DIY gift for 10th wedding anniversary. Gift ideas for your beloved wife. DIY pink wedding gift from friends

10 years of marriage is a long time. The couple have already experienced many joys together, and perhaps trials, lessons and gifts of fate. The upcoming ten-year anniversary is called a pink or tin wedding.

This is the first round date that must be celebrated. In order for the holiday to be a success and to please both the celebrants themselves and the invited friends and relatives, you need to carefully prepare for it.

Those friends of the couple who attended the wedding ten years ago are sure to receive an invitation to the celebration.
In addition, there are a number of nuances that you need to know in order to properly organize a pink-tin anniversary.


Symbols play a special role in the scenario of any wedding anniversary. For the decade they are roses and tin, and the wedding is called rose or tin.


It is a very flexible, soft and at the same time durable metal. That is why it is a symbol for this date, showing the need for such properties as flexibility, softness and strength, and in family life.

Without mutual understanding and mutual concessions, it is impossible to build a healthy, reliable family.

By ten years of marriage, the couple knew each other completely: where to give in, where to insist, how to make peace after a quarrel, how to avoid it. All adjustments and checks have already been completed, lived through, and the union has become indestructible. Tin is the male symbol of the 10th wedding anniversary.

Another symbol of this round date. Ten years is already a long time to live together. But the spouses are still young, which means that romance and passion still bind this couple; romantic pink roses are a female symbol of the anniversary.

How to celebrate ten wedding years

The tenth anniversary is celebrated with the same attributes that symbolize it - roses and tin.

There is an ancient custom in which husband and wife carry a tin spoon in their pockets on this day. They say that it symbolizes mutual understanding, well-being and prosperity in the family.

Roses and pink color must be present at the holiday, for example - in clothes.

So that all guests do not forget - this is a pink wedding!

What to wear for an anniversary

It is best for the husband to wear a light-colored suit, with a pink tie and a handkerchief in his breast pocket.

It is better for children and relatives to also adhere to the given tone.

Well, for the wife - of course, it’s gorgeous pink dress!

Guests are free to choose their outfits in any color.

Where to celebrate

There are no restrictions, a tin-pink wedding is celebrated solely according to the choice and preferences of the married couple. Someone will want to celebrate their anniversary at home, someone - in a restaurant or club, and someone - in nature.

Everyone has different tastes and desires, so weddings are also completely different.
But where and no matter how the holiday takes place, the whole atmosphere of the celebration should signal - a pink wedding! 10 years together! And this is just the beginning!

What to gift

As the anniversary approaches, the question arises, what to give? Wife to husband, husband to wife, friends, relatives to married couple.

If in the first years it is not difficult to understand what the newlyweds need, then by ten years of marriage the spouses, as a rule, have acquired everything they need long ago, and choosing a worthwhile gift that, after thanking them, will not be hidden away in the closet, becomes a difficult task.

What do you give your wife?

The husband traditionally gives his wife eleven roses, ten scarlet and one white.

Ten scarlet roses signify love and passion during the ten years of marriage, and the eleventh white rose represents hope for a happy future.

In addition to flowers, the wife, of course, will appreciate a useful additional gift.

This is a phone, a book, a laptop, some kind of accessory for a dressing table, and so on. It would be especially nice if the accessory also turned out to be pink.

A woman will always be happy with beautiful and stylish decoration. Therefore, on the day of the 10th wedding anniversary, a husband can please his wife with jewelry with pink stones.

Well, if you manage to find a product that contains tin, then the gift will be a real find for the pink-tin anniversary.

If the spouses have free time and the possibility that a sea voyage will again breathe romance into the relationship, and the wife will again turn into a loving and romantic bride.

What to give your husband

If your husband is a beer lover, he will certainly appreciate a large, kind and good tin beer mug, which, by the way, would be nice to have signed.

If the husband is a brave man, a lover of weapons, then tin soldiers and weapon sets will perfectly decorate his office or desk.

If the husband is an amateur board games, then tin chess is what you need!

Any tin souvenirs, sets, fakes, pink stones are suitable as a gift for this wedding anniversary.

Gifts for friends - married couples

Traditional gifts from friends or relatives for spouses on this day will be:

1. Compositions of fresh or artificial pink flowers, which can be placed in baskets or pots.

2. Souvenirs made of pink minerals, various figurines and sculptures. A good choice would be, for example, Gold fish, symbolizing success in financial matters or a tree, symbolizing passion, ardor and romance in relationships.

3. Pink wines or expensive chocolates in a pink box.

4. Rose jam - lovely and tender sweet gift, especially touching if you can do it yourself.

5. Tin tea set.

6. Money is universal and, by the way, very useful gift, suitable for any wedding, it is enough to present them in a pink envelope or box.

7. Decorative tin or alloy jewelry containing tin.

8. Bed linen in pink colors or patterns.
9. Pink blanket, blanket, pillows and other bedding.

10. Artistic paintings, which depict roses.

11. Household appliances. In this case, you need to know exactly what the spouses need from household appliances. A certificate for the purchase of household appliances will come to the rescue here. Such a gift is simply destined to be successful.

12. A gift certificate from an interior design store will also appeal to spouses. They will definitely choose something for their home that they both will like.
13. An original gift - cast or forged rose products.

You need to remember that pink or roses must be present in a gift for a pink-tin anniversary.

If, for example, the gift is a household appliance that is not pink in color, you can attach a beautiful pink rose to it, or package it in pink.

Or if you have collected several things for a wedding gift that will definitely be useful to the spouses, but which are not pink or tin, then they need to be beautifully packaged in pink wrapping paper.

You can’t do without a bouquet of roses on this day. If there are a lot of roses in the bouquet, then their number can be either even or odd.

Gifts - hobby

For so many years lived together, the spouses probably found common interests and activities that both husband and wife equally love. Then gifts to each other can also be in this vein.

If they love to travel, they will be equally happy, for example, sleeping bag or a family camping tent.

Photographers will be happy to have the lens for a specific shoot or other photography accessories they need.

Adventure seekers will enthusiastically accept a certificate for some kind of adventure event.

And for those who like to be lazy, a large TV will add coziness and comfort to a quiet family life. A large, roomy suitcase will rightfully be appreciated by a spouse who loves a comfortable stay.
Those who like to sit at home at the computer will appreciate a variety of computer accessories.

The cost of a good gift

As a rule, really close people are invited to a wedding anniversary, both those who were invited to the wedding and those who became close to the family during the years of marriage. Therefore, an anniversary differs from a wedding in less pomp and becomes more of a home, family holiday.

Therefore, gifts here do not have to be bright, expensive and memorable. Those invited know well married couple, and probably treat them well. Therefore, gifts, regardless of their cost, should serve most of all as a sign of friendship, love and respect.

If guests have a crisis in the family budget, then even a jar of homemade rose jam (which would be nice to present, however, beautiful packaging) will decorate the festive table and delight the hosts.

On the other hand, flowers can be bought at a flower stall relatively inexpensively, or you can fork out for an expensive bouquet in an online store worth twenty thousand rubles.

Souvenirs can also be budget but stylish keychains and, for example, mugs up to a thousand rubles or exclusive tin chess sets for forty-five thousand rubles and tin soldiers for twelve to fifteen thousand.

So, although the wedding anniversary is not as exciting as the wedding itself, it is also an event that deserves very careful preparation.
After all, it’s good to celebrate a wedding anniversary - it means showing everyone and yourself, first of all, that the family ship is not just afloat, but is also successfully plowing new temporary seas and oceans, and is not afraid of storms or hurricanes.
Both his captain and navigator are happy!

10 years of marriage is the first serious anniversary that the family celebrates. In this article you will learn what gifts are customary to give and how to celebrate

10 years of marriage is the first serious anniversary that the family celebrates. The crises of the first, third and seventh years are behind us: you can relax and enjoy your shared happiness. Children and their own home have already appeared, and a wonderful future lies ahead. Therefore, I would like to celebrate 10 years of marriage so that this holiday will remain in the memory of the spouses and guests for a long time. But not everyone knows exactly how to celebrate the solemn date. Yes, and the invitees have questions related to what to give to a family that has stood the test of time. From this article you will learn 10 years, what is the wedding anniversary and what to give each other.

Ten years of marriage: what wedding is celebrated?

Every year of family life ends with the celebration of a wedding. The wedding can be chintz (after the first year of marriage), paper (second year), leather (third), etc. The list is quite impressive. The last anniversary is the red wedding, which is celebrated one century after the birth of the family. By the way, such a wedding was celebrated only once in the world.

Why tin and roses? This is quite symbolic: after all, tin is one of the most flexible metals. This means that the spouses have already learned to seek compromises and easily find a way out of the most difficult situations. difficult situations. Well, roses remind you that there is still romance, tenderness and love in a relationship.

By the way, in some countries this wedding is called an amber wedding. Perhaps this name hints at the fact that, like the sea turning soft resin into stone, life together strengthened the characters of the husband and wife, turning their love into a real jewel.

To consolidate the successes achieved, it is important to celebrate the holiday in accordance with all existing rules. Read this article and you will find out what a tin wedding should be like!

Advice! Decorate the room in pink colors, choose rose wine, napkins and tablecloth. This will create festive atmosphere and will charge you and your guests with a great mood!

Is it worth celebrating?

Many people choose not to celebrate wedding anniversaries, believing that it is a waste of time and money. In addition, in the daily bustle it is not always possible to find time to organize a celebration.

But if you decide to celebrate a tin wedding, then in your subconscious there will be a firm conviction that your family can handle any challenge. In addition, the holiday will be an excellent occasion to take stock of the first decade of marriage and decide what you want in the future. Maybe you will set new goals for yourself, for example, buy a new, more spacious apartment, have another child, or even move to another country? By the way, you can list your expectations in the letter. Seal it in an envelope and solemnly promise each other that you will open it 10 years later when you celebrate your porcelain wedding.

Advice! Traditionally, the tenth anniversary of the wedding is celebrated on a grand scale. You can rent a cafe, order pink invitations, and even hire the services of a photographer! After all, it will be very interesting to compare pictures from your wedding and photographs in which you will be captured as an experienced spouse! You can make interesting collages or even create an entire photo album or photo book.

What should a husband give?

According to tradition, the spouse gives the gift first, and it is advisable to do this as early as possible. Of course, you should definitely present your wife with a bouquet of roses. It is customary to give 11 flowers: 10 red, which symbolize years lived together in love and harmony, and one white, hinting at the purity of thoughts and tenderness that a man feels for his chosen one after years spent together.

The following options are quite suitable as a tin gift:

  • Tin jewelry. Of course, jewelry is not made from pure tin: this material is too soft. However, you can find some pretty attractive items made from pewter alloy. By the way, tin is a hypoallergenic material, so even women with very sensitive skin can wear a gift;
  • Tin amulets for home. Such a gift is very symbolic: you decorate your interior and at the same time take care of protection from the evil eye and damage. Of course, the latter is only relevant for superstitious people;
  • Mirror with Tin Alloy Frame. Any woman will like this gift: the mirror will decorate the dressing table and will remind you that the husband never tires of admiring the beauty of his chosen one;
  • Tin wall panel;
  • Tin alloy vase, in which you can put the presented bouquet.

Advice! If 10 years ago you didn't have the funds to have the wedding of your dreams, you can make up for lost time! After all, the holiday should be the way you want it. Have a real wedding with a veil, limousine, first dance and vows!

Surely your children will be delighted with this idea: attending their own parents’ wedding is an exciting adventure that will surely become one of the best childhood memories! Moreover, thanks to such a holiday, passion and romance will return to your relationship.

"Pink" gifts for the wife

The ideas for themed “pink” gifts are almost inexhaustible. Here are some options:

  • Rose petal jam. You can give it as a gift with the hint that your entire future life together will be just as sweet and beautiful;
  • Jewelry with pink stones. Such a gift will not leave any woman indifferent;
  • If a woman is interested in needlework, you can give her pink yarn or embroidery kit with a beautiful blooming rose garden;
  • Pink soft toy. If a woman remains a child at heart, she will certainly be pleased with such a sweet, touching gift;

  • Cosmetics with rose extract or rose oil;
  • Certificate for a themed photo shoot. What could be more romantic than a photo shoot in rose petals? Your wife will certainly appreciate such an unusual gift;
  • Mobile phone case or a pink tablet;
  • Pink household appliances. Finding it is not easy, but if you try, you will be able to find suitable options.

Advice! A win-win gift option would be sweets or cakes in a pink box.

Gifts for husband

Of course, the spouse should not be left without a gift either. You can give a man the following things for his tenth anniversary of marriage:

  • Tin Alloy Beer Mug. By the way, such alloys perfectly retain coolness;
  • Wine glass;
  • Can be given to a collector set of tin soldiers;
  • Sets for backgammon, chess or checkers. By the way, such a gift will be useful for the whole family: it will help you while away more than one evening in a warm family circle.

Advice! Some women give their spouses a funny gift: a bell to call their wife. If your spouse good feeling humor, he will certainly appreciate this useful thing.

Men's gifts "in pink"

Choosing a rose themed gift for a man is quite not an easy task. However, knowing what kind of wedding it is for 10 years, you can easily decide what to give your husband. The main thing is to be creative. Then you will probably be able to pick up some pretty interesting options:

  • Pink wine. By the way, you can even find wine made from rose petals on sale;
  • Family photo in rosewood frame;
  • Pink tie. Of course, a man is unlikely to want to wear such a tie to business meetings, but for a walk this option is quite suitable.

By the way, you can do something more original. Buy a sexy pink lingerie set and appear in this outfit in front of your spouse, telling him that this is his gift for a decade of marriage. The man will probably understand your hint correctly.

Advice! Some stores sell “Wish Notebooks” with tear-off sheets. A wish is written on each sheet of such a notebook. This could be “Erotic massage”, “Delicious lunch” and even “Performing a striptease”. If a wife finds such a notebook with pink leaves and gives it to her beloved, he will probably be delighted.


Before a formal reception, a man must put a tin spoon in his pocket. After the holiday, the spoon should be placed under the pillow: according to legend, this will further strengthen the union of loving hearts.

On the tenth anniversary of their marriage, husband and wife must exchange rings, naturally made of tin. You can order engraving on the rings in advance: these can be family nicknames, favorite quotes about love and family, lines from “your” song, and even oaths of eternal fidelity. This tradition hints that jewelry and wealth are not the main thing in life: love is much more expensive and valuable.

Advice! To make your 10th wedding anniversary party unforgettable, ask your guests to wear pink. Photos from the holiday will look simply amazing!

What to give your friends for their anniversary?

Have you been invited to your 10th wedding anniversary? You already know what kind of wedding this is. But what to give to friends? After all, you want the present to be symbolic, touching and at the same time useful. It is desirable that the gift can be used to decorate the house or that the husband and wife use it together.

On the tenth anniversary of marriage it is customary to give:

  • Bed linen or towels;
  • Souvenirs for the home made of pink stones;
  • Pewter services;
  • Money. Of course, it is important to present such a gift as original as possible. The bills can be placed in a pink envelope or box.

Advice! A win-win gift option is certificates to the spouses’ favorite cosmetics or household appliance stores.

Original gifts

Why not give a unique gift that is made to order? Guests can give mugs with photos of husband and wife and funny inscriptions. To comply with the regulations, you can order a pink mug for a woman, and a metallic shade for a husband.

Engraving can be done on champagne glasses, wall panel and even key chains.

Quite spicy and an unusual gift For spouses who have been married for ten years, there will be a certificate to a sex shop. True, it will only be suitable if you know the couple well and are confident that you will be understood in the right way.

Advice! If the couple has children, do small gifts and them. It can be Stuffed Toys, puzzles, dolls, stationery: the choice depends on the age of the child and his hobbies. It is very important to do this: parents will be pleased with such a sign of attention.

Remember that after many years of living together, it is important to give each other attention and joy every day. They say that love should not be implied by default: it is expressed in actions. Make your wedding anniversary an unforgettable time to show your feelings to each other! After all, family is the most important thing in every person’s life.

What to gift:

Pink or pewter - so what kind of wedding for 10 years of marriage? It probably doesn't matter. The first anniversary, as touching and tender as a rose. But if a husband and wife managed to live for so many years together, it means they were able to survive a lot, learned to smooth out corners, became flexible and able to adapt to each other’s characteristics - like tin. Whatever wedding the newlyweds decide to attend, a celebration on the occasion of such an anniversary must be mandatory. And, naturally, everyone has a question, what gifts for pink wedding to give: how to please your spouse, how to please your husband, what to give to your newlyweds?

Pink roses from the tin soldier

To combine incompatible things - the couple have already learned this over 10 years. Therefore, weaving pewter and pink together is not difficult.

According to tradition, on this day the spouses should carry tin spoons in their pockets, which are placed under the pillow at night. This is their amulet of happiness, love and good luck. Spouses can order such spoons for themselves in advance by making appropriate inscriptions on them.

And the presence of pink color on this anniversary is mandatory: clothes, jewelry, dishes, interior.

Naturally, on such an anniversary, the husband simply needs to give his wife a bouquet pink roses. There should be 11 of them: 10 pieces, as the number of years lived and 1 piece, as the hope for continuing life together. Or the bouquet can consist of 10 pink and 1 white rose, which will symbolize the purity of the couple’s love. The jewelry box and the jewelry themselves with pink stones will be the perfect gift wife.

On such a day, the wife should also not give her husband a gift. Of course, you don’t need to give him something pink, so a tin gift would be appropriate. For example, a set of tin soldiers, although a little childish, is quite a thematic gift for my husband. After all, he, too, endured all the hardships and worries of living together, was able to adapt to the different moods of his wife and remained faithful and devoted. A romantic dinner in honor of 10 years of marriage in a chic restaurant or in any other secluded place will be an unforgettable gift not only to your husband, but also to yourself. And a bed strewn with rose petals? You never know the wonderful opportunities to end this solemn day.

Pink color as a symbol of tenderness

Due to the fact that 10 years of marriage is a double wedding, the choice of gifts is varied. But they should be as significant as the anniversary itself.

To begin with, the very atmosphere of the holiday should be saturated with pink. All kinds of decorative items and accessories only in roses: cutlery, pink tablecloth, napkins, rose wine. Relatives can arrange everything in the right color, thereby making their gift.

As with any wedding anniversary, you can give anything. The main thing is to focus on the symbol of the wedding.

A tea set, vases and salad bowls, a set of dishes - any piece of porcelain or crystal, but always in pink or white with red or pink roses.

A set of pink bed linen would be very appropriate as a gift. Roses on black silk will look especially chic. Bedspreads, blankets, bath towels of appropriate colors can also be given as gifts for this anniversary.

Gifts such as products made from pink stones and gems would be simply ideal for 10 years of marriage. This could be a painting or a composition in the form of living nature.

What can bring newlyweds joy and benefit at the same time? Of course, household appliances. Fortunately, there are a lot of them now, so it won’t be difficult to choose. The only caveat is that household appliances must be pink: vacuum cleaner, kettle, toaster, alarm clock. Such a gift will be in keeping with the wedding theme and will not remain on the shelf collecting dust.

Keeping up with the times, it is quite easy to decide on a gift. Any modern gadget will be very much to the taste of the spouses. And the bride will especially be pleased with flash drives, electronic books, phones, MP3 players in pink shades.

To make their 10th anniversary something pleasant and help organize the celebration, you can present them with a sweet dessert for the celebration - a huge wedding cake in pink cream. Candies self made in pink wrapping will also make a wonderful gift.

Whatever the “pink” gift, both husband and wife will like it equally.

Pliable metal as a symbol of flexibility

If we divide gifts into women's and men's, then, of course, pink shades are a tribute to the wife, but gifts made of metal, for the most part, should be given to the husband. For example, a beer lover will be happy to receive a pewter beer mug as a gift. And cups, wine glasses, glasses and lighters are wonderful gifts from friends for an established personality.

If you want the gift to be elegant and romantic, then elegant candlesticks, trays and stands are suitable. And if they also have pink inclusions of stones, then with a themed gift you can kill two birds with one stone.

To decorate your apartment, you can give a tin figurine or frame, especially if you know the taste of the newlyweds well.

A good gift would be something that can decorate the newlyweds’ home: a box, a painting, a piece of furniture (an original table or bookcase). Ideally, these items will be made of mahogany with tin elements: locks, corners, patterns.

All sorts of things

For family friends who have their own ideas about gifts, the options for gifts increase several times. After all, it is not at all necessary that souvenirs be only made of tin or pink. Playful and memorable gifts are always acceptable, and on this anniversary too. After all, something unusual and extraordinary is remembered forever. Cute souvenirs for 10 years of marriage, pleasant and unexpected surprises, practical jokes and the like - everything will go into a treasure trove of memories.

You can take a photo of the newlyweds from their lives and congratulate them in the form of a newspaper issue or give them T-shirts with photos of your spouse. It will be beautiful to end the gala evening with a launch into the sky balloons, bright live butterflies or Chinese lanterns.

Regardless of the gift chosen, its main condition is that it comes from the heart and is accompanied by warm wishes for long-term love.

What else can we do to make each other happy?

How quickly time flies! Just recently they shouted “bitterly” to newlyweds at a friend’s wedding. And today you need to think about gifts for your tenth wedding anniversary. It is called tin and pink.

The names themselves suggest what to give to friends for a tin wedding. Tin souvenirs are suitable for the husband, and pink gifts for the wife. May joy and love remain with them until their golden wedding.

For a tin wedding, tin dishes were given as gifts. The wife gave her husband a tin spoon, he carried it in his pocket all day and put it under his pillow at night. The husband gave his wife a bouquet of ten pink or red roses and one white, as a reminder of future weddings. The husbands continue this tradition today.

Read also:

Relatives and friends gave pewter utensils as gifts, although they were considered the utensils of the poor. Instead of dishes, they gave tin figurines and jewelry.

Friends can give each spouse a gift, or they can make a common family gift. The second name of the wedding allows you to expand the range of gifts. You can give any item pink or with a pattern of roses.

Witnesses and guests who were at the wedding ten years ago are invited to a pink wedding. Gifts from that time already require replacement.

Guests can choose any surprise to give to friends for their 10th wedding anniversary:

  • Tin vases, souvenirs, figurines;
  • Just for fun, tin soldiers;
  • Pewter jewelry for spouses: rings, earrings, bracelets, pendants, tie pins, cufflinks with inserts precious stones Pink colour;
  • Any dishes painted with roses;
  • Textiles for the interior of an apartment - curtains, bedspreads, tablecloths, kitchen sets, embroidered runners, bed linen in pink or with a pattern of roses;
  • Electronic gadgets, household kitchen appliances.

Gifts made by friends

What to give to friends for their 10th wedding anniversary: ​​sew a kitchen set with your own hands. If it includes too many items, you can limit yourself to a part of it: chair covers, tablecloth, potholders, napkins.

Master class on sewing covers for chairs and stools

You will need:

  • Fabrics, preferably cotton;
  • Lace;
  • Scissors;
  • Centimeter;
  • Chalk;
  • Rubber;
  • Safety pins, sewing pins.

Covers for chairs or stools give them a personal touch home view. For a gift for a pink wedding, you need to choose a fabric that harmonizes with the color of your friends’ kitchen and with the pattern of roses. These will be both beautiful and useful things for the kitchen.

Action Description

Measure the dimensions of the chairs or stools. Take measurements from the seats, adding 10 cm on all sides to the edge. The square is sheathed on all sides; the edges should include space for elastic. The elastic stretches along the entire perimeter, creating beautiful folds on the fabric below.

There is delicate lace stitched around the perimeter of the cape.

Make a bow from a rectangular piece of finishing fabric, tie it in the middle with the same lace. Sew to the back of the back.

You can decorate the backs of chairs separately from the seats. Sew a cape on the seat, as in the photo below.

Sew a linen tablecloth for the kitchen table with lace and fabric appliqué.

Sew from fabric scraps kitchen items to complete the ensemble.

Gifts - impressions

A gift to friends for their 10th wedding anniversary is an invitation:

  • To play billiards;
  • To bowling;
  • Joint river boat trip;
  • In the cafe;
  • For a picnic in the forest or at the dacha;
  • For a pleasure trip, excursion.

Friends love communication and will gladly accept such a gift. Communication can be continued by visiting a fitness club, spa, or swimming pool together. Such gifts promote the development of good and close relationships between friends and their families and leave unforgettable memories and many photos.

Not everyone has the patience and skill to grow a rose bush in a pot with their own hands, but everyone can buy a ready-made one to give as a gift for their 10th wedding anniversary to friends. You can sew or knit with your own hands funny toy and present it as funny gift for the 10th wedding anniversary.

Cash gift

What to give for your 10th wedding anniversary? You can give your friends a cash gift, especially if they are going on vacation or saving up to renovate their apartment. How to give it depends on your imagination: just in a postcard with a wallet or as an original gift.

Video in this article: do-it-yourself cash gift, congratulations on your anniversary, cake - a surprise with wishes.

Cash gift:

DIY surprise cake for your wedding anniversary:

It’s wonderful to celebrate a wedding anniversary, first anniversary, first birthday among friends. It’s nice to know that over ten years the families’ friendship has not been forgotten, but has become stronger. Children grow up and also follow the example of their parents and become friends with each other.

So we hope to be faithful friends year after year and celebrate our wedding anniversaries together. And the price of gifts is not important, the main thing is that they are presented with joy and positive emotions, and that the friendship lasts for years.

On the anniversary of marriage, you always want to give your beloved woman something special. By the tenth wedding anniversary, the spouses already know each other well enough and can please their loved one by giving an extraordinary gift and bringing a sea of ​​emotions. In this article we will look at gifts for a tin anniversary, tell you what you should not give to your soulmate, and how to make a surprise with your own hands.

The meaning of the tenth anniversary

Since ancient times, the date of the tenth wedding anniversary has been called tin or pink. At the same time, strong and flexible, tin symbolizes reliability, mutual understanding between husband and wife and their desire to meet each other halfway. The color pink has always been considered a symbol of romance, feelings and tenderness. Despite many years together, the couple managed not to lose their warm attitude, desire to please their partner and show their love.

As a rule, on this day preference is given exactly the pink color, which can be seen not only in gifts, but also in outfits, decorations and table settings festive table. For a decade of marriage, the husband gives his wife ten large red or pink roses, and since it is not customary to give an even number of flowers, you need to add another flower in the middle to the bouquet - a white rose. This sign of attention will mean that the man values ​​the ten years spent together and hopes for many years of love, happiness, mutual respect and understanding.

A tin wedding is the first family anniversary, so a gift for your loved one should be chosen responsibly and it is advisable to purchase something that the spouse has long dreamed of.

Examples of gifts

Since the wedding is called pink or tin, the gifts should belong to the corresponding style.

Tin theme

You can give your wife something tin as a gift for her 10th wedding anniversary. Everyone knows the love of the fair sex for jewelry, so earrings, a bracelet, a pendant or a ring made of tin would be an excellent gift. Since this metal does not cause allergies, they can wear it without taking it off and constantly remembering the care of their husband. Tin is used to make very beautiful vases and home decorations with patterns in the form of flowers, animals or other figures.

A small mirror with a tin engraving in the form of your beloved’s initials will be an original gift. This is a real personalized item that the wife will always take with her. If your spouse is partial to beautiful tableware, she will be pleased to receive a beautiful pewter tray, coffee pot, or even a whole set. Women love it very much practical gifts, which they can then use for their own purposes. An excellent gift would be a jewelry box, piggy bank, fruit bowl or photo frame made of tin. Another wonderful gift is a beautiful tin figurine that will decorate the house and delight the owner’s eye every day.

Perhaps the most original gift for the tenth wedding anniversary will be an original portrait of the woman you love in a tin frame. To do this, you should take from social networks your wife’s favorite photograph and take it to the artist, who will skillfully redraw the photo onto canvas. There is a simpler option: copy centers provide a service for transferring any picture to a large canvas in any size. Every woman will be happy with such a gift.

Pink theme

It is not necessary to buy your wife a gift made of tin; you can choose a surprise in a pink theme. For example, the wife will be delighted with beautiful jewelry in rose gold and diamonds. An excellent option would be a set consisting of a ring and earrings, decorated with pink enamel or images of flowers. If the spouse prefers large jewelry, the best gift would be a ring or pendant with pink sapphire, amethyst, quartz or jasper.

If you have the means, you can present your other half with a luxurious diamond necklace with rubies or garnets, made of red gold.

Exclusive items made to order by craftsmen are extremely popular. Such a gift will be an indicator of the husband’s love for his wife and the desire to make her special. Every woman will be pleased to receive something that no one else will have. Cosmetics are another win-win option for your loved one.

Modern perfume stores offer a wide range of products with a pink theme. For example, a cosmetic set consisting of cream, tonic, serum and wash gel based on rose petals or oil would be an excellent purchase. Your spouse will be no less happy about an expensive perfume; you can buy perfume or eau de toilette with the scent of roses or other flowers.

No matter how trivial gifts in the form of technology may look, perhaps this is the most common and favorite gift option for women, especially for an anniversary. A brand new iPhone or laptop in pink shades will delight a woman and keep the sparkle of pleasure in her eyes for a long time. As a present, you can also choose purely feminine accessories, for example, a hair straightener or curling iron, a manicure set or a hair dryer.

Home appliances in the form of a meat grinder, toaster, juicer or just cutlery will also be a wonderful surprise. Unfortunately, it is quite difficult to find the above items in pink, however, you can get out of the situation by simply wrapping the box with the gift in pink wrapping paper and a raspberry bow. As a finishing touch, you can add fresh roses on top.

A fashionista wife should be given some clothes. She will perfectly accept pink as a gift for her tenth wedding anniversary. Evening Dress, in which he can shine. You'll also like the blouse, sports suit or sneakers in a fashionable color this season. Choosing this particular color is a win-win, as it suits girls of any color type.

If the husband knows his wife’s parameters well, he can present her with a luxurious set of underwear, with which the wife will delight her husband in special days. Any woman will treat such a gift with trepidation and delight.

A wonderful surprise for any representative of the fair sex on a pink wedding anniversary will be a subscription to a beauty salon for a haircut, manicure and pedicure, or to a spa for body wraps, massages and pink baths. As an additional congratulations, the husband can do for his wife a pleasant surprise in the form of a filled bath with rose petals, candles and champagne or wine. Pleasant music, dim light and two lovers, perhaps this will be the most pleasant end of the evening.

DIY gift

Not in vain folk proverb states that best gift– made with your own hands. If you have the skills to work with wood, stone or tin, you can make a surprise with your own hands. A woman will always be pleased to receive such a present from her husband, because in this case she is sure that loving husband put his soul into the gifted item. Another idea is to make a huge heart-shaped card from whatman paper. You can stick it on it best photos your soulmate and paint the empty spaces with paint. You can decorate the sheet with sparkles, heart-shaped stickers, and paste a circle with wishes for your wife into the middle.

An excellent surprise for a tin wedding anniversary will be an expensive gift inside a homemade heart. First you need to stock up on paper, PVA glue and a heart-shaped ball. Inflate the balloon until the right size and cover it with paper in several layers. A small hole should be left on the top or side through which the ball will be removed when the entire structure is dry. To do this, you will have to pierce the rubber with a needle and carefully remove the deflated piece.