The most effective rituals for attracting love on New Year's Eve. Effective New Year's spells for love Spell for love

Don't miss a great chance to make a wish that will come true. New Year's conspiracies will help you - this is not a modern trend, but an ancient custom. The old year passes, and a new one is born. Catch the moment between - make a wish, read the plot to be sure on this amazing night or on the first day of the new year.

The general joy of the holiday fills everything with positive energy that literally permeates our world. She will help you fulfill your good desire. A conspiracy for your most favorite holiday will help you summon love, gain success and wealth, and heal illnesses.

What you need to know about New Year's rituals

At the moment when the old year has already ended, and the new one has not yet begun, make a wish on the night. It will definitely come true. There are several rules:

  • You can’t wish evil this night, or cause damage.
  • If you are in love, and this man (woman) already has a family, it is unacceptable to make love with him.
  • Asking for someone's death.

All these desires carry a strong destructive charge that will come back to you.

What can you ask for this night:

  • Find your true love.
  • Solve problems by leaving them in the old year.
  • Get the money you really need.
  • Heal illnesses for yourself or loved ones.
  • Improve your career.

All your good, positive wishes will be heard. At this moment, so many people immediately make wishes, sacredly believe in their fulfillment, that the Universe lets them in, chooses the strongest, most sincere ones. They are being fulfilled.

Three rituals for love - do only on New Year's Eve

  • Take a ripe red apple on the evening of December 31st. Using a knife clockwise, cut out the core with seeds. In its place, put a small piece of paper on which the name of your loved one is written. This apple is hidden under the New Year tree all night, and in the morning it is placed in a dark, dry place. The apple is drying up, and along with it your beloved is pining for you, more and more every day. If the apple has not dried out, but has begun to rot, it already has a lover.
  • Find an old warm shawl at home. Wrap her shoulders, wrap yourself comfortably around her. Light three candles on New Year's Eve while looking outside. Read the plot:

“Love will envelop me in a bright blanket, whoever looks at me will love me, will love me, whoever hears me will not forget me, whoever takes me by the hand will follow me. I will be the sun for everyone, I will be ringing gold, I will be clear water, a radiant smile. A new year begins, it is filled with light, light emanates from me and descends on others. And I will become a joy, a beloved and a reward to everyone who appreciates me, who will not abandon me, who will not change me. Love will envelop me, entangle me in its networks and never let me go! No loneliness and sadness! My word is strong!”

Then put the scarf under the pillow, and the next day hide it under the bed. Let it lie there until love finds you.

  • This plot is read after the chimes strike. He calls love to you. Anyone who is sad on New Year's Day, looking for his beloved, will definitely hear you, find you, and love you. Take red wine, pour it into a glass, stand next to the decorated fir tree. Say in a whisper:

“So that only you can hear me, I speak in a whisper. Respond, respond, turn to my call, appear before me. Your love is waiting for you."

I will speak for good health

On the first day of the new year, conspiracies for health and longevity are read. Take a spoonful of honey and a glass of water, stand in front of the mirror, read:

“On three sides there is a day, on the fourth night. Water flows out of the ground. Flow away, disease, flow away the illness. Heal yourself with Mother Earth, water. I will pour a sweet drop into my mouth and walk along the ground like a swan. I will become young forever, I will seal you with sweet honey. Amen".

Eat honey, drink water - a successful year awaits you. If there were health problems, they should go away, but new ones will not appear. And if one of your loved ones is sick, say this spell with his name - your wish for health will be heard, the person will receive relief, healing, and will forget about the pain.

This is a good conspiracy. Honey carries positive healing energy and is itself a powerful biological activator of the body's defenses. This way you can say a jar of honey, and when you catch a cold or get sick, just eat a spoonful - everything will go away quickly.

Amulet for good luck in the new year

Use this excellent opportunity to cast an amulet that will bring you happiness day and night. You will need:

  • A small figurine of the New Year symbol. You will need to carry it with you. It could even be jewelry.
  • Red candle.
  • Christmas mood.

This is a quick but effective ritual for those who believe in the forces that awaken with the new, young year.

  1. In the first hour of the New Year, take a figurine and light a candle in front of it.
  2. Thank the past year for everything good, happy, joyful.
  3. Say goodbye to him.
  4. Cover the figurine with your palms and say the words of the conspiracy:

“Luck accompanies me in everything, I know no misfortune in anything, I see how I only cry with happiness, how Fortune is my second mother. The palms are filled with light, the light of Luck enters the talisman, the coming year drives away problems, lies, resentments, tears and deception. Luck will be my companion, every turn is a happy occasion, everything around is beautiful - the world and the people, that’s the only way it will be, that’s the way it will be. My word is strong!”

After this, the talisman is ready. Let the candle burn out to the end. Carry it with you, take it to difficult interviews, exams, difficult meetings - it will bring good luck, joy, and give you surprises all year. Repeat the ritual next year.

Conspiracy for wealth, financial success

Before you sit down at the table, take:

  • Two coins from your wallet, ask for two from a rich man's wallet, one brought from distant countries, one old.
  • Natural red fabric.
  • Two candles.

The ritual is carried out quickly. It is necessary to put all these coins on a piece of cloth, hold candles over them, reading the plot:

“I’ll collect the coins, tie them in a knot, lie there, magical ones, you’ll have time, each small coin will attract a hundred, and these hundred will gradually attract another five hundred. Lure your brothers, coins, so that my everyday life will be marked with wealth. So that the holidays are generous and rich, so that everything I do finds payment. In order for things to turn out like coin, I, coins, took you into a magic knot. I will hide the bundle, and the time will come when every coin will attract a hundred. To these hundred, gradually add five hundred more, and there will be as many of them as in a hive of honeycombs.”

Tie the fabric with thread or ribbon and hide it under the Christmas tree. Start the holiday. You need to put the most expensive, delicious, beautiful products on the table. Choose fruits and vegetables carefully, and prepare salads as in restaurants. Everything should be beautiful. When the New Year bursts into your home, you will be amazed at how beautifully and richly the table is assembled. This is how wealth will come to your home.

A spell that grants a good wish

Anyone who wishes from the bottom of his heart, asks for goodness, happiness and love, will always receive an answer from the Universe. Especially on this unusual day. After a noisy feast, when the guests are tired and go home, take one glass of unfinished wine. You will need to place it under the tree and say:

“In January, whatever I want will come true. In February, all wishes will come true. In March, I will wish for a lot, and I will not be denied anything. And in April, whatever I want, I will certainly get it. In May, all I have to do is make a wish, and the wish will come true again. And in June the desired thing will be, I just need to drink water. And in July I won’t know any worries - all my desires will come to my doorstep. August, strew my path with stars, so that my wishes come true. In September, as if by a secret from the outside, all my desires will return to me. And October will not let you down - it will find fulfillment for your desires. In November, I will get what I want from other people. And December, as a result, is the deadline for your innermost desires. My word is strong!”

  • Light 12 blue candles.
  • Make your deepest wish.
  • Let the glass sit until the morning, and the candles burn out completely.

Your wish will come true - believe, wait. You won't have to wait as long as it seems. The very first day of the year will bring good news. Only good wishes come true. It doesn’t matter whether it’s yours or your friend’s, wish it for them from the bottom of your heart. There is only one such desire for a year - think carefully about what will really bring you happiness and joy.

How to feed yourself with positive energy in the New Year

New Year's conspiracies bring you great help and fulfill your wishes. You can take a piece of the holiday with you, collect positive energy, and use it later. Take a bottle of any alcohol you drank at the party. Close the lid tightly and place it under the tree. The energy of joy and positivity will be locked at the bottom of this bottle. Keep it all day, all night under the tree, and don’t let anyone throw it away. When you need it, just uncork it. A simple but effective way.

While everyone is celebrating, go to another room and sit on the floor. You will need to meditate for 10 minutes.

  • Listen to the cheerful laughter of loved ones and friends.
  • Smile to yourself.
  • Give thanks to the year. Remember the pleasant moments, let go of the difficult and sad ones.
  • Open your soul, let this joyful mood in. Feel how long people in your apartment, house, city, all over the world have been waiting for this holiday. In some places it has already arrived, in others it has not yet arrived.
  • Mentally tell yourself: The old year has passed and brought joy. A new one is coming - there will be even more happiness. Everything will be alright. There will be no place for bad things for a whole year.

You will receive a huge boost of energy for life. Use it. This night will definitely be magical for you.


On New Year's Eve, magic and magic make it possible to fulfill all desires, and if the desire is reinforced with magic and on New Year's Eve, read a love spell that works very quickly , then the man or guy on whom it was made love spell for new year will forever love the one who bewitched him and no one will ever be able to remove from a person the effect of a love spell made for the New Year.

You need to read the love spell on a photo of your loved one placed under the New Year tree in your home. Yes this a strong love spell for the New Year needs to be read at home and in order to bewitch a person yourself, all you need is his photograph!

All love spells for the New Year allow you to independently bewitch a person to yourself on New Year's Eve, and even before the onset of the New Year, your loved one will fall deeply in love with the one who was independently able to read a love spell from a photo on New Year's Day. You need to read love spells only on New Year's Eve from 8 pm on December 31 to 6 am on January 1, it is at this time that the love spell is the most powerful and can quickly bewitch your beloved husband or boyfriend.

Place a photo of the man or guy you are bewitching under the Christmas tree and look at the photos in the eyes of your loved one say a pre-memorized spell - a love spell :

I look into the eyes of my beloved,

I enter into the soul and flesh of God’s servant (name) with love.

I bear no evil, I only pray for love.

May you forever love God’s servant (name) and be with me.

Never change, but love and respect.

My love spell is forever, I will never get rid of it.

Love spell on the lock, the key is in the devil's side.


The photo on which the love spell was taken should lie under the tree for the entire New Year. In practice, the effect of a love spell on New Year's Eve comes very quickly - sometimes even after a few hours. With the help of a love spell read on New Year's Eve, you can forever bewitch someone you love.

P.S. If you didn't have time independently read a love spell for the New Year and bewitch your loved one on New Year's night don't be upset, there is still time to fix everything and read a love spell for old new year which is no less effective in its strength.

© Copyright: Magician

  • If you read this article, you will learn trouble-free ways to quickly make a girl or woman fall in love with you and strongly tie her to you. In order for a girl to fall in love deeply, you don’t need 10 methods - just one that works flawlessly, which we will tell you about. Understanding how girls in love behave is not so difficult, even if a friend or woman who is older or younger is in love with you, she can hide her feelings very well and looking into her eyes, the look of a girl in love hiding her love is no different from the views of hundreds of others not loving women and girls. What to do and how to understand that a girl is in love? Let's try to figure it out and give a detailed answer about 100% really working ways to make a girl fall in love with you that have been working flawlessly for many hundreds of years.

  • Love spells that need to be read at Christmas time are the most powerful love spells that are done once and for all. If you bewitch a loved one, a man or a woman, a boy or a girl, during the holiday week (from the appearance of the first star on Christmas Eve (on Kolyada) until Epiphany (baptismal blessing of water)), the bewitched person will live with you in love and harmony all his life. The ancient Slavs, who lived before the baptism of Rus', knew that at the beginning of winter the spirits of the gods and the souls of their ancestors descend to earth, and it is on Christmastide that you can “beg” from them a handsome husband, money and everything your heart desires, which is why a love spell on Christmastide is the most powerful and eternal love spell that you need to read on your own and its effect extends to any distance. Time passed and pagan customs gave way to Christianity, but the magic during Christmastide week still remained and is considered the most powerful. With the help of a Yuletide love spell, you can quickly bewitch a person to yourself and reunite your loving souls in heaven by independently performing a white magic ritual for love during the Yuletide week.

  • Love spells will tell everyone how to make a love spell for Easter, telling all the subtleties of the love ritual. Easter love spells have always been considered the most powerful ones that cannot be removed; it is the Easter love spell cast on a loved one that is done once and for all! Before you decide to perform magical rituals for Easter, read a spell and cast a love spell, think about whether you are ready to live the rest of your life with your loved one or is this just a love affair that can be replaced by a new love attraction? The Easter love spell that I will teach you today has already been tested many times and was told to me from my grandmother and the woman who bewitched a man with the help of this love spell is already raising their grandchildren and living with their husband in perfect harmony. This white love spell for Easter, made from a photo of your loved one and your own on Easter colored eggs, is performed in heaven, which means the Easter love spell is completely safe for both of you and there will be no negative (bad) consequences for it.

  • The waxing moon in the sky reminds you that it’s time to read powerful spells for the waxing moon. People who are not knowledgeable in lunar magic have a question: what conspiracies are being read at this time? Everyone's favorite is the waxing moon spell for money and good luck from Vanga, which you need to read in the evening for money in your wallet. If everything is done correctly, then a person will have success in all his affairs and, of course, a lot of money. A waxing moon spell for the love of a man or a guy, according to a Siberian healer, which needs to be read during the waxing of the moon, has the most powerful love spell effect. Along with the growth of the moon, the bewitched person’s feeling of love for you grows every night. Every night he will dream about you and soon you will receive a marriage proposal from your beloved man or guy for whom you read a love plot.

  • Magic rituals and ceremonies during the new moon allow you to read powerful conspiracies for the moon at the moment of its renewal - the new moon. New moon conspiracies for money and wealth as the moon rises allow anyone who knows the “magic word” to become a rich person; you just need to read the words of the money conspiracy and correctly carry out a ritual ritual for money that attracts wealth. New moon spells for love attract the attention of a man, igniting in his heart the strongest love feelings for the one who, at the moment of the new moon, looking at the moon, read the love spell spell. What other conspiracies are read on the new moon? Of course, conspiracies to get married and find love. There is a belief, and it is confirmed by the reviews of those who have performed a similar magical ceremony for marriage, that this is an effective way to quickly meet your other half. And also to successfully and very quickly marry a beloved man sent by fate after a plot for love and quick marriage was read on the new moon. And which woman doesn’t dream of becoming young and beautiful? New moon conspiracies for beauty and weight loss work very quickly and can bestow anyone who performs such a ritual with “unearthly beauty and a beautiful figure.”

  • On the night of the full moon, you can read the most powerful conspiracies and love spells. This is the best time to perform a magical ritual yourself under the full moon. In this article we will tell you what conspiracies they read on their own on the full moon. The most popular full moon conspiracies can be read for money and wealth - the best ritual for attracting money into your life is done with your own wallet and, of course, only on your own. On the full moon, it is customary to read love spells - most often they are done out of loneliness or to bring back a loved one, but there are also very strong spells to attract love and marriage that need to be read in order to meet your soul mate. A full moon spell for beauty (witch spell) will make a woman the most attractive and beautiful, giving her a magical charm for men and women. If you read health conspiracies on the night of the full moon, then all diseases will go away along with the moon, and with the new moon the body will be renewed. And of course, everyone’s favorite full moon wish fulfillment spells allow you to fulfill the most important desires in your life.

  • Proven and instant conspiracies and rituals for the waning moon are a very popular topic. A love spell for everyone, in order to remove this gap, opened a separate topic of answers and the most common questions, answering them and telling the most powerful conspiracies on the waning moon that you need to read yourself - these are time-tested and people-tested rites and rituals with reading conspiracies on the waning moon. Let's start with the most popular and interesting questions: What conspiracies can be read on the waning moon? The waning moon has arrived - this is the time when certain conspiracies are endowed with the greatest power and act instantly. Is it possible to read conspiracies on the waning moon, and if so, what conspiracies are read on the waning moon?

Strong prayers and conspiracies I believe, Lord. RU Published: December 18, 2018


Rituals for love have always been performed by girls - this helped to attract the attention of their betrothed. Nowadays, many love rituals are still popular, below are the 3 most effective love rituals.

New Year's Eve can work miracles, but in order for miracles to knock on your home and not turn off the path, you need to make some efforts!

Ritual for love with red candles

To perform a New Year's ritual for love, you need to go to church on the Sunday before this holiday and buy three red candles. On December 31, five minutes before midnight, place them in three corners of the bedroom and light them. Stand in the fourth corner yourself, and during the chiming clock, exactly at midnight, have time to say the following words three times:

"IN New Year love will come, my man will find me, he will be with me forever, my beloved person. Amen"

Then, put out the candles, saying in a whisper over each:

"My love, find me"

Twist all three candles into one and put them under the bed until you sleep in it with your loved one. Next you need to burn the twisted candles with the words:

“Burn with a bright flame, keep love in the house”

Collect the wax in a clean handkerchief and take it to the church to the icon of the Mother of God. Light a candle to thank her and ask for continued love. Everyone does this in secret and never tells anyone.


Ritual for love with red lingerie

Buy new underwear to wear on New Year's Day. The dress should be plain, preferably red. (Dress and underwear can be any color, but not black and brown.) Buy two white candles in the church and twist them into one, twist the candles around each other seven times.

Pour rice or millet into a glass to light the candles. Hair should be loose, without hairpins or any other decorations. The table is set for two. Light the candles and pour champagne into both glasses as the clock strikes.

Say these words of a conspiracy to attract love on New Year's Eve:

“Just as candles hug each other and burn with a bright flame, so my beloved friend will come and hug me. In the new year he will come and light the heart with flame. Amen"

Drink your glass and throw the second one out the window or from the balcony with the words:

“I’ll pave the way with champagne, I’ll show my friend the path.”

The candles should burn out, and the glass in which the candles were standing should not be thrown away, but hidden in the house, in a secluded place. Never tell anyone, otherwise you will lose everything.

Ritual for love with men's slippers

If in the new year you want not only to meet your loved one, but also to marry him, then you can perform such a ritual. On New Year's Eve, December 30 or 31, go to the store and buy men's slippers that you like best.

New Year conspiracies are a great way to attract prosperity, love and everything you want into your life. New Year's conspiracies involve complete cleansing of the soul from the negativity accumulated over the year. The main thing in performing rituals is complete cleansing; if you cannot forget old grievances, not a single ritual will work, and troubles will only increase. The pre-New Year and New Year period is considered the most successful for performing all kinds of magical actions.

How to maintain youth and beauty

To perform the ceremony you will need:

  • three red candles;
  • warm blessed water;
  • a tablespoon of buckwheat honey.

An hour before the chimes strike, stand in front of the mirror, light candles and take a spoonful of honey. Read the plot:

“Life-giving moisture nourishes the earth, washes away all illnesses and sorrows. A drop of sweetness on my lips, my eyelid is sealed in the bins.”

After pronouncing the words, eat honey and drink it with warm water. This simple ritual can significantly improve your health, preserve youth and beauty. Particularly effective if applied annually.

Spells to attract benefits

This ritual should only be performed on the day of December 31st. New Year's Eve will strengthen your plot if the soul is completely cleansed of negative emotions. First you need to carry out a cleansing ritual. To do this, take a shower and wash with your favorite shower gel and sea salt. Standing under streams of water, imagine that it washes away all adversities and they, along with the dirt, go into the drain.

After your shower, pray at the face of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker:

“Nicholas the Wonderworker, you are God’s ruler. I submit my will to your judgment. I know that mental torment is the path of purification. So help all my relatives and enemies. Let my soul be cleansed of filth, and my thoughts from bad thoughts, so that in the New Year I, the servant of God (name), will not know grief, and may not suffer from want.”

Spell on the ring

Strong spells for rings on New Year's Eve can attract luck and prosperity into the life of any person and fulfill their most cherished desires. To make a wish come true, you will need a gold ring, maybe even a wedding ring. First you need to hide it in a box with multi-colored threads. The ring should lie in the box with the balls for a day.

Before the chimes strike, 20 minutes before, looking at the night sky, say the words:

“Different threads were intertwined, red and blue, green and white. My wildest wishes come true that night, a miracle begins. The star fell, and I picked it up, brought it into the house, and put it on the window. Now she will shine for me all year and bring happiness to my house.”

After the charm words, quickly find the ring in the box. Put it on your finger and try not to take it off. Then return to the guests, drink champagne and make many wishes, all of which will certainly come true.

Spells for mutual love

If you have the opportunity to celebrate New Year's Eve with a person who has long won your heart, but he himself does not pay attention to you, it’s time to win his favor. You need to ask the guy to pass you an apple from the New Year's table, from hand to hand. Don’t eat the fruit, but hide it so that no one notices. Later put it under the Christmas tree.

When the chimes strike, make a wish that your loved one will always be there. Before leaving, take the apple, and at home wrap it with a red woolen thread and say the following spell:

“Sadness, longing eats me up for my beloved (name). I want him to at least know my name. Just as an apple dries up, so my dear one will dry up to me in thoughts, body and heart.”

Hide the fruit in a warm place and wait for it to dry. You will feel the effect of the ritual as soon as the apple begins to dry out. Already in the first days, your lover will become interested in you, and then it’s up to you.

How to bring wealth into your home

Well, who doesn’t want to attract wealth into their life? Many people, on New Year's Eve, December 30, conduct a special ritual to attract money to their home. They take freshly baked bread, tear off a piece and sprinkle it generously with salt, saying: “Like bread on the threshold, so the misfortunes have fled, the troubles have evaporated. I eat bread and salt, but my wealth increases.” After this, the charmed piece of bread should be eaten with great pleasure, part of it should be divided among your family, and the crumbs should be fed to the sparrows.

After the New Year, the first change you receive for change in the store needs to be hidden in a clay vessel and wait for the new moon. On the first new moon, begin the ritual. The pot of money should be kept in a dark room. During the waxing moon, read the money growth plot every night:

“Just as a little month is small and daring, so my little change will turn into great wealth. Penny by penny, I’ll add them up quietly. As the month grows, so does my profit increase.”

To enhance the effect, each time during a conspiracy, add a little little things to the pot. On the full moon, around midnight, you should bury your wealth so that no one will ever find it.

Protective conspiracies

On New Year's Eve and January 7th, the Nativity of Christ, amulets are often read. which can protect a person from any misfortune along the way, from enemies and damage. On the morning of December 31st, you need to go to church and light candles at the altar of the Blessed Virgin Mary, stand for a while at her icon and read prayers, ask for the protection of your family and friends.

On New Year's Eve, look at the sky, look for the brightest star and focus all your thoughts on it. Think about the people closest to you, imagine them happy and healthy. When you are ready, say the spell in a half-whisper:

“Guiding star, light the way for everyone who is dear to me. Protect, amulets from misfortunes, from any misfortunes, on land, on water, in the air. Do not burn them in fire, do not drown in water. Let any misfortune bypass their home and never come to visit them. Amen".

Charms and amulets before the New Year have been used by mothers and wives for several centuries to protect children and husbands. A spell for protection when a person has a long journey ahead:

“Most Holy Mother of God, help me protect my beloved son (husband) from bad weather, from wind, from fire. May all doors open before him, may all barriers be dispelled.”

Before reading the conspiracy speeches, pray to the Mother of God. This plot should be read before leaving and during the absence of a loved one.

Drying at a distance

Before the New Year, you can improve your relationship as a couple. This plot will help strengthen the feelings of a couple who, due to circumstances, are constantly separated in different cities. 21 days before Christmas Eve, begin the ritual. It will require:

  • salt;
  • photo of your loved one.

The ritual is performed in the morning on an empty stomach. Take a photo of your loved one and concentrate on his image. Pour a little salt and move your index finger over the photo and read the spell text:

“With my hands I will take away trouble from you. I dare all women to see me alone. Just as I miss you, so do you.”

Every time you go to bed, look at the photo and wish your loved one good night. Such a ritual helps strengthen relationships and make feelings stronger. Conspiracies before the New Year can work real miracles. Perhaps on New Year's Eve, your loved one will even propose marriage.


To attract wealth and good luck to your home, you need to appease the owner of the year. For example, in 2015, the author of one of the articles on fashion recommended that women wear green dresses for the New Year. Sheep are herbivores, so clothes of this color can be used to appease the mistress of the year, but it was recommended to put red dresses away in the closet.

In 2017, women and men had complete freedom of choice. The Rooster loves bright, extraordinary people and patronizes those who are creative. To achieve success in business this year, it was recommended to wear the most extravagant outfits and not put chicken on the festive table.

To recharge with energy and feel confident in the new year, astrologers recommend that women give preference to brown and yellow. This choice will help you get rid of stress and, when the time comes to make an important decision, show prudence. Astrologers advise men to dilute dark suits with bright shirts and accessories, in the form of gold or amber cufflinks, as well as interesting belts and ties.

Final part

The most powerful magical rituals are carried out before the New Year, on New Year's Eve and Christmastide. Magic sparkles in the air these days. This is the brightest period of the year. The time has come to leave behind everything that happened and step forward with new strength, as if overcoming another obstacle.

New Year's magic has been used by people for many years. All rituals before the New Year are aimed at cleansing the soul. It is customary to celebrate Christmas Eve in new clothes in order to attract something new into your life and recharge yourself with positivity. Astrologers recommend wearing clothes in yellow and brown shades in 2018. Yellow is the color of the sun, which saturates a person with vital energy and strength for new beginnings.

Before the New Year, it is recommended to completely clean your home of accumulated negative energy and unnecessary things. Throw away all the trash without regret, and boldly step forward. Don’t regret what you’ve done, let go of your worries and grievances on all four sides, this will help make room for new sensations and positivity.