Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day (February 23). Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day (February 23) Comic toasts for February 23 from women

No holiday is complete without kind words and sincere wishes. And February 23 is no exception. Gathering for festive table with your family, in the company of friends or colleagues, raising a glass, you want to say something important, original and maybe even funny.

So that you don’t have to rack your brains and surf the Internet in search of interesting toasts and congratulations, has collected for you the most original, funny and beautiful ones in this article.

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Toasts on February 23rd for the military

Eastern wisdom says: “Separation is never divided equally: the one who leaves takes with him only one third of the separation, while two thirds remain for those who wait for return.” I propose a toast to those who will always wait for the soldier's return: to faithful friends, to the woman he loves and, of course, to parents!

For the health of the wounded,
For the freedom of prisoners,
Behind beautiful girls
And for us, the military!

I propose to drink so that the obstacle course turns out to be a takeoff for each of us!

The tank commander conducts classes with his subordinates:
- What is the main thing in a tank?
“A weapon,” one answers.
“Armor,” answers the other.
“Caterpillars,” says the third.
- All this is true, but the main thing is not to drift.
Let's drink to the most important thing!

What do you think: who did Venus prefer out of all her many fans on Olympus? God of war - Mars! After all, women love military men.
I propose to drink to our armed forces, friends!

You all know the army saying that colonels should not run. After all, in peacetime this causes laughter, and in wartime it causes panic. I propose a toast to real colonels who do not run under any circumstances!

Let's drink to drill training, strength, courage and dexterity!

Let's drink to the Airborne Forces - faith, valor, luck!

Congratulations on your holiday -
Happy Army and Navy Day!
Let service and work
It's not always easy, we tell you
We wish you to live, love, work,
And if a lucky star smiles on you,
Then you can rise to the rank of general.

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February 23 with family

I propose a toast to the most worthy quality of a man - fidelity! Loyalty in love, in friendship, loyalty to the Fatherland, one’s word and honor!

There is no reason to call women the weaker sex -
Among us are talents, warriors, and minds.
But if there weren't a man next to us,
Could we reach our heights?

Today, February 23rd, is a holiday for all men. It doesn't matter whether they served in the army or not. The important thing is that if trouble happens, they will always defend their Motherland. So let's raise our glasses to all men on this significant day!

To become a man, it is not enough for him to be born,
To become iron, it is not enough to be ore,
You must melt, break
And, like ore, sacrifice yourself.
Even though you don't wear a uniform,
But we know that in difficult times
You are just like all the soldiers in the world,
Save the Motherland and us.

There are thousands of reasons today
Congratulate and honor men!
But one reason is more important than all,
After all, we need the Defender most of all!
There is no doubt that we women will not survive,
Without male protection and support!

Dear daddy, you probably wanted your mom to carry you in her arms all day on February 23rd? She told me that she was ready for this if then you would carry her in your arms for the remaining 364 days. Happy holiday to you!

February 23 is the day of victories and courage, firmness and strength. On this day, our dear men bathe in the rays of care, attention and love. May our defenders never have to fight for real. We wish you financial well-being, and family life- warmth, comfort and mutual understanding. Happy Defender of the Fatherland!

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Cool toasts from friends and colleagues on February 23

When a saber-toothed tiger approached the cave, it was we who went out with a club to meet them!
When the nomads approached the gate, it was we who took up swords and axes!
When the French were rushing to Moscow, it was we who clutched sabers in our hands!
When Hitler threw tank armadas at Soviet Union, it was we who stood in their way!
So let's drink today to us, men who surrender only to women!

What does “being a Man” mean to me? Always keep your word and keep your promises. Be attentive to the experiences of the woman you love. Be purposeful and strong. For us, men! Happy February 23rd!

Let's drink to the most stylish guys dressing for the military registration and enlistment office!

If you become infected - only with optimism,
And if you root, then only for the team,
If you engage only in altruism,
Win - all titles and grandees.
Be energetic even on Monday
And also do mountaineering,
After all, I wish you a MOUNTAIN OF MONEY!
And, to spend it, long life!

My toast to men: true to their word, to those who have not lost and will never lose their honor, to those who do not stand still, but always strive forward! Here's to you, friends!

Let's drink to keep your mind strong and your strength smart! For us, men!

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Toasts-parables for February 23

After a successful performance, an enthusiastic spectator asked the sorcerer: “How is it possible, aren’t you afraid to keep a snake in your bosom?” In response, the sorcerer smiled and replied: “You know, there are three types of courage. The first courage is the lot of fools, because you do not imagine the full extent of the danger, and, therefore, you do not know fear. The second courage is the lot of heroes, because you, knowing the size of the danger, try to overcome yourself. Well, the third courage is the courage of knowledge. The secret is that you are not afraid because of knowledge, so a person who is not initiated into knowledge thinks that you are brave.”

Let's drink to men - brave and courageous. After all, they are the ones who protect our peace!

There is an ancient Greek myth about the giant Antaeus, king of Libya. He was invincible as long as he touched mother earth, which gave him new strength. However, the famous Hercules still managed to defeat him, tearing him away from his native land and strangling him in the air. Since then, the image of Antey has become a symbol of the strength that comes from connection with the homeland, native country.

So let's drink so that no one can tear us away from our native land, from our Motherland!

And finally, a simple formula for the success of your congratulations: whatever toast you choose, add something of your own to it.

Happy Defender of the Fatherland!

They gather at the festive table in a noisy company.

So, on this significant day, let's raise our glasses to those who can be called the strong half of humanity! The best for you toasts for February 23.

Toasts for February 23

Toasts for February 23 in verse

Today is a holiday for men,
And we want to congratulate our colleagues,
There are many reasons for this
What a man can be praised for:

For daily hard work,
Because he loves his job very much,
Because he forgot comfort.
He goes on business trips with confidence.

For having women in your arms
Ready to wear daily
With him, a woman knows no fear,
He is immensely devoted to a woman.

I say a toast to the men,
Every woman needs Him.
According to housebuilding - Mr....
For being a good husband!

We do not curse our wicked fate
And raise a glass of vodka
For those who are currently doing military service
And who once “plowed” it!

So let it gurgle and splash in the glass,
When the rear is securely secured!
For the valiant defenders of the Fatherland
On this glorious day of the Armed Forces!

A man is God's gift for the weaker sex:
A man is a protector, a man is a support!
And there are many more reasons
So that women today glorify men.

And all we need is for the guns to be silent,
So that you protect a woman from sadness,
They radiated warmth, stirring our blood...
And together we would defend - love!...

I drink to you and to love,
And for the fire in our hearts.
But I'll drink the first glass
For those who are wearing boots!

For those who leaned in at this moment
To the cold steel of the machine:
I raise my glass
For a man, for a soldier!

We raise our glasses
We congratulate all men!
Let's drink to what they give us
So necessary in this life!

May they live happily ever after
Let them get a lot of money
And they will spend it on us -
Let's drink to this many times!

Let the sun shine in a peaceful sky
And the trumpet does not call for a hike.
So that only during training soldiers
He went forward to attack.

Let there be spring thunder instead of explosions
Nature awakens from sleep,
And our children sleep peacefully
Today, tomorrow and always!

Good health and happiness
To all those who defended our world.
And who is guarding him today?
And who repaid the debt to the Motherland in full!

Let me raise a glass to the most tender on earth,
For those creatures without whom I cannot imagine life.
I drink to kind eyes, to the tenderness of a gentle hand,
For the fact that you exist in the world... for us, in short, men!

The pickles are ready,
Snack on the table
And there is already a reason to drink,
Our holiday is in February.

Let's have a drink with confidence
For us, for the men,
So that life blooms and sings,
So that there is a table and shelter.

For a woman to love
One, but more beautiful than all.
So that there is a lot of happiness,
May you have success in life!

I'm honored
Congratulations again, my love,
Happy Russian Warrior Day,
My faithful friend, you!

Didn't bend under tons
You saw death and pain.
You walked in uniform
Into the most righteous battle!

And let the chest not be decorated -
There is not a single medal, -
You are our warrior of happiness,
My dear, dear!!!

Aunt has an uncle, mom has a dad,
Grandma has a grandfather in an old hat,
A little girl has a boy friend,
An older girl has an older boy.

Everyone has their own half in life,
And a man should be next to a woman!
Hope, support for fragile shoulders,
Who does the job without unnecessary speeches.

On this holiday we confess to you honestly,
It’s very flattering to be your ladies!
We are calm with you, we are safe with you,
It is impossible to imagine my life without you!

Dear men! Our defenders!
It’s so easy for us to live under your protection!

How not to raise, say a toast
Without any unnecessary ceremony,
When there were more stars
An officer in pursuit?

Those stars aligned exactly
And you today, our glorious friend,
Not just a senior lieutenant,
And the lieutenant, in fact, is in charge!

There is one quality in people,
Whether it is given to us or not,
When a machine gun fires in a fever,
One is lying down, the other is running forward.

And so in everything, and everywhere, and always,
When trouble falls on your shoulders,
When life takes you by the throat,
One is lying down, the other is running forward.

Well, what can you do, apparently it’s the way it is...
Let's pour some wine into glasses.
My first toast and my last toast
For those who rose to their full height!

We don’t dream much about ranks,
But a series of days flew by,
And here, and here in your constellation
Another star has risen.

Now not three, but all four
Your shoulder was decorated.
So what! For being on his uniform
There are more stars!

A glass for nice girls
This moisture is golden
Let it turn into beauty!
Let men have more will

And he tells us to be brave,
Let it be all our pain
And he will heal all ailments!
So raise your glasses, friends!

There is no more important conversation today,
And one toast is meant:
For the newly minted major!
And for his “huge” star!

The star looks like this in space,
So that everyone can see from afar.
With such a star you are a knight in the nobility,
And even more - a microgeneral!

Toasts for February 23 in prose (in your own words)

Dear men! On behalf of all women, we congratulate you on the holiday Russian army! We love, appreciate and are ready to inspire you to heroic deeds in the name of the Fatherland. Let's drink to the men!

My great-grandmother was a nurse during the First World War. And carried dozens of wounded soldiers from the battlefield...
- My grandmother was a nurse during the Second World War. And she also saved dozens of wounded...
So let's drink to the hope that every man in his life will save and protect at least one woman! For our defenders!

Any war, no matter how bloody and long it may be, inevitably ends in peace. Is there any point in starting if the result is known in advance?.. Let's drink to the ability to think sensibly!

Let's drink to keep your mind strong and your strength smart! Here's to you guys!

Yes, of course, this holiday was invented only as a “counterbalance” to ours, women’s, so as not to “give in” to us in this too - let it be. Why not on this day remember what you can do and what, perhaps, we could not cope with...

Let's drink to the men! But not for single people - they will never marry us. And not for divorced people - they were bad husbands. Let's drink to the married - they love their wives and do not forget us! So let's drink to make these two years fly by like one night!

Every man needs three women in his life: a mother, a wife and at least one more who considers him a man. Let's drink to the third woman!

A lieutenant in class asks a question:
- What is a soldier obliged to do if a crow lands on the barrel of a machine gun?
- Wake up, comrade lieutenant.
Let's drink to vigilance!

Eastern wisdom says: “Separation is never divided equally. The one who leaves takes with him only one third of the separation, two thirds remain for those who wait for his return.” I propose a toast to those who will wait for the soldier's return: to his true friends, to his beloved girlfriend and to his parents!

With special appreciation and gratitude, we want to raise our glasses to those who walked the roads of the Patriotic War, who risked life and health defending the Fatherland. Let's drink to them and bow our heads to them. You have our gratitude and our love. With all our hearts we wish you health, happiness and long life!

In the old days there was a custom in Rus': if a girl waited for a guy from the army, a cannon was cast; if not, they planted a tree. Let's drink to our dense forests and to the only Tsar Cannon!

I want to drink to her because she is waiting for me. It's joyful and easy to be with her. She greets me without unnecessary kisses, and on cold nights she warms me with her warmth. And every night he talks about happy love.

Let's drink to her - to the only, dear and close soldier's bed.

One guy didn't want to go to serve in the army. And he began to hide in every possible way. First he lost Good work, then the girl left him. He became afraid to appear in public, became wild and began to live in a forest den. One day he couldn’t even get food for himself, he was so weak. He became an outcast even in the forest. So let's drink to those who courageously give their duty to the Motherland, no matter how difficult it may be. For the strong and worthy men!

One valiant detachment defended its hometown from enemies for a very long time. The enemy was much stronger, his forces kept coming and going, and there were fewer and fewer defenders every minute. Seeing this, the commander of a small detachment ordered his soldiers to surround the city with a tight ring and not let the enemy into it until his last breath... The god of war saw this. He felt sorry for the brave defenders; he liked their courage. It was clear that they would all die, but God did not want the enemy to break into the city. And he turned the soldiers into a high, strong wall that nothing could break through. And not a single enemy soldier was able to penetrate this wall.

So let's drink to our defenders of the Fatherland being such a wall that no weapon in the world can defeat!

Short toasts for February 23

For the health of the wounded,
For the freedom of prisoners,
For beautiful girls
And for us, the military!

The day will come, we'll come home someday,
And they will shine for us from afar
Not the stars on the battalion commander's uniform,
And the stars on the bottles of cognac!

This is our very first toast:
For peace, love and for soldiers!
For everyone, for us and those at sea!

Let evil and wars notwithstanding,
Never missed the planet
About kind warmth male hands
Neither old people, nor women, nor children!

We'll raise a toast today
For those who are far from home,
Standing with a machine gun in his arms,
Putting on your boots.

I propose my toast to those guys,
Who guard our peace,
For those whose hands hold a machine gun,
For those who want to be with you now,
In short, let's drink to the soldiers!

For those who don't sleep at night,
So that we can fall asleep
For those who instead of a glass
Holds a machine gun

For those who are with us
Doesn't celebrate the holiday
Your main toast
I raise for the soldiers!

I drink to you and to love,
And for the fire in our hearts.
But I'll drink the first glass
For those who are wearing boots!

For those who leaned in at this moment
To the cold steel of the machine...
I raise my glass
For a man, for a soldier!

Goodbye, dear checkpoint,
We can't sit on Guba anymore...
Goodbye brother
The service has ended
Now it's a forced march to the station.
For the dream of every soldier - Dembel!

We gathered with friends as always,
our glasses are full of Russian vodka,
Laughter at the table and then...
I will make this toast not new,
And may the God of the seas hear him
May fate remove its harsh face
From all the ships coming!

Cool toasts for February 23

There lived a family, and they had one only son. One morning a mother woke up, went up to her son, handed him shaving foam and said:
- Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day, son.
And her son answered her:
-What are you doing, mom? Maybe I'll do it again.

So let's drink so that the defenders of the Fatherland are not only strong, but also educated.

War has a special temper, we must toast the sappers!

We will weaken a hundred times if we forget about the construction battalion!

The last freak who won't drink to the Morflot!

Enemy! - Damn you! We drink to the Strategic Missile Forces!

Oh, how high their bar is! Let's drink to the airborne troops!

I am a soldier of a sapper company! We, friends, are not fools!
Let's drink, brother sappers, so that we don't make mistakes!

We are no longer happy with glasses, let’s pick up shell casings!

Don’t call the holiday a booze, we’ll snort the cognac with a footcloth!

Comrade warrant officer, can I watch TV?
- You can, just don’t turn it on!

Let's drink to military discipline!

The army is full of grouse, let's drink so that there are no losses!

Don't skimp on wine and vodka! For the submariners from the submarine!

It takes seven sweats to fly! High glasses for the pilots!

One jackdaw was larger than the others and, despising his fellows, flew to the crows and asked them to take her into their flock. But she was not like them, and they began to peck the jackdaw and drove her away. Jackdaw had no choice but to return to her people, but they, disliking her for her arrogance, also refused to accept her.
So let's drink to the love of the Fatherland and to the people who never, under any circumstances, commit betrayal.

Mother asks her daughter:
-Where were you all night?
- It would be better to ask with whom.
- Well, with whom?
- With a national hero.
-Who is this?
- Unknown Soldier.

Gentlemen! So let's drink to our valiant army!

In my soldier's skin
You found out and are very angry:
The bullet is a fool, the bayonet is a fool,
The gun is a bastard, the tank is a goat!

Self-propelled gun - cattle depot,
Scumbag - machine gun,
A bomb is a nit, a sword is an infection,
The cruiser is a trippy hoopoe!

But hold on, male soldier,
Have fun, despite fate!
After all, February has come, the beast,

Two men meet.
-How are you?
-Badly. My wife forces me to pay every penny of my salary.
-And I drink fifteen rubles from my salary every month, and I tell my wife: “I fought in the war. On a tank. Knocked out. Now I’m paying money to the state for this tank!”

The man listened to the advice and drank twenty-five rubles from his next salary. The next morning my wife asks:
-Where did the quarter go?
-I fought in the war. Radio operator. By plane. Shot down. Now, according to the new decree, I am paying money to the state for this plane!

The wife doubted and went to the military registration and enlistment office. So, they say, and so. I’ve never paid before, but suddenly I have to pay.
-How much does he pay? - asked the military commissar.
-Twenty five.
-How is this twenty-five?! Give it to me!

A man comes to the military commissar.
-How dare you drink as much as twenty-five rubles for some lousy plane? I’m for a submarine, and I can’t afford twenty every month!
-How much is possible?
-Well, chervonets.
-Will you give me a certificate?
- We'll give it, we'll give it.

A man comes home and shoves a certificate in his wife’s face:
-What, wife, did you jump? They added another ten!

So let's drink to the valiant defenders of our Fatherland!

My husband came home from work. He sees his wife in tears.
- I fried you some fish in sour cream and left for a minute. And the cat ate everything.
- Well, don't be so upset. If something happens to the cat, I will buy you a new kitten.

Let's drink to men's condescension and kindness!

Who would give us tender names?
And he protected us, whenever they were not there?
Who would sing? Who would kindle the flame in us,
In which we burn with love?

Who would shield you with strong shoulders?
Who paid in battles with his blood,
So that our lullabies sound
To the sound of the rain, to the whispering of the branches?!

The hearths are warmer with them,
There are countless dishes at the pre-Starkhans!
They are a joy to us and our children!
It’s so good, men, that you exist!

In ancient times they said:
“If a boy is born, he should be respected at least for the fact that someday he may have to fight.”
God forbid our dear and beloved men should fight. But we must appreciate and respect them.

For men!

For you, who takes on the most difficult task and wins. For you, who knows how to be strong and gentle! For you, persistent, beautiful, reliable, brave! For you, attentive, intelligent, generous, courageous!

May you always have three women with you, mother, wife and Motherland!

“You have absolutely no taste,” my wife likes to repeat, trying to somehow prick me.
“I have the most excellent taste,” I object. - After all, out of thousands of women, I chose you alone!

I propose a toast to the men present here who happen to have delicate taste in choosing their spouses! Women, do you agree?

For those whom wolves don't eat

A man was walking through the forest. Suddenly a gray wolf runs out of the thicket and says:
- Man, I will eat you!
- For what?
- Just.
- Don’t eat me, I’ll do whatever you say!
- OK. If you fulfill three wishes of the first person you meet, you will remain unharmed. That's what we decided. On the way they met a woman. The wolf explained the situation to her and said:
- What is your first wish, woman?
Looking down, she said:
- Man, I want it.
The man fulfilled her first wish with great desire. Having lowered her gaze, the woman said for the second time:
- Man, I still want it.
Gathering all his strength, the man fulfilled her second wish.
- Well, what about the third? - asked the wolf.
Blushing, the woman whispered:
- I still want it.
The man knelt down, lowered his head and said:
- Eat me, wolf.

So let's drink, friends, to those men whom wolves do not eat!

For the power that holds the basins

In one city there was a bathhouse, and the men's and women's sections were separated by a wall. One day during an earthquake this wall fell. In a hurry, all the men and women covered themselves with basins... So they stood and looked at each other until they gradually released their hands from the basins. The women's basins fell onto the tiles with a crash, while the men's basins were left hanging.

So let's drink to the strength that held the basins.

There is a sentry on duty. Suddenly he hears a rustling sound.
- Stop! Who goes?
- Yes, yours, with a bottle...
- Mine? Come on in! And the bottle - stand!
Let's drink to vigilance, guys!

The regiment commander summoned the young lieutenant and lectured him:
- You are spreading rumors that our regiment will be disbanded! Do you know what it's called? Disinformation. You will be punished.
At this moment, the adjutant hands the colonel an envelope. The colonel reads and, sighing, says:
- By the way, where did you find out about the disbandment?
- At the farmer's market. Grandma Lukerya's.
- So, I order: go to this granny and find out where I will be sent to serve after disbandment!

Let's drink to insight!

The colonel checks the order in the barracks and notices a cigarette butt on the floor.
- So, orderly, come to me! Whose cigarette butt?
- Nobody, Comrade Colonel, smoke.

I propose a toast to army solidarity!

The great A. Suvorov said: “Never did pride, most often generated by an instant impulse, control my actions, and I forgot myself when it came to the benefit of the fatherland.”

Let's raise a glass to our Fatherland!

Today there is a reason to drink,
Fiery speeches are appropriate,
Because today your shoulder straps
The weight fell on his shoulders.

We don't grab stars from the sky,
And this didn’t fall from heaven...
So the toast will be extremely simple:
For two stars and two lights!

It happened in our fleet:
When we are all together with friends,
That's the very first one best toast
Like this: “For those who are at sea!”

For men! So that your character is not harsh, so that you are always ready to sing a soulful song!

A real man- this is the one who remembers exactly a woman’s birthday and never knows how old she is. And a man who never remembers a woman’s birthday, but knows exactly how old she is, is her real husband.

So let's drink to real men!

What can we say about our men? Their faces are courageous, their hearts are noble, their intellect is powerful, their character is persistent, their eyes are clear, their gaze is penetrating, their heads are clear, they rule the wheel, they know how to do everything, they spare no expense.

Let's drink to our men!

Toasts to the military on February 23

I propose a toast to the excellent choice of our wives and to us, your faithful chosen ones!

For the health of the wounded, For the freedom of prisoners, For beautiful girls And for us, the military!

Dear colleagues, you all know the army saying that colonels should not run. After all, in peacetime this causes laughter, and in wartime it causes panic. I propose a toast to real colonels who do not run under any circumstances!

Comrade warrant officer! - the soldier addresses. - Is it true that people descended from monkeys? - Of course, Erokhin. But this does not apply to warrant officers.
Let's drink to the warrant officers, the whole army rests on them!

Who do you think Venus preferred out of all her many admirers on Olympus? God of war - Mars! Yes, women love military men.
I propose to drink to our armed forces, friends!

The ensign was asked to make a toast at the wedding. Without hesitation, he said: “One-two, pour it!” And the rest is clear without words.
I propose a toast to army brevity!

An angry sergeant shouts at a young soldier: “Do you think I’m an idiot?” - I don’t know, Comrade Sergeant. I've only been with you for the first month.
Let's drink, friends, to the statutory relations between military personnel!

The private approaches the ensign and in a cheerful, loud voice reports to him: - Comrade ensign, your order has been carried out! The ensign was surprised: - Wait... But I didn’t order anything... - And I didn’t do anything.
Let's drink, guys, to the harsh everyday life of the army!

  • Toasts for February 23 from the "House of Holidays"
  • - February 23 / For the military - toasts and congratulations
  • Congratulations and toasts on February 23 in prose - welcome to the site!
  • Original toasts for February 23 - "Million Gifts"
  • Toasts to Defender of the Fatherland Day- Postcards Plus


Women always save congratulations for men on February 23 in advance to surprise their loved ones or pamper friends and colleagues. It is not necessary to make solemn speeches and boring traditional wishes. It is much more interesting to present your toasts and jokes with irony. There are a few really effective tricks you can use to make your defenders feel like the main characters of the holiday.

Table jokes “Men can be compared to”

The phrase “Men can be compared to”... can turn a decorous feast into the most cheerful gatherings:
- refined sugar: at first they are so sweet, they taste better, and then they dissolve without a trace;
- coffee: aromatic, hot, strong, stimulating and keeps you awake at night;
- hangover: they cause headaches, put you to bed for a long time, make you feel dizzy, and sometimes after taking them internally you feel nauseous and crave salty foods;
- chili pepper: hot, spicy;
- swings: back and forth, your head is spinning, they beckon you to go for a ride, it hurts to fall;
- sales agents: you can’t take their word for it, they simply praise their product until you fall for it, and then the purchase turns out to be in demand once a week or on holidays;
- antivirus: user rights are constantly running out and require searching for new keys;
- photocopier: they make their own copies and need to regularly refill cartridges;
- credit card: empty ones are not needed, but with money there is a queue at the ATM;
- snowfall: they come unexpectedly, how many centimeters will fall is unknown, as well as whether they will melt in the morning or hold out until spring;
- lipstick: melts when kissed;
- weather: we are unable to change or predict them;
- miniskirts: constantly riding up;
- medications: on the one hand, they are useful, on the other hand, they are detrimental to health.

23rd in February
You have to get up at dawn!
Well, it would be better not to go to bed at all,
So that everything you have planned can be done in time.

Prepare breakfast with all your love
And take him with a bow to bed,
So that the master gets up in the mood,
He patted his cheek favorably.

And it would be best to wear a suit
You're like his maid...
Maybe he'll give you some tea and stockings
Or give it to him out of love!

Don’t you dare go to the shops -
That was your task yesterday.
The ideal wife is three in one:
Courtesan, cook and housekeeper!

Be cheerful, give in, pour
And don’t forget to praise your loved one!
You will take full revenge on him for this -
Spring is coming soon for Women's Day!

Table jokes for February 23, which will replace the toast and change the official tone of the feast to a festive one.

Try to play, and let each guest at the table fantasize about what men actually want most of all: So “to:”

Women's Day is celebrated not once a year, but on February 29th. A period of four years is enough time to prepare a gift and take a break from whims.

All the women responded to the word “bunny” or had the same name.

The women were allergic to natural fur and precious metals.

The dress code for nightclubs was underwear.

Skirts rode up at the sight, and bras unfastened with a click.

My wife never had a headache at night.

Ovulation occurred with their approval.

Hair from the ears and nose moved to the head.

Drive without speed limit.

In the morning my socks crawled to the bed on their own.

The lids on the toilets were raised respectfully when entering the toilet.

Women and cars never broke down.

The bars didn't close, and the hangover didn't set in.

The trash can had legs and a remote control for a navigator that led the way to the nearest trash can.

Salaries were paid for lying on the couch, and bonuses were given in beer.

During the football match the women went mute.

Toasts from women for men in honor of February 23.

Dear men! Just don’t get cheaper, stay as generous, brave and in demand!

I wish you to earn more, rest longer, in short, drink less and appreciate your women more.

Let each of you always have someone next to you who blindly believes, and doesn’t check, doesn’t demand a fur coat, but knows how to cook it deliciously and takes care of herself, not you!

May you always have courage, prosperity, confidence, charm in your arsenal, faithful friends, beloved heirs and loving women.

Men, we don’t need to prove anything in words, just silently do what you promise, and we promise to appreciate you for this expensive quality!

Men today have a chance to take revenge on us for last year’s March 8th and be a little capricious. But our stronger halves are not like that. They won't remind us of anything today... but will stretch this process out throughout the year!

A toast to men who differ from cheap counterfeits with real quality: they don’t break down over the years, don’t fail at the right moment, smell nice, and are always ready for use!

Toast joke - an excuse for shaving foam and socks as a gift.

If you shave in the morning
And satisfied appearance
It's February, apparently.
The holiday must be celebrated!
The foam came in handy, which means
What did I have in store for the holiday?
A pair of brand new socks
My love will be expressed!
You think you're a slow thinker
Your faithful friend?
No, my imagination is fine
I just don't want to, my sweetie,
Kiss your stubble
Happy holiday to you, man!

Toasts in verse from February 23 for priceless and worthy men.
Happy February 23rd to you, men!
Let there be enough desire and strength
For love, work, sports and fishing
And you won’t have time to feel sorry for us!

You are our best defense!
We are happy and well-fed nearby.
Don't overdo it today
And don’t lose your vigilance.
Otherwise someone will take us away,
Who walks sober all year round...

Dear, beloved army,
Take care of your manhood!
May your income and luck triple,
A mansion and career will be built!

We raise our glasses
We congratulate all men!
Let's drink to what they give us
So necessary in this life!
May they live happily ever after
Let them get a lot of money
And they will spend it on us -
Let's drink to this many times!

Cool toast for February 23

It's cool to be born a man
This is for you, it’s not a girl,
Afraid of everything
But the man, he’s that...
He is strong, smart, brave,
It is important in the birth of children!
He is also a dear warrior,
You hold it, wait!
Pour it for him first
May he feel warmer!
Let's drink together for February,
Let the crystal ring quickly!
Let's quickly drink to the men,
Let everythnig will be alright!

Congratulate colleagues on February 23rd toast

Colleagues, let's today
We'll drink to you, dear ones.
There are many different holidays,
But this one is special among them.
We dedicate our words to men,
We talk about their valor,
We wish them happiness from our hearts,
And we drink on this day only for them!

Table toast for February 23

The pickles are ready,
Snack on the table
And there is already a reason to drink,
Our holiday is in February.
Let's have a drink with confidence
For us, for the men,
So that life blooms and sings,
So that there is a table and shelter.
For a woman to love
One, but more beautiful than all.
So that there is a lot of happiness,
May you have success in life!

Toast 23 February

There lived a family, and they had one only son. One morning a mother woke up, went up to her son, and handed him shaving foam.
and says “Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day, son.” And her son responded, “Why are you mom? Maybe I’ll do it again.”
So let's drink so that the defenders of the fatherland are not only strong, but also educated.

Toast to February 23

Even in the Stone Age, women were responsible for ensuring that their fellow tribesmen were well-fed every day.
They collected roots, cooked them, and fed them.
And the men went hunting once a month, and it was a real holiday for everyone.
Let's drink to the men who bring holiday to the family.

Toast for February 23

Toast February 23 - congratulations

February 23rd is a holiday for all men. And it doesn’t matter whether they served in the army or not. The important thing is that if trouble happens, they will come to their defense
Motherland. So, on this significant day, let's raise our glasses to those who can be called the strong half of humanity!

I would like to congratulate a real man with the help of a parable: After a successful performance, an enthusiastic spectator asked the sorcerer: “How is it possible, aren’t you afraid to keep a snake in your bosom?” In response, the sorcerer smiled and replied: “You know, there are three types of courage. The first courage is the lot of fools, because you do not imagine the full extent of the danger, and, therefore, you do not know fear. The second courage is the lot of heroes, because you, knowing the size of the danger, try to overcome yourself. Well, the third courage is the courage of knowledge. The secret is that you are not afraid because of knowledge, so a person who is not initiated into knowledge thinks that you are brave.”
Let's drink to the most courageous and daring men who protect our peace and freedom, so that they are masters of their difficult work!

Cool toast for the holiday of February 23

We drink to the twenty-third,
Pour, drink!
It only happens once a year
That everyone congratulates the men.
Let's drink to such days
Has become more than others
So that every Saturday
It was twenty-three
Don't go to work
And they shout: “Pour it in!”
Then life will come,
Just a peek!
Why are you sitting silently?
Drink to congratulations!

Funny toast to colleagues on February 23.

I want to congratulate our strong half team on men's holiday. A man must be strong and courageous, but at the same time remember the following saying: “A timid man will ask for a tenth of what he wants to get. A brave person will ask for twice as much and agree to half.” I drink to your courage and...modesty!

Toast for February 23

On this day, all men are told how strong, smart, and beautiful they are. Let's not limit ourselves to one day, let's
Always give each other compliments.
Therefore, I propose to drink to everyone to always be strong, smart and beautiful!

Congratulations on February 23rd toast

Just a moment of attention
I announce my toast
Men with their best holiday
Congratulations today!
Glasses clink festively
They will bring fun.
And happiness, songs of joy
Let them be here with us!

Congratulations on February 23, toast

“One day a priest came to an unfamiliar city to talk about his faith. At first people listened to him with interest, but then they slowly began to disperse. However, the priest continued to read sermons and pray. Then one of the residents could not stand it and asked: “Why are you wasting your time when no one listens to you?” The priest looked at him carefully and replied: “At first I wanted to change these people. Now I scream so that they cannot change me.”
Let's drink to real men. A real man knows his worth, he knows how to defend his beliefs and principles, he can be the stone wall that we all dream of.

Toast for February 23

Saint Valentine believed that married soldiers served better.
Let's drink to the wives of the defenders of the fatherland!

Toast for February 23

One valiant detachment defended its hometown from enemies for a very long time. The enemy was much stronger, his forces kept coming and coming, and there were fewer and fewer defenders every minute. Seeing this, the commander of a small detachment ordered his soldiers to surround the city with a tight ring and not let the enemy into it until his last breath...
The god of war saw this. He felt sorry for the brave defenders; he liked their courage. It was clear that they would all die, but God did not want the enemy to break into the city. And he turned the soldiers into a high, strong wall that nothing could break through. And not a single enemy soldier was able to penetrate this wall.
So let's drink to our defenders of the Fatherland being such a wall that no weapon in the world can defeat!

Toast for February 23

We are confident in our lives
Because there are men in the world!
They will protect our Fatherland,
And they will show the height of heroism!
Defender's Day -
The holiday is not in vain
Congratulations colleagues and friends!
Well, we drink to our men,
May you always love with a twinkle!

Toast February 23

The day when for all men
Anything in the world is possible.
It's a pity that he's alone a year,
Who noted it?
Let's drink standing up, guys,
The year will fly by faster
A light wind will fly by,
Will come back again.
Twenty third of February,
We drink to you today.

February 23rd toast

Our dear men, as a congratulation, I want to tell you this parable.
There was an elephant trainer in the circus, to whom absolutely all the animals obeyed. This circumstance surprised all the other tamers, and they wanted to know this secret. It turned out that everything is very simple. The trainer tied the young animal by the leg to a tree trunk. The inexperienced, weak animal could not cope with the tree. And over time, the elephant began to think that the tree was much stronger than him. When he is older, he does not even try to free himself from the influence of the trainer. In the same way, we are very often connected by fragile threads that we are afraid to fight.
Let's drink to the courage and courage that allows us to achieve what we strive for. This is a very important quality that a real man should have.

Toast to February 23

Our dear men (as well as boys, young men and grandfathers), we sincerely congratulate you on the holiday of Defender of the Fatherland and want to raise a glass for you (a glass or a glass, whatever). And we want to wish you in our toast, may your courage and nobility never dry up, and you will always be real knights!

Congratulations-toast to a man on February 23

This man is like a thunderstorm
His eyes are burning with fire,
Reliable, strong, young,
Handsome, faithful, only mine!
I want to say words of love
Hug, cuddle, kiss.
Let's drink to him
There is no one dearer!
Dear, I want to drink to you and your holiday. I am very lucky because I have you, reliable support and support, my most beloved and close person!

Original toast for February 23

One guy didn't want to go to serve in the army. And he began to hide in every possible way. First he lost his good job, then his girlfriend left him. He became afraid to appear in public, became wild and began to live in a forest den. One day he couldn’t even get food for himself, he was so weak. He became an outcast even in the forest. So let's drink to those who courageously give their duty to the Motherland, no matter how difficult it may be. For strong and worthy men!

Toast for February 23

Happy twenty third of February
Pour the wine into the glass to the brim.
Look how it shines!
May success come to you!
Let life be without interference!
Let's drink to your health
And we will continue the feast.

Toast to February 23

We demand from our men that they be brave and courageous. But today I just want to drink to them and congratulate them on the holiday. One famous person rightly said: “A man becomes courageous when he has nothing to lose. We are only cowardly when there is something else to which we can cling.”

Toast for February 23

Toast for February 23

March 8 is women's day, and February 23 is men's day, even though it has a different name. That is why, on this holiday, I would like to raise a toast, a toast to our dear defenders, to those who are ready to stand up for our defense! And, of course, to wish them that such a need would be as rare as possible.

Toast for dad on February 23

My dear daddy! On Defender of the Fatherland Day, I want to drink a full glass for you! After all, a real warrior is one who fights with difficulties every day for the happiness, joy, carelessness, and peace of mind of his family and friends. You are our protector, our support and wall, which no one and nothing can defeat! It’s always calm and reliable with you! I am sure that when you are nearby, nothing threatens our family happiness and comfort!
For you, daddy, our reliable beloved protector!!!

Toast to men on February 23

The following words are perfect for our courageous men who are ready to protect and protect us: “Prudence comes in two kinds: conventional and sublime. The first is the prudence of the mole, the second is the prudence of the eagle, and it consists in the fact that a person boldly follows his nature and, without knowing fear, accepts all the benefits and inconveniences associated with it.”
Let's raise our glasses so that our loved ones will always be reasonable and remember that they are expected and believed.

➢ Today our country celebrates a purely men's holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day. This is a serious celebration, important and simply requires celebrating. So let's drink the first glass to our defenders, to those who, now and always, day and night, protect our peace on land, at sea, and in the air. For the soldiers!

Men will be especially pleased to hear this toast from a woman’s lips on this day, which should be pronounced with dreamy notes in her voice.

➢ I would like to raise a glass to those men who always keep their word and never give up their positions. They are gallant with ladies, they always strive for the best in life, they are generous, courageous and honest.... How good it is that all these wonderful representatives of the stronger sex have gathered in our team! For you, dear men!

➢ For many women it is very important to feel with a man as if behind a strong stone wall. Let's drink to ensure that our “walls” consist of the following bricks: loyalty, courage, kindness, sense of humor, determination, efficiency, charm, love, generosity and gallantry. And we don’t need more!

➢ Even though the wine sparkles in this glass,

But I know for sure, it’s not the only one -

There is also luck, huge success,

Health, wealth, courage and laughter.

There is determination and beauty there,

And tenderness, and loyalty, and kindness.

Let's drink now as one:

Let our men have all this!

➢ Dear men! We rarely tell you how brave, generous, courageous, kind and strong you are. But that doesn't mean we don't think so. Today is your day, the great holiday of the defender of the Fatherland. And we want to say that we love you with all our soul and heart, we believe in you and will always support you at the right time. As you know, the army is strong not only in the front line, but also in the rear. So we, your rear and support, would like to drink to you, our defenders and conquerors. For you, dear men!

➢ Day February 23... What is it like? Usually it is a blizzard, frost, ice... This is one of the days of the severe cold period. But we know that February is unique, because it is the shortest, and also the last, winter month... And spring will soon come, the ice and snow will melt, the sun will warm up, and everything will bloom... So are men - outwardly serious, reserved, cold... But we know that inside they have a warm heart, a kind soul and warm feelings towards us women. Let's drink to them, our unique and only ones, our loved ones and loving men!

➢ As popular wisdom says, every man in life must build a house, plant a tree and raise a son. But people jokingly say this: build a mother-in-law, plant a liver and grow a belly. On behalf of the entire beautiful half of humanity, we want to make an authoritative statement to everyone stronger sex: First you fulfill the first three conditions, and only then you can relax. Happy holiday, our dear men!

➢ The well-known cartoon character Carlson always said to himself: “I am a man in the prime of his life!” So let's drink to the fact that our men, even if they become just as pot-bellied and can only move with the help of a propeller, will always feel like real men in the prime of life!

➢ At all times, women have been captivated by a wide variety of romantic images, such as knights, Casanova, pirates, cowboys, and poets. Let each of our men have a little of each of these female illusions: the nobility and loyalty of a knight, the charm and seductiveness of Casanova, the courage and fearlessness of pirates, the adventurism and passion of cowboys, the inspiration and richness of the soul of poets. Let's raise a glass to this!

➢ A man is the forger of his own happiness, and a man, in addition to this, has another important task - to forge the happiness of his family. I propose to raise our glasses to ensure that our “blacksmiths” always have enough strength and courage for this difficult work, and that faithful and loving helpers - a wife and children - are always nearby. Let their work be successful, and their work not be in vain!