Body replacers for Skyrim. CBBE girls' bodies. From Barbie to Japanese dolls

Skyrim is perhaps the only game that is full of all sorts of mods, including body replacers. Players fell in love with the world of one of the states of Tamriel so much that they decided to diversify the gameplay with mods. We present to your attention the best female body replayers for Skyrim.


The oldest and most popular replayer female body for Skyrim. It transforms women's bodies, making them more sophisticated. It is also noticeable that the obsessive dirt and strange facial features disappear from their faces.

The character's appearance becomes more feminine and pleasant. As for armor and clothing, players can safely put any lore equipment on the main character. The mod fits perfectly with any other modifications in the game, except for other replayers. They may conflict with each other.


Lovers of curvaceous figures - Welcome! Yes, this body replacer makes the girls’ figures a little disproportionate. Modders inspired by Japanese-style fighting games have created such a miracle.

The characters appeared unrealistic big breasts, wasp waist and very wide hips. Some people didn’t even bother to animate curious places so that they would “move” when walking and running.

Armor and clothing must be exclusively for this body replacer. Lore sets just won't cut it.

Lady Body

Another popular and sought-after body replacer. This mod suitable for those who appreciates natural beauty. The character's figure is completely identical to the real one, that is, the proportions are completely respected. Almost all female characters can change along with the main character.

By the way, some clothes and armor are also modified. For example, in the clothes of magicians, pants disappear, revealing the naked thighs of girls. Facial features become refined and sensual.

In addition to this mod, you can use another one - Lady Head. But to install it, you will need a basic mod. Lady's head changes completely appearance character's faces. The “horse” facial features disappear and your heroine becomes the most beautiful girl in Skyrim.


Continuation of the Lady Body mod, which adds not only a new body, but also a new race to the game. When choosing a character, you can give preference to Demonica, the favorite of the Daedra. Her skeleton, eyes and everything else are completely different from all other body replacers.

Like any race, Demonica has its own special abilities. She can stop time by screaming. Plus everything. she inherited the Argonian ability to breathe underwater.

Already in the character customization menu you can notice changes. Demonica has a small set of eyes, eyebrows and noses. The body replacer comes with twenty new hairstyles that only Demonica can have.

To get starter kit clothes, you need to go to the dungeons under Helgen. This is the standard escape route from Alduin. Any piece of armor can be improved or enchanted.

Demonica has transformation. That is, if you accept Harkon’s gift, a new body will appear - Lilith. This is a completely different skeleton - a more athletic figure with sculpted abs and other muscles. There are also other clothes for her, which can be bought from the blacksmith in Volkihar Castle. If you try to put Demonica's clothes on Lilith, they may simply sag in places and not fit the figure. Although, there are sets that fit perfectly too.

Instead of the standard appearance of a vampire lord, the author of the modification took the appearance of Kerrigan (a ghost from Star Craft) as a basis. The image of the Queen of Blades fits perfectly into the world of Skyrim. You can also find companion Eve in the Whiterun tavern, who also has the body of a Demonica.

This was a list of the best body replacers for Skyrim that players still use today. These body replacers will diversify the gameplay and dilute the monotonous characters of Skyrim.

Body replacer for Skyrim CBBE gives female characters seductive forms. Textures become higher quality, gait animation becomes smoother. The modification will definitely appeal to all connoisseurs female beauty.

Important! Information for High Res Texture pack users

This pack replaces all default game textures, which leads to incorrect display of seams at the junctions of body parts of CBBE models. To resolve the problem, take the following steps:

Open skyrim.ini using notepad;

Find the title in the text;

Find the lines “sResourceArchiveList” and “sResourceArchiveList2”, replace the text with (see below);

If you fail with this CBBE Skyrim problem, you can try to move the lines “HighResTexturePack01.bsa”, “HighResTexturePack02.bsa” to positions below “Skyrim - Textures.bsa”;

After opening the launcher, uncheck “HighResTexturePack02” and “HighResTexturePack01”.


Each folder contains a text file with instructions. All ReadMe is in Russian. Each option is customizable to the player’s choice, taking into account the capabilities of a particular PC.

The underwear option that female characters will wear is configured in the Options folder:

The official FacePack is located in the same Options folder. It adds changes to girls' faces for CBBE Skyrim bodies. Pack includes:

Three new types of eyebrows;

three dark shades eyebrows;

Replacing dirt with moles.

Do not use this option if you are using faces from other mods

Textures_slim - adds high-quality textures to the bodies of athletic young ladies. Installation is made after choosing linen.

“Compressed texture set” is an option for low-power PCs. Connected optionally.

"Body Editor" is intended exclusively for experienced users. Not Russified. All available necessary materials and instructions, you can experiment if you wish.

It is connected, of course, optionally.

Installation procedure

Download bodies for Skyrim CBBE;

Copy the “Meshes” and “Textures” folders to Skyrim/Data;

Give permission to replace files.

Dragons, magic, open spaces and mountains - these are, perhaps, four words that fully describe the cult game " The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim." And it’s unlikely that the ancient lizards and snow-capped peaks would be so fascinating if Bethesda Game Studios hadn’t worked so hard on the graphics. According to the developers, every pebble in the game was placed in its place manually. A lot of work was also done on the character design, but the girls, according to most fans, turned out to be rather rude. Gamers did not put up with this and created a replayer of female bodies for Skyrim.

From Barbie to Japanese dolls

Creating mods is usually an amateur endeavor; There are many people who want to write their own adaptation of the female body, so the network is full of various modifications for a wide variety of tastes. All of them are united by the fact that they are based on the so-called “vanilla” model - in other words, the proportions of the heroines are not realistic, but they look beautiful. A narrowed pelvis, a wasp waist, fragile shoulders and large breasts are all signs that the character’s appearance has “vanilla” roots. Rare modifications offer stocky, muscular young ladies, clearly more adapted to the harsh climate of the province of Skyrim and brutal battles than their gentle opponents, who seem about to be blown away by the wind. But in games, realism is far from the main thing, so the leader in Skyrim is the replayer of female bodies with an idealized model.

Some people like huge breasts, complete with equally impressive circumferences around the hip bones. Such proportions can be achieved by installing CBBE mods. The young ladies obtained thanks to these plugins can be the envy of famous actresses. An alternative is UNP mods.

The figures in them are closer to natural, but the likelihood of seeing the same girl in life is zero. But there are plenty of examples of similar proportions in Japanese animation.

In Skyrim, female body replacers solve many problems - for example, programs make the skin as similar as possible to the real one, correct the shape of the feet, hands and fingers (this is a problem in the game), add tattoos and removable underwear, if you wish, you can even get false nails.

Physics of bodies

And yet, a larger number of mods are aimed at improving the physics of individual parts of the body. Their task is to make every centimeter of the body move naturally. The chest should not be motionless when running, but too vigorous movements are unnecessary. It is worth remembering about chest breathing: the bust rises and falls slightly as you inhale and exhale. And, of course, a good adaptation does not have obvious flaws that cause bugs.

Not only muscle physics and skin, but also the skeleton. Many Skyrim replayers of female bodies provide a so-called multi-skeleton, which changes the proportions already at this level. The creation of new races also begins with changes in bones, but the most popular models are human body. In second place are the beast races, but it is not possible to find so many adaptations for them.

Changes are not always so monumental. There are, for example, fashions that correct movements of the head and neck. They also belong to body replacers.

So, thanks to adaptations of the female body, you can get characters for absolutely every taste. An elegant elf or a strong, muscular huntress – it’s up to the player to decide. The main thing is that modifications make it possible to get additional aesthetic pleasure from the game.

Disclaimer - Vanilla Skyrim - (Vanilla) - Skyrim without mods.
I have made an option for you for Skyrim Special Edition; it will not fit the legendary edition; there is an LE version for this.
This assembly is a set of vanilla female armor and clothing, unpacked from the BSA archives of the licensed version of Skyrim Special Edition, and carefully packaged by me for installation. I uploaded the assembly to Yandex disk, because due to the high-resolution textures it weighs 1.2 Gb in the archive, but here files larger than a gig won’t fit into the granite)
The essence of this assembly is that if you have downloaded the Thorne assembly and want to install another replayer into it, for example 7base, TBD, or UNP, or some other, but do not know how to completely remove the SVBE replayer from there, then this assembly is for you!
just install this assembly on top of your assembly (data - data), confirming the replacement of files, you can safely install a new body and a replacer of armor and clothing for it on top of this assembly. The whole point is that this assembly of vanilla armor and clothing, when installed, replaces the body replacer files (except for standalone mods) with vanilla ones (that is, default game ones), and even if you install not a 100% replacer, but which replaces only 80 % or 90% of the armor and clothing in the game, then when you install it on this assembly, the effect will be the same if you installed the replacer on pure Skyrim, that is, the remaining armor that you have not replaced will be displayed as standard armor from the Skyrim game. It's simple.

In order to dispel doubts and questions about the need for this assembly, as well as resolve possible questions that may arise:
Also, who will like this assembly - people who, for one reason or another, do not like ARMOR BRA. Let me explain - you are putting on Thorne's build, but your wife or children are complaining that your dad is playing the game as a half-naked, indecent-looking girl, and all the other girls in the world are walking around with almost naked tits and asses - an embarrassment. By installing this assembly, all armor will be replaced with standard (vanilla), but at the same time, undressing and animations will occur with the body that is installed in the sex assembly. So during the day we run around in a harsh outfit, and at night we calmly fuck in the Tavern, or rape bandits, or vice versa, as you like. Well, of course, this armor cannot be edited in outfit studio or bodyslider for obvious reasons, I think there is no need to explain. On the old AML, this assembly was posted on 07/07/2015 and during its entire existence it was downloaded 1056 times, think about it! So it was useful. Why this vanilla armor if you can unpack it yourself and do the same? An ordinary user who does not understand the structure of the game will not be able to do this quickly, I only save your time, and save localizers and comrades from the questions “HOW TO CUT SVVE FROM THE TORNA ASSEMBLY? 😭” Installation - unpack using 7zip, copy the data folder to your folder with game so that it replaces the data folder of your game, confirm the replacement of files.