Stories from the series about female infidelity. The psychology of female infidelity to her husband from real stories of female infidelity. He says he loves two people

11 monstrously real stories about betrayal and treason

What could be worse than this in a relationship? It seems nothing. We all try every day to make our relationships more or less normal and healthy. This is real everyday work, and not just sighs under the moon. And then one day the moment comes when someone on the other end of the line does what would seem impossible to expect from this person. You can't make it up on purpose.

At a party I found him in the bedroom during an orgy

“Once my now ex and I came to a party. There were more guys there than girls, but I knew someone and sat down to chat. Then I lost him. I searched all over the house. And I found it in the bedroom, there were five more naked men and two chicks. They seemed to be having a lot of fun at that moment. But not for me.”

I skipped work to throw a surprise party where she cheated on me

“I didn't go to work to plan a surprise party for my girlfriend. And in the midst of the fun he caught her with someone else. There was a scandal. And the next day I was fired.”

My boyfriend brought another chick to Christmas

“We celebrated Christmas with our friends. And my boyfriend brought some strange chick there. When I saw her, I shook. I looked at him with a silent question: “Dude, are you serious? What does all of this mean?". He said that it was his friend who called her and he had nothing to do with it. In addition, she was kind of creepy and drunk as hell. And I was wildly offended, because I felt that they had something.”

When I didn't want sex after giving birth, he said Tinder and went on dates

“I was never jealous of him. He liked to hang out all the time and I didn’t interfere. My pregnancy was not planned, but we had a sweet relationship and did not consider abortion. Naturally, I had to recover a month after giving birth. And he downloaded Tinder and went on dates. I only found out a few months later when my friend came across his profile. A year later, I started an internship and hung out with all sorts of promising smart guys and slept with them. Then she returned. I told him everything and broke up with him, proud of myself.”

Some guy asked my ex to send me a photo. And she sent me naked

“I was dating a girl. One day she asked me to print something from her email and gave me all the passwords. I did everything, but went on poking around in her computer. And I saw that she was grazing on all sorts of dating sites and communicating there only with men. One of them asked to send a photo and she sent a photo of me naked. She turned out to be a bastard even after we broke up and one day sent me a photo of another girl with the caption: “Look, I found something better than you.”

My best friend at university copied my coursework and passed it off as her own.

“My college friend copied my work and passed it off as hers before I did. And she set me up in front of the professor. But they gave me another chance and I did another project and defended it. And she failed because she didn’t know a damn thing about the subject.”

When my mom was pregnant with me, my older sister caught my dad kissing my mom's friend

“Mom was betrayed by both my biological father and her friend. My sister caught them, and my mother found out about everything a few days after I was born. I was 22 days old and she threw him out of the house. My father began to live with my mother’s friend, they adopted a boy, but their father then abandoned them. He never gave me anything or bought me anything, but only wrote letters in which he told me how he bought himself a new TV or a new car. I’m still angry at him.”

One day at a party I lost my mind

"We had serious relationship, but the guy kept calling them “open”. And I thought that he cheated on me three times. Then I went to a swingers party and hooked up with a huge number of people. Only 27!”

I caught my ex-husband cheating when I was eight and a half months pregnant

“I caught my husband with another woman when I was heavily pregnant. She yelled at both and hit him and her. I returned home, threw all his things into boxes and sent it to his mother. That same evening I started having contractions and went to give birth. My daughter was born slightly premature and is now 14 years old. And I sincerely wish her never to experience this.”

My boyfriend broke up with me via text because I “study too much”

“My first boyfriend seemed very nice to me, he kept telling me that he loved me, but at the same time he was working all the time. Then he began to miss our meetings and invent all sorts of reasons. And then I received a message from him that we couldn’t date because I “spend too much time studying. I was terribly upset and my self-esteem fell wildly. Then I found out that he was hooking up with his ex and dating his former colleagues for money or for gifts. I’m very glad that fate took such a piece of crap away from me.”

At the same time, he was dating another girl who paid for him everywhere

“Everything was perfect when we started dating. True, sometimes she complained that she was completely broke, and then suddenly appeared with expensive gifts. But all the time they were things from the same store or gift coupons. I began to suspect something. This went on for a year, I began to follow him and be very attentive. And I found out that even longer than with me, he had been dating a girl from another city. I told him about my guesses. He said that I was crazy and I needed to see a psychologist. Then I talked to her and she told me that she works in the store where the gifts come from, and pays literally all of his expenses, even the phone and health insurance. He later told me that he simply fell in love with me, but could not part with her because of money. Then I told her everything, but she loved him so much that she couldn’t leave him, he manipulated her all the time. Then I decided to leave.”


Husband's colleague

Yesterday my husband and I had a conversation about loyalty to each other in our marriage (married for 5 years, together for 6). My husband and I are the same age, both 32 years old. My husband got a little jealous and started asking me how things were going with men... I told it like it is - no hiding.....


When being with someone else is better than being with your husband

If you are ready to read about betrayal, you can scroll further. There was no betrayal and there never will be. That's not what this is about. There were problems in the relationship with my husband, quite serious for the feelings not only to break, but to go away almost completely. Nevertheless, family.....

Support with advice! Depressed(((

Everyone Have a good day! I’ve been reading the community for a long time, but I didn’t have a reason to write until recently. Help me understand the situation, or maybe just put my brains in place... I don’t know. I am 28 years old, married for a year, we got married quickly, after six months of dating. At that time he lived with a girl, but everything was heading towards discord, and I just served as such a trigger. Fell in love with him madly: handsome, charming, proved himself to be a real man, he is 30. By the way, this is my second marriage...

In short, it is very easy to ruin a marriage, but if you need details, then sit back.

Back in the eighth grade, I fell in love with a classmate whose name I won’t mention. But let it be Natalya. It was strong love bordering on obsession. Probably the most strong feelings I experienced it in the eighth grade. I've never fallen more in love with anyone. And in terms of duration... this is the strongest love. We met until last call. We talked about how it would be nice to start living together after school. But I graduated from school, but didn’t have time to go to university - I ended up in the army. Two years of service did their vile deed - Natalya did not wait for me and married someone else.

In 15 years of living together with my wife, I have never cheated on her, I never even had such a thought. Recently, either the devil pulled it or alcohol was to blame, I’m not looking for excuses, but I went to the left.

It’s not for nothing that the Irish have a proverb that you shouldn’t brag about the size of your wallet, the beauty of your wife or the taste of your beer.

We have been living with my husband for 20 years. We have two children, 15 and 18 years old. There is complete harmony in the family. Everyone thinks that we have an ideal family, because quarrels and conflicts in our home are very rare. There had never been a crisis in a relationship before, but recently I began to notice that my husband had changed.

Spicy stories about infidelity, their reasons and the subsequent actions of deceived wives and husbands. Can sex on the side always be considered betrayal? What is the difference between a wife cheating and a husband cheating?

If you also have something to tell about this topic, you can absolutely free right now, and also support other authors who find themselves in similar difficult life situations with your advice.

I am 19 years old. I've been dating a guy for about 5 years. At the beginning of the relationship there were betrayals on his part, although I can’t say anything about the bed, but there were definitely kisses, and for me this was also betrayal. The attitude towards me is disgusting, but I turned a blind eye to all this.

Before me, he was, roughly speaking, a womanizer. I dated two, three at once, I could kiss whoever I wanted, but that didn’t stop me from starting a relationship with him. After a year of our relationship, he changed, stopped communicating with any of the girls, began to respect, appreciate me, and devote more time to me. And so it is still. But I lost my feelings for him for about a year. I don't know why we haven't broken up yet. He doesn’t seem to be holding on, but he can’t let go either; I live by some kind of habits. The habit of calling in the morning and wishing him a good day, the habit of reporting where I am going and with whom, the habit of saying how much I love him, although this is no longer the case.

I’ll share my story, maybe it will make me feel better. We met, one might say, as children - he was 16, I was 20 years old. There was crazy youthful love. We dreamed of our own family, wanted a child, and our desire came true after a year and a half of our romance. He was still afraid that I would leave him, but I didn’t intend to, I loved him very much. Of course, I gained confidence in him as a husband and father, he vividly described how everything would be. But it turned out completely differently.

I became pregnant and his attitude towards me changed dramatically. I couldn't understand why. Immediately I pictured his parties with friends, girlfriends and so on. I worked until the last minute so as not to be a burden on my parents. As a result, I gave birth at 7 months and was taken away from work to give birth. My beloved didn’t worry about finances at all. I was in the hospital for a month with the child, and all this time he celebrated with friends.

I am a teacher, I was married for 5 years. This is my first early marriage came out (at 19 years old). There is a son from his first marriage. The husband was good, there is nothing to say here, they just got divorced due to stupidity in their youth. To me Last year it was very uninteresting with him, I have higher education, he doesn’t have one, and even though he worked and earned money, everything was calm and peaceful with us, but I didn’t have enough communication with him. And so, eight years, and this is the last year of our life together, I, being in maternity leave so as not to forget your profile, foreign languages, I registered on a website for pen pals, I wanted to find a girlfriend so as not to embarrass my husband again, and not to forget the language, but ten guys answered. I couldn’t pass by one letter, the grammar was perfect, the interests were the same as mine, I really liked the letter, and I decided to answer. And then something happened that prompted us to start communicating, people from different worlds. In one minute and in one second we, he added that since we have the same interests, we will always have something to talk about. At the same moment we saw a coincidence in time, we communicated through the site, it became interesting, because it was truly incredible.

We met at work. The first time I encountered him was when he called me about work issues, although he was my boss, not the immediate one, but the head of a department, so I never saw him.

I still remember how his voice gave me goosebumps, only a year later I saw him for the first time, then we met again at a meeting, but only six months later, after this meeting, he found me on social media. networks and we started communicating as friends. At that time I had been married for 18 years, I had two children - 15 and 17 years old. He was married for 12 years and had two children, ages 10 and 6. Our online communication lasted 3 months, after which we met, and...

I have one, with whom we have known each other since university, we hung out together in our distant youth, and now we are family friends. When I got married, my chosen one quickly got used to the women's team and often spent time with us. Later, Yulia’s husband Vitalik also joined our company very well, and over the years he became not only a close friend, but also the godfather of my child. He is a wonderful person and an ideal family man.

After maternity leave, I helped my friend get a job at a large telecommunications company, where I myself had worked for several years. It didn't cost me special effort, because the accounting department always needed fresh blood - my colleagues and I often joked. And although we had an all-female team, an extremely healthy atmosphere in the office was created by our Chief Accountant. A young, but at the same time very educated man, with whose appearance one could confidently walk along the catwalk, and not sit in the accounting department. Alexander Sergeevich skillfully managed a large department. And I always respected him for his fairness and integrity. And although at first there was competition in the office for the boss’s heart, it later turned out that he has a little daughter.

It all started with a banal acquaintance. I returned from the army, went to school and successfully got a job, in general, I started a hectic activity and tried to live like everyone else. I first met my future wife through mutual friends. At first they didn’t catch each other and didn’t even notice. Too different. I'm simple and open kind guy, and she is a withdrawn gray mouse, all in her books about philosophy and in her work. After that evening, we met several more times and also with the same mutual friends, but on one business issue. After the last meeting, she has already sunk deep into my heart and memory. I don’t know, probably it was the long absence of a relationship that took its toll, and even though she’s a gray mouse, she’s very sweet, charming and feminine.

The time from dating to living together with the proposal was approximately six months. Further, family life. Almost 5 years of idyll and real paradise in everything. There was love, romance, intimacy, and then a turning point occurred. I developed my business, she worked in a large company in an average position, they lived on my money, but I don’t mind, because I also loved the standard program that a man should provide for the woman he loves and their family with children. In general, everything is like everyone else. Then they experience disruptions at work, two companies are merged, the vector of development and profile are changed, and the company begins to go up. At some point, my wife begins to climb the career ladder at great speed.

Our parents introduced us. A few days later he wrote to me that he wanted to meet. This is how our dates began. No flowers or gifts. Sometimes he helped with something in the apartment. I can’t say that I was immediately in love with him. Little by little he won me over with something small. I can’t say about myself that I’m a beauty, but he was very gentle. He waited for me to pass my exams so that I could move in with him, and he suggested that I transfer to study in his city. To be honest, I doubted it for a long time. I passed the exams, went to my parents for a couple of weeks, during which time he moved from my rented apartment I took all my things to myself, I returned from my parents straight away to him.

It so happened that upon returning I realized that I had been pregnant for several weeks. I was incredibly happy and told him. He was happy too. Happy as a phlegmatic person, without any special manifestations of feelings. And by the way, he never told me that he loved me, I reassured myself that some men love not with words, but with actions. We have known him for a year and a half, of which we lived together in the same apartment for three months. Then he began to linger somewhere often. I didn’t sleep at home for a couple of nights. She suffered and worried.

Six years ago I lived an ordinary life, wife, daughter, work, everything was like everyone else. I was in good standing at work and was offered a position, but I had no education; my bosses suggested that I graduate from some technical school. I didn’t really strive, since at the same time I was starting my own business, and yet I thought and decided to go to study, I entered and waited for the call to the session.

Once I gave a ride to one woman, who turned out to be a teacher from another technical school, we got into a conversation with her, she offered to study with them, I refused, what difference does it make where to study, literally a week later I met her again, and she again offered to go study with them , said it was fate. I told my wife, my wife told me to transfer, especially since he was literally nearby in the neighboring village. I also invited my wife to go to study with me, but she refused.

And then the first day of the session arrived, they gathered us in the audience, and there I saw her, a girl, looking at whom, I got the impression that I had known her all my life, although I was seeing her for the first time. To be honest, it even scared me, since she wasn’t even my type, I didn’t understand that I was drawn to her, my wife is a million times more beautiful, and a girl like my wife is rare now. In addition, she was also married.

I am 22 years old. A year ago I met my boyfriend. None of us will experience such love even once in our lives. We were at a distance for six months, lived together for 5 months. I moved to another city to live with him. Before that, I had one serious relationship that lasted almost five years. and, unfortunately, I didn’t have time to say this myself while I was trying to figure out what was happening to me. A mutual friend said. Breaking up with my last boyfriend was like a breath fresh air, I suddenly realized that I was not loved and did not love myself. I don’t think my action was right, but it helped me a lot.

My current boyfriend was aware of everything that happened in my life. He didn't approve, but he understood. In the summer, while we were still at a distance, I met someone with whom. We had not communicated before, we met for 10 minutes (I was not the initiator of the meeting), we talked about nothing, I was convinced that I was madly in love with my current boyfriend. After I told him everything, he took it as a betrayal, but was sure that our crazy and unconditional love would forever help him accept and forget it.

Zhenya woke up early today. It was an ordinary day, which seemed to foresee no stormy events. But just today, she decided to cheat on her husband. Because she was tired of loneliness. She has been married for almost five years. She and her husband have a sweet son, Yegorushka, whom she loves more than life itself. And this is the only thing that keeps her from getting a divorce. Her husband Igor is a successful businessman. Who is constantly busy. He is ten years older than her. But he can’t calm down. There are already legends about his betrayals in their city.
Zhenya is almost thirty years old, although she looks beautiful, but in her soul there is emptiness, internal discomfort, since she constantly feels that her husband is deceiving her. And so she decided to cheat. She called her friend Verka and arranged for her to come to her by twelve in the afternoon, and would take a bottle of Martini with me. After I agreed with Verka, I called my mother and agreed with her that she would take Yegorka until tomorrow.
She took a bath and lay near the TV with Yegorka until Verka arrived. Having turned on Yegorka’s favorite cartoons, she and Verka went to the kitchen. He and Verka had been friends since school. She and she were completely different. Verka has never been an exemplary girl. I always copied from Zhenya at school. And she had a philosophical attitude towards her husband’s infidelities. Since she had several lovers. She told Zhenya that her Vadim and your Igor went to their dacha, and they were having a fun party there. Zhenya shared with Verka about her desire to cheat on her husband. Verka supported her, saying: she has finally seen the light.
After drinking a bottle of Martini, she asked Verka to stay at home, while she went to her mother and left Yegorka. Hearing Verka's consent, she went to collect Yegorka. Having left the house with Yegorka, they first went into the store. Zhenya bought a bottle of skate and fulfilled all Egorka’s whims. Mom lived not far from them. Therefore, they got there quickly. Having gone to her mother, she left Egorka and told her that she and Verka were going to go for a walk today. Mom supported her. Since she had been telling her for a long time that she needed to get out of the house. And not sit at home all the time like she did, and wait for her husband while he got some exercise. Hearing understanding from her mother, she perked up and went to her room to continue an intimate conversation with Verka.
Arriving home, she turned on the music system and invited Verka to go into the hall. Drink cognac and watch a new porn film that she just bought. Verka agreed. Watching a porn film was intense. He and Verka didn’t even notice that they had ordered a bottle of cognac, as they were pretty excited. Verka suggested to Zhenya, let’s go and continue drinking alcohol in one of his favorite bars. For the sake of argument, Verka added that you can hook someone there. Zhenya agreed. So today she decided to cheat on her husband for the first time in her life. She didn’t know why today, most likely she was tired of his nonsense and constant betrayals, because you can’t deceive a woman. Although during these almost five years of their life together he learned to tell such tales that he could already publish his works.
Calling a taxi to the house, they went out with Verka. Having reached the disco bar, they quickly walked inside. Watching a porn film was taking its toll, as they, without agreeing with Verka, began to look at the men in this establishment. Having ordered a bottle of vodka and some meat, they headed to the table. Verka was not left alone for long. She accepted courtship young man sitting at the next table, and about twenty minutes later she moved to him. For a long time Zhenya did not dare to respond to the acquaintances that were offered to her. She had some kind of remorse inside her. And then she saw him. It was Mishka. The bear was very handsome guy. Who was only two years older than her. He courted her before her marriage. But she chose Igor because she believed that Mishka would constantly cheat on her, since all the girls around him were running after him. When Mishka approached her table, she even stood up, because she really wanted it. Mishka noticed this and sat down at her table. Verka had already left the bar by this time. After talking about life, Zhenya found out that Mishka is still not married. As Mishka said, I still haven’t found the one. After drinking vodka with Mishka, Zhenya felt relaxed, and she suggested to Mishka that he accompany her. When they left the bar, Zhenya suggested that he walk. Ten minutes from the disco bar there was a forest belt. Zhenya has been wanting to cheat on her husband there for a month now. She didn't know if she still loved Mishka. But she wanted to cheat on her husband. When they began to approach the forest belt, Zhenya invited Mishka to go there, Mishka agreed. When they entered there, Zhenya approached Mishka, and they began to kiss. During passionate kisses, Zhenya whispered to Mishka that she wanted to please him. She unzipped his fly, pointed her cute fingers inside, and sat down on her knees without saying a word. She did it passionately, and like a hungry animal. That Mishka didn’t even notice how he came right into her cute mouth. Zhenya, satisfied with this, said to Mishka, now take me from behind. The bear obediently obeyed. This was Zhenya’s first anal sex, but she didn’t tell Mishka about it. Mishka felt it when they started doing this. During anal sex, Zhenya kept biting her lips so as not to show it. Everything was like a dream. The only thing she remembered was when he asked, Zhen, where to cum? She told him, cum in my mouth again. He agreed. After that, she achieved the third time, an eruption that flowed down her face, satisfied and humiliated, she began to get ready. Having gathered, she told Mishka not to accompany her, and not to look for a meeting with her anymore. Coming out of the forest belt, she stopped a taxi and he took her home. Entering home, she barely made it to the bed and fell into bed without undressing.
In the morning she was woken up by her beloved husband, who, after cheating, was always affectionate and always with flowers. He began to tell her another fairy tale about business affairs, but she did not listen to him. After telling the story, he just asked her why she fell asleep in her clothes? Hearing in response that Verka was visiting yesterday, and they drank a little. Satisfied with the answer, he thought about his own. Zhenya told her favorite “storyteller” to kiss me. He kissed her. During the kiss, she stroked her head and thought. My favorite goat.