country there are folk festivals, and fun reigns. There are 10 countries in Europe that host the most beautiful Christmas celebrations. Each of them has its own traditions.

Christmas in Germany

On Christmas Eve, Germany undergoes a radical transformation. The facades of houses and shop windows are decorated with garlands, lanterns and similar paraphernalia. A large Christmas tree is erected in the central squares of every city. Everything around glows and sparkles.

The country begins to prepare for the celebration at the end of November. IN big cities The most beautiful Christmas markets are held. They usually have everything from souvenirs to stalls selling the famous gingerbread. In many cities, skating rinks are open, exhibitions are held and all kinds of concerts and show programs are held.

Christmas in Finland

In Finland, Christmas is celebrated in a fun and interesting way. The weather here is usually snowy at this time. It is believed that the real Santa Claus lives in Lapland, so everything here speaks of his presence. All cities are beautifully decorated. A wide variety of events and holiday programs are held for large and small guests. Everyone can not only see Santa, but also take a photo with him. For children, a trip to Finland may seem like a real fairy tale. Everything is very beautiful and realistic.

Christmas in Austria

Christmas in Austria is also incredibly beautiful. Vienna looks especially elegant and fabulous at this time. It is decorated with garlands and invites all guests and local residents to the famous Viennese fairs. You can not only buy gifts and souvenirs with them, but also try hot toddy and enjoy the smell of fresh baked goods. Famous souvenirs that can be purchased at this time are considered to be nutcracker toys. Both adults and children will have fun here.

Christmas in Switzerland

In Switzerland, Christmas is celebrated with love and warmth. They carefully prepare for it and rejoice every Christmas day. A few days before the holiday, fairs open here. Not only guests of the country, but also local residents have something to see and what to buy. IN different corners Switzerland hosts interesting festivals. Interesting performances are held on the theme of the upcoming holidays.

Tourists can enjoy strolling along the clean streets decorated with garlands, tinsel, balloons, etc. You can hear the sounds of organ music coming from the temples. Colorful shop windows complement the overall image of the holiday.

Christmas in Italy

In Italy it is believed that they have the best Christmas, because it is in the Vatican in St. Peter's Square that the head of the entire Catholic world and, accordingly, the Christmas holiday is located. It is on this square that the Pope on December 25 congratulates all residents of the country and their guests, and reads his sermon “The City and the World.” A huge Christmas tree is always installed on the square, which amazes with its beauty.

Christmas markets are held in different cities of Italy. The largest market takes place in Piazza Navona in Rome. Here you can see a whole performance with Santa Claus's carriage, try the famous sweets and apples in chocolate glaze.

Christmas in Spain

Christmas in Spain is somewhat unusual and original. At this time, many cities host crowded carnivals and theatrical performances. Processions are held through the streets national costumes. Christmas is celebrated in Spain a few weeks before Christmas Eve.

In Madrid, on Christmas night there is always a grandiose pyrotechnic show. In addition, interesting games are held for children and educational programs are implemented. There are also fairs. They host concerts and various shows.

Waiting for Christmas (Barcelona street)

Christmas in the Czech Republic

Christmas is celebrated beautifully in the Czech Republic too. The most interesting entertainment can be found in Prague. Here on Wenceslas Square on the eve of the Christmas holidays interesting shows and programs are organized. Here you can also try local gingerbread for free, which is always made for the holiday. You can also try traditional hot toddy.

It will be interesting to visit the shops during the Christmas holidays. In large centers you can not only buy a wide variety of goods, but also see real performances, which are mostly staged for children. You should definitely try the national local dish - fried carp with potato salad. On Christmas it is prepared in every home.

In Poland, Christmas is considered the most important holiday. At this time, the most unusual things should happen and desires should come true. Like any Christmas in Europe, the city is typically decorated in full splendor with garlands and balls. On the first day of Christmas Eve, all families gather together. It is customary to spend this day only with close people.

On Christmas Eve, Poles usually prepare many different dishes. It is believed that there should be at least 12 of them on the table. In addition, one of the customs on festive table An extra plate should be placed, which is intended for Jesus Christ.

Christmas in France

Christmas in France is celebrated in the traditional French manner. In Strasbourg, the largest 30-meter Christmas tree is installed on Place Kléber every year. It is near her that all the fun takes place. Every year, holiday festivities, fairs and all kinds of Christmas events are held here. A large Christmas market is held on Cathedral Square, which consists of more than 300 wooden stalls. You can buy souvenirs there, as well as try traditional local treats and dishes.

Christmas in Denmark

Christmas entertainment in Denmark starts at the end of November and lasts until December 23rd. At this time, you can visit Christmas markets where folk festivities take place. It is also worth visiting the Tivoli amusement park. At this time, a variety of entertainment is held here. There is a huge skating rink, interesting carousels, fragrant donuts and other treats. In different parts of the country you can meet Santa Claus with elves.

It’s hard to argue with the charm of winter – the air itself seems to be filled with magic and fairy tales. The smell of tangerines, garlands, flying snowflakes, Christmas trees, buying gifts and waiting for a miracle. In the usual gray everyday life, all these sensations are erased. But the spirit of Christmas and New Year is felt in Europe. Traditional Christmas markets enchant with their beauty and festivity. Ancient cities are immersed in the light of lanterns and the smell of fir trees, turning into a large-scale stage for street performers and musicians. Delicious delicacies are sold on every corner and local craftsmen captivate you with their crafts. Everyone should visit such a place at least once in their life. Why not do it in 2017? We have collected for you the most full list all the Christmas events in the world that are worth paying attention to. Please note: the most important events take place before Catholic Christmas, and Europeans spend December 24-26 at home. Therefore, do not plan your trip exclusively for these dates, as many establishments will be closed and events will be temporarily suspended.

1. Germany

Germans love holidays - this is evident at least from the number of Christmas markets that take place in the main cities of the country. People walk here from November almost to February, on a grand scale, with German hospitality and love for delicious food. Germany can easily compete with the most popular tourist destinations during the Christmas period.


The fair in this city perfectly reflects the German approach to Christmas traditions. The Kriskindelsmarkt fair has been held, just think, since the 17th century. Flights to Nuremberg are slightly more expensive than to Berlin or Munich, but you'll be well rewarded for your outlay. Here they treat ancient customs with trepidation. The market begins with grand opening A Christmas angel who also distributes gifts to children in the meantime. Adults will enjoy another tradition - preparing Fire Tooth punch in a huge barrel. Then it is poured into bowls and given to those who wish. By the way, Nuremberg is ideal for a family trip - it is one of the quietest and most relaxing fairs in Germany. Be sure to try the Plum Man, the gingerbread symbol of Christmas in this city.

Time spending: 01.12.17-24.12.17
Location: Nünberg, central square Haupmarkt

Price: a flight for two from Moscow costs from 180 euros.


One of the most popular holiday markets is located in Dresden. The whole city seems to be seized by a magical fever. Flights to Dresden are also not very cheap, but the scope of the festivities is amazing. The main square hosts a fair that attracts almost 3 million tourists every year. Six centuries of traditions have not changed, so in 2017 you will also find a market where 200 artisans will sell their crafts made of wood, fabric and glass. Here are world-famous Christmas tree decorations, lace, and ceramics. self made. During the fair this year, the organizers promise a traditional Stollen of 300 kilograms, which will be cut into many pieces and given to everyone to try. This spicy cupcake with raisins and dried fruits is best washed down with mulled wine and, of course, German beer.

Time spending: 30.11.17-29.12.17
Location: Dresden, bank of the Elbe river, Altmarkt square.

Price: a flight for two from Moscow will cost about 200 euros.


Two million people rush to this city before Christmas. One of the most popular fairs in Germany takes place here. A festive tree and stage are installed in front of the cathedral on the main square, and around them there are 170-180 trays with souvenirs and treats. Christmas decorations, gingerbread cookies, ceramic dishes made by local craftsmen - you won’t leave here empty-handed. Since the city is very popular during this period, flights to Cologne are quite cheap. The number of tourists is quite justified - in 2017, 100 concerts for adults and children will be held here. Street musicians, nativity scenes, performances for the little ones, exhibitions of contemporary artists and craftsmen - all this is on the program. Be sure to try the traditional dishes of the Christmas markets in Germany - sausages and roasted chestnuts.

Time spending: 27.11.17-23.12.17
Location: Cologne, main square Roncalliplatz

Price: a flight for two from Moscow can be found for 100 euros.


The Germans themselves believe that the Christmas market at the Red Town Hall in Berlin is one of the best holiday events of the year. Firstly, the metropolitan scale has not been canceled. Secondly, among the 60 Berlin markets in winter, this is the largest and most famous. The Red Town Hall is the seat of the government, where a fair has been built during the Christmas and New Year period since the 19th century. The organizers tried to preserve the flavor and design of the trays from the early 20th century. In addition to the fact that there are many stalls with souvenirs, treats and drinks, the fair is famous for its 600-meter ice skating rink, where every tourist can skate - the price is 4 euros, and for children it is generally free. The younger members of your family will also appreciate the extensive petting zoo and daily nativity performances. So you can safely buy air tickets to Berlin if you want to give your children the most wonderful holiday.

Time spending: 27.11.17-2.01.18
Place: Berlin, Alexanderplatz near the Red Town Hall

Price: two tickets to Berlin from Moscow will cost 100 euros.


Another oldest Christmas market in Germany. Buy tickets to Munich if you love the spirit of antiquity. It’s not only the scale and mood that amazes, but also how beautiful and ancient buildings surround the fair. This option is good for those who want to get into the Christmas spirit early and New Year return to their native land. Traditionally, a thirty-meter Christmas tree is installed on the main square of the city, and they fight for the right to decorate it every year. best designers Europe. The market is famous not only for its mulled wine and snacks, but also for the performances of artists - children are simply delighted with them. Here you will see St. Nicholas, Krampus, fauns, and many other characters from myths and fairy tales.

Time spending: 24.11.17-25.12.17
Location: Munich, Marienplatz square in the city center

Price: a flight from Moscow to Munich for two will cost from 100 euros with a transfer.

2. Italy

Italy because it has a mild climate, sea air and sunny weather. But pay attention to Christmas in this country. Friendly and appreciative of grandeur, Italians celebrate Christmas, New Year and a bunch of other interesting and magical days. There are festivals and fairs in every major city.


Naturally, the greatest scale occurs in the capital. Flights to Rome and hotel reservations are all you need for an unforgettable holiday. Almost all the squares of the city are occupied by bazaars, but the best place to get to is Piazza Navona. On the main square of Rome, surrounded by world-famous buildings and fountains, trays with treats and souvenirs from the best masters(ceramics, carved toys, masks and dolls). There are nativity scenes and open-air puppet theaters here. Try hot chocolate, chestnuts and, of course, pizza. Another plus is that, unlike Germany, in Italy the holidays last into January. By the way, don’t miss the traditional procession of bagpipers in the main square.

Time spending: 8.12.2017-8.01.18
Location: Rome, Piazza Navona

Price: during the Christmas period, the cheapest tickets for two from Moscow will cost 200 euros.


One of the most famous markets in Italy at Christmas is located in the city of Bolzano. There is no airport, but you can get here by bus from Rome. Believe me, the healing climate and architecture preserved from the Middle Ages attract tourists from all over the world. By the beginning of the holidays, 80 wooden houses decorated with lights are being built here, spruce branches and balls. Bolzano is famous all over the world for its glass - buy angel figurines or Christmas tree decorations as a souvenir. At the nearby cathedral you can listen to Christmas carols and see traditional nativity scenes next to the building. This is a real paradise for children - every day there are competitions and performances, local sweets are sold, and you can appear on a horse-drawn sleigh.

Time spending: 24.11.17-6.01.18
Location: Bolzano main square

Price issue: a flight to Rome costs 200 euros for two, and a bus costs about another 20 euros.


It is believed that the first fairs on the occasion of the New Year began to be held here back in the 13th century. Today they are still celebrated on a grand scale. In the Italian shopping capital, not only the squares are decorated, but also the train station, and everything shopping centers, and just the streets. The most famous market is called Oh Bej! Oh Bej! It is better to buy air tickets to Milan in advance, because then they simply may not be available - tourists from all over the world flock here. Almost 400 stalls with treats, drinks and souvenirs will be built on the beautiful square. Traditional treats include dozens of types of nuts in caramel and other fillings, chocolate, dried meats and cheeses. All this is washed down with mulled wine. Free performances are held for children - 100 concerts of musicians and artists. And for adults there are excursions that tell not only about the architecture around them, but also about the history of Christmas in Italy.

Time spending: 2.12.17-7.01.18
Location: The main celebration takes place in the square at Castello Sforzesco

Price: 200 euros for two from Moscow

3. Hungary

The spirit of old Europe is felt in Budapest at Christmas. Ancient streets, every shop window and cafe compete for the title of the most beautiful jewelry, dozens of fairs are opening throughout the city. Yes, there are other holiday destinations in Hungary, but only Budapest can boast of such a scale. Celebrations here begin in November, and every day can be magical and unique. So you can book tickets to Budapest now.


To explore all the interesting places in this city, . But the most famous fair takes place on Vörösmarty Square, in the center, next to Fashion Street. This year, the organizers promise to diversify the holiday by building a sleigh train - every child will want to ride in the sparkling carriages in the city center. A large stage will be built near the spring with the lion, where children's performances and street musicians perform all day long. A master class on creating Christmas decorations. And so everything remains the same - hundreds of wooden stalls, traditional dishes and drinks. Among them, he recommends trying grilled sausages, mulled wine with spices, potato pancakes, Hungarian duck, and poppy seed cakes.

A snow slide will be installed in the Town Hall Park, where everyone can ride a sleigh. Here, look for a winter house made of ice and snow, although it looks more like a palace. By the way, it is in the Town Hall Park that the largest Christmas tree in Budapest is traditionally installed.

If you're looking for a free ice skating rink and maximum family entertainment, then head to the main square in Óbuda. In addition to the skating rink, you will be given horseback riding, performances and hearty food.

Time spending: 6.11.17-7.01.18
Location: Vörösmarty Square, Town Hall Park, Óbud Square

Price: 100 euros for two people costs a flight from Moscow.

4. Denmark

For some reason, this country is not very often chosen for tourism at Christmas, meanwhile, there is something to see and there are not as many tourists as in Vienna or Budapest. Definitely the biggest in Copenhagen. Although other cities hold their own fairs, they are small and intimate, and the real fun and celebration is in the capital.


The most beautiful, beautiful and bewitching holiday in Copenhagen is, of course, held in the Tivoli Gardens. This huge amusement park in the city center is transformed into a Christmas extravaganza. 5 kilometers of the fair, an alpine village on the territory, millions of light bulbs and hundreds of installations, a huge free skating rink, a stage where the Nutcracker ballet is shown and nativity scenes perform, and much, much more. Are you still thinking about whether to buy tickets to Copenhagen? Perhaps this is one of the most beautiful places in Europe for the New Year. Here you can also try delicious traditional dishes. For example, rice pudding, open pork sandwiches, dozens of types of fish, tapas and beer. And besides, do not forget that Tivoli Gardens is, first of all, the largest amusement park in Denmark.

Time spending: 18.11.17-31.12.17
Location: Denmark, Tivoli Gardens

Price: 300 euros for two people for a flight from Moscow

5. UK

, festive and enchanting, prim and quirky, filled with the most attractions per square meter, the UK is simply fall in love with itself during the Christmas period. Large-scale fairs, holidays, and celebrations are held throughout the country.


Of course, London has the most exciting things to do this season. The most famous fair is located on both banks of the Thames, on the Hyde Park side. 200 wooden houses with treats and souvenirs, several themed areas, from Bavarian to Alpine villages, handmade crafts, London's largest ice skating rink, a Ferris wheel in New Year's garlands with views of the city, night parties with the best DJs in the country - all this in "Winterland of Tales" in 2017. Another Christmas market is opening between the Tate Modern and the Thames. There is a huge selection of decorations, toys, souvenirs and New Year's paraphernalia. So buy your tickets to London to spend Christmas in style and beauty.

Time spending: 30.11.17-03.01.18
Location: the entire center of London, including the banks of the Thames, Hyde Park, Tate Modern

Price issue: you can find tickets from Moscow for 150 euros


New Year in Scottish style is no less beautiful. Who, if not the locals, appreciate loud celebrations and good drinks? Throughout December, in the center of Edinburgh there are not even fairs – entire festivities with fireworks and concerts. East Princes Street Gardens is home to Scotland's largest Christmas market. The plus is that the kiosks here are open until late at night, illuminated with garlands and bonfires. There you can buy carved jewelry and souvenirs, as well as, of course, delicacies. It is here that tourists buy Scotch whiskey as gifts home and drink hot drinks based on it. And George Street turns into a carnival procession with musicians and attractions. A road-skating rink is also being installed here. Buy tickets to Edinburgh in advance, otherwise you will easily find yourself without them.

Time spending: 17.11.17-7.01.18
Location: Edinburgh, East Princes Street Gardens, George Street

Price: 150 euros for two from Moscow.


A huge fair also takes place in Manchester. 9 million people visit it every year! Here you will find an exhibition of huge glowing figures, a market with souvenirs and delicacies, performances by musicians and artists, excursions, an ice skating rink for children, 10 thematic zones, art exhibitions, and much more. In total there are about 300 kiosks to the delight of tourists. Tickets to Manchester are selling like hotcakes, and the holiday begins in mid-November.

Time spending: 10.11.17-24.12.17
Location: Manchester, Albert Square

Price: 250 euros for a flight from Moscow

6. Switzerland

Switzerland seems very intimate and prim, but here they appreciate every little thing that makes up a unique Christmas mood. The Swiss are laid back, and their Christmas markets are more suitable for a cozy, family holiday.


Oddly enough, the largest holiday market opens in this city, and not in Zurich. In November, Basel, located on the Rhine River, turns into a living fairy tale. Due to the proximity of the mountains, there is almost always snow here at Christmas. The cozy market in the main square consists of hundreds of wooden stalls. Swiss chocolate, gingerbread, and souvenirs are sold here. The old city, where the market is open, is being transformed, the facades of ancient buildings are decorated with garlands. Flights to Basel are good gift for family people who value peace and comfort.

Time spending: 23.11.17-23.12.17
Location: Basel, Barfusserplatz


If you want to know where the most garlands are spent decorating the city, then we have the answer - in Zurich. Everything sparkles here: houses, squares, kiosks, even the air - light bulbs are strung directly from building to building. You also don’t have to look for the main fair for long - it is held right in and next to the station building. In front of it there is a skating rink and many stalls with treats. They put a huge fir tree inside and decorate it with not just anything, but 6,000 crystal balls from Swarovski. This tree is deservedly considered one of the most beautiful in Europe. If you want to see this sparkling miracle, then buy plane tickets to Zurich.

Time spending: 23.11.17-24.12.17
Location: Zurich main station

Price: from 400 euros for two

7. Czech Republic

Of course, the main festivities associated with Christmas take place in Prague. This is one of the most beautiful cities during this period. Tourists from all over the world strive to come here. Snow, garlands and decorations, the very walls of ancient palaces, and narrow streets create the unique magic of the place. Air tickets to Prague will become the best gift At Christmas.


In principle, the entire old city during the holidays turns into an arena for New Year's celebrations. But the peak of the festivities occurs in Old Town Square. Many shopping kiosks in a circle are built around a huge fir tree and installations on the theme Catholic Christmas. Directly from the square you can go into the cathedral, where in the evenings the organ plays and the choir sings, and mummers stage whole performances inside and outside. Try a traditional Czech dish - baked carp, as well as braided cookies with different fillings. Naturally, the kiosks sell the famous Czech crystal (including Christmas tree decorations), gingerbread cookies, and wooden toys.

Time spending: 2.12.17-7.01.18
Location: Prague, Old Town Square

Discover Christmas in Alsace: the most magical Christmas in the whole world! Starting from the end of November, Alsace turns into one continuous extravaganza, starting with St. Catherine's Day on November 25 and ending with Epiphany on January 6, Alsace dresses up to celebrate one of its most important holidays: Christmas.

More than a hundred Christmas markets scattered throughout the region will give you a unique Alsatian Christmas atmosphere. Your program includes: cities and villages decorated with thousands of light bulbs, sweet markets where you can taste delicious delicacies, craft markets where masterpieces of regional craftsmen await you, etc.

In addition, you will have the opportunity to admire the main fir tree of Strasbourg, the largest fir tree in Europe, please your kids by buying them something at the children's market in Colmar, and also buy original elements decor at the fabric market in Mulhouse! In addition, all Alsatian villages are diligently preparing for the Christmas celebration: Celeste, Kaysersberg, Ribeauville, etc. It would take a lot of time to list all the cultural and entertainment events. Simply put, come to Alsace for an unforgettable experience. After all, it's Christmas in Alsace.

With its unique geographical location and mixed Romano-Germanic culture, Alsace is an excellent place for your New Year's holiday: hills, mountains and valleys, on which there are numerous castles, vineyards and cute Alsatian villages, for example, Riquewihr or Junspach. The regional natural parks of Baglon des Voges and Voges du Nord are always ready for an influx of guests and nature lovers.

Alsace carefully preserves its history. The region is famous for the most beautiful places in France, where for centuries history has coexisted with the “art of living”. In Strasbourg, in the shadow of the spiers of the famous Notre-Dame Cathedral, lovers stroll along the banks of the Ile River and in the Petite France quarter, while art lovers spend hours in museums, especially the Museum of Fine Arts.

Colmar also has a lot to see, from the rich collections of the Unterlinden Museum to the picturesque views of Little Venice, where you can see the Pfister House. The city of Mulhouse, in turn, offers an unforgettable trip to the State Automobile Museum, the Railway Museum and the Zoological and Botanical Park. Alsace tells its story through numerous attractions: the Vauban Museum, the Alsace-Moselle Memorial, Haut-Koenisburg Castle and Hochlandsburg Castle, Mont Sainte-Odile Monastery...

Alsatian cuisine... in Alsace one dish is more appetizing than another. The history of the origin of honey bread (pain d’épices) will be told to you at the Honey Bread Museum and folk art, as well as at the Honey Bread Palace. On the menus of wine bars and Alsatian restaurants you will find everything from the “kouglof” dessert to the “becqueoffe” cold cuts.

Tarte flambée or Munster pie are also worthy of attention. And you can enjoy the secrets of production and taste of Silvaner, Pinot Blanc, Noir or Gris, Riesling and Gewürztraminer during a trip along the Alsace Wine Route or at the Alsace Vineyards and Wines Museum.

Christmas markets, with their rich history, food and entertainment, give tourists a special feeling of the approaching holidays. This ranking of the best European Christmas markets compiled by the authoritative publication The Telegraph. The ranking includes the oldest fairs and new modern bazaars in Europe.

In Cologne, four Christmas markets across the city open at the end of November, attracting more than two million visitors each year. But the most spectacular and popular is the fair, which is held in the very center of the city, on Dom Square, against the backdrop of the magnificent Gothic cathedral. This fair takes place from November 22 to December 23 and has about 150 colorful stalls. At the fair you can buy a nutcracker doll, children's toys, beautiful Christmas decorations and colorful paper for packaging.

2. Vienna Christmas Market

This is the oldest Christmas market in Europe. It is called Christkindlmarkt and takes place on the square in front of the town hall in Vienna. This fair is one of the most famous and visited in Europe. The fair has been open since mid-November.

Next to the Vienna Christmas Market there is a park where the trees are decorated with lights in the shape of hearts and gingerbread men. And in the town hall, little Austrians have daily classes where they learn how to make gifts and bake Christmas cookies. And in the Festival Hall throughout December choirs from different countries peace

This fair starts 4 weeks before Christmas. Unlike the vast majority of Christmas markets, Nuremberg does not have carousels or other attractions. Only kiosks flooded with bright light, along which buyers leisurely stroll. The attraction of this fair is the local gingerbread, the recipe of which is carefully hidden from tourists.

The smell of cinnamon and vanilla, honey and raisins, the melancholy sounds of an old barrel organ and the songs of street musicians, Christmas melodies flowing from everywhere, right up to the town hall clock - all this evokes a feeling of fabulousness of what is happening and attracts tourists from all over the world.

The local crowd's favorites are the Plum Man and his girlfriend. Previously, dolls were made from dried fruits and wire and they looked very simple, but now they are dressed up as anyone: among them there are doctors, skiers, and sometimes you can see them with skateboards in their hands. Tourists, local couples, and families with children come to the Nuremberg Fair. Walking along the stalls, everyone enjoys the atmosphere of pre-Christmas fun and kindness.

4. Dresden Christmas Market

The Dresden fair is one of the oldest in Germany. This Christmas market has traditional attractions and all sorts of handicrafts. A special feature of the Dresden Fair is the fruit cake weighing 3.5 tons, which is baked here on December 6 and transported on a horse-drawn train across the city. Then they cut it with the same grandiose knife and distribute one piece to everyone.

The Christmas market in Brussels is a real paradise for foodies. The Brussels Christmas market stretches through the city center. There you can find shopping kiosks, fairground rides, slides, etc. During the fair, the Grand Place in Brussels hosts light show. Considered one of Europe's largest Christmas markets, the Brussels Fair offers seasonal gifts and treats, including Belgian chocolate. An ice skating rink with an area of ​​more than a thousand square meters, located against the backdrop of an illuminated Ferris wheel, gives a special charm to this fair.

This fair takes place in Munich, on the central square Marienplatz. Its history began in the 14th century. Now this fair has become an integral part of Munich. You can spend hours wandering between festively decorated tents full of souvenirs, decorations, Christmas tree decorations, Christmas gifts and crafts. A special event of the fair is the exhibition and sale of Christmas crèches.

During the Munich fair, master classes for children and fun Krampus races are held. They are traditionally attended by the faithful companion of St. Nicholas - Krampus, a horned and shaggy creature.

Christmas markets in the Czech Republic open 4 weeks before Christmas and operate daily. The main Christmas market, the largest, most beautiful and most visited, takes place on Prague's Old Town Square. They sell a variety of handicrafts, carved wooden figurines, beeswax candles, ceramics, straw jewelry, but the main emphasis is on the gastronomic component. When you find yourself at the Christmas market in Prague, it is worth trying traditional Czech sweets, such as the so-called trdelniki, which are cooked over coals, and to warm up, try the fair's grog.

Winter Tallinn more than any other city resembles a real fairy tale! By the beginning of December, the streets and shop windows of the city are decorated with Christmas trees, garlands and lights. The tradition of Christmas markets is relatively new to Tallinn. Fair towns in the old part of the city appeared in 1991, but have already gained popularity among residents and guests of the city. The Tallinn Fair takes place on two squares: Old Town Square and Rotermann Square. At both fairs you can buy products from Estonian artisans, real felt boots, pillows stuffed with buckwheat, patchwork quilts And knitted sweaters, as well as traditional Christmas foods including blood sausage, gingerbread, marzipan and honey.

This year there are more than 50 fairs taking place in Berlin, from the main Christmas market to small local markets! Visit the Gendarmenmarkt during the fair to discover traditional crafts, including linen embroidery, wood carving and stone masonry. For each of the 38 days of the fair there is entertainment, including classical performances, church hymns, jazz concerts, fire shows, as well as performances by jugglers, acrobats and dance groups.

10. Copenhagen Christmas Market

There are several Christmas markets in Copenhagen. Every year from November 13 to December 22, traditional Christmas concerts and performances are held at New Harbor. And you can get into a Christmas fairy tale from November 16 by going to Tivoli Park. Here, every tree and alley is decorated with multi-colored garlands; in numerous stalls and kiosks you can buy souvenirs, Christmas delicacies and crafts from Danish craftsmen. The most popular are mulled wine, confectionery and apples baked in dough. And on Lake Tivoli, which turns into a skating rink for Christmas, you can go ice skating and watch a light show.