Development of a lesson for the “Skillful Hands” circle. Development of a lesson for the “Skillful Hands” circle Educational and thematic plan for the “Skillful Hands” circle

Municipal budget preschool educational

Institution "Kindergarten "Bee""

Alexandrov-Gai village, Alexandrovo-Gai municipal district, Saratov region

Club “Skillful Hands”

2015-2016 academic year.


Mamesheva R.D.

Club “Skillful Hands”

Continuing education program

Explanatory note

In visual activities, the child expresses himself, tries his strength and improves his abilities. It gives him pleasure, but above all, it enriches his ideas about the world.
Continuing education program “Skillful Hands”is an author’s program of artistic and aesthetic orientation, created on the basis of methodological manuals by S. Yu. Afonkina, E. Yu. Afonkina “Paper Toys”, A.P. Averyanova. “Art activities in kindergarten”, Volchkova V.N., Stepanova N.V. “Lesson notes for the senior group of kindergarten. IZO”, Davydova G.N. “Children's design. Plasticineography”, Kazakova R.G. “Drawing with preschool children. Non-traditional techniques”, Malyshevoy A.N., Ermolaeva N.V. “Applique in kindergarten”, Petrova I.M. “Volume application”, Ryabko N.B. “Classes on fine arts activities for preschoolers. Paper plastic”, Shvaiko G.S. “Lessons in visual arts in kindergarten.”
Preschool age is a bright, unique page in the life of every person. It is during this period that the child’s connection with the leading spheres of existence is established: the world of people, nature, the objective world. There is an introduction to culture, to universal human values. Curiosity develops and interest in creativity is formed.
To support this interest, it is necessary to stimulate the imagination and the desire to engage in creative activities. In classes in drawing, modeling, applique, as well as manual labor, children develop emotional and aesthetic feelings, artistic perception, and improve their skills in fine and constructive creativity.
Dialogues in the classroom between the teacher and the child are aimed at joint discussion of the situation and require the active participation of both parties. Conversation is one of the main methods of forming moral and evaluative criteria in children. A conversation on the topic “why do you like...” or “why don’t you like...” with the help of leading questions encourages the child to comprehend the object. It is necessary for the child to clarify for himself the criteria by which he evaluates the subject.
The partial search method is aimed at developing cognitive activity and independence. It consists of performing small tasks, the solution of which requires independent activity (working with diagrams, using imagination and memory).
The method of problem presentation is aimed at activating creative thinking, rethinking generally accepted patterns and searching for non-standard solutions.
The classes use games and gaming techniques that create a relaxed creative atmosphere and promote the development of imagination.
Much attention is paid to creative works. This allows you to combine all the acquired knowledge and skills with your own imagination and imaginative thinking, and forms creative and cognitive activity in the child. Visual aids are widely used in the learning process. This helps reduce the time for presenting the theory.
One of the important conditions for the implementation of this program is the creation of the necessary material base and developmental environment for the formation of the child’s creative personality.


Having studied a number of teaching aids and literature on the organization and conduct of work in circles with additional education, the experience of kindergartens, it was revealed that the work is carried out in a narrow direction: either these are classes in drawing, or in manual labor (along with designing from paper, construction and natural material). The “Skillful Hands” program is comprehensive, including classes in appliqué, manual labor, drawing, including using non-traditional methods, which are aimed at developing creativity in preschoolers, defined as productive activities during which the child creates new, original, activating the imagination and realizing your plan, finding the means to implement it.

Purpose of the program

Main goal of the program - create conditions for the formation of a comprehensively intellectual, aesthetically developed creative personality; relying on an integrated approach; to promote the development of initiative, invention and creativity of children in an atmosphere of aesthetic experiences and passion, joint creativity of an adult and a child, through various types of fine and applied activities.

Program objectives

The program provides for the implementationpedagogical, cognitive and creative tasks.
Pedagogical tasks
involve the formation of such personality traits as attention, awareness in actions, perseverance, determination, accuracy, artistic taste, desire to experiment, the formation of creativity in the child’s personality, and the development of his individuality.
Cognitive tasksare realized through children’s search for new knowledge in the field of fine arts and knowledge of their capabilities by combining personal experience with the implementation of given actions.
Creative tasks- these are those tasks that require the child to combine known techniques of artistic activity and mainly those independently found as a result of experimenting with artistic materials.
The “Skillful Hands” program is designed for 1 year (senior preschool age). To successfully master the program in classes, the number of children in a circle group should be no more than 10 people. The “Skillful Hands” club is attended by children at the request of their parents. Classes are held once a week, from September to May. The duration of group lessons is no more than 20 minutes – in the senior group.

Forms of conducting classes

The forms of conducting classes are different. There are both theoretical ones - a teacher's story, a conversation with children, children's stories, a teacher showing a method of action - and practical ones, during which children, under the control of a teacher, do the work independently.

Expected results

As a result of training in this program, it is expected that children will master certain knowledge, skills, abilities, identify and realize the child’s abilities, develop general labor and special skills, methods of self-control,development of attention, memory, thinking, spatial imagination, fine motor skills of the hands and eye; artistic taste, creativity and imagination; mastering work culture skills, improving your communication abilities and acquiring teamwork skills.

Forms for summing up the implementation of the additional educational program:

- exhibitions of children's works in kindergarten;
- compiling an album of the best works;
- participation in artistic competitions -
aesthetic orientation;
- presentation of children's works to parents (employees, children);
- creative report of the teacher - the head of the circle at the teachers' council;

Educational and methodological plan of the additional educational program:

1 year of study

N p/p

Name of topics

Number of hours



Manual labor

Unconventional drawing
“The apples are ripe in the garden.”


“Autumn tree.”

“Autumn tree.”

Unconventional drawing.
“Rowan branch.”

"Puppy. Kitty".

“Cloudy autumn day.”

Application (volumetric)

Unconventional drawing
"Autumn leaves".

Composition “Two cheerful geese”.

“My dear mother.”

“Miracle tree.”

Unconventional drawing
“An elegant Christmas tree.”

“Fir cones on a branch.”

“Fairytale Palace”.

Manual labor

Unconventional drawing
"Undersea world".


“What did you like most about the holiday?”

Manual labor

Unconventional drawing
"Winter night".

Composition “Princess - Christmas tree”.

“Border guard with a dog.”

“Basket with flowers as a gift for mom.”

Unconventional drawing
“Gloomy day.”


“Good fairy tale hero.”


Unconventional drawing
“Wonderful bouquet.”

Composition “Meadow flowers”.

“In space.”


Unconventional drawing.
“Starry Sky”.

Final lesson.

Final exhibition for the academic year.

Methodological support for additional educational programs

1 year of study

Lesson topic

Program content

Material and equipment

1.Working with natural materials

Create the image of an animal using natural material - dry birch leaves. Add details with appliqué – eyes, apple. Develop the ability to work according to a template. Cultivate neatness.

Blue cardboard, colored paper, templates, scissors, dried and broken birch leaves, accessories for applique.

2. Unconventional drawing
“The apples are ripe in the garden.” (poke)

Learn to draw apples on branches, strengthen children’s ability to apply one layer of paint to another using the poking method. Expand children's knowledge about fruits, stimulate interest in nature, attention to its seasonal changes.

Landscape sheet, gouache, two brushes (soft and hard), palette for checking color,

3.Applique “Steamboat”.

Learn to create a figurative picture, practice cutting out identical parts, consolidate the ability to beautifully arrange an image on a sheet.

White paper A-4 format, scissors.

“Autumn tree.”

Teach children to place objects on a wide strip of land “closer” and “farther”; learn to convey the structure of a tree in a drawing - the ratio of parts in size and their location relative to each other; practice drawing thin branches and tree foliage with the end of the brush using a vertical stroke.

Landscape sheet, tinted 1/3 with green paint, gouache, drawing supplies.

“Autumn tree.”

Teach children to perform tree, foliage, and earth using the technique of plucking; strengthen the skill of working with glue.

Blue cardboard, colored paper, accessories for applique.

6.Unconventional drawing
“Rowan branch.”
(drawing with cotton swabs)

Learn to analyze nature, highlight its signs and features. Learn to draw rowan berries with cotton swabs, with moderate pressure on it. Strengthen the ability to draw using the technique of dipping (for leaves). Develop a sense of composition and perception.

Rowan branch, album sheet, gouache, cotton swabs, drawing supplies.

"Puppy. Kitty".

Introduce children to the method drawing a puppy , highlighting the shape of its parts, proportions; make a sketch (head - circle, body - oval, paws - auxiliary lines)...

A4 paper, pencil, drawing supplies.

“Cloudy autumn day.”

Continue to develop children’s ability to convey coherent content in drawings; develop the idea that through a set of colors (color) you can convey certain weather and mood in a drawing; consolidate the ability to draw objects on a wide strip of land.

Gray sheets of paper with a wide strip of earth, gouache, drawing supplies.

9.Volume application

Teach children to make a three-dimensional flower by cutting out parts (petals, leaves) according to a template. Improve your skills in working with templates and scissors. Learn to round off the tips of the leaves using scissors and decorate the center of the flower with millet.

Green cardboard, white paper, templates, pencil, millet, accessories for applique.

10.Unconventional drawing.
“Autumn Leaves” (leaf imprint).

Introduce children to the leaf printing technique. Develop color perception. Learn to mix paints directly on leaves or pads when printing.

Dark colored sheet, gouache, foam swabs, drawing supplies.

11. Drawing
Composition “Two cheerful geese”.

Practice the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper; continue to introduce children to works of Russian folklore.

Paper, drawing supplies.

“My dear mother.”

Introduce children to portraiture, one of the types of fine art. Learn to draw a portrait of your mother, trying to convey similarities (hair color and hairstyle, eye color, clothes, etc.). introduce the proportions and symmetry of the human face. Strengthen the ability to make a light sketch with a simple pencil, and then paint with watercolors. To awaken in children the desire to reflect in the drawing a feeling of tenderness and love for their mother.

Landscape sheets, pencils, watercolors, brushes.

13. Application
“Miracle tree”.

Learn to cut a Christmas tree and decorations for it (balloons, garlands, animals), using familiar techniques.

Accessories for application.

14.Unconventional drawing
“An elegant Christmas tree.”

Learn to make flat Christmas tree decorations using the watercolor + wax crayons technique to decorate the Christmas tree. Strengthen the ability to decorate various geometric shapes with patterns, like on Christmas tree decorations. Learn to decorate a Christmas tree with beads using finger painting.

Various figures cut out of paper, Christmas tree, watercolor, wax crayons, gouache, watercolor, Christmas tree decorations.

“Fir cones on a branch.”

Fir cones on a branch A poke with a hard brush. Transfer to drawing structure of a spruce branch with cones, drawing the contours with a simple pencil.

Accessories for applique.

“Fairytale Palace”.

Learn to create a fabulous image by drawing the base of the building and coming up with decorating details (lattices, balconies, various columns, etc.), highlight the possibilities of unusual shapes of windows, columns, doors, beautiful domed roofs; learn to sketch with a simple pencil only the main details; consolidate the techniques of painting with gouache.

Landscape sheet, pencil, gouache, palette, drawing supplies.

17.Manual labor

Teach children to make a three-dimensional toy from an incomplete circle. Learn to work with cotton wool. Strengthen the ability to work according to a template. Develop an interest in design.

Templates, blue, white, yellow paper, scissors, pencil, cotton wool, applique accessories.

18.Unconventional drawing
"Undersea world"

Improve your skills in non-traditional art techniques - wax crayons + watercolors, handprints. Learn to turn handprints into fish, jellyfish, draw various algae, fish of different sizes. Develop expression and sense of composition.

Blue or white sheet of A-3 format, wax crayons, watercolors, sketches, illustrations, drawing supplies.


Target: learn "snowflakes"

Drawing supplies.

“What did you like most about the holiday?”

Teach children to reflect their impressions of the New Year holiday in a drawing. Learn to draw several objects united by a common content; convey in a drawing the shape, structure, proportions of objects, their characteristic features. Teaches children how to arrange an image beautifully on a piece of paper. Develop imagination and creativity.

Landscape sheet, simple and colored pencils, gouache, watercolor, drawing supplies.

21.Manual labor

Teach children to make “Valentine”. Strengthen the skill of working according to a template. Learn to decorate “Valentine” along the contour with eggshells, giving it expressiveness and volume.

Templates, red arton, small eggshells, accessories for applique.

22.Unconventional drawing
“Winter Night” (black and white scratch paper).

Introduce a new technique - black and white scratch paper. Learn to convey the mood of a quiet winter night, practice using such means of expression as line and stroke.

Half-cardboard, candle, black ink or gouache, liquid soap, pointed stick, sketches.

Drawing according to the finished form.

Drawing supplies.

“Border guard with a dog.”

Teach children to create in a drawing the image of a warrior-defender, to convey the characteristic features of clothing, weapons, and human posture. Strengthen the ability to draw a large standing dog by beautifully arranging the image on the sheet. Learn to use drawing skills with a simple pencil and felt-tip pens. Foster interest and respect for the defenders of the Fatherland.

Landscape sheets, simple and colored pencils, felt-tip pens, watercolors, drawing supplies.

25.Volume application
“Basket with flowers as a gift for mom.”

Develop the ability to feel the specifics of the material, the ability to create a three-dimensional composition of flowers. Develop a sense of beauty, a desire to make a gift with your own hands.

Blue cardboard, colored paper, corrugated paper, applique supplies.

26.Unconventional drawing.
“Gloomy day” (plasticineography).

Learn to apply a thin layer of plasticine on the base, mix plasticine on cardboard. Cultivate accuracy and creativity in work.

Cardboard, board, plasticine, stacks, water, cloth, sponge.

Create a modular break applique from colored paper with your own hands.

Colored cardboard, colored paper, scissors, glue, applique supplies.

“Good fairy tale hero.”

To introduce children to book graphics, to illustrators, to teach children to create the image of a fairy-tale hero, how to decorate an image, and how to draw costume details. Learn to convey the image of good beauty through color and costume.

Gouache, watercolor, colored pencils (optional), illustrations for fairy tales, drawing supplies.

“Cactus in a pot.”

To develop the practical skills of children in creating a given image through modeling, to continue to acquaint children with the properties of plastiin: soft, pliable, capable of taking the shape given to it. Learn to use the capabilities of waste material (for example, a toothpick) to give the object completeness and expressiveness.

Set of plasticine, toothpicks, modeling accessories.

30.Unconventional drawing
“Wonderful bouquet.”

Strengthen knowledge about symmetrical and asymmetrical objects, gouache drawing skills. Learn to draw a bouquet using the monotype technique.

Landscape sheet, gouache, brushes, sketches, illustrations, drawing supplies.

Composition “Meadow flowers”.

Teach children to draw using different basic shapes, connect parts by inserting a bud into a cup; by connecting two buds, you get a model of a blossoming flower, creating an overall composition.

Drawing supplies.

“On a distant planet.”

Strengthen the skill of working with gouache paints on a colored background, the ability to draw a rocket, planets, astronauts, etc. Develop imagination and imagination when drawing space. Strengthen the ability to paint one color over another as it dries, complement the drawing with interesting and unusual details. Learn to use foreground and background space.

Landscape sheets, tinted in different colors, gouache, palettes, drawing supplies.

“Fish” (confetti decoration).

Learn to cut out a fish according to a template, give it completeness and expressiveness through confetti. Cultivate perseverance and the ability to complete work.

Blue cardboard, multi-colored confetti, templates, colored paper, accessories for applique.

34.Unconventional drawing.
“Starry Sky”.

Learn to create an image of the starry sky using paint mixing, spraying and stencil printing. Develop color perception. Practice drawing using techniques - spraying, foam rubber stencil printing.

Landscape sheet, stencils, foam swab, toothbrush and spray stick, sketches, illustrations, drawing supplies.


Final lesson.

Making an album of children's works for the period of study. Development of communication skills and the ability to coordinate one’s interests with the interests of other children.

Children's work completed during the school year.

36. Final exhibition for the academic year.

Summarize the work for the academic year.

Lesson notes


"Skillful Hands"

Lesson topic: Introductory lesson


the formation of artistic culture as an integral part of material and spiritual culture, the development of artistic and creative activity, mastery of the figurative language of decorative and applied art.


Educational :

Contribute to the formation of children’s ideas about the work of the circle;

Familiarize students with types of handicrafts;

Generalize and expand children's ideas about needlework;

Familiarization with safety precautions during classes when working with tools.

Developmental :

Developing interest in manual labor

Development of creative thinking;

Educational :

To cultivate in students the qualities of accuracy and composure when performing work techniques, diligence, listening skills, communication skills, neatness, activity, work culture, and the ability to work in a team.

Methodological equipment:

    Samples of labor objects

    phonogram with recorded music.

    Microsoft Office PowerPoint Presentation

Equipment and tools: templates, scissors, pencils, PVA glue, natural material, pieces of fabric.

Techniques, methods, teaching technologies used:

  • Demonstration of finished works

    Conversation explaining new material

    Independent work

Teaching methods :

Conversation, showing samples, discussion, dialogue, viewing slides.

Type of activity : learning new material (introductory lesson)

Lesson form: creative workshop (frontal, individual, work in small groups),

Predicted result: interest

Connection with other areas (subjects): the surrounding world, music.


    Organizing time.

Psychological mood.

Teacher: -Hello guys! Today I will give you a lesson in the “Skillful Hands” circle.

I am glad to welcome you to our lesson.

Let's smile at each other to make everyone feel warmer on this cold winter day!

Guys, I want to introduce you to the work of the “Skillful Hands” circle, i.e. e.

with what you can do in the classes of this circle and what this circle is about.

2. Introduction to the topic.

And the roots of the circle go deep into the ancient history of mankind.

We call everything that has come to us from time immemorial folk art. Folk art originated a very, very long time ago. This most likely happened when the first thinking human ancestor with the poetic name Petya Kanthrop, having crushed a mammoth with a stone club, expressively said with some Cenozoic accent:

Petya Kanthrop

mammoth clap!

This was the beginning.

Along with the development of humanity, folk art also developed. In some year of the next century (even during the reign of King Pea) Russian folk tales began to appear. And in order to make interesting tales when telling children fairy tales, the ancient man first drew the heroes of fairy tales on a stone in a cave, then sculpted them from clay, carved them from wood, sewed them from animal skins, and then from fabric. This is how handicraft appeared.

What is handicraft? (children's answers: Handicraft is something that you can do yourself from paper, from fabric, from natural materials.)

Right. Handicraft is a type of human activity, in other words, employment. We can also say that handicraft is a hobby, DIY creativity or, in other words, a hobby. Each of you has ever done something with your own hands. For example, I painted nature outside the window. And even if you don’t know how to draw, but with your work you conveyed what you see, how you understand the beauty of this world. Through our works we convey all the love, beauty and kindness.

Tell me, it’s more pleasant to give gifts made with your own hands than those you bought in a store. So in the “Skillful Hands” club classes we will make various crafts with our own hands. And you can give your work to your loved one for some holiday or just to do something nice.

And now I will show you what crafts can be made during the club’s classes, what crafts are made by the children who are already attending this club.

3. “Skillful Hands” circle. View slides about the mug.

4. Practical task. Work in groups.

1. - And now, guys, you will play the role of Russian masters. You will work in groups. Each group will make their own craft.

Can you work in groups?

How should you work in groups?

Let's remember the rules of working in groups

Rules for working in groups:

1. Select a group commander.

2. We work together, amicably.

Now, each group, after consulting, will choose its commander. (children choose)

Ready? (answers)

Then we can safely get to work.

2. - Group commanders go out and select a sample of the craft that will be made. (choice)

What else do you need for your work? (answers)

Right. You select all the material on the next table according to your sample.

You can use your imagination and add something of your own to the item you are making.

Physical education minute.

(To the tune of the song “It’s fun to walk through the open spaces together”).

Together it’s fun to walk through the open spaces, through the open spaces, through the open spaces,

And of course it’s better to sing in chorus, better in chorus, better in chorus.

They sat down once, sat down twice, rested,

They stood up once, stood up twice, and stretched.

One right, two left turned

And each other smiled good-naturedly.

5. Practical work.(music sounds)

Each group begins to complete the assigned task. We work quickly and amicably.

6. Exhibition of children's works.

7. Summing up.

Look what wonderful crafts you have made.
- Today you saw how much your hands can do. You played the role of Russian masters and you succeeded. Each group completed the task and did very well.

But there is so much in the world that you can still learn, and the “Skillful Hands” club can teach you this.

Our lesson has come to an end.

Thank you everyone for the lesson and for the communication. I wish you success.

- Who had fun making crafts with their own hands?

State educational institution

"Sokolnichsky educational and pedagogical complex

kindergarten-secondary school"


Director of the State Educational Institution “Soklnichsky Educational and Pedagogical Complex Kindergarten-Secondary School”

E.S. Belausova

Educational program

associations of interests

"Skillful Hands"

Program implementation period - 1 year


Head of Education Department,

sport and tourism Krichevsky

district executive committee


Explanatory note

The world in which people live today forces people to look for clear guidelines and to overcome the inconsistency of many ideas and knowledge formed as a result of the flow of information. In search of integrity, a person turns his gaze to history, strives to comprehend himself in complex connections not only with the present, but also with the past. His attention is directed to everything that gives rise to a feeling of lasting values. It is to such values ​​that he attributes ageless artistic thinking that never loses its attractiveness.

Decorative and applied arts foster a sensitive attitude to beauty and contribute to the formation of a harmoniously developed personality. Based on deep artistic traditions, folk art goes deep and has a beneficial effect on the formation of the person of the future. Increasingly, works of decorative and applied art are penetrating people’s lives.

Seeing the beauty of objects of decorative and applied art, trying to make them with your own hands, isn’t that important, isn’t that interesting for a child?

Classes in an association of interests make it possible to significantly influence labor and aesthetic education and rationally use students’ free time. Working with paper, natural and waste materials, and fabric are the most common types of decorative and applied arts among schoolchildren. The simplicity of the equipment, the availability of tools and devices, materials, and the accessibility of work allow everyone to engage in arts and crafts.

Particular attention is paid to creating a friendly creative environment in the children's team, which helps to identify each individual's individuality.

The interest association “Skillful Hands” attracts children with the opportunity to make products from different materials: paper, thread, fabric, beads, etc. All products are used in everyday life, can be used for interior decoration, and many can be given as souvenirs. From the very first lessons, children begin to understand that the concept of “garbage” does not exist for an artist. Any object, any random find can be transformed by it and become a work of art.

The commonality of many works made from different materials with the products of folk craftsmen has a multifaceted significance. First of all, children get acquainted with Belarusian folk crafts and crafts of other peoples of the world. This is also the history of our ancestors, which has centuries-old traditions, bears the imprints of folk wisdom, skill, artistic taste, inexhaustible imagination and creativity.

The relevance of the program is that a child, especially a modern one, acutely feels the need to create his own world, mysterious, unusual and unique.

A significant element in the work of the association is expanding the horizons of children, their knowledge of materials and tools. Materials that are diverse in appearance and technological features create inexhaustible opportunities for the development of children's creativity, imagination, and the impulse to search for something new; they equip children with the skills and abilities to process various materials, and help them realize their power as a creator who is able to subjugate these materials to his will.

The choice of materials is determined by the material and technical base of the educational institution, the development of folk arts and crafts of their region, region, republic, as well as the interests of children.

The program of the association of interests “Skillful Hands” was developed on the basis of the standard program of additional education for children and youth of the Ministry of Education of the Republic (art profile).

The period for obtaining additional education under the program of the association of interests “Skillful Hands” is 1 year. The program is implemented in full-time education and is designed for students of primary school age (6-10 years). The educational process during the implementation of the association program of interests is carried out taking into account the age characteristics of students:

6-10 years old - classes are held once a week for 2 hours.

The main form of organizing the educational process when implementing the program of the association of interests “Skillful Hands” is the lesson. The duration of one study hour is 45 minutes. The duration of one lesson does not exceed 2 hours for 6-10 years.

The number of hours allocated in the program for each topic can be changed by the head of the association depending on the time that needs to be spent on manufacturing the product chosen for this topic. When students visit an association over several years, the topic of the program may change depending on the needs and interests of the children.

Completing the program requires students to master a set of knowledge, skills and abilities that generally ensure its practical implementation.

The program provides for teaching material in an “ascending spiral”, that is, from simple to complex. All tasks are appropriate in difficulty for children of a certain age. This guarantees the success of each child and, as a result, develops self-confidence.

Classes for students are held with mandatory breaks and ventilation of the room.

The program is based on modern pedagogical ideas, values, principles of training and education:

The principle of the national-cultural basis of training and education. During the association’s classes, special attention is paid to the cultural heritage of the Belarusian people, the need to preserve and enhance the traditions of arts and crafts;

The principle of a person-centered approach. Provides the opportunity for each student to identify and develop their individual inclinations and abilities with skillful pedagogical guidance from the teacher on the basis of dialogue, freedom of choice, meaning-making, and reflection;

The principle of creativity and success. The program provides differentiated individual creative tasks. Students' participation in exhibitions stimulates creative activity, creates a situation of success, and creates a desire to improve themselves. Builds self-confidence;

The principle of continuity and consistency of acquired knowledge and skills. The study of the material is built from simple to complex, based on previously acquired knowledge and skills.

The principle of acquiring knowledge through activity. Children master theoretical material while working on their products.

Goal: aesthetic education, development of artistic taste, creative activity, imagination, and mastery of students through arts and crafts.

    create conditions for the child’s self-realization in creativity, the embodiment of his own unique features and individuality in artistic work;

    teach skills and ability to work with different tools, materials, observing safety regulations;

    introduce students to various types of arts and crafts;

    introduce students to a variety of folk crafts;

    develop students’ creative abilities and inclinations, labor skills and artistic taste;

    introduce students to Belarusian folk art, culture, history;

    cultivate respect for folk customs and traditions

Logistics support for the circle:

Paper, cardboard, foil;

Scissors, rulers, patterns, templates;

Pencils, paints, brushes, glue, eraser;

Beads, threads, wire.

To implement the program, it is necessary to comply with the following sanitary and hygienic standards and fire safety standards:

Availability of a well-lit office, furniture appropriate for the age of the children;

Availability of cabinets for storing tools and materials;

Availability of instructions on labor protection and safety, fire safety;

Availability of a first aid kit;

Availability of exhibition space.

Students must be provided with the necessary tools and materials on the topic of the lesson.

Educational and thematic plan

Lesson topic


Introductory lesson. Safety precautions.

Paper fantasies

In the kingdom of threads

The magic of beads

Final lesson

Introductory lesson (2)

Introduction to decorative and applied arts and products made using various techniques.

The purpose and objectives of the association. Contents of work in the process of studying the program.

Arts and crafts, variety of arts and crafts. Organization of the workplace. Tools and materials.

Rules for safe work, industrial sanitation and personal hygiene. Rules of conduct in the association.

Paper fantasies (30).

Brief information from the history of paper plastics. Demonstration of finished products. Acquisition of initial skills, techniques and methods of working with paper. Technology for working with various papers.

Tools, materials and accessories for work. Techniques and methods of working with paper.

Practical work.

Making crafts: postcards “Daisies”, “Bells”, “Poppies”, etc. Making products in various ways. Design of finished products.

In the kingdom of threads (20).

From the history of threads. Properties of the materials used. Technology for making products from threads. Materials, tools and equipment for work. Safe work rules.

Practical work.

Making soft toys based on pompoms: “Bird”, “Caterpillar”, New Year’s balls. Decorative design of finished products.

The magic of beads (16).

From the history of beads. Types of beads. Basics of color science. Selection of colors.

Tools, materials and accessories for work. Safe work rules.

The main beading techniques used for flowers and trees: parallel, loop, needle. Technology for making bead products.

Practical work.

Making simple beadwork: flowers, insects, small trees. Composing compositions, panels. Design of the finished product.

Final lesson (2).

Summing up the results of the association's activities for the year. Organization of an exhibition of students' works. Summer assignment.

Predicted results:

By the end of the academic year, students must

Technology for making souvenirs using various arts and crafts techniques;

Safety precautions when working with scissors, glue, wire, paper;

Main types of DPI, materials, tools and techniques for working with them.

Make simple arts and crafts products;

Apply acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in practice;

Work as a group, jointly look for solutions to assigned problems;

Master the rules of working with each type of material;

Compare and analyze.

Forms and methods of program implementation.

When implementing the program of the association of interests “Skillful Hands”, both traditional teaching methods and innovative technologies are used: reproductive method (the teacher explains the material himself); explanatory and illustrative method (illustrations, demonstrations, including showing videos, presentations); problematic (the teacher helps in solving the problem); search (students solve the problem themselves, and the teacher draws a conclusion); heuristic (teacher’s presentation + creative search for students), developmental teaching methods, mutual learning method, time limit method, full load method (turns a lesson into a chain of expedient exercises that follow from one another), method of stepwise increase in loads (involves a gradual increase in loads as mastery of technology), method of game content, method of improvisation.

The use of various forms of training increases the productivity of classes and increases the interest of students in the educational process.

Depending on the goal set (educational, educational, developmental), various forms of work in classes are used: group, individual, game, etc. Classes can also take the form of creative tasks, competitions, competitions, excursions, travel, and final classes - in the form tests, exhibitions, creative reports.

To successfully implement the program, you must have: samples, templates, pictures, as well as the following materials: threads, glue, paper, brushes, scissors, paints, cardboard, beads, etc.

Expected results

Upon completion of the training course under the Skillful Hands program, students must:

Various types of creative arts, folk arts and crafts;

The sequence of performing any product in any studied technique;

Main types and properties of materials worked with;

Make products for various purposes using any studied technique.

Literature and information resource

For teachers

    Magazines “Ksyusha for lovers of needlework”

    Magazines "Skillful Hands"

    Internet resources

Literature for students

    Magazines "Skillful Hands"

Explanatory note

The “Skillful Hands” mug is aimed at actively introducing children to artistic creativity and is educational in nature.

The club program “Skillful Hands” relates to an artistic and aesthetic orientation.

The novelty of the program is that children learn in depth several basic techniques at once: working with paper, with natural materials, with salt dough, with plasticine, with matches. This technical universalism helps the child achieve a high level in mastering the art of creating crafts from almost any material. Classes in the circle also have a cultural and psychological significance: children learn how to make an object that can be given as a gift, and additionally learn the ceremony of giving.

The relevance of the circle is due to the fact that in modern conditions, not all features of social life are unconditionally positive, and assigning them to younger generations becomes a pedagogical problem, since children learn not only the positive qualities of adults. The opportunity to gain this necessary experience is the unique meaning of the “Skillful Hands” circle.

It should be borne in mind that the program is aimed at:

Creating conditions for child development;

Familiarization with technological operations with which you can make crafts from various materials;

Participation in the creation of collective compositions, plot-wise and ideologically related to certain events and themes;

Studying etiquette, ethics of behavior in situations of giving and accepting gifts;

Development of motivation for knowledge and creativity;

Introducing children to universal human values;

Strengthening mental and physical health.

The pedagogical feasibility of the program is that, based on the skills and knowledge acquired in the “Skillful Hands” circle, the child strengthens his sociality, belonging to a certain system of positive social values. His self-esteem increases because it is based on the child’s understanding that there are things, objects that he can make himself, and in such a way that it brings joy to others.

One of the most interesting forms of stimulating children to engage in activities is organizing exhibitions.

The following forms of classes are used: conversation, lecture, game, group and combined classes, competition. Evaluation of the results of classes in this circle program is carried out during classes with the participation of the children themselves and includes criteria (motivational-personal, activity-practical) and relevant indicators. The results of the work are presented in the form of an exhibition.

The structure of the program includes two educational blocks. All educational blocks provide not only the assimilation and formation of practical experience. Practical tasks contribute to the development of children's creative abilities and the ability to create crafts from various materials.

Various methods are used to implement the program:

Verbal - lectures, conversations, quizzes;

Visual - viewing reproductions, photographs, product samples;

Practical - production of visual aids. Samples and mock-ups of products.

The club program provides for the development of general educational skills and abilities in students, universal methods of activity and key competencies:

Information (ability to analyze, transform, apply information to solve problems);

Communication (the ability to effectively collaborate with other people);

Self-organizational (the ability to set goals, plan, take a responsible approach to health, make full use of personal resources);

Self-educational (readiness to design and implement one’s own educational trajectory, ensuring success and competitiveness).

Purpose of the program- cultivate interest and love for handicrafts, involve children in active creative activities, develop skills and abilities to work with materials of various origins; learn how to make crafts from various materials

Tasks of the circle:

Teach children basic techniques for making crafts;

To develop in children attention to their creative abilities and consolidate it in the process of individual and collective creative activity;

To contribute to solving the problems of aesthetic education, development, imagination, artistic taste through an understanding of beauty;

Nurture the beauty of a child’s inner world through creativity;

Foster hard work, caring attitude towards others, independence and accuracy;

Teach children the specifics of technology for making crafts, taking into account the capabilities of materials;

It is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of child psychology, namely the instability of students’ interests. To do this, you need to use a variety of forms of classes and include interesting, entertaining information and facts in their content.

To conduct classes, you need a permanent room equipped with a blackboard, with mounts for displaying visual aids. It is advisable to use technical teaching aids and methodological literature.

Expected result.

In terms of the formation of children’s personal qualities, this is the development, depending on the inherent potential of the following qualities: self-esteem and respect for another person, psychological stability, imagination, creative inclinations, the ability to act independently, and make decisions.

Diagnostic results.

About the diversity and beauty of the surrounding world;

About the semantic meaning of words;

About the influence of creativity on a person’s physical and spiritual health;

The influence of beauty on the development of a person’s inner world;

That creativity is the basis of human activity;

About the fact that good deeds make a person better.

Express acquired knowledge and feelings using words, drawings, and crafts;

Create beauty.

The club program pays attention to the age characteristics of students. The effectiveness of teaching and educational work directly depends on the age capabilities, temperament, character, and abilities of the students, which must be relied upon during the lessons.

Work in the circle is aimed at labor and aesthetic education. Children acquire artistic creativity skills, gain an understanding of proportions, expressiveness of form, finishing, and decorative properties of materials. When making crafts, children master a variety of technological techniques that serve the development of fine motor skills, and therefore stimulate speech and mental activity.

By working with products made of paper and cardboard, children gain additional knowledge and practical skills, become familiar with the properties and characteristics of paper in various industrial products, while expanding their horizons.

In the “Working with Natural Materials” section, members of the circle get acquainted with the varieties of natural materials, the basic techniques of working with non-traditional natural materials - semolina, sawdust, eggshells.

“Crafts made from salt dough” require perseverance, patience, and hard work. Working with salt dough develops the ability to see beauty, to try to create something bright and extraordinary yourself. In the course of systematic work, the hand gains confidence, accuracy, and the fingers become flexible. A system of special skills and abilities is gradually being formed. Children learn to compose a creative composition on their own.

In the “Working with Plasticine” section, members of the circle get acquainted with various techniques for creating panels from plasticine and learn to choose a more harmonious color scheme for their creative work.

“Crafts from matches” require a high concentration of patience, perseverance, and accuracy. The children learn the basic technique of making panels from matches. This type of creativity contributes to the development of precision and eye in work.

Working with paper (2 hours)

Theory - initial information about the properties of paper, technology for manufacturing relief and volumetric forms. Practice - making crafts using the origami technique and three-dimensional shapes.

Working with natural materials (6 hours)

Theory - initial information about materials of plant origin. Practice - making crafts from semolina, sawdust, eggshells.

Working with salt dough (3 hours)

Theory - familiarization with the recipe and method of kneading salt dough, with its properties. Practice - making creative work using the technique of pulling, extruding, and overlaying parts.

Working with plasticine (2 hours)

Theory - familiarization with the properties of plasticine and various techniques for performing creative work. Practice - making creative work using the “balls” technique.

Working with waste material (2 hours)

Theory - familiarization with different techniques for working from waste materials. Practice - making works from waste materials.

Working with fabric. (2 hours).

Theory - acquaintance with the different properties of fabric. Making brooches from fabric.

The structure of the circle's activities.

The circle activity is designed to work with children of two age categories.

  1. Preschoolers
  2. Junior schoolchildren

Classes are held on Saturdays, once or twice a month. Duration of classes is 30-35 minutes. The total number of classes during the month is 15.

Work plan for the year


Topic: Introductory lesson. Safety precautions during classes.

Introduce children to the history of origami.

Goal: To introduce children to a new way of making flowers in origami style.

Goal: To consolidate ideas about applique, to continue familiarization with the concept of “symmetry”


Topic: Working with semolina. Creative work “Beauty Butterfly”

Target: Satisfy children's need to create something new, to explore the properties and capabilities of non-traditional materials.

Topic: Working with fly agaric eggshells

Goal: To teach students to make mosaics from eggshells, develop speech, fine motor skills of the fingers, and creative imagination.


Topic: Making “Bouquet” from natural materials

Goal: To teach children to see and understand the beauty of all flowers and herbs, to explain to them. That there are no ugly flowers, each one is beautiful in its own way.

Topic: Making a fake from colored paper “Mushroom Hedgehog”

Goal: To teach children to see figures of various animals (for example, a hedgehog) in a pine and spruce cone, to supplement natural material with the necessary details to obtain the intended sample.


Topic: “How to prepare salt dough. Its features"

Goal: To develop fine motor skills of the hands, the accuracy of fine movements, the ability to regulate pressure, and strengthen the muscles of the hands.

Topic: Making fake salt dough “Snowman”

Goal: To introduce children to new techniques - modeling from salt dough, developing motor skills.

Topic: Making New Year's fakes for the New Year "New Year's toys."

Goal: To arouse interest in this type of creativity, making panels with your own hands.

Topic: “Decorating panels with salt dough figures” “Sunflowers”

Goal: To make a panel using the “Salt Dough” technique.


Topic: “Working with a plasticine ball. Creative work."

Purpose: Plasticine has the properties of crumpling, rolling, flattening, tearing, and acquiring varying degrees of softness depending on the temperature. Rolling a ball from plasticine is more difficult than from dough.

Goal: To consolidate the skills of symmetrically cutting out parts from colored paper, twisting balls using cotton wool.

Topic: Making fakes from waste material “Jolly Clown”

Goal: To introduce children to the profession of a clown. Consolidate knowledge about waste material.

Topic: Making fakes from waste material “Miracle Men”

Goal: Development of fine motor skills of the hands.

Goal: Development of patriotic feeling.

Long-term work plan for the “Skillful Hands” circle



Introductory lesson. Safety precautions during classes

Theory about the properties of paper.

Showing illustrations where it is used

Topic: Making flowers from origami “Chrysanthemums”

Show and tell about flowers.

Showing illustrations, performing creative work.

Topic: Colored paper applique “Palms”

Listening to Chunga Chang's song.

Display and execution of work.

Introductory lesson.

How to make salt dough. Its features.

Making fakes from salt dough “Snowman”

Acquaintance with the recipe and method of kneading salt dough, with its properties.

Demonstration of making salt dough.

Demonstration of the correct execution of salt dough figures.

Making creative work using the technique of stretching, extrusion, and overlaying parts.

Preparing salt dough.

Making New Year's fakes for the New Year "New Year's toys."

Demonstration of the correct execution of salt dough figures for New Year's toys.

Making figures from salt dough.


A.M. Gusakova “Handicrafts in primary school”

G.I. Changeling "Homemade products from different materials"

T.A. Chernukha “Your little workshop”

F.P. “Fimenko “Crafts from natural materials”

N.P. Nikolenko “Compositions of flowers”

The educational field of “Technology” provides considerable opportunities for developing the creative abilities of primary school students. However, the hours allocated by the curriculum of the basic educational program (hereinafter referred to as BEP) of primary general education for technology lessons are not enough to meet the needs of students. The problem can be solved through development and implementation

This is useful to know
The content of additional general developmental programs and the terms of study for them are determined by the educational program developed and approved by the organization carrying out educational activities. The educational organization assumes obligations for additional education, development of a calendar and thematic plan for conducting classes, determining the forms and procedure for intermediate certification of students.

The circle, familiar to us since childhood, remains a form of implementation of additional general developmental programs. Club activities, like any other form, are a form of organizing the activities of students in accordance with their needs and interests. This focus of additional general development programs is especially relevant in light of the recently approved Concept for the Development of Additional Education for Children, which guides educational organizations towards the integration of additional and general education. The development of additional personal education as a resource that motivates the individual to knowledge, creativity, work, art and sports is declared as a necessary condition for the “social situation of development” of children.

Purpose of the “Skillful Hands” club program in elementary school

In many schools, students maintain a strong interest in handicrafts: modeling, embroidery, etc. Additional general developmental programs have been developed in this area of ​​student interest that make it possible to compensate for the insufficient amount of similar activities carried out by students in technology lessons. An example of such a program could be the additional general developmental program of the “Skillful Hands” circle in elementary school (hereinafter referred to as the Program; see Appendices 1-2.

As part of the Program, students receive additional information on labor training; get acquainted with the culture and history of their native land, with different types of decorative and applied arts (embroidery, sewing, working with fur, etc.), with visual materials and techniques for working with them. Students' activities are aimed at solving and implementing various creative ideas in the material, making first simple, then more complex products and their subsequent artistic design.

In the process of implementing the Program, students become familiar with the professions of designer, graphic designer, architect, seamstress, tailor, and sculptor. Already in elementary school, children can try themselves as specialists in one profession or another. Students fantasize, learn to express their opinions, prove their point of view on performing this or that work, and develop artistic taste. This lays the foundation for pre-professional training of students, necessary for the further formation and development of their active citizenship.

Organization of classes for the “Skillful Hands” circle in elementary school

The work of the circle is carried out in strict accordance with the rules and regulations of child protection, occupational safety and personal hygiene. The club's activities contribute to solving general educational problems and contribute to the labor and moral education of students.
Classes organized outside of school hours are closely related to lessons in labor training, fine arts, and the surrounding world. During the classes, various forms and methods of pedagogical interaction are used: traditional (conversation, story, practical work, excursions) and modern, corresponding to the provisions of the system-activity approach in education (projects, virtual excursions, workshops).

The general goal of the “Skillful Hands” circle program in elementary school is to create conditions for social, cultural and professional self-determination of junior schoolchildren, their creative self-realization. To achieve this goal, the following tasks are solved:

  • the formation of practical skills in the manufacture of crafts and souvenirs using various materials: fabric, fur, paper, cardboard, plasticine, beads, yarn, waste and natural materials;
  • expansion and enrichment of children’s practical experience, knowledge about people’s production activities, equipment, technology; development of a socially active personality who shows interest in work, fostering independence and respect for work; development of design abilities of younger schoolchildren;
  • development of imagination and fantasy, attention, memory, patience, hard work, interest in the history of the native land, its culture; education of hard work; developing patience, perseverance, concentration;
  • formation of the need to work alone, in pairs, in a group, the ability to distribute work tasks among themselves.

The focus of the content of the “Skillful Hands” circle program in elementary school

The program provides not only practical exercises in performing artistic works based on folk motifs, decorating the interior of the classroom and school with drawings, stands, and decorative panels, but also mastering the skills of research and design activities.

The content of the “Skillful Hands” club program in elementary school is variable. Depending on the needs of students and their parents (legal representatives), the Program can be designed for all four years of mastering the general education program of primary general education and accompany it or be implemented during one academic year. If desired, you can extract a separate module from the Program and make it an additional educational program of an introductory level (a short-term additional general developmental program).

Stages of implementation of the Skillful Hands Club Program in elementary school

Let us dwell on the features of the implementation of the four-year cycle program.

In the first grade, the content and nature of the joint work of the teacher and students is determined to understand the upcoming practical activity: this is an analysis of the design of the product, an analysis of the technology of its manufacture, information about the design, purpose and rules for safe work with tools, the name of the materials used and a number of their properties that are subject to targeted observation and experimental research. Children get acquainted with folk art - embroidery. When discussing the technology of making a product, first-graders, under the guidance of the teacher, draw up a verbal plan, distinguishing only the concepts of “material” and “tool,” since the production itself will be carried out under control.

In second grade The teacher's guidance extends to learning to recognize ways of connecting parts and their sizes, and students operate not only with material objects, but also with their graphic images: children learn to read the simplest sketches of rectangular and round workpieces, get acquainted with folk art - fur souvenirs.
Second-graders, who already have significant experience in performing operations in first grade, independently create a technological chain of cards for completing the work.

In third grade the level of abstraction increases: when discussing the sample is used as a whole, rather than in detail, and learning to read a sketch continues on the basis of analysis of the sample and its technical drawing, which allows, to a certain extent, to independently make changes to the sketch. Third-graders are discussing the possibility of replacing one operation with another in order to simplify production, that is, they are actually discussing issues of labor rationalization. Get acquainted with pastels.

By fourth grade students completely independently analyze the design of the sample, and the guidance of training is transferred to the situation when the sample requires serious design changes or there is no design at all, there is only a technical specification. Fourth graders draw up a work plan independently.

Types of student activities in the “Skillful Hands” circle program in elementary school

The circle uses all types of activities that develop personality:

  • a game,
  • work,
  • teaching,
  • communication,
  • creation.

The following rules are observed:

Students' activities should be varied, socially significant, and aimed at realizing the personal interests of group members; activities must correspond to the capabilities of individuals, designed to promote children to the roles of leaders whose influence is beneficial; it is necessary to take into account the main features of collective activity: division of labor, cooperation of children, cooperation of children and teacher.

When determining the content of activities according to the “Skillful Hands” club program in elementary school, the following principles are taken into account:

  • educational nature of work;
  • scientific (observance of strict technical terminology, symbols, etc.);
  • connections between theory and practice;
  • systematicity and consistency; taking into account age and individual characteristics of the individual;
  • accessibility and feasibility;
  • awareness and activity;
  • strength of mastery of knowledge and skills (achieved by the implementation of all the above principles).

Expected results of the “Skillful Hands” club program in elementary school

Expected results of the Program implementation:

Personal: within the framework of the “Skillful Hands” circle, the child’s attitude towards independent creative work activity as a socially significant necessity of the life of society should change.


  • the ability to plan, control and evaluate educational activities in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation, determine the most effective ways to achieve results;
  • the ability to negotiate the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities;
  • exercise mutual control in joint activities;
  • coordinate needs;
  • adequately assess your own behavior and the behavior of others;
  • mastering ways to solve problems of a creative and exploratory nature;
  • work with various information sources.



  • the name of the materials and tools studied, their purpose;
  • occupational safety and personal hygiene rules when working with piercing and cutting tools;
  • rules for planning and organizing work;
  • use of linocut, monotype, ink;
  • application of coinage in life;
  • methods and techniques for processing various materials.

be able to:

  • use tools correctly at work;
  • strictly observe labor safety rules;
  • independently plan and organize your work;
  • independently produce a product (according to a model, drawing, sketch, diagram, design);
  • use materials economically and rationally;
  • perform work using any studied drawing technique;
  • carry out the minting yourself.

By the fourth grade, working according to the program of the “Skillful Hands” circle in elementary school, students can independently analyze the design of a sample, and teaching management is transferred to a situation where the sample requires serious design changes or does not exist at all, there is only a technical specification.

Evaluating the effectiveness of the “Skillful Hands” circle program in elementary school

The effectiveness of the Program is determined through portfolio technology based on the child’s participation in competitions, exhibitions, fairs, presentations of individual projects and research work. The final assessment of the student is carried out during the defense of an individual and (or) group creative project.

Forms for summing up the implementation of the Skillful Hands Club Program in elementary school:

  • festivals of excellence,
  • poster presentations with photo reports,
  • holding exhibitions of work-students in the classroom and at school (annual regional competition “New Year’s Fantasies”,
  • interschool competitions of projects and research works,
  • fairs, presentations of individual projects, economic games).

You can learn more about the content and expected results of the “Skillful Hands” club program in elementary school in Annexes 1 and 2.

Attached files

  • Document No. 1.pdf
  • Document No. 2.pdf