Calculate the sex of the child based on the age of the father. Calculation of favorable days for conceiving a boy or girl. Is it possible to plan the gender of the child?

Determining the sex of the future baby is important for almost all couples. Sometimes this is caused by idle interest, sometimes by hereditary diseases that affect only men or women in the family. And if in the latter case it is better to take advantage of the achievements of modern medicine, then in the former you can resort to the knowledge that people have accumulated since ancient times and try to calculate the sex of the child yourself.

Preimplantation genetic diagnosis to find out the sex of the unborn child

Used in IVF. The name reflects the essence of the method: before placement, a biopsy of the embryo is performed and genetic diagnostics of the resulting material is carried out. The technique is expensive and is not used everywhere, but it allows you to be 100 percent confident in the health and sex of the child.

MicroSort system to find out the gender of the unborn child

Used before insemination or IVF to avoid diseases inherited through the male or female line. Science has long known that the sex of a child is determined by the father: it all depends on the type of sperm that merged with the egg. The principle of operation of the method is to sort sperm into X- and Y-carriers (“female” and “male”) and subsequent fertilization of the egg with sperm of a certain group.

Confidence: 90 percent when planning a girl and 73 percent when planning a boy.

Invasive methods for diagnosing the sex of an unborn child

You can determine the sex of your unborn child with 100% accuracy using procedures such as:

  1. Cordocentesis - puncture of the uterus, collection and examination of fetal cord blood. Produced no earlier than 18 weeks of pregnancy.
  2. Amniocentesis is a puncture of the uterine wall, removal and subsequent examination of amniotic fluid. It is done between 15 and 21 weeks of pregnancy.
  3. Chorionic villus biopsy is the collection and examination of chorionic villi, the DNA of which is identical to that of the fetus. Produced at the end of the first trimester of pregnancy.

All invasive procedures are expensive, involve risks, including spontaneous abortion, and are prescribed in exceptional cases.

Ultrasound examination to find out the sex of the unborn child

It is possible to recognize the sex of a child by ultrasound no earlier than 14-16 weeks of pregnancy, but even at this stage the error is quite large. Mothers are often told the gender of the child at the first screening, but at this stage it is more of an assumption. Experienced ultrasound specialists believe that modern equipment can reliably determine the gender of a fetus at 20 weeks or more. Also, sometimes it is impossible to determine the sex due to the specific location of the fetus in the mother’s womb.

Pseudo-scientific ways to find out the gender of the unborn child

Ovulation method to find out the gender of the unborn child

Determining the sex of a child by the date of conception is based on the differences between sperm carrying different types of sex chromosomes.

X-carriers are larger, tougher, more durable, but slower. Y-carriers are nimble, but die relatively quickly, especially in the acidic vaginal environment.

Fertilization occurs at ovulation. If coitus occurred 3-4 days before, then by the time the oocyte leaves the follicle, the Y-carriers will die and the slow X-carriers will reach the goal. To increase the chance of conceiving a girl, it is also recommended to choose sex positions with shallow penetration. If sexual intercourse occurred the day before or during ovulation, then fast Y carriers have a much greater chance of fertilizing the egg, especially if the sperm’s path to the oocyte is shortened as much as possible.

  • Ovulation should be monitored using special tests, ultrasound or daily assessment of vaginal discharge, the structure of the uterine cervix, and measuring basal temperature.

Gender of the child by menstruation

According to the theory of a doctor from Poland, Frantisek Benedo, ladies with a regular menstrual cycle can plan the gender of their baby. To conceive a girl, coitus must occur 14-15 days before the expected start of menstruation. If there is a desire to carry a boy, then sexual intercourse occurs 11-12 days before the expected period.

Reliability: up to 80 percent.

Test to determine the sex of a child

Recently, test systems TestGender, WhoTest, GenderMaker have been gaining popularity for determining the sex of a child at home from 8-10 weeks of pregnancy. The principle of operation, according to the instructions, is based on the fact that the sex hormones of the embryo enter the mother’s body and are then excreted in urine. A patented complex of reagents, depending on the presence of male or female hormones in the urine, is colored in “boyish” or “girlish” colors.
Preparing for an analysis of the sex of the child:

  • At least 2 days before testing, you should exclude sexual contact.
  • A pregnant woman should not take hormonal medications.
  • After taking antibiotics, 10 days should pass.
  • The pregnant woman must be healthy: polycystic ovary syndrome, acute respiratory viral infections, and genitourinary tract infections affect the reliability of the test.


To perform the test, morning urine is required. It is important to follow the instructions exactly: pour the recommended amount of urine into a special reservoir, do not shake the test, and do not expose it to direct sunlight. The result must be assessed within the time limits specified in the instructions; after the specified time, the test is uninformative.

  • Reliability (indicated by the manufacturer): 80-9o percent.
  • Often such tests are not certified.

Unscientific ways to determine the sex of a child

Gender of baby based on heartbeat

In 1993, scientists from the United States came to the conclusion that when the fetal heart rate (HR) is more than 140 beats per minute, girls are born in 74 percent of cases. If the heart rate is less than 140, then the chance of having a boy is 91 percent.

In further studies, confirmation of this statement was not found, however, some uzologists even today assume the gender identity of the sex in the early stages, relying on this technique.

Determining the sex of a child by blood renewal

  • It is based on the opinion that women’s blood is renewed every 3 years, and men’s – every 4. The unborn child will inherit the gender of the parent whose blood was “younger” at the time of fertilization.
  • Calculations can be done manually or using a special online calculator for the sex of the child.
  • If there was significant blood loss (childbirth, blood transfusion, donation, surgery), then blood renewal should be counted from this date.
  • There is an opinion that for Rh-negative women the method works exactly the opposite: whose blood is “older” at the time of conception, the baby will be born of that gender.

Conception table for the sex of the child by blood type and Rh factor of the parents

  • Parents with the same Rh factor should give birth to a son; if the Rh factors are different, then we can expect the birth of a daughter.
  • Determining the sex of a child by blood is somewhat more difficult. The first or second group being the same for both partners predicts the birth of a girl, the third or fourth - a boy.
    Partners with the first and third or second and fourth blood groups should have a girl. The first and second blood groups, as well as the first, and fourth, and third, and fourth, as a result indicate the birth of a boy.
  • The reliability of determining the sex of a child by the blood of the parents is questionable due to the possibility of the birth of children of different sexes from the same parents.

French diet for determining the sex of a child

With its help, you can determine the sex of the child by the parents, or rather, by their diet. The method is based on the opinion that in order to conceive a boy, the diet of future parents must contain a lot of potassium and sodium and little magnesium and calcium. To conceive a girl, you need a diametrically opposite diet. Partners should adhere to this diet for several months before conception.

  • Reliability: up to 75 percent.

Chinese baby gender determination chart

According to legends, the Chinese table was discovered 7 centuries ago either in the tomb of an emperor or in the grave of a hermit monk. Using this table, you can determine the sex of the child based on the mother, knowing the month in which fertilization occurred or is expected to occur, and the woman’s full age from conception.

  • The ancient Chinese table for determining the sex of a child is suitable for women aged 17-18 to 44-45 years.

Japanese baby gender determination chart

The Japanese calendar is based on the belief that the sex of a child depends on the birth months of his parents and the month in which the woman ovulated.

Calculations according to the Japanese conception table for the gender of the child are made in 2 stages.

  • Determination of the code number. The first table is used. The code number is located at the intersection of the rays, the beginning of which are the birth months of the couple.
  • Determining the sex of the child. The second table is used. The cell located at the intersection of the rays, the reference points of which are the month of ovulation and the code number, will show what gender the child will be born into the world.
  • Calculation example: the future father was born in December, the mother in March. The code number is 3. Ovulation was in May, which means the couple will have a girl.
  • Using the principle of the Japanese calendar, you can also calculate the sex of a child online: this technique is adapted to a format that is convenient for modern Internet users and eliminates the incorrect use of tables.

Vanga table for determining the sex of a child

  • In general, Vangelia Gushterova, known throughout the world as the seer Vanga, has nothing directly to do with the child’s gender calendar that bears her name. The table was compiled by a follower of Vangelia named Lyudmila Kim.
  • Using this method, you can determine the sex of the child by the age of the mother and the month in which fertilization occurred. The point of intersection of these two indicators will indicate the gender of the fetus.

Gender of the child by date of conception

One of the simplest folk methods. With its help, you can guess what the sex of the child will be based on the month of conception, to which the mother’s age at the time of fertilization and one are added. If the total is an even number, then a daughter will be born, if an odd number, a son will be born.

Determining the sex of a child - folk signs

Determining gender by the back of the head of the previous child

You can guess the gender of the future baby if the couple already has a child (if there are several children, then the gender is determined by the youngest). To do this, you need to look at the hairline on the back of the child’s head: if the line is straight, then a son will be born next, if at an angle, then a daughter.

The method will not work if the child has already been born from another father or if the woman has had miscarriages or abortions after the birth of the child.

Gender of the child and appearance of the pregnant woman

  • Popular beliefs say that girls “take away” their mother’s beauty while still in the womb. Therefore, if a pregnant woman begins to look worse, her face is swollen, pigment spots appear, then she is waiting for the birth of her daughter. If the appearance of the expectant mother has not changed, then a son will be born.
  • A relatively flat, wide belly means a girl: calm and flexible. A clearly visible, sometimes even pointed belly, which is not at all visible from the back - to a mischievous boy striving forward.

Fortune telling about the gender of the child

The most popular fortune telling, which allows you to find out the gender of the fetus, is performed using a white or red thread and a pendulum: a needle or a ring.

Guessing the gender of a child using a hand sewing needle

  1. For the ritual, you should prepare a needle and a long thread, preferably white. A pregnant woman needs to think about the issue that worries her and gently hold the needle in her palm for a while. Next, with your right hand, thread the thread and pull it through the eye. Still holding the ends of the thread with your right hand, you need to lower the needle over the open palm of your left hand so that the needle does not reach the skin a few centimeters and fix the needle in this position. Repeat the question mentally again, while looking at the tip of the needle. If the needle begins to swing in a circle, a girl is expected to appear. Movements from side to side indicate that the child in the womb of the expectant mother is male. If the needle remains motionless, then it is worth repeating all the stages of fortune telling from the beginning, this can be done on the same day.
  2. For the second method, you will need a new needle with a long white thread pulled through the eye. The needle should be raised into the air, holding the ends of the thread with the right hand, bring the resulting “pendulum” to the open left palm and lower the needle three times, without touching the skin, into the space between the thumb and forefinger. Then mentally ask the question you are interested in and hold the floating needle over your left palm. If the needle begins to describe a circle, then a daughter will be born, if it sways, then a son.

Fortune telling the gender of a child using a ring

  • Thread a long thread through the ring, holding the ends of the thread in your right hand, extend the “pendulum” over the stomach, and mentally ask a question about the sex of the unborn child. If the ring begins to describe circles, then a daughter will be born, if it sways from side to side, a son will be born.
  • Unmarried girls perform the ritual in person using a ring that they have worn at least a few times and that they have not shared with other women. For married people, their spouse can also tell fortunes; a wedding ring is used for the ritual.


Not a single fortune telling, sign or table for conceiving the gender of a child can give a 100% result. In cases where the birth of a child of a particular gender is not the whim of the parents, it is worth taking advantage of the achievements of modern medicine. In other cases, you can have fun and try, for example, to find out the gender of the child using a table. What if it coincides?

All future parents, without exception, want to know as early as possible what gender their child will be. Thanks to ultrasound examination (ultrasound), this can be found out no earlier than the second trimester, and errors often occur at such an early stage. All that remains for parents is to rely on scientific and folk methods to find out already 7-8 months before the birth who will be born - a girl or a boy. We will tell you in our article who the mother and father will be, what methods of calculating gender exist and how reliable they are. Here we will present an extensive list of signs that will help you find out the sex of your unborn baby at home.


The most famous and most common method today for determining the sex of a child is ultrasound. Thanks to ultrasound, the doctor and the expectant mother can monitor how well the pregnancy is progressing, make sure that the fetus has no developmental abnormalities, and at the same time find out the sex of the child. In many Russian ultrasound diagnostic centers, this service is paid additionally, since the condition of the fetus, and not its gender, still comes first.

You can find out by ultrasound whether it will be a boy or a girl at 15-16 weeks of pregnancy. However, errors often occur during this period. A more accurate result is obtained by an ultrasound done at 18-25 weeks, but it cannot be called 100% correct. There have been many cases where a woman, confident from 20 weeks that she was carrying a girl under her heart, gave birth to a healthy boy, and vice versa. The result is influenced by the position of the fetus, the condition of the ultrasound machine, and the qualifications of the doctor who conducts the study.

Fetal heartbeat

This theory is based on the fact that boys and girls have different heart rates in the womb. According to this technique, if the baby's heart beats at a rate of less than 140 beats per minute, then it is most likely to be a boy. In girls, the heart rate is always equal to or higher than this value. This method is quite effective in determining whether a woman will have a girl or a boy. Who it really will be can only be found out in the maternity hospital.

It is not possible to calculate the exact number of heart beats per minute at home. But among the people there has already appeared a sign associated with the child’s heartbeat. It is based on the fact that if the baby’s heart beats faster, then we can expect the birth of a girl, and if it beats slower, then a boy will be born.

DNA analysis

Starting from the 5th week of pregnancy, you can find out the sex of the child by fetal DNA found in the mother’s blood. This analysis is in many ways even preferable to ultrasound, since already at 8 weeks its effectiveness is 99.9%.

To perform the analysis, blood is taken from the mother in a special laboratory. The analysis itself is based on the fact that if, as a result of a blood test, a Y chromosome is detected in it, this means that the woman is carrying a boy. If this chromosome is not detected during the analysis, then it is worth preparing for the birth of a girl.

The technique is very effective in determining whether a mother will give birth to a girl or a boy. Who it will be becomes clear already in the first month of pregnancy. At this time, the baby's cells appear in the mother's blood. If a woman is pregnant with a boy, then Y chromosomes appear in her blood, which can only be detected by a highly sensitive method in the laboratory.

What will the test show: who will be a boy or a girl?

It is not at all necessary to wait for an ultrasound examination in the second trimester to determine what gender the baby is under the mother’s heart. And you don’t even need to take a DNA test. You can find out the sex of the baby with 99% accuracy using the first morning urine.

Today, pharmacies sell special tests that allow you to find out whether a woman will have a son or daughter. The kit for such a pharmacy test includes: a container for collecting urine, a special dispenser for liquid, and the test itself with a catalyst inside.

How to find out who will be a boy or a girl using a test from a pharmacy?

You need to follow these steps:

  1. Collect your first morning urine in a sterile container.
  2. Fill the dispenser with urine to the 20 ml mark.
  3. Insert the dispenser into the hole in the dough and pour all the liquid into it.
  4. Using gentle clockwise movements, mix the contents of the dough and place it on the table.
  5. After 5 minutes, you can check the results according to the instructions on the test.

The reliability of the test is one of the highest after ultrasound and DNA analysis.

Home test with baking soda

Another popular test among pregnant women is one that is performed at home using products available in every home. Thanks to this technique, you can find out who will be a boy or a girl without an ultrasound. What is the essence of a home test?

For the test you will need two sterile containers. In one you will need to collect the first morning urine, and in the other add baking soda (1 teaspoon). Further all actions are performed according to the principle of a pharmacy test. The prepared urine is poured into a container with soda. The test result can be judged by the reaction. If the soda begins to hiss, as when reacting with vinegar, it means that the woman is carrying a boy. With a girl, the reaction with soda will be zero. Urine will have no effect on baking soda.

Ancient Chinese table

Research shows that the ancient Chinese table, which was compiled more than 700 years ago, is 90% accurate in determining the gender of a child if used correctly. The sex of the child is predicted based on the month of conception and the age of the mother. Knowing exactly the month of conception, you can easily find out who will be a boy or a girl.

The table allows you to calculate the sex of the child that a woman is carrying, up to the mother’s 45th birthday. Age is indicated in the right column, and the month of conception is in the top line. At the intersection of the values, the predicted gender of the child is indicated: boy or girl (boy or girl).

Blood renewal

The blood renewal method is used by future parents quite often, as it is one of the most effective and efficient. It is based on the fact that in both men and women the blood is systematically renewed. However, the frequency of this phenomenon is different for both sexes.

If a woman’s blood is renewed after four years, then for a man this happens a little more often - every three years. Using this method it is quite simple to calculate who will be a boy or a girl. It is necessary to calculate which of the future parents has fresher blood. If a woman’s blood renewal occurs later, it means a girl will be born, and if a man’s, it means a boy will be born. When calculating, it is necessary to take into account possible surgical operations, injuries with large blood loss, or donation. All this will contribute to unscheduled blood renewal.

You can check the method using an example. If a woman was 30 years old at the time of conception, then her blood was renewed for the last time at 28 years old, that is, 2 years ago. The man's age is 34 years. His blood was last renewed at the age of 33, that is, 1 year ago. In this case, the male blood is fresher, which means the couple will have a boy.

Who will be a boy or a girl: blood type table

The following system for determining sex is based on the blood type of the parents. It is not 100% reliable, but it is quite popular among expectant mothers and fathers.

You can predict the gender of the child at the planning stage, before pregnancy occurs. Who will be a boy or a girl can be calculated by knowing the blood type of the mother and father. At the intersection of the two indicated values, the answer to the question is found.


The science of numerology is used to determine the sex of a child. To calculate whether it will be a boy or a girl, you need to convert all the letters into numbers using the following table.

Numerological table for determining the gender of a child
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

According to the data in the numerology table, it is necessary to make appropriate calculations to determine the gender of the child. To do this, you need to know the surname and full name of the baby's father, the maiden name and full name of the mother, and the month of conception. Using the table, all letters in words are transformed into numbers, added and divided by 7. Based on the resulting number, the sex of the child is determined. If the result is an even number, this means that there will be a girl, and if the number is odd, then we should expect the birth of a boy.

How to find out who will be a boy or a girl? Let's look at an example of calculations.

Last name and full name of the father: Kuzin Sergey - 3+3+9+1+6+1+6+9+4+6+2=50

Mother's maiden name and first name: Book of Eugene - 3+6+1+4+1+6+3+4+6+6+1+6=47

Month of conception: February - 4+6+3+1+4+1=19

Calculation of results: 50+47+19=116.

Divide the resulting number by 7: 116/7=16.57. We discard the numbers after the decimal point and the result is the number 16. This means that the couple is expecting the birth of a girl.

Fortune telling with a ring

Fortune telling to determine the sex of the unborn baby is no less popular among pregnant women. One of them is based on the use of a wedding ring (namely a wedding ring and no other). By the way the ring suspended on a string moves, you can find out who will be a girl or a boy.

Who the child will be and what gender will be born can be found out using this method as follows:

  1. Remove the wedding ring from the ring finger of your right hand and tie a thick thread about 30 cm long to it.
  2. A pregnant woman needs to take a horizontal position.
  3. Take a pendulum made of thread and a ring and hold it over the pregnant woman’s belly for 30 seconds.
  4. If the pendulum moves back and forth, this means that the woman will give birth to a girl. If the pendulum moves in a circular motion, the pregnant woman should prepare for the birth of her son.

Folk signs

Pregnant women always come across folk methods for determining gender, regardless of whether they are interested in them themselves or some kind neighbor inadvertently tells them. A variety of signs are associated with gender determination.

You can tell who will be a boy or a girl by the following signs:

  • if the expectant mother wants sweets, this means that she has a daughter under her heart, and if she craves sour things, then most likely a son will be born;
  • if the expectant mother always wants to sleep, then a girl will be born, but if, on the contrary, she is full of strength and energy, then we should expect the birth of a boy;
  • if, when looking at a pregnant woman from behind, you can clearly see her waist, it means she is having a boy;
  • boys in their mother’s belly usually behave more actively than girls;
  • when carrying a girl, women more often develop acne, stretch marks on the skin, and nails become brittle;
  • if the belly has the shape of a circle, then there will be a girl, and his tummy is sharp, then it will be a boy.

Despite the effectiveness of many of the methods presented, you should not trust them 100%, because the gender of the child can only be known for sure in the maternity hospital.

Currently, determining the sex of a child is not particularly difficult. To help in this matter, future parents are provided with many methods, including blood, Japanese and Chinese calendars, using folk methods and even online services. Many couples want to plan the sex of their future baby even before conception or at its stage.

Medical techniques

The vast majority of doctors are suspicious of alternative diagnostic methods, but no one will prohibit finding out the sex of the unborn child in different ways. In addition, it is interesting whether the results obtained will coincide with official information.


According to many doctors, the best way to determine the sex of a child is ultrasound diagnostics. True, with its help it is possible to determine the sex of the child only after conception at a certain stage of pregnancy, starting from the 16th week, and the most reliable results will be only from the 24th week of gestation.

This is a fairly long period of waiting for news about who will be born: a boy or a girl. But even an ultrasound does not guarantee a 100% result, since often during the examination the fetus occupies a position in which the boy’s testicles can be mistaken for the girl’s labia. It even happens the other way around.

DNA test

More accurate is the DNA test, which was previously done according to indications; now everyone can use it. For research, venous blood is taken from a pregnant woman to determine the presence of the Y chromosome (male chromosome) from the fetal cells of the fetus.

If testing is carried out at 4-5 weeks, then the accuracy of the results is 95-98%, if at 7 weeks - the accuracy is 100%. If a Y chromosome is detected, there is a 99% guarantee that the baby will be a boy; in the absence of a male chromosome, the same guarantees are given in favor of the birth of a girl. This test is considered the most reliable in determining the gender of the unborn baby.

Gender test

On forums you can find information about the so-called gender test, the work of which is based on the interaction of female urine and a reagent. Manufacturers claim that the test works the same as a DNA test. By highlighting the Y chromosome in the urine of a pregnant woman, the test strip changes color to pink if the fetus is female or blue if the fetus is male. This testing is approved by women whose results match after childbirth.

However, it should be noted that the DNA fragment can only be isolated from blood. Therefore, whether to use such a test or not is up to everyone to decide for themselves, but the results should not be trusted since working with DNA requires serious laboratory equipment that no home tests can replace.

There is also an American test to determine the sex of a child. It has been used for 10 years, its reliability is about 90%, it is not cheap, and it cannot be found in all pharmacies. The test is based on the reaction of pregnant urine containing fetal gonadosteroids with a special substance. After exposure to urine on the test strips, they change color: if a boy is born, the strip turns green, if a girl is born, the strip turns orange. Can be used from 8 weeks.

Many expectant parents are interested in whether it is possible to determine the sex of the child using a conventional pregnancy test. No impossible. This pharmacy test allows, with a certain degree of probability (depending on the timing), to establish only the fact of conception.

Alternative methods of sex determination

With the help of tables, calculators, and traditional methods, you can satisfy curiosity about the sex of the child until the exact gender is determined during medical diagnostics, so it is better not to take these methods too seriously. Let's look at the most common of them:

Method “by blood”

When determining the sex of an unborn child by blood, different periods of blood renewal in women and men are taken into account: once every 3 years and once every 4 years, respectively. According to age, you need to calculate at what stage of renewal the blood is in each individual future parent. If it turns out that the mother’s blood is more renewed, then the gender of the unborn child is female; if the father’s blood is “newer,” then the sex is male.

When making calculations, it is important to take into account blood loss that contributes to blood renewal, which one of the parents may have had recently. This may include trauma with blood loss, surgery, blood donation, transfusion, abortion or miscarriage. Calculating the sex of a child using an online calculator is quite simple: the dates of birth of the mother and father are entered into the appropriate boxes.

A controversial method is to determine the sex of a child based on the blood group and Rh factor of the future mother and father. The table shows the woman's blood type vertically and the man's blood type horizontally. At the intersection of the two values, the gender of the unborn child will be determined.

Rh factor table:

These methods do not give a 100% guaranteed result, so whether to trust them or not is up to everyone.

Ancient Chinese table

This method is suitable for those who know exactly the date of conception of the child, because not every woman knows when the ovulatory period was, especially with an irregular menstrual cycle. Although nothing will prevent other future parents from checking the result using the Chinese table.

Typically, a woman suspects pregnancy based on delayed menstruation and certain signs (morning sickness, changes in appetite and eating habits, emotional swings, etc.). The presence of characteristic symptoms does not mean that fertilization occurred at this particular time. To roughly calculate the month and date of conception, you need to add 2 weeks to the first day of the last menstruation - this will be the actual (embryonic) gestational age.

The table appeared in China about 700 years ago, allegedly it was found in the tomb of the emperor or in one of the oldest Chinese temples, now it is kept in the Beijing museum. According to other information, it was compiled by scientists according to the lunar calendar. In any case, the method is still popular.

The month of conception and the age of the pregnant woman are entered into the table. At the intersection of the entered data, the result will be obtained. This ancient Chinese technique can be used even before conception, when future parents have already decided who they want to give birth to: a boy or a girl. In the table, you need to select the mother’s age and, depending on what gender of the child you want to have, count 9 months of the gestational period from the month in the table, and get the optimal date for conception.

Despite the simplicity of the ancient Chinese method, it is quite accurate - up to 97% accuracy. Doctors are skeptical about the method of determining gender based on the date of conception, since the age of the mother does not in any way affect the formation of gender, but the male and female gametes during fusion. Gender depends on the father. If the sperm that fertilizes the egg is a carrier of the Y chromosome, then a boy will appear; if the sperm contains an X chromosome, then a girl will appear.

Japanese technique

Since ancient times, the Japanese have been especially sensitive to the gender of the baby that should appear, since it was considered a “matter of honor” to give birth to an heir, it was considered honorable. Those mothers who gave birth to girls did not deserve any honors. Even families in which a boy was never born had to resort to adoption, and the adopted son must be of the same blood as his father. Therefore, it is not surprising that it was Japan that developed its own method for calculating the sex of a child, which made it possible to plan or determine the gender of the future baby in advance. Its appearance was preceded by long-term observation of parents and the children they gave birth to.

It is also not surprising that the method of determining gender developed in Japan went far beyond its borders, since in many countries only the son had the right to inherit property and other privileges.

When determining the sex of an unborn child using the Japanese method, you need to know three components:

  1. In what month was the father born?
  2. In what month was the mother born?
  3. In what month did conception take place?

You don’t need to know the exact date of birth and conception; specific months are enough. The Japanese table has two parts. One displays the months of conception, the other – the months of birth of the parents. First, the months of birth of the father and mother are compared, then, based on the month of conception, the chart determines what gender the child will be. You can use an online calculator based on the Japanese calculation table, where you enter the same months as in the table, only you get a ready-made result.

The Japanese method of determining the sex of a baby based on the months of birth of the parents and the month of conception is universal and useful in that it can be used not only during gestation, but also at the stage of pregnancy planning, so that a child of a certain gender is born. To do this, you need to plan for conception in a specific month.

However, the technique does not allow one to obtain more or less accurate results; the reliability is approximately 50:50; for modern pregnant women, this is more of a pleasant pastime.

Traditional methods

When determining the gender of an unborn child, people were guided by signs based on the age-old wisdom of our ancestors. Married couples resorted to popular fortune-telling, which was rather perceived as a fun game that brought pleasure to those around the pregnant woman.

Gender determination was carried out according to the most accurate folk signs.

Appearance and well-being of the pregnant woman:

Pregnant behavior:

Food preferences:

The following sign is used: whichever of the future parents was born first in their family, the child will be of that gender. And one more sign according to age: if the future father is older, then a boy will be born, if the mother is a girl.

Various fortune tellings were successful, for which they resorted to the help of fortune tellers, “knowledgeable” grandmothers, and midwives:

  1. Determining the sex of a child using milk. Fresh unboiled cow's milk and pregnant woman's urine are taken 1:1. If the mixture curdled immediately when boiled, then this was in favor of the girl. By the way, this method has a medical basis: a pregnant woman’s urine changes qualitatively and quantitatively due to the fact that the pregnant woman’s body intensively produces hormones. When a girl is pregnant, the level of human chorionic gonadotropin is slightly higher. Fortune telling is used for a period of at least 10 weeks.
  2. For fortune telling, you need a gold wedding ring, used in the form of a pendulum. The ring is kept in water for a short time, then a thread made of natural material is threaded through it. The pregnant woman takes the thread with the ring in one hand, places it over the palm of the other hand, the ring begins to rotate. Circular movements mean the appearance of a girl, transverse movements mean a boy. This is a very popular fortune-telling with the help of which healers could predict how difficult or easy the birth would be, the total number of children, the fate of the woman, and more.
  3. They froze water overnight with a gold ring immersed in it. Based on the frozen dimples or bumps that appeared, they judged who would be. If there are dimples, it’s a girl, if there are bumps, it’s a boy.
  4. Fortune tellers used a whole arsenal of artifacts in their work. When determining the sex of the baby, a long key with a leg at one end and a ring at the other was taken in secret from the pregnant woman. They asked the woman to take this key from the table. If a pregnant woman took it by the ring, it would be a girl, if by the teeth, it would be a boy.

There is no need to worry if the fortune telling does not live up to expectations, it is just an assumption and nothing more.

  • abstain from sex 4-5 days before ovulation;
  • enter into intimate contact immediately before ovulation: since sperm with a set of Y chromosomes are more mobile and active than sperm with X chromosomes, it is likely that the gamete carrying the male chromosome will reach the egg earlier than others and fertilize it;
  • during sexual intercourse there should be a maximum depth of penetration in order to shorten the path of Y-sperm to the uterine inlet, and from there to the fallopian tube to the egg;
  • overheating of the scrotal organs in a man has a detrimental effect on the germ cells, especially Y-sperm. Therefore, to conceive a boy, the future father must, when planning a pregnancy, abandon thermal procedures and wear tight, warm synthetic underwear;
  • female orgasm is accompanied by the release of a large amount of vaginal secretion, which increases the survival of Y-sperm. Therefore, to conceive a boy, a female orgasm is not only desirable, but also that the woman receives physical pleasure before her partner.
  • If a woman keeps an ovulation calendar and knows exactly the date of ovulation, then in order to conceive a girl it is recommended not to have contact on the day of ovulation and 2-3 days after it. Enter into a relationship approximately 3 days before the release of the egg. X sperm have a better chance of surviving while waiting for an egg;
  • during sexual contact there should be a minimum depth of penetration. X sperm will take longer to travel to the female gamete, Y sperm will have less chance of survival;
  • To conceive a girl during sex, a female orgasm is undesirable; in this case, the vagina will retain an alkaline environment in which X-sperm have a greater chance of survival.

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And get lifehacks on pregnancy planning. All you have to do is follow the instructions.

With the help of special tables, today you can find out the gender of your unborn child. Surely, every parent would like to know in advance who will be born - a girl or a boy. What color should you start choosing diapers, socks, bodysuits, sandboxes, what toys should you look for (dolls or cars).

Naturally, every expectant mother undergoes an ultrasound, but even in this case, an error cannot be ruled out, and besides, the sex of the baby can only be found out at 4-6 months of pregnancy, while proven methods will tell you the answer even before conception or in the early stages.

Method of determining sex by blood renewal and group/Rh factor

So, you have decided to find out the gender of your unborn child in advance. There are a lot of methods for this, ranging from folk signs, tables and ending with modern medical diagnostics. If your goal is to plan the sex of your child using a table, then first of all pay attention to the blood renewal method.

It is believed that men's blood is renewed every four years, while women's blood is renewed every three. Therefore, at the time of conception, one of the parents’ blood was renewed later, that is, it was “younger” and whose blood was “newer”, the unborn child will be of that gender. Let's give an example: the woman's age is 25 years, the man's is 30, that is, the future mother's blood was renewed one year ago, the father's - two years ago, that is, the family can expect a girl.

When referring to such a table, it is worth remembering that sometimes blood is renewed unscheduled, for example: significant blood loss, donation, injury, surgery, etc.

Table No. 1 – by blood type:

Table No. 2 – by Rh factor:

Japanese table

You can try to determine the sex of the child using the Japanese method, referring to two tables. In order to correctly use the Japanese table, you need to know three numbers - the month of birth of mother, father and month of conception. In the first table, you need to correctly find the number (1-12) that will stand at the intersection of the birth months of both parents.

Then find the resulting figure in the second table, go down to the month of conception and view the result, which will show the high probability of who may be born. This method is ideal for those couples who are just planning a pregnancy.

Month of birth
expectant mother
Future father's birth month
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct but I Dec
Jan 1 5 9 1 5 9 1 5 9 1 5 9
Feb 10 2 6 10 2 6 10 2 6 10 2 6
Mar 7 11 3 7 11 3 7 11 3 7 11 3
Apr 4 8 12 4 8 12 4 8 12 4 8 12
May 1 5 9 1 5 9 1 5 9 1 5 9
Jun 10 2 6 10 2 6 10 2 6 10 2 6
Jul 7 11 3 7 11 3 7 11 3 7 11 3
Aug 4 8 12 4 8 12 4 8 12 4 8 12
Sep 1 5 9 1 5 9 1 5 9 1 5 9
Oct 10 2 6 10 2 6 10 2 6 10 2 6
but I 7 11 3 7 11 3 7 11 3 7 11 3
Dec 4 8 12 4 8 12 4 8 12 4 8 12
1 2 3 4 5 6



7 8 9 10 11 12
Jan X x
Jan Feb xxxxxxxx x
Jan Feb Mar x xx
Jan Feb Mar Apr x x
Jan Feb Mar Apr May xx x
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun x x
Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul x xx
Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug x xxxx Jan
Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep x xx Jan Feb
May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct xxxxxxxxxxxxxx x Jan Feb Mar
Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct but I x x Jan Feb Mar Apr
Jul Aug Sep Oct but I Dec x x Jan Feb Mar Apr May
Aug Sep Oct but I Dec x x Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
Sep Oct but I Dec xxxxx x Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul
Oct but I Dec x xxxxxxxxxxx Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug
but I Dec xxx x Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep
Dec xxx x May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct
x x Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct but I
x x Jul Aug Sep Oct but I Dec
x xx Aug Sep Oct but I Dec
x x Sep Oct but I Dec
xxxxxxxxxxx x Oct but I Dec
x xxxxx but I Dec
X xx Dec

Chinese table

Another popular method is the Chinese table, which is more than 700 years old and is the one that can most likely correctly determine the gender of a child. Legend has it that this particular tablet was found in an ancient royal tomb near Beijing.

Some believe that she predicts the gender of the unborn baby based on data from the Chinese lunar calendar, while others are confident that special research was carried out in Ancient China, thanks to which a connection was found between the mother’s age and the month of conception. In any case, the probability of determining the sex of the baby reaches 98%. To calculate the sex of a child, it is enough to know two numbers: the month of conception and the age of the mother at the time of conception.

Folk signs

Of course, folk wisdom could not ignore the conception of a child, pregnancy, sex determination before birth and other equally important issues. Even our great-grandmothers and grandmothers, when there was no trace of ultrasound, and the Slavic people were not familiar with the tables, determined the sex of the child, practically without making mistakes. We invite you to familiarize yourself with folk signs:

Expect a boy if:

1.1. there is practically no toxicosis, that is, you do not feel sick in the morning, you do not vomit;
1.2. you constantly have cold feet, dry hands;
1.3. the stomach resembles a ball lowered down;
1.4. you included salty and sour foods in your diet, and also began to eat more cheese and meat products;
1.5. your appearance has changed for the better (you have become prettier);
1.6. you have headaches;
1.7. when you eat bread, you choose only the crust;
1.8. sleep only on your left side;
1.9. you are always in a good mood;
1.10. the baby in the tummy is active;
1.11. the baby's heartbeat is at least 140 beats per minute;
1.12. you are no more than 20 years old;
1.13. hanging the wedding ring over the stomach, it moves in a circle.

Expect a girl if:

2.1. you have constant toxicosis;
2.2. the shape of the tummy is cone-shaped, the stomach is not lowered down;
2.3. you began to eat more sweets;
2.4. the left breast became larger than the right;
2.5. you have problem skin and your appearance has become worse than before pregnancy;
2.6. when you eat bread, you choose only the crumb;
2.7. go to sleep on your right side;
2.8. your mood changes very often, you get irritated by all sorts of little things;
2.9. The baby's heartbeat is less than 140 beats per minute.
2.10. you are over 30 years old;
2.11. hanging the wedding ring over the stomach, it moves back and forth;
2.12. Dad is gaining weight.

Pregnancy is a wonderful time when every woman, expecting a miracle, enjoys her pregnancy and awaits her unborn baby. And it is at this time that you can familiarize yourself with various tips and recommendations regarding caring for your baby, for example, with the important article “”. But after the child is born, you should not forget about yourself, be sure to think about it.

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The birth of a child is probably the most exciting event in the life of a man and a woman. Even during the first months of pregnancy, each of them is so interested in knowing who their child will be: will it be a boy or a girl? This is especially true for couples who already have a boy but want a girl and vice versa. Surprisingly, you can plan the sex of the future baby, and even more - calculate the sex of the child based on blood renewal.

Why is it important to know the sex of the child before conception?

Doctors' forecasts and dry statistics do not satisfy all parents. Many mothers have dreamed of having a girl since childhood, and the dream of men is to go fishing with their son and play football. Calculating the sex of a child based on the partners' blood updates is a sure way to getting a “golden couple” - first a boy and then a girl, or vice versa.

In any case, modern technologies and the digitization of old but true methods of determining gender make it possible to plan who the child will be. And by the renewal of blood, every couple can calculate the sex of the child, even pregnancy is more fun: it came true or did not come true, and so on until the first ultrasound!

Calculator for calculation

A method with roots in antiquity

Ancient people believed that all systems in the human body work like a clock and no one can change it. Every few years, almost everything in the body is renewed: blood, cells and even the soul. In a man’s body, such castling occurs once every four years, and in a woman’s body once every three years.

It is on this theory that the method of determining the sex of a child is based on the renewal of the parents’ blood. Let's say that the theory is not unfounded and many couples even managed to figure it out in such a way as to conceive the desired male or female baby.

Scientists note that the probability of a coincidence ranges from 68–88%, which already inspires confidence. How to determine gender by blood renewal? Here special tables will come to our aid.

Tables with years of blood renewal

This method is very ancient; tables with blood groups and the years of its renewal have survived to this day. Are they true? This is unknown, because the tables show calculations for girls over 15 years old, although in past centuries giving birth at 13, 14, 15 years old was not considered something wrong.

Be that as it may, coincidences with calculations are so common that using the blood of the parents to determine the sex of the child certainly deserves attention. Before taking this test, it is worth getting to know this method better.

Strength and youth of blood - an assistant in planning

How to determine the sex of a child based on the blood of the father and mother? There are two calculation options, and we will now look at each of them. According to theory, a woman’s blood is renewed every 3 years, starting at age 15. That is, 15, 18, 21, etc. And the blood of the future dad once every 4 years is 16, 20, 24 and so on.

First calculation method: boy or girl?

Let's look at an example of how to calculate the sex of a child based on blood renewal:

  1. The expectant mother is 22, and the future father is 28.
  2. Divide the mother's age: 22:3 = 7.3.
  3. We do the same with dad’s age: 28/4 = 7.
  4. 7.3 is greater than 7, so according to theory, our couple’s child is a boy. Whose age indicator is lower becomes the “giver” of gender.

In some cases, as in our updated calculator for calculating the sex of a child, the date of conception is also indicated.

The second method of calculating the floor

There is also an opinion that the calculation is, in principle, not necessary and you can simply look at the year of birth and date of conception. We determine the sex of the child by date of birth: our future mother was born in 1994, and daddy was born in 1998. Mom’s blood was renewed in 2015, and dad’s was born in 2016.

Determining the sex of the child by blood renewal is simple for this couple: a baby will be born if conception occurred in 2016, because the father’s blood is “fresh”, and the mother’s was renewed last year. This option is more plausible and correct, and it is by this option that we can calculate who your child will be using an online calculator.

If the blood is renewed in one year, and this happens, it is impossible to accurately calculate the sex. It is likely that the child is 50% a boy and 50% a girl. But you can also expect multiple pregnancies with twins or twins.

An ancient theory that has received substantiation in modern science

In ancient times, they believed that a child was a helper, and, frankly, at that time, the working hands of boys were more valued than girls, who left the family after 10–15 years. Therefore, the question of how to calculate the sex of a child using blood renewal was relevant.

Today we are trying to plan the gender of the baby, because some people want the child to be a boy, while others want to tie bows for a girl. Any child will be loved, but if you can calculate its gender, why not?

The theory of how to determine the gender of your child by blood renewal, which goes against well-known rules, has received scientific justification, confirming the processes of tissue and blood renewal in our body. Gradually, an opinion developed that women’s blood is renewed every 36 months, and men’s 48. The technique instantly spread across the Internet, and today everyone has the opportunity to find out the gender of the child or plan for a boy or a girl.

How to calculate if there was a large blood loss or surgery?

Speaking about how to determine the sex of a child by the blood of the parents, one cannot fail to note the fact that you will get the correct result provided that the following factors are absent:

  1. Blood transfusions.
  2. Donation, transplantation (replacement) of internal organs due to surgery.
  3. Blood loss during childbirth, miscarriage, abortion, injury, etc.

How to calculate the update in this case? The calculation is based on the date of the operation or transfusion; when changing blood (more than 1 liter), the update starts from scratch, that is, if a woman received a blood transfusion at the age of 22, then the next update occurs at the age of 25. It is also worth looking at the calendar, because transfusion at the beginning and end of the year are different time periods.

Advantages of methods over other methods of determining the sex of a child

The advantages of the method of determining the sex of the baby by renewing the blood of the parents are as follows:

  1. Often reliable results.
  2. Scientific rationale.
  3. World practice. After all, women from America, Europe, Australia, the CIS countries and Japan calculate the sex of their unborn baby using a blood renewal scheme.
  4. Previously, the question was how manual calculation was used, but today you can use a calculator that processes your data in 3 seconds.
  5. The method is free, you can calculate using a calculator or manually. But if you are offered to pay first, and only then find out the sex of the child, this should alert you.

Let's sum it up

Early planning and sex determination is a method that has received about 80% positive reviews online.

On the eve of expecting a baby, men and women are busy. It is necessary to prepare the nursery, buy a mountain of clothes, take care of the maternity hospital, and devote time to exchanging delight and tenderness with each other. And even in this hectic time, they are worried about the question: will the child who will be born be a boy or a girl? This is natural, and everyone prefers to calculate using the method they trust.

Determining the sex of a child by renewing the blood of the parents is an excellent way. We invite you to use the online calculator right now. The baby, no matter what gender you have, will be the best, and we wish your future baby good health, and you an easy nine months filled with love!