Planning on the topic of clothing in the middle group. Complex - thematic planning in the middle group. Clothes, shoes, hats. Check out a fragment of the theme week

Objective of the project:— the child must develop a cognitive interest in children’s items of clothing, shoes, and hats;
- treat your belongings responsibly;
- learn to distinguish by seasonality, place of application, affiliation;
- learn how to take care of your wardrobe items and shoes,
-expand the child’s vocabulary on the topic “Clothes and shoes”
Final event: 09.10.2015

Monday (05.10.2015)

GCD No. 1. Lesson on physical culture(gym)
According to the plan of the physical education teacher.
GCD No. 2. Artistic creativity. Applique “Decoration of clothes for a doll”
Program content:
1. With children, learn to cut a circle out of a square and lay out the finished shapes on paper.
2. Teach children to carefully stick and cut along a curve with scissors.
3. Handle labor materials carefully and with care in order to use them in further classes.
Colored base in the shape of a dress; ready-made squares; glue; glue brush; stands for brushes; oilcloth; napkin.
Kutsakova L.V. “Classes on designing from building materials in the senior group.”

Morning: Reception of children.
Morning exercises.

Goal: explain to children that they should develop the habit of quickly and correctly washing their hands, wiping them dry with a towel and folding them.
Walk: card index of walks (walk No. 1)
Goal: to improve children's mood and muscle tone.
Outdoor game “Find your color” Goal: to teach children to navigate in space using color modules, to honestly judge other children. Bring joy to children.
Walk: card index of walks No. 1.
Didactic game “What is this object?” Goal: To teach children to correctly name an object and tell about it, what it is made of, tell what it is used for, who uses it most often.

Story-role-playing game “Getting ready for a walk”
Goal: to learn with children how to choose clothes according to the seasons, to teach them correctly, to name what parts clothes consist of, what the concept of “clothing”, “shoes” is, and to treat others with care.
Equipment: dolls, clothes for all seasons (summer, winter, spring and autumn, a small wardrobe and a chair.
Children need to be helped to select the necessary equipment and attributes for games, and try to organize outdoor games themselves. Remind the safety rules that must be followed playground and that the children comply with them.

Contents of work with families:
Consultation “Home Library” Objectives: to update and supplement parents’ ideas about the importance of reading to children. Offer a selection of literature about clothing and shoes. Introduce parents to techniques for organizing discussions literary works, combining reading with other methods of teaching and upbringing (organizing observations, experimenting, drawing) remind parents that it is very important to read to children. Offer to find literature about clothes and shoes together.

Tuesday (06.10.2015):

Direct educational activities:
GCD No. 1. Cognition (formation of a holistic picture of the world) “Naming and describing clothes”
Program content:
Children must describe demi-season clothing themselves; why do they need these clothes, to consolidate the concept of “clothing”; develop speech and attention.
GCD No. 2.Music. According to the music teacher's plan.
Kutsakova L.V. "Moral and labor education in kindergarten".
Educational activities in regime moments:
Morning: Reception of children.
Morning exercises.
(Complex No. 3 gym)
Watering indoor plants.
The goal is to teach children to look at the warning pictures when they water plants, which tell them how much water each plant needs. Teach to carefully water the plants.
Card file of walks walk No. 2.
Reading poems about autumn:
The mournful wind drives
I'm flocking clouds to the edge of heaven,
The broken spruce groans,
The bare forest whispers dully. (N. Nekrasov)
It's windy, it's windy,
The whole earth has been ventilated!
Wind leaves from branches
Scattered around the world... (I. Tokmakova)
Evening: Gymnastics after sleep “Invigorating”
Outdoor game “squirrels in the forest” Purpose: to teach children to play the game according to the rules, to tell the player and the driver what to do. Move more with children.
Walk No. 2 (card index)
Independent activities of children:
Thematic role-playing game “Shop”
Goal: children must independently perform actions regarding the role, so that children can develop the plot of the game based on the knowledge gained and observations from their lives, help each other, replenish the children’s vocabulary: enter the words “toys”, “furniture”, “food”, "dishes".
Equipment: all the toys that can be bought in the store that are on display, money.
Children play board games of a didactic nature according to their choice and desire.
Contents of work with families:
Round table"Let's find out together."
The goal is to organize the exchange of experience and complement the parents’ understanding of clothing and footwear observations that can be made during walks with children, at the time of returning from kindergarten. Introduce parents to methods of observation and discussion of what they see.

Wednesday (07.10.2015):

Direct educational activities:
GCD No. 1. Artistic creativity. Drawing on the theme “Ball” The goal is to learn to draw round-shaped objects; learn to paint a ball with two colors; learn to paint a drawing with a brush in one direction (top to bottom, left to right); make strokes in one direction.
GCD No. 2. Physical Culture. According to the plan of the physical education teacher.
Komarova T. S. “Children’s artistic creativity.”
Educational activities in special moments:
Morning: Reception of children.
Morning exercises.
(Complex No. 3 physical hall)
Didactic game “Three Bears” Objectives: to teach children to compare familiar objects by size (large, smaller, small), to use these concepts in their speech.
Conversation on the topic “Care of clothes and shoes”
The goals are to develop self-service skills: teach children to clean clothes, put shoes in order; cultivate independence, accuracy, frugality; so that children take care of themselves, their clothes and shoes.
Outdoor game “Cat and Mouse” Objectives: development of dexterity, attention, speed and reaction.
Didactic games: “Name it in one word. Goal: consolidate words such as: “hat”, “hat”, “jacket”, boots.”
Card index of walks: walk No. 3
Independent activities of children:
Plot-role-playing game Stepashka's birthday.
Goal: to teach children to correctly arrange table settings for a holiday, to find out what tableware exists, to cultivate attentiveness, caring, responsibility, a desire to help, to expand their vocabulary: “celebratory dinner”, “name day”, “setting”, “dishes”, “service” .
Equipment: plates, forks, spoons, knives, cups, saucers, napkins, tablecloth, table, chairs.
Contents of work with families:
Home library. The goal is to invite parents to read works to their children fiction about kindergarten.


Direct educational activities:
GCD No. 1. Cognition + (FEMP)
“Counting to five” Purpose: - to teach children to count to five,
-the teacher explains the problem, and the children must solve it independently, without the help of the teacher.
GCD No. 2. Physical culture on fresh air. According to the plan of the physical education teacher.
V.P Novikova “Mathematics in kindergarten”.
Educational activities in special moments:
Morning: Reception of children.
Morning exercises.
(Complex No. 3 gym)
When your child washes his face, remind him to wash thoroughly.
hands. Goal: explain to children that they should develop the habit of quickly and correctly washing their hands, wiping them dry with a towel and folding them.

Poem reading:
Hello, autumn! Hello, autumn!
It's good that you came.
We, autumn, will ask you:
What did you bring as a gift? (E. Blaginina)
Didactic game “Name three objects” Objectives: teach children to group objects according to characteristics.
Evening: Gymnastics after sleep “Invigorating”
Goal: to improve the mood and muscle tone of children.
Didactic game “Children on a Branch” Objectives: add the names of plants and their fruits to children’s speech, expand their vocabulary so that children answer with common sentences.
Outdoor game “Catch - Catch” The goal is to teach children to catch the ball, to help children master the rules of cultural and constructive interaction with friends in the game. Continue hardening using natural factors.
Walk No. 4 (card file of walks)
Independent activities of children:
Children playing with toys. Then observe how children treat them, who should be reprimanded and explained why, and cultivate frugality.
Story-role-playing game “Building a house”
Goal: tell children what construction professions exist, what kind of equipment do builders use, teach children to build a simple structure, be friends with each other, expand children’s knowledge about the peculiarities of the work of builders, introduce the words “construction”, “bricklayer”, “crane”, “builder”, “crane operator” into children’s speech ", "carpenter", "welder", "building material".
Board game“Paired Pictures” The goal is to develop observation and attention, together with the children, learn to see similarities and differences in objects, and activate the vocabulary.
Contents of work with families:
Children and parents creative workshop. The goal is to update and supplement parents’ ideas about children's creativity, introduce modern materials, requirements for organizing various types of productive activities. Enrich the experience of joint creativity between parents and children, talk about its educational significance.


Direct educational activities:
GCD No. 1. Communication (speech development).
Program content: if a child wants to express his point of view, then listen to whether you agree or not with his answer.
Find out from the children what new things they have learned about autumn clothes and shoes, what shoes and their components are made of. Learn to write stories correctly, use simple and complex sentences, and cultivate a desire to handle shoes with care.
GCD No. 2. Music.
According to the music director's plan.
Gerbova V.V. “Speech development in kindergarten.”
Educational activities in special moments:
Morning: Reception of children.
Morning exercises.
(Complex No. 3 gym)
Canteen duty. The goal is to teach those on duty to clear the table, put things in order, do everything neatly, talk about their work and share the results.
Didactic game “What is this?” The goal is to teach how to create images in the imagination based on the characteristic features of objects, to notice the unusual in the most ordinary things; develop imagination.
Evening: Gymnastics after sleep “Invigorating”
Goal: to improve the mood and muscle tone of children.
Didactic games: “Who can come up with the most words?” The goal is to activate the vocabulary and broaden one’s horizons.
“Look” The goal is to train children in the use of adjectives that agree with nouns.
Walk No. 5 (card file of walks)
Independent activities of children:
Games to help children develop attention, concentration, and imagination.
Independent play activity in Group. The goal is to encourage children to find games that suit their interests and to behave correctly in controversial situations.
Contents of work with families:
Consultation for parents “How to form a conscious attitude towards health in children” The goal is to systematize parents’ ideas about the culture of health, its components formed in the family, about methods and techniques for organizing this aspect of education.

Children's crafts " New Year's miracles with your own hands” So winter has come to us. It's a wonderful time! A snow-white blanket enveloped the earth. Cleanliness and Beauty! White snow has decorated the city, the New Year is about to come, and under the tree very soon everyone will find their own surprise! In every kindergarten with the arrival...

In our kindergarten there was a campaign “Take care of the Christmas tree”. Volunteers preparatory group don't bypass her! They actively took part in organizational work. At their site, teachers and volunteers organized a flash mob called “Take care of the Christmas tree,” where they invited children senior group For...

Form of conduct: meeting in a cafe. Participants: parents, teachers. Goal: developing interest in learning about your child, emotional rapprochement of all participants in the educational process, organizing their communication in an informal setting. Preliminary work: - production of booklets for parents; - survey of parents on the topic of the meeting. Decoration: The hall is decorated in a cafe style (there is tea, sweets on the tables, calm music sounds...

Municipal preschool educational institution « Kindergarten combined type No. 246" Zavodsky district of Saratov Abstract of GCD in the second younger group using gaming technology“Chicken’s Birthday” Educator: Gerasimenko E.S. Saratov 2019 Main educational program"Municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of a combined type No. 246"...

Topic: “Ice - water”

Goals. Development of ideas about the melting of ice, the transformation of ice into water, and winter

and summer. Formation of the “transformation” action. Developing transformational capabilities. Develop logical thinking, the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships. Cultivate interest in natural phenomena. Continue to develop children's speech, expand their vocabulary, and improve the grammatical structure of speech.

I Creating motivation for GCD.

Educator. Guys, last time we talked about transformations. Who can tell me what can transform? What kinds of transformations are there?

Children. Small to big! Brother Ivanushka has turned into a little goat!

Educator. Very good. We also turned a plasticine cube into a ball. What was plasticine like at first?(Solid.) That's right, it was hard, and then you crushed it with your hands and it became what?(Soft.) What else is soft?(Plasticine. Pillow. Toys.) What's hard? (Pebble. Tree.)Do you think something solid can turn into something? Let's see.

The teacher hands out bags of ice to the children and says: “Come on, what do you have, touch it, feel it.(It's ice.) What does ice feel like?(Hard, cold.)The ice is cold, but what are your palms like?(Warm.) The ice is cold, your palms are warm. Let's see what happens from cold ice in warm palms! Let's heat the ice!"

Children warm the ice in their palms and water appears.

II Implementation of activities.

Educator. Where did the water come from?(Ice turned into water.)Did the ice remain the same as it was?(The pieces became small.)What does ice turn into?

Children. Ice turns into water.

Children. You need to draw an arrow.

The child (optional) goes out and draws an arrow.

Educator. Well done. We drew an arrow and the picture shows that ice turns into water. When does the ice melt?(When it is warm.) When can you see ice?(In winter.) What happens in winter?(Snow, cold, ice.)And when there is no snow and ice?(In summer.) Right! It's warm here in the summer, and in the winter...(Cold.) In summer it rains, you can swim, and in winter...

(In winter, snow, ice on the river.) When does ice appear on the river?(When it's cold.) When does ice turn into water?(When it is warm.) This means: when it’s cold - ice, when it’s warm - water.

The teacher shows pictures depicting the same landscape at different times of the year: winter and summer. (In the first picture there is a river, the sun, a river bank in flowers, children swimming in the river. In the second, a frozen river, it is snowing, the river bank is in snowdrifts, children are skating on the ice of the river.) Asks: “What is drawn in the first picture?(Winter.) And on the second? (Summer.) What's on the river in the first picture? What do children ride on?(On the ice.) What's in this picture?

river? (Water.) Do you think the children in the second picture are cold? Are they cold? That's right, they're warm. Why is it warm?(Because the sun is shining.)Is it cold or warm in the first picture?(Cold.)

At the end, the teacher invites the children to play the game “On the contrary” that they already know and says “Big”.(Small.)

- Heavy. (Easy.)

- Cold. (Warm. Hot.)

- Winter. (Summer.)

- Warm. (Cold.)

- Ice. (Water.) And so on.

AINUR Kurbanova
Calendar-themed week “Clothes, shoes, hats” in middle group

CALENDAR THEMED WEEK« Cloth, shoes, hats».

Middle group

Subject weeks:

Target: Introducing the names of upper items clothes, shoes, hats; formation of children's cognitive interest in subjects clothes.

Tasks:1. Introduce children to the history of the origin of things.

2. Teach to distinguish things by seasonality, place of use, affiliation.

3. Learn how to care for your own wardrobe items and shoes.

1 half day.

Reception of children. Conversation about the weather. Filling weather calendar. Appointment of duty officer.

Breakfast. Reminder conversation "Table Rules".

Board-printed games. Target

Construction games "We're building a store clothes»

To develop children’s skills to carry out three-dimensional construction collectively, to coordinate their actions with the actions of other players;

Develop the ability to play around with a building.

Morning exercises

Direct educational activities.

Cognitive development (FCCM). « Shoes, hats» . Target: Introduce the names of objects shoes, hats; teach to compare objects, introduce the components of objects; develop thinking. (Complex classes by T. S. Komarova Middle group page. 139)

Physical Culture

Walk. Observation “How are passers-by dressed?”

Draw children's attention to how passers-by are dressed. Remember how they were dressed in the summer.

Outdoor games. "Living Labyrinth"."Don't get your feet wet".

Games on the playground at the request of the children. Target: Encourage children’s desire to organize play with peers, teach how to arrange a place for play, select attributes, and implement the game plan.

Buildings made of snow.

2 half day.

clothes for the high chair

Reading a fairy tale "Living Hat".

Looking at pictures of national costumes.

Contest “Who can color the princess’s dress better?”.

Repetition of poems for the New Year's Eve matinee

Free play activity.

Children leaving home.

Interaction with parents: Consultation for parents « Child's clothes in the group» .

Conversation about the weather. Filling weather calendar. Appointment of duty officer.

Morning exercises.

Conversation: “What are they made of? shoes, hats». Target:To form children’s ideas about qualities and properties, purpose and function items: shoes, hats, establish their gender assignment.

Didactic game "What is made of what"Target: update and supplement children’s knowledge about what material various objects are made of; teach them to correctly use appropriate adjectives in speech; develop grammatical structure of speech and enrich vocabulary.

Repetition of poems for the New Year's Eve matinee


Educational activities

Cognitive development (FEMP)

Music according to the plan of the muses. hands

Walk. Observation. determining the weather by signs. Target: Learn to independently determine the weather and show its influence on flora and fauna.

Labor activity: Sweeping paths on the site. Target

Outdoor games:"The Mother Hen and the Chicks".Target: Develop attention, speed and dexterity in children.

"By the Bear in the Forest". Target: Continue teaching children to run in different directions without bumping into each other. To develop children's imagination and ability to take on a certain role. Arouse interest in the game.

Snow buildings

2 half day.

Health-improving gymnastics, walking along a massage path.

Learn to consistently undress and dress, fold carefully clothes for the high chair

Games in the theater corner (children's choice).Target: Arouse in children the need for emotional communication.

Choose a word." Target:Develop intelligence, the ability to select the right words according to the meaning of the word.

Speech development:ABOUT. Grigorieva “Like boots ate porridge”.

Role-playing game "Family": plot “We have a big wash”

Help children use familiar play actions;

Form an idea of ​​what is different cloth consists of different fabrics and must also be washed in different ways;

Expand children's understanding of various types labor.

Repetition of poems for the New Year's Eve matinee

Independent motor activity. Target: Teach children to organize games independently, find activities of interest.

Walk. Weather observation.

Labor activity:Cleaning equipment after games. Target: Teach children to perform appropriate labor operations, pay attention to the results of work.

Outdoor games:"Mousetrap".Goals: Develop speed and endurance; run without touching each other, find your place. "From bump to bump".Goals: Develop long jump skills; develop dexterity.

Conversation about the weather. Filling weather calendar. Appointment of duty officer.

Morning exercises.

Conversation: "How to take care of your shoes. Target:Broaden the horizons of children; develop children's active speech, enrich their vocabulary.

Experimental activities “Look at pieces of different fabrics, find the differences”target: develop fine motor skills through tactile sensations; develop the ability to distinguish between materials.

Repetition of poems for the New Year's Eve matinee

Construction games

Target: Learn to analyze a sample building (identify the main parts, distinguish and correlate them by size and shape, create buildings commensurate with the existing toys.

Educational activities

Physical Culture

Speech development. Sound culture speeches: sound ts. Target: Exercise children in pronouncing the sound ts (isolated, in syllables, in words). Improve intonation expressiveness of speech. Learn to distinguish words beginning with the sound t, focusing not on the meaning of the word, but on its sound. (V.V. Gerbova Lesson 2 p. 36)

Walk. Observing the length of the day. Target: Develop the ability to make connections between the length of day and night and lighting.

Labor activity Target: Accustom to neatness

.Outdoor games:"Sparrows and the Cat".Target “Catch-up dashes”.Target

Snow buildings

2 half day.

Health-improving gymnastics, walking along a massage path.

Learn to consistently undress and dress, fold carefully clothes for the high chair

Board-printed games. Target: clarify children’s understanding of the rules of familiar games, offer to tell the rules. Teach children to play in pairs, taking turns playing the roles of organizer, player, checker

Role-playing game "Workshop shoes» .

Target: Continue to teach children to transfer to

game of everyday scenes.

Form a desire and encourage the use of substitute toys. Developing the ability to interact

in a collective game.

Repetition of poems for the New Year's Eve matinee

Master Class: Making crafts for the New Year together with parents.


Labor activity: Snow removal on the veranda.

Outdoor games:"Who is first". Target:Teach children to listen carefully to words and perform movements based on them. "Aircraft".Target: Learn to move easily, act after the signal.

Conversation about the weather. Filling weather calendar. Appointment of duty officer.

Morning exercises.

Repetition of poems for the New Year's Eve matinee

Conversation: "Origin story". Target:Introduce children to the origin story shoes and hats.

Speech development: M. Yasnov "Counting with a shoe".

Educational activities

Application. "Kerchief for nesting dolls". Target: Learn to cut squares diagonally to obtain two triangles, combine them by color, reinforcing the techniques of gluing and patterning. (Z. A. Bogateeva Applique classes in kindergarten p. 78)

Music according to the plan of the muses. hands

Walk. Bird watching. Goals: Continue bird watching in the area; learn to distinguish the main parts of the body; develop and cultivate a caring attitude towards birds.

"Get in the circle". Goals: Improve the ability to act with different objects; develop the ability to throw objects in a certain direction with both hands; develop eye, coordination, dexterity.

Games with external material.

Games and buildings made of snow.

P.I. on the initiative of children.

2 half day.

Health-improving gymnastics, walking along a massage path.

Learn to consistently undress and dress, fold carefully clothes for the high chair

Finger games. Target: Help create a joyful mood in children, draw attention to the rhythmic sound of words and intonation vote. Continue teaching imitative play actions.

Writing a descriptive story. Target: Learn to write a descriptive story with the help of a teacher.

Speech development: A. Pysin "Weird boots?".

Repetition of poems for the New Year's Eve matinee


Labor activity: Putting the area in order. Target: Accustom to accuracy.

Outdoor games:"Sparrows and the Cat".Target: Learn to run without touching each other, run away quickly, find your place. “Catch-up dashes”.Target: Learn to coordinate your actions with the actions of your comrades.

Games and buildings made of snow.

Conversation about the weather. Filling weather calendar. Appointment of duty officer.

Morning exercises.

Repetition of poems for the New Year's Eve matinee

Conversation: « Shoes, hats» .Target:Consolidate knowledge of the names of objects shoes, hats.

Board-printed games.

Target: Encourage children’s desire to master the rules of the simplest printed board games, teach them to obey the rules in the game.

Educational activities

Drawing. "Decorate the boots". Target: To consolidate the ability to decorate boots using lines, strokes, dots, circles and other familiar elements. Develop aesthetic perception, independence, initiative. (T. S. Komarova Lesson on visual arts in kindergarten p. 55)

Physical education "Observation of clothes peers - instill the habit of monitoring a friend’s appearance; - develop the ability to distinguish the gender of a child by clothes;- form an image of yourself "I";-activate the names of objects in speech clothes, their characteristics (fur hat, etc.).


“It happens - it doesn’t happen” (with a ball) Target: Develop memory, thinking, reaction speed

Labor activity

Cleaning the area.

Target: To teach to work together, to achieve the completion of a task through joint efforts.

Games with external material. Buildings made of snow.

2 half day.

Health-improving gymnastics, walking along a massage path.

Learn to consistently undress and dress, fold carefully clothes for the high chair

Repetition of poems for the New Year's Eve matinee

Construction games. Target: Learn to analyze a sample building (identify the main parts, distinguish and correlate them by size and shape, create buildings commensurate with existing toys

Independent play activities for children, story games (children’s choice of games based on their interests).Target: Expand the scope of children’s independent actions in choosing a role. Learn to team up in games with peers, conduct role-playing dialogues, take initiative and propose new roles or actions.

Walk. Labor activity:Cleaning equipment after games. Target: Teach children to perform appropriate labor operations, pay attention to the results of work.

Outdoor games:"Counter dashes".Goals: Increase physical activity; develop accuracy, agility, endurance.

"We are funny guys". Target: Learn to run in a straight direction, see someone running in front and next to you, coordinate your actions with the actions of other children.

Buildings made of snow.

Municipal institution

"Education Department" of the administration of the International Public Education Society "Ukhta"

Municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 28 of a combined type", Ukhta

Summary of direct educational activities

Educational field "Speech development"

Topic of the week: “Clothes, shoes, hats”

Age group – middle

Educator -


ABOUT. Form generalizing concepts - clothes, shoes, hats. Clarify the names of clothing, shoes, hats and their purpose. Learn to group clothes and shoes according to seasonal characteristics. Activate the dictionary on the topic. Continue learning to answer questions. Form the grammatical structure of speech: the formation of possessive adjectives; nouns with a diminutive suffix, make simple sentences.

R. Continue to develop monologue speech (compose a descriptive story about clothes, shoes and hats according to the diagram). Develop memory, attention, logical thinking. Develop speech activity and intonation expressiveness. Develop articulatory motor skills and general motor skills.

IN. Cultivate a careful attitude towards your appearance. Cultivate responsiveness and kindness.

Material: doll in summer clothes, subject pictures: clothes, shoes, hats (winter and summer), diagram, doll clothes, shoes and headdress, ball.

Methods, techniques:

Verbal: conversation, questions.

Visual: display

Integration educational areas: cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development.

Preliminary work. Conversation on the topic of clothing. Examination of fabrics (jeans, synthetics, chintz, fur, drape) from which clothes are sewn. Looking at illustrations. Solving riddles, learning tongue twisters. Conducted role-playing game“Clothing store”, “Atelier”.

GCD move.

Our legs walked

Together exactly along the path

We're walking on our toes

And now on your heels

Look all around

How are the boys going?

1. Organizational stage.

Come on, come on,

I'm very glad to see you.

With an interesting and relevant topic

I'll introduce you now.

Everybody come closer

Show me your eyes.

Hello guys! It's here new day. Look at each other, smile: how good it is that we are all here together today. We are calm, kind, friendly and affectionate. We are all healthy.

2. Game exercise: “What did I wear today?”

Educator: Look at each other. We are wearing a beautiful, elegant, comfortable clothes and shoes. on me Nice dress, on her feet are black shoes.

Now the one wearing a T-shirt will sit on the chair (children wearing T-shirts sit down)

Now the children dressed in dresses will sit down (children dressed in dresses will sit down).

Now please let the others go and take their places.

There's a knock on the door.

Oh guys! Someone is coming towards us. Look, the doll Katya came to visit us. But for some reason she is shaking a lot. What happened to her? She froze! Guys, why do you think she was cold?

(the doll came to visit us in one thin dress)

Is it possible to walk in a thin dress now? (children's answers)

What time of year are we in now? (children's answers) Correct: spring!

Na-na-na, it’s spring outside (the boys repeat)

Shu-shu-shu I’m wearing a jacket (repeat the girls)

In summer, during hot hours -

Just a T-shirt and shorts.

And in winter we need:

Sweater, warm pants,

Scarf, coat, sandals,

Fur coat, sweater...

However, I...

I'm confused, friends!

I think many of you have already guessed what we will talk about today.

(“About clothes” (removing fabric from easel No. 1 – subject pictures), “About shoes” (removing fabric from easel No. 2 – subject pictures), “About headdress” (removing fabric from easel No. 3 – subject pictures))

At every time of the year we wear clothes appropriate to the season.

In summer - summer clothes,

in the fall -... clothes,

in winter - ... clothes,

in the spring -... clothes (children's answers).

Guys, why do you think you can’t walk in summer clothes in the spring? (Answer: You can’t walk in summer clothes in the spring because you might get sick. (full sentence))

Guys, Katya says that she doesn’t have spring clothes. How can I help her (Children's answers)

Let's go to the “Shop” and pick out some clothes for her to wear outside.

(Let's go to the store)


We all collected Katya outside.

Quietly, everyone stood on the carpet together

Hands patted

They stomped their feet

Sat down, stood up, sat down

And they didn’t hurt each other

We'll rest a little

We'll all go to the store.

Here is the "Shop". Let me be the seller and help you choose clothes, shoes and hats, and you will be the buyers. Here we have a shopping cart, in it we will put the clothes that we will select for Katya (the children choose a spring jacket, hat and boots and explain their choice).

Returned from the store:

Guys, let's tell you what we chose for the doll? (according to the scheme)

Children compose a descriptive story according to the scheme about spring jacket, hat, boots.

Well done, you completed the task. Now let's play a little.
(The teacher invites the children into a circle, brings the ball. Throwing the ball to the children in turn, names items of clothing, and the children, returning the ball, form nouns with diminutive suffixes).
Game “Name it affectionately” (jacket - blouse, socks-socks, shoes-shoes, shorts - shorts, jacket-jacket, coat - coat, T-shirt - T-shirt, fur coat - fur coat, hat - cap, skirt - skirt, boots - boots and etc.).

Katya is very grateful to you for helping her choose clothes... .

Katya asks us.

If clothes are torn, what should you do with them? Let's give her some advice!

What are they stitching with? (Needle and thread, sewing machine)

If your clothes get wrinkled, what should you do with them (iron them.)

What do you iron things with? (Iron.)

If clothes get dirty, what should you do with them (Wash).

Where or in what do they wash things? (IN washing machine, in a basin)

Finger gymnastics:

Don't cry, my doll, you're left alone

I can’t play with you, I need to wash it out:

Your dresses and socks, your skirts and stockings,

Sweater, mittens, jacket,

A cap, a colored beret.

I'll pour a little water

I'll pour the powder into the basin,

I'll whip up the snow foam,

I'll wash it and go.

Guys, Katya doll is a big fashionista. As a gift, I prepared many different hats for her (all the hats are on the tray). Look, Katya was not very happy about the gift. Why do you think? What needs to be done to make hats beautiful and fashionable? Will you help me (Children's answers)

Look, they are on the table geometric figures. Let's decorate the “hats” for Katya’s doll with different shapes.

We give “hats” to Katya’s doll.

Katya, now you have spring clothes, put them on quickly, and we’ll meet for a walk.

Reflective-evaluative stage.

Guys, what did we do today? (We helped the doll Katya choose clothes) ;

Where did you go? (To the store);

What did you buy? (list clothes);

What did you like most today? (Children's answers)



  • Designing children's hats using marketing research
  • Connection of generations - national women's headdress (sketch). Lesson summary on labor training