Congratulations on June 8th. Vladimir Putin congratulated Russian social workers on their professional holiday. SMS congratulations on Social Worker's Day short poems

On this day, June 8, in some countries of the world, including Russia, they celebrate Light Industry Workers' Day, all UN countries celebrate World Oceans Day, in Russia today is Social Worker's Day and the Day of the Republic of Karelia. Also today in Russia you can celebrate World Day of St. Petersburg cats and kittens.

International holiday - Light Industry Workers Day

Today, June 8, the professional holiday Day of Light Industry Workers is celebrated all over the world. In general, this holiday is celebrated in Russia and in other cities every second Sunday in June; this year it fell on June 8th. This holiday in the USSR was established on October 1, 1980 by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and has existed for more than 30 years. The main sub-sectors of light industry are textile, clothing, leather, fur and footwear industries, production of polymer film materials and artificial leather.

World Oceans Day (UN countries)

The oceans, which are an integral part of planet Earth, occupy almost three-quarters of its surface, or more than 70%.
It is difficult to overestimate the system-forming role of the world ocean in regulating climate; its waters are one of the main sinks of carbon dioxide. In 1992, at the International Conference in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) at the highest level, a holiday was proposed - World Oceans Day.

Social Worker Day in Russia

In Russia, Social Worker Day is celebrated annually on June 8th. This is a holiday of all people who take on human problems. This holiday was established on October 27, 2000 based on the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation. The day for its celebration, June 8, was chosen due to the fact that on this day in 1701, Peter I issued a Decree that marked the beginning of the creation of a social protection system in the state - “On the determination of almshouses for the poor, sick and elderly in the households of the Holy Patriarchate.”

World Day of St. Petersburg cats and kittens in Russia

Today, June 8, the world celebrates a holiday - World St. Petersburg Cat Day. This holiday was declared in 2005 by the Mitki, a group of local artists who placed a sculpture of a cat named Tishka Matroskina on their cornice. This surname was chosen for her on the occasion of the holiday, and this cat was dressed up in a vest.
And the history of this holiday began back in 1999, when Ilya Botka, a St. Petersburg entrepreneur, gave the city sculptures of the cat Elisha and the cat Vasilisa, who “settled” on the cornices of Malaya Sadovaya Street according to the idea of ​​the historian Sergei Lebedev. The third cat, created by sculptor Vladimir Petrovichev, was presented by the historian to the Mitkas in 2005.

Day of the Republic of Karelia in Russia

Today, June 8, Russia celebrates the Day of the Republic of Karelia - the day of the creation of the Karelian Labor Commune, which laid the foundation for the self-determination of the Karelian people.
In 1999, on April 22, on the eve of the 80th anniversary of the formation of the Labor Commune, deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Republic of Karelia established a national holiday - the Day of the Republic of Karelia. The Chairman of the regional government of Karelia signed the law “On the establishment of the Day of the Republic of Karelia”. This holiday has become not only a memorable date in Karelia, but also an occasion to establish new cultural and business ties and attract the attention of the whole world to Karelia.

Unusual holidays

Today, June 8, you can cheerfully celebrate the Day of the Lover of Life - a holiday of those who walk cheerfully through life; on this day you can celebrate the unusual holidays The Flourishing of the Green Kingdom and the Day of Mysterious Signs and Predictions.

Life Lover's Day

This is a holiday of those who sing every morning, regardless of the circumstances, “I love you, life...”. How often do you sing this song? Do you love life in all its colors, no matter how fate has turned to you now? If life is the most precious thing for you, and every day is a holiday for you, then this is another day of yours, celebrate it cheerfully with your friends and show how you know how to love life.

The flourishing of the green kingdom

The green kingdom is probably all the living greenery that surrounds us. Our planet is blue, but the green leaves are its lungs, through which carbon dioxide is constantly filtered. Without this green kingdom there would be nothing living on our earth. Today, when everything around is blooming and smelling, celebrate a holiday in the forest or in the garden - the Flourishing of the Green Kingdom.

Day of Mysterious Signs and Predictions

We have all at one time or another become acquainted with predictions or mysterious signs; different events are constantly happening around us, every moment, but we rarely notice them and almost never hear them. And only sometimes do we have a desire to slightly open the curtain of the forbidden and find out what awaits us ahead.

Church Orthodox holiday

Trinity - Holy Trinity Day

Pentecost Trinity - Holy Trinity Day is one of the most important Christian holidays, it is always celebrated on the 50th day after Easter. This year the holiday fell on Sunday, May 8th. In Orthodoxy, the holiday of Trinity glorifies the Most Holy Trinity and belongs to the twelve holidays. This holiday is called Pentecost because on the fiftieth day after the Resurrection of Christ the descent of the Holy Spirit took place on the Apostles. On this day, in memory of the Sinai legislation, the Jews had the great holiday of Pentecost, so all the apostles together and the Mother of God with the disciples of Christ and believers were at that time in the same upper room in Jerusalem.

Church holiday according to the folk calendar

Karp Karpolov

On this day, Orthodox Christians honor the memory of the Apostle Karp, who was a disciple of St. Paul.
In honor of Paul, this holiday was popularly associated with fishing. In ancient Rus', it was believed that carp were caught well on the Feast of the Apostle Carp, so the peasants went fishing together on this day.
On this day, in villages it was customary to place pots and bowls under flowering rosehip bushes in order to get rid of the unpleasant smell of old household dishes. And on this day, people themselves tried to breathe the fragrant air next to the rose hips; they believed that this aroma helped against various diseases.
A stove maker was invited to Karp's house so that after the winter he would look at and fix the stove. After work, they always tried to treat the stove maker with a loaf of bread, and one piece of the loaf for the brownie was placed behind the stove to apologize for the trouble during the repairs.
Stove makers in the villages were treated with respect, because the warmth and comfort in the house in winter depended on their work.
On this day, our ancestors paid attention to mosquitoes. According to popular belief, if there are a lot of mosquitoes on this day, then in the last days of June it will be hot and rainy.
Name day May 8 from: Alexander, George, David, Egor, Elena, Ivan, Karp, Makar, Yuri

This professional holiday is still very young. After all, the profession of a social worker appeared in our country in the 90s of the twentieth century. It consists in the fact that workers take care of lonely people, often disabled people. The social worker must provide the ward with food, take out the garbage, pay for utilities, go to the clinic to write out prescriptions, take tests and get results, buy medicine at the pharmacy, help in collecting documents from the social welfare authorities, medical documents for inpatient treatment, visit the ward in hospital, keep records of all purchases and orders, submit a report to the Central Social Security Service, have telephone numbers of close friends or relatives of the ward, arrange (at the ward’s choice) attendance at free lunches for one month a year or deliver food sets (so-called orders ) for a fixed amount once a year, bring monetary material assistance to wards who have a minimum pension (by decision of the CSO based on the application of the ward), inform the CSO about changes in the life of the ward related to his status, notify about the death of the ward and make regular raids to identify those in need of service.

The day for the celebration - June 8 - was chosen on the basis of the historical Decree of Peter I. It was on June 8, 1701 that Peter I adopted the Decree that marked the beginning of the creation of the state social protection system - “On the determination of almshouses for the poor, sick and elderly in the households of the Holy Patriarchate.”

According to the Decree of Peter I, “for ten sick people in the almshouse there should be one healthy person who would look after those sick people and provide all kinds of help for them.”

Social Worker Day is celebrated on June 8 based on the following Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated October 27, 2000.

For this profession, it is necessary to have responsiveness and the ability to sympathize, since lonely elderly and sick people who are forced to seek help from the social protection service are not happy and often experience physical suffering, in this regard, a social worker must have the ability to empathize. Social workers must be able to communicate, be polite and friendly, since their work involves contact with a large number of people.

On the social worker's day,
We will all thank you
Those who gave their lives to unfortunate people,
Who could overcome suffering
And on this day we remember
All the goodness that you bring
With great, pure compassion -
Today you are held in high esteem. ©

You are merciful and kind
in the soul - love and compassion
and you warm hearts
all those who are deprived of attention.
After all, these people are old people,
Children have long forgotten about them.
Today is your holiday, understand
and be the happiest person in the world! ©

Good today like:
Everyday labor in return
Social workers
Today they celebrate their day -
Quiet and patient
Wise, leisurely,
Kind, unpretentious...
Oh, what the hell!
Happy holiday to you! You are happy
For work with people! ©

The endless warmth of your soul,
You are a joy to many people
There is no more beautiful kindness in the world,
I hasten to congratulate you quickly,

Happy Social Workers Day,
What is so important for thousands of people,
That it is not for the sake of material gifts,
Be kind and gentle with every sufferer.

I wish you health on this day,
It's too important for everyone
You are very kind - I know that
May success be with you in everything. ©

You are not indifferent to other people's misfortunes,
Give everyone your care.
You help when needed -
Do your job honestly.
With mercy and kindness you
They won the hearts of their players.
We wish you happiness and health
And success in life to you forever! ©

Today is Social Worker's Day.
Today we would like to congratulate those
Whose destiny is to help people in life,
Which success forgot to visit.

You will help with advice and deeds,
I didn’t deprive you of my attention.
So we wish you on that brave journey,
So that we don’t part ways with kindness. ©

May there be many profitable professions in the world,
Let there be a lot of money to sell your talent -
But in this world there are people in the world,
What kind of idea can help.
On this holiday we wish - be
Your souls are as pure as ever!
And let them say: it’s better to be a salesman,
But in this world we need you so much! ©

Social worker -
There is no more humane work!
Who will organize a cleanup day
In an apartment of old women and cripples?
Who from the pharmacy medicines,
Will he bring food and water?
In whose soul there is no deceit,
Respect and honor to you! ©

Great work - to understand, to help,
For those who face trouble,
Don't push me out of the way,
There is no turning away from old age.
Just extend your hand in response,
Giving warmth of soul, participation,
Let there be light in your life,
Love, recognition and happiness. ©

Social Worker Day celebrated on June 8 on the basis of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 27, 2000. The day was not chosen by chance. It was on June 8, 1701 that Peter I adopted the Decree that marked the beginning of the creation of the state social protection system, “On the establishment of almshouses for the poor, sick and elderly in the households of the Holy Patriarchate.” According to Peter’s decree, “for ten sick people, there must be one healthy person in the almshouse who would look after those sick and provide all kinds of help for them.”

Social Worker Day was adopted as an organization of gratitude from the authorities to those who daily face the problems of society and take care of them, trying to help with all the forces that a social worker has. Social Worker Day is an opportunity for social workers themselves to involve local authorities in the accumulated problems that are within the competence of self-government bodies.

Every person has heard the concept of a social worker. But not everyone knows what they do. Our country has a huge territory where more than one hundred million people live, and not all of them have the strength and ability to take care of themselves. Disabled people, pensioners who, due to life circumstances, were left alone at the end of their lives, large families, orphans. They all need daily help from a social worker. Such seemingly simple things for us, like taking out the trash, going grocery shopping, paying for apartment services, getting a number to the clinic, or getting some benefits. For some categories of people, it is an impossible task, which these truly important people for the state help to accomplish.

Every holiday always begins with congratulations, and Social Worker Day- not an exception.

Every year on June 8, thousands of people who have chosen such a difficult profession take place. Every day they call their many wards, fulfilling all their requests. These people, due to their specialty, must have a certain set of human qualities such as integrity, courtesy, attentiveness to other people's problems, and responsibility. For many of the people who use the services of such workers, they are the only thread connecting them to the modern world.

Congratulations on Social Worker's Day in verse

Who every day is like a subbotnik,
He is in a hurry to help all those who suffer,
Of course, this is a social worker!
He will be able to overcome troubles.
I wish you happiness from the bottom of my heart,
And full of mercy
Let bad weather not come to your house,
Let the wave of love cover you!

Eighth of June. The sun is burning furiously,
But I’m not hot - my soul is warm;
I say this from a pure heart -
I'm terribly lucky with my friends!
You surrounded everyone with tight guardianship,
Helpers, protectors, friends!
Happy Social Worker's Day to you
Today I am very happy to congratulate you!

Are you a social worker?
A man of principle!
You help good people
You manage to please everyone.
From the bottom of my heart I want to wish you
Succeed in everything you do!
Be cheerful at heart
Bring peace with your work!

Helping people is your calling
You are characterized by understanding and compassion.
Happy Social Worker's Day to you!
Always be careful too
At work and at home we are diligent,
May good luck protect you,
And you will be able to handle any task.

Your service is needed for sick people,
And for old, lonely people it is so important.
And therefore your holiday is a ray,
The kindness of heaven is the key of paradise!
Happy Social Worker's Day!
We wish you a happy life,
And, of course, to love your neighbor
I returned to you a hundredfold again and again!

A social worker is a man's friend,
What will help, tell you, save you from troubles.
Social worker - knight of our century
And he does not expect gifts for his valor.

Happy Social Worker's Day, friend! Good luck,
May the Angel and the Lord God himself protect you!
You are used to winning, living as people and without giving up
Give your heart to those who are sick!

You help the weak and the old,
You come to them with care and warmth!
May everything in heaven count for you,
And may your home be filled with happiness!
On Social Worker's Day
I want to say with admiration:
You don't look like an official at all
You are like a mother to all the disadvantaged!

Congratulations on Social Worker's Day in prose

(beautiful, solemn, original congratulations to social workers, social workers on the holiday, best wishes prose)

Mercy... This quality is characteristic of each of you. To be merciful means to sympathize, have compassion, feel sorry for and want to help the weak. The healing power of alms has long been known in Rus' and it consisted in looking at the suffering of others and experiencing the feeling that is called philanthropy. And what a big loving heart you need to have for this! And that’s exactly what you have! Bow to you and gratitude, dear social workers!

So let it not dry up in your souls
Stock of patience, warmth and kindness,
May the autumn of your life be clear
And your cherished dreams will come true!

Social workers are people of the kindest soul. They are never alien to human grief, they do not take into account either time or strength. Today is your professional holiday - Social Worker's Day, and we want to express our gratitude to you for everything you do for us. Sometimes medicine doesn't cure as much as a kind word spoken from the heart. We wish you a long and happy life, in which there will be no disappointments or doubts. May luck meet you at every step. May faith, hope and love never fail you!

Dear social workers, please accept sincere and warm congratulations on your professional holiday! Social Worker's Day is a holiday of people who are the first to take on the waves of human problems and, to the best of their ability, help solve these problems.
You have devoted yourself to a very important and necessary task - working with people who need help and support. Thanks to your kindness and responsiveness, sensitivity and patience, veterans, disabled people, large families and all those who find themselves in a difficult life situation overcome difficulties and gain faith in their own strengths. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your dedicated work! We wish you good health, happiness and prosperity!

SMS congratulations on Social Worker's Day

Short congratulations on Social Worker's Day

Social worker!
I rejoice over you beyond measure
And congratulations on your day!
Be obsessed with good deeds!

Helping people is your calling,
You are characterized by understanding and compassion.
The holiday hour has come today,
Social worker, happy holiday to you!

Can you help the elderly?
Or those who can’t bear it.
You, a social worker, -
Ideal assistant for people!
Happy Social Worker's Day to you!
Organize a holiday for yourself.
Well, tomorrow you will again
It will help us all!

Happy Social Worker's Day today
I want to congratulate Das with all my heart!
Let them say that it is unfashionable to be kind now,
But, fortunately, there are such among us.

Someone like you, a social worker
He always rushes to help those in need.
Today, on professional holiday
Let me congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!

Voice congratulations on Social Worker's Day

Congratulations on Social Worker's Day to your phone you can listen and send what you like to the recipient as a musical or voice greeting on a mobile or smartphone. You can order and send congratulations on Social Worker’s Day to your phone either immediately or by pre-specifying the date and time of delivery of the audio postcard. An audio congratulation on Social Worker's Day on your phone will be guaranteed to be delivered to your mobile, smartphone or landline phone, which you can personally verify by tracking the status of receiving the congratulation by clicking on the received link in the SMS message after payment.

Cool congratulations on Social Worker's Day

The most popular profession
And may you not be a joiner, not a carpenter.
I congratulate you on your holiday today
Professional, social worker.

I wish you more patience
So that everything in life succeeds.
And only a sunny mood,
So that happiness smiles on you!

Hello. Do you know what holiday it is today? No!? What are you saying, today is social worker’s day! Here I have compiled a small program on how you can celebrate it. First, let's go to the orphanage and give the children sweets. Then we’ll take the grandmothers across the road. And finally, the culmination of the celebration will be cleaning up the garbage in our yard. Which I think is fun. You don’t get drunk on every holiday!

A social worker is someone who will help,
No one can get past the pain and fear.
He knows how to put a smile on his face
For the one who stands on the outskirts, at the end.

Always be a kind person with a frank soul,
Very clean, decent, bright, big.
Know that a good deed will be returned doubly.
All the best in life to you.

Social Worker Day- professional holiday of all workers in the sphere of social protection of the population. Social Worker's Day in Russia is celebrated annually on June 8, in Ukraine - on the first Sunday of November, in Belarus - on January 5.


A social worker performs a special, noble mission: in his work he deals with helpless, suffering people, for whose health and life he takes moral responsibility.

Dear social workers!

Happy holiday!

Thank you for your love for people, thank you for your noble, selfless work!

Happiness, health, family well-being to your families!

Social Worker Day is celebrated on June 8 based on the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 27, 2000.

The day was not chosen by chance. It was on June 8, 1701 that Peter I adopted the Decree that marked the beginning of the creation of the state social protection system, “On the establishment of almshouses for the poor, sick and elderly in the households of the Holy Patriarchate.”

According to Peter’s decree, “for ten sick people, there must be one healthy person in the almshouse who would look after those sick and provide all kinds of help for them.”

Social Worker's Day is a holiday of people who are the first to take on the waves of human problems and, to the best of their ability, help solve these problems.

Anthem of Social Security

Our work is quiet.
But our souls are open
For those who need care,
For those who need protection.

Questions and problems - without counting,
And we love our work.
Our work is quiet,
But people need us.

We cordially congratulate you on Social Worker's Day!

Our tasks with you are very difficult.
Let it be the 21st century,
But in an age of great technical capabilities
The person still comes first.

In any business, problem, endeavor
The first role was assigned to him.
And, meanwhile, help and attention,
And everyone needs good support.

This is what the entire social sphere stands on,
To help and advise in time,
To support someone financially,
Say a kind word to someone.

We wish you noble tasks in future
Solving is always easy and without problems,
Good luck to you, people's recognition,
Good luck, love, health, happiness to everyone!

Social worker

To where it’s bad and where there’s grief,
A social security worker is in a hurry
Save the broken ship of fate
In the stormy sea of ​​life.
Through the labyrinths of relationships
Children, parents and grandchildren,
Insidious, tough for some reason,
Among unthinkable decisions.
He will find one. Beautiful soul
And with a kind and patient heart
From rocks to rhymes and bays
Will save the ship with clear hope.

He will help, do, feed,
Shoes, washes, warms,
He will pity all the lonely ones,
The house will be filled with warmth and care.
A social security worker is in a hurry
At the first alarm.
How difficult are his roads?
How sad it is to see a house forgotten.
Sometimes the heart cries, groans,
But he won't even show it
For the clients' pain and insult,
Will save fate that is drowning in grief.

Artamonova Tatyana Pavlovna, Bryansk

Service of Caring Hearts
Social worker: a profession for kind people

Honor and respect for people whose work is
Give warmth, hope and care...

On this day, held under the sign of kindness, we honor representatives of the noblest profession who, not in words, but in deeds, demonstrate the best qualities of the soul of the Russian person - selflessness, mercy, dedication.
There cannot be random people here, this is work by calling. Only a select few can handle it, those who devote themselves entirely to caring for others. Undoubtedly, a social worker is not just a profession, it is rather a way of life, a state of mind.

Ptitsyna, N. I. Serve people / N. I. Ptitsyna // Man. – 2012. - No. 2. – P. 77-78. - Bibliography page by page

In 1915, Abraham Flexner, an employee of the Board of Education, spoke at a national conference on charity (Baltimore, USA, May 12-19, 1915) with a report “Is social work a profession?”

Evidence that the question posed in the title of his report turned out to be far from idle and has not lost its relevance is the fact that in 2001 it was reprinted by one of the professional English journals on social work.

When discussing the relationship between the concepts of “professional” and “profession,” Flexner attached special importance to the content of the latter. Fairly believing that the interpretation of the concept may change over time, the author focused on identifying the criteria that determine its content. Flexner included the intellectual nature of the activity, a high level of personal responsibility of the specialist, the presence of a scientific base and training system for this profession, the application of knowledge in practice, a high degree of organization of activity and its altruistic orientation. It is obvious that social work as a professional activity did not fit into the framework proposed by Flexner, as he spoke about in his report.

Flexner, A. Is social work a profession? / A. Flexner; lane from English N. A. Ptitsyna // Man. – 2012. - No. 2. – P. 79-90.

Romm, M. Social work: poverty of ideology and the policy of combating poverty / M. Romm // Issues of social security. - 2008. - No. 3 (February). - P. 30-32. - Continuation. Beginning No. 4.

The purpose of social work, its history.

Romm, M. Social work: poverty of ideology and the policy of combating poverty / M. Romm // Issues of social security. - 2008. - No. 4 (February). - P. 30-33. - Start. Continuation No. 3.

Romm, M. Social work: poverty of ideology and the policy of combating poverty / M. Romm // Issues of social security. - 2008. - No. 5 (March). - P. 33-35. - Ending. Beginning No. 3, 4.

Professional social work and stereotypes of mass consciousness / prepared for publication by A. Egorov, M. Sokolovskaya // Issues of social security. - 2008. - No. 17 (Sept.). - pp. 25-28.

What do social workers see as their main purpose? What constitutes the core of social work as a profession.

Shanin, T. Social work as a cultural phenomenon of our time: a new profession and academic discipline in the context of social theory and political practice of our day / Theodor Shanin // Questions of Philosophy. - 1997. - No. 11. - P. 55-72. – Access mode: ; - 05/24/2011.

On June 8, Russia celebrates Social Worker Day. – Access mode: - 05/24/2011.

Bazarova, T. S. Social worker - a new profession in our country:
(to help applicants majoring in Social Work) / Tatyana Sodnomovna Bazarova. – Access mode: - 05/24/2011.

I. Social work is a new profession in our country
II. Social work - a new specialty in the higher education system
III. Methodology for tentatively determining the readiness of applicants to choose socio-pedagogical professions
IV. Sample questionnaires for diagnosing professionally important qualities of social workers

Bogoslovskaya, O.N. Social worker: [about the profession] / O.N. Bogoslovskaya; Faculty of Psychology, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University. – Access mode: - 05/24/2011.

Who is a Social Worker? – Access mode: - 05/24/2011.

Code of Ethics for Social Teachers and Social Workers. - M., 2003. -
Access mode: - 05/24/2011; - 05/24/2011.

Ethics in Social Work, Code of Principles: The document “Ethics in Social Work, Code of Principles” was adopted at the General Assembly of the International Federation of Social Workers and the International Association of Schools of Social Work in Adelaide (Australia, October 2004). – Access mode: . - 05/24/2011.

Zherlygin, S. Professional requirements for the image of a social worker / Sergey Zherlygin. – Access mode: - 05/24/2011.

Maltsev, V. A. Professional value system of a social worker: art. publ. on Sat. “Siberian psychology today”: collection. scientific works (Kemerovo: Kuzbassvuzizdat, 2002) / V.A. Maltsev. –
Access mode: - 05/24/2011.

The kindness of the soul is the main treasure of a person. We must try to follow the wise saying of F.P. Gaza: “Hurry to do good!” And your life will become richer and your soul brighter. The duty of a social worker is to lend a helping hand to every person who needs it. The social service sector doesn't need fliers who don't care where they work. She is waiting for real professionals, masters of their craft: proactive, attentive, caring workers who, in response to their client’s request: “Be kind!” - they will always answer: “Please!”

There is such a profession - a social worker.
This means - about someone in constant care.
This means that the heart of indifference does not know
For him there are no unnecessary ones and there are no strangers,

Social worker - there is such a calling,
This means that grief will find compassion here.
Social worker - kindness is limitless,
Beauty and greatness of a merciful soul!

Only my heart hurts, my hands ache in the evening -
The worker has fragile female shoulders.
These hands get a lot of work,
This heart is disturbed by other people's worries,
These shoulders shouldered someone's pain -
Only Russian women can do this.

(Rozhkova Valentina Nikolaevna, social worker of the Municipal Institution
"Comprehensive Center for Social Services of the Population" Belinsky District, Penza Region)

The Virtual Information Social Service portal has no analogues in the Northwestern Federal District; the main advantage is one-time access to socially significant information.

Created on the basis of the Pskov Regional Universal Scientific Library.
The purpose of the VISS is to provide high quality information and consulting social and legal services based on the use of a unified information system.

New books

Books from the collections of the Central City Library (Konnaya St., 6)

From new arrivals 2013

There is only one honor - the honor to help,
there is only one power - the power to come to the rescue.
R. W. Emerson

High hearts are vulnerable to pity,
Participation in the weak is not the weakness of a brave man.
Pierre Corneille

Ilyin, E. P. Psychology of assistance. Altruism, egoism, empathy: / E. P. Ilyin. - St. Petersburg. [and others]: Peter, 2013. - 304 p. : ill., table. - (Masters of Psychology).

The new book by Professor E.P. Ilyin touches on the problem of helping behavior, a topical and interdisciplinary problem that psychology, sociology, philosophy, pedagogy and medicine are called upon to solve.

The first part of the book is devoted to the psychology of helping behavior and personal characteristics that promote or hinder such behavior (altruism, egoism, etc.), the second to a description of helping professions. The book contains techniques that can be used both in the practical activities of specialists and in the study of this problem by researchers.

The publication is addressed to a wide range of specialists including psychologists, doctors, teachers, social workers, as well as teachers and students of university faculties of relevant profiles.

Someone else's pain is a dirty mongrel,
Don't touch it, baby, in case it's contagious!
Don't iron! You'll get your palms dirty.
For what? Take a different path.
And the child grows up knowing:
It’s easier to live this way without noticing.
Why carry someone else's burden?
Share the trouble? I came up with it too!
Figure it out for yourself, it’s not me who’s hurting,
I've had enough of my own problems!
And so on, live in peace.
Divide everything into yours and someone else’s.
They don't notice someone else's pain,
Forgetting one thing...
Soullessness is not forgiven!

Ilya Chert

Sharipova, Yu. Four Pskov residents help the elderly/ Yulia Sharipova // Komsomolskaya Pravda. – 2013. – February 27 – March 7. – P. 20. – Access mode: – 06/04/2014.

In Pskov, several young people cooperated to help the elderly.
Opened a community “There are no strangers’ old people” on social networks. Activists of the organization of plans have a wagon and a cart...

Nothing can change the heart -
No glory, no honor, no position.
No amount of money can buy
We have the kindness of our hearts, without a doubt.

What do you sometimes need to be happy?
Just a little heartfelt attention.
It would seem such nonsense -
Ordinary human understanding.

Blessed be he who is generous in soul!
And who doesn’t judge people by their clothes,
Always ready to share kindness.
And he will never refuse support.

Will lend a hand in the most difficult hour,
At that moment he will forget his problems.
And, thank God, they live among us
Such wonderful people!

Olga Smirnova

From new arrivals 2012

Guslova, M. N. Theory and methodology of social work: a textbook for the beginning. prof. education / M.N. Guslova. - 2nd ed., erased. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2011. - 160 p.

The textbook examines the fundamentals of the theory of social work, developed by domestic and foreign scientists, analyzes the experience of social work in developed countries, the specifics of social work with many categories of people in various spheres of life, as well as sociocultural rehabilitation technologies.

For students of educational institutions of primary vocational education. It may be useful for students of secondary vocational educational institutions, social workers, as well as teachers training in the profession of “Social worker”.

Eremushkin, M. A. Fundamentals of rehabilitation: textbook. aid for students institutions honey. prof. education / M. A. Eremushkin. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2011. - 208 p.

Theoretical material on medical problems of rehabilitation is considered. A description of its main types, forms and means is given. Particular methods are presented, the knowledge and implementation of which in the process of carrying out rehabilitation measures is necessary for specialists with secondary medical education.

The textbook can be used when mastering professional modules PM.02 “Participation in the treatment, diagnostic and rehabilitation processes” (MDK.02.02) in the specialty “Nursing”, PM.05 “Medical and social activities” (MDK.05.01) in the specialty "Healing."

For students of secondary medical vocational education institutions.

Medvedeva, G. P. Deontology of social work: a textbook for students. institutions of higher education prof. education / G. P. Medvedeva. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2011. - 224 p. - (Bachelor's degree).

The textbook was created in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard in the field of preparation “Social work” (qualification “bachelor”).

It reveals the main issues of the training course “Deontology of Social Work”. Particular attention is paid to the mechanism for forming a proper and responsible attitude to activity, justification of the place, the role of duty and responsibility in the development of human activity and social relations. Issues of essence and content, the specifics of a social worker’s duty and responsibility, and their relationship with professional responsibilities are considered. The content and approaches to resolving deontological conflicts are revealed.

For students of higher education institutions. May be useful for teachers, graduate students and practitioners.

Platonova, N. M. Social work with the homeless: textbook. aid for students avg. prof. textbook establishments /

N. M. Platonova. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2011. - 160 p.

The textbook examines the theory and practice of social work with the homeless, analyzes the causes of homelessness and vagrancy, and summarizes domestic and foreign experience in the social rehabilitation of people in this risk group. Particular attention is paid to programs of socio-psychological assistance to street and homeless children, as well as technologies for their psychological support.

For students of secondary vocational educational institutions studying in the specialty “Social work”.

Platonova, N. M. Innovations in social work: textbook. aid for students institutions of higher education prof. education / N.M. Platonova, M. Yu. Platonov. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2011. - 256 p. - (Bachelor's degree).

The textbook examines the features of innovative processes in social work, presents the process of introducing social innovations, and provides an analysis of the innovative development of organizations. Particular attention is paid to creativity in professional activities, the creative qualities of social workers are highlighted, and technologies for the development of personnel in organizations are presented. The regional innovative experience of social work technologies in various spheres of life is reflected. The mechanisms for initiating innovations, the possibilities of their implementation in the practice of social institutions are shown, and their effectiveness is assessed. The emphasis is placed on the fact that innovations in social work are the result of active creative activity of scientists and practitioners.

For students of higher education institutions.

Tselykh, M.P. Social work abroad: Great Britain: textbook. aid for students institutions of higher education prof. education / M. P. Tselykh. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2010. -144 p.

The textbook examines the historical and pedagogical problems of the emergence, formation and development of social work and professional education of social workers in the UK. The essence of the main historical and sociocultural prerequisites that determined the genesis and formation of social work as a profession and the system of professional education of social workers in this country is revealed. The patterns of development of British social policy and social work practice are highlighted in the context of a comprehensive analysis of the socio-economic, cultural and educational situation from the 16th to the beginning of the 21st century, and also characterizes the characteristics of social work in this country.

For students of institutions of higher professional education studying in the specialties “Social work” and “Social pedagogy”. May be useful for social educators and social workers.

Shipunova, T.V. Technology of social work. Social work with persons of deviant behavior: textbook. aid for students institutions of higher education prof. education / T. V. Shipunova. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2011. - 240 p. - (Bachelor's degree).

The textbook was created in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard in the field of training 040400 - Social work (qualification "bachelor").

The textbook is devoted to the technologies of social work with persons of deviant behavior that have developed at the present time. At the same time, special attention is paid to theoretical, methodological and practical problems of using and improving these technologies.

For students of higher education institutions. It may be useful for graduate students, teachers, researchers, practical social workers and anyone interested in this issue.

Social work with youth

Grigoriev, S.I. Social work with youth: main directions and modern forms: textbook / S.I. Grigoriev, L.G. Guslyakova, S.N. Pavlov. - M.: KNORUS. 2011. - 216 p.

Theoretical, organizational and technological foundations of social work with youth are highlighted. The authors focus on consideration of research, regulatory and legal support for the organization of social work with youth, as well as technologies of social work with youth, models of social work with children, adolescents and young people; social protection of youth. At the same time, the authors of the textbook use the ideas of sociological vitalism, cultural centricity of the characteristics of a person’s vital forces, and his habitat.

For students of higher educational institutions studying in the specialty and field of study “Social work”

Kazanskaya, V. Adolescent: social adaptation: a book for psychologists, teachers and parents / V. Kazanskaya. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2011. - 288 p.: ill.

The book is devoted to a very important aspect of raising a teenager - his social adaptation. Social adaptation takes on a special role in our difficult times - in an era of change, when even adults find it difficult to find their way in society. How can we help parents understand their teenager’s potential for social adjustment? The author of the book, relying on research and his personal practical experience of work and counseling, highlights the process of socialization of a teenager and its results.

The book examines issues such as the social adaptation of adolescents at school, the role of the environment, parents and peers during the period of adolescence, economic and legal socialization. Forms of maladjustment are also examined in detail: theft, juvenile parenthood, destructive behavior, vandalism, xenophobia and extremism, hacking and telephone addiction. Methods of psychological support and correction of violations are described. The book is intended for psychologists, teachers and parents of teenagers.

Documentary prose

Book of Memories

Mortenson, G. Three Cups of Tea / Greg Mortenson, David Oliver Relin; [transl. from English T. Novikova]. - M.: Eksmo, 2011. - 624 p.: ill. - (Psychology. Foreign bestseller).

“Three Cups of Tea” is an amazing story about how the most ordinary person, having nothing but determination, is able to single-handedly change the world.

Greg Mortenson worked part-time as a nurse, slept in his car, and kept his few belongings in a storage room. In memory of his deceased sister, he decided to conquer the most difficult mountain, K 2. This attempt almost cost him his life if not for the help of local residents. Several days spent in a Pakistani village cut off from civilization shocked Greg so much that he decided to raise the necessary money and return to Pakistan to build a school for the village children.

Today, Mortenson runs one of the most successful charities in the world, having built 145 schools and dozens of women's and health centers in some of the poorest villages in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

“When you first drink tea with the Balti mountaineers, you are a stranger.

For the second time - guest of honor.

The third cup of tea means that you are part of the family, and for the sake of the family they are ready to do anything.

Even die."

The book was published in 48 countries and became a bestseller in each of them. Greg Mortenson himself was twice nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

New books

From new arrivals in 2011

Vasilkova, Yu.V.

Social teacher: pedagogical experience and methods of work: textbook. aid for students higher textbook institutions / Yu. V. Vasilkova. - 3rd ed., add. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2010. - 208 p.

The manual presents lectures on the methods of work of a social teacher in modern conditions. Using specific examples from the experience of working with families, in schools and neighborhoods, with difficult and talented children, minors and adult offenders, ways to improve the pedagogical professionalism of a social teacher and the conditions for his success in work are shown. Previous editions were published under the title “Methodology and experience of a social teacher.”

For university students. It may also be useful for social workers and public education workers.

Dementieva, N.F.

Social work in institutions of social rehabilitation and medical and social examination: textbook. aid for students higher textbook institutions / N.F. Dementieva, L.I. Starovoitova. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2010. - 272 p.

The textbook reveals problematic issues of disability and social protection of disabled people, highlights the problems of rehabilitation of disabled people in modern socio-economic conditions, shows the features of institutions for medical and social examination and rehabilitation of disabled people, and examines the technologies of activity of social work specialists in these institutions.

For students of higher educational institutions studying in the specialty “Social work”. May be useful for graduate students, teachers, and practical social workers.

Nesterova, G.F.

Social work with the elderly and disabled: a textbook for students. avg. prof. education / G.F.Nesterova, S.S.Lebedeva, S.V.Vasiliev. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2009. - 288 p.

The textbook presents the theory and practice of training social work specialists in the field of social protection of the elderly and disabled. Along with highlighting the general theoretical problems of social work with these population groups, the authors at the modern scientific level examine the social problems of the elderly, reveal the main directions, substantive and technological aspects of social work with the elderly and the elderly, the specifics of social work with various social categories of disabled people in the context of modern international requirements and features of innovative domestic experience.

For students of secondary educational institutions with a social profile. It may be useful for employees of the social protection system, teachers, and leaders of public organizations for the elderly and disabled.

Osukhova, N.G.

Psychological assistance in difficult and extreme situations: textbook. aid for students higher textbook institutions / N.G. Osukhova. - 4th ed., rev. and additional - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2010. - 288 p.

The manual is dedicated to one of the most pressing problems of our time - the restoration and support of the mental health of people who have suffered deep mental trauma. Its peculiarity is its psychotherapeutic orientation. The patterns of experiencing a crisis “provoked” by difficult and extreme situations, and the main approaches to providing psychological assistance to a person during this period are considered. The author's model of psychological support in a crisis situation is presented, as well as specific psychotechniques for various stages of assistance.

For students of higher education. It will be useful for practical workers in helping professions: psychologists, social workers, teachers, employees of social and psychological assistance services to the population.

Savinov, A. N.

Organization of work of social protection bodies: textbook. aid for students avg. prof. textbook institutions / A. N. Savinov. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2010. - 224 p.

The manual considers social protection as a set of legally established legal and economic guarantees that ensure compliance with the most important social rights of citizens. Particular attention is paid to organizing the work of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and its structural divisions, bodies and institutions for social protection of the population.

For students of secondary vocational educational institutions. It may be useful for employees of social protection institutions, departments and branches of the Russian Pension Fund.

Safronova, V.M.

Forecasting, design and modeling in social work: textbook. aid for students higher textbook institutions / V.M. Safronova. - 3rd ed., rev. and additional - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2010. - 240 p.

The manual examines basic issues of methodology, theory, history of the organization of scientific forecasting, design and modeling of social processes, domestic and foreign experience in this area, various types and types of forecasts, projects and models. Particular attention is paid to the formation of skills to implement the theoretical and methodological principles of forecasting, design and modeling in social practice. Extensive experimental material is provided to illustrate the theoretical principles.

For university students. It may be useful for graduate students, researchers and practitioners, and anyone interested in the problems of forecasting and designing social processes.

Yuzefavicius, T. A.

Problems of social work with youth: a textbook for students. higher professional institutions education / T. A. Yuzefavicius. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2010. - 208 p.

This textbook covers the following topics: youth as a gender and age group, its medical-biological, psychological, demographic, ethnographic and sociocultural characteristics; problems of socialization of youth today; legislative framework for solving youth problems; comparative characteristics of the policy of the state and society towards young people in Russia and abroad.

For students of institutions of higher professional education studying in the specialty “Social work”. The textbook will be useful to practitioners in the field of state youth policy and to everyone for whom the above problems are relevant.

The man was admitted to the hospital / [comp. L. Ulitskaya]. - M.: Eksmo, 2009. - 256 p. : ill.

In 1989, Father Alexander Men and several volunteers - the backbone of the future Mercy Group - first appeared at the Republican Children's Clinical Hospital. They came simply because they wanted to help. And over the past two decades, the Group has transformed volunteerism into an effective system that saves lives, gives hope and teaches us all much.

“A Man Ended up in a Hospital” is a very uncomfortable read. Memories of eyewitnesses about children and volunteers of the RCCH are a story of endless work, unbearable pain and indescribable joy. “In a hospital, doctors are officers, medical staff are sergeants, and patients are soldiers.” An inaudible war - exhausting battles for the life of a child and, ultimately, for his happiness - is happening next to us. Every day.

The compiler of this book, Lyudmila Ulitskaya, dedicated it to the memory of Father Georgy Chistyakov - a priest, scientist and intellectual, who for many years was the heart and soul of the Mercy Group, its inspiration and consolation.

Virtual exhibition

You can get acquainted with the presented literature in the reading room of the Central City Library (Konnaya St., 6)

Kravchenko A.I.

Social work / A.I. Kravchenko: textbook. – M.: TK Welby, Prospekt Publishing House, 2008. – 416 p.

The textbook systematically and fully presents the course “Social work”: theory, technology, legal foundations and management of social work. Issues of family, homelessness, pedagogy, social medicine, gerontology, etc. are covered.

For students, graduate students, university teachers, researchers, as well as everyone interested in social work issues.

Grigoriev A.D.

History of social work. In 2 hours. Part 1 (before the beginning of the 20th century): textbook. manual for higher students textbook establishments /A. D. Grigoriev. - Mn.: TetraSystems, 2006. - 464 p.

The textbook analyzes the process of providing social assistance to various categories of people in need at the main stages of historical development abroad, in Russia and Belarus in the period before the beginning of the 20th century. Particular attention is paid to the development of social assistance and support in the East (Japan, China, India, Palestine, Iran, Iraq, Egypt, etc.), as well as in the USA, which has not previously been the subject of close analysis by domestic and foreign historians of social work. The development of social work to overcome manifestations of social pathology (alcoholism, drug addiction, suicide, prostitution, etc.) is shown.

The manual is intended for students, undergraduates and graduate students of humanitarian specialties at universities and, above all, for the specialties “Social work” and “Social pedagogy”.

Medvedeva G.P.

Ethics of social work: textbook. aid for students higher textbook establishments / G.P. Medvedev. - M.: Humanite. ed. VLADOS center, 1999.-208 p.

This book is the first domestic manual devoted to the study of the problem of the ethical foundations of social work as a specific type of professional activity. It examines the main issues of the origin, formation, essence and content of social work ethics, its institutionalization in the form of a professional code of ethics; both theoretical and practical aspects of the social worker’s activities are revealed from the point of view of professional ethics and morality, the essence and content of his professional duty.

The textbook is addressed to students studying in the specialties “Social work” and “Social pedagogy”, practical social workers, as well as teachers.

Technology of social work: textbook. aid for students higher textbook institutions / ed. I.G. Zainysheva. - M.: Humanite. ed. VLADOS center, 2000. - 240 p.

The textbook reveals the theoretical and methodological foundations of social work technology, tools for working with various categories of citizens to ensure their social protection. The manual is intended for undergraduates, graduate students and teachers of higher educational institutions studying the course “technology of social work”. It will be useful for anyone interested in technology issues in the social sphere.

Kiseleva M. V.

Art therapy in practical psychology and social work / M.V. Kiseleva. - Speech, 2007. - 336 pp.: ill.

The textbook reveals the concepts of the theory and practice of art therapy and provides a comprehensive understanding of art therapy as an original method of progressive psychological assistance in treatment, rehabilitation, pedagogical and social work that contributes to the formation of a healthy and creative personality.

The manual is intended for students of psychological, psychological-social and medical faculties of universities, practical psychologists, social workers, doctors, and other specialists in the field of mental health, as well as all those who seek to know themselves and help others.

Zolotareva T.F.

Practice in the system of training social work specialists at universities: educational and methodological manual / T.F. Zolotareva. - 3rd ed. - M.: Publishing and trading corporation "Dashkov and Co", 2008. - 128 p.

The paper discusses the main problems of training social work specialists. The author's practice program for universities and recommendations for its implementation in the process of training students in higher educational institutions are provided.

For teachers of social work and social pedagogy, undergraduate and graduate students.

Kholostova E.I.

Social work with older people / E.I. Kholostova: textbook. - 2nd ed. - M.: Publishing and trading corporation "Dashkov and Co", 2003. - 296 p.

The textbook reveals the problems of old age and the position of the elderly in society, analyzes the main directions of social activities with people of the “older generation”, technologies of social work with older people, provides the regulatory framework for the problem under study, describes the experience of social service institutions in various regions Russia and abroad.

For specialists of social service institutions, teachers and students of socially oriented universities.

Yarskaya-Smirnova E.R.

Social work with disabled people / E.R. Yarskaya-Smirnova E.R., E.K. Naberushkina. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2004. - 316 p.: ill. - (Series “Tutorial”).

The book examines the most important theoretical and methodological issues of social work with people with disabilities, discusses the main aspects of organizing and planning social policy measures in relation to this category of citizens.

The textbook is intended for students, undergraduates, graduate students and specialists in the field of social policy and social work, specializing in the field of social protection of people with disabilities.

The manual was prepared with the support of the Joint European Project TEMPUS (Tacis) T_JEP 10808-1999 “Development of professional education in social work in Russia.”

Akmalova A.A.

Social work with migrants and refugees / A.A. Akmalova, V.M. Kapitsyn: textbook. allowance/answer. ed. P.D. Pavlenok. - M.: INFRA-M, 2008. - 220 p. - (Higher education).

The textbook analyzes the theoretical and methodological foundations of social work with migrants, reveals the content of the life-sphere basis of work with them, and highlights assistance to migrants as an area of ​​social work.

Intended for students studying in the specialties “Social work”, “Sociology”, “Jurisprudence”, “Political science”, for teachers, practitioners, as well as anyone interested in this problem.

Technologies of social work with children and adolescents: collection. articles / ed. V.N. Kelaseva.- St. Petersburg: Publishing house of St. Petersburg. un-ta. , 2001. - 264 p. - (Problems of social work; Issue 1).

The book describes a number of new technologies for social work with children and adolescents. Methods of preparing the social environment for the appearance of a person, preventing domestic violence, childhood anxiety, organizing social work with children and adolescents of “risk groups” at the place of residence, technologies of social work with children with disabilities, as well as the problems of forming family educational groups, organizational aspects of improving systems of social and legal protection of children. Considerable attention is paid to the prevention of various forms of deviation (drug addiction, AIDS, various crimes among teenagers). A system of objective social indicators for measuring the situation of children is proposed. A critical analysis of the accumulated experience of working with children in the 20th century is given.

The book is intended for undergraduates, graduate students and teachers of social science universities, practical social workers and teachers.

Pavlenok P.D.

Social work with individuals and groups of deviant behavior: textbook / P.D. Pavlenok, M.Ya. Rudneva. – Infra-M, 2007. – 183 p. - (Higher education).

The textbook examines theoretical and methodological problems of social work with individuals and groups of deviant behavior. Recommended for students, graduate students, teachers, researchers, practical social workers, as well as anyone interested in this issue.

Kholostova E.I.

Social work in rural areas: history and modernity / E.I. Kholostova. - 2nd ed. - M.: Publishing and trading corporation "Dashkov and Co", 2006. - 137 p.

The monograph examines the problems of organizing social assistance - from the peasant community of the second half of the 19th century. to social work in rural areas in modern conditions.

The work collects and systematizes material on issues of agricultural policy during the years of Soviet power, on changes in the social sphere of the village during economic reforms, reveals experience in social support of the rural population in the late 20th - early 21st centuries, provides innovative technologies for social work in rural areas, foreign rural revitalization experience.

The publication is intended for students, graduate students, university teachers training social work specialists, as well as practical workers.

From new books!

You can get acquainted with the presented literature in the reading room of the Central City Library (Konnaya St., 6; tel. 57-11-73)

Poddubnaya, T.N. Social protection of childhood in Russia and abroad: textbook aid for students higher textbook institutions / T. N. Poddubnaya. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2008. - 320 p.

The textbook examines the history and current trends in the development of social protection of children in Russia and other countries of the world, contains international standards, regulatory legal acts, analyzes foreign and domestic models of social protection of children, and the activities of public and non-governmental organizations in this area.

For students of higher educational institutions, it may be useful for social educators, social workers, teachers, graduate students, practical workers of social protection agencies, and parents.


Chapter 1. Theoretical and methodological foundations of social protection of childhood

The phenomenon of childhood in modern science

Theoretical and methodological approaches to the problem of social protection of childhood

Social protection of childhood as a multidimensional phenomenon

Objects and subjects of childhood social protection

Chapter 2. Domestic experience of social protection of children

2.1. History of social protection of childhood in Russia

Tribal and community forms of assistance to children among the ancient Slavs (from ancient times to the 10th century)

Social assistance to children from the 10th to the end of the 18th century

State policy of child protection in the 19th - early 20th centuries

State policy of social protection of children during the years of Soviet power

State policy of social protection of children at the present stage

2.2. Domestic models of social protection of childhood: historical aspect

Chapter 3. Social protection of childhood in modern conditions of modernization of Russian society

3.1. The essence of state policy for social protection of children in the Russian Federation

Prerequisites for the formation and main characteristics of the new state policy in the field of social protection of children

Organizational basis of state policy on social protection of children

Forms and methods of social protection of children

3.2. Fundamentals of child protection in the legislation of the Russian Federation

Guarantees of children's rights and state social standards for social protection of children

Psychology of old age and aging: Reader: textbook. benefits for students psychol. fak. higher textbook establishments / comp. O. V. Krasnova, A. G. Leader. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2003. - 416 p.

The anthology contains articles devoted to the problems of aging and old age. Including social gerontology, social psychology, developmental psychology of old age, history of the study of old age, philosophy and sociology of old age. Materials related to the family of an elderly person and the provision of psychological assistance to both elderly people and professionals working with them are specially included.

It will be useful for practitioners working with older people, social workers and psychologists.

From the compilers

Methodology for studying old age and aging

A.A. Kozlov. Theories and traditions of Western social gerontology

E.V. Yakimova. Gerontology in a dynamic society: Abstract review

K. A. Feofanov. Old age in modern society: a guide to social gerontology: Abstract review

O. V. Krasnova. Types and methods of research in the psychology of aging

History of the study of old age and the science of aging

A. I. Tashcheva. The problem of old age: a sociocultural phenomenon
E. V. Yakimova. The last stage: historical aspects of maturity and old age: Abstract review

S. Olman. Charity for old age in pre-revolutionary Russia

M.D.Alexandrova. Domestic research into social aspects of aging

I.I.Likhnitskaya, R.Sh.Bakhpgiyarov. Academician Z. G. Frenkel and the formation of gerontology in Russia

Philosophy of old age and aging

T. V. Karsaevskaya. [Old age: Social and philosophical aspect]

N. F. Shakhmatov. Aging is a time of personal knowledge of eternal questions and true values

B. P. Kozyrkov. An elderly person as a sociocultural type

V.L.Kalkova. Old age: Abstract review

Sociology of old age and aging

V. Anurin. Some problems of the sociology of old age

3. M. Saralieva, S. S. Balobanov. Elderly man in Central Russia

L. S. Shilova. Factors of social adaptation of the elderly in the context of reforms

Psychology of old age and aging

General issues of psychology of late life

B. G. Ananyev. On the problem of age in modern psychology

L.I. Antsyferova. New stages of late life: a time of warm autumn or harsh winter?

T.D. Martsinkovskaya. Features of mental development in late age

L. G. Leader. The crisis of old age: a hypothesis about its psychological content

Age-related features of mental development during aging

L.V. Borozdina, O.N. Molchanova. Features of self-esteem at a late age

N.K. Korsakova. Neuropsychology of late life: justification of the concept and applied aspects

N.K.Korsakova, E.Yu.Balashova. Mediation as a component of self-regulation of mental activity in late age

O. N. Molchanova. Psychological vitaukt as a mechanism for stabilizing the self-concept in late age

M.V. Ermolaeva. Methods of psychological regulation of emotional experiences in old age

M. A. Kholodnaya, N. B. Mankovsky, etc. Originality of level, structural and stylistic characteristics of intelligence in old age

Socio-psychological features of mental development during aging

M.D.Alexandrova. [Aging: socio-psychological aspect]

O.V.Krasnova, T.D.Martsinkovskaya. Features of socio-psychological adaptation in late age

O. V. Krasnova. Study of identification of older people using M. Kuhn’s “Who Am I?” method

Family in old age

A. B. Sinelnikov, D. F. Detzner. Relations between generations in American and Russian families

D. Field. Social connections in old age: Results from the Bonn and Berkeley Longitudinal Studies

I. I. Eliseeva, L. M. Prokofieva, P. Festi. The impact of divorce on intergenerational contacts

O.V. Krasnova. The role of the grandmother: Comparative analysis

Yu. M. Danilov. Family relationships of late-age mentally ill patients and the problem of mental compensation

Aging and work

M. Greller. Aging and work: human and economic potential

I. B. Nazarova. Pensioners and workers: work, health and treatment.

Elderly and old people in hospitals

L.A. Kotova. On the mental adaptation of elderly patients upon admission to a psychiatric hospital

O. V. Guseva. Features of the reaction to hospitalization of elderly mentally ill patients

N. F. Dementieva. Methodological aspects of socio-psychological adaptation of elderly people in inpatient social service institutions

O. A. Voronina. Intrapersonal conflict and socio-psychological work with it in a boarding home for the elderly

Old age and illness

I. N. Veselkova, E. V. Zemlyanova. Problems of health and medical and social care for older people

N. F. Dementieva. Studying the needs of the elderly in medical and social care

V. F. Druz, V. T. Budza et al. Clinical and social aspects of loneliness in late-life mental patients

T. V. Zozulya. On the problem of preventing mental disorders in older people

R. Sh. Bakhtiyarov, A. V. Gnezdilov, O. T. Dyatchenko and others. Psychological and social aspects of rehabilitation
elderly cancer patients

Thanatology and grief in old age: psychological support

R. Kalish. Older people and grief: Abstract review

L.V. Satina. Late-life depression: Grief and its complications in old age: Extended abstract

B. Genevey. Losing a mother: personal impressions: Abstract review

I. Kemper. A psychotherapist's fear of the topic of death: A case study

O. V. Krasnova. Older people, dying and mechanisms of transfer: Abstract review

A. Kerkhof, R. Diekstra, P. Hirschhorn, A. Visser. Opportunities for preventing suicide among older people

Psychological assistance in old age

Work with personnel

A. I. Tashcheva. The concept of organizing psychological assistance for lonely elderly people

O.V. Krasnova. Ageism in working with older people

G. P. Medvedeva. The role of psychological competence of a social worker

B. A. Ivanov. The work of a full-time psychologist in the CSO: the problem of self-identification

I. V. Sadikova. Experience of psychological work in a social service center

Working with clients - elderly and elderly people

N.V. Zotkin. Physiological changes associated with normal aging and working with older people

T. N. Rozova. “Significant events” as a method of psychological counseling for older people

O. Yu. Fedotova. Helpline in the system of psychological assistance to older people

K. A. Strashnikova, M. M. Tulchinsky. Social and psychological assistance and support [elderly] in a cultural environment

L.V. Satina. Psychotherapeutic work with elderly people in a state of grief: “Bereavement” groups: Extended abstract

Yu. I. Frolov, E. N. Tishchenko. Solving specific problems using “social prosthetics”

Safronova, V.M. Forecasting, design and modeling in social work: textbook aid for students higher textbook institutions / V.M. Safronova. - 2nd ed., erased. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2008. - 240 p.

The manual examines basic issues of methodology, theory, history of the organization of scientific forecasting, design and modeling of social processes, domestic and foreign experience in this area, various types and types of forecasts, projects and models. Particular attention is paid to the formation of skills to implement the theoretical and methodological principles of forecasting, design and modeling in social practice. Extensive experimental material is provided to illustrate the theoretical principles.

For university students. It may be useful for graduate students, researchers and practitioners, and anyone interested in the problems of forecasting and designing social processes.



Chapter I. Methodological foundations for forecasting social processes

Conceptual approaches to forecasting

Basic methodological principles of social forecasting

Specificity of the laws of social development

New trends in social processes

Formal and real opportunities for social development

Systemic relationships in social processes

Chapter II. Theory and history of forecasting and modeling (domestic and foreign experience)

Genesis of a conceptual vision of the future

Theoretical concepts of socio-ecological processes

Foreign theories, hypotheses, forecasts

Is a humane model of the future possible?

The most important features of the civilization of the future

New paradigm of social development

Probability of a multi-model picture of the world

Chapter III. Prognostics. Social Forecasting

Types and technologies of forecasts

Forecasting methods

System analysis

Classification of the forecast object

Stages of forecast development. Forecast reliability

Forecast results and requirements for them

Principles and conditions for the reliability of social forecasting

The main disadvantages of the forecasting process and the factors that predetermine them

Forecast effectiveness

Technologies for developing environmental forecasts

Chapter IV. Demography in the social forecasting system

Demographic situation as one of the foundations of social forecasting

The need for demographic forecasts for social forecasting

Chapter V. Social design

Essence and content of basic concepts

Project classification

Types of design

Predictive social design

Methods and technologies for the development and implementation of social projects

Main trends and social problems in design at the local government level

Chapter VI. Social modeling

Model as a method of scientific knowledge

Types and functions of models and simulation

Models of environmental safety

Models of social protection for victims of radiation exposure

Models of socio-ecological rehabilitation of the population

Adaptation models

Chapter VII. Innovative modeling technologies

System-functional approach to modeling

Modeling of management decisions in the social sphere

Algorithm and control modeling technologies

Chapter VIII. Global modeling

Problems and methodology of global modeling

Questions that arise and possible answers

Modeling socio-ecological problems

World model options

Preferred Future Models

Brief Glossary of Terms


Sorokina, E.G. Conflictology in social work: textbook aid for students higher textbook institutions / E. G. Sorokina. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2009. - 208 p.

The manual reveals the social nature of the conflict and its features, examines the structure and stages of development of the conflict. Particular attention is paid to conflict management in social work, methods of conflict resolution in the process of social work.

For university students. It may also be useful for social work specialists.


Section I. the concept of conflict and its development in social work

Chapter 1. The emergence of conflictological ideas, the formation of conflictology

Chapter 2. Social nature of the conflict, its features

The importance of social tension and conflict in social work

Social communication and conflicts

Personal causes of conflicts

Cultural and age factors of conflict

Section II. structure and stages of conflict development

Chapter 3. Structure of the conflict

Sources of conflict

Subjects of the conflict (conflicting parties)

Object and subject of the conflict

Conflict process

Chapter 4. Development of the conflict

Dynamics of the conflict and models of its development

Objective contradiction and its aggravation

Incident and conflict situation

Reaction of subjects to conflict: destructive and constructive ways of conflict development

Section III Conflict Management in Social Work
Chapter 5. Interpersonal and Intergroup Processes

Cooperation, compromise and competition

Constructive discussion

The problem of communication in conflict situations

The problem of decision making during conflict

Self-regulation of a social worker in the process of conflict resolution

Mobbing conflict

Chapter 6. Models for managing the development of conflicts in social work

Conflict management

Constructive and destructive consequences of conflict

Conflict management and resolution

Approaches to managing the development of conflicts

Mediation (mediation): process and stages

Types of mediator roles

Features of the activities of a mediator and the basics of effective mediation

Initial contact with conflicting parties and choice of mediation strategy

The relationship between the mediator and the subjects of the conflict and their influence on decision making

Methods for collecting conflict data: interviews, conflict analysis and creation of a mediation plan

Chapter 7. Methods of conflict resolution in the process of social work

Conflict resolution in social work: current issues, discussions and trends


Areas of conflict resolution by social workers

Workshop on conflict management

Glossary of terms


Firsov, M. V. Psychology of social work: content and methods of psychosocial practice: textbook. aid for students higher textbook institutions / M.V.Firsov, B.Yu.Shapiro. - 4th ed., erased. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2009. - 192 p.

For the first time in the domestic educational literature, the textbook shows the main trends in the development of psychosocial practice, traces the influence of psychological theories on the design of models of practical social work, and reflects the features of advisory work with cases. Particular attention is paid to the formation and development of social work with groups, practical methods of such work are proposed.

For students of social work faculties. It may be useful for graduate students, university teachers, and practical social workers.


Chapter I. Basic psychological theories and their influence on psychosocial practice

Psychodynamic approach in psychosocial theory and practice

Behavioral approach in psychosocial practice

Existential-humanistic approaches in psychosocial theory and practice

Chapter II. Main stages in the development of psychosocial practice in social work

Diagnostic School of Social Work

Functional School of Social Work

Problem solving method in social work practice

Theory and practice of psychosocial work

Behavioral approach to social work practice

Chapter III. Social individual case work

General model of individual casework

Values ​​and principles in individual social work

Chapter IV. Counseling in psychosocial practice

Theory and practice of counseling in the helping professions

The relationship between counseling and practical social work

Chapter V. History of the formation of social work with a group

Formalization of social work with a group as a social form of psychosocial practice

Development of social work with groups at the end of the 20th century

Chapter VI. Social work with a group as a method of psychosocial assistance

General model of psychosocial work with a group

Organization of practical psychosocial work

Chapter VII. Practical methods of social work with a group

Basic models of social work with a group

Psychosocial group practice with people who use psychoactive substances

Glossary of basic terms

Tselykh, M.P. Social work abroad: United States of America: textbook. aid for students higher textbook institutions / M. P. Tselykh. - M.: Publishing center "Academy". 2007. - 128 p.

The textbook examines the historical and pedagogical problems of the formation of social work and the system of professional education of social workers in the United States. The essence of the historical and sociocultural prerequisites that determined the genesis and formation of social work as a profession and the system of professional education of social workers in the USA at the end of the 19th - first third of the 20th centuries is revealed. Particular attention is paid to the evolution of the theoretical and methodological foundations of social work and the corresponding organizational and methodological design of vocational education. The relevance and pedagogical value of the historical experience of the United States for modern domestic socio-pedagogical theory and practice is substantiated.

For students of higher educational institutions studying in the specialties “Social work” and “Social pedagogy”. It may also be useful for social workers and social educators.


Chapter 1. Social work and professional education of social workers in the USA: historical aspect

Value bases of social assistance in the USA

Organized charity work as a prerequisite for the professionalization of social work in the USA

"Society of Organized Charity"

Settlement Movement

Charitable activities in the USA at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries: the search for theoretical justification

Social Darwinism as the ideological basis of Organized Charity Societies

Social sciences as a theoretical basis for social work in the USA at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries

The emergence of a system of professional education for social workers in the USA

Apprenticeship as a form of preparation for charitable work

The need to organize professional training for charity workers

The first educational programs for training social workers in the USA

Chapter 2. Scientific and methodological substantiation of social work and professional education of social workers in the USA

Development of social work in the USA at the beginning of the 20th century

M. Richmond's contribution to the development of social work as a profession

Integration of professional training of social workers into the university education system

Specializations in social work and preparation for them in schools of social work

Social work in medicine

Social work at school

Social work in psychiatry

Methods of training social workers

Case method in the professional training of social workers

Organization of educational practice in schools of social work

Supervision method in training social workers

Chapter 3. Methodology for organizing social work and vocational education in the USA in the context of the spread of psychoanalysis

Development of a psychoanalytic approach in social work in the USA: factors and prerequisites

The influence of psychoanalysis on the development of social work in the USA

Development of the education system for social workers in the United States in the context of the spread of psychoanalysis

Lessons from the formation of social work in the USA




Appendix 1. A brief dictionary of basic terms in the field of social work in the USA

Appendix 2. Addresses of the main American social work Internet sites

On June 8, social workers celebrate their professional holiday in Russia. Social Worker Day was declared a holiday by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated October 27, 2000 N 1796 “On Social Worker Day.”

Social Worker Day: history of the holiday

It was on June 8, 1701 that Peter I adopted the Decree “On the establishment of almshouses for the poor, sick and elderly in the households of the Holy Patriarchate,” which marked the beginning of the creation of a state social protection system. According to the document, “for ten sick people in the almshouse there should be one healthy person who would look after those sick people and provide them with all kinds of help.”

The noble profession of social worker. They are the ones who help pensioners, disabled people, low-income families, children without parental care every day... - so that people who find themselves in difficult life situations feel like full-fledged citizens of society.

Today, this profession is in demand: almost every municipality in Russia has social protection institutions. Such professions as “social educator”, “social psychologist”, “social worker” appeared in universities. These are new professions for our society, despite deep and long-standing traditions in charity, mercy and protection of people in need.

Every day, the problems of thousands of people fall on the shoulders of social workers. Benefits, benefits, pensions, social support for low-income families, assistance to the elderly and disabled and much more, informs the Therussiantimes portal. The number of citizens using benefits has increased.
In the list of honorary titles of Russia there is the title “Honored Worker of Social Protection of the Population of the Russian Federation”

Congratulations on Social Worker's Day

Congratulations on Social Worker's Day, poetry and prose for the professional holiday for employees of social protection institutions.
Congratulations on Social Worker's Day in Russia in verse, with beautiful wishes for all the best in the family and success in the service, will be excellent parting words in rhyming verses for the professional holiday of workers of social protection institutions. Congratulations on Social Worker's Day in prose, with sincere wishes of all the best in the service, will be a wonderful speech said in your own words on the professional holiday of workers of social protection institutions.

There is such a profession - helping others,
And on the social worker’s holiday we want to applaud
To all those whose hearts are bitter towards misfortune,
Who can support people who are in need.
So let your house avoid all sorrows,
Always be young in body and soul!

Today, on Social Worker's Day, I sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday! Your work is invaluable, because you are the one who helps people in difficult life situations. Thanks to you, children and adults get the opportunity to live a full life! I sincerely wish you health, happiness and success in your difficult work! Let every person you help appreciate what you do! And luck and prosperity always fill your home! Let there always be real, loyal friends nearby! Love and a strong family, on whose support you can always rely! Let any task always be within your reach! Let the happiness and warmth that you give to people come back to you a hundredfold!

There are good people in the world
Oh, we need it like the whole planet!
Social worker as a magician
At your post!
He helps the old lady
He devotes time to the little one,
He lights up smiles
Gives kindness.
We say “thank you!” for care,
For hard work.
Happy Social Worker's Day!
Let's raise a glass to good health!
Warmth, love and light to you,
So that the whole planet glows!
And thank you so much
Here's to the magic!

Today is not only a wonderful day for the beginning of summer, but also a holiday for the most cordial and selfless people in the world - social workers. You are capable of helping people in difficult life situations, pensioners, disabled people - everyone who so needs human participation. Your work is very noble and necessary. Please accept our gratitude for your dedicated work and wishes for well-being!

It is human nature to help others,
And for you, this is work - to maintain society,
Help the disadvantaged, children, the elderly,
Showing compassion amid global dramas.
Happy Social Worker's Day! We wish for everyone, with interest,
I wish you a full cup of health, joy and peace.
Let your wishes come true, warm the light in the family,
And friends will always support - it’s more fun together!

Dear employees of social protection institutions! Please accept my most sincere congratulations on your professional holiday! You have devoted yourself to a very important and necessary task - working with people who need help and support. Thanks to your kindness and responsiveness, sensitivity and patience, veterans, disabled people, large families and all those who find themselves in a difficult life situation overcome difficulties and gain faith in their own strengths. We sincerely wish you good health, happiness and prosperity!

All those who are in a hurry to help the weak!
Happy Social Worker's Day!
With warm words we thank you from the bottom of our hearts
For your care for the elderly!
For your hard, not always pleasant work,
But still very noble.
On behalf of those who are waiting for you so much,
Whom do you save from adversity,
We congratulate you many times today,
So that everyone gets what they want
May God reward you for your work!
After all, this is a labor of real good deeds!

SMS congratulations on Social Worker's Day

So many kind words -
Can't express even a little
Ready to wish
Social worker.
Good luck, joy, all the best,
A smile of happiness on your lips.
For the good that you do,
Live your entire life in abundance!

I will reward you with a medal

I'll give you flowers

Are you a social worker?

The embodiment of kindness.

Today is your holiday -

Find time for yourself!

I wish you happiness

And good luck ahead!

Congratulations on your professional holiday! Your profession as a social worker has great respect! With all my heart I wish you a happy life and good people who will support and help in any life situation!

May your fate be carefree in everything,
A social worker rushing to every house
Where there is poverty and anxiety, where everyone is waiting for help.
I want to congratulate you for your noble work.

Congratulations on Social Worker's Day

On Social Worker Day, it is necessary to congratulate all social workers on their professional holiday. For this, there are ready-made congratulations that will cheer them up and show the importance of this difficult profession.

With all my heart I congratulate you on Social Worker's Day. This profession is not only a specialty, but also a calling. You can always help people in difficult situations. Your kind heart will be able to listen to any person and give the necessary advice. May there always be a smile on your face on your professional holiday. I wish to have respect from management. I wish you peace, tranquility and health in your family.

Happy Social Worker's Day! I wish all professionals in their field to always have patience, kindness in their hearts and hope for a wonderful future. May you always be in a good mood and often receive gratitude from the people you help.

Congratulations to all social workers on their professional holiday. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your efforts in your work. May your activities be successful. I wish to be happy, healthy and loved.

SMS congratulations on Social Worker's Day short poems

Social worker!
I rejoice over you beyond measure
And congratulations on your day!
Be obsessed with good deeds!
There is no escape from social media!
We'll grow old one day. The way of the straw.
But you are a social worker. greet the spheres,
Congratulate me as a souvenir! To remember!

A social worker is where people are born.
It is also where people grow old little by little over the years.
Congratulations on the day of social workers
All helpers of life! Let them not get sick!

Social worker! I congratulate
You personally and your entire team!
Yes, not a mechanic, not a turner, and not even a carpenter,
But you are smart, responsive, and therefore beautiful!

A very feminine profession
Help those who need it.
Congratulations! Interesting
Let the days come! You are beautiful!

Congratulations to everyone who is with us -
With frail old people!
Social guard!
You are our idol and hero!

Let people be born and live long!
Thanks for your help, social worker!
Congratulations! Let them grind into chalk
June days! To the clearing and with a flask!

Short poems for SMS

Social order and justice.
Mission assigned. You pull it!
Congratulations! For work, for courtesy -
Thank you with regards! Let your heart sing!

I love social media. worker, love,
And I respect you immensely for the work you need to do!
Let's reduce deprivation to zero!
I am you, socialist. worker, congratulations!

From a social worker
I’m not the first client, but the hundredth!
My congratulations to you, all the best!
May you be lucky and succeed in business!

The shortest paths to hearts are through kindness!
Thank you, social worker,
Why compassion brought you to my house!
I want to congratulate you! Love! Careers!

All the best to you, my assistants
And the owners of remarkable patience!
Let to social nightingales will perch on the workers,
They will give you heartfelt excitement!

June 8th! It's festive here!
Those who are old and young are under the care of the state!
Let social care take care of you too
Does not dry out, warms without medicine!

Social worker! Wider circle!
We include all the weak in the circle of the healthy!
I congratulate you! No one will be deaf!
We cannot leave the sick homeless!

Social work is an eternal concern
About ordinary ordinary people who live in our country.
You are handling it well. And so it’s gratifying
Congratulations to you all on your day! Thank you for your work!

Accept congratulations in verse as soon as possible.
Please accept wishes for peace and happiness from your friends!
Social work, social worker, is class!
You care about people, and they have hope in you!

Happy Social Worker's Day!
We wish you a wonderful, good day.
We raise a glass to good health.
We wish you bright hopes and goodness!

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