Drawing a cheerful portrait of my family. How to draw a family, coat of arms and family tree - step by step with pencils and paints for children and beginners. Step-by-step master class with video of drawing the family coat of arms with a pencil

Family is perhaps the most important thing in life for every person. Ideas about relatives, family trees, and ancestors are cultivated in various countries and among almost all peoples of the Earth! They are embedded in us at the genetic level. The family is the unit of society, one of the building blocks that makes up any state. Therefore, it is very important to teach your child from a young age how to draw a family, helping him in every possible way, so that under your strict guidance he will be creative.

Remembering your youth

Everyone, probably, at one time in childhood, drew funny pictures with the general title “My Family”. If at the same time something went badly and nothing happened, they “went out” with love and pure enthusiasm. Still have little idea how to draw a family?

Who picks up a pencil?

Our picture will directly depend on this. If your very young child tries to do this, then most likely the results will be crooked little people with funny proportions. In this case, do not stop the child from expressing himself, but rather help him correctly depict the ovals of faces, noses, mouths, and eyes.

How to draw a family with a little artist?

Step 1

Decide on the number of “members” of the family in the picture. As a rule, the classic version: my mom, my dad, me. If desired, grandparents, cats, dogs, sisters and brothers, etc. can be added.

Step 2

We mark a sheet of paper for future figures. It is better to place the parents at the edges. In the center is a child. Draw together! Help the baby.

Step 3

We depict ovals of faces, rectangles of bodies, lines of arms and legs.

Here is our family drawn - in pencil for now. It’s unfortunate if the “picture” turns out to be too sketchy. Now, if you wish, you can color it - brightly, with felt-tip pens or gouache. Let your child express his or her imagination independently. After all, for him, coloring is a real creative process.

Another way is copying

If you want to draw a more or less high-quality image of the family, and your child is older, the easiest way would be to take a clear photo of the family together and draw from it. This makes it easier to understand the location of figures and faces in our picture. Especially if you and your child have already had experience in the “arts”. A matter of technique: gradually transfer everything you see in the photo onto a sheet of paper. This method is more suitable for the “advanced” level.

You can also use a table lamp and glass

An ancient way of copying drawings and documents in an era when photocopiers were not even a thing! Take an ordinary one and place it on the floor between two chairs or stools. Point the lamp upward. Attach simple glass of sufficient length to the backs of the chairs. Now we put a photo of the family on the glass - preferably large, A4 type. On top we place a sheet of paper on which our actual drawing will be placed. Next, we gradually outline all the main and secondary lines in the photo. They show up well on the sheet. We remove the resulting image. We draw the details, looking at the base photo. This is one of the options for how to draw a family with a pencil. Tip: don’t try to copy the photo as much as possible. And if mom or dad’s face is slightly different from reality, it doesn’t matter: maybe it’s just an artistic device!

Another Guide

How to draw a family step by step? Follow our step-by-step instructions and it will be possible.

Step 1

First, we draw a “frame” for the entire group of figures so that they all fit on a sheet of paper.

Step 2

Inside the frame we make sketches in the form of small and large ovals.

Step 3

We remove the unnecessary frame and erase the extra lines. Let's move on to the torsos. Then we draw the arms and legs.

Step 4

We write down the details.

Step 5

Shading the shadows. We remove all unnecessary lines.

The drawing is ready. This is one of the ways to draw a family step by step with a pencil.

"Cartoon" family

As an option, we will depict with you one of the most successful and profitable projects in the world of cartoons. Yes, the Griffin family! Let's draw them all at once! If you have seen this cartoon at least once in your life, then portraying Family Guy will be a pleasure.

Step 1

Family of six people. First of all, we draw six cartoon torsos (circles and ovals).

Step 2

Now we depict clothes and faces. We draw features and hair. It is best to watch a cartoon before the process itself or use a ready-made image as an example.

Step 3

We detail it, carefully outline the contours, erase unnecessary (auxiliary) lines.

The family is now complete! If your child loves this cartoon, draw together. Entrust him with coloring the picture so that he gets the most out of the joint creativity.

Tip: you can draw any cartoon family in exactly the same way. Adams, Simpsons... Everything is in your hands! The main thing is freedom of creativity!


Psychologists even have a special test for children called “Draw a Family”! Because this question is very important for both you and your child. How does it perceive surrounding relatives? What really worries him the most? What other secrets are kept by his subconscious? All you have to do is offer him a piece of paper and pencils and ask him to draw a family! Thanks to this task, you will certainly be able to save your child from unnecessary “stress”, childhood fears, for example. Additionally, you will reveal your child’s talents by using their natural craving for creativity. Remember: the drawing is interpreted only when it is completely ready. The location of family members, the color scheme of the picture - all this is a reflection of feelings and subconscious complexes, if any. Good luck!

Family is the closest and dearest people in every person’s life, a real support and a reliable berth in life. After all, it is in a strong and friendly family that the harmonious development of a child is possible when parents set a positive example for the younger generation. In kindergarten or school, children most often choose the theme of family for their drawings, depicting mom, dad, brothers, and sisters on paper with touching effort. Today we will learn how to draw a family of 3 - 4 people with children, as well as draw a family coat of arms and family tree. We tried to put together the most interesting master classes with step-by-step photos and videos on creating family-themed drawings with your own hands - for beginning little artists. Following our lessons, you can draw a beautiful family portrait with pencils and paints for the upcoming holiday or any special event.

How to draw a family of 3 people (mom, dad and daughter) – a step-by-step master class with paints with photos

Each child depicts his family with characteristic details that give the drawing individuality. For example, a mother can be easily recognized by her hairstyle or dress, a dad’s image is complemented by a beard or glasses, and an older sister looks just like a “real” one with her favorite phone in her hand! How to draw a family of 3 people? We bring to your attention a simple master class with step-by-step photos on how to paint a mother, father and daughter - the finished family portrait can be painted. For beginning painters in kindergarten, it is best to conduct a lesson on the eve of Family Day in order to prepare a wonderful surprise gift for parents.

Necessary materials for drawing a family of 3 people:

  • sheet of white paper
  • simple pencil
  • gouache or watercolor paints
  • tassels
  • glass of water
  • bottles and bottles of different shapes
  • eraser

Step-by-step description of the master class with photos “My family of 3 people - mothers, fathers and daughters:

How to draw a family of 4 step by step - master class with a pencil for a child 5 - 7 years old, video

Children's drawings are not just an image on paper, but a whole world of feelings and emotions. So, with the help of a pencil or paints, it is easiest for a child to convey his mood, express joy or sadness. When drawing their family, each child chooses their own individual and unique style, as well as the color scheme of the picture. How to draw a family of 4 step by step? In the video you will find a detailed master class for a child aged 5 - 7 years - follow the instructions carefully, and you will get a simple and touching family portrait.

A simple drawing master class - “Dad, Mom, I am a friendly family”, with photos step by step

Children most often choose their family - dad, mom and themselves - as the subject for their drawings. Such a group image can be copied from a photograph using our simple master class with a photo, following the step-by-step guide. A beautiful drawing on the theme “Dad, Mom, I – a friendly family” can be sent to a competition in a school or kindergarten dedicated to the upcoming Day of Family, Love and Fidelity.

List of materials for the family drawing master class “Mom, Dad and Me”:

  • A4 sheet of paper
  • simple pencil
  • eraser

Let's draw a family step by step - following a simple master class with photos:

How to draw a family coat of arms for school with a pencil - master class step by step with photos

The family coat of arms is an emblem in the form of a shield with symbols representing the values ​​and traditions of a certain kind. Thus, in the Middle Ages, coats of arms decorated the shields of knights, as well as the armor of noble military nobles. To create your own family coat of arms for school, it is important to first think through the elements that will symbolize the history of the family, its characteristics, hobbies and interests of each representative. How to draw a family coat of arms for school with your own hands using a pencil? Our master class with photos will step by step tell all aspiring artists about the intricacies of depicting a real family emblem on paper.

To draw a family coat of arms, we stock up on the following materials:

  • a piece of white paper
  • with a simple pencil
  • eraser
  • ruler
  • colored pencils, ink or paints - for coloring

Master class on drawing a family coat of arms for school with a pencil:

  1. We choose the shape of the coat of arms - the photo below shows the most popular options.

  2. For our master class we give preference to the “classic” shield. We draw the base of the coat of arms with light movements of a pencil, so that later the “extra” lines can be easily erased with an eraser.

  3. At the bottom of the coat of arms we depict a horizontal ribbon - the motto of our family “logo”.

  4. On the tape you need to make markings in the form of vertical and horizontal lines along which you will draw letters.

  5. Using the guides, we enter the surname of the “bearer” of the coat of arms - for example, as in the photo. Don’t forget to first separate the letters and make markings so that the vertical line of the coat of arms “crosses” the middle of the motto word.

  6. We fill in the field of the coat of arms to your taste - these can be capital letters - the names of the parents, as well as objects symbolizing various aspects of life and the unique characteristics of the family, its aspirations and dreams. In general, here you need to carefully consider every detail, because the coat of arms is a family “calling card”.

  7. We begin to decorate our coat of arms using a combination of different materials - pencil and ink, paints and felt-tip pens.

  8. That's it, we drew the family coat of arms - a real work of art! As you can see, the drawing is simple and even junior schoolchildren can do it. Of course, before work you need to think about all the details of the coat of arms, as well as their location. The finished family coat of arms can be framed and hung on the wall in your living room or school classroom.

Conversations with a psychologist

(test “My Family”)

Do you want to look deeper into the soul of a child and understand how he lives, what worries him, what he dreams about, his perception of the world around him, his family and yourself? From 4-5 years old you can take the “My Family” drawing test. Children perceive the world around them not like adults. Children's special understandings cause emotional reactions that are incomprehensible and unacceptable to adults. In the child’s inner world, seemingly incompatible and random things are intertwined, fantastic images and their own “theories” are created.

The essence of the test
The child is given a standard sheet of paper, a set of colored pencils (it’s better not to give a pencil, pen, or eraser), and asked: “Draw your family.” At the same time, there is no need to remind who is part of the family; let him draw as he imagines. If a child asks who to draw, give him complete freedom, let him draw even animals, the drawing will still be quite informative... After finishing drawing, ask leading questions: who is drawn where, what family members are doing, who is in what mood, etc.

Before you start drawing

  • Keep track of your child's usual mood. This task should not be given after family conflicts, quarrels, or shocks. Otherwise, you will receive a situational drawing that matches the child’s mood at the moment.
  • Do not stand over the child while performing the task, but discreetly monitor the order in which characters and objects are depicted.
  • Do not correct your child while drawing (“you forgot to draw dad,” “draw ears, hands, etc.”)
  • Do not discuss the results obtained in front of your child - this test is for you, for your thoughts.
  • To get more accurate information, carry out the test 3-4 times with an interval of several days and identify frequently repeated details in the drawing.
  • When “explaining” a drawing, the positive attitude of the “interpreter” is of great importance; you need to use your imagination and intuition.

There can be nothing accidental in the drawing. After all, a child does not draw objects from life, but expresses his emotions and experiences. Here are some examples of children's creations.

Picture 1.
In this drawing, the child very subtly grasped the peculiarities of the distribution of family roles. Mom is the head of the family, everything is big – her eyes, nose, and especially her mouth. True, mom’s eyes are sad, and her heart is covered with a flower, there are no hands, she cannot change anything. Dad is much smaller in size (as perceived by the child) than mom. On either side of the mother are a 12-year-old brother with standing hair on end, and a neat, but buttoned-up 6-year-old artist himself of the same height. Only dad likes to listen to mom, he even has ears for this, but children have a persistent reluctance to hear their parents.

Figure 2.
There is also a family in this picture. A huge house with a lot of empty, uninhabited windows. The artist himself lives in the attic behind bars. “Mom and dad are at work, I’m walking...” Try to see the author of the picture below, next to the car. Isn’t it true that the baby feels surprisingly small, insignificant, and lonely? The color scheme is also sad: gray predominates and a little green on the car (my dad sometimes drives it). And the huge “hands” - antennas on the roof resemble parents standing over the child, suppressing feelings, locking him behind bars of loneliness and anxiety. Seeing such a drawing, you immediately understand that the child is feeling bad and needs help.

Figure 3.
And everything is great here! The family is gathered, smiles on their faces, everyone stretches out their hands to each other, supporting and helping. The child loves everyone, including himself, many small details, bright colors. The drawing exudes joy and freedom.

1. After finishing drawing, ask the child “who is who”, who does what.
Remarks like “I forgot to draw my brother” or “my sister didn’t fit in” don’t matter. If someone from the family is missing from the picture, this could mean:

  • The presence of negative unconscious feelings towards this person. For example, strong jealousy towards a younger brother; the child seems to be reasoning: “I should love my brother, but he annoys me, this is bad. That’s why I won’t draw anything at all.”
  • A complete lack of emotional contact with the “forgotten” person in the picture. It’s as if this person simply doesn’t exist in the child’s emotional world.
  • Difficulties in relationships with loved ones: “They don’t notice me here,” “I feel rejected,” “It’s difficult for me to find my place in the family”
  • The child is “rejected” from the family: “They don’t accept me, well, I don’t need to, and it’s fine without them.”

    3. The picture shows a fictional family member. The child tries to fill the vacuum of feelings not received in the family. Children often draw birds and animals that do not actually live in the house, this means that the child longs to be needed and needed by someone, which means that the parents do not satisfy the need for love, tenderness, and affection.

    4. Size of characters depicted
    shows their significance for the child (see Figure 4).
    The more authoritative the person depicted is in the child’s eyes, the larger he is. Often young children do not have enough sheet to accommodate the entire figure.

    5. Child's size on the sheet.
    If a child draws himself very small, located in the corner of the sheet, he has low self-esteem at the moment, or he considers himself the smallest in the family. Children with high self-esteem picture themselves as very large, even larger than their parents (see Figure 5).

    6. The location of the child in the picture
    reflects his position in the family. When he is in the center, between mom and dad, or draws himself first, it means that he feels wanted and needed in the house. If a child depicts himself separately from the others, or draws himself last, this is a sign of jealousy and trouble.

    7. Distance between images
    indicate emotional closeness or, conversely, disunity. The further the figures are located from each other, the greater their emotional disconnection. In some drawings, children emphasize the disconnect they feel by including various objects (furniture, vases, ...), strangers, imaginary people in the free space between family members. With emotional closeness, relatives are drawn almost close to each other, their hands touch. The closer a child portrays himself to any family member, the higher his degree of attachment to this person and vice versa.

    8. Sequence of images of family members. Usually, the first child draws is either himself, or his most beloved family member, or the most significant, authoritative, in the child’s opinion, person in the family. Usually the most recently drawn relative has the lowest authority (this could be the child himself).

    9. Arrangement of figures on the sheet.
    Look carefully at who is higher and who is lower in the picture. The highest ranked character is the one who, in the child's opinion, has the greatest importance in the family (even if he is small in size). For example, if on the sheet above everyone else there is a picture of a TV or a six-month-old sister, then it means that in the child’s mind they are the ones who “control” the rest of the family members (see Figure 6).

    10. The character or object that causes the greatest anxiety in the child. It is depicted with increased pressure from the pencil, or is heavily shaded, its outline is outlined several times, but it happens that a child draws such a character with a barely noticeable, “trembling” line.

    11. Body parts.

    12. Color scheme of the picture– indicator of the palette of feelings. The child draws the closest family members and himself with the most favorite colors; the unloved, gloomy colors go to the people rejected by the child. Pay attention to the general color palette: the predominance of bright colors indicates a good mood, while dark colors indicate anxiety and depression (unless, of course, black is the baby’s favorite color). Mothers are usually depicted in beautiful dresses, with hairpins in their hair, with many small details, hair color can be the most unusual, details are carefully drawn, this is how the child shows his love. Children with adequate self-esteem also carefully draw themselves out and dress smartly. Beloved fathers are also very elegant, like all the relatives close and beloved by the child.

    13. The child draws only himself,“forgetting” to draw everyone else, this often indicates that he does not feel like a member of the family. The child is rejected in the family, troubles and emotional problems put pressure on him. The figure may be small, “hidden” in the corner of the sheet, dark, with a blurry face. But it happens that a child with inflated self-esteem he draws only himself to emphasize your importance. He carefully draws the details of clothing, the face; The figure is very large and bright.

    13. The sun in the picture– a symbol of protection and warmth. People and objects that are between the child and the sun are what prevent him from feeling protected and using energy and warmth (see Figure 12).

    14. Abundance of small parts, closed parts(scarves, buttons) signal prohibitions, secrets that the child is not allowed to see.

  • To make a beautiful portrait of your family or to depict a family tree or coat of arms, you don’t have to be an artist. This task is within the power of every child who wants to present an original work at a competition or simply give cool pictures to their loved ones. Using the following master classes with photos and videos, you can learn how to draw a family of 3, 4 or 5 people. Simple instructions will help you draw beautifully a mother and father, daughter or son. It is recommended to make blank pictures in pencil. But if you wish, you can color them with regular paints and crayons. Step-by-step master classes will also help you choose what to draw on the theme “My Family”. They can be used not as lessons, but as ideas for creating new drawings.

    How to draw a family of 3: mom, dad and daughter - master class with video

    Quite often, girls, when portraying each member of their family, pay special attention to their clothes, hairstyles, and accessories. With the help of the following master class, you can get ideas on the rules for depicting the human figures themselves. He will tell children how to draw a family of 3 people: mom, dad and daughters really neatly and simply.

    Step-by-step video on a master class on drawing a family with mom, dad and daughter

    Using the following master class, you can draw a beautiful portrait of a family, which will definitely become a good decoration for a bedroom or living room. You just need to follow the instructions exactly.

    How to draw a family of 4 or 5 people step by step with a pencil for a child - photo tutorial

    One of the most difficult tasks for every child can be considered drawing a portrait of 4-5 people. He needs to carefully think about the poses and clothing of each of his relatives. Therefore, a large family with children should be drawn in several stages: creating a sample, drawing individual characters, coloring all the elements. The following master class will tell your child in more detail about the rules for creating complex images with a pencil, with instructions on how to draw a family of 4 people step by step carefully and beautifully.

    Materials for the step-by-step creation of a children's drawing of a family of 4-5 people in pencil

    • simple and colored pencils;
    • eraser;
    • A4 sheet of paper;
    • set of colored crayons.

    A step-by-step photo lesson in drawing a family portrait by a child using pencils

    How to draw a family: dad, mom, me - step-by-step pencil master class

    To draw your family beautifully and originally, you don’t have to be a real artist. Just following simple instructions, you can create a cool family portrait. The next master class will tell children and their parents how to draw a family “Dad, Mom, Me” quickly and really simply.

    List of materials for drawing a family with pencils

    • A4 sheet of paper;
    • regular pencil;
    • a set of colored pencils or paints;
    • eraser.

    Step-by-step master class with photos of creating a family portrait in pencil

    How to draw a family coat of arms for school with a pencil step by step - master class with video

    A beautiful coat of arms of your family is one of the most important relics for every person. But such an emblem can be either real or fictitious. Eg. A child can create it to participate in a competition, or simply make cool decor for their home. In the next master class you can learn how to draw your family’s coat of arms for school step by step with a simple pencil or chalk.

    Step-by-step master class with video of drawing the family coat of arms with a pencil

    Using the following video, it will not be difficult to create an amazing coat of arms for your family with your own hands. The child just needs to look through the proposed master class and get ideas and useful tips for creating such a picture.

    How to draw a family tree step by step with a pencil - master class for beginners

    For any child, drawing a family tree with their own hands and indicating all the great-grandparents will be too difficult. Therefore, they will certainly need the help of their parents, who will tell them what structure the tree should have and how many branches it needs to depict. But the next master class will help novice artists draw a family tree step by step and learn how to color it with a pencil or decorate it with photographs.

    Materials for drawing a family tree step by step with a pencil

    • regular pencil;
    • eraser;
    • A4 sheet of paper;
    • rectangular pieces of cardboard.

    Master class for beginners on drawing a family tree with a regular pencil

    Using the proposed master classes with videos and photos, you can easily draw not only your family, but also a family tree and family coat of arms. Such cool pictures will be a wonderful decoration for any home or apartment. For example, a cute drawing “My Family”, which depicts a mother, father, son and daughter, is suitable for living room decor. The family coat of arms can be hung in the corridor or hallway. In these instructions you can learn how to draw a family of 3, 4, 5 people easily and simply. Also, the proposed materials can be used as ideas for preparing for competitions in school and kindergarten.

    Anastasia Gerasimova

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    Responsible for carrying out exhibitions of drawings"Me and my family“I happened to be with my partner E. Yu. Chuzhaikina.

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    And many other good and interesting works.

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