Calculate when to conceive a girl. How to conceive a girl: various methods to calculate the gender of the child. By day of ovulation

So, what are the basic rules, what you need to eat and do to give birth to a daughter?

Every mother does not need a lot of imagination to imagine what her child will be like. But, unfortunately, you can’t choose your children. Therefore, you need to do something in order to get the desired result. In fact, there is not much you need to do and these actions are not as complicated as they might seem at first glance.

Of course, it’s good when both parents want a daughter to be born. The fact is that our psychology and energy can influence the unborn child, to a greater or lesser extent. Therefore, if a man wants not a daughter, but a son, it is quite possible that with his desire he will interfere with many of your manipulations. Naturally, this does not mean that his desires will absolutely prevent him from having a girl, because your desires also play a role here.

What you need to eat to give birth to a girl

But, I repeat, it is very good when both you and your loved one want a daughter. By the way, psychologists believe that guys want daughters for the reason that they see in them ideal women who will never offend or betray. They want to see only the best in their daughters, they want to take care of them and feel that the girls depend on their dad. Perhaps this happens because some men have had psychological trauma with women and are looking for in their daughters what they once lacked.

But, nevertheless, now we are not talking about the psychology of men, but about how to give birth to a girl. Of course, it’s worth immediately recalling that none of the methods presented below will give a 100% guarantee. But, nevertheless, some of them help increase the likelihood of having a child of a certain gender to ninety-nine percent.

So, let's talk about a wide variety of methods for planning the sex of a child.

For example, there is a method based on the correct calculation of the time of conception. This method is called the Shettles method. What is this planning method? Almost everyone knows that the sex of a child depends on the sperm, which contains both male and female chromosomes. They have different lifespans. For example, it is known that female chromosomes live for several days, and male chromosomes - less than a day. Therefore, if you want a girl, you need to have sex a few days before ovulation. By the way, not all ladies know how to calculate the time of ovulation. In fact, it is not difficult at all, but it will take you some time to determine everything exactly. To begin with, for two to three months, measure your basal temperature in the morning, before you get out of bed, and mark the data in the form of a graph. With its help, you can very easily determine the day of ovulation, since it is on this date that the temperature drops, and the next day, often rises to thirty-seven degrees. In addition, on the day of ovulation, almost all women feel slight pain in the lower abdomen, as well as slight nausea and dizziness.

In order to conceive a child of a certain gender, you need to eat the right food. Many may consider this to be fairy tales, but it has been proven more than once that a prenatal diet can help determine the sex of the unborn baby. By the way, it should be noted that not only women, but also men should eat certain foods. The difference is that a guy needs to do this only before conception, while a girl must adhere to a certain diet during the first two to three months of pregnancy.

So, what do you need to eat to have a girl? It is believed that the diet of the expectant mother should include a lot of vegetables, fruits and rice. The food a woman eats must contain calcium and magnesium. For example, among your dishes, the most common ones should be rice pudding, vegetable salad or stew, and goat cheese. But it is better not to eat bananas and potatoes, because they contain a lot of potassium, which contributes to the conception of boys. This diet must be started no later than three weeks before conception. But the ideal option would be for the couple to go on a diet nine weeks before fertilization.

By the way, girls who want to give birth to a girl are advised to eat more sweets and starchy foods. But meat will have to be excluded from the diet. Cheeses other than goat cheese, which was already mentioned above, are also best avoided. But, you should immediately warn the girls that before going on such a diet, you should always consult a doctor, since for some ladies such experiments on the body are contraindicated.

Also, some couples use the biorhythm method. It lies in the fact that in order to conceive a child of a certain gender, a certain combination of the biorhythms of a man and a woman is necessary. If you create an individual calendar for a couple, you can easily determine when you can conceive a girl.

Gender can also be determined using the blood renewal method. It is believed that in a man’s body the blood is renewed every four years, and in a woman’s body – once every three years. Therefore, you need to divide the woman's age by three and the man's age by four. If the woman has more balance, it will be a girl. By the way, there is one “but” in this method. In the case when the mother's Rh factor is negative, the result is the opposite.

The methods listed are not all that can be used to conceive a child of a certain gender. There are also more scientific approaches. Therefore, if you want a daughter, be patient and have information. Then you will definitely succeed.

Men and women prefer to plan their future. The gender of a newborn baby is no exception. Married couples are finding new ways to pre-plan the gender of their unborn child. It is about them that will be discussed further. You will learn how a girl is conceived. The article will tell you about popular methods of planning the gender of your unborn baby. You can also find out what the table for conceiving a girl looks like. The photo will be presented to your attention.

Conception: boy or girl

Currently, married couples strive to find out the sex of their unborn child as early as possible. The most accurate method is ultrasound diagnostics. Such a study allows you not only to determine whether you are having a boy or a girl, but can also identify possible defects at a very early stage of development.

Just a few decades ago, humanity did not have such an opportunity. Women and men had to wait until the child was born to find out its gender. It is worth saying that this is very inconvenient. After all, expectant mothers and fathers want to prepare everything in advance and purchase the necessary things for the baby.

The conception of a girl or boy can be calculated in several ways. Doctors say that you shouldn’t trust them one hundred percent. Most of them are created for entertainment, and not for the purpose of accurate diagnosis. New parents note that some calculation methods actually turn out to be quite accurate. Let's look at the most popular methods for conceiving a girl.

Calculation of the day of ovulation

The conception of a girl can occur when sexual intercourse occurs a few days before expected ovulation. This method has a scientific explanation and can be quite effective. However, much in this case depends on the state of fertility of the man and woman. Let's find out how it works.

You can calculate the conception of a girl in the following way. Male sperm can live in a woman’s body for up to seven days. At the same time, cells carrying the X chromosome (female) can exist for a longer time. However, they move much slower than their counterparts. Gametes with the Y chromosome (male cells) are faster and more agile. However, their life activity lasts less time. From this we can conclude that the conception of a girl will occur if sexual intercourse with ejaculation takes place several days before the expected release of the cell from the ovary.

Using the experience of the Chinese

There is a so-called conception calendar. Whether you have a boy or a girl depends directly on the age of the mother and the month of fertilization. The ancient Chinese table works in the following way.

Calculate the mother's age at the time of planned conception. After that, look at the table and find the corresponding column in it. Draw a horizontal line from it to the right and determine the months in which a female child will be conceived. It is during these periods that unprotected sexual intercourse should occur. It is worth noting that this method has mostly positive reviews. However, controversial situations arise in cases when the next birthday of the expectant mother comes.

Application of Japanese knowledge

You can also calculate the conception of a girl using the Japanese table. At first glance, this method may seem very complicated. However, after a detailed study of the calculation technology, you can easily calculate the necessary information.

To determine the gender of the future baby, you need to know the birth months of the future parents. In the first table, find the corresponding columns and draw the intersection between them. After this, remember the number that is in the resulting compartment. Proceed to the second part of the table. It consists of a schedule. Here you need to find the resulting figure and conduct an analysis. By the number of X signs, you can determine the probability of having a baby of one sex or another in a certain month.

Blood calculation method

The calendar for conceiving a girl can be compiled based on blood renewal. To make the calculation, you need to know the ages of the mother and father at the time of planned conception. Remember that if a person has had significant blood loss, surgery or childbirth, then you need to count from that day.

Women's blood is renewed once every three years. In men, this process occurs less frequently - once every 4 years. Divide the woman's age by 3, and the man's age, respectively, by 4. Determine the resulting remainders. Whose number is higher is considered strong. Accordingly, a boy or a girl will be born. In order to conceive a female child, the expectant mother's blood must be newer.


You now know how to use the girl conception calendar described above. Many couples prefer to follow an appropriate diet before sexual intercourse. Eating a large amount of certain foods can help you conceive a baby of the desired sex.

So, if you want to give birth to a girl, then you need to follow the following recommendations. Eat plenty of dairy products: cheese, sour cream, milk, fermented baked milk. Give preference to vegetables such as eggplants, carrots, beets, peas, and peppers. Eat more nuts. Eliminate coffee and cocoa-containing drinks from your diet. Drink plenty of fluids. Water can be plain or carbonated, mineral or sweet. Try to avoid salt, black pepper and spices. Eat a variety of greens. This diet should be followed for about two months. After this, you can reduce your diet to normal and enjoy your favorite foods.

In Vitro Fertilization

Another way to calculate the sex of a child is artificial insemination. It is worth noting that this method is quite expensive. It is rarely performed without indications. In most cases, this service is provided to those couples whose family has congenital diseases. So, if the pathology is transmitted through the male line and in most cases turns out to be incompatible with life, then doctors offer just this method of conception.

During the procedure, female reproductive cells (eggs) are extracted and combined with sperm under special conditions. After this, they are grown for several days and undergo diagnostics. Only future female embryos are selected. They are planted in the reproductive organ of the expectant mother.

Online tables and programs

Currently, future parents have the opportunity to calculate favorable days for conceiving a girl using special programs and tables. It is worth noting that this method is quite dubious. In most cases it simply doesn't work. However, some couples still use it.

To obtain more accurate data and more information, it is worth using several calculation methods at once. In this case, there is a higher probability that you will still be able to give birth to a female child.

Summarizing or conclusion

Now you know what a girl’s conception calendar is. All the methods described above will help you calculate the gender of your future baby. Remember that you should not blindly trust them. Otherwise, you may be very disappointed in the future. Doctors say that it is impossible to accurately plan the birth of a male or female baby. Not a single girl conception calendar will give you a 100% result. There is only one (medical) way to calculate the sex of a child. Good luck with your results!

Conceiving a child is a great miracle, a mystery. But I really want to take control of everything and plan the sex of the future baby by any means, even if not entirely scientific. What do those who dream of having a daughter need to know? Here are five ways to conceive a girl—scientific and not so scientific.

When is ovulation?

The method of choosing the sex of the unborn baby depending on the phases of ovulation was developed by American scientists Lendrum Shettles and David Rorvik. The process involves a sperm and an egg. One half of the sperm carries the female X chromosome, the other half carries the Y chromosome. The egg always contains the X chromosome. The result of their fusion is either a girl (XX) or a boy (XY). Sperm with a Y chromosome are more mobile and reach the egg first. But when they get into the acidic environment of the vagina, they die much faster, opening the way for a more resistant type of chromosomes.

The closer the day of ovulation, the higher the likelihood of Y chromosome survival. This is why doctors advise a couple dreaming of a daughter to conceive no later than two to three days before ovulation, since the environment in the vagina is more acidic at this time. Shallow penetration during sexual intercourse again contributes to the appearance of a girl.

More on the topic “Diet for conceiving a girl”:

They told me about this calendar a long time ago... The only thing is that I myself was born premature and I can’t determine exactly my age (from conception), up to a month... but even if we don’t take errors into account... I’m supposed to have a girl... but the ultrasound suggested it was a boy (not sure yet, only at 12 weeks).

I read that in order to conceive a girl, you need to do this a few days before ovulation, and then no, no. It seems that male sperm are less tenacious, they die and after a couple of days only female sperm remain. And they turn out to be girls. Is this really true?

Doubts torment me - is it worth interfering with fate? Maybe it’s not for nothing that they don’t give us (or other people in general) girls/boys? Maybe we’ll plan - and once! - and a genetic anomaly? or will the child have a bad fate? or what else will nature take revenge on?

I decided to collect statistics here :) There is such a point of view that the gender of the child depends on the position during PA. In particular, to conceive a boy, you need to do this in a classic position. So that fast boys' sperm are more likely to overtake girls' sperm. Who cares, please share your experience, how it was for you and who you are waiting for :)

I read that in order to have a greater chance of conceiving a girl, you need to have sex starting from the 4th day of your period but no later than 3-4 days before ovulation. In this regard, the question is: if the cycle is 23-25 ​​days, then how to correctly calculate the day of ovulation?

There is such a method/theory of sex planning - the closer to ovulation, the higher the likelihood of conceiving a boy and vice versa. Do you have any examples of when you planned to ovulate and the result was a girl? Or vice versa? Or do you have examples that support this theory?

My husband and I have decided to have a second child, but I only want a girl, so how can we plan this with greater likelihood? I found some test on the internet based on the year of birth of my parents, but according to it Lesha should have been a girl :) I heard about the planning method for blood renewal... Who thinks about this?

Girls, good afternoon! Take planners into the team. I am 37 years old. I have 2 sons: 18 years old and 4 years old. We want a daughter. A question. Is anyone planning to get pregnant here based on Anastasia? And now I’m getting ready, looking for an interlocutor.))

Who got pregnant after what attempt? Otherwise, I didn’t succeed the first time and I was somehow depressed. There don't seem to be any particular health problems. It seems to me that it will never work out. And if someone didn’t succeed the first time, then maybe someone understood why? Those. what are the errors? What to do and what not to do?

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Not all spouses who dream of children rely on fate in terms of who will be born to them: a baby or a toddler, but try to take the initiative into their own hands. Let's try to find a solution for those couples who are looking for an answer to the question of how to get pregnant with a girl.

What do scientists say?

Naturally, among scientists there are those who consider research on the topic “how to get pregnant with a girl” a waste of time, but their other colleagues are constantly studying this topic.


The main principle by which you can conceive a baby with the desired gender is based on the fact that among sperm there are only two types: Y and X. It is the type that quickly gets to the egg and fertilizes it first and determines the sex of the fetus, i.e. . sperm X is a girl, and sperm Y is a boy.

At the same time, X-sperm are usually in the minority; they are less mobile, but more tenacious. So how can you get pregnant with a girl the first time? You need to “adjust” so that X is the first to reach the egg, and this is done like this:

  • acidity in the vagina increases;
  • the amount of male semen decreases;
  • The day of ovulation is calculated from the cycle.

Affinity Frequency

There is a theory that the less often a husband and wife are intimate, the more likely they are to have a female child. What explains this? It’s simple, the less frequent the intimacy, the more the woman has developed antibodies to the Y seed, from which X only benefit and in the end they are left alone.

Calculating ovulation

How to get pregnant with a girl based on ovulation time? The essence of the method for determining ovulation is as follows: two or three days before ovulation, the greatest probability of conceiving a girl. During this time, species Y will die, and X will survive and wait for the egg to mature. Moreover, by the middle of the menstrual cycle, the acidity in the vagina is higher, which Y sperm “do not like.”

After the third day preceding the cherished day of ovulation, attempts to conceive must be stopped. This will give the “girl” sperm a chance to remain alone in the woman’s body.

To know when you can get pregnant with a girl based on ovulation, you need to count or determine the day of its occurrence. This is done using a special test from a pharmacy (the strip should be faintly visible), ultrasound, and measuring basal body temperature (the values ​​are recorded in a table). You also need to observe your menstrual cycle and keep a calendar.

The disadvantages of this method are that many days of the “fertility window” are wasted, and it takes months to try. But those spouses who only need a daughter will have to sacrifice time.

Acidity in the vagina

As already noted, the acidic environment of the vagina is detrimental to less tenacious male sperm. You need to find out your pH level by using special strips, and if it is insufficient, begin to increase it.

Eating various pickles (cucumbers, tomatoes, sauerkraut) and citrus fruits will help. The douching method is also used, but it is better to do this only on the advice of a gynecologist. Sometimes, to help faster, both methods are combined at once.

Genetic diagnostic method

PDT is preimplantation genetic diagnosis, a method that most accurately allows you to determine the sex of a future child, and is used during the IVF (in vitro fertilization) procedure. However, it was not invented to satisfy the desires of potential parents to give birth to a boy or a girl. It is needed in order to avoid the possible transmission of a sex-linked disease from one of the parents, if there is good reason for this.

After fertilization of the egg in vitro, a few days later, doctors can understand what gender the baby was conceived artificially.


There is another method used in medical institutions for special cases. By filtration or in a special centrifuge, the X and Y chromosomes are separated in order to then carry out artificial fertilization (insemination).

If there is no risk of transmitting a hereditary disease, then using PDH or sorting is considered immoral.

Popular methods of conceiving a daughter

Position at the time of conception

This method is not new, but widely used - postures during intimacy affect the gender of the child. Since Y sperm are more vulnerable and weaker, the more difficult their path to the ovaries is, the less likely they are to get there. The most suitable pose in this case is “face to face”. Poses on the side, on the stomach, and missionary are also practiced.

Shallow penetration is used, this distances the male seed from the cervix as much as possible.

Orgasm, according to some people, can influence the birth of a boy or girl. If you have an orgasm, you will be born a boy and vice versa.

Age range

What is the likelihood that the gender of babies is influenced by the age of the parents? Firstly, experts say that when a wife is older than her husband, they often have a daughter first, or women over the age of 30 more often give birth to daughters.

Secondly, women and men constantly undergo changes in their bodies. The most serious changes occur once every four years for the stronger half and once every three years for the fair one. Based on this, it is possible to calculate the gender of the fruit of their love. We divide the age of a man by 4, a woman by 3, whoever has the higher number “wins.” For example, the wife is 29, the husband is 30 – 29:3=9.6, 30:4=7.5, which means there will be a daughter.

Gender of the child and lunar phase

They say that if you follow the lunar calendar, you can easily get a daughter. You need to prepare for the full moon day, it is the most favorable for this purpose. Or guess the day so that the Moon is in the constellation Pisces, Cancer, Capricorn, Scorpio, Taurus, Virgo.

We count by blood

This method, again, is based on renewal in the body: the wife’s blood is renewed every three years, the husband’s every four. Whoever has the newest blood will have a child of that gender. It is very simple to calculate, for example, the expectant mother is 29 years old, she was born in May 1987, the father is 30, he was born in April 1986. To the figure of 1987 we add three to the year, and to 1986 four to the present. It turns out that her blood was renewed in May 2014, the next time in May 2017, and his in April 2014, the next time in April 2018. Such a couple has the opportunity to give birth to a daughter before April 2018, because the wife’s blood is still newer.

If one of the partners had significant blood loss due to childbirth, surgery, abortion, or donation, this event is taken as the starting point, and not the date of birth.

Blood type

Blood type also plays a role in determining the sex of babies. There is every chance of a daughter being born when mom and dad have second blood types. Even a special table has been developed:

Blood type Popes
Moms 1 2 3 4
1 D M D M
2 M D M D
3 D M M M
4 M D M M

According to this table, it is neither early nor late to order a daughter - everything is determined in advance.

Nutrition for having a girl

Research by scientists shows that food consumed by the expectant mother 2-3 months before conception can influence the gender of the child. A woman planning to give birth to a daughter must have reserves of magnesium and calcium in her body.

There is also a theory about the effectiveness of the French diet before conceiving a daughter. Observations of fans of this nutrition system have shown that if you eat food rich in protein, as suggested in the diet, the level of estrogen (female hormone) will increase.

For ladies who dream of having beautiful babies, you need to stock up on the following food: nuts, baked goods (without yeast), pasta, all fermented milk products, millet and rice (cook porridge), vegetables (especially carrots, beets, sweet peppers, eggplants, onions), dried fruits, fruits and berries (citrus fruits, strawberries, grapes, apples), egg whites, boiled lean meat and fish. It is recommended to drink coffee and tea, but without sugar.

You should reduce your consumption of potatoes and salt.

Folk methods of conceiving a girl

The mania for giving birth exclusively to a daughter is not a new phenomenon. In the old days, our grandmothers also passed on to each other folk ways of outwitting fate and giving birth to the desired baby. What did they come up with:

  • the conception of daughters, in their opinion, is facilitated by a young birch tree, under which the intimacy took place;
  • the girls tied a regular thread on their right little finger;
  • in the cold winter months you are more likely to conceive a daughter than a son;
  • a week before going to bed with their husbands, women drank apple or plum juice;
  • if the intimacy took place on Sunday, Friday or Wednesday, they were definitely expecting a daughter;
  • the age of the potential mother is odd, and the month of intimacy is even;
  • You need to put various feminine things under the pillow: a ribbon, a hairpin, a comb, a mirror, etc.

They also say that if you sincerely and very, very strongly want a girl to be born, imagine what she will be like down to the smallest details: face, hair, voice, etc., then the Universe will definitely hear your request and answer you.

The likelihood of having a daughter will increase when this desire is mutual. Of course, everything can be done without the participation of the father, but he can also make his contribution. For example, men are encouraged to wear tight underwear and trousers, then he will have a daughter.

How to conceive a girl...100%

What to do to have a girl

How to conceive a girl 100 percent

Videos, tables, calendars, folk signs... You can talk for a long time about how to get pregnant with a girl the first time, but you can’t get too hung up on this, because no one can guarantee the effectiveness of any of the methods. The main thing is to give birth to a healthy child, give him a happy childhood and raise him to be a worthy person for your joy.