Christmas is held in flamenco style. X International Christmas Festival “The Art of Kindness. When is Christmas celebrated

Within the framework of music festival"The Art of Kindness" in Moscow will host a series of concerts with the participation of leading Russian, Spanish, Norwegian, French, Swedish and Swiss performers.

Among the most famous project participants are V. Zinchuk, A. Chernov, L. Stoll, G. Edenstam and others.

The main goal of the festival is to familiarize the domestic listener with the treasures of world musical culture, as well as to support dialogue between different cultures of the world.

All proceeds from the event will go to charity.

Festival program:

December 27thGrand opening X International Christmas Festival. Speakers: Festival Orchestra under the direction of Freddie Cadena (Ecuador-Russia), Ensemble of soloists of the International Vocal Center "Solveig", soloist of the Novaya Opera Theater named after E.V. Kolobova Olga Ionova (soprano), soloists of the State Symphony Orchestra " New Russia»Under the exercise. Yu. Bashmeta Ilya Pirogov (flute) and Nina Gvamichava (harp), soloist of the MGSO orchestra for children and youth under exercise. Ivana Rudin Mikhail Kuzin (oboe d'amur), laureates of international competitions Oleg Yakubovich (oboe), Alkhas Ferzba (bass) and Ilyas Nevretdinov (trumpet), titular organist Cathedral Marina Omelchenko (organ), as well as Roman Golovanov (trumpet) and Alla Nikitina (organ). The program includes: festive works by A. Corelli, G.F. Telemann, I.S. Bach, G.F. Handel, V.A. Mozart, C. Debussy and J. Rutter;

December 29th- Christmas Mystery of Notre Dame Cathedral. The true medieval mystery of the Parisian school of Notre Dame (c. 1170 - c. 1230) will be presented by "Ensemble Labyrinthus": Anastasia Bondareva (vocals), Ekaterina Liberova (vocals), Irina Dubrova (vocals), Alexander Gorbunov (viela, rebeck) and Danil Ryabchikov (citol of the 12th century, citol of the 13th century, head of the ensemble);

December 30th- the traditional Christmas gala concert "Musical Dynasties about Christmas" will bring together outstanding performers who will perform together with their children. A wonderful holiday for the whole family;

31th of December- New Year's Eve at the Cathedral. Gunnar Idenstam (organ, Sweden): on the last evening of 2017, the only organist from Northern Europe who won the prestigious international competition by improvisation Grand Prix de Chartres. The Royal Academy of Music (Sweden) named Gunnar Edenstam "Performer of the Year", the musician received this award from the King of Sweden, His Majesty Carl XVI Gustav. Idenstam - winner of the royal medal "Litteris et Artibus" and a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Music;

January 2- daytime concert for the whole family - Festive fairy tale "Twelve months". Organ, choir and theatrical performance. Concert based on the work of S. Marshak. The children's choir "Melody" and students of the organ class of the children's music school named after CM. Maykapara;

January 3- Christmas flamenco style. Juan de la Rubia (titular organist of the Sagrada Familia Basilica in Barcelona) and Pau Figueres (guitar, Spain);

5 January- Scandinavian Christmas. Saxophone and organ. Performances will be made by Ola Rokkones (saxophone, Norway) and Terje Bagred (organ, Norway) cantor of the Ries Church in Oslo;

6th January- Melodies of the Alpine mountains. Alpine horn and organ. The Christmas program will be performed by Lisa Stoll (alpine horn) and Esther Bollinger (organ);

Jan. 7- the premiere of the program "Christmas in Pre-Revolutionary Russia" will offer the audience the Third Piano Concerto by S. Rachmaninoff, arranged for organ and piano. Also will sound: music by P. Tchaikovsky, popular Christmas and New Year melodies of the early XX century. Speakers: Veniamin Smekhov (artistic word), laureate of international competitions Alexei Chernov (piano), titular organist of the Cathedral Anna Vetlugina (organ) and Dmitry Maksimenko (organ);

13th of January- Victor Zinchuk. Christmas concert on the eve of the Old New Year. An unusual concert for guitar and organ, will present festive classical music in a new sound;

14 january- Premiere of the JazzAntique project. Closing ceremony of the Christmas festival. The laureate of international competitions Nikolay Gladskikh (countertenor) and the Sedov Jazz Trio ensemble will offer the audience an amazing mix of baroque and jazz music.

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For all fans of fiery Spanish music, a new festive Christmas concert in the style of flamenco will be an incredible surprise. Guitar parts accompanying one of the most beautiful national dances in Spain, allow you to feel the unique flavor of the culture of this country. Two talented Spanish musicians, Pau Figueres and Juan de la Rubia, will perform for the guests of the program. Today the name of Pau Figueres is known all over the world. This talented young guitarist has an amazing playing technique. It mixes elements of traditional guitar playing and modern sound.

Perfectly mastering different styles, he gives preference to the direction of flamenco. His duet partner in this concert will be the famous Spanish organist Juan de la Rubia. Today he is the owner of the Primer Palau, which is awarded by the Catalan Palace. Fans of his work celebrate the mastery of the art of improvisation. Not so long ago, the organist performed a complete collection of works by Johann Sebastian Bach. The evening program will feature bright Spanish compositions. To take a musical trip to Spain, you must definitely buy tickets for a Christmas concert in the style of flamenco.

The festival, organized by the Art of Kindness charitable foundation, is aimed at introducing listeners to the treasury of world musical culture, preserving family traditions and maintaining intercultural dialogue in modern society. Spectators are waiting holiday concerts organ, instrumental and vocal music. From monumental classics to folk, from crossovers to covers of popular Christmas carols, as well as two world premieres. All proceeds from the concerts will be donated to charity.

The winter festival will traditionally take place in the Moscow Cathedral on Malaya Gruzinskaya Street, where one of the largest organs in our country is installed - a Swiss wind instrument from Kuhn. The concerts also feature a unique Allen organ.

Leading performers from Russia, Spain, Norway, France, Sweden and Switzerland will perform within the tenth - anniversary - Christmas Festival "The Art of Goodness". Muscovites and guests of the capital will enjoy two bright premieres and performances of star performers, including: Honored Artist of Russia Viktor Zinchuk (guitar), winner of the Artist of the Year award (presented by the King of Sweden, His Majesty Carl XVI Gustav) Gunnar Edenstam, titular organist of the Basilica Sagrada Familia in Barcelona Juan de la Rubia, laureate of international competitions Lisa Stoll (alpine horn, Switzerland), laureate of the XIV international competition. Tchaikovsky Alexey Chernov (piano) and others.

The festival is supported by the Embassy of the Kingdom of Spain in the Russian Federation, the Embassy of Switzerland in Russia, the Embassy of Sweden in the Russian Federation, the Embassy of the Kingdom of Norway in Moscow, the Cervantes Institute in Moscow, as well as the Nordic School and Antik Hotel (Moscow).

In a programme:

December 30 - traditional Christmas gala concert "Musical Dynasties about Christmas"
Outstanding performers will perform with their children.

December 31 - New Year's Eve in the Cathedral on Malaya Gruzinskaya Street
Gunnar Idenstam (organ, Sweden): on the last evening of 2017, the cathedral will host the only Nordic organist who won the prestigious international improvisation competition Grand Prix de Chartres. Idenstam is the winner of the royal medal "Litteris et Artibus" and a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Music.

January 2 - daytime concert for the whole family - fairy tale "Twelve Months"
Organ, choir and theatrical performance. Concert based on the work of S. Marshak. The children's choir "Melody" and students of the organ class of the children's music school named after S.M. Maykapara.

January 3 - Christmas in flamenco style
Performers: Juan de la Rubia (titular organist of the Sagrada Familia Basilica in Barcelona) and Pau Figueres (guitar, Spain).

January 5 - Scandinavian Christmas
Saxophone and organ: Ola Rokkones (saxophone, Norway) and the cantor of the Ries church in Oslo Terje Bägeröd (organ, Norway).

January 6 - Melodies of the Alpine Mountains
Alpine horn and organ: Lisa Stoll (alpine horn) and Esther Bollinger (organ).

January 7 - S. Rachmaninoff's Third Piano Concerto, arranged for organ and piano
Also will sound: music by P. Tchaikovsky, popular Christmas and New Year melodies of the early XX century.

January 13 - Victor Zinchuk "Christmas concert on the eve of the Old New Year"
An unusual concert for guitar and organ will present festive classical music with a new sound.

January 14 - the premiere of the JazzAntique project
Closing ceremony of the Christmas festival.

With a detailed program and additional information can be found.

Each country has its own characteristics and traditions of celebration winter holidays... Spain is no exception in this regard. In all cities and provinces, streets, shop windows, houses of residents with various lights are dressed up, Christmas trees are placed, which creates festive mood.

Christmas Eve is celebrated in Spain on December 24, the day before Christmas. This is a family holiday, like Christmas, so only family members gather at the table. Traditionally, children sing songs and eat sweets on the table.

Children also receive symbolic gifts. The pagan character "Caga tio" is not uncommon in Catalan homes. This log looks unusual. It has a human face, front legs and is covered with a blanket. Children either buy it or make it themselves. It is believed that if you take care of it, it will bring gifts.

Caga tió (Tió de Nadal)

At night, at two o'clock, all the people gather for the Mass of the Rooster (Misa de gallo). According to legends, it was the rooster who saw the birth of Christ first and then spread such news throughout the world.

When is Christmas celebrated

Christmas is officially celebrated on December 25, but the celebration itself begins a little earlier. Christmas is exclusively a family holiday in Spain. Each family gets together, even the most distant relatives come. All houses, according to the ancient custom, are lit with kerosene lamps. On christmas night festive table filled with numerous sweets and seafood. The main dish is mushroom turkey. And after dinner, until the morning, everyone has fun and sings Christmas songs by the tree.

Christmas traditions

The celebration of Hogueras is an old Spanish tradition of celebrating winter solstice... This is the shortest day of the year. In some regions, the Spaniards jump over bonfires, and this is considered a ritual that protects against disease.

The most popular and important traditional symbol is, of course, henbane. It has the form of a mock-up that showcases the birth of Christ. It is a real decoration of the city and houses. All shops, offices, restaurants put their own henbane on public display. And the most beautiful Christmas compositions are located on the main square of each city. These are real works of art that reflect a piece of life. Now any store in Spain sells items for the construction of a henbane, and the material is very diverse. Therefore, each family has its own composition.

Every year residents are entertained with fireworks shows, music, Christmas markets and traditional fairs. All this provides a special mood. In a town located in the province of Málaga, in Andalucía, Christmas is celebrated in flamenco style, with contests and related concerts. This is the most important cultural event. The tradition is not old. It arose quite recently. Residents enjoy performances by singers and dancers. And also, tasting of anise liqueur, dessert wine and local pastries.

Archena becomes a real medieval trading point at Christmas. The market sells old jugs, mixtures of herbs, fat tail for wine. Clowns, witches and fortune tellers are essential attributes. The inhabitants seem to be falling into the past century.

Every year on December 25, the first Sunday in January and January 6, the Brotherhood of the Good Name of Jesus conducts an unusual ritual in Caudete (Albacete province). On these days, the dances "Reinado infantil" ("Children's kingdom") are held, then "Reinados adultos" ("Adult kingdom"). The scene is Church Square. From the square, all the fun is transferred to the halls of the local Compars Association.

The people of Galisteo, in the province of Caceres, have a slightly better Christmas experience. The members of the fraternity, formed in 1662, perform the Act of Faith. The actors present to the audience only one "play" of the brotherhood. Preparations begin on the first Sunday in November. The manager himself chooses the theme of the rehearsals. On Christmas Eve, at about 10 am, the assistant steward appears on the street and beats a drum. Thus, he summons all the members of the fraternity to the steward's house. There is already a cradle with the baby Christ. All brothers bow to the cradle. After a kind of ceremony, they all collect Christmas alms. In the process, they sing various songs. And on December 25, the steward treats all the brothers to dinner. At the same time, Karantolla, who personifies Herod, "scares" people on the street with his appearance. The performance of the "Sacred Act", which begins at 3 pm, brings the holiday to its logical conclusion.

Jerez, located in the province of Cádiz, strikes the city with New Year's illumination on the eve of Christmas. The Christmas program includes a market, contests, the Cotillion holiday. It is a tradition to perform hymns to the glory of the Virgin Mary and the Child Christ, accompanied by sambobo. This is an old noise instrument. There are also impromptu concerts and songs sung.

Vejer de la Frontera in the province of Cádiz has its own traditions. During the Christmas period, the town is simply filled with the sounds of sambobo. There is also a whitewash competition among all residents and a show of "Live Pictures of Bethlehem".

Spanish New Year carols, or "", originated in the 13th century and spread to Spain in the 16th century. The term itself is associated with the word "villa" - a village. That is, it suggests that the songs were originally born in the villages. In those days, they were performed by peasants at various festivals and had absolutely nothing to do with Christmas. But already in the 19th century, everything changed. These songs became associated with the birth of the baby Jesus.

December 28 is celebrated. It is analogous to Russian on April 1. The Spaniards are cheerful people, so they know how to joke with each other. On this day, newspapers publish various false announcements, and fountains are filled with soap suds. A common joke is the sticking of a "monigote" figure to the back of a familiar figure. It is also popular to replace sugar with salt for family table... This day, by the way, has a religious origin. According to Catholic traditions, this is the Day of the Martyr Babies. And it is celebrated in memory of the children who were beaten by Herod's orders in Bethlehem.

When is New Year's Day

Celebrated on the night of December 31 to January 1. It is of a public nature, since all residents flock to the main squares of cities and await the chimes. New Year in Spain, this is what distinguishes it from a quiet and family Christmas with the family. Of course, in new year's eve the Spaniards have dinner with their family at home or in restaurants, but after that, they must go outside.

New Year traditions

The most famous tradition is the eating of 12 grapes, which must be eaten with the chimes. Grapes in Spain have long symbolized wealth, happiness and health. By the way, the stores sell ready-made packages of grapes (12 pieces).

Red, which symbolizes most of Spain, is also the preferred color for New Years. It is believed that red underwear will bring good luck and happiness in the new year.

The Spaniards have one symbol called "El Caganer". This is not an ordinary figurine. She represents a defecating man who, as it turns out, symbolizes good luck in the new year. It is believed that he thus fertilizes the earth.

San Juan de Beleño has its own New Year celebration. A mysterious figure collects New Year's offerings on January 1 from the population of Belegno. This figure is accompanied by 40 people on horseback. "Girria" - the main character, dressed in white pants with red inserts, a cap on his head, and a bag of ash on his shoulders. With this bag, he beats women who prevent them from approaching him. Every year "Girria" is different. And the face is revealed only at the end of the ritual.

The final holiday

The series of Christmas and new year holidays and traditions on January 6, which is the day. This is a children's holiday. A performance with the participation of fairy-tale characters is taking place on the square. According to tradition, children write a letter not to Santa Claus, but to the Three Wise Men.

During the holiday, you can also watch the procession in all cities of Spain. Kings on camels walk the streets and scatter sweets, while children and adults collect them. It is on this day that children receive long-awaited gifts. The procession itself begins at about 7 pm and is broadcast on all central channels.

Christmas and New Year traditions in Spain are numerous. In every town and province they have their own, but the festive mood, brightly decorated streets and the cheerful character of the Spaniards make the series of New Year's holidays unforgettable.