The problem of true friendship according to the text by I.A. Ilyin (Unified State Examination in Russian). What is true friendship, does it exist? Examples of friendship in literature

(1) Each of us has times in our lives when the natural loneliness given to us by nature suddenly begins to seem painful and bitter to us. (2) You feel abandoned and helpless by everyone, you are looking for a friend, but he is not nearby. (3) And then you ask yourself in amazement and confusion: how could it happen that all my life I loved, desired, fought, suffered and, most importantly, served a great goal, but found no sympathy, no understanding, no friend? (4) Why didn’t the unity of idea, mutual trust and joint love connect me with anyone into a living unity of spirit, strength and help?

(5) Then a desire awakens in the soul to find out how other people’s lives work out: how do they find true friends? (6) How did people live before us? (7) And isn’t the beginning of friendship lost these days? (8) Sometimes it seems that modern man is absolutely not created for friendship and is incapable of it. (9) And in the end, you inevitably come to the main question: what is real friendship, what does it consist of and what is it based on?

(10) Of course, people now often “like” each other and “get along” with each other. (11) But, my God, how meager, superficial and groundless everything is! (12) After all, this means that they enjoy spending time together and have fun, or they know how to simply please each other. (13) If there is a certain similarity in inclinations and tastes; if both know how not to offend each other with harshness, avoid sharp corners and hush up mutual differences; if both know how to listen to someone else’s chatter with an amiable air, to flatter a little, to serve a little, then that’s enough: a “friendship” is struck between people, which, in essence, rests on external conventions, on smoothly slippery “courtesy,” on empty courtesy and hidden calculation.

(14) There is “friendship” based on joint gossip or mutual outpouring of complaints. (15) But there is also the “friendship” of flattery, the “friendship” of vanity, the “friendship” of patronage, the “friendship” of slander, the “friendship” of preference and the “friendship” of drinking buddies. (16) Sometimes one borrows and the other lends, and both consider themselves “friends.” (17) People do things and things together, not trusting each other too much, and think that they have “made friends.” (18) But “friendship” is sometimes also called a light, non-binding “hobby” that connects a man and a woman, and sometimes a romantic passion that sometimes separates people once and for all. (19) All these imaginary “friendships” boil down to the fact that people, mutual strangers and even strangers, pass each other, temporarily making their lives easier with superficial and disinterested contact: they don’t see, don’t

know, do not like each other, and often their “friendship” falls apart so quickly and disappears so completely that it is difficult to even say whether they were “acquaintances” at all before. (20) People collide with each other in life and bounce off each other like wooden balls.

(21) But true friendship breaks through loneliness, overcomes it and frees a person to living and creative love. (22) True friendship is spiritual love that unites people. (23) And spiritual love is the real flame of God! (24) Whoever does not know God’s flame and has never experienced it will not understand true friendship and will not be able to implement it, but he will also not understand either loyalty or true sacrifice. (25) That is why only people of spirit are capable of true friendship. (26) People without a heart and without a spirit are incapable of friendship: their cold, self-interested “alliances” always remain conditional and semi-treacherous; their prudent and cunning associations are kept at the level of the market and careerism.

(27) A real person carries a certain hidden heat in his heart, as if a mysteriously hot coal lived in him. (28) It happens that only very few people know about this coal and that its flame is rarely found in everyday life. (29) Its light shines even in a confined space, and its sparks penetrate into the universal ether of life. (30) Every true friendship arises from these sparks. (31) This emitted spark of the spirit can be perceived and comprehended only by a spiritually alive and sparkling spirit, only by a heart that itself loves and radiates. (32) Cold darkness consumes everything without a trace. (33) Such a dead void cannot provide an answer. (34) Fire strives for fire, and light reaches for light. (35) And when two fires meet, a new powerful flame arises, which begins to expand and tries to create a new, living “fabric” of fire.

(36) The weakest ray of benevolence, compassion, caring and sensitive attitude of a person towards a person already contains the beginning, the grain of true friendship. (37) The staircase begins from the first step; and the singing begins its melody from the first sound.

(According to I.A. Ilyin.)

Ilyin Ivan Aleksandrovich (1883-1954) - Russian philosopher, writer, publicist, author of the book “The Singing Heart. A book of quiet contemplations."

20. Which statements correspond to the content of the text? Please provide answer numbers.

1. True friendship is based solely on the fact that people enjoy spending time together or simply know how to please each other.

2. True friendship implies the spiritual unity of people.

3. True friendship helps a person overcome the painful feeling of loneliness and gives rise to love for God in him.

4. Friendship based on smooth-smooth “courtesy” is the strongest.

5. The basis of true friendship is a person’s caring and sensitive attitude towards other people.

21. Which of the following statements are incorrect? Please indicate the answer numbers

1. Sentences 10-15 present the reasoning.

2. Sentences 21-25 contain narrative.

3. Sentence 2 contains an explanation of the judgment expressed in sentence 1.

4. Proposition 19 contains the final conclusion from the information presented in sentences 15-17.

5. Sentences 1-4 provide a description.

22. From sentences 14-21, write down a phraseological unit. 2

23. Among sentences 27-35, find one that is connected to the previous one using a defining pronoun. Write the number of this offer.

24. Read a fragment of a review compiled on the basis of the text that you analyzed while completing tasks 20-23. This fragment examines the linguistic features of the text. Some terms used in the review are missing. Insert into the gaps (A, B, C, D) the numbers corresponding to the term number from the list without spaces, commas or other additional characters.

“Conveying his feelings that arose when reflecting on the essence of true friendship, I.A. Ilyin uses such syntactic devices as (A) _____ (sentences 11, 23) and (B) _____ (“like wooden balls” in sentence 20). The author's emotional state helps to convey such a technique as (B) _____ (sentence 34). The author’s mental turmoil is expressed through the use of such a trope as (D) _____ (“dead emptiness” (sentence 33), “cold darkness” (sentence 32), “powerful flame” (sentence 35)).”

List of terms: 1. epithets 2. phraseological units 3. question-answer form 4. comparative phrase

5. metaphors 6. opposition 7. parcellation 8. exclamation clause 9. litotes

25. Write an essay based on the text you read.

True friendship is what brightens up the everyday life of every person. And it is good friends who help us experience happy moments more vividly and difficult ones more easily.

Reflecting on friendship, D.S. Likhachev seems to ask the questions: “Who are they, true friends? When do they appear in a person’s life?”

The author tells us about his life path and the role of friends in it. He contrasts his expectations with subsequent fate. Likhachev, as a young man, thought that upon entering adulthood, he would make new good friends and change beyond recognition

His social circle. But it turned out that those with whom he became close during his school years were his most loyal friends throughout his life. This story from the author's personal experience confirms his position: true friends are those we make in our youth.

I agree with Likhachev. In my opinion, those with whom we become close at the beginning of life help us throughout it. Such people are true friends.

Firstly, having gone through many trials with us, they know and understand us like no one else. An example is the friendship of Pierre and Andrei Bolkonsky in the epic novel “War and Peace” by L. N. Tolstoy. They began to be friends as young people, full of high aspirations and hopes. Then both had a difficult fate, losses and separations. But after many years, it is Pierre who understands his friend and helps him look at life with new eyes, to find hope when Andrei loses faith in possible happiness after the death of his wife.

Secondly, it’s comfortable to communicate with old friends; you can always be confident in them. So, for example, after moving to another city, a lot changed in my life and the life of my mother. A different social circle appeared, new friends. But the old, most faithful and devoted friends always help mom, no matter what it takes.

So, friends who appear in youth share with us all our successes and adversities throughout our lives. And such true friendship supports everyone on their path.

Essays on topics:

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  2. When using the phrase “real man” in a conversation, as a rule, both women and representatives of the stronger sex are talking about the same thing...
  3. In his text, the author A. Vladimirov raises the important problem of responsibility for moral choice. Questions about how the goals put forward...

And how it manifests itself will be discussed in this article.

Definition of Friendship

Friendship is multifaceted, so giving an exact definition of the concept is not easy. Philosophers, psychologists, sociologists interpret it in their own way. The main definitions of the term are as follows:

  • Friendship is a relationship between people based on help, trust, common views and values.
  • If we consider it as a union based on affection, common interests, joint leisure, trust and selfless help, then this will be a complete definition expressing what true friendship is.

Camaraderie and friendship

The concepts of camaraderie and friendship are similar, they are often confused. What is the difference between companionship and friendship?

Partnership is understood as communication based on common interests and support. Often it becomes the basis of friendship. The main thing that distinguishes one type of communication from another is the degree of trust. Friends trust each other and are ready to share their most secret things. Comrades are united by common interests and goals.

An example would be students in the same group who are united by the desire to successfully pass a session, or colleagues working on the same project. Their interaction takes place within the walls of a university or office.

Comrades do not share personal experiences, do not pour out their souls to each other.

True friends are united not only by common goals, they are connected by some kind of spiritual kinship.

What is true friendship based on?

They often say about true friendship - “do not spill water”. What lies at its core? In psychology, the following components of friendship are distinguished:

  • union and affection;
  • common values, joint or similar plans, goals;
  • altruism;
  • confidence;
  • lack of competition.

Union and affection

An alliance is understood as a long-term relationship based on joint problem solving and mutual joy for the successes of the other.

Affection or the need for communication is one of the main criteria for friendship.

It is important to understand the difference between attachment and codependency (emotional dependence). In the case of codependent relationships, we cannot talk about friendship.

If you want to share everything with this person - both joys and sorrows, without receiving depreciation or envy in return, then this is a true friend.

True friends do not manipulate, they are sincere and do not belittle each other's successes. If a so-called friend exerts a negative influence and dissuades you from any endeavors, then he is not one.

Common values, joint plans

To understand what true friendship is, it is necessary to consider one more criterion - common values, goals and plans.

People with similar views on life find common ground easier. It doesn’t matter what unites you: a love of sports or computer games, a desire to explore your inner world or earn a million, the main thing is that common values ​​and interests unite you on a spiritual level.

Such a criterion as joint plans and goals follows from the previous one.

It is easier for people with the same worldview to make joint plans and move towards similar goals. They become support and support for each other.

Often different plans for life alienate friends, turning them into buddies or good acquaintances.

Altruism and trust

The answer to the question: “What is true friendship based on?” - will be: “On altruism.” Without selfless help and a certain amount of self-sacrifice, there can be no true friendship. After all, they help a friend not for the sake of profit, but at the behest of the soul. True friends are always ready to help without demanding gratitude.

They share their most intimate thoughts and experiences with a true friend, receiving support in return, without fear of condemnation. True friendship is built on such trusting communication.

Lack of competition

Lack of competition is the basis of true friendship. Devoted friends do not envy and do not strive to “outdo” each other. Your friend will rejoice at your success. The achievements of one motivate the other without causing rejection. True friendship is a unique field for personal growth.

How do you know if a friendship is real?

There comes a moment in every person’s life when he reconsiders his views on the world and the people around him. Faced with problems and not finding understanding and support, a person wonders if he has friends? How to understand what kind of friendship is real, where is mutually beneficial communication?

  • Friends accept you for who you are, with your flaws and strengths. They may not agree with you on everything, but they will never infringe on your individuality. A friend will always help you find something good in a difficult situation.
  • True friends are nearby both in sorrow and in joy. They will not turn away if you fall from the pedestal, they will not envy your success. It is sincere joy in achievements and support in difficult times that determine true friendship.
  • It is comfortable to be with a true friend; with him you are not afraid that personal secrets will become public knowledge.
  • Friends don't slander each other behind each other's backs. They tell the truth face to face, even if it is unpleasant. A friend will not put pressure on you or constantly remind you of your mistakes.
  • A true friend is interested in you as a person.
  • A true friend does not limit your freedom or try to control communication. You always have something to remember, something to laugh at, something to keep silent about.

The answer to the question: “What is true friendship?” - there will be: communication in which you can be yourself, without fear of condemnation, always counting on support.

Why is friendship needed?

Friends are a reliable support system, support in difficult times, people with whom it is pleasant to share joy. Life without them would be lonely and gray.

Does true friendship need arguments in its favor?

More likely no than yes. Still, it’s worth citing a few.

According to psychologists, a person can achieve success in various areas of life thanks to several criteria: 20% comes from personal experience and knowledge, type of thinking, and 80% from the environment. True friends do not pull down, they strive for development.

For example, a young man decided to quit smoking, a true friend will never offer him a cigarette, will not smoke in front of him, will accept his choice and support him.

A person who has a true friend will never be lonely. His immune system is stronger and he is less susceptible to depression and neurosis.

Examples of friendship

In history, examples of true friendship are the relationship between Pushkin and Pushchin. The friendship that began between the lyceum students lasted a lifetime, despite various vicissitudes of fate.

The friendly relations of Anna German and Anna Kachalina (music editor of the Melodiya studio) helped the Polish singer gain popularity in the Soviet Union.

There are many examples of strong friendship among Hollywood stars, here are some of them.

The friendship between Jared Leto and Matthew McConaughey began while working together on the film “Dallas Buyers Club,” which brought the friends well-deserved Oscar statuettes.

Another stellar example of true friendship is Leonardo DiCaprio and Tobey Maguire. Their friendship has lasted for 25 years. The actors can be seen together at basketball or football games.

Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson are an example of how friendship makes work. Their joint film works are always successful, and their friendship lasts for many years.

In Russian cinema, an example of true friendship is the relationship between Konstantin Khabensky and Mikhail Porechenkov, which began in their student years.

But friendship exists not only among people, but also among our smaller brothers. An example is the amazing story of two dogs - the basset hound Fubi and the retriever Tili. When Fubi fell into the well, his friend stayed by his side, and it was thanks to this that the volunteers were able to find the animals.

Examples of friendship in literature

Friendship is the basis of many novels, stories, and plays.

Below are examples of true friendship from literature that will not leave readers indifferent.

The most striking and dramatic example of friendly relations is Remarque’s novel “Three Comrades.” The story is about three friends (Robert Lokamp, ​​Otto Kester, Gottfried Lenz) who went through the war and survived during the difficult years for Germany. Friends are together in joy and sorrow, and even death cannot destroy their friendship.

The main characters of Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings - Frodo and Sam - are an excellent example of friendly mutual assistance, when a faithful friend remains close to the very end.

“The Tale of Friendship and Non-Friendship” by the Strugatskys is an example of how you can go through any tests for the sake of a friend.

Dumas and his “Three Musketeers” tell the story of friendship, honor and nobility, which are not afraid of years.

“The Little Prince” by Saint-Exupery tells in simple words about love and friendship. And the relationship between the Fox and the Little Prince is captivating with its simplicity and touchingness.

True friendship is priceless, it is what makes a person happy. It is for the sake of friends and loved ones that a person is capable of much.

Does true friendship exist in our time (excluding childhood friendship)? Real, unselfish, time-tested, true, not false, between adults. It is impossible to give an immediate affirmative answer. And why? Because there are too many examples of betrayal and corruption of former most faithful friends.

What is happening to us humans? Has the world become different? No, the world is the same, but many people’s values ​​have changed. Psychology true friendship concrete: relationships between people are based on mutual trust, sincerity, understanding, common interests, selflessness, openness and mutual assistance.

"A friend in need is a friend indeed" , is what confirms who is next to you in difficult times, a kind of test of the truth of friendship. Didn’t lend a shoulder, didn’t help, found a reason for refusal - that’s already “neither friend nor enemy, but just like that” .

Delve into the content of films and series broadcast on television: all too often there is betrayal of girlfriends and friends. Are there really no other topics? Of course I have. But the fact is that this is the topic of today - hot and relevant. I'm sure you were betrayed too. It was very painful in your soul, you didn’t believe, didn’t understand, were indignant, but nevertheless...

To hurt you, you need both your enemy and your friend: the first one will lie to you, and the second one will inform you about it.
Mark Twain

The psychology of an enemy is simple - hidden envy, the desire to achieve a greater position than a friend, deceit and self-interest, . Maybe a cliched phrase “Now you can’t trust anyone, not even yourself” indeed, the most relevant. Maybe we need to be more careful and less gullible? But how can this be correlated with a friend or girlfriend with whom “one piece of bread and that in half” , and shared so many years together « and hardships and deprivations."

You can, and here's why. and the desire to live well, at the level of today (cars, apartments, a business that is “going uphill,” vacations in other countries) and higher has not been canceled. “The fish looks for where it’s deeper, and the man looks for where it’s better” works more than ever. Most want to be the “golden daddy” or “golden youth”. How to achieve this?! You can reach up for a long time and painfully, or you can betray and sell - this is a shorter path to the goal. Strange as it may sound, in my opinion, the truth is being increasingly tested in our time by running a joint business. It all depends on the moral values ​​of a person. Many people do not consider it shameful to become a Judas.

True friendship is one of those things that, like giant sea serpents, we don't know whether they're imaginary or out there.
Arthur Schopenhauer

Who became friends with you to gain benefits,
not your reliable friend, but your most terrible enemy.
A. Shukur

Still, be more selective in choosing your friends.

Part 1.

The answers to tasks 1–24 are a word, phrase, number or sequence of words, numbers. Write the answer to the right of the assignment number without spaces, commas or other additional characters.

Read the text and complete tasks 1–3.

(1) Biographers of Marco Polo claim that he was a capable, energetic, patient and observant man, a good but passionate storyteller. (2) Some scholars question the facts presented in his “Book of the Diversity of the World” and express the opinion that it was only a talented retelling of the impressions of Persian merchants about their travels in the East. (3) _____ discovered inaccuracies could have appeared during numerous translations; moreover, Marco Polo dictated his memoirs from memory.

1. Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the MAIN information contained in the text?

1. Marco Polo was a capable, energetic, patient and observant man, a good but passionate storyteller.

2. Some scientists, having discovered inaccuracies in Marco Polo’s book that could have appeared during numerous translations, doubt the facts presented in the book.

3. The book of Marco Polo is a talented retelling of the impressions of Persian merchants about their wanderings in the East.

4. The inaccuracies found in Marco Polo’s book are the result of numerous translations.

5. Inaccuracies that could appear during numerous translations of Marco Polo’s book served as the basis for some scientists to doubt the facts presented in his “Book on the Diversity of the World.”

2. Which of the following words (combinations of words) should appear in the gap in the third (3) sentence of the text? Write down this word (combination of words).

1. Therefore,

2. However

3. Thus,

4. If

5. Really

3. Read a fragment of a dictionary entry that gives the meaning of the word MEMORY. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the third (3) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

MEMORY, -i, f.

1. The ability to preserve and reproduce in consciousness previous impressions, experience, as well as the very stock of impressions and experience stored in consciousness. Motor item (memory-habit). Emotional item (memory of feelings). Figurative p. Crash into p. (well remembered). Fresh in my memory (still well remembered). This is in his memory (about something distant: he remembers it, witnessed what happened). Come to the point (remember). Someone has a short memory. (quickly forgets; usually about someone who does not want to remember, remember something; ind.)

2. The same as a memory of someone. Store item about the event. The former boss left behind a bad p.

3. What is connected with the deceased (memories of him, feelings for him). Dedicate the book to the memory of the teacher. Faithful to her husband's memory. Eternal p. to smb. (a wish that someone who died be remembered for a long time, forever).

4. memory of someone (what), meaning. prepositions with gender n. In honor of (someone who died or some important event in the past). Tournament in memory of Alekhine. Evening in memory of heroes.

4. In one of the words below, an error was made in the placement of stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound was highlighted incorrectly. Write this word down.

Belt waited Ukrainian populated to draw

5. One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word incorrectly. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

This is what a GOOD phrase means, spoken at the right moment in the right place.

Established scientists offered a lot of completely LOGICAL explanations for the experimental results.

It's been drizzling with cold autumn rain the whole day outside.

The moon had not yet risen, and only two stars, like two SAVING beacons, sparkled on the dark blue arch.

VOICE nightingales sing all night long in our forests.

6. In one of the words highlighted below, an error was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

don't WAVE your arms

pair of JEANS


skilled MASTERS

rejoiced at my friend's arrival

7. Establish a correspondence between the sentences and the grammatical errors made in them: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

8. Identify the word in which the unstressed alternating vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.

b...sad p...gardener o...anie off...thread follow...dit

9. Identify the row in which the same letter is missing in both words in the prefix. Write out these words by inserting the missing letter.


pr...born, pr...fat

neither...send, sale...

pr...following, pr...station

ra...dolye, ra...draw

10. Write down the word in which the letter E is written in the blank.

onion...get upset book...tsa the

11. Write down the word in which the letter I is written in place of the gap.

opening slightly... my mind... indescribable... my worries... are being pursued... my

12. Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

1. There was silence in the garden: not a single bird CHIRLED in the trees.

2. The father stood with a gloomy look, and a crease of (UN)PATIENTLY waiting for an answer was clearly visible on his forehead.

3. The sea has merged with the blue southern sky and is fast asleep, reflecting the fabric of clouds that (NOT) HIDE the stars.

4. It is often difficult to draw the line between languages ​​and dialects, since (NOT) ALL their features are still known to linguists.

5. NOT INTERESTED in anything, Natalya indifferently looked at the blackening sky, at the raging ocean.

13. Determine the sentence in which both highlighted words are written CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write down these two words.

1. The poet’s calling is to create for eternity, (THIS) he is “his own highest court,” (BASE) only a few are given the opportunity to appreciate his creations.

2. I want to talk to you (ABOUT) the apartment, (IN) CONNECTION with which I ask you to give me a little attention.

3. (SEEING the imminent end of the voyage, the mood of the team improved, SO (THAT) the last days of the journey flew by unnoticed.

4. Napoleon, from his long experience of war, knew well what it meant to have a battle that was not won (in) CONTINUATION of eight hours, (BY) THISI had no doubt about the outcome of the matter.

5. It’s not easy to (SOME) HOUR explain how ALL (SAME) real poems differ from rhymed lines.

14. Indicate all the numbers in whose place NN is written.

At the (1) unexpected evening (3) a lot of warm words were said (4) to the hero of the day, who movedly (6) thanked all the invitees (7).

15. Place punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

1. Among the great masters of literature and painting, the youthful splendor of colors and elegance of language is replaced in adulthood by severity and nobility.

2. He stopped admiring the world of things, sounds and words.

3. Levitan was aware of this and after a trip to Crimea he decided to banish dark tones from his canvases.

4. The leaves either flew slantingly in the wind or fell vertically into the damp grass.

5. The softest and most touching poems and paintings were written by Russian poets and artists about autumn.


Between the trees wound (1) intertwining (2) and (3) unraveling (4) narrow paths (5) trodden by local children.

17. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentences.

I will return to you (1) fields of my fathers (2)

Oak groves (3) peaceful (4) shelter sacred to the heart!

I'll get back to you (5) home icons!

Let others respect the laws of decency;

Let others honor the jealous judgment of the ignorant;

Free (6) finally (7) from vain hopes,

From restless dreams, from windy desires,

Having drunk the whole cup of trials untimely,

Not the ghost of happiness, but I need happiness.

Tired worker, I hasten to my native country

Fall asleep in the desired sleep under the roof of your dear one.

O fatherly home (8) O land, always beloved!

In pensive verses I sang you in a foreign land...

(E.A. Baratynsky)

18. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

If some universal saboteurs were sent to destroy all life on Earth (1) and turn it into dead stone (2) if they carefully developed this operation of theirs (3) they could not act more intelligently and insidiously (4) than act people living on Earth (5) who consider themselves friends of nature.

19. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

It is known (1) that happy people do not watch the clock (2) another thing is also true (3) that those (4) who do not watch the clock (5) are already happy.

Read the text and complete tasks 20-25.

(1) Each of us has times in our lives when the natural loneliness given to us by nature suddenly begins to seem painful and bitter to us. (2) You feel abandoned and helpless by everyone, you are looking for a friend, but he is not nearby. (3) And then you ask yourself in amazement and confusion: how could it happen that all my life I loved, desired, fought, suffered and, most importantly, served a great goal, but found no sympathy, no understanding, no friend? (4) Why didn’t the unity of idea, mutual trust and joint love connect me with anyone into a living unity of spirit, strength and help?

(5) Then a desire awakens in the soul to find out how other people’s lives work out: how do they find true friends? (6) How did people live before us?

(7) And isn’t the beginning of friendship lost these days? (8) Sometimes it seems that modern man is absolutely not created for friendship and is incapable of it. (9) And in the end, you inevitably come to the main question: what is real friendship, what does it consist of and what is it based on?

(10) Of course, people now often “like” each other and “get along” with each other. (11) But, my God, how meager, superficial and groundless everything is! (12) After all, this means that they enjoy spending time together and have fun, or they know how to simply please each other. (13) If there is a certain similarity in inclinations and tastes; if both know how not to offend each other with harshness, avoid sharp corners and hush up mutual differences; if both know how to listen to someone else’s chatter with an amiable air, to flatter a little, to serve a little, then that’s enough: a “friendship” is struck between people, which, in essence, rests on external conventions, on smoothly slippery “courtesy,” on empty courtesy and hidden calculation.

(14) There is “friendship” based on joint gossip or mutual outpouring of complaints. (15) But there is also the “friendship” of flattery, the “friendship” of vanity, the “friendship” of patronage, the “friendship” of slander, the “friendship” of preference and the “friendship” of drinking buddies. (16) Sometimes one borrows and the other lends, and both consider themselves “friends.” (17) People do things and things together, not trusting each other too much, and think that they have “made friends.” (18) But “friendship” is sometimes also called a light, non-binding “hobby” that connects a man and a woman, and sometimes a romantic passion that sometimes separates people once and for all. (19) All these imaginary “friendships” boil down to the fact that people, mutual strangers and even strangers, pass each other, temporarily making their lives easier with superficial and disinterested contact: they do not see, do not know, do not love each other, and often their “friendship” disintegrates so quickly and disappears so completely that it is difficult to even say whether they were “acquaintances” at all before.

(20) People collide with each other in life and bounce off each other like wooden balls.

(21) But true friendship breaks through loneliness, overcomes it and frees a person to living and creative love. (22) True friendship is spiritual love that unites people. (23) And spiritual love is the real flame of God! (24) Whoever does not know God’s flame and has never experienced it will not understand true friendship and will not be able to implement it, but he will also not understand either loyalty or true sacrifice. (25) That is why only people of spirit are capable of true friendship. (26) People without a heart and without a spirit are incapable of friendship: their cold, self-interested “alliances” always remain conditional and semi-treacherous; their prudent and cunning associations are kept at the level of the market and careerism.

(27) A real person carries a certain hidden heat in his heart, as if a mysteriously hot coal lived in him. (28) It happens that only very few people know about this coal and that its flame is rarely found in everyday life. (29) Its light shines even in a confined space, and its sparks penetrate into the universal ether of life. (30) Every true friendship arises from these sparks. (31) This emitted spark of the spirit can be perceived and comprehended only by a spiritually alive and sparkling spirit, only by a heart that itself loves and radiates. (32) Cold darkness consumes everything without a trace. (33) Such a dead void cannot provide an answer. (34) Fire strives for fire, and light reaches for light. (35) And when two fires meet, a new powerful flame arises, which begins to expand and tries to create a new, living “fabric” of fire.

(36) The weakest ray of benevolence, compassion, caring and sensitive attitude of a person towards a person already contains the beginning, the grain of true friendship. (37) The staircase begins from the first step; and the singing begins its melody from the first sound.

(According to I.A. Ilyin.)

Ilyin Ivan Aleksandrovich (1883-1954) - Russian philosopher, writer, publicist, author of the book “The Singing Heart. A book of quiet contemplations."

20. Which statements correspond to the content of the text? Please provide answer numbers.

1. True friendship is based solely on the fact that people enjoy spending time together or simply know how to please each other.

2. True friendship implies the spiritual unity of people.

3. True friendship helps a person overcome the painful feeling of loneliness and gives rise to love for God in him.

4. Friendship based on smooth-smooth “courtesy” is the strongest.

5. The basis of true friendship is a person’s caring and sensitive attitude towards other people.

21. Which of the following statements are incorrect? Please indicate the answer numbers

1. Sentences 10-15 present the reasoning.

2. Sentences 21-25 contain narrative.

3. Sentence 2 contains an explanation of the judgment expressed in sentence 1.

4. Proposition 19 contains the final conclusion from the information presented in sentences 15-17.

5. Sentences 1-4 provide a description.

22. Write out the phraseological unit from sentences 14-21.

23. Among sentences 27-35, find one that is connected to the previous one using a attributive pronoun. Write the number of this offer.

24. “Conveying his feelings that arose when reflecting on the essence of true friendship, I.A. Ilyin uses such syntactic devices as (A) _____ (sentences 11, 23) and (B) _____ (“like wooden balls” in sentence 20). The author's emotional state helps to convey such a technique as (B) _____ (sentence 34). The author’s mental turmoil is expressed through the use of such a trope as (D) _____ (“dead emptiness” (sentence 33), “cold darkness” (sentence 32), “powerful flame” (sentence 35)).”

List of terms:

1. epithets

2. phraseological units

3. question and answer form

4. comparative turnover

5. metaphors

6. opposition

7. parcellation

8. exclamation clause

9. litotes

Part 2.

Write an essay based on the text you read.

Formulate one of the problems posed by the author of the text.

Comment on the formulated problem. Include in your comment two illustrative examples from the text you read that you think are important for understanding the problem in the source text (avoid excessive quoting).

Formulate the position of the author (storyteller). Write whether you agree or disagree with the point of view of the author of the text you read. Explain why. Argue your opinion, relying primarily on the reader’s experience, as well as on knowledge and life observations (the first two arguments are taken into account).

The volume of the essay is at least 150 words.

Work written without reference to the text read (not based on this text) is not graded. If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.