Work on the theme of the little prince continued. Return of the little prince. Outdoor break

Six years have passed, and the pilot still continued to remember his only friend - the Little Prince. One night, having come, as usual, to the seashore to admire the stars, he saw a girl of extraordinary beauty.

Stars twinkled in her eyes, and her skin was soft and velvety, like a rose petal. The pilot could not take his eyes off the girl, and because of his modesty, he would never have dared to approach her. Forcing his gaze away from her, he turned it to the sky and the stars.

At that same moment he heard the ringing of a thousand bells - it was the voice of a girl who turned to him with a minor request. Soon they started talking and sat by the seashore all night. He told her about his difficult life, about loneliness, about the Little Prince and his capricious friend, the rose, who gave him love.

The girl turned out to be an Artist, and the Pilot decided to show her the drawings that he always carried with him, in the hope that she would not judge him harshly. Much to his surprise, she not only did not laugh at his work, but was the second person in the whole wide world who saw in these drawings a boa constrictor swallowing an elephant, from the outside and from the inside...

From that evening they never parted, because they couldn’t imagine life without each other. It turned out that there are so many things in the world that you can do together: walk, read, dance, eat and even be silent.

Two soul mates It doesn’t take many words to understand each other, just a gesture or a glance. There was a feeling that another, completely different new life, which they didn’t even know about before, and everything that happened before was just preparation for this long-awaited meeting. They then often came to the shore of the night sea, where they met, in order to once again feel the happiness of their first meeting.

Each true love there must be a sequel. And the continuation of this love were their children: a boy and a girl. The eldest was a fair-haired, curly-haired, curious, kind, dreamy and sympathetic boy, very similar to his mother. His name was Amir, which means “prince” in Arabic. He idolized and protected his little sister. She was a very beautiful, but capricious girl, because she was the youngest and everyone spoiled her. Her name was Rose, and she adored her older brother.

Their favorite pastime was lying on the seashore, telling each other different stories, and, of course, dreaming. They dreamed of travel, distant countries, unexplored expanses of space and alien worlds in which living beings also lived. In this way, they were very similar to their parents, who were always friends for them, ready to support them in difficult times and give practical advice.

Fox and Pilot.

After the Fox said goodbye to the Little Prince for the last time, he promised himself to never get attached to anyone again. The pain of parting with the one who lives in your heart was so painful that the Fox decided that it was not worth the joy of communication and the delight of waiting for new meetings. But what do the promises made by the mind mean compared to the feeling that overwhelms you? These are just words filled with useless meaning.

Therefore, one evening, the Fox came into the garden, said goodbye to the indifferent roses (he could not leave without seeing them, because they were the last to see them together, him and the Little Prince) and ran. He had no special goal, he knew perfectly well that the Little Prince was gone forever and it was impossible to find him, but when you run, you get the deceptive feeling that you are doing something to make your dream come true.

He ran, ran, ran... he slept during the day, hunted a little at night and ran again. About a week later, the Fox suddenly felt that he was not just running, but running somewhere, even more likely to someone; in surprise, he stopped, sat down and thought.

What if this someone tames him? But the call of the heart is stronger than the fear of the mind, the Fox barked, smiled and set off.

He didn’t know who he was looking for, but one day, running past a tall tree at the edge of the airfield, he heard the quiet ringing of crystal bells. The fox froze and listened, without any doubt, it was the Little Prince laughing! But the sound was coming from somewhere above. The fox raised his muzzle and looked at the stars, they smiled and responded with a melodious chime. The fox had never seen laughing stars, he was amazed and immensely happy. Lying down in the grass, he began to listen to the music of the Little Prince's laughter.

Suddenly the ringing of the crystal trembled and gradually began to fade away. The Fox raised his muzzle in alarm and looked around, a man was walking along the field, the Fox ran after him, the chime became a little more audible, then even louder and more... The Fox stood rooted to the spot and frowned. He realized who this man was and why he was so drawn to him.

"Pilot! After all, he, too, became attached to the Little Prince, just like me,” thought the Fox, “but now I can talk to him about our mutual friend, and when it’s completely unbearable to even cry, and most importantly, he will understand and support me.”

The fox lay down under a tree and began to wait for something to happen, and he knew how to do that; no amount of speed and agility can compare with the ability to wait patiently and calmly. The fox himself did not notice how he fell asleep.

He woke up from the sound of footsteps, raised his muzzle and sniffed, the smell definitely belonged to the same person who was here yesterday. The fox lay down more comfortably and began to watch him.

The man sat down on the ground near the tree, opened the tablet and took out a blank sheet of paper, not noticing that several drawn ones fell out. He chewed on a pencil and thoughtfully watched the setting sun.

The fox got closer to the scattered drawings and began to look at them with interest. Undoubtedly, it was the Pilot, from every drawing the Fox looked at the painfully dear Little Prince. Here he is talking with Rose, and here he is fighting with baobab trees, cleaning volcanoes, the Fox even saw himself, and almost whined with melancholy, but then his gaze fell on the last two drawings. One depicted a boa constrictor swallowing an elephant, and the sight of the second caused the hair on the back of the fox to rise. There was the same boa constrictor and the same elephant, but with such anatomical details that the Fox forgot about his sorrows and barked indignantly.

You have made a cruel mistake!

The pilot shuddered and turned around.

You must fix it immediately!

Hello, Fox - the Pilot greeted with restraint - what did I do wrong?

You let a boa constrictor swallow an elephant!

Oh, yes, Lis, I know, but I can’t help either one or the other.


You see, boa constrictors fall asleep after swallowing their prey, and the elephant is too huge, even for this boa constrictor, and while he sleeps, he cannot open his mouth, so the elephant remains his prisoner.

You've become too old, Pilot... it's so simple! Draw a boa constrictor and an elephant separately, you will save the lives of two unfortunate animals.

But you're right, Lis! It's so simple...

So two more drawings appeared in the Pilot’s collection. And he also had a friend and interlocutor, although they tried not to remember the Little Prince too often, but still everyone had the feeling that he was sitting between them and holding their hands.

And there were also nights...

He gave me his laughter when we parted.

Why do I hear him?

We both love him... that's probably why.

But when you are not there, the stars are silent... it's so sad!

Let's not break up?

Do you really want it?

Since then, they met almost every night and had conversations that only they could understand...

Do you think Rose waited for him?

Certainly! Otherwise, he and his sheep had been sitting with us for a long time. He just tamed her before he met us... and you know how responsible he is.

Do you believe he will return?

No... but I KNOW that we will meet.

I KNOW too, but we don’t have to rush, right?

Sometimes waiting for a meeting is a part of life and is far from the worst, because while we wait, faith and hope live in us.

Do you think the Sheep didn't eat the Rose?

Of course not, because I drew a muzzle.

But it doesn't have a strap.

But the rose has thorns.

So what?

The world does not tolerate ideality, a Rose with a thorny stem, afraid of drafts, a muzzle without a strap, a hungry Lamb... if everything is equal to the ideal, the life of the Little Prince will lose meaning.

And then there were the nights of combat missions. The most disgusting nights for Fox. He sat alone on the edge of the airfield and stared at the stars. While they smiled at him, the Fox knew that everything was fine with the Pilot, but most of all he loved it when the roar of returning planes was accompanied by the crystal bells of the Little Prince's laughter.


People get on fast trains, but they themselves don’t understand what they are looking for,” said the little prince. “That’s why they don’t know peace, they rush in one direction, then in the other...

Then he added:

And it's all in vain...

The well we came to was not like all the wells in sugar. Usually the well here is just a hole in the sand. And this was a real village well. But there was no village anywhere, and I thought it was a dream.

How strange,” I said to the little prince, “everything is prepared here: a collar, a bucket, and a rope...

He laughed, touched the rope, and began to unwind the collar. And the gate creaked, like an old weather vane that had been rusting for a long time in the calm.

Do you hear? - Said the little prince. - We woke up the well, and it began to sing!

I was afraid that he would get tired.

“I’ll scoop up the water myself,” I said, “you can’t do it.”

Slowly I pulled out the full bucket and placed it securely on the stone edge of the well. The singing of the creaking gate still echoed in my ears, the water in the bucket was still shaking, and the sunbeams were trembling in it.

“I want to take a sip of this water,” said the little prince. Let me get drunk...

And I realized what he was looking for!

I brought the bucket to his lips. He drank with his eyes closed. It was like the most wonderful feast. This water was not ordinary. She was born from a long journey under the stars, from the creaking of a gate, from the efforts of my hands. She was like a gift to my heart. When I was little, this is how Christmas gifts shone for me: the glow of candles on the tree, the singing of the organ at the hour of midnight mass, gentle smiles.

On your planet,” said the little prince, “people grow five thousand roses in one garden... And they don’t find what they are looking for...

They don’t find it,” I agreed.

But what they are looking for can be found in one single rose, in a sip of water...

Yes, of course,” I agreed.

And the little prince said:

But the eyes are blind. You have to search with your heart.

I drank some water. It was easy to breathe. At dawn the sand turns golden like honey. And that made me happy too. Why should I be sad?..

“You must keep your word,” the little prince said softly, sitting down next to me again.

What word?

Remember, you promised... A muzzle for my lamb... I am responsible for that flower.

I took my drawings out of my pocket. A little prince looked at them and laughed:

Your baobabs look like cabbage...

But I was proud of my baobabs!

And your fox has ears... Like horns! And how long!

And he laughed again.

You're being unfair, my friend. I’ve never been able to draw except for boas outside and inside.

“It’s okay,” he reassured me. - Children will understand anyway.

And I drew a muzzle for the lamb. I gave the drawing to the little prince, and my heart sank.

You're up to something and you're not telling me...

But he didn't answer.

You know,” he said, “tomorrow it will be a year since I came to your land...

And he fell silent. Then he added:

I fell very close to here...

And he blushed.

And again, God knows why, my soul became heavy. Still, I asked:

So, a week ago, on the morning when we met, it was no coincidence that you were wandering here all alone, a thousand miles from human habitation? Did you return to the place where you fell then?

The little prince blushed even more.

And I added hesitantly:

Maybe it's because it's turning one year old?..

And again he blushed. He didn't answer any of my questions, but when you blush, it means yes, doesn't it?

I feel uneasy... - I started.

But he said:

It's time for you to get to work. Go to your car. I'll be waiting here for you. Come back tomorrow evening...

However, I did not feel any calmer. I remembered the fox... When you let yourself be tamed, then it happens to cry.


Not far from the well there are ruins of an ancient stone wall. The next evening, having finished my work, I returned there and from a distance I saw that the little prince was sitting on the edge of the wall, his legs dangling. And I heard his voice.

Do not you understand? - He said. - It wasn't here at all.

Someone must have answered him, because he replied:

Well, yes, it was exactly a year ago, day after day, but only in a different place...

I walked faster. But nowhere near the wall did I see or hear anyone else. Meanwhile, the little prince answered someone again:

Well, of course. You will find my footprints in the sand. And then wait. I'll come there tonight.

There were twenty meters left to the wall, and I still couldn’t see anything.

After a short silence, the little prince asked:

Do you have good poison? Won't you make me suffer for a long time?

I stopped, and my heart sank, but I still did not understand.

“Now go away,” said the little prince. - I want to jump down.

Then I lowered my eyes and jumped up! At the foot of the wall, lifting it up to the little prince, curled up a yellow snake, one of those whose bite kills in half a minute.

Feeling for the revolver in my pocket, I ran towards her, but at the sound of footsteps, the snake quietly flowed through the sand, like a dying stream, and with a barely audible metallic ringing slowly disappeared between the stones.

I ran to the wall just in time and picked up my little prince. He was whiter than snow.

What are you thinking, baby? - I exclaimed. - Why do you start conversations with snakes?

I untied his ever-present golden scarf. I wet him with whiskey and made him drink water. But he didn’t dare ask anything else. He looked at me seriously and put his arms around my neck. I heard his heart beating like a shot bird. He said:

I'm glad you found what was wrong with your car. Now you can go home...

How do you know?!

I was just about to tell him that, contrary to all expectations, I managed to fix the plane!

He didn't answer, he just said:

And I will also return home today.

Then he added sadly:

Everything was somehow strange. I hugged him tightly, like a small child, and, however, it seemed to me as if he was slipping away, he was being swallowed up by an abyss, and I was unable to hold him...

He looked thoughtfully into the distance.

I will have your lamb. And a box for the lamb. And a muzzle...

And he smiled sadly.

I've been waiting a long time. He seemed to come to his senses.

You're scared, baby...

Well, don't be scared! But he laughed quietly:

Tonight I'll be much more scared...

And again I was frozen by a premonition of irreparable disaster. Will I really, really never hear him laugh again? This laughter for me is like a spring in the desert.

Baby, I still want to hear you laugh...

But he said:

Tonight will be one year old. My star will be right above the place where I fell a year ago...

Listen, kid, this whole thing - both the snake and the date with the star - is just a bad dream, isn't it?

But he didn't answer.

The most important thing is what you can’t see with your eyes... - He said.

Yes, sure...

It's like a flower. If you love a flower that grows somewhere on a distant star, it’s good to look at the sky at night. All the stars are blooming.

Yes, sure...

It's like with water. When you gave me a drink, that water was like music, and all because of the gate and the rope... Remember? She was very nice.

Yes, of course... The Little Prince.

At night you will look at the stars. My star is very small, I can’t show it to you. That's better. She will simply be one of the stars for you. And you will love to look at the stars... They will all become your friends. And then, I'll give you something...

And he laughed.

Oh, baby, baby, how I love it when you laugh!

This is my gift... It will be like water...

How so?

Each person has their own stars. For those who wander, they show the way. For others, they are just little lights. For scientists, they are like a problem that needs to be solved. For my businessman they are gold. But for all these people the stars are mute. And you will have very special stars...

How so?

You will look at the sky at night, and there will be such a star there, where I live, where I laugh, and you will hear that all the stars are laughing. You will have stars who know how to laugh!

And he laughed himself.

And when you are consoled (eventually you are always consoled), you will be glad that you once knew me. You will always be my friend. You'll want to laugh with me. Sometimes you open the window like this, and you will be pleased... And your friends will be surprised that you laugh, looking at the sky. And you tell them: “yes, yes, I always laugh when looking at the stars!” And they'll think you're crazy. This is the cruel joke I'll play on you...

And he laughed again.

It's as if instead of stars I gave you a whole bunch of laughing bells...

He laughed again. Then he became serious again:

You know... Tonight... Better not come.

I will not leave you.

It will seem to you that I am in pain... It will even seem that I am dying. That's how it happens. Don't come, don't.

I will not leave you.

But he was preoccupied with something.

You see... It's also because of the snake. What if she bites you... Snakes are evil. Stinging someone is a pleasure for them.

I will not leave you.

He suddenly calmed down:

True, she doesn’t have enough poison for two...

That night I didn't notice him leave. He slipped away silently. When I finally caught up with him, he was walking with quick, determined steps.

Oh, it’s you... - He just said.

And he took my hand. But something was bothering him.

It's in vain that you come with me. It will hurt you to look at me. You'll think I'm dying, but that's not true...

I was silent.

You see... It's very far away. My body is too heavy. I can't take it away.

I was silent.

But it's like shedding an old shell. There's nothing sad here...

I was silent.

He became a little discouraged. But still he made one more effort:

You know, it will be very nice. I will also start looking at the stars. And all the stars will be like old wells with a creaky gate. And each one will give me something to drink...

I was silent.

Think how funny it is! You will have five hundred million bells, and I will have five hundred million springs...

And then he also fell silent, because he began to cry...

Here we are. Let me take another step alone.

And he sat down on the sand because he was scared.

Then he said:

You know... My rose... I am responsible for her. And she is so weak! And so simple-minded. All she has is four measly thorns; she has nothing else to protect herself from the world...

I also sat down because my legs gave way. He said:

OK it's all over Now...

He paused for another minute and stood up. And he took just one step. And I couldn’t move.

Like yellow lightning flashed at his feet. For a moment he remained motionless. Didn't scream. Then he fell - slowly, like a tree falling. Slowly and silently, because the sand muffles all sounds.


And now six years have passed... I have never told anyone about this. When I returned, my comrades were glad to see me again safe and sound. I was sad, but I told them:

I'm just tired...

And yet, little by little I was comforted. That is... Not really. But I know he returned to his planet, because when dawn broke, I did not find his body on the sand. It wasn't that heavy. And at night I like to listen to the stars. Like five hundred million bells...

But here's what's amazing. When I was drawing the muzzle for the lamb, I forgot about the strap! The little prince will not be able to put it on the lamb. And I ask myself: is something being done there, on his planet? What if the lamb ate the rose?

Sometimes I say to myself: no, of course not! The little prince always covers the rose with a glass cap at night, and takes great care of the lamb...

Then I'm happy. And all the stars laugh quietly.

And sometimes I tell myself: sometimes you can be absent-minded... Then anything can happen! Suddenly one evening he forgot about the glass bell or the lamb quietly got out into the wild at night...

And then all the bells cry...

All this is mysterious and incomprehensible. To you, who also fell in love with the little prince, like me, this is not at all all the same: the whole world becomes different for us because somewhere in an unknown corner of the universe a lamb, which we have never seen, perhaps ate something unknown to us. rose.

Look at the sky. And ask yourself, is that rose alive or is it no longer there? What if the lamb ate it?.. And you will see, everything will be different...

And no adult will ever understand how important this is!


We have prepared for you again continuation of the Story of the Little Prince in the Castle. Today you will learn everything about the famous battle between Gregory and Matthieu Gonne involving shaving cream, and also read what the guys talked about and what other events happened to them on October 5, 2004.

We remind you that all parts of the Story of the Little Prince in the Castle in chronological order from the very beginning can be found using a special tag

In the previous chapter of The Story of the Little Prince in the Castle we told how Tuesday began October 5, 2004. Today you will find a continuation of the story about this day - after classes with Milo and voice testing for a song L'aveu The guys had a short break from classes, which Gregory, in the company of Arlem, John and Sofyan, spent on the street.

Break for fresh air

Greg and Sofyan teased each other in their usual manner, Sofyan asked Greg to admit that he could not live without him, and Gregory was forced to agree. They went to the rehearsal room and John asked Greg what song he was working on. Gregory replied that this Sous le vent Celine Dion. Gregory looked thoughtful, and the guys explained to him that if he wanted to stand in a real “thoughtful look” pose, then he needed to bend one leg at the knee and put it against the wall. Sofyan set an example and portrayed this pose very convincingly, which made Greg and John laugh very much.
They began to laugh about the fact that only girls of easy virtue stand like this, although John argued that models often stand in this position, but Sofyan did not agree with him. He noted that even the expression “propping up the wall” came from girls of easy virtue, while you still need to make appropriate gestures, for example, from time to time to spit and swear. Sofyan tried to teach Gregory to do the same, but he and John had to admit that Greg was bad at it. Then the conversation turned to tomorrow's trip to Cannes - they were going to give a concert there, and John was very happy that he would be able to visit his place - after all, this is his hometown. He said that he understood that they would not have time for anything other than the performance, but still, if his family came up there, he would do anything to see them - even push aside the bodyguards if necessary. He saw his dad on Friday - he came because John was nominated, but they couldn't talk.

Video of guys on the street you can download


Shaving foam

The famous war between Gregory and Matthieu Gonet began when Greg decided to take revenge on the teacher for his jabs and jokes that he had made about him the day before. Gregory, with an innocent look, came to the rehearsal of John and Sofian with Matthieu Gonet and, as if nothing had happened, “hugged” the teacher by the shoulders, demonstratively singing along to the song so that he would not guess anything. Thus, he discreetly smeared Matthieu's jacket with shaving foam. At first, Matthieu did not notice anything and continued rehearsing with John and Sofiane. Gregory patiently waited in the wings - he went out, came back and did not give away the “surprise” that was emblazoned on the teacher’s back. However, he managed to secretly whisper first to John and then to Sofyan about his joke, and they took turns supposedly accidentally going behind Matthieu’s back to see with their own eyes that Gregory really did it. Here they could no longer hold back their laughter and played a joke. Matthieu Gonet couldn’t come to his senses when he looked at his back in the mirror, and only repeated in surprise for a few minutes, “No, I can’t believe it!” The guys were dying of laughter, Gregory said, “Serves you right, get it,” and Sofyan immediately began pointing his finger at Greg, saying that it was his idea, and he, Sofyan, had nothing to do with it.
I’ve been working at Star Academy for four years and no one has ever done this to me. Matthieu Gonet was indignant, “What is this?” Shaving cream?

After which he attacked Gregory, trying to wipe his jacket on his face. Gregory, continuing to laugh, began to imitate Matthieu, repeating with the same intonation: “I can’t believe it!”
Matthieu kicked Gregory out the door, saying he didn't want to see him anymore, and thank God Gregory was no longer on the schedule today.
“Remember just one thing,” Matthieu warned as Greg left, “You don’t know me yet.”
- You don’t know me yet either! - Gregory retorted.
Matthieu teamed up with Sofyan and the two of them caught Gregory in the hall after the rehearsal. Matthieu ordered Sofiane to drag Greg to the bathroom. The only “indulgence” he gave was to allow Gregory to first take off his jacket and T-shirt and along with them the microphone. All Gregory’s attempts to escape from Sofyan’s tenacious embrace were unsuccessful. Morgan and Enrique accompanied the expedition as spectators, while singing: “Revenge, this is revenge.”
Together with Sofiane, Matthieu smeared Gregory from head to toe in shaving foam, saying at the same time: “Oh, he’s so cute, how it suits him.” Then Matthieu walked away with dignity, and Greg stood up with difficulty and began to reprimand Sofiana that he had asked him not to smear his eyes. And now he can’t even open them, he’s pinching everything. Sofyan tried to wash the foam from Gregory’s eyes, but it turned out even worse.
- Where is the tap? Show me where the water is,” Gregory began to ask, trying to blindly grope for the sink, “Foam is flowing down my legs!” - he was indignant, washing his face, - Well, I swear, he won’t get away with it so easily. I will take revenge tonight!

Gregory wanted to immediately go in search of Matthieu Gonet, Oda tried to explain to him that he shouldn’t go out like that, and when he went to his clothes, he realized that he really couldn’t get dressed, so he went back to the bathroom and began to wash off further shaving foam, but he didn't do it too well. Sofyan suddenly became sharply concerned about Gregory’s health and began to tell him that he would catch a cold if he walked like that, Lucy suggested that he take a shower, but Greg did not listen to anyone. He put on a robe and went to the interview room, where he was called over the speakerphone. And Sofyan grabbed another tube of shaving foam and furtively followed it to add to what he had started. And Lucy, peeking through the door, retreated in time, feeling that now they would come out and Gregory’s revenge would be terrible.

Video stories with shaving foam you can find


Conversation in the dining room

During dinner, the guys, as usual, all gathered together in the dining room. Gregory was inseparable from Oda, and Enrique and Lucy were in a quarrel at that time, and their conflict continued in the fact that they quarreled again. Enrique said that he was trying to make an effort and be polite with her, to which Lucy replied that she did not even want to talk to him, they sent each other far and for a long time, and in the end Enrique left the table: this quarrel of theirs lasted for a long time now.

Sofyan, being in a good mood, sang a song for everyone in the manner of a cow, and Gregory happily sang along with him, but at the same time they continued to bully each other. Greg complained that the shaving foam that Sofyan had smeared on him got into his eyes, and that he was still stinging, and Sofyan made excuses that he had nothing to do with it at all, and that it was all Matthieu Gonet. To which Gregory threatened his older brother that he would still take revenge on him.

Video of Gregory and the guys in the dining room you can download


Conversation in the living room

In the evening, after all the twists and turns and events of this long day, the guys gathered in the living room of the Castle. It was already ten in the evening, but they still had a choreography lesson with Kamel Ouali, and they were just waiting for the teacher, who still did not show up. Francesca was unhappy that the lesson was scheduled for such a late time, and that Kamel was late - she already wanted to sleep. Greg was also tired after all his adventures, and Mathieu played the guitar to somehow brighten up the anticipation and not fall asleep. Kamel was already an hour late, and Mathieu was indignant that this was too much, that they would have no time to rest before tomorrow, and they had a trip to Cannes ahead of them. Francesca said that the strangest thing is that Kamel is also going with them tomorrow - he won’t get enough sleep either. Gregory was not sure that he would accompany them, but Francesca was convinced of it. Greg asked who else would go with them, and the guys told him that only Kamel and Michael Jones.

Gregory asked if anyone from the management would go, but no one could answer this question. But Mathieu noted that fifteen bodyguards would go with them, who would again surround them so that they couldn’t breathe. He said that these bodyguards sometimes just amuse him - he and Francesca laughed for a long time about the story when they were traveling on the bus and everyone wanted to go to the toilet, and the bodyguards even followed them there.
And then Gregory was called in for an interview over speakerphone, and he walked away and left the guys alone.

Video of Gregory and the guys in the living room you can download

For "The Little Prince" and, despite the fact that the comments were mostly critical, in support of the continuation of the topic, I (at the request and invitation) am posting my version.

Fox and Pilot. Continuation of The Little Prince by A. de Saint-Exupéry

After the Fox said goodbye to the Little Prince for the last time, he promised himself to never get attached to anyone again. The pain of parting with the one who lives in your heart was so painful that the Fox decided that it was not worth the joy of communication and the delight of waiting for new meetings. But what do the promises made by the mind mean compared to the feeling that overwhelms you? These are just words filled with useless meaning.

Therefore, one evening, the Fox came into the garden, said goodbye to the indifferent roses (he could not leave without seeing them, because they were the last to see them together, him and the Little Prince) and ran. He had no special goal, he knew perfectly well that the Little Prince was gone forever and it was impossible to find him, but when you run, you get the deceptive feeling that you are doing something to make your dream come true.

He ran, ran, ran... he slept during the day, hunted a little at night and ran again. About a week later, the Fox suddenly felt that he was not just running, but running somewhere, even more likely to someone; in surprise, he stopped, sat down and thought.

What if this someone tames him? But the call of the heart is stronger than the fear of the mind, the Fox barked, smiled and set off.

He didn’t know who he was looking for, but one day, running past a tall tree at the edge of the airfield, he heard the quiet ringing of crystal bells. The fox froze and listened, without any doubt, it was the Little Prince laughing! But the sound was coming from somewhere above. The fox raised his muzzle and looked at the stars, they smiled and responded with a melodious chime. The fox had never seen laughing stars, he was amazed and immensely happy. Lying down in the grass, he began to listen to the music of the Little Prince's laughter.

Suddenly the ringing of the crystal trembled and gradually began to fade away. The Fox raised his muzzle in alarm and looked around, a man was walking along the field, the Fox ran after him, the chime became a little more audible, then even louder and more... The Fox stood rooted to the spot and frowned. He realized who this man was and why he was so drawn to him.

"Pilot! After all, he, too, became attached to the Little Prince, just like me,” thought the Fox, “but now I can talk to him about our mutual friend, and when it’s completely unbearable to even cry, and most importantly, he will understand and support me.”

The fox lay down under a tree and began to wait for something to happen, and he knew how to do that; no amount of speed and agility can compare with the ability to wait patiently and calmly. The fox himself did not notice how he fell asleep.

He woke up from the sound of footsteps, raised his muzzle and sniffed, the smell definitely belonged to the same person who was here yesterday. The fox lay down more comfortably and began to watch him.

The man sat down on the ground near the tree, opened the tablet and took out a blank sheet of paper, not noticing that several drawn ones fell out. He chewed on a pencil and thoughtfully watched the setting sun.

The fox got closer to the scattered drawings and began to look at them with interest. Undoubtedly, it was the Pilot, from every drawing the Fox looked at the painfully dear Little Prince. Here he is talking with Rose, and here he is fighting with baobab trees, cleaning volcanoes, the Fox even saw himself, and almost whined with melancholy, but then his gaze fell on the last two drawings. One depicted a boa constrictor swallowing an elephant, and the sight of the second caused the hair on the back of the fox to rise. There was the same boa constrictor and the same elephant, but with such anatomical details that the Fox forgot about his sorrows and barked indignantly.

You have made a cruel mistake!

The pilot shuddered and turned around.

You must fix it immediately!

Hello, Fox - the Pilot greeted with restraint - what did I do wrong?

You let a boa constrictor swallow an elephant!

Oh, yes, Lis, I know, but I can’t help either one or the other.


You see, boa constrictors fall asleep after swallowing their prey, and the elephant is too huge, even for this boa constrictor, and while he sleeps, he cannot open his mouth, so the elephant remains his prisoner.

You've become too old, Pilot... it's so simple! Draw a boa constrictor and an elephant separately, you will save the lives of two unfortunate animals.

But you're right, Lis! It's so simple...

So two more drawings appeared in the Pilot’s collection. And he also had a friend and interlocutor, although they tried not to remember the Little Prince too often, but still everyone had the feeling that he was sitting between them and holding their hands.

And there were also nights...

He gave me his laughter when we parted.

Why do I hear him?

We both love him... that's probably why.

But when you are not there, the stars are silent... it's so sad!

Let's not break up?

Do you really want it?



Since then, they met almost every night and had conversations that only they could understand...

Do you think Rose waited for him?

Certainly! Otherwise, he and his sheep had been sitting with us for a long time. He just tamed her before he met us... and you know how responsible he is.

Do you believe he will return?

No... but I KNOW that we will meet.

I KNOW too, but we don’t have to rush, right?

Sometimes waiting for a meeting is a part of life and is far from the worst, because while we wait, faith and hope live in us.

Do you think the Sheep didn't eat the Rose?

Of course not, because I drew a muzzle.

But it doesn't have a strap.

But the rose has thorns.

So what?

The world does not tolerate ideality, a Rose with a thorny stem, afraid of drafts, a muzzle without a strap, a hungry Lamb... if everything is equal to the ideal, the life of the Little Prince will lose meaning.

And then there were the nights of combat missions. The most disgusting nights for Fox. He sat alone on the edge of the airfield and stared at the stars. While they smiled at him, the Fox knew that everything was fine with the Pilot, but most of all he loved it when the roar of returning planes was accompanied by the crystal bells of the Little Prince's laughter.

One day they met...