Congratulations on Grandfather's Navy Day. Congratulations on Navy Day in prose. Congratulations on Sailor's Day

Well, my dear sailors,
Today is the holiday of the Russian Navy.
Try to celebrate it with honor,
But don't try to outdrink each other.
After all, you can choke in a sea of ​​vodka,
And your beloved will not return to the ship.
So as not to disgrace the honor of the officer,
You should always drink and eat in moderation.

Today is a holiday for Russian sailors.
The Day of the Fleet of Daredevils glorifies everyone.
Strong as steel, none of you whine
With this we congratulate you all!
Don't let the sea of ​​vodka scare you.
On land you always keep your mark.
And who respects whom more?
You'd better prove it by doing something at sea.

Happy military day navy!
You have to walk until you sweat
From my heart I wish today,
Have fun without getting tired.
You, brothers, did a great job
For the people, for the native state,
And now the time has come
Relax and dance until the morning!

Naval country you support!
At sea and in the air they tend not to hesitate.
You defend us boldly, bravely.
The Navy has arrived, which is very important for everyone!
Put on your vests, call the mermaids,
Everyone dances here - miner and driver,
You will quickly knock over the piles during the holiday.
Easy paths, adventures and fairy tales for you!

And again the wave rocks and splashes,
And again the soul is full of excitement,
You serve in the navy, our glorious sailor,
And your favorite flag flies over the mast.
But the service is difficult, it’s stormy due to tension,
God willing, the whale fish won’t swallow the ship!
Stand strong, you are not afraid of the hurricane.
Happy Navy Day everyone! Keep it up, captain!

Today is a holiday, sailor,
And you won't be alone.
Blondes and brunettes for you,
They are waiting like sweet candy.
And on this joyful day of the fleet,
Urgently pick someone up!
I wish you to enjoy life,
Smile with friends!

Who is this proudly walking through the park?
In a blue vest and wide pants?
Ah, these are our brave guys,
What service they perform on the Russian seas!
Honor and praise to them, especially today.
Navy Day is their favorite day.
The whole Motherland wishes the Navy today:
"Tailwind, seven feet under keel!"

Happy Russian Navy Day!
And, of course, Happy Neptune Day!
And today our first concern is
Drink to the dregs for the sailors.
Well, and also for their military officers,
For Russia - exclaiming "Hurray!"
Just let us keep our drinking in moderation,
So that it doesn’t storm in the morning.

Our Russian naval fleet,
Well, how wonderful it is for us to be next to you!
You are a great force, your enemies know,
That's why you, my friend, drive them away!
On Navy Day we wish the heroes
Defeat enemies without a bloody battle,
To defeat foreigners with your beauty,
With a graceful smile and a cool gait!

We joyfully celebrate Navy Day,
In Russia, everyone likes this holiday.
Today we congratulate the guys in sailor suits,
Cheerful, efficient, dexterous, brave.
May all the parks be filled with you,
Cafes, fountains and attractions,
The waitresses are running around in the park,
And they follow you with their loving gaze.

Today we send greetings to the sailors,
So that everyone on the pier is not alone.
I wish you a lot of fun,
Find a beauty and fall in love with her.
And on the day of the Navy,
We wish you a break from work.
So that happiness flows into you like a river,
And there was someone to bring home.

Happy Navy Day, our dears!
Dashing sailors walk along the shore.
Beautiful girls blink merrily.
After all, they definitely want to hook them up.
Sailors, we wish you good luck in this.
Let it be a good evening, nothing else.
May the holiday give you a lot of pleasure,
So that you can work at sea in good spirits!

Navy Day, as well as many different professional and simple memorable holidays, refers to those that do not have one fixed date in the calendar. In accordance with the presidential decree, this holiday is always celebrated in July - on the last weekend of this month. By opening the calendar, we can see what date the last Sunday of July falls on.

Navy Day, which we will celebrate once again in 2018, is a fairly young holiday - in its current form it arose only 12 years ago - in 2006, the Ros-Register website informs. By presidential decree of May 31, 2006, the last Sunday in July was set as the date for this holiday.

Birth of the Russian Navy

In Russia, Navy Day is celebrated annually on the last Sunday of July. The need for a fleet appeared in Russia back in the 17th century. To avoid total cultural and political isolation, the empire needed the development of sea routes. The lack of a fleet hampered the country's development.

“There will be sea-going vessels” - these words of Peter I predetermined the appearance of the birthday of the Russian Navy. At the insistence of the emperor, the Boyar Duma on October 20, 1696 decided to create a regular fleet in the state.

Peter’s persistence could be understood - just a year earlier, the siege of the Russian army of the Turkish fortress of Azov ended in failure. And all because of the lack of a fleet in the Russians, because the Turkish fleet freely supplied the besieged from the sea with ammunition and food.

Military shipbuilding began in Voronezh, then in St. Petersburg, Arkhangelsk and Ladoga. The Baltic and Azov fleets were quickly created, followed by the Pacific and Northern.

At the shipyards of the Voronezh Admiralty in 1696-1711, about 215 ships were built for the first Russian regular navy. As a result, the Azov fortress was conquered, and subsequently a peace treaty necessary for Russia was signed with Turkey.

Russian Navy today

The Russian Navy has a history of just over three hundred years, and at the moment it consists of the following operational-strategic formations:

  • Pacific Fleet of the Russian Navy with headquarters in Vladivostok;
  • Northern Fleet of the Russian Navy with headquarters in Severomorsk;
  • Caspian Flotilla of the Russian Navy with headquarters in Astrakhan;
  • Baltic Fleet of the Russian Navy with headquarters in Kaliningrad;
  • Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Navy with headquarters in Sevastopol.

The structure of the Russian Navy consists of surface and submarine forces, naval aviation (tactical, strategic, deck and coastal), coast guard troops, Marine Corps and units of central subordination, as well as units and units of the rear.

Congratulations on Navy Day in verse

On Navy Day
I wish for something for the soul,
Patience to the navigator,
Respect to the authorities,
Captain of joy,
In the profession of stubbornness!
So that you are drawn to heroic deeds,
A blizzard passed by,
There was no hurricane encountered.
A peregrine falcon flew past
Dolphins swam along the way
Avoiding sea mines.
In general, good luck to you, friends,
We are a friendly family together!

On Navy Day,
There are countless wishes, and the hunt...
Give congratulations, warmth,
So that the road is bright...

May there always be happiness, love,
So that the blood boils in the veins!
To have a huge glass of happiness
Only sparkled with the blessings of everyone!

There is water all around... a harsh landscape...
Sometimes it’s beautiful to the point of exhaustion...
And let sometimes whim play,
You won't trade these wonderful moments!

The country is famous for its sailors,
You take pride in hard work!
So let your dream come true,
You will be surrounded by care!

Life in the navy didn’t seem like a fairy tale to you,
The salty wind blew the dust off my face,
You remained faithful to the Fatherland,
Ready to fight to the end.
The crew became family during their service,
The navy has become your second family,
You know how friendship is known,
And how sometimes the path home is difficult.
So let the seagulls fly above the waves,
On Navy Day, we congratulate you.
We honor, respect and are proud of you.
And may the Lord protect you in difficult times!

Military sailors
Young and venerable -
We want to congratulate everyone
Happy Navy Day.

Sons of the Glorious Motherland
We walked under the pressure of the wave,
The oceans roamed
There were storms, there were calms.

Honor of St. Andrew's flag -
Your valor and courage.
We decided to wish you
Happiness in life, peace in the world.

The sea winds blow in your face,
The sea is testing your spirit with a storm,
But you can't find braver men
With such inflexibility in his gaze.
And your fleet is strong, like a monolith,
That I even partly feel sorry for the enemy,
May fate reward you for your perseverance,
Don't skimp on love and happiness!

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Life in the navy didn’t seem like a fairy tale to you,
The salty wind blew the dust off my face,
You remained faithful to the Fatherland,
Ready to fight to the end.
The crew became family during their service,
The navy has become your second family,
You know how friendship is known,
And how sometimes the path home is difficult.
So let the seagulls fly above the waves,
On Navy Day, we congratulate you.
We honor, respect and are proud of you.
And may the Lord protect you in difficult times!


The wave is raging overboard,
And the sun is reflected in the water,
And we congratulate you on your day,
What is called Navy Day.
We wish you courage, strength,
We wish you success and faith,
May each of you always be
A worthy example for the boys.
Success for the glory of the Fatherland,
In naval service!
Health and happiness to you in life,
And be protected by fate!


You have chosen a path worthy of a patriot,
And you serve your Motherland with honor
And the ships of the entire navy
They have become family to you now.
On Navy Day, we cordially congratulate you,
We wish you endurance and courage,
We wish you health, happiness, joy,
And always be confident in yourself.


Everyone who is in service today in the ranks
Anyone who does not know the concept of fear,
But he knows the price of honor.
All those who have served for a long time,
But he’s unlikely to forget
Sea waves during storms
And endless distances.
May you guys always be lucky,
May grief not meet you,
May happiness find its way to you
On land, and maybe at sea.


All around there is water, salt water,
The endless exciting distance
And it remains in your heart forever
Longing for the sea, sadness for friends.
In the ranks of the armed Navy
In the seas and oceans of turbulence
In battles for the Motherland, for glory and honor
You have always performed faithful service with dignity.
We sincerely wish you health,
So that it is strong, like the keel of a ship,
Endless hope, like the sea,
And always be at the helm in life.


You have seen many countries,
I walked across the expanses of the sea.
You are a great captain
The sea has become your home
The crew is like family,
And the ship is part of life,
You will sacrifice yourself
Defending the honor of the Fatherland.
Let them never break
There are adversities on your way,
And always keeps you from troubles
St. Andrew's flag on campaigns.


On the day of the native Navy,
On the holiday of courage and glory,
May success follow you
Captains of the entire country.
Let the whole country be proud
Your valor, courage,
And may he always protect you
St. Andrew's flag cross.


The waves play behind the stern,
And the lighthouse is visible in the distance.
This is not the first time in your service
Celebrate your holiday, sailor.
So let the luck not pass,
A friend will not betray, an enemy will not break,
And about our native navy
You will sing with pride, sailor.


Happy Navy Day, I congratulate you,
I wish you good spirits and health,
Happiness, good luck, reliable friends,
Service to your worthy Fatherland.


We wish you happiness and health,
Reliable loyal friends
And so that the sea is protection
In the service of his Motherland.


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Military sailors, captains,
You are a reliable defense of the country,
Soaked in salt, you've seen a lot,
You are on par with the depths of the sea.
Congratulations on Navy Day,
And you, beloved, most of all,
Let hope shine like the sun,
May success await you in everything.

Fearless sailors
You lead ships of steel,
Not even a storm can stop you,
If you suddenly have to fight.
Happy Navy Day, dear, congratulations,
I sincerely wish you a peaceful sky,
Let your career rise to the top.
Stay afloat.

Honor and praise to the sailors of the Navy,
May your path be illuminated by a bright star,
May the service always be peaceful,
May fate be favorable.
I'm looking forward to you, my love,
I miss you very much,
On holiday I send you greetings,
May you have no sorrows or troubles.

On Navy Day, let the fireworks thunder,
We sincerely congratulate the sailors,
Let peaceful clouds float above you,
We wish you seven feet under the keel.
Darling, accept congratulations,
May your dreams certainly come true,
Let the breeze of luck accompany you,
Let my love protect you from troubles.

Darling, on the day of the holiday, accept congratulations,
Let your mood be great
May you always be lucky in everything,
Let them wait impatiently for their native shores.
Your service is dangerous, but so important,
After all, the Navy is the bravest troops,
I wish you good luck with all my heart,
May only happiness await you ahead.

Everyone knows that the Navy is a military fleet,
That sailors are the elite, there is no one more worthy,
Darling, let my letter reach you
Let him not drown in the sea in the middle of a storm.
Today is your holiday, Navy Day,
I'm sorry I can't hug you
You are the bravest, you are the best of men,
I am faithfully waiting for you on our shore.

You protect me at sea, I know for sure,
There is no one more reliable and braver in the world,
I congratulate you, my beloved, on this day,
The entire Navy will celebrate its holiday today.
Throw homesickness and need into the abyss,
After all, fate did not separate us forever,
Serve and know that I am truly waiting for you,
Hello my, I love you.

I want to give you my poems,
I will write them for you, not for anyone,
May it be more fun to serve you,
In our huge, most powerful fleet.
I'll send you my hot kiss,
Let him now congratulate you on the maritime holiday,
Celebrate Fleet Day, dance “Yablochko”,
Know that I'm waiting for you. That I love you.

The navy is your faithful friend,
Happy Navy Day, my dear, I congratulate you,
With you only the sea, the circle of suns,
On my native shore I dream about our meeting.
Let my love warm you,
In the empty service everything will be fine,
So that you come back to me soon, dear,
After all, I love you, my sailor, with all my soul.

Hello, my beloved, my glorious sailor,
I wish you easy service in the navy,
Let the native shore be like a big lighthouse,
A ray of luck shines for you at work.
On Navy Day, I hasten to congratulate you as soon as possible,
After all, you are now standing guard over the Motherland,
Among the stormy sea, among the water boundaries,
You bravely guard our peaceful sleep.

My dear wolf is called the sea wolf,
It’s not for nothing that he wears a vest on his chest,
Today I congratulate him on his big holiday,
I’ll drop a bouquet of daisies into the surf.
It’s your job to protect the big country,
Let there be enough spirit, enough courage and strength,
On the day of your navy
I wish you always good luck.

I always worry about you, my beloved,
When you go to sea, to distant borders,
I feel your love invisibly in my soul,
I'm really looking forward to you visiting us again.
Our native country can sleep peacefully,
Our navy is strong and brave,
I am with you in soul and heart, serve calmly,
May every day bring you good luck.

On Navy Day, I want to wish you a beautiful, amazing life, like the sea. May your health always remain strong, may happiness be limitless, may strength fill your body and spirit every day. I wish you good luck and success, I wish you to always maintain a high wave of confidence and stability in life.

Congratulations on Navy Day and I want to wish you the wisdom of a sea turtle, the grip of a sea shark, the charm of a starfish, the confidence of a sea killer whale and the versatility of a sea octopus. Good luck on any journey and happiness on any route.

On Navy Day, I want to congratulate you and wish you to catch a high wave of luck in life. Let the sea be rough, and your soul be absolutely calm, let your fleet be able to achieve any task and goal.

Happy Navy Day! We are proud of you and wish that the ship of your destiny will always be in the sea of ​​happiness. May there be no storms in love, may your wallet never run aground, and may the salty wind bring only good luck.

Congratulations on Navy Day! I wish you to sail on the waves of luxury and happiness. I wish you prosperity that does not drown, a surge of joys, love like the ocean, immense luck and a flow of essential blessings in life.

Happy holiday to courageous and real men! We wish you fighting spirit, positive mood, good news, successful business. Minimum frustration, more laughter, breakthroughs and positive results. Don't let money stand in the way of your dreams. Remain a fair and responsible person. Only smooth roads, sunny days, an unforgettable vacation and a true friend.

Today we congratulate those whose hearts are forever given to the sea, those who know how to work in a team under any circumstances of the capricious sea elements, those of whom our great power is proud - great Russia! Thank you, guys, for the fact that you, without sparing yourself, your health and life, carry the proud banner of the defenders and sons of your Fatherland. Happy Navy Day!

Happy Navy Day! I wish you to sail through life easily and freely, as if on the waves of the sea, I wish you successful breakthroughs and resounding victories. Let the sea worry, not your heart; let the enemy surrender, not you. And no matter how many years pass, always remain healthy, strong, courageous and invincible.

We sincerely and with sincere respect congratulate you on Navy Day! May the sea always be calm for you, and may your guiding star shine brightly and show you the way home. For your courage and valor, for your devotion to your country, for peace in your native land, we proudly say thank you. Let the festive fireworks thunder in your honor. Happy holiday! Hooray!

Happy Navy Day! I wish you to be the ruler of the depths of the sea and your happiness on land. Good luck with the course, strong and true friendship, true and sincere love, self-control and excellent health.