Pullover for baby with jacquard. Pullover for girls with jacquard patterns Jacquard sweater for girls patterns

It would probably be redundant to talk about how fashionable it is now knitted jacquard and how fashionistas benefit from this. After all jacquard patterns so diverse that they can satisfy any taste, ranging from traditional Norwegian, consisting of two contrasting colors, ending with multi-colored ones, delighting even the most demanding fashionistas with their riot of colors!

Themes jacquard patterns absolutely diverse, it can be always relevant snowflakes and deer, ornaments, flowers, single motifs and combinations of all this. It all depends on taste and imagination. In addition, things knitted using this technique are twice as warm as usual, because... pulling the threads along the wrong side provides double thickness.
Why don’t we replenish our current wardrobe with an elegant item with jacquard pattern? Easily!
Below are jacquard patterns schemes. They will be useful to those who knit.
We invite everyone else to use their imagination and plunge into the world of magnificent jacquards with us!
And so, on the podium two-color jacquard!
Let’s make a reservation right away: any two-color jacquard can be made multicolor by changing the colors of the main pattern and background, the main thing is to find the right combinations. There is another trick - use a multi-color thread to form a background or pattern - this will make the jacquard lively, interesting and original.


Sweater "Bullfinches" knitted for a child 3-4 years old

This one is elegant children's sweater knitted from bottom to top for ease of execution round yoke with jacquard pattern "Bullfinches". To avoid tangles, you can calculate the approximate required yardage of yarn for knitting a separate color fragment and trim the thread with a small margin. The model is universal: suitable for both boys and girls.
Author of the model: Elena Zhiganova
Age: 3-4 years.
Size: 98-104.
Measurements: height - 97-104 cm; chest circumference ‒ 55-57 cm; waist circumference ‒ 52-54 cm; hip circumference ‒ 57-60 cm.
Required: 220 g white and 120 g blue yarn (50% wool, 50% acrylic, 220 m/100 g); remnants of green, red, gray and black yarn; straight and circular knitting needles No. 3.
cm = centimeters;
n. = loop;
persons = knit (loop);
purl = purl (loop).
Elastic band 1x1: In the front rows, knit alternately 1 person. and 1 purl., in the purl rows of loops, knit according to the pattern.
Facial surface: knit faces in the front rows. loops, in purl rows - purl. loops.
Jacquard pattern "Zigzag" 6 p.: knit in stockinette stitch scheme 1.
Jacquard pattern "Bullfinches": knit in stockinette stitch according to scheme 2, which shows ½ yoke = 126 p. When knitting, the yoke gradually narrows (decreases are indicated in the diagram). Blue squares indicate missing loops.
Knitting density: 20 loops and 28 rows = 10 x 10 cm.
It is important! When reading the description, pay attention to the numbers in [...] square brackets - this is the total number of loops that should be obtained after decreasing or adding loops.


Using blue yarn, cast on 60 stitches and knit 5 cm (= 14 rows) elastic band 1x1, adding 10 stitches evenly in the last row [= 70 stitches]
Continue knitting stockinette stitch.
6 rows after the elastic, connect green and white yarn to the knitting and perform 6 rows of jacquard "Zigzag" pattern.
stockinette stitch and start jacquard pattern "Bullfinches" according to scheme 2a.
In the 9th row of jacquard for armholes close on both sides with 4 sts. [= 62 sts] Set aside the loops.

※ Before

Knit as a back piece, just start jacquard pattern "Bullfinches" according to scheme 2b.

※ Sleeves

Using blue yarn, cast on 36 sts and knit 5 cm (= 14 rows) elastic band 1x1, adding 8 stitches evenly in the last row [= 44 stitches]
Continue knitting stockinette stitch.
4 rows after the elastic, connect green and white yarn to the knitting and perform 6 rows of jacquard "Zigzag" pattern.
Next, knit 48 rows with white yarn stockinette stitch and start jacquard pattern "Bullfinches"(for the right sleeve - according to scheme 2c, for the left - by scheme 2d ).
For bevels add 1 p. on both sides in every 8th row 6 times (= 56 p.).
In the 9th row of jacquard close for armhole 4 sts on both sides [= 48 sts] Set aside the loops.
Knit the second sleeve in the same way.

※ Assembly

For a coquette Using circular knitting needles, collect all the postponed loops of the parts: front (62 p.) + right sleeve (48 p.) + back (62 p.) + left sleeve (48 p.) = 220 p. and continue knitting according scheme 2.
Attention! To cut out the front neckline in the last 12 rows, knit in short rows (see. scheme 2 ).
Having finished making the yoke [on knitting needles = 76 stitches], proceed to knitting the stand-up collar elastic band 1x1 13-18 cm high. Then close the loops using an elastic method.
Ready product moisten, straighten and let it dry.
Execute side seams and sleeve seams.

● When using several colors of yarn to knit a product, you need to make sure that the threads do not fade. It is also very important that the composition and thickness of the multi-colored yarn are the same.
● Connection knitted parts It is advisable to make products with a knitted seam.
● Knitted items should be washed in moderately warm water using special detergents. Soak for 3 minutes, squeeze several times (but do not rub), then rinse thoroughly in cool water and squeeze lightly. Do not twist while spinning! Wrap in a terry towel and squeeze again. Then straighten it and lay it out on a flat surface, preferably on a thick fabric that allows air to pass through well.
● Do not iron or steam knitted product so as not to disrupt the elasticity of the elastic! Just moisten it and let it dry flat.

※ Scheme

※ Dimensions for pattern

Size: 68 (for 6 months)

You will need:

  • 1 skein cream 01021, 1 skein light blue 01054, 3 skeins blue 01053 Schachenmayr Baby Smiles Merino Mix yarn (50% wool, 50% polyamide, 50 g/ 120 m),
  • or yarn Schachenmayr Baby Smiles Bravo Baby 135 (100% polyacrylic, 50 g/135 m),
  • or Schachenmayr Baby Smiles Super Soft yarn (55% polyamide, 45% polyacrylic, 50 g/163 m),
  • knitting needles No. 3 and No. 3.5,
  • circular knitting needles No. 3 and No. 3.5,
  • 3 buttons.

Rubber: alternately knit 1, purl 1. Facial surface: faces. R. - persons p., out. R. - purl P.

Jacquard pattern: knit faces. stitch according to the counting pattern. When changing colors, cross the threads on the wrong side of the work to avoid holes. Chrome. knit with threads of both colors. Repeat repeat loops, ending with loops after repeat.

Selected additions on the right edge: chrome, knit 1, knit 1. cross. from a cross thread. From the left edge: knit a row up to the last 2 stitches, knit 1 stitch. cross. from cross thread, 1 face., chrome.

Knitting density: front stitch: 22 p. and 30 r. = 10 x 10 cm.

Description of knitting a jacquard pullover for a baby:


On knitting needles No. 3 with blue thread, cast on 58 rubles. and knit a 2 cm strip with an elastic band, then knit with knitting needles No. 3.5. satin stitch For raglan bevels, 14 cm from the starting row, close 1 x 2 stitches on both sides, then in every 2nd row. 1 x 2 p. and 3 x 1 p. = 44 p. After 18 cm from the initial row, set the p.


On knitting needles No. 3, cast on 58 stitches with blue thread and knit the placket with an elastic band. After 2 cm, knit with knitting needles No. 3.5. satin stitch For raglan bevels, after 14 cm from the initial row, close 1 x 2 stitches on both sides, in the 2nd row. 1 x 2 sts = 50 sts. After 15 cm from the starting row, set aside a st. Left sleeve: on knitting needles No. 3 with blue thread, cast on 46 sts and knit a placket with an elastic band. After 2 cm, knit with knitting needles No. 3.5. satin stitch At 9 p.m. for sleeve bevels, add 1 stitch on both sides using highlighted increments, then in every 8th row. 2 x 1 p. and in the 6th p. 1 x 1 p. = 54 p. For raglan bevels, after 14 cm from the initial row, close 1 x 2 p. on both sides and in the 2nd r. 1 x 2 p. After 15 cm from the initial row, set aside from the left edge in every 2nd row. 1 x 10 p. and 3 x 11 p. At the same time, close from the right edge in every 2nd r. 3 x 1 p. = 43 deferred p.

Knit the right sleeve symmetrically.


Using blue thread on circular needles No. 3, cast on 4 sts, transfer 50 sts for front, 43 sts for right sleeve, 44 sts for back, 43 sts for left sleeve and additionally cast on 4 more sts for placket = 188 sts for 1st persons knit a row with blue thread as follows: chrome, knit. satin stitch until the last 4 stitches, 3 stitches with an elastic band, edging, knitting adjacent edges. together persons = 184 p. Then knit with a jacquard pattern, starting with 1 purl. R. and after chrome. knit 3 sts with an elastic band, knit with a jacquard pattern until the last 4 sts, knit 3 sts. satin stitch with blue thread, chrome. Next, knit the first 4 stitches of the row with a light blue thread (chrome and 3 stitches in the front stitch) and the last 4 stitches with a blue thread (3 stitches with an elastic band, chrome). Start the jacquard pattern after 4 stitches and end before the last 4 stitches.

In the 2nd r. perform decreases as follows: 2nd (knit) row: chrome, knit 3 knits. blue thread, k7, * 2 stitches together, knit 8, repeat from * 15 times, 2 stitches together, knit 7, 3 stitches with elastic blue thread, chrome. = 167 p. In the 8th r. make the 1st hole for the button: chrome, 1 yarn over, 2 stitches together, knit 2, 2 stitches together, 1 yarn over and then knit according to the pattern. Next purl R. knit yarn overs purl.

10th row: chrome, 3 persons. light blue thread, knit 7, * 2 sts together, knit 7, repeat from * 15 times, 2 sts together, knit, 3 sts with elastic blue thread, chrome. = 150 p.

12th row: chrome, 3 persons. light blue thread, knit 6, * knit 2 stitches together, blitz, repeat from * 15 times, 2 stitches together, knit 6, 3 stitches with elastic blue thread, chrome. = 133 p.

14th row: chrome, 3 persons. light blue thread, knit 6, * 2 stitches together, repeat from * 15 times, 2 stitches together, knit 5, 3
p. with an elastic band, blue thread, chrome. = 116 p. In the 20th r. make the 2nd hole for the button.

26th r.: chrome. 3 persons light blue thread, knit 5, * knit 2 stitches together. repeat from * 15 times, knit 2 stitches together, knit 5, knit 3 stitches with an elastic band and blue thread, chrome. = 99 p.

28th row: chrome, k3, light blue thread, k5, * 2 sts together, k3, repeat from * 15 times, 2 sts together, k4, Knit 3 stitches with an elastic band and blue thread, chrome. = 82 p.

30th r.: chrome, 3 persons. light blue thread, k4, * 3 stitches together, knit 2, repeat from * 15 times, 2 stitches together, knit 4, 3 stitches with elastic blue thread, chrome. = 65 p. After the 31st row, finish the jacquard pattern.

Switch to circular needles No. 3 and knit with an elastic band with light blue thread, while in the 3rd row. make the 3rd hole for the button. After 2 cm, loosely close all loops.


Turn the front and left sleeve trims to the wrong side. side and sew. Sew side seams, raglan seams and sleeve seams. Sew buttons.

Knitting patterns for girls' jumpers

Facial surface. Front rows - front loops, purl rows - purl loops.

Purl stitch. Front rows - purl loops, purl rows - front loops.

Double pearl pattern. Knit alternately 1 knit, 1 purl. In each front row/odd circular row, shift the loops.

Jacquard pattern on 12 loops. Knit according to the counted pattern using stockinette stitch from several balls, while the thread of the non-working color is loosely pulled on the wrong side of the work. To avoid long broaches, knit a thread of a non-working color into the fabric on the wrong side of the work every 4 loops. The diagram shows knit and purl rows or even and odd circular rows. In the front and back rows, start with loops before the rapport, repeat the repeat constantly and finish with loops after the repeat. In circular rows, repeat rapport constantly. Repeat rows 1–34 constantly. In circular rows from the 1st to the 34th circle.r. perform 1 time.

Knitting density: 23 p. x 25 r. = 10 x 10 cm.

Attention! Knit with a yellow-orange thread in two folds.

Jumper with jacquard pattern for girls - knitting description


Back. With a yellow-orange thread, cast on 79 (89) 97 sts on the needles and knit between the edges 2 cm with a double pearl pattern. Then continue working with the jacquard pattern, starting from arrow B (C) A. After 34 (38) 42 cm from the bar, close the middle 27 sts for the neckline. Knit the shoulders to the end separately, while in every 2nd p. along the edge of the neck close 1 x 3 p. and 1 x 2 p.

After 36 (40) 44 cm from the bar, bind off the remaining shoulder loops.

Before. Knit like a back, but with a deeper neckline. To do this, after 28 (32) 36 cm from the bar, close the middle 17 sts. Finish both sides separately, along the edge of the neck in every 2nd p. bind off 1 x 3 p., 2 x 2 p. and 3 x 1 p. At the height of the back, bind off the remaining shoulder loops.

Sleeves. Using a yellow-orange thread, cast on 43 stitches for each sleeve and knit between the edges 2 cm in a double pearl pattern. Next, knit between the edges with a jacquard pattern, starting from arrow B, from the 7th row of the pattern. For sleeve bevels every 4th r. on both sides add according to pattern 9 (11) 11 x 1 p., then in every 2nd r. on both sides add according to the pattern 11 (11) 14 x 1 p. After 24 (27) 30 cm from the bar, close all the loops straight.

Assembly. Lightly moisten the parts, stretch them according to the dimensions indicated on the pattern and leave until dry. Sew shoulder seams. Along the edge of the neckline, on short circular needles, use a yellow-orange thread to cast on 82 stitches and knit 2 cm with a double pearl pattern, then bind off all the loops. Sew in the sleeves so that the middle of the sleeve coincides with the shoulder seam. Sew side seams and sleeve seams. At the end, lightly steam all seams.

Detachable collar. Using yellow-orange thread on long circular needles, cast on 120 stitches and knit in 2 cm circular rows with a double pearl pattern. Then continue working with the jacquard pattern. After 13 cm from the bar, knit 2 cm with a double pearl pattern, then bind off all the loops.