Happy New Year and Merry Christmas! New Year wishes to our readers! Happy New Year greetings to children from a librarian

Here is a collection of texts for officially congratulating colleagues on the New Year (from the company management, boss, administration of the institution, etc.). All texts are written in prose.

A special page with wishes will help you to briefly congratulate (personally) someone. The site also has a collection of texts addressed to.

All names and names of organizations are used only for convenience of presentation, do not forget to change these data to the ones you need. Recommendations for using texts are waiting for you at the end of the page.

Option #1

Dear friends!

We wish you a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!

The past year has left us with many pleasant memories, invaluable experience, new discoveries, knowledge and vivid impressions! This will remain with us forever, we will be able to use these gifts for the benefit of ourselves and those around us.

May the new year be peaceful and happy for you and bring fulfillment cherished desires, will help the execution of wise decisions and the implementation of brilliant ideas.

Good health, activity, optimism, prosperity, love and family happiness to you and your loved ones! And we wish educational institutions, thanks to your inspired work and talent, to remain attractive centers of culture and knowledge, goodness and prosperity!

Rectorate of St. Petersburg State University

Option No. 2

Dear friends, like-minded people, colleagues!

The most magical time of the year is coming - New Year and Christmas. We sincerely congratulate you on the opportunity to write a new page in your life!

Let the results of the outgoing year leave you with a feeling of satisfaction with the fruits of your labor, your choice, your activity and decisions made, plans implemented.

We wish that in the new year your hopes disappear only due to the fact that they came true. Let dreams of awards leave you due to the fact that they have all been received in full and rightfully. Let the ability to successfully overcome difficulties cease to be in demand due to the absence of obstacles in your life and professional path. Let the lack of warmth, love, spiritual generosity and tolerance (if any occur in your life) from the people around you stop bothering you due to the fact that it will be satisfied to a sufficient extent for you. Let financial claims fade into history due to the onset of material “satiety”, complete financial freedom and independence.

From the bottom of our hearts, we wish you to fully realize your talents and abilities in your chosen professional field and may next year(and for the rest of your life) you have a feeling of gratitude for your successful fate.

Administration and management of the company


Option No. 3

Dear colleagues, friends!

Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on the New Year 2020!

May the coming year justify your hopes for miracles and magic that everyone believes in on this most magical holiday of the year.

May the whole coming year be filled with new meetings, joyful events, wonderful discoveries, unforgettable impressions, cheerfulness and good mood.

Let the news be good, acquaintances pleasant, meetings joyful, affairs successful, and troubles minor.

Team of GBOU Secondary School No. 12, Tver

Option No. 4

Dear friends!

We sincerely wish you a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!

We wish your life to be filled with the joy of new discoveries, significant events and promising plans!

Let every morning be good, your working day productive, and every evening dedicated to your family and friends, the happiness of communicating with whom will always give you support and strength to make everything you plan into reality!

I wish you good health, active longevity, optimism and prosperity!

Administration of MBDOU " Kindergarten No. 64" Orel

Option #5

Dear colleagues, friends!

Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on the New Year and Merry Christmas!

You have worked hard in the past year, implemented many plans and great ideas, expanded your knowledge, professional skills, abilities and received many bright impressions and, we hope, have become a little closer to the fulfillment of your cherished desires.

You rightfully deserve all these valuable components of a prosperous life and will definitely use them in the future. May the new year be generous for you with joyful events and news, professional and personal successes, give you the fulfillment of your cherished dreams and immediately ensure the emergence of new desires. Let it fill your home with peace and comfort!

We sincerely wish you indestructible health, steadily increasing well-being, successful creative search, joyful meetings and new discoveries!

General Director of Marketing-Info LLC

Option #6

Dear Colleagues!

On behalf of the management of Revizor LLC and on my own behalf, I wish you a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!

New Year's holidays are a starting point for new deeds and beginnings, a time of good hopes and joyful expectations. This is a time of summing up and reflecting on the past, a time of great hopes and new ideas. And dreams and goals are what makes us move forward, not lose heart, and overcome difficulties. This way is not last value has cohesion and team unity that help achieve new victories!

What our next professional year will be like depends on each of us. Therefore, first of all, I would like to wish you all faith in yourself and your strengths, your professionalism and invaluable experience. May the year become for you a year of realizing yourself, your talents and abilities, making bold decisions, opening new horizons and achieving new heights.

May the coming year increase the number of happy moments, and may the people you love, appreciate, respect and cherish share them with you!

Director of LLC "Revizor"

H. E. Kharitonov

Option No. 7

Dear friends!

I sincerely and joyfully congratulate us all on the upcoming New Year and Merry Christmas!

I sincerely wish that when summing up the results of each year, we will be visited by a feeling of pride in ourselves, our successes, achievements, decisions made, brilliant ideas and results of fruitful activities. I believe that the feeling of regret about wasted time does not visit any of us and I want it to always be like this!

May the coming year, like all subsequent ones, bring you as many pleasant surprises as there are days in the year. May good news follow you every day, and may your dreams come true with constant consistency.

Happiness, health, prosperity, fulfilled hopes, creative energy and optimism to you and your loved ones!

Best wishes,

Director of Pyramid LLC

G. L. Ivankovsky

Option No. 8

Dear friends!

Every long journey begins with a small first step... So the year begins with wishes. With all my heart I wish you the stability that is so necessary for successful further development.

Let your health steadily strengthen and increase. Let your professionalism grow steadily. Let the results of your activities, successes, achievements, decisions made and achieved goals consistently bring you a feeling of triumph. Let your material well-being and productivity steadily increase. Let your family and friends, colleagues and friends, be consistently patient, generous in soul, and spare no warmth and love for you.

And may your life consistently bring you a sense of satisfaction, joy, and happiness!

Happy 2020!


group of companies "Stimul"

Option No. 9

Dear colleagues, dear friends!

I sincerely wish you a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!

Every year sets new challenges for us, gives us new discoveries, poses new riddles and expects new professional feats from us... The coming year will be no exception and will give us a chance not only to take advantage of the accumulated experience and knowledge, but also to start with a “clean slate” if something didn't work out before. Therefore, I sincerely wish you to do the same as our students do:

  • playfully overcome obstacles;
  • solve non-trivial creative problems jokingly;
  • easily and vividly fantasize, communicate and make discoveries;
  • live with pleasure and enjoy every day, regardless of the weather, health, political situation and other vagaries of a changing environment;
  • have fun in style;
  • work enthusiastically on the proposed tasks;
  • quickly forget the unpleasant, draw conclusions, and shake yourself off, move on to new successes.

Let your work bring you only pleasure and satisfaction, family and friends - love and attention, friends and colleagues - support and understanding, parents of students - respect and gratitude, and fate - pleasant surprises, generous gifts, wonderful meetings and great opportunities to make your dreams come true!

Head of the preschool educational institution "Kindergarten "Magic Lamp"

N. A. Mamonova

Option No. 10

Dear friends!

Accept my sincere congratulations Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!

The past year has clearly demonstrated that aspiration is the main component of any magical changes in the life of an organization and each of its individual members. If you strive to get to the moon without even reaching it, you will find yourself among the stars.

Therefore, I sincerely wish that in the new year your health, talent, professionalism, joy, happiness, love, prosperity, new discoveries, optimism and success will strive for infinity, and anxiety, sadness, despondency, bad mood and ailments will strive to zero!

Best wishes,

General Director of Stroika-Trest LLC

J. P. Sidorkovsky

Option No. 11

Dear Colleagues!

I sincerely congratulate you on the upcoming holidays of the New Year and Merry Christmas!

The brightest, most fabulous holiday in the world is approaching, which resonates with special melodies in the hearts of children and adults. He gives people all over the Earth goodness and joy, fun and laughter, and most importantly, faith in miracles!

I wish you a special magical mood in the New Year, so that you begin the implementation of your plans with inspiration and energy.

Let 2020 take over the baton of creativity and creation, increase new traditions, and delight you with new achievements.

Good health, peace and prosperity to you!

Administration of Children's Music School "Nota"

Option No. 12

Dear friends!

Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on the New Year and Merry Christmas!

May the coming year be filled with new plans, creative ideas, good news and financial success. Let it be different: bright and cheerful, sincere and dreamy, successful and purposeful.

May the new year give you opportunities to realize all your plans and people who are ready to support you on the path to new successes.

Conquer new heights, follow unknown roads, discover new things and don’t be afraid to dream! We wish you peace, strength and self-confidence, strength of spirit and body, honest victories and well-deserved love!

Happiness and health to you and your loved ones!

Best wishes,


LLC "Recruiting agency "Kadry for nothing"

All texts given on the page can be used both orally and in writing. If you decide to use a written version, try to adhere to the following design rules:

  • The main text is laid out in the center of the page. However, if the design (drawing) of the sheet or the length of the text does not allow for a centered layout, a widthwise or left-edge layout is allowed.
  • After the main text, on the left side, indicate the position of the author (or several). If the author is a team of the organization, the positions are not listed (see as in the samples).
  • The author's last name is indicated opposite the position (layout on the right edge of the sheet). If there are several authors, they list them all. If the author is a group of employees, the names are not listed.
  • Such texts do not contain the organization’s seal or personal signatures.


Dear friends!

There are only a few days left until the brightest, most fun and, of course,

the most favorite holiday of Russians!

Team of the Tyumen Regional Scientific Library
named after D.I. Mendeleeva is in a hurry to congratulate her readers and all Tyumen residents on the New Year 2012 and Merry Christmas!

The past year has been full of interesting and significant events for the library and its friends. Let them remain in our memory, and let them await new meetings, new discoveries and creative luck. We are always glad to see you in the cozy halls of our library.

May the New Year become for you a year of success and prosperity, fulfillment of your cherished desires and hope for the best!

I wish you good health, joy, happiness, peace and prosperity!

Administration and staff
Tyumen Regional Scientific Library
named after D.I. Mendeleev

The blizzard has cleared up, winter is mischievous -
Sweeps roads, lawns, houses.
But in spite of the frosts, despite the cold
The New Year is rushing towards us from afar.
We are counting down the last days until we meet,
Lighting up the holiday trees
And we dream like children: let the New Year
He will soon come to visit us with gifts!
New Year - it's time to make your wishes come true!
May he give you health, love and kindness!
Let him add worries and troubles drop by drop,
Let him pour happy tears with a generous hand!
Soon the city clock will strike midnight...
Where are you, New Year? He will answer: I am here!

The eve of the holiday is the right time to sum up the past year and wish happiness to everyone for whom we create our projects.

Dear readers, partners, friends!

On the eve of the New Year, we usually take stock of our deeds accomplished in the outgoing year. And it’s very nice when you realize that the last 12 months were not in vain. It is important not to stand still, you need to develop, work and try to increase everything that you have achieved previously. And when it comes to the Kuznetsky Alliance holding, the question of summing up the results becomes fundamental. Our company is widely diversified; there are many areas in which we work - from construction materials to publishing. It is gratifying that in 2013 I had many reasons to be happy for our enterprises, for our employees, who were honored both at the city and regional levels. For example, the group of companies "EVERYTHING ABOUT EVERYTHING" and the magazine "Telehit" became winners in the competition " Best Brand Kuzbass 2012". And in the summer, one might say, the online magazine AVOKADO spread its wings and has already managed to fall in love with the audience. This, of course, is very pleasant, but there are many other achievements that this year the companies included in the Kuznetsky holding Alliance". We continue the stable shipment of high-quality building materials, for which we would like to say a special thank you to our partners, we are expanding the range of our textile line and many others. But the main thing is that, looking back, summing up the work, the Kuznetsk Alliance team calmly looks to the future and I am confident in the future. And this means that no matter what trials the coming year has in store for us, we are ready to boldly face them.

Dear readers! I sincerely congratulate you on the upcoming New Year. Let the feeling of faith in your work not leave you, let all horizons be open to you. Be strong and successful, kind and honest. I wish you happiness, good luck and health, understanding and love of your loved ones.

Dear readers!

The outgoing year 2013 was eventful for the GC “EVERYTHING ABOUT EVERYTHING”. It has been 15 years since the company began its activities. At the same time, our flagship publications “Everything about Everything”, “Work in Kuzbass” and the magazine “Everything about Real Estate” celebrated the anniversaries. Over the past fifteen years, “GC “Everything about Everything” has become one of the largest publishers of print media in Kuzbass. Today we publish six of our own publications: the newspapers “Everything about Everything”, “Pokupayka”, “Work in Kuzbass”, “Everything about Real Estate. Multilisting" and the magazines "Telehit" and "Everything about real estate". These publications have different readerships, different tasks, different directions, but they have one thing in common - they are all creative in nature: they inform, entertain, provide the opportunity to choose and help not to make mistakes in decision making.

In addition, the GC "EVERYTHING ABOUT EVERYTHING" continued to develop relatively young areas - the news website, as well as the online magazine AVOKADO. This is a new field of work for us, but we are not afraid to expand our presence in the media business, because your attention and interaction with you is very important to us. We love to be in dialogue with readers and partners and always listen to your opinion. We hope to hear even more feedback, ideas, and suggestions in the coming year! We have a lot of interesting things ahead: new steps, new prospects - so let's discover them together.

I wish everyone health, happiness, peace of mind, warmth of the hearth, peace and prosperity in the New Year! May good luck accompany you and all your endeavors be successful!

Our dear readers and partners, friends and colleagues!

Dear partners and readers!

First of all, I would like to say thank you very much for choosing our projects every day. There is an expression: “the customer votes with his feet.” To paraphrase a little, readers vote with transitions and clicks - and when I look at the statistics and growth rates of our audience, I understand that our team is moving in the right direction. What statistics are we talking about? In 2013, the Vse42.ru website and the AVOKADO online magazine were visited by more than 1.5 million people, more than 3.7 million visits were recorded, and 11 million views, since the beginning of the year we have doubled. Behind these results lies daily hard work, for which I would like to say a big thank you to our team!

M We've worked hard and we'll have a great rest.
We practically live at our work.
And on New Year's Day I want to wish you
Five million salaries and vacation pay per year.

I wish my colleagues more weekends,
It is logical to believe that there are very few of them,
Feasts and fun at noisy celebrations,
And mornings without a hangover, and clarity in the eyes!

IN New Year to my colleagues
You can wish for a lot:
So that there is less work,
So as not to get up early.

To get a bonus more often
The team was awarded
So that every day happens
Small but positive.

So that we work together,
Because we have the same goal.
To be released in the summer
All of us together to the south.


L We can handle any job,
We just radiate positivity.
Everyone has a “need” and a “want”
And together we are a great team.

Everyone has their own home, their own family,
But we spend a lot of time together.
I want to congratulate you on your holiday.
Employees, colleagues, Happy New Year!


P may happiness come to you all

I want to wish you, colleagues,
Success on the career ladder,
Just a big income for everyone,
Good health, steel!
May every moment and every hour
Only joy awaits you in life!


TO Ollegy, Happy New Year to you!
I wish you peace, happiness,
Huge bonuses, days off,
Praise - all at once
So that everything comes easy
Both in life and in work,
So that your every day passes
It's like being at a resort!


P May the New Year come into your home
An alluring bright light.
May your dreams come true,
Let there be no fuss.
And seeing off the Old Year,
Get rid of all the hassle.
Leave all your sorrows behind,
All the troubles, everything they were silent about...
Don't be afraid of new beginnings!
Don't be afraid of creative quests!
After all, the New Year is like a blank slate,
And you are the only soloist
Those songs that you will have to sing.
After all, the New Year is about to burst in!
And there will be dancing and dancing...
And you will find yourself in that fairy tale,
Which will change everything.
Here's to the New Year! Let it come!


WITH Happy New Year
You, colleagues and friends,
And I wish that we live
Together, like one family.

May luck be with you
With us for a whole year,
Salary will increase
And let our income grow.

So that we are one team
We walked forward confidently.
The New Year is about to start,
Gives good luck to everyone.


U we have common work,
A common cause, concern.
The holiday is also ours for everyone.
Let success follow!

Happy New Year to you, colleagues!
Bright success awaits you.
Don't be sick, don't be sad,
Have fun and joke!

To keep the work moving,
Just a pleasant concern
So that life awaits you,
May fate be bright!

Have fun this holiday,
And all kinds of gifts
I sincerely wish you all.
Congratulations to you, colleagues!


U Dear colleagues, I cordially congratulate you on the upcoming New Year! I wish you to feel confident, calm and stable! May your loved ones and family be healthy. Happiness, positivity, kindness and success!


WITH Happy New Year!
This year I wish you,
So that wealth and luck
We were at the same time with you,
And health and luck
They flew into your window.
Lots of laughter, lots of happiness!
Let all bad weather go away.
To Santa Claus
Brought you career growth
And the Snow Maiden is with me
Brought a lot of income!


IN That's why I want to say, people:
The New Year is coming to visit us!
I wish you every luck,
Good salaries, many bonuses.
So that the boss can only admire us
And I never found fault!
Let it be in the family and at work
Happiness awaits us, not worries.
May a miracle come to us soon
On a wonderful New Year holiday!


AND I wish that this night,
Work faded into the background.
So that instead of folders and reports -
A glass of champagne and cake!

May you be nearby, this New Year,
Faith and luck walk,
The health of loved ones, and in addition,
Events, the best, turnover.

I also wish you creativity,
More laughter, positivity,
Emotions, lightness, freedom...
Let your income skyrocket!


P Happy New Year,
Let everything go smoothly,
Happiness to you for the whole year,
Live your best life without hassle!

Let luck wander around
Caressing you with a gentle gaze
And, will fulfill all desires -
For a worthy effort!

May you all be lucky all year long,
Happiness is only waiting for you,
Tenderness, sincerity, smiles,
Without any error!


TO Ollegy, this New Year,
I wish you great heights,
More profitable ideas
Less sad news.

Let the salary grow steadily,
To row it with a shovel,
There were more corporate events
And life was kinder and sweeter!

Let there be what you need
Success accompanies business,
So that our team lives together
And so that the boss praises us!


P May the New Year bring good luck,
Stability and income are immeasurable.
May this year be generous with gifts,
Let the main peaks be conquered.

I wish everyone happiness and love,
And the fulfillment of all kinds of wishes.
May your days be very bright.
And various impressions for you!


N New Year is a reason to congratulate
A miracle awaits everyone who believes in him.
May it bring you a lot of joy
New Year is yours when it comes!

May it give you new goals,
Many different, desired victories.
Let everything happen that you so wanted.
Live without tears, without sorrows and troubles!


WITH Today is our working day,
But the heart asks for celebration,
After all, the hour of the magical night is approaching!
My head is spinning with happiness!

The best gifts to you, colleagues,
And a wallet full of money.
And be lucky forever,
Get excited about life.

Work with eternal inspiration -
Run home at full speed.
Surely bright miracles for you,
Good luck on all fronts!


TO Ollegy, New Year is coming,
And may you have the whole year
Great mood!

May you certainly be lucky,
Let fate smile
Luck is in your hands,
And all dreams come true!


TO Ollegy, Happy New Year!
Let a friendly round dance
You are surrounded often
Love, luck, happiness!

Huge salaries for everyone
Growing and immodest,
Indecent success
And have a great holiday!


P May the next year bring prosperity and success to each of us, give us new brilliant ideas and help bring them to life. Let peace and mutual understanding reign in our families, and let the love of loved ones warm us with an unchanging hot flame at any moment. Let's wish each other professional growth, optimism and self-confidence!


IN from and we worked for a year,
A holiday awaits us all now.
Let your home be filled with goodness,
Happiness, joy, warmth.
I wish you a fabulous weekend,
Colleagues, Happy New Year!


N New Year is a good time!
New start and new achievements!
To all colleagues - joy, kindness,
Strength, health, vigor, luck!

Let comfort always reign in the house,
But the soul knows no sorrows!
New Year's fireworks
Let him raise the bar for his mood!


P we can mess up our affairs,
Find yourself on the carpet with your boss,
At work, as if she were drinking in the forest:
If you give a tree, you cut it and that’s it!
We are the most important hard workers here,
And at lunchtime, during the break, we rest.
That's what it means - colleagues. And they don't wait for us
Lonely everyday life with iced tea.
The team is strength, and in the New Year
I am glad to congratulate you all. Let him bring you
Respect, happiness, good luck this fresh New Year.


P next year
Luck will wink at you all,
May troubles pass you by,
Let your income grow steadily!

Let your dreams come true
And let there be no sad days.
There is more warmth in our hearts,
And there are festive lights in the house!


WITH I come to congratulate you on the New Year
From the bottom of my heart, colleagues, to you!
Let your income grow
Not every day, but every hour!

Let only happiness reign in the family,
Let your health be strong,
Problems and bad weather will go away,
Sorrow and sadness will rush away!

I wish you all this holiday
Lots of fun, jokes, laughter,
Kindness, smiles, a sea of ​​light
And many great successes!


N and work is like a holiday,
We are in a hurry from year to year.
A lot of things, big and important,
And a crowd of customers is waiting.

I wish everyone success
And diligence in work,
So that there is no interference,
May you always be lucky, everywhere.

To increase wages
There was enough strength for the family.
Happy New Year
Our entire friendly team!


G od flew by so quickly,
There was so much to do in it,
May you all have a new year
Success and victories await!

I wish you comfort in my heart
And happiness every minute,
In the family - mutual understanding,
In your career - only prosperity.

Lots of health, stronger steel,
So that all dreams suddenly become reality.
I wish you true friends
And fruitful, bright days!


P fulfillment to our lans
May the New Year give
And will add patience to us,
If there is too much to do.

Let, colleagues, work for you
Will bear fruit:
Income will increase
And dreams will come true!


TO The team is dear and friendly,
I need to congratulate you now
Happy New Year! And wish...
So where should I start?

I’ll say it without embellishment, friends,
I love the team.
Either joke or don't joke -
This is where our paths converged.

You can't count the wishes.
It is an honor to congratulate you.
May the New Year bring
A lot of joyful worries.

Happiness will come to every home
And it will bring good luck.
May there be love and health.
And success will not forget you.

Let Santa Claus give everyone
A lot of joyful troubles
May the whole year not be sad,
Quite the opposite!


IN I congratulate all my colleagues
Happy New Year and I wish you
So that work doesn't bother you,
Gave pleasure.
Optimism and positivity
Let him join the team.
So that salaries increase
And they were issued more often -
Three or four times a month.
Come on, all the pockets are wider!
So that the authorities do not play around,
How my family loved you all,
Vacations were given on time...
About once a year a year.
Well, Santa Claus is kind
Will give happiness, love and blessings.
Let him promote you in your career
And he’ll give you gifts!


U Dear colleagues! Happy New Year. May this new year be fruitful and successful for you. I wish everyone new steps up the career ladder. Easy working days and hot, pleasant holidays. May all failures and adversity remain beyond the threshold of the old year, and may there be only ups and achievements in the new year!


P may the New Year bring you
Prosperity and income.
May success follow you
So that there is no interference in anything.

May your health be good,
The mind is enlightened, tenacious,
There is peace in the world, and harmony in families.
Raise everyone's salaries.

A lot of strength and optimism,
Travel and tourism,
In the souls - sunny weather.
Everyone, colleagues, Happy New Year!


WITH Happy New Year to our entire friendly team.
May good luck accompany you and may the positivity never leave you.
So that work can be carried out, so that there is comfort in families!
Just so you don’t forget: you are very welcome here in the morning.
I wish you all success and health, light, joy, goodness.
New Year's fun. Happy New Year to all. Hooray!

TO Every New Year we wait for a miracle... On the eve 2018 somehow you hope in a special way that there will be many miracles. The year is rich in significant events - the Olympics, the Russian Presidential Elections, the World Cup, the 75th anniversary of the Kemerovo region, the 400th anniversary of Novokuznetsk!

Novokuznetsk libraries are fully armed: plans for cultural events have been formed! We are ready to surprise you, delight you, educate you, support you with information, and give you new knowledge! I would really like to see our beloved readers more often! We invite all citizens to witness our events, visit our reading rooms and subscriptions more than once! We hope that our partners and benefactors will not forget about libraries in the anniversary year!

Libraries, and most importantly librarians, are capable of much! Find the answer to the most tricky question, deliver the most needed book from anywhere in the world, help with registration scientific work, provide access to electronic collections, conduct a city tour, even a virtual one! Yes, what is there! A librarian can single-handedly create a website, an electronic guide, or a collection of local history!

On New Year's Eve, we should remember that The most famous song about the New Year was composed... by a librarian!

Song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” became an example of a work that can bring fame to its authors even if they created the only popular work. The author of the poems for the song, which appealed to millions of people, was Raisa Adamovna Kudasheva. She lived a long life (1878-1964). Born Princess Gidroits, in her youth she served as a governess to Prince Kudashev, and later married him. She worked as a teacher, and in Soviet time- librarian. Since her time at the gymnasium, Raisa Giedroyc has been writing poetry. At the age of 18, she began to publish in various publications, but her real name was unknown to the reader. The reason for this was modesty. Kudasheva treated fame with amazing indifference, hiding for many years under various pseudonyms. In total, Raisa Kudasheva published about 200 songs and stories, fairy tales and books of poetry.

And in 1903, she wrote the Christmas poem “Yolka,” which every Russian knows today (the music for the poem was written two years later by the capital’s nobleman and scientist Leonid Bekman):

Happy New Year! New creations and successful projects! Be happy and healthy!

Project and its leaders E. E. Protopopova, O. D. Anchokova