Sell, throw away or burn: what to do with a wedding dress, glasses, veil and rings after a divorce. Wedding dress after the wedding: signs What to do with the wedding dress after the wedding

Previously, brides kept their dress in the closet for years, looking at it with trepidation every time they looked into the wardrobe. But as time goes on, people become more practical and try not to clutter their closets with things that they will no longer wear. Does this mean you need to get rid of your wedding dress? Of course not! I offer you several options for wearing this dress in everyday life. Using them, you can save on buying a new cocktail dress and show your original taste and unconventional approach to fashion. So, let's begin.

Wearing options

Use the tulle from the dress to sew a fashionable long skirt. This skirt can be worn with a regular chambray shirt or your favorite top.

If your dress has a simple cut and is made of smooth glossy fabric, then you can recut it into a versatile knee-length dress in boho chic style. You can wear it with boots and a Fedora hat.

You can also recolor the lace lining of the dress and shorten the skirt a little. In this case, you will get a universal cocktail dress that can be worn to a social gathering or a club party.

Do you want to show your originality and non-standard approach to clothing? Then feel free to shorten your wedding dress, leaving the back long. For greater effect, the fabric can be decorated with chaotic bright spots.

If the style of your dress is rather discreet, then you can simply recolor it, making it more casual. In this example, you can see how their elegant wedding dress turned into a luxurious cocktail outfit that can be worn to an important celebration, including a friend’s wedding.

Are you excited about the idea of ​​using your mom's wedding dress for your ceremony? Then you can turn to a professional seamstress, who will alter it to your specifications and modernize it a little, adding interesting details.

Strapless styles easily transform into stylish short bandeau dresses that are perfect for summer. If you are confused by the white color, then the fabric can be repainted and dilute the outfit with an additional accessory, for example, a contrasting belt.

A vintage dress with lots of ruffles can be shortened and dyed fuchsia or another shade that suits you.

The “fish” style looks very beautiful in photographs, but in real life it turns out to be extremely impractical. To rectify the situation and give the outfit a second life, you can simply cut off the flaring skirt and paint the fabric with flowers, stars or another print. It will look very original!

Want to wear your old wedding dress as often as possible? Then sew it into a light summer sundress. To do this, just shorten the hem and add a couple of bright accents. In the case of our example, these accents were the pink belt and piping along the hem of the outfit.

But from a silk bodycon dress you can end up with a top, a belt and a cute clutch. Again, you cannot do without the services of an atelier.

Other ideas

If you have no desire to wear your dress after the wedding, then you can find the following use for it:

1. Wear it for an unusual photo shoot. Extreme photographs taken after the wedding, for example swimming in a lake, pictures in the forest, in flowers, will add a certain charm. In this case, you don’t have to worry about the safety of your outfit, because the formal part of the wedding is already behind you.

2. Rent or resell. If for you a wedding dress is the same outfit as everyone else, and you don’t feel much awe about it, then you can rent it out to other brides or get rid of it forever by selling it online.

So, all the documents have been completed, the property has been divided, and emotions have subsided slightly. Now the former newlywed, and now a free woman, is faced with the question - what to do with the accessories that were purchased for the wedding?

Is it possible to sell a wedding dress or wine glasses? Or maybe, after waiting until nightfall, conduct a ritual of secret burning of these things that were once dear to the heart, but now evoke only annoying associations and painful memories?

Is it possible to throw away a wedding dress after a divorce?

It all depends on personal superstition. If you think that you need to say goodbye to the past irrevocably, and you don’t intend to keep everything at home that reminds you of an unsuccessful marriage, then taking the wedding attire to the trash or burning it is quite possible.

But if you decide to give up your outfit for free, wouldn’t it be better to give it away for free or for a nominal fee? Imagine how happy the happy bride will be!

After all, youth tends not to attach importance to superstitions, and a young couple experiencing financial difficulties will happily accept the gift, believing only in a good future.

It’s better to get rid of your festive attire for the benefit of your wallet. If the outfit is in good condition, feel free to put it up for sale on Avito or other similar resources. Another good option is to take it to a pawnshop or salon that rents wedding accessories.

There is also magic “for luck”. The formal attire needs to be thoroughly cleaned, removing from it everything that is associated with your person: fallen hairs, brooches, pins, etc.

Then you should sell the snow-white outfit along with the wedding ring, and use the money received to buy a broom, mop and other cleaning supplies.

Having thoroughly cleaned and polished the home from traces of its previous life, all purchased accessories should be thrown away or burned. Let this ritual be the beginning of a truly new and happy life!

What to do with an engagement ring?

There is no point in throwing this important attribute of a married woman outside the gate or into the trash. Firstly, this is not a cheap purchase, and you can use it much more wisely.

If your ex-husband bought it for you, then simply return the ring to him, and if the purchase was shared, melt it down and order a new piece of jewelry. Fire treatment is the burning of past energy, which means that a new piece of jewelry cannot bring negativity.

Taking it to a pawn shop is also a good option. The task looks somewhat more complicated if before the separation there was not only a marriage, but also a wedding. In this case, you should visit the temple and ask this delicate question to the priest. A reasonable and godly action would be to donate a wedding accessory to the needs of the church.

Keeping a wedding ring at home, and especially wearing it, is an unlucky omen. So you linger in the past, which no longer exists, and do not allow a new future to arise.

Is it possible to burn a veil after the divorce of your first marriage?

The advice of folk magicians on this issue is unanimous: if this thing weighs you down morally and brings back painful memories, then there is no need to store it in the house.

You can get rid of the ill-fated item in any convenient way - give it to a not too superstitious friend who is getting married, take it to a landfill, burn it, or give it as a gift.

After all, low-income brides also dream of a beautiful wedding, so why not give them such a gift? If the veil has retained its appearance, you can use the services of the Avito portal or take it to a rental salon along with the dress, and donate the proceeds to a temple or orphanage.

This way you will kill two birds with one stone - get rid of painful memories of the past and do a godly deed.

What to do with wedding glasses?

You need to deal with them in the same way as with other wedding attributes - get rid of them in any acceptable way. Under no circumstances should you store items that carry such negative energy in your home.

Did a failed marriage leave too many painful memories? Just break them with all your heart, and sweep up the fragments with a broom bought with money from the sale of a wedding dress (see above).

If the glasses were expensive and really beautiful, sell them through an advertisement and donate the money to the temple. This will be a really good and bright start to a new life.

Where to put it: sell, throw away or store?

So, what to do with wedding paraphernalia if the family boat has an unfixable leak? It's up to you to decide. The only thing that all folk signs agree on is that these things should not be left at home. It is best to give them to those in need or sell them and donate the proceeds to charity.

If you are a supporter of radical actions and decide to burn your dress, shoes and veil, keep in mind: you should not set them on fire in a park or nearby forest plantation. This way, you risk receiving a substantial fine from law enforcement officers, which will undoubtedly only add to negative emotions.

Customs and signs

It has long been a known tradition that the bride should not appear in a white dress in front of the groom before the wedding day.

What other signs are there associated with outfits and accessories for this celebration?

  • You can’t choose a suit as a wedding attire - your life will fall apart;
  • the bride's shoes must be closed-toed, otherwise the family will be in poverty;
  • the same awaits the newlyweds if during the ceremony they hold hands with open palms. You can buy elegant wedding gloves, or you can, like in the old days, use an embroidered towel;
  • Under no circumstances should you let anyone, even a close friend, try on your ring before the wedding. The signs do not promise anything good: there will be no harmony in the house, and the husband will soon begin to look elsewhere;
  • After debunking, you can’t wear a wedding ring even on your left hand. Leave this Western custom. So you create a barrier for a new future, unwittingly remaining in the past, which no longer exists;
  • If the wedding dress was torn before the celebration for some reason (for example, the zipper came apart), then, most likely, the same fate awaits the family unit itself.

2012-04-20 website

The issue of selling a wedding dress after the celebration was and remains very relevant. Bright Wedding offers seven original ways to treat your wedding dress!

Previously, this issue was resolved simply: brides kept their dress as a relic for many years. But today the female mind has become more pragmatic, and the closeness to tradition has faded a little. In this regard, there are several basic ways to deal with your outfit after the wedding.

But before we talk about them, we will tell you what you need to do first with the dress after the wedding celebration.

First aid

No matter how snow-white the dress may seem after the banquet, there is still some dust on it. This is city dust, sweat, cosmetics, greasy stains (from hands, cheeks and all other parts of the body that came into contact with the dress). So dry cleaning your wedding dress is a must!

Within five days after the banquet, you need to dry clean the dress or wash it yourself if the fabric allows hand or machine washing on a delicate cycle. If you have stubborn stains on your dress (such as wine, grease, cake, butter, etc.), then you need to clean the dress within three days after the banquet.

After you pick up the dress from the dry cleaner, remove the polyethylene from it, as this material evaporates substances harmful to the fabric, which can cause the product to turn yellow.

What to do with the dress

1. Store

The most ideal option is to store the dress on a tailor's mannequin. But you can’t easily place a mannequin in apartments, so they usually resort to another method of storing the dress. Purchase a breathable dress cover that will fit your skirt size. If the dress has a full skirt, you need a spacious cover that will easily accommodate the entire dress.

The dress should only be hung by the loops on the inside seams. Under no circumstances hang your dress on regular hangers: it may stretch.

Another good way is to store a wedding dress in a box. Take a spacious, clean box and line the bottom with clean paper (whatman paper or printer paper will do, but not newspaper). Take a clean sheet, washed without fabric softener, and wrap it well around the dress. Put it in a box.

2. Sell

Now the practice of selling a wedding dress has become commonplace, and when buying a dress, girls are not always interested in whether the marriage was happy or unhappy.

In any case, know: the faster you sell the dress, the more expensive it will be.

This happens, firstly, due to the fact that collections from previous years quickly become outdated, so if you sell the dress immediately after the wedding, you will gain most of its value! Plus, no one will find fault with whether your marriage is happy or unhappy: since after the wedding and honeymoon everyone comes back happy!

Secondly, every year the dress visually ages, even if you store it according to all the rules. If you are going to sell it, you should not delay it. You won't have to pack it at all and then take it out and weigh it again before selling it if you decide to give it to your new bride soon after your wedding. Immediately after dry cleaning, hang it on a mannequin or on the hinges and run to advertise on Avito or Slando.

3. Wear

Today there are a huge number of transformable wedding dresses. This allows brides to kill two birds with one stone: to shine in a princess dress at the wedding, and then wear a little white dress in everyday life (or on holidays).

As a rule, a transformable dress consists of a detachable train, or fluffy skirts or hem. This can be to your advantage even at the wedding itself: in the registry office and on a walk you will shine in a magnificent dress, and in the second part of the banquet you will transform into a flying fairy in a slender dress.

4. Alter

There are several different options for how you can alter a wedding dress.

- Create another dress, or even more than one

If your wedding dress is in the “Princess” style, then you can create two dresses from it! Fluffy nylon (tulle, chiffon) skirts will be used to create a romantic flowing summer dress, and the main material plus a small part of nylon will be used to create a little white dress for festive events.

You can also create a stunning summer sundress “floor-length” for special evenings. This romantic outfit will be a symbolic continuation of a happy time with your loved one after the wedding. Don't deny yourself this pleasure!

- Create a translucent intimate outfit for romantic evenings

An excellent option would be to transform your wedding dress into an “adult outfit” that will give you and your spouse a lot of aesthetic pleasure. And from the remnants of the dress you can easily create a summer skirt and a flowy top.

- Make a fashionable maxi skirt and corset

Maxi is back in fashion now! An excellent solution for fashionistas would be to transform a wedding dress into a maxi skirt! Imagine: you are walking barefoot along the sea coast, wearing a light white maxi skirt made of flowing fabrics that shimmer and play in gusts of wind! The top part of the dress will not be lost either. If you have a corset, then you can rip it off, hem the edges, if necessary or desire, decorate it, or vice versa, rip off unnecessary decorations, and it has a second life! You can even wear it under your jacket to work.

If you are sure that you will have a daughter or that you will have many children, and one of them will probably be a daughter, and if you want to inherit the dress to her, then save your dress according to all the rules, and after 20 - 25 years Your daughter will see her mother's wedding dress.

But whether she wants to wear it or not is the question. And it’s not about respect or dislike for you, it’s about fashion. Already today, fashion is changing so rapidly that every summer you have to radically update your wardrobe; what will happen in a few decades? True, everything new is well forgotten old, so the fashion for such a wedding dress may return in a new guise in thirty years. You also need to remember that the main types of dresses (lush, mermaid, straight, a-line, tight) have existed for quite a long time and are unlikely to disappear during this time.

6. Sew an envelope for a newborn

It would be very symbolic and reasonable to sew an envelope from a wedding dress for your newborn first child, who will certainly appear! And it doesn’t matter whether it’s a girl or a boy, the envelope will be white, and you will select the ribbon according to the gender of the child.

You will also have the material to create a baptismal outfit for the baby, which will also be a symbolic amulet from the mother to the baby.

7. Use for a “Trash the Wedding Dress” style photo shoot. Literally, this phrase means throwing a wedding dress into the trash. In other words, this photo shoot will make your dress shake.

Burst at the seams or turn into colored scraps of fabric, but you will already have an exact understanding of where to put the wedding dress after that, and you will also have exclusive and bold photographs in places where a bride in her right mind would not go!

Whatever you decide to do with your wedding dress, remember: do not blindly follow the habit of “Everything goes into the house” or “Throw away nothing.” At the end of the day, things that you keep sitting around for years and years without using will not make you better, happier or richer. Simply cleaning up the house will not be so easy. A wedding dress, of course, does not belong to such “garbage”, but why just store it because “That’s the way it should be”, if you can use it to make stunning outfits for you or your child? Experiment!

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For guests:

After a divorce, people are left with various things and objects that once connected their hearts and united them into one. What to do now with the wedding dress, veil, ring and other items? In fact, there are some features that are important to familiarize yourself with so as not to do anything stupid in the future.

What to do after divorce with rings?

A ring is one of the most ancient jewelry that carries some power. What to do after a divorce with such jewelry and can you keep it? This question was asked to experienced specialists who gave a number of recommendations regarding this:

  • Initially, remember that the ring cannot be tried on by anyone. This is only your decoration and if someone tries it on, there is a possibility that someone will interfere in your life together and interfere with happiness.
  • What to do with the ring after a divorce? You definitely shouldn’t keep it at home, as it carries a certain energy and this does not always have a positive effect on your future life.
  • You should not throw away your jewelry or sell it for a minimum amount. Take care of yourself and simply remelt the jewelry into something else. Some will say that energy will remain, but this is not so. In fact, after remelting, the ring will not carry any negativity.

Now you know what to do with your engagement ring after a divorce . There are no strict contraindications or other dangers. Just take the time and get rid of the decoration by melting it down into something else. A new ring is also a great option. There definitely shouldn’t be any problems with what to do with your engagement card after a divorce.

Where to put the wedding dress and all its accessories?

What to do with your wedding dress after a divorce? This question is very common and is often discussed on various forums. As such, there are no recommendations on this matter. You can either throw away the dress, sell it, or keep it at home. Although, you are unlikely to like the latter option, since such a thing will strongly remind you of the time spent with a person whom you probably want to forget.

By the way, a wedding dress can start to bring you a small income. There are some bridal shops where you can take your outfit to be rented out. Thus, each time you will receive your percentage of the income. This is beneficial, and at the same time you don’t have to constantly think about the dress that you would so much like to get rid of.

The question of what to do with the dress after a divorce has probably been resolved. Every girl or woman will find her own answer for herself. It is simply important to understand that there is no danger even if the outfit remains hanging in your apartment at home. As a last resort, give it to a low-income future family whose representatives have also decided to get married.

One interesting fact is worth mentioning so that you understand that there is nothing wrong with a wedding dress. One woman got married in the same outfit for the second time. Moreover, the second marriage is only developing and only for the better.

What to do with a veil after a divorce? As the signs say, it should not be thrown away or burned. But at the same time, storing such an attribute at home is also unacceptable. Why? Because many people talk about the fact that they won’t be able to get married a second time, which is sometimes very necessary for many women. Here are a number of options for where you can give your veil without any consequences:

  • Give it to someone. This is the ideal option that many choose. Nothing will happen if you simply give your dress accessory to someone who is getting married soon.
  • Take a veil and build a doll from this material. This is done very simply. The main thing is to do everything with soul and love. After that, give the toy that you got to the orphanage. So, you will do a good deed and will not bring any misfortune upon yourself. Everything will be fine and you will be able to get married again without any problems.

They say that as long as the veil is in your home, you will not be able to get married; whether you believe it or not is up to you to decide. One nuance arises at this point: many successfully find a soul mate and unite, having an old veil at home.

Wedding icons: where to put them?

The question of what to do with an icon after a divorce also often arises among women who have had such an unfortunate event. There is no need to do anything with icons. You can leave them at home and nothing will happen. However, if they evoke any negative memories and impressions in you, you have the right to give them to some temple.

In general, speaking about icons, it is quite logical to contact the priest in the church, who will give you practical advice and recommendations. What you can be sure of is that such items will not affect your future. You will get married, even if you still have such attributes.

What to do with wedding candles after a divorce? The question is exactly the same as the previous one. The answer is identical. You can either keep them and admire them, or just take them to church. In any case, this will not affect your happiness and success in the relationship, you don’t have to worry about it at all.

A little more about the engagement ring

When it comes to the question of what to do with the ring after a divorce, there are signs. It has already been said that under no circumstances should you let someone else try on your jewelry.

Of the other signs, nothing special can be distinguished. The myths that having a ring in the house will prevent you from getting married have long been dispelled by hundreds and thousands of girls. If you are afraid of something, go to church and donate your jewelry. If this option doesn't suit you, treat yourself and get a new ring that will decorate your hand and make you a little happier.

Left with an engagement ring after a divorce: what to do? Signs will help you choose a certain type of action. Everything has already been discussed several times above, so there is no reason or reason to worry once again.

If we talk about interesting signs for preserving a family, we can talk about a case where you should not remove the ring before the birth of your first child. It is believed that this will contribute to discord in the family. If you always wear a ring, your family will be strong and loving.

What should a woman do after a divorce?

If we talk about how a woman should behave after a divorce, it is important to understand that you should not withdraw into yourself and think that everything is over. It is important for you to realize the fact that this is just a stage in your life that has ended. You need to gather your courage and start life from scratch.

Here is a list of things to do to get rid of bad moods and bad memories:

  • Initially, just throw out all your accumulated emotions. You must completely free yourself from anger and anger, left alone with yourself.
  • Start thinking about what benefits await you after you break up with your husband. There will probably be a whole list of what you can get in a divorce. This will make you happy and convince you that there is nothing wrong with your separation. Surely this is just the beginning of a new and happy life.
  • What to do after divorcing your husband? Get rid of all things and objects that remind you of him. This will help you quickly forget everything and start from scratch.
  • Start making all your dreams come true. Did you want to buy something for yourself, but the man didn’t allow it? Now treat yourself to this opportunity and acquire everything your soul desires.

This is just a small list of exactly what you need to do to forget about your old marriage and start a new life. The most important thing is not to get hung up and think only about the good. Then luck will definitely smile on you, and you will meet the love of your life.

Man after divorce

But what to do after divorcing your wife? If she initiated the divorce, all you can do is wish your other half good luck and start a new life.

Remember that nothing can be returned. Start a new life. Sometimes people have to change apartments for this, but you won’t go to any lengths for your happiness. It is important to forget about the past and think about the future. This is the key to a successful life.

What should a man do after a divorce if you had a child? In this case, the male representative must help his son or daughter. Financial assistance in this situation is mandatory. You must pay child support.

The bride spends a lot of time choosing a wedding dress. Selecting the style, color and type of jewelry takes a lot of effort, and when the perfect outfit is finally found, the girl’s joy knows no bounds. However, then the delight from one’s own image gives way to confusion, since it is not clear what to do next with the wedding dress after the celebration. Signs will help you make a decision.

Prejudice or not?

All signs, including wedding ones, began to take shape in those distant times when humanity was just beginning to develop its culture. People noticed the pattern of events and tried to please higher powers with their actions, so superstitions gradually formed regarding various aspects of life, both important and not so important.

If a girl wants to pass on a dress to future generations, then she needs to make sure that it will be appropriate. At a minimum, the outfit should be of a classic cut, since fashion changes not even from year to year, but from season to season, so only timeless classics still remain the undisputed leader in popularity among brides.

So what to do with the outfit?

It is believed that the bride's wedding dress should remain in the matrimonial home. The dress cannot be sold, otherwise you can lose the positive energy of your family, since it will leave a powerful amulet against troubles and failures. And if the marriage turns out to be unhappy, then there is a chance that the troubles will be passed on to another girl.

Lending a wedding dress or even just letting friends and relatives try it on is also not recommended for the same reasons. In addition, close people can accidentally or intentionally put the evil eye on a girl by returning her dress after trying it on or after her own wedding. After this, conflicts, troubles and betrayals may begin in the family.

The wedding dress should not be thrown away or burned, otherwise the family will lose its amulet against failure, and the girl herself risks undermining her peace of mind. The same applies to the veil, which, according to legend, should also be kept in the home of the spouses. But the rest of the accessories of the wedding look can be safely thrown away, donated, given away or sold.

This restriction does not apply to cases where the marriage has broken down. If the spouses divorced, then the girl is recommended to burn her wedding dress along with the veil. This way it will be possible to destroy the bad energy that prevailed in a collapsing family, as well as ward off the influence of failures and bad thoughts.

If the bride is tormenting herself with the question of the future fate of the wedding dress after the wedding, then it is important to determine what exactly is important to the girl herself. You shouldn't blindly rely on folk superstitions, and you shouldn't ignore them completely either. This is fraught with the fact that after a wrong decision, the bride will torment herself with thoughts that will interfere with calmly enjoying her family life.

For this reason, it is important to find a middle ground. If a girl is at least a little superstitious, then it is better to remember the signs with a wedding dress; after the wedding, still keep the outfit in the family , putting it together with the veil in a large box and putting it in a dry closet. If you fold your outfit correctly, it won't take up much space. This way you can stay calm and not darken your life with unnecessary stress.

If the bride is superstitious but practical, then you can make some family things out of the wedding dress– pillowcases, discharge envelope, matrimonial bedspread, etc. Such things will not be exposed to harsh influences, so they will not have to be washed often, which means they will remain in their original form for many years.

For those who do not give in to superstitions, there are many options for what to do with a wedding dress - from keeping it in the family to selling it. Only the girl needs to make sure that the sign will not become relevant for her after some time, for example, under the influence of relatives. It is better for superstitious people not to say at all what fate befell the dress - this will make everyone calmer.


Each girl decides for herself what to do with the elements of her wedding look. Some people enjoy putting on a wedding dress every year, noting with pleasure that it still fits, but for others it’s just extra ballast in the closet. When deciding what to do with the dress after the wedding, you need to rely only on your feelings and preferences, without allowing others to influence your choice.